1 00:00:00.390 --> 00:00:11.820 Margarita Alban: This is a meeting of the Grinch Planning and Zoning Commission that is being held virtually pursuant to executive order seven be issued by our governor Lamont

2 00:00:13.049 --> 00:00:25.080 Margarita Alban: We will now open the public hearing our first item is freedom Taylor LLC, with a preliminary site plan and special permit at 100 East Putnam Avenue.

3 00:00:26.400 --> 00:00:29.160 Margarita Alban: Patrick, are you going to bring up the attorney.

4 00:00:29.730 --> 00:00:30.150 Yes.

5 00:00:39.900 --> 00:00:43.260 Patrick LaRow: Okay, Mr hassling you have control of your mic and video now.

6 00:00:46.680 --> 00:00:53.550 Margarita Alban: Which means we're asking you to start your video. And to me, trying to unmute you chip and I'm not able to

7 00:01:01.590 --> 00:01:01.980 Peter Lowe: Chip.

8 00:01:03.180 --> 00:01:03.720 Dennis Yeskey: Are you there.

9 00:01:07.650 --> 00:01:08.580 Katie DeLuca: Can you unmute him.

10 00:01:09.090 --> 00:01:09.990 Margarita Alban: Know we unmuted.

11 00:01:10.350 --> 00:01:10.710 Patrick LaRow: Goes

12 00:01:10.770 --> 00:01:13.800 CHaslun: That goes Hi. Can you see me.

file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] 13 00:01:14.190 --> 00:01:14.550 Margarita Alban: Yes, I

14 00:01:15.810 --> 00:01:17.820 CHaslun: Can hear me good ship haslem for the African

15 00:01:18.210 --> 00:01:19.800 Margarita Alban: Please proceed, Mr Hausman

16 00:01:20.220 --> 00:01:28.800 CHaslun: I'd actually had talked to Patrick earlier and try to set up about 15 minutes ago. So I thought I was in pretty good shape, but my check assistant just came in. Help me a little bit.

17 00:01:30.030 --> 00:01:34.770 Margarita Alban: Oh, your tech assistant anybody under 12 years old is usually very helpful.

18 00:01:35.670 --> 00:01:39.120 CHaslun: Was helping me earlier and he's 27 and my wife is on this all the time.

19 00:01:39.240 --> 00:01:44.610 CHaslun: For her work. So she just came in and helped but brave new world, but some interesting aspects to it.

20 00:01:47.370 --> 00:01:52.560 CHaslun: As indicated, I represent the applicant who I hope is connected as attendee here to Andy

21 00:01:54.120 --> 00:02:03.270 CHaslun: Andy purchased the property about 10 days ago. So he's now the owner of no longer freedom Taylor, it's under to 60 I'm sorry 100 East platinum Avenue LLC.

22 00:02:03.900 --> 00:02:06.030 Margarita Alban: Host sister has learned. Mr.

23 00:02:06.060 --> 00:02:07.260 Margarita Alban: Toss is here.

24 00:02:07.650 --> 00:02:11.370 CHaslun: Good Boston, Mr zambello Erickson bell from

25 00:02:11.970 --> 00:02:14.430 Margarita Alban: Here Mr Sam bell is present as well.

file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] 26 00:02:14.730 --> 00:02:20.850 CHaslun: And Krista total you mentioned earlier was on. That's good. Also from Grandma Charlie Mills, I hope is also on

27 00:02:20.970 --> 00:02:26.370 CHaslun: Also Chris granite cine from time bond our traffic person. Okay.

28 00:02:27.450 --> 00:02:28.290 CHaslun: May not be on it.

29 00:02:29.700 --> 00:02:30.180 Margarita Alban: Looking

30 00:02:33.330 --> 00:02:35.640 Patrick LaRow: I don't see them unless he's on a phone call on number

31 00:02:35.730 --> 00:02:38.280 CHaslun: Okay, well don't worry about him yet. We may not need him.

32 00:02:43.350 --> 00:02:58.230 CHaslun: We do listen to into the briefing yesterday and I have to say. And honestly, we were just taken aback. We really thought we were much farther along in this application based on the prior meetings and what was stated in this meeting.

33 00:02:59.250 --> 00:03:07.380 CHaslun: At January 7 then on March 10 so any and I went back last night and read the transcripts, again, of those two meetings.

34 00:03:07.770 --> 00:03:18.090 CHaslun: To try to figure out how we misunderstood this Commission as to where we were with this project, which we thought was being created very favorably and that we were really down to a point where we could

35 00:03:19.170 --> 00:03:26.220 CHaslun: Tonight after tonight. Good. A RC and proceed or way and I think that was what the chair and Katie to us. Near the end of that hearing

36 00:03:26.790 --> 00:03:38.370 CHaslun: What we understood and I'd like to go back just take a few minutes to go look at those transcripts sections. What we understood where the two open items that we wanted to discuss tonight, which is a third preliminary hearing was the

37 00:03:39.810 --> 00:03:49.680 file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] CHaslun: Weather, we could pull the building back from the post road. And if we could also consider putting the building back from the rear property line a bit to that was Mr. Fox his suggestion.

38 00:03:50.850 --> 00:03:59.670 CHaslun: That was the principal issue. And the second one was Mr. Mack right had pointed out that there were some significant trees up on the western slope.

39 00:04:00.600 --> 00:04:09.300 CHaslun: And did we have any knowledge of the condition of those trees and so we hired an arborist from Bill Kennedy's office to establish

40 00:04:10.110 --> 00:04:20.910 CHaslun: That condition. And I can tell you that it's poor her report is packet it's close to the front. And I'm not sure which page, it is, but there is one tree that she said was

41 00:04:21.330 --> 00:04:28.170 CHaslun: Good conditioner okay condition the restaurant and for condition. In addition, end talk has reached out to the neighbor.

42 00:04:28.770 --> 00:04:37.440 CHaslun: To the west and Dominic defeat. I was the owner of that property and he agrees with me that it would be better to take those trees down.

43 00:04:37.770 --> 00:04:43.590 CHaslun: And we've agreed in principle to work together to establish a planting plan between our mutual properties.

44 00:04:44.190 --> 00:04:55.590 CHaslun: So those were the two things we understood where remaining for consideration by the Commission and let's just go over the transcripts briefly to explain to you why we came to that conclusion.

45 00:04:57.450 --> 00:04:57.990 CHaslun: First of all,

46 00:04:59.130 --> 00:05:01.290 CHaslun: It's 38 of the transcript for the last hearing

47 00:05:02.790 --> 00:05:07.740 CHaslun: Resolving stated. So here's kind of my take on it. If we can settle on the big issues.

48 00:05:08.280 --> 00:05:16.260 CHaslun: The parking we've done. So you had established the parking issue would have been resolved. You went on to say the masking the height. The FDR

file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] 49 00:05:16.620 --> 00:05:22.770 CHaslun: The things that are hard for the AARC cannot do we could then send it on to a RC and have them work on the respite.

50 00:05:23.250 --> 00:05:32.490 CHaslun: But I don't want them to get stuck, where he or she says building is too big. And, you know, you're like, you need to hear from us that we're okay with FA IR where it is.

51 00:05:33.000 --> 00:05:35.850 CHaslun: And it's dramatic is on death bottom of that page 39

52 00:05:36.420 --> 00:05:49.740 CHaslun: I'm not too sure if we were not correct enough, but we were looking for. You push the second floor back. But I think what we are looking for us actually to have a whole building pushed back again getting to that relationship between the curve and the height of the building.

53 00:05:52.440 --> 00:05:55.350 CHaslun: Mr Mackey last letter on page 43

54 00:05:58.230 --> 00:05:58.800 CHaslun: Says,

55 00:05:59.910 --> 00:06:08.700 CHaslun: Again, the architecture will let a RC kind of run with that because I'm seeing all kinds of interesting things that I have questions about, but I don't want to get into the detail.

56 00:06:10.590 --> 00:06:15.870 CHaslun: As I look at the picture I see a standard old growth trees behind the existing bank building on the slope. So we move from

57 00:06:16.560 --> 00:06:26.670 CHaslun: Lawrence James that we're going to Arca next and have them look at this point. These plans and work with them on the plans and we also have mentioned up the old growth trees. That's on page 43 of transcript

58 00:06:27.990 --> 00:06:29.460 CHaslun: On page 52

59 00:06:30.990 --> 00:06:37.260 CHaslun: Seven all been again just to summarize where we are with this application in the meeting. She says,

60 00:06:38.550 --> 00:06:46.920 CHaslun: Okay, so guys once again we're all right with the FAA, are you still looking for the ability to push back file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] you're looking to adjust the tree loss summarize

61 00:06:47.700 --> 00:06:57.990 CHaslun: And after that nobody really adds anything at all except for Mr. Fox and page for who says, I'm more concerned about screen. The neighbors to the rear

62 00:06:59.790 --> 00:07:03.630 CHaslun: Then page 66 of the transcript to the conclusion of the hearing.

63 00:07:08.070 --> 00:07:14.490 CHaslun: Again, Chairman all so we're good to come back and do this one more time. And then I think we would send you on to a RC.

64 00:07:15.330 --> 00:07:25.110 CHaslun: And I say, okay, and she says, once I don't think I'm not hearing bulk issues, but I think you've and I interrupted and said, it may be dictated this mean the bulk issues.

65 00:07:25.530 --> 00:07:33.450 CHaslun: Though some of Mr. Mack was comments and Mr Fox is comments to the extent. There's a push, both in the front and the back, we'll see that may impact that

66 00:07:36.720 --> 00:07:38.610 CHaslun: And then finally,

67 00:07:45.720 --> 00:07:47.070 CHaslun: That's the last feature.

68 00:07:49.050 --> 00:07:56.580 CHaslun: Yeah, we left the meeting with that understanding that all those issues have been resolved. But for the fact that could be pushed the building back maybe push it forward a little bit too.

69 00:07:57.000 --> 00:08:03.510 CHaslun: And deal with the arborist issue the trees on the on the western slope and everything else is going to go to a RC and that would include

70 00:08:04.020 --> 00:08:12.180 CHaslun: Trying to make this building look more like the growth Harris billion or look more like fuel efficient building those elements can be easily brought into we think

71 00:08:13.080 --> 00:08:21.330 CHaslun: Just design by adding some of the trim features. You mentioned the color treatments. You mentioned the software treatments. You mentioned that cannot be done with a RC.

file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] 72 00:08:22.110 --> 00:08:26.670 CHaslun: Obviously, having gone to three meetings with the folks to luminary and having had ran off to a lot of

73 00:08:27.330 --> 00:08:31.920 CHaslun: alterations to the plans we felt that was probably the most efficient way of doing it. And you seem to agree.

74 00:08:32.310 --> 00:08:37.440 CHaslun: That we could proceed on to a RC if we just took care of those two other issues. So you can see why.

75 00:08:37.890 --> 00:08:48.660 CHaslun: We were somewhat surprised at some of the comments yesterday in the briefing session about us stiff arming the Commission about overreaching on FDR, but considering going back to point five Fei

76 00:08:49.980 --> 00:09:04.530 CHaslun: That not being responsive to architectural recommendations, all those things were just we were sitting at home watching them were just jaw dropping until we get a chance to talk after the after the briefing session. So that's where we thought we were. And that's what we hope we are.

77 00:09:06.300 --> 00:09:11.370 CHaslun: I think you also got an email from Peter Berg today too because there's some discussion as well about

78 00:09:12.420 --> 00:09:13.140 CHaslun: Whether or not.

79 00:09:14.280 --> 00:09:19.680 CHaslun: What was the reason for not having more neighbors come out in opposition to this tonight, and I guess in the briefing session. Some of you felt that

80 00:09:20.010 --> 00:09:24.930 CHaslun: Perhaps it was the neighbors are nice, but they were somewhat naive and not very well educated on reading building plans.

81 00:09:25.440 --> 00:09:33.330 CHaslun: We had a meeting in January, with some stakeholders. I'll call them at the cost Cobb library at your suggestion and Peter birds invocation.

82 00:09:33.690 --> 00:09:47.400 CHaslun: And we met with, I want to say it was about 20 people, but I think he remembers have been about 15 but they included two members of the RCM they included people that I know are are very much knowledgeable about building plans, such as Brad mark with GMO

83 00:09:50.100 --> 00:09:57.960 file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] CHaslun: Brian Peter Berg himself. It says, you know, that committee chair for land use committee of the RCM. These are not people that are unsophisticated and

84 00:09:58.350 --> 00:10:09.240 CHaslun: To his surprise my surprise to the meeting, for the most part was very favorable towards this project, both in its appearance its size, its location service to the community that moderate

85 00:10:10.500 --> 00:10:15.060 CHaslun: Income Housing aspects to it all greeted very, very favorably. And I think Peter

86 00:10:15.510 --> 00:10:21.270 CHaslun: reiterate that, again, an email today, he said in a previous email prior to the March meeting to which pretty much saying the same thing.

87 00:10:21.660 --> 00:10:33.540 CHaslun: The only issue that the neighbors seem to have the neighborhood was this issue of widening Taylor drive and it was going to be by a few feet, but they just felt that the perception of not being pedestrian friendly was

88 00:10:34.890 --> 00:10:42.420 CHaslun: It the trade off wasn't worth it. And so we left that to the Commission for you to stop because it was a recommendation. Initially when we had our workshop

89 00:10:42.780 --> 00:10:51.420 CHaslun: From DP w that we do create a third lane, and we could do it fairly easily. And you'd only add about one to two seconds, according to our traffic expert.

90 00:10:52.080 --> 00:11:02.430 CHaslun: Of pedestrian crossing time by implementing that third line, but it's okay. We don't need the third line if you feel that it's not necessary. And if you feel that the neighborhoods concerns never card are justified.

91 00:11:02.910 --> 00:11:09.930 CHaslun: But that's where we think we are. And I think this is an FTP always thought for a moment, we first met with Katie

92 00:11:10.560 --> 00:11:20.130 CHaslun: And then had our workshop and then subsequent meetings with staff and then to previous years, a few folks that this is an ideal location for six dash 110 years

93 00:11:20.700 --> 00:11:26.310 CHaslun: And if you can't have a FLIR of point eight six at this location where can you have it.

94 00:11:26.790 --> 00:11:32.370 CHaslun: So I do want to clarify that, too. It's not point nine well by making the changes that we've made. It's actually file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] a point eight six

95 00:11:32.970 --> 00:11:38.040 CHaslun: And we've also produced a lot of coverage by doing that in the building coverage by doing that we've added green features to this as well.

96 00:11:38.220 --> 00:11:42.810 CHaslun: And we're going to add more green features. When we have the landscape planning going through a RC and when we come back to you.

97 00:11:43.320 --> 00:11:53.820 CHaslun: So I'd like to think we're at that place where we thought we were on March 10 and all indications were were that we were at which is having address those two issues.

98 00:11:54.270 --> 00:12:00.600 CHaslun: Or having a look at those two issues and see if we successfully probability back and whether you're happy with our commentary

99 00:12:01.110 --> 00:12:08.340 CHaslun: In our agreement with the neighbor up on the hill that we're going to do something. He wants to trees down. We do too. And we're going to do something together to screen that area.

100 00:12:09.180 --> 00:12:14.580 CHaslun: And also taking care of the neighbors to the rear when we could have a RC and we'll come back to you with landscaping plans, etc.

101 00:12:15.150 --> 00:12:24.180 CHaslun: I'd like to think that we've addressed all the points that you've raised and I'd like to think we can move forward with this really, really excellent project at a perfect location for this use. Oh.

102 00:12:24.600 --> 00:12:27.630 Margarita Alban: I just a second, Mr has a Victoria, you have your hand up.

103 00:12:28.050 --> 00:12:45.570 Victoria Goss: Oh yes, I do. Um, Mr. Hansen, do you by any chance have the comments on the transcript of the comments that the Commission was made at the end of the hearing, because we usually each of us usually makes comments at that point. And I was wondering if you by chance have those

104 00:12:46.350 --> 00:12:50.310 CHaslun: I have nothing other than the transcript from the march temp.

105 00:12:50.880 --> 00:12:51.660 Victoria Goss: Know be file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] 106 00:12:51.750 --> 00:12:52.980 Victoria Goss: At the end of the hearing.

107 00:12:53.520 --> 00:12:54.330 Victoria Goss: Nothing, no.

108 00:12:54.570 --> 00:12:56.070 Margarita Alban: The application. She means

109 00:12:56.460 --> 00:13:05.370 CHaslun: You are given the opportunity to do so by the chair person and you added nothing more than it was already stairs I said the only thing

110 00:13:06.420 --> 00:13:07.260 CHaslun: Was added was

111 00:13:08.610 --> 00:13:11.760 CHaslun: Mr Fox, saying that he was concerned about the screening for the neighbors to the rear

112 00:13:14.160 --> 00:13:21.060 Victoria Goss: This is that the chairwoman album will go, person to person and ask each of us if we have a comment.

113 00:13:21.660 --> 00:13:26.310 Margarita Alban: And what Mr has learned is saying is that his copy of the transcript.

114 00:13:28.230 --> 00:13:31.140 Margarita Alban: There were no additional comments.

115 00:13:32.280 --> 00:13:43.920 Margarita Alban: The notes that I have is that I did that. What I had written in preparation for the meeting was that I was going to talk about the consistency with the cost Cobb architecture.

116 00:13:44.310 --> 00:13:53.550 Margarita Alban: And that I still did not feel that the proposed building was consistent with the architecture. I know we asked the question about the bulk

117 00:13:54.090 --> 00:14:07.170 Margarita Alban: And we did not get objections, a lot of objections at the time. And if you recall, Mr has when we did discuss that yesterday that it seemed that we were seeing the bulk somewhat differently yesterday.

118 file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] 00:14:08.010 --> 00:14:28.350 Margarita Alban: But I do know that in regard to the architectural style of the building. I kept referring I have been referred, I know for myself and for my notes that I referred to Griff Harris I referred to the post office strip and that that was a theme that I kept raising at the same time.

119 00:14:29.970 --> 00:14:37.680 Margarita Alban: The Commission was open to other architectural styles. So I believe that that addresses the inconsistency. You're seeing

120 00:14:38.670 --> 00:14:40.800 CHaslun: If I could win. We can you hear me.

121 00:14:41.100 --> 00:14:42.360 Margarita Alban: Yeah, we can hear you. Good.

122 00:14:42.870 --> 00:14:45.840 CHaslun: Wendy and I did read the transcripts. We both remarked in the fact that

123 00:14:46.260 --> 00:14:57.450 CHaslun: You did bring up on several occasions, the fact that you wanted to have it more happen cos cob village feel to it and you reference those buildings and other people reference reference municipal buildings in the area to

124 00:14:58.620 --> 00:15:06.030 CHaslun: We feel that that can be easily addressed and we apologize if you feel that we weren't being response is our understanding that

125 00:15:06.420 --> 00:15:08.940 CHaslun: We were going to be going to a RC. The next step.

126 00:15:09.240 --> 00:15:17.520 CHaslun: And we'd have this interchange with them, but we will be getting towards knowing that that's what you want, getting towards that area. But before we started doing the folks will

127 00:15:17.610 --> 00:15:28.920 Margarita Alban: Feel that you that you didn't respond to what I had asked you and that even a small sketch in that direction would have given me more comfort.

128 00:15:30.480 --> 00:15:35.130 Margarita Alban: But on the other hand, I do have great faith in Arca capacity to

129 00:15:35.790 --> 00:15:45.840 Margarita Alban: As we mentioned yesterday. There are a few of them that live. They all live in town, obviously, and a few of them live in cost calm. We know that they have a deep love for this community. So file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] 130 00:15:46.800 --> 00:15:56.040 Margarita Alban: I have confidence in them. I was disappointed that I didn't get any kind of response to wanting it to fit better with the village.

131 00:15:56.700 --> 00:16:04.710 CHaslun: I was a misunderstanding, our part, because the way I read your comments about don't spend a lot of money to spend a lot of time just come back to me.

132 00:16:04.860 --> 00:16:05.610 Margarita Alban: Yes, I

133 00:16:05.910 --> 00:16:06.780 CHaslun: Thought it was. Yep.

134 00:16:06.960 --> 00:16:14.160 Margarita Alban: Yeah I wanted something to say here's how we could make it fit. I mean, you live in class cup for a long time too. So I know

135 00:16:14.340 --> 00:16:14.940 CHaslun: I still do.

136 00:16:15.690 --> 00:16:17.610 Margarita Alban: Oh, I thought you had abandoned us

137 00:16:17.640 --> 00:16:21.180 CHaslun: Know about sandwich road show just imagine central Pascal anymore and

138 00:16:21.480 --> 00:16:22.410 CHaslun: 15 years. Yeah.

139 00:16:23.490 --> 00:16:25.500 Margarita Alban: For sure the sandwich people did it.

140 00:16:27.360 --> 00:16:29.130 CHaslun: But so yeah any if

141 00:16:29.280 --> 00:16:30.780 Margarita Alban: I was disappointed that

142 00:16:30.840 --> 00:16:31.230 file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] CHaslun: Sorry.

143 00:16:31.350 --> 00:16:43.260 Margarita Alban: No response. But on the other hand, I'm the Commission did not share my nagging up about that specific issue with the time now obviously what has happened.

144 00:16:43.860 --> 00:16:58.590 Margarita Alban: Is, I can tell you what has transitioned in our minds and you were actually party to that discussion what I believe has influenced the Commission, as I watched the process is we've also been working as you know on the new version of

145 00:16:59.940 --> 00:17:01.560 CHaslun: Yes, and I watched your workshop today.

146 00:17:01.650 --> 00:17:03.120 Margarita Alban: And you watch the workshop, the other day.

147 00:17:04.200 --> 00:17:13.860 Margarita Alban: Where we were going with mass, and I believe that it began to influence the thinking a great deal, but I'm going to let them talk for themselves. I mean, I feel like

148 00:17:15.390 --> 00:17:23.280 Margarita Alban: We're working an issue I'm folks do you want to add to this. And by the way, don't read me verbatim. Next time I sound so inarticulate

149 00:17:25.170 --> 00:17:28.200 Margarita Alban: Okay, so, um, guys. Do you want to

150 00:17:28.560 --> 00:17:30.600 Peter Lowe: add anything to yeah I um

151 00:17:31.200 --> 00:17:42.090 Peter Lowe: I think it's fair to say that the views of the Commission without putting words in a or thoughts anybody's mouth. The views have evolved. And I think what you're

152 00:17:42.750 --> 00:17:55.830 Peter Lowe: What Mr handling and seeing and Mr. Todd is a bit of evolution on the thinking and the approach to both this specific site and what the site is trying to accomplish.

153 00:17:59.160 --> 00:18:06.840 CHaslun: I think that that is fair. I understand you're going forward after you put the moratorium on and that you are not happy with the

file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] 154 00:18:07.170 --> 00:18:11.280 CHaslun: Regulations is currently written and they're looking to tweak them in one form or fashion or another.

155 00:18:11.670 --> 00:18:17.070 CHaslun: But I think it's unfortunate. In this situation, because we've been at this particular project for I want to say almost two years.

156 00:18:17.550 --> 00:18:24.600 CHaslun: And this is our third meeting with you folks and again every inclination was that we were on the right path. And the very first meeting we had with Katie

157 00:18:24.930 --> 00:18:34.140 CHaslun: To I thought the march 10 meeting. And now, of course, Andy is closed on the property that's his own risk. But, you know, we really felt that we were going down the right track here.

158 00:18:34.530 --> 00:18:44.220 CHaslun: So I understand your position may have evolved. But I think that should be applied into how you redraft your regulations and how you apply those going forward. I think it's

159 00:18:44.700 --> 00:18:53.160 CHaslun: It's unfair really to apply it to this particular situation and particularly when you have the community support for this project in its current iteration.

160 00:18:53.880 --> 00:18:55.800 Margarita Alban: Folks anybody else, Dave, Andy.

161 00:18:55.920 --> 00:18:56.250 Yeah.

162 00:18:57.870 --> 00:18:58.350 Dave Hardman: You know,

163 00:19:00.990 --> 00:19:05.160 Dave Hardman: I am persuaded by what Mr Haslam said

164 00:19:06.300 --> 00:19:07.560 Dave Hardman: With the exception.

165 00:19:08.640 --> 00:19:15.060 Dave Hardman: You know, I know I question parking the construction of the parking and

166 file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] 00:19:17.400 --> 00:19:22.740 Dave Hardman: Feeling we were being stiff armed Margarita now knows what American Football is about

167 00:19:26.010 --> 00:19:35.400 Dave Hardman: But I do think Mr house lands. Correct. I think we left the meeting not expressing you know objection to the FA are

168 00:19:37.200 --> 00:19:54.750 Dave Hardman: So I do. I think we, we need to be consistent and fair but also encourage us all to think constructively about how the bulk of this could be reduced, even if we retained the FLIR that point nine

169 00:19:59.670 --> 00:20:00.210 Margarita Alban: Me.

170 00:20:02.580 --> 00:20:02.970 Andy Fox: I

171 00:20:04.890 --> 00:20:08.280 Andy Fox: echo Mr Hartman's Hardman Hartman's

172 00:20:09.330 --> 00:20:10.350 Andy Fox: Views on

173 00:20:11.910 --> 00:20:16.740 Andy Fox: The presentation I, as I said yesterday in the briefing. I think

174 00:20:17.940 --> 00:20:18.720 Andy Fox: I'm not as

175 00:20:20.820 --> 00:20:27.150 Andy Fox: Upset about the FLIR as some of the others. But I did say the height of the building.

176 00:20:28.830 --> 00:20:30.870 Andy Fox: Was something that should be

177 00:20:32.040 --> 00:20:37.620 Andy Fox: Taken into account. And I asked. I, I still don't see why we can't lower

178 00:20:38.640 --> 00:20:48.330 Andy Fox: put half of the parking below grade. I mean, lowering the parking four feet would lower the bulk of the building.

file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] 179 00:20:50.340 --> 00:20:51.030 Andy Fox: And

180 00:20:52.050 --> 00:20:52.560 Andy Fox: I

181 00:20:54.240 --> 00:21:10.020 Andy Fox: also mentioned that yesterday that we should get the bulk decided the setbacks decided and then let a RC do their job of making it fit into

182 00:21:10.980 --> 00:21:34.950 Andy Fox: The character of the neighborhood, and I think we were very clear yesterday that this needs to look more like Griff Paris or the the meat market and not like CBS and i think i think it was a double whammy yesterday where we are thinking of 610 regulations.

183 00:21:36.000 --> 00:21:40.140 Andy Fox: We didn't see anything new and it still looks like CBS

184 00:21:41.970 --> 00:21:43.920 Andy Fox: But I think that

185 00:21:45.330 --> 00:22:03.570 Andy Fox: I think it is a good location. I think the community is behind this. I think it's our job to make sure it fits in with the character of the neighborhood. And I think if we could lower it at least a half of story and put the parking

186 00:22:04.980 --> 00:22:08.010 Andy Fox: On the lower you know four feet below grade.

187 00:22:09.120 --> 00:22:12.240 Andy Fox: It would help the feel of the building.

188 00:22:13.980 --> 00:22:20.670 Margarita Alban: Okay, let me just ask you guys this, it is not illegal for a commission to change its mind.

189 00:22:21.570 --> 00:22:35.280 Margarita Alban: Before vote so there's nothing wrong with us having if you guys have as thinking progresses on a topic, even if you say you're okay with something at one hearing and you then feel differently about it at the next

190 00:22:35.340 --> 00:22:36.750 Margarita Alban: If you have not voted.

191 file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] 00:22:37.080 --> 00:22:46.860 Margarita Alban: You're allowed to have your thinking change it's disappointing for the applicant and it makes us unpredictable. Those are negatives, but it's not illegal, Dennis. You had your hand up.

192 00:22:47.370 --> 00:22:55.920 Dennis Yeskey: Yeah, no, I wanted to say something, because Mr has. And I think I've got some good news and bad news. The good news is I'm voting on this. The bad news is I may be the minority opinion.

193 00:22:56.610 --> 00:23:02.460 Dennis Yeskey: But, and I started this, I believe you were looking at me on the other project done by McDonalds.

194 00:23:03.060 --> 00:23:16.560 Dennis Yeskey: That I have come to the conclusion that these moderate income rules, the town does not get enough value back for the bulk that's created and your project on 100 when I looked at it again. I said,

195 00:23:16.620 --> 00:23:17.760 Margarita Alban: I feel the same way.

196 00:23:17.790 --> 00:23:20.670 Dennis Yeskey: I think it's a great site. I thought it would be eminently developer

197 00:23:21.780 --> 00:23:33.540 Dennis Yeskey: I agree that the look can be changed and older and whether we go to a RC or not. I don't think that's the issue. I said that yesterday. It's just too big. And I don't want another CVS Andy mentioned as want to CVS.

198 00:23:34.050 --> 00:23:52.440 Dennis Yeskey: The only way to get something that's not CVS is to reduce the size of the building. And we kept talking around that yesterday. So there's a trade off facing the Commission, either we accept the and i think it's a bit disingenuous to say that point eight six is not point nine

199 00:23:53.460 --> 00:24:01.320 Dennis Yeskey: I think there's a trade off that the Commission has to make at this point, which is do we grant the point nine in the bulk of this building.

200 00:24:02.340 --> 00:24:09.840 Dennis Yeskey: Or do we accept far fewer moderate income units which quite frankly, we can get into a whole discussion about what's happening in that market.

201 00:24:10.530 --> 00:24:23.130 Dennis Yeskey: And let this building be shrunk down. I was trying to say not 2.5 are saying, well, let's start there. But I, you know, I'm thinking a larger building but not a point nine buildings.

202 00:24:24.300 --> 00:24:30.960 file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] Dennis Yeskey: And I also think that this might be something you want to look at because quite frankly, as I understand the market.

203 00:24:31.470 --> 00:24:34.860 Dennis Yeskey: And I know you'd have to build this building be a year or two before you even have a shot at it.

204 00:24:35.460 --> 00:24:41.640 Dennis Yeskey: Grandage land values in the last decade or so let's talk about two decades, you brought this up in the other building

205 00:24:42.390 --> 00:24:49.980 Dennis Yeskey: Two decades. This modern income thing got hot because land was expensive building was expensive and we couldn't keep town employees in town.

206 00:24:50.580 --> 00:24:59.790 Dennis Yeskey: In the last decade land has gotten cheaper building hasn't but the housing prices have gone up in fact that flat. And if you want to use the majority of Greenwich, they're down

207 00:25:00.270 --> 00:25:07.230 Dennis Yeskey: There is a possibility. Now with this this virus. As I understand the rental market, which has been going up.

208 00:25:07.680 --> 00:25:17.130 Dennis Yeskey: Significantly in the last five or six years. I know I've on properties and Ramadan and it might even go up more now that the rents keep going up.

209 00:25:17.550 --> 00:25:29.460 Dennis Yeskey: So at this point in time. I'm not sure that you don't, you're not suffering from your own sticking in moderate income which lowers it moderate incomes kept you can't get any more rent, other than a very small increases so

210 00:25:29.940 --> 00:25:40.440 Dennis Yeskey: My unbelief. And I guess I'm the minority at this point is ability. It's just too big. If you want to get it down below CVS, you don't really have a choice, the height as of right is is fine.

211 00:25:41.250 --> 00:25:49.440 Dennis Yeskey: We should we can go that high. But I think the only way to get this building. It's more in character, keeping of cos cob which mirrors.

212 00:25:50.400 --> 00:25:56.490 Dennis Yeskey: The Chairman's parents and other points his district this building down not 2.5 we were we were talking about that.

213 file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] 00:25:56.790 --> 00:26:03.870 Dennis Yeskey: But some number in between where we get a few moderate income but I personally I'm willing to give up all the moderate income.

214 00:26:04.410 --> 00:26:13.500 Dennis Yeskey: To get a smaller building. And if there's another brilliant solution. I'd like to hear about it because I don't want the building this large i do want it to look more like Costco.

215 00:26:14.010 --> 00:26:19.680 Dennis Yeskey: I think this is an urban building. And if there's anything we've said again and again and again in the PLC day. We don't want it.

216 00:26:20.130 --> 00:26:31.320 Dennis Yeskey: So it sorry you got caught in the last couple months, we've all been caught, so to speak, and what's going on, but I don't think that's the great, it means to to attack the condition

217 00:26:31.950 --> 00:26:33.480 CHaslun: Is not attacking intermission.

218 00:26:33.870 --> 00:26:35.130 Dennis Yeskey: Well truly sound like it.

219 00:26:37.200 --> 00:26:38.550 Dennis Yeskey: To but it was

220 00:26:38.850 --> 00:26:40.290 CHaslun: Great. Yeah, and

221 00:26:40.890 --> 00:26:42.480 Dennis Yeskey: And and to finish off.

222 00:26:43.560 --> 00:26:49.830 Dennis Yeskey: You know i again i like this site. I think would fit nice, we really need to develop something. It's a premier site.

223 00:26:50.310 --> 00:27:01.110 Dennis Yeskey: I'm not sure you need moderate income to make this site work other sites that are less desirable and you know you're not going to get quite the rent. I think you're going to get premier rent on this location.

224 00:27:01.530 --> 00:27:07.710 Dennis Yeskey: So again, I would throw it back and say, you really want to think about maybe shrinking the building down

file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] 225 00:27:08.460 --> 00:27:15.030 Dennis Yeskey: You're going to get bigger rents. I can't guarantee that. But It's since been happening for five years, all over the country and Greenwich

226 00:27:15.450 --> 00:27:24.450 Dennis Yeskey: And now, as I understand from the brokers people rental markets, come on and off right away. And we're hoping that continues to help people buy at this point, I can't guarantee any of that.

227 00:27:24.840 --> 00:27:35.400 Dennis Yeskey: But the rent situation which is what's driving rental income is very attractive for an owner and you know I think he could have a win win here by having a better look and building

228 00:27:35.790 --> 00:27:41.820 Dennis Yeskey: A more a smaller building one that fits into Costco neighborhood character fits that commercial neighborhood.

229 00:27:42.180 --> 00:27:56.010 Dennis Yeskey: And at the same time, financially, be very successful. Unfortunately we don't we don't have those numbers so me and it sounds like I might be the minority, not even a minority getting one. But that's how that's how I feel about it.

230 00:27:56.790 --> 00:28:06.120 CHaslun: Okay, it's obviously that's for me to ultimately decide what the market will bear and his estimation and we'll take that under consideration, certainly. Sorry. Appreciate your

231 00:28:06.540 --> 00:28:13.020 CHaslun: Your input in that regard. I am a bit surprised on again. This is not want anything back and commissions face but

232 00:28:13.620 --> 00:28:26.400 CHaslun: After the first year we had in January 7 with you all, which GST cute, you said, in fact, that I know sometimes we get a little critical I'm saying this is so much better than the other applications received recently.

233 00:28:26.490 --> 00:28:32.850 CHaslun: It is the child of brick. The look the whole thing. So I wanted to get it up there too, because sometimes it. Come on, and bang bang bang.

234 00:28:33.150 --> 00:28:37.110 CHaslun: And we say, wow, as a first effort. This is impressive. Thank you. So

235 00:28:37.200 --> 00:28:38.280 CHaslun: Again, we thought, okay,

file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] 236 00:28:38.370 --> 00:28:52.770 Dennis Yeskey: Because what I was trying to say there. And I think I said this is this is a very desirable site and I like where you're going with this thing. But as you studied more the ball comes up and it just flashing in this building is is not quite CVS sizes far as I can figure out, but

237 00:28:52.830 --> 00:28:54.180 CHaslun: Damn close half the size.

238 00:28:54.600 --> 00:28:56.520 Dennis Yeskey: Well, you know,

239 00:28:56.820 --> 00:28:58.680 CHaslun: 60,000 square feet, plus

240 00:28:58.710 --> 00:29:05.250 Dennis Yeskey: Yeah, but then you're going up the hill on the position in the side of the building is going to be more substantial than that.

241 00:29:05.670 --> 00:29:09.690 CHaslun: But you've got the backdrop of the escarpment which you don't have, which I thought was a really good future

242 00:29:11.190 --> 00:29:14.820 Dennis Yeskey: And I am the one that said the neighbor was very the guy up on the ledge was very

243 00:29:15.090 --> 00:29:22.440 Dennis Yeskey