Senate Refuse to Talk Oregon (Mr
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E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 113 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 159 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2013 No. 139 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was Just this last weekend, we all ap- bicyclists. Everyone from the AFL–CIO called to order by the Speaker pro tem- proved legislation that would pay all of to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce ac- pore (Mr. MASSIE). the Federal workers on furlough the knowledges that it is past time for f salaries they lost by being sent home Congress to act, and they will work making them whole. This is important with us if we take action. DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO because they had nothing to do with The failure to address this loss of TEMPORE this travesty. But now, we’re paying purchasing power is also a source of The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- them not to work. One wonders why the budget deficit. Since the last big fore the House the following commu- we’re still in the middle of this exer- transportation bill expired in 2005, we nication from the Speaker: cise. Is there any way out of this cul- have had to make four major general WASHINGTON, DC, de-sac? fund transfers of approximately $50 bil- October 8, 2013. I find it encouraging that some of my lion just to prop it up at its current in- I hereby appoint the Honorable THOMAS Republican friends are talking about adequate level, and it’s going to get MASSIE to act as Speaker pro tempore on negotiating. We’ve been waiting for 6 worse when the transportation bill ex- this day. months for negotiations to begin on JOHN A. BOEHNER, pires in 51 weeks. Speaker of the House of Representatives. the budget. Hopefully, Republicans will I urge my colleagues to join me in appoint conferees, and we can get down f averting another fiscal cliff, this one to talking about what level of spending with the highway trust fund. Let’s MORNING-HOUR DEBATE we want, need, and can afford. work with the vast array of interests The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- But maybe we can help things along that want to rebuild and renew Amer- ant to the order of the House of Janu- in dealing with another area—to come ica. Don’t ignore this deficit. Instead, ary 3, 2013, the Chair will now recog- together on the looming deficit of in- let’s act responsibly in fixing the trust nize Members from lists submitted by frastructure. America’s civil engineers fund, putting hundreds of thousands of the majority and minority leaders for tell us that more than $2 trillion is Americans to work at family wage morning-hour debate. needed over the next 5 years for roads, jobs, in rebuilding and renewing Amer- The Chair will alternate recognition bridges, transit, sewer, and water. ica’s infrastructure—making us safer, between the parties, with each party These deficiencies create uncertainty, healthier, and more economically se- limited to 1 hour and each Member congestion, safety, and health prob- cure. other than the majority and minority lems, and undercut America’s long- leaders and the minority whip limited term productivity. Why don’t we come f to 5 minutes each, but in no event shall together to address this problem? Ron- DOING THE PEOPLE’S WORK debate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. ald Reagan supported a nickel-a-gallon f gas tax increase in 1982, when that was The SPEAKER pro tempore. The real money. The Clinton plan that led Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from SHUTDOWN AND AMERICA’S to our only balanced budgets in 40 North Carolina (Ms. FOXX) for 5 min- INFRASTRUCTURE years included our last gas tax in- utes. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The crease. And remember the Simpson- Ms. FOXX. Mr. Speaker, just because Chair recognizes the gentleman from Bowles deficit plan that called for a the President and Senate refuse to talk Oregon (Mr. BLUMENAUER) for 5 min- phased-in gas tax increase of 15 cents? to the House of Representatives doesn’t utes. Since the last increase in the gas tax, mean we’re going to stop doing the Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, we the purchasing power of the highway people’s work. We will continue to begin the second week of the Repub- trust fund has dropped by two-thirds make the case that there is no rational lican government shutdown. The proxi- due to inflation and greater vehicle ef- or acceptable reason for the President mate cause was the Republican effort ficiency. If we want to bring Americans and Senate to deny working families to delay money that the government together, let’s work with the huge coa- fair treatment under ObamaCare. needs to fund the Affordable Care Act, lition that stands ready to work with Just as the President decided to give to stop the Affordable Care Act. Well, Congress in taking this action. It in- big businesses 1 year to ready them- it is also now the second week of the cludes people in the construction in- selves for all of the ObamaCare’s dras- Affordable Care Act, which clearly now dustry, obviously, but also local gov- tic changes, the American people will not be repealed, defunded, or de- ernments and professions like archi- should have that same year. It is basic layed. tects and engineers, truckers, and fairness. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H6345 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:13 Oct 09, 2013 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A08OC7.000 H08OCPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H6346 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 8, 2013 And while the Senate refuses to work ObamaCare that President Obama THE SHIELD ACT with us to work through our policy dif- chose to give to Big Business. And on The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ferences to reopen government fully, Susan’s behalf, House Republicans are Chair recognizes the gentleman from the House of Representatives will con- trying to contact a body with some in- Pennsylvania (Mr. FITZPATRICK) for 5 tinue building common ground with fluence, the United States Senate, to minutes. House Democrats to restore as many find a way to reopen government and Mr. FITZPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, I services as we possibly can. The Senate ensure ObamaCare is implemented fair- rise once again this morning to thank should consider these proposals—open- ly. But the Senate isn’t willing to the men and women of the Federal law ing parks, funding the NIH, ending vet- budge. They won’t sit down to talk. enforcement community, as well as eran benefits application delays, fund- They are not interested in making sure those brave soldiers, sailors, airmen ing FEMA and the FDA, and restoring the President’s unworkable law is at and marines, for what they do to pro- WIC. They are things we can agree on. least applied fairly. tect this great Nation both abroad and Let’s not squander these opportunities here at home. for common ground. Let’s pass policies f Certainly, we are thankful for them we can agree on and work through our each and every day for protecting us in differences together. Regardless of the GETTING BACK TO WORK our Nation, but recent events again re- Senate’s non-negotiation policies, The SPEAKER pro tempore. The mind us of their importance. North Carolinians still deserve to have Chair recognizes the gentleman from After the Capitol was thrown into their voices heard at their Capitol. lock-down last week, Capitol Police Illinois (Mr. QUIGLEY) for 5 minutes. My constituent Jeremiah from Rural Mr. QUIGLEY. Mr. Speaker, just and other Federal officers sprang into Hall just received a letter from his in- days before the United States Govern- action to protect the building and surance provider. He tells me: ment reaches its statutory borrowing those inside. In their rush to service, It appears that due to the health care re- limit, let’s be clear: this is not new I’m sure none of them thought about form, my insurance premium will double for spending. This is agreeing to pay the the fact that as we continue in a par- the upcoming year. It also appears that tial government shutdown that they there’s nothing I can change with my cur- bills we’ve already accrued. Senator Alan Simpson said it best: may not be paid even though, for some, rent insurance provider to make it more af- that may have been the case. fordable. I have been attempting to log onto If you’re a real conservative, an honest While there is uncertainty about the the President’s Web site,, conservative without hypocrisy, you’d want without success. I understand that I may be to pay your debt. Nation’s fiscal path in Washington, that uncertainty should never be able to get a tax credit if I’m eligible. To my Eight days ago, a minority faction of understanding, this will not help me in mak- passed along to our servicemembers the Congress chose to shut down the ing my month-to-month bills. If this change and Federal law enforcement officers. Federal Government. This was touch- goes through next year, I’ll not be able to af- The Strengthening Homeland Security, ing the fire.