YEAR IX Nº 11 avana eporter AUG 30, 2019 YOUR SOURCE OF NEWS & MORE H R HAVANA, A Monthly Newspaper of the Prensa Latina News Agency ISSN 2224-5707 Price: 1.00 CUC / 1.00 USD 1.20 CAN Back to School has Cubans in High Spirits

P. 3 Cuba-USA Culture

Congressional Move in Favor of Travel to Cuba P. 11 P. 4 Bayamo’s Wax Museum Economy Sports New Joint Venture to Promote Cuban Rum The Southern Giants of the Lima Pan Am Games

P. 14 P. 15 2 TOURISM

By RobertoCASTELLANOS Cuba’s Driving Force is Accelerating HAVANA.- Although navigating the Daniel Alonso, the General Manager of rough waters that the U.S. government Development at the Ministry of Tourism has imposed through new measures, the (MINTUR). Cuban tourism industry is developing a In a meeting held recently to analyze dynamic strategy to reaffirm itself as the this sector, Cuban President Miguel driving force of the national economy as Díaz-Canel highlighted the importance it improves and expands its services. of the leisure industry in the country’s As part of that policy, Cuban development. authorities hope to have 252 new During that meeting, the Minister of accommodations ready by 2030, with Tourism Manuel Marrero announced that 68 enlargement projects and 90 other at the end of June, Cuba had 72,965 rooms improvement projects. available, 2,081 of which were built in 2019. The projected strategy also includes By the end of this year, 4,197 new 32 nautical facilities and marinas (new or rooms are expected to be added to that renovated), an international scuba diving number, 97 percent of them at 26 new center, 13 real estate development plans for hotels, while the remaining three percent golf courses (with 15,000 real estate units) form part of enlargement projects.

and 42 recreational and tour initiatives. As for the nongovernmental sector of Minister Marrero Internet PHOTO: The progress achieved so far is the tourism industry, Marrero said that visible in the number of hotels that are there are 27,814 self-employed Cubans going up in the capital and other tourist working under authorization. destinations around the country. The nearly 18,000 homestay owners The central Hotel Packard was operate 26,224 rooms nationwide, the inaugurated recently in Old Havana and Minister revealed. two others will open soon in the same Cuba had initially projected over area: Hotel Regis and the other on the five million tourists this year but cut that corner of Prado and the Malecón. number to 4.3 million after new measures The tourist destinations Varadero were adopted by the Trump Administration, (in Matanzas Province), Trinidad (Sancti which included the travel ban on cruise Espíritus), Cayo Cruz (Camagüey) and ships and more travel restrictions for U.S. Guardalavaca (Holguín), among others, citizens As of mid August the country had are also examples of the initiative aimed received three million foreign visitors. at increasing and diversifying the sector. In 2018 alone, the island welcomed Those projects are only the tip of the more than 800,000 cruise ship passengers, iceberg of a busy construction program which is why Trump’s policy meant a hard that includes remodeling the emblematic blow to the country’s tourism industry. Habana Libre and Riviera Hotels. Although Washington insisted that “We are reviewing our strategies its punitive measures are aimed at the because the city and its cultural heritage Cuban government, the self-employed are ever more accepted and we have sector -which includes artisans, taxi to balance that angle with what Cuba drivers, tour guides and restaurant is already known for in the world: the owners- among others, has been affected sun and the beach,” explained José R. by those measures as well. Prensa Latina, Vladimir MolinaVladimir Latina, Prensa PHOTOS:

YOUR SOURCE OF NEWS & MORE SOCIETY.HEALTH & SCIENCE.POLITICS.CULTURE THE ENTERTAINMENT.PHOTO FEATURE.ECONOMY HavanaReporter SPORTS.AND MORE President: Luis Enrique González. Art Direction: Anathais Rodríguez Information Vice President: Moisés Pérez Mok Graphic Designers: Fernando Fernandez Tito Printing: Imprenta Federico Engels Editorial Vice President: Mario H. Garrido Chief Graphic Editor: Francisco González Publisher: Agencia Informativa Latinoamericana, Prensa Latina, S.A. Chief Editor: Luis Melian Assistant Staff: Yaimara Portuondo Calle E, esq. 19 No. 454, Vedado, La Habana-4, Cuba. English Editor: Mitra Ghaffari Advertising: René García Telephone: (53)7838-3496 / 7832-3578 Translation: Dayamí Interian/ Yanely Interián Circulation: Commercial Department. Fax: (53)7833-3068 E-mail: [email protected] CUBA 3

By Joel MichelVARONA Back to School has Cubans in High Spirits HAVANA. The beginning of the school year in Cuba continues to be one of the most important events on the Caribbean island, as each family prepares to ensure a successful academic year for all. August is coming to an end and the students are making the most of the end of their summer vacation, which is always full of recreational and cultural pastimes. It is a fact of life that parents are nonstop

caring for and looking after their children. Latina Prensa PHOTOS: Therefore, as the kids are playing and having a good time, their parents are busy The Cuban Minister of Education, 58 percent to technical schools, which The rest of the positions available getting their school uniforms and supplies Ena Elsa Velázquez, made important includes specialties connected to the will be covered by hired teachers, other for the new 2019-2020 school year. announcements on local television arts, public health, teaching and qualified production and service staff, and assistant When it comes to school registration saying that 100 percent of the students professions. university students, added Velázquez. in Cuba, parents never have to worry that finished ninth grade (the last year The country’s priority is to ensure that “The upcoming school year will have because education is completely free, of middle school in Cuba) have the schools have all the teachers needed on 5,813 new teachers, including 4,086 despite the limitations imposed by the continuation of their studies guaranteed. a stable basis. In fact, 94 percent of this graduated from pedagogical schools and U.S. blockade against the country over 50 Of those students, 42 percent will year’s permanent staff has already been 1,189 from university careers specialized years ago. go to pre-university high schools and guaranteed, the minister added. in pedagogy,” the minister announced on the TV Program Mesa Redonda (Roundtable). Also, there will be 538 recent graduates from what is known as the short-term cycle (two-year training), together with 3,810 last-year students of pedagogical careers that will be teaching as well. In September, the pedagogy major at Cuban universities will have 4,421 spots. The Cuban minister spoke highly of the school restoration program and announced that the new school year will have over 25,000 hybrid flat screen TVs (32 inches), while others are being repaired. Solidarity: An Inestimable Value of the Cuban Revolution By ErnestoVERA others got their bachelor’s degrees in Nursing, Dentistry, Health Technology and Psychology. One of the most genuine examples of Cuba’s spirit HAVANA.- Solidarity is a sign of strength that continues in of solidarity is the creation of the Latin American School Cuba in spite of economic difficulties and the increasing of Medicine (ELAM) – the only of its type in the world – U.S. hostility. where doctors from other countries are freely educated. Exercised for over 60 years, it is an integral part of This school was devised and founded by the historical the “DNA” of the revolutionary process that was fostered leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, in 1998 and developed on the island. after two hurricanes hit the Central American and There are several landmark examples of the Caribbean region. collaboration that Cuba has provided abroad, going The urgent need to send thousands of doctors from the significant contributions the country made to offer assistance resulted in the idea of educating in the emancipation of Africa from colonialism to the specialists in Cuba, mainly from Third World countries. defeat of Apartheid and the fight against Ebola in the However, our country also welcomes students from continent. developed countries - including the United States who Efforts to eradicate illiteracy in more than 130 offer their services to people in need. countries are also recognized, in addition to the Since then, 29,600 doctors from 90 countries have cooperation of thousands of health specialists and other graduated from ELAM. professionals from all over the world. At the most recent graduation ceremony, ELAM’s top Medical, educational and athletic goals are included graduate student, Ismael Oumarou (Niger), recognized in the social programs conducted by several countries the country for welcoming him as a son despite the and impact the life of millions of people, especially difficult situation it faces because of the U.S. blockade those who have been historically excluded. Under imposed on the island for over 60 years. the principle of solidarity lies the professionalism and “ELAM is a work of endless love; a clear example that humanism of Cuban specialists. fair and humanistic dreams can come true,” he said. At the same time, Cuba welcomes youth from other U.S. political activist Danny Glover highlighted that nations in its higher education institutions,including among the about 30,000 students from the entire world medicine, agricultural, pedagogical and social sciences, who graduated from ELAM, 174 are U.S. citizens. He humanities, economics, physical education, art and also expressed his gratitude to the Cuban Revolution design. and its leaders for their endeavor to bring health to the From 1959 until present day, over 56,000 professionals world. from 137 nations have graduated in Cuba and more than ‘Homeland is humanity,’ said Cuban National 11,000 from 132 countries are now studying in institutions Hero José Martí, and Fidel Castro’s undeniable merit attached to the Ministry of Higher Education. is having turned solidarity into an essential pillar This year, 1,535 foreign students graduated in of Cuba’s foreign policy; a mainstay of the people’s medicine at Cuban Medical Sciences Universities and resistance. Jorge Pérez, Prensa Latina Prensa Pérez, Jorge PHOTOS: 4 CUBA-U.S. A Brigade that Knows No Boundaries

By RachelRIVERO Coming from 14 U.S. States, the Venceremos Solidarity Brigade maintains the objective of tirelessly opposing the U.S. HAVANA.- After 50 years of foundation, the siege – in force for over 60 years - and the Venceremos Solidarity Brigade returned travel restrictions imposed on Cuba by the to Cuban soil in an renewed effort to lift current administration. the economic, commercial and financial The support of hundreds of U.S. blockade and travel restrictions imposed citizens for Cuba is resounding and clear, by the United States on Cuba. countering the malicious intentions All 150 members of the U.S. brigade of the U.S. government to impede the bore witness to the cooperation and island’s progress and emancipation from friendly ties that started in 1969, during the antiquated doctrines. initiative of Cuban leader Fidel Castro, in The brigade had a packed three-week solidarity with the Cuban Revolution. program in Cuba, with many chances to be Several activists recalled the role that in contact with the Cuban people. their predecessors played in cutting down Since its foundation, Venceremos sugar cane, as they were accompanied by Solidarity Brigade has consistently traveled Fidel Castro himself; through which, they to Cuba, always carrying messages of were able to get closer to the Cuban reality friendship and support to the island. and social transformations taking place at Although the White House prohibited that time. the ‘people to people’ educational travels This year, unlike others, the brigade was – the category used the most by the mainly composed of youth, which was an U.S. people to visit Cuba – on June 5 of opportunity for a fruitful exchange with this year, the brigade did not allow this Cuban students. inconvenience to jeopardize their mission. Several key topics that have brought Wrapping up their most recent journey them here year after year are still on the on August 13 – on the 93rd birthday of Fidel table due to the anti-Cubanpolicy of the Castro – they paid tribute to the Cuban administration of U.S. President Donald leader at the shrine where his ashes lie, at Trump. the Santa Ifigenia Patrimonial Cemetery - in The members of the brigade described the eastern Santiago de Cuba province. the activation of Title III of the Helms-Burton As clearly demonstrated, whenever Act as a unilateral measure that prevents solidarity is present, the fight for a good Cuba’s development in several areas. cause and for people’s wellbeing will always As part of their journey, members of prevail. the brigade visited several places of social, The tour of the Cuban cities that stand historical and economic interest, including the out for their history and tradition allowed the center for biotechnological development. In members of the brigade to learn more about that center, they learned about the difficulties a country whose truth has been twisted by that the country faces to make progress in the the U.S. media, dismissive of the undeniable

field of medicine. progress made in several sectors. Internet Latina, Prensa PHOTOS:

By MarthaANDRES Congressional Move in Favor of Travel to Cuba

from going there is a right of the federal government? Why just Cuba? Why not Venezuela, Russia, Iran or any other country?” he questioned. Leahy also disapproved that the current administration of Republican Donald Trump has not only reversed the steps made by the previous government in favor of a rapprochement with Cuba, but has gone even further by imposing tougher prohibitions on the right to travel. In the meantime, McGovern said it was about time to listen to the majority of U.S. citizens, Cuban-Americans and Cubans that reject the prohibition and therefore it should be canceled once and for all.

Internet PHOTOS: Jim McGovern Senator Leahy Despite the support that the draft bill has received from the two houses, above all in the Senate, the chances WASHINGTON.- The Trump Administration’s decision mitigating the obstacles related to trip transactions in Cuba. for it to go on seem to be low because time and time to increase travel restrictions preventing U.S. nationals On July 29, a group of 46 Republican and Democrat again, the Republican leadership has refused to put bills from traveling to Cuba has been rejected by many U.S. legislators led by Democrat Patrick Leahy brought a related to Cuba to the vote. sectors, including Democrat and Republican members similar initiative before the Senate. In fact, this is not the first time that draft bills have been of Congress. That bill, known as the Freedom for Americans to brought to the Capitol to lift Cuba travel bans. The previous After Trump increased hostility towards the Travel to Cuba Act of 2019, would allow for U.S. citizens ones were presented in 2002, 2009, 2015 and 2017, but Caribbean country in June by prohibiting people-to- to travel to Cuba just like they do to most other countries none of them went beyond the committee analysis nor people educational group travel and cruise ship visits in the world, Leahy said in a release. were voted on by the plenary sessions of the houses. to Cuba, draft bills were presented at the U.S. House According to the legislator from Vermont, based on The latest one was presented by former Republican of Representatives and Senate to eliminate those the conversations he has had with other senators he is Senator Jeff Flake in May 2017. It had 54 co-sponsors restrictions. sure that if the draft bill is voted on, over 60 of the 100 in Senate but it only reached the Senate Committee on On July 25, some ten congressmen headed by members of the Senate would approve it. Foreign Affairs. Democrat Jim McGovern and Republican Tom Emmer The senator believes it is absurd that the federal Far beyond this adverse panorama, the introduction presented a legislative proposal at the House of government prevents U.S. citizens and residents from of this bill and others in Congress today, such as the Representatives intended to eliminate all restrictions travelling to “a small country 90 miles away that does not Freedom to Export to Cuba Act and the Cuba Agricultural that limit Cuba travel for U.S. citizens and legal residents. represent any threat to us.” Exports Act, corroborate that Trump’s policies against The regulation would put an end to the travel restrictions In times when U.S. Airlines are flying to Cuba, “does the island are even rejected at the Capitol and there is enforced under acts issued in 1996 and 2000, as well as anyone here honestly think that preventing Americans interest in rapprochement between the two countries. HEALTH & SCIENCE 5

Use of ICTs to Promote Peace By MarnieFIALLO

HAVANA.- Information technology security Use of the ICTs was held in Cuba recently, working together on the island to draw is not guaranteed. It’s an issue that still needs with the participation of 22 countries. up a law that protects the personal to be solved in today’s world, in times when The meeting proved it is important information of internet users. there are ever more technological uses that the countries join hands against the González stressed that the term “internet to interfere in foreign affairs, encourage harmful abuse of ICTs. governance” refers to the technology used

conflicts and commit crimes all to the The participants signed a declaration to access the network of networks and Internet PHOTO: detriment of peace efforts. asking that the upcoming UN meeting everything connected through data. The ICTs are prevailing in the global approves an international, judicially Throughout the UN process, laws and access to the ICTs, Resolutions No. 98 panorama due to their leading role in binding instrument that would prohibit adopted by different countries have been and 99 of 2019 took effect recently. They fostering economic, political and social the illegal vacuums in the safe use of ICTs. reviewed. Among other actions, they control authorize the creation of private wiring or changes in countries. Hence, it is imperative During the forum, Cuba’s first Deputy the correct use of expressions and denounce wireless data transmission networks for to analyze how to protect and make better Minister of Communications, Wilfredo cyber terrorism, the violation of people’s individuals and legal entities, as well as the use of what can be promoted with their use. González, told The Havana Reporter that right to privacy and fake news, which aim import of related equipment. The UN Open Working Group will Cuba advocates the use of technology at instigating disinformation rather than The resolutions do not establish nor regulate meet this September precisely to discuss to stimulate knowledge, eradicate promoting truth on a virtual platform, he said. the services that a private network provides to its sovereign principles and ways in which poverty and social exclusion—not as an For this reason, the principle of security members, such as file downloads, applications, countries can develop information and instrument to trigger war, interventionism, must prevail when developing information games and antivirus update, as long as they do communications technologies. destabilization, subversion or terrorist acts. technologies, starting with the very first not affect the country’s integrity and security As a prelude to the UN meeting, the When referring to the use of ICTs, stages, he added. As part of the process for or help spread information contrary to social 1st International Forum on the Peaceful he noted that different institutions are the informatization of the Cuban society interest, ethics and the good practices.

causes fever-like symptoms that can worsen if there is a reduction of plasma and shock response to the drop in The Americas on Full Alert, Dengue is blood volume. If not treated in time, it can even cause By MarlonVAZQUEZ death. Lying in Wait Castro, who is the IPK Director for Medical Services, stressed that the symptoms of dengue include fever (from HAVANA.- During the course of this year, over two million and Central America is high,” representative of the World three to five days), headaches, muscle pains, drowsiness, cases of dengue have been reported in the Americas, and Pan-American Health in Cuba, José Moya, told the swelling of the lymphatic glands and digestive issues. and that figure is expected to increase due to weather press. “These are causes for concern which in many cases conditions and the population movement. Moya also noted that 70 percent of the continent’s indicate that the patient is getting worse and needs Despite governmental efforts to avoid the infection population lives in conditions that favor the transmission medical attention to recover crystalloid fluids and blood and spread of the arbovirus transmitted by the Aedes of dengue, thus it is important to facilitate access to volume,” he commented. Aegypti mosquito, “the transmission of dengue in South health services and increase knowledge about dengue. Being able to identify these symptoms on an early basis That, he added, would allow people to realize they are allows for proper treatment and avoiding serious conditions, sick and go to the doctor as soon as possible. which are absolutely preventable, Castro added. He also mentioned that during the course of this As dengue is an epidemic virus, the healthcare system year, Brazil stands out among the nations of the region has to be ready to attend patients, which in the case of with many cases of dengue. In Brazil, more than one Cuba is not a problem, as the country has a network of million people have been reported to have dengue, and institutions that provide primary care services through even some cases of yellow fever have been identified. specialists that are trained to recognize these symptoms. Other countries with a high risk of transmission Internationally, basic principles for doctors’ training include Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras, , and preparation must be met, including access to updated Guatemala and Peru, among others. information on patients and how to treat them, look after During the XVI International Congress on Dengue, them, eliminate diseased mosquitoes, to work with the Zika and other emerging arboviruses, which was recently community and diagnose each case, Castro noted. held in Havana at the Pedro Kouri Institute of Tropical Dengue has spread throughout the region of the Medicine (IPK), the expert praised the Cuban program in Americas for the last 40 years. However, in sight of the current place to fight these pathologies. situation, the World and Pan-American Health Organizations Cuba is an example to follow regarding the recommend intensified actions in the fight against the virus precautions taken against this disease through the transmitted by the Aedes Aegypti mosquito. vector’s control campaign and the timely sanitary Cuba has a primary healthcare system that guarantees intervention to diagnose diseases, he said. the attention and hospitalization of all patients, who During the congress, The Havana Reporter talked to benefit from over 10,000 general practitioner offices,

Prensa Latina Prensa PHOTO: PAHO Representative - José Moya Cuban doctor Osvaldo Castro, who affirmed that dengue 449 polyclinics and 150 hospitals all over the country.

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New Edition of Friends of Jazz Festival By MartaCABRALES

SANTIAGO DE CUBA.- The 8th Friends of Jazz Festival, complete with Cuban and international musicians, will take place this September in Santiago de Cuba, a city that promotes Jazz through various spaces and events. Sponsored by the National Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba (UNEAC), the festival will be held from September 26-29 at Heredia Movie Theater, La Jutia Conga Cultural Center and the Iris Jazz Club which, together with the emblematic Plaza de Marte, will serve as the epicenters for the promotion of jazz in this city. Santiago de Cuba has hosted the International Jazz Plaza Festival alongside Havana since 2016, promoted by UNEAC and the Caguayo Foundation to continue supporting and empowering this musical genre. These events have brought together Cuban artists such as Yasek Manzano, Carlos Miyares and his quartet, the Magic Sax Quartet, Alberto Lescay, Zule Guerra, Erick John and Influencias Band, among others, as well as U.S. musicians Arturo O´Farrill, Terence Blanchard and Christian McBride. Internationally-renowned jazz players -many of whom have won the Grammy Award more than once- have performed on this emblematic stage, as part of an effort also supported by great Cuban musicians like Bobby Carcasés, César López and Roberto Fonseca. An unprecedented concert of Cuban music took place during the 34thJazz Plaza Festival held in January, when pianist O´Farril, Los Muñequitos de Matanzas Band and Conga de Los Hoyos shared the stage for the first time ever at Teatro Martí movie theater. Held since 2011, the Friends of Jazz Festival bets on a genre which, according to scholars, was introduced in Cuba at the end of the 19th century and has impassioned performers and audiences without losing the essence of traditional Cuban rhythms, such as son, bolero, trova

and guaracha. Internet PHOTOS:

By LizBOBADILLA A Cuban Sound That Takes You Back HAVANA.- After a seven year break from Since its creation, Habana Abierta Cuban stages, the band Habana Abierta has has preached for diversity, for music as a rediscovered its iconic sound, now enjoyed unifying expression. For that reason, each by today’s youth as it had been in the 1990s. of the band’s members have their own According to Alejandro Gutiérrez, one projects and compose their own lyrics. of the members of this unique group, the However, the band is the melting pot positive reception they received at the recent where all of their talents converge. Gibara Film Festival and El Sauce Cultural “We constantly need each other, Center is largely due to their boundless learn from each other, live together, essence regardless of the time passed. discuss and share. I think that’s one of “Throughout these years, we have the band’s strengths, that in spite of changed our look but our essence remains. the distance and our personal interests, We are older but we still want to create and we have that common goal, which is transmit messages; we are a Cuban band that nothing more than making music and Alejandro Frómeta, Carlos Santos, Oscar a great time for Habana Abierta to be a hit doesn’t forget its roots, and that’s something sharing with friends,” described Luis Huerta, Heriberto Rey, Mario Incháustegui, again in the region. the audience notices,” Gutiérrez said. Alberto Barbería. Eugenio Carbonell and José Luis Medina, Originally created as a group of Cuban Vanito Brown highlighted that in Cuba, Singers such as Kelvis Ochoa, Brown, among many others, have participated in musicians who used to gather on the corner “we are a real hit; we can play in Spain and Barbería, Gutiérrez, David Torrens, Jose Luis the band. of 13th and 8th street in the neighborhood Miami but here, the feeling is different.” Estrada, Andy Villalón, Boris Larramendi, Thanks to Habana Abierta, a group of Vedado, Havana– the band’s sound is a characterized by the fusion of rhythms, blend of foreign influences and the best of concepts have evolved such as sucu sucu national and universal rhythms. pop, or rock with timba and son, giving The CD Habana Oculta was the first result the band a unique sound for which it is of that mixture. It was a step toward what they known among music lovers. later became through their two following During this fresh phase, the band is productions, 24 Horas and Boomerang -both expected to have a higher presence on produced in Spain. the Cuban stage. As Medina mentioned, “I think that the key to success, several projects are underway, including in addition to the music itself, is the production of a CD with the materials the convergence of personalities, they prepared for their 20th anniversary. the intention of staying together in The band’s itinerary for the end of 2019 spite of any borders, of using diverse and 2020 includes tours in several Latin compositions as if they were our own American countries, including Colombia, and give them new meaning in each Argentina, Chile, Uruguay and Ecuador- performance, and of being well received -countries with a high demand for their by the audience, which has also evolved,” music. For that reason, now is considered Brown noted. Internet PHOTOS: SPOTLIGHT 7 Forever Formell, A Tribute By YelenaRODRIGUEZ

HAVANA.- An event isn’t necessary to The event also included a student immortalize his name; he is already exchange, who were granted the immortal. Nonetheless, the Timba opportunity to play the maestro’s works Festival, Forever Formell, glorified the and tour his legendary band’s record legacy of the well-deserved songo memory at Areíto Studios, a recording (Cuban rhythm) creator. and editing company.

Several stages of Havana hosted the Music, of course, was always present. Lemus Ariel Cecilio PHOTO: festival, held for the first time in Cuba to Three big concerts thrown by some of the render tribute to Juan Clímaco Formell most renowned Cuban bands opened Cortina, an outstanding bass player and and closed the festival. composer who founded the emblematic In downtown Vedado, on the corner Los Van Van band. of 23 and P, dancers from Cuba and A wide-ranging artistic and academic the world united, as a commemorative program brought Juanito back to his people plaque in honor of Formell and the Van again. Van orchestra was unveiled at the site of Photo exhibits, lectures, theoretical the band’s debut in 1969. panels and the screening of the The Beny Mor'e Salón Rosado de documentary Legado (Legacy) were la Tropical also welcomed different included within the festival’s schedule. generations of fans. The Van Van songs

filled the space with the same energy and on the stage any longer, he remains beauty as when the orchestra was first present in the sounds and lyrics of each founded. song, as they serve as reflections of the It was back in the 1960s when ordinary Cuban’s reality. Formell changed the musical tendencies The experienced musical arranger is and created a distinctive hallmark by an artist of international stature. incorporating new electroacoustic His creations and artistic results have elements, giving prominence to drums gone beyond the borders of Cuban and trombones. music and have served an example for The evolution of the charanga (brass international music. band) format then started and a path His work is endorsed by a series of was opened for a new concept: timba awards and recognitions, which have and songo, musical genres that have now contributed to enrich national culture. merged with other rhythms. Formell received the National Music But Formell didn’t just devote his Award in 2003 and the World Special energy and time to making music to Music Award in 2008 – the latter granted dance to. He also did a praiseworthy job by the World Entertainment Organization. of crafting songs, pairing some of Cuba´s He was also granted the Honorary National Poet Nicolás Guillén’s works to Doctor title by the Cuban Higher Institute original melodies. of Arts (2010) and the WOMEX Award for He also wrote the music of some plays, Best Artist in 2013, in recognition of his including La Barbacoa (1984, directed by musical excellence. Abraham Rodríguez) and Vivir en Santa There’s no point repeating that the Fe (1986, by playwright Nicolás Dorr). phrase used as the title of the Timba He created the soundtracks of classical Festival, held in the Cuban capital, is Cuban films such as Los PájarosTirándole unequivocally true: Formell will live on, a la Escopeta (1984, by filmmaker Rolando forever! Díaz) and participated in the television As journalist Pedro de la Hoz said: If program La Rueda de Casino (1992, by the Cuban dance music has reached new José Milián). and higher levels of quality since the Although his smile and virtuosity 1960s, that’s the result, to a great extent,

Prensa Latina, Internet Latina, Prensa PHOTOS: don’t accompany the Van Van orchestra of Formell’s contributions. 8 CULTURE ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT [email protected] (THR is not responsible for any changes made by sponsoring organizations)

UPCOMING Havana Mozart Festival EVENTS (Oct 25-Nov 2)

The International Festival International of New Latin Culinary American Festival Cinema (Oct 14-18) (Dec 5-15) THE CARIBBEAN 9 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT By NéstorROSA-MARBRELL Puerto Rican Uprising Defeats Governor

SAN JUAN. - When the first demonstrations houses turned to ruins after Hurricane began on July 10, at the main entrance of María devastated the country on La Fortaleza the site of the Executive in Old September 20, 2017. They showed no San Juan – few people thought it to be the sympathy for the over 4,000 killed by the beginning of a new political-social fight in hurricane, nor for the LGBTT community, Puerto Rico, a Caribbean nation that has nor the obese, nor the black, nor the been subject to U.S. colonial control for women fighting for their rights against 121 years. men’s violence, nor those involved in Chairman of the House of politics - such as San Juan Mayor Carmen Representatives Carlos Johnny Méndez told Yulín Cruz Soto, who they wanted dead. the press that it was “the same old group of Anger was so intense that left-wingers who close down the University demonstrations grew day by day, to the and complain about everything.” point that on July 17, at the call of artists He never imagined – and probably no one such as René Pérez, Bad Bunny, Ricky at the annexationist New Progressive Party Martin, Olga Tañón, Tommy Torres, Ednita (PNP) did that an unprecedented uprising Nazario, Daddy Yankee, Kany García and was in the works, after enduring draconian Benicio del Toro, about 500,000 people measures for the last 40 years. Those marched from different points of the measures included the unceremoniously capital to Plaza del V Centenario, in Old dismissal of thousands of civil servants in San Juan. In that demonstration, people

the last decade, the introduction of taxes protested against the governor with the R. Birriel Víctor PHOTOS: that reduced already low salaries, and the chant, “Ricky, step down and take the imposition of a Financial Oversight and board with you,” “Ricky, go away now” or Management Board (FOMB) by Washington “Where is Ricky? Ricky is not here, Ricky is in July of 2016. selling what’s left of the country.” The Puerto Rican people, united in For the first time, the financial sectors one voice, started to demand an end spoke out and stated their concern for to government corruption, which had the paralysis this Caribbean nation of 3.4 resulted in 73 billion dollars of public million inhabitants was facing. Through debt. They also demanded the immediate their spokespeople and the media, they said resignation of 40-year-old governor that Rosselló Nevares should listen to the Ricardo Rosselló Nevares, who in the demands of the people, who asked him to middle of his first term, embezzled the resign. funds addressed to education and health In fact, Rosselló Nevares and his through a network of collaborations and advisors didn’t understand what was going was going for 2020 reelection. on. They simply waited for the crowd that For that reason, no one was surprised demonstrated daily in front of La Fortaleza when on July 10, agents of the Federal to get tired and give up. On July 22, that Bureau of Investigation (FBI) arrested same crowd gave a strong response when former Secretary of Education Julia over 750,000 people from different social Keleher, former director of Health Services and ideological strata gathered at the Administration (ASES) Ángela Ávila, Las Américas highway. Because of this, president of BDO Puerto Rico Fernando Rosselló Nevares had no other way out Scherrer, contractor Alberto Velázquez than to announce, two days later at almost Piñol (who acted as consultant in several midnight, his long awaited resignation. government agencies), and sisters Glenda However, it took Rosselló Nevares nine and Mayra Ponce Mendoza, education days to leave La Fortaleza. In that time, he official and contractor, respectively. signed over 60 acts and granted 80 million On July 13, the publication of all 889 dollars in contracts, which Governor pages of a telegram chat between the Wanda Vázquez Garced will have to revise. Puerto Rican governor and his closest Vázquez Garced was proclaimed advisors turned into a event that shook governor after the Puerto Rican Supreme the country. In those files, some of which Court ruled out Pedro R. Pierluisi’s swearing were released a couple of days before, the in as unconstitutional - as he precipitated his governor and his advisors joked about promotion from the State secretariat for not public policy and the arrests made for having been ratified by both legislative bodies. the diversion of 15.5 million dollars from Amidst that unfinished fight, Puerto the educational and health sectors into Ricans still march and chant the slogan, personal profit. “they took so much from us that they In that chat, neither Rosselló Nevares took our fear away,” while hoisting their nor his closest advisors showed any single-star flag, a symbol of their national sympathy for the poor or those whose identity. 10 CULTURE Love Upholds Socio-Cultural Project Cabildo Quisicuaba By CossetLAZO resulted from the combination of those two terms. With almost 30 years of community HAVANA.- Officially founded on October work, the Cabildo Quisicuaba Socio- 12, 1992, the Cabildo Quisicuaba Socio- Cultural Project has had a very positive Cultural Project offers a hand to different impact on the Los Sitios community. sectors of the society in the heart of the The initiative also allows new Cuban capital. generations to enjoy their cultural Single mothers, children, adolescents, heritage and be in direct contact with ex-convicts, elders and members of Afro-Cuban traditions. the queer community, among others, Bound by friendship, organizers, find refuge, consolation and love in the workers and volunteers join hands program’s headquarters in the Los Sitios for the improvement of community neighborhood of Central Havana. members, based off of the spirituality, According to the director of the tradition and preservation of Cuban organizing committe, Dr. Enrique Alemán, identity. the origin of this initiative dates back to This is a non-profit project that the first half of the 20th century, to the has earned international recognition, altruistic work of its founders. supports social solidarity and develops Alemán told The Havana Reporter excellent work that encourages collective that Cabildo Quisicuaba honors the spirit knowledge and creativity. of solidarity in Cuba and invites direct contact with the Los Sitios community. The Quisicuaba Museum is right next to the project’s headquarters. That museum is the only one of its kind as it holds the project’s invaluable heritage along with ethnographic and historic artifacts. The term Quisicuaba comes from the first population settlement recorded in Central Havana around the middle of the 16th century, in what is today the Los Sitios neighborhood. Free black people known as Kissi –from the southern basin of Angola- inhabited that area and developed local agriculture. The Kissi settled in farmhouses known

as cuabal, and the word Quisicuaba MolinaVladimir Latina, Prensa PHOTOS: PHOTO FEATURE 11

Bayamo’s Wax Museum By OrlandoORAMAS

BAYAMO, CUBA.- Bayamo’s Wax Museum, in the eastern Close to them sits Cuba´s national poet Nicolás province of Granma, is the only of its type in Cuba. Guillén, who is looking at Faustino Oramas, aka El It is located on General García street, in a city that’s Guayabero, a singer, a tres player and a composer who considered the cradle of Cuban nationality. entertained locals and foreigners with his dynamic The museum was created by a family of artists from songs. Guisa who started making reproductions of Cuban birds Next to Oramas, also with a guitar in hand, appears and reptiles and then began creating wax-polychrome Carlos Puebla, a musician from the Manzanillo city who figures of popular characters from the region. One of was known as the Singer of the Cuban Revolution. those is Rita la Caimana, a peculiar woman who was Other sculptures also stand out at Bayamo’s Wax immortalized in a popular song by the duo Los Compadres. Museum, like that of multi-world and Olympic heavy The sculpture of Compay Segundo, the creator of the weight champion Teófilo Stevenson and popular Chan Chan rhythm, guitar in hand, is one of the most musician Benny Moré – aka the “Bárbaro del Ritmo” – popular at the museum. This sculpture is located next who wears flare and wields his cane, striking his well- to that of Polo Montañez, who prematurely died in a car known dance pose. accident directly following the fame he earned after the The museum also stands out for its important launch of his CD “Guajiro Natural.” patriotic elements. There, at the ready stands Carlos However, the first sculpture visitors see is that of Manuel de Céspedes, a man from Bayamo who is Colombian writer Gabriel García Márquez, who hasn’t known as the Father of the Homeland. Next to him, experienced ‘One Hundred Years of Solitude’ here as he seated at a desk and looking up, José Martí, the has always been in good company. Dressed in white, National Hero. El Gabo – as he was also known – appears in a seated The verses of a poem by Carilda Oliver are heard from position, just like U.S. writer Ernest Hemingway – both, the loudspeaker as her image is unveiled at the museum. winners of the Nobel Prize for Literature. The poems of this charismatic poet, who was from Cuban musician Bola de Nieve, at the piano, is close the Matanzas province and won the National Prize for to them, accompanied by another grand name of Cuban Literature, have been carried in the hearts of individuals music, Rita Montaner. and lovers on the island and abroad. Prensa Latina, Vladimir MolinaVladimir Latina, Prensa PHOTOS: 12 LATIN AMERICA

COLOMBIA Unemployment and Violence Mark Duque’s First Year in Office By MasielFERNANDEZ “This prediction means an expansion of the domestic demand similar to that of last year, as well as weak exports and a net foreign demand, which again will BOGOTA.- Corruption, a high unemployment rate and reduce the GDP,” indicated a report published by the the assassination of social leaders and former guerrilla Bank of the Republic. members are the main issues that represented Iván Domestic consumption was also predicted to be similar Duque’s first year as the President of Colombia. to that of last year, when the economy grew 2.6 percent. Analysts consider that there is a noticeable degree of For 2020, the Bank estimates a growth slightly pessimism among Colombians concerning the country’s path. higher than 3 percent, which is attributed to “the Duque’s disapproval index by the middle of June rose negative consequences of a higher global uncertainty to 63 percent, while 76 percent believe that the country on investment-related decisions.” It also predicts a is following the wrong path. deceleration of domestic consumption. These findings are the result of a survey conducted Additionally, the unemployment rate in Colombia in June by the firm YanHaas, which highlighted that Colombians’ rose to 9.4 percent, mostly impacting women and youth.

perceptions of the country’s economy, employment and “Unemployment is a critical topic,” acknowledged Internet PHOTO: corruption are very negative. Labor Minister Alicia Arango, who indicated that 19 CORRUPTION IN SIGHT percent of youth is unemployed. VENEZUELA IN SIGHT The army has been shaken by the start of an VIOLENCE CONTINUES As for foreign policy, Venezuela has been in the investigation of potential corruption cases. Reports on cases of violence continue in Colombia, gaze of the Duque Administration, which took office on Part of those processes are related to the facts to the point that some people say that regrettably, this is August 7 last year. revealed by the local magazine Semana in an article a natural phenomenon in the country. Colombia is currently Washington’s most important entitled Las OvejasNegras (The black sheep). Between January 1, 2016 and July 20, 2019, 738 strategic ally in its crusade against Venezuela and its That article described potential corruption by social leaders and human right advocates were killed in president, Nicolás Maduro, who was democratically General Jorge Romero when he commanded the Fourth Colombia, as indicated by the Institute of Development elected for a second term of office in May 2018. Brigade – from December 2015 to December 2017. and Peace Studies (INDEPAZ). Last February, Duque met his U.S. peer Donald Trump According to the information published by the Since the November 2016 signing of the Peace in the White House. Semana magazine, denunciations ranged from the Agreement between the State and the former Revolutionary Both presidents had initially recognized the self- creation of an alleged cartel for the sale of weapons Armed Forces of Colombia-People’s Army (FARC-EP), 627 of proclaimed Venezuelan President Juan Guaidó, who which could have gone to the hands of criminals them have been killed, the Institute noted. tried together with U.S. Vice president Mike Pence to to the mishandling of resources worth millions In that same period, 138 former combatants who were gain the support of the Lima Group to conduct a military assigned to vehicle maintenance and fuel purchases, undergoing the reincorporation process and 36 members intervention in his own country. among other expenses. of their families were also murdered, INDEPAZ added. In the current situation and amidst the repeated HIGH UNEMPLOYMENT, LOW ECONOMIC GROWTH Special Representative of UN Secretary General for U.S. threats against the constitutional government of The Bank of the Republic’s predictions of growth for Colombia, Carlos Ruiz, highlighted the challenges to Venezuela, the role of the Colombian Executive has the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) dropped to 3 percent safety that are still present in the nation, where several been highly criticized by experts on foreign policy and this year – lower than the previously forecast 3.5 percent. cases of murder and threats to social leaders are reported. by sectors of the opposition. ECONOMY 13

Cuban Economy Under Trump’s Siege By MaríaJuliaMAYORAL

HAVANA.- Cuba’s commercial and financial operations crude oil to Cuba and increased in May, Díaz-Canel are now more than ever under scrutiny by the U.S. added. government, as President Donald Trump has tightened Díaz-Canel said that describing the United States as, reprisals with the sole purpose of defeating the Cuban “a giant with seven-league boots that goes through the socialist system. sky gobbling up the planet,”is no longer just metaphor This May, the U.S. President activated Title III of by Cuban apostle José Martí. the Helms-Burton Act to encourage lawsuits against Such a warning, stated by Martí in the 19th century, companies of third party countries that operate former turned into, “a cruel certainty of what we are to expect if, U.S. properties nationalized in Cuba after the triumph because of naivety or ignorance, we underestimate that of the 1959 Revolution. the plan for the re-appropriation of Our America - which The following month, Trump put an end to bilateral the empire has undertaken by hoisting the flag of the communications by removing the ‘people to people’ Monroe Doctrine in the mast of their pirate ship - is not educational travel category, used by Americans to visit addressed to us.” Cuba despite Washington’s prohibition to come as The Cuban President also affirmed that as the U.S. tourists. cannot appropriate Cuba, it decides to chase it, to corner The president also prohibited U.S. cruises to come it, to asphyxiate it. They increasingly tighten the net to the island, which was not well received by clients or around our country, as well as Venezuela, Nicaragua and companies involved in this business. any other nation that refuses to accept the imperial plan According to official calculations, in just one as their destiny, he added. year – from March 2018 to April 2019 the economic, He also stressed that “with cruel extraterritorial commercial and financial blockade imposed by the actions of the blockade, the U.S. does what it can United States caused damages to Cuba amounting to to prevent the arrival of tankers to the Cuban ports, at least 4.34 billion dollars. brutally threatening the shipping and insurance

That estimate, confirmed by President Miguel Díaz- Estudios Revolución PHOTO: companies, and the governments of the countries Canel, doesn’t include the damage resulting from the where those ships are registered.” recent measures Trump took, which restrict travel depreciation of the dollar against gold,” the Cuban They hope to worsen the quality of life of the licenses, prohibit the arrival of cruise ships and tighten President said at the end of July, during a speech population, while accusing the Cuban government of financial restrictions. delivered on National Rebellion Day. inefficacy. “They are trying to cause a social uprising,” Such prohibitions and financial persecutions are On his Twitter account, Cuban Minister of Foreign Díaz-Canel charged. the main reasons for the domestic shortage of food Affairs Bruno Rodríguez highlighted the severity of However, they don’t understand that the Cuban and fuel, affirmed the Cuban President, who also these events: “USA increases economic piracy actions family can resist and face the worst siege with dignity held Washington responsible for the difficulties to against Cuba. They conduct illegal surveillance, and continue loving each other even long distance, acquire spare parts for the national electro-energy persecute activity on ships and threaten shipping because nothing nor anyone can set them apart, he system. companies, insurance corporations and governments added. “After six decades hounding the simplest Cuban to prevent the arrival of fuel to the country.” “They try to asphyxiate us to get political concessions transaction, the damages that have accumulated until Actions of that nature started last April with the out of us,” said the President, who even accused the now amount to 922.6 billion dollars, considering the imposition of penalties to ships transporting Venezuelan Trump administration of blackmail.

“The region faces an external context with greater uncertainties and growing Cuba Fights Back complexities: less dynamism of global economic activity and global trade; greater volatility and financial fragility; issues in the multilateral system and an increase By IvetteFERNANDEZ in geopolitical tensions,” ECLAC Executive Secretary Alicia Bárcena said during the presentation of the report. Amidst a hostile international scenario, the strengthening of the economic blockade HAVANA. According to the most recent projections made by the Economic Commission the U. S. has imposed for almost 60 years is the biggest obstacle for Cuba’s expansion. of Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), the Cuban economy will grow 0.5 percent The increasing hostility of the Trump administration – including the activation of by the end of this year – in line with the expansion foreseen in the Latin American region. Title III of the Helms-Burton Act and the prohibition of U.S. cruise ships, recreational The results of the Economic Survey of Latin America and the Caribbean – conducted by boats and private airplanes to Cuba- attempt to hurt Cuba’s development plans. ECLAC show that this continental region will grow 0.5 percent in 2019 due to a common Notwithstanding these obstacles – which national authorities recently said they weakening of the global economy, which has implied an unfavorable international scenario. would overcome through various measures – the Cuban economy won’t experience a negative result, ECLAC indicated. Among the guidelines stipulated by the government, the most popular was without a doubt the salary raise for the public sector, has benefited about 1.5 million workers. This was accompanied by the measure to freeze prices where they stood prior to the increase in salary, in order to avoid impacting purchasing power. In line with this, President Miguel Díaz-Canel affirmed that Cuba will continue strengthening the role of the entrepreneurial system and urged these economic actors to be more competitive, earn higher income, boost the industry and give priority to exports. The state socialist company, the backbone of the Cuban economy, will be gradually subject to a series of efforts to become more autonomous to make better use of its potential, Cuban Minister of Economy Alejandro Gil indicated. The official mentioned the decision to allow entities to partially or totally retain income in foreign currencies resulting from the surplus of expected exports. It also includes the possibility of increasing worker profits, from three to five average salaries. In addition, working directly with the Mariel Special Development Zone will be prioritized, so that local entities can retain 50 percent of the foreign currency resulting from those commercial operations. The Minister also noted that they are trying to implement a mechanism that allows the industry advanced funding with liquidity, to be able to import or make certain domestic operations in the market. The objective is that the financial support easily reaches the local producers. The Minister concluded that these measures aim to defend national production, diversify and increase exports, substitute imports, boost productive connections, foster state companies, progress food sovereignty, promote local development, and Minister Alejandro Gil use science to solve problems. Prensa Latina Prensa PHOTO: 14 ECONOMY New Joint Venture to Promote Santiago de Cuba Rum Text & Photo by RobertoF.CAMPOS The ceremony at Havana´s Hotel National was attended Havana Club. It is known for its high quality and origin in by Cuban Minister of Foreign Trade and Investment, Cuba’s east. Rodrigo Malmierca, and CEO of the new Santiago de Cuba Cutter commented that the joint venture with Cuba HAVANA.- In promotion of Santiago de Cuba Rum, Rum joint venture, Luca Cesarano, among other officials Ron is in line with the company’s strategies: investing in the Cuba Ron S.A. Corporation and a subsidiary of the from the field of trade and economics. areas that provide an opportunity for growth, but also in Diageo company have signed an agreement to set up a The creation of this joint venture follows the collaboration premium and superior quality. joint-venture. between Cuba Ron S.A. and the French company Pernord As the CEO noted, consumers seek a better-quality Ricard, which was established in 1993 and has since rum rather than quantity. For that reason, working with promoted Havana Club Rum throughout the world. the Cuba Ron Corporation provides an opportunity to Because of that association, Havana Club expand the portfolio in rum markets that are reaching International S.A. (HCI) was created, a company whose premium qualifications. results have been considered successful by both the Escalona mentioned that they are proud to announce involved parties and market experts. this joint venture, which will take the prize-winning Cesarano referred to the quality of the Cuban spirits, Santiago de Cuba Rum to consumers all around the world. particularly Santiago Rum, which is included in the “More than just rum, Santiago de Cuba was born where Premium portfolio of its type. the history and tradition of Cuban light rum began,” he added. The joint venture will have the exclusive rights for the This product is an expression of its people and is part distribution of Santiago de Cuba Rum worldwide. of Cuban culture and traditions. For that reason, the idea The agreement was signed by Diageo’s Chairman is to make this rum successful outside Cuba. for Global Production and Purchase, David Cutter, and Diageo is a leading company in the world in the President of the Cuba Ron Corporation, Juan González. premium spirits market. At present, their products are As the executives indicated, the Premium and included among the 20 most sold in the world. superior rum markets are increasing throughout the The list of those products includes Smirnoff (vodka), world, compared to the regular markets, to the extent Johnnie Walker (whisky), Captain Morgan (rum), Baileys that the premium brands foster more growth. (crème de liqueur), Crown Royal (Canadian whisky), J&B The Cuban rum brands represent nine percent of the (Scotch) and Gordon's (gin). Diageo commercializes its retail sale’s value for this global market– a percent they brands in 180 countries. hope to increase. Diageo was born in 1997 as a result of the merger The Santiago de Cuba Rum, which includes four between Grand Metropolitan and Guinness, although it main types – White, Mature, 11 years and 12 years – is wasn’t until 2002 that its success took off with its focus the second most distributed Cuban premium rum, after on premium drinks. Decreased Growth Forecasted for LatAm By IvetteFERNANDEZ extreme poverty rose from 9.9 percent in 2016 to 10.2 percent 2017. In 2017, the number of people living in poverty in HAVANA.- According to the International Monetary Latin America and the Caribbean totaled 184 million Fund’s latest study, the Latin American economy is -30.2 percent of the regional population. expected to grow 0.6 percent this year, 0.8 percent down Although the region has had major achievements from its previous forecast. between the past decade and the first half of the current, Factors such as tariff disputes, an increase in debt since 2015it has been moving backwards, particularly and the inability to bring major macroeconomic reforms in terms of extreme poverty, said Alicia Bárcena, the

forward are damaging the predictions for Brazil and Executive Secretary of ECLAC. Internet Latina, Prensa PHOTOS: Mexico, the main Latin American economies, the fund Sub-employment and youth unemployment are noted. other big scourges in the region. As for Brazil, the entity envisages a 0.8 percent With the region’s estimated unemployment rate economic growth, 1.3 per cent below previous around 7.8 percent, the study reveals that the average predictions. However, the economy is expected to unemployment rate for people ages 15 to 24 reached recover in 2020 with an estimated 2.4 percent growth, 19.6 percent by the third trimester of last year. the study showed. According to the 2018 Labor Overview in Latin Meanwhile, Mexico’s growth estimate fell to 0.9, America and the Caribbean by the International Labor 0.7 less than previously predicted; but estimates a 1.9 Organization (ILO), the unemployment rate of this age percent rise in 2020 according to the study. group is more than two and a half times the average In the case of Chile, the IMF cut its growth estimates unemployment rate in the region. down from 3.4 to 3.2 percent this year, due to the drop in Moreover, the “World Employment and Social mining production and the situation of the international Outlook: Trends 2019” report estimates that over 53 economy. percent of the region’s economically active population Argentina’s growth is likely to shrink 1.3 percent in is engaged in the informal sector. 2019, as compared to the 1.2 percent decrease envisaged According to the study, the prevalence of informal in April. For 2020, the fund has forecast a 1.1 economic employment in this region is one of the factors that growth, half of its previous estimates. contributes to the increasing multidimensional poverty According to the IMF report, the region is affected by index, which encompasses a number of deprivations in vulnerabilities such as a decrease in investments, more education, health, social security, housing and overall moderate figures in the Chinese economy and a tense standard of living. international commercial panorama. The economies of Latin America and the Caribbean This panorama, the IMF added, has noticeably caused are going through tense moments, marked by a 6 Latin America to slow down its economy, reflected last percent decrease in direct foreign investments in 2018, year when the region’s economic growth recorded only amounting to a total of147 billion dollars. 1 percent. Last year, the region failed to maintain the growth The fund’s predictions are not very hopeful for a recorded in 2017, which putan end to a prolonged region in which, together with the Caribbean, 62 million decrease in investments, revealed in a study by the UN people are estimated to live in extreme poverty. Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTD). According to figures reported early this year by Notwithstanding the adverse panorama, the IMF the Economic Commission for Latin America and the has envisaged a 2.3 percent economic growth for Latin Caribbean (ECLAC), the number of people living in America in 2020. SPORTS 15 The Southern Giants of the Lima 2019 Pan Am Games

By MoisésPEREZ MOK gold in field men’s and women’s hockey, soccer, volleyball, softball, basketball and all classifications of men’s handball. LIMA.- Described as the most competitive Pan Likewise, it’s worth stressing that for the first American Games in almost seven decades, the time ever, six out of the 41 participating countries 2019 Lima Games were marked by the triumphant won more than 30 gold medals. athletes from south of the Bravo River. In addition to the countries already It’s easy to see just from looking at the final mentioned, that list also includes Cuba, which medal count. First of all, Canada, which was could not match its performance four years the venue of the previous Pan Am Games held ago (36-27-34), but remained among the top in Toronto in 2015, plunged drastically; and five countries from the Americas with 33 gold, second, countries such as Brazil, Mexico and 27 silver and 38 bronze medals. Argentina climbed significantly. Colombia resulted close to the top of the 22.43 in the two hundred meters, beating the The Canadians, who were second in 2015 with leader board (28-23-33) which, according old record set by U.S. Evelyn Ashford in 1979. 78 gold, 70 silver and 71 bronze medals—after to the National Olympic Committee, was By the way, track and field proved to be the United States (103-82-80) took much less a historic performance based on the fact the king sport of the Pan Am Games this year, home this time: 35 gold, 64 silver and 53 bronze. that several disciplines won the gold medal breaking a total of 13 records. Brazil, in turn, climbed from third place in for the first time in the history of the sport Other athletes with brilliant performances Toronto (42-39-60) to second in the Peruvian discipline or modality practiced in the were Cubans Idalys Ortiz (judo) and Yarisley capital (55-47-71). It’s worth noting that until this country. Silva (pole vault), who each won the title for year, Brazilians had not placed above third place THE STARS OF THE GAMES the third time. since 1963, when they hosted the games in Sao The games in Lima allowed, in some cases, The list of names also includes Colombian Paulo. that sports legends of the Americas added titles sprinter Anthony Zambrano, two-time Another country that rose to the occasion was to their names, while others won their first Pan champion in the four hundred meters and the Mexico, which reached third place during these American gold medals for their country. 4x400 race, and Argentinean swimmer Delfina games (37-36-63), compared to its sixth place Mijaín López, the most illustrious name of Pignatiello, who at only19-years-old won gold standing (22-30-43) in Canada four years ago. Greco-Roman wrestling in Cuba, defeated all in the 400, 800 and 1500-meter freestyle. Additionally, Argentina climbed from his rivals in the 130-kg division, and without Last but not least, Ecuador’s domination seventh to sixth place, doubling its gold medal a single point against him, was proclaimed a of race walking including winning three of count from 15 in Toronto to 32 in Lima. five-time continental champion. the four events, led by Johanna Ordoñez and It’s worth praising Argentina’s excellent ’s two-time Olympic champion Claudio Villanueva (50kilometers) and Brian performance in team sports, claiming the Shelly Ann Fraser Pryce set a new record of Pintado (20 kilometers).

Lima 2019 Toronto 2015

Country Gold Silver Bronze Total Country Gold Silver Bronze Total 1. USA 120 88 85 293 1. USA 103 82 80 265 2. Brazil 55 47 71 171 2. Canada 78 70 71 219 3. Mexico 37 36 63 136 3. Brazil 42 39 60 141 4. Canada 35 64 53 152 4. Cuba 36 27 34 97 5. Cuba 33 27 38 98 5. Colombia 27 14 31 72 6. Argentina 32 35 34 101 6. Mexico 22 30 43 95 7. Colombia 28 23 33 84 7. Argentina 15 29 31 75 8. Chile 13 19 18 50 8. Venezuela 8 22 20 50 9. Peru 11 7 21 39 9. Ecuador 7 9 16 32 10. Dominican Republic 10 13 17 40 10. Guatemala 6 1 3 10 Prensa Latina, Internet Latina, Prensa PHOTOS: Mijaín López, Cuban Wrestler Making History

I told him that his opponents didn’t last long on the training. The same goes for my wife and my two kids. I’ve mat, which some fans complained about since they learned to be a father and am generally very happy.” couldn’t enjoy his fights for longer. This is what he replied The interview took place at the Press Center of in an exclusive interview with The Havana Reporter: the , after he talked with Cuban “The thing is, I’m very well trained and maybe my television and radio. He was not very eager to talk but rivals are not on the same level or lack the rigorous his simplicity and charisma prevailed: training that I follow. But I face them with respect and How about losing, getting injured? humbleness because I understand that we are all trying “Those situations are not pleasant at all. In sports, nobody our best.” likes to lose. The truth is that it’s normal, although I have been

Osvaldo Gutiérrez Osvaldo PHOTO: “But the reality is that your rivals could not score points undefeated for a long time. I’d like to leave with a winning against you during the Lima 2019 Pan American Games,” streak. I’m doing things as best as possible to avoid making By FaustoTRIANA I insisted. “The fight for gold was more like a one-man- any mistakes during the competitions,” Lopez stressed. show, resulting 9-0 against Venezuelan Moisés Pérez.” The word “retire” has not been mentioned yet but “It’s part of the work I do. I train well and now at my seems more likely to occur after Tokyo 2020. LIMA.- Without needing to fight mutants, Cuban wrestler age I put in a lot of effort in each small step to achieve “I’m taking a lot of care of myself to avoid injuries and Mijaín López still earned the right to borrow the famous the dreams I have for the sport,” he commented. be in shape for the Olympic Games, with the support of movie title and openly say: I am legend. I asked about the support of his family, after more my family and coaches. This is why you do not see me Unlike actor Will Smith, the giant from Pinar del Río, than 20 years practicing sports and recently turning 37 as often at tournaments, because we are psychologically claimedvictory in the maximum category of his specialty, (on August 20), to which he replied: preparing for Tokyo,” he explained. the 130 kg Greco-Roman wrestling, now a three- “I have complete support of my people and the Motivation? It seems he has a lot because, after all, time Olympic champion and five-time Pan American privilege of having my mother, my father, who help legends must reach an endpoint which for him will be champion. me to analyze things, devote myself to the sport and written in stone in Tokyo 2020. 16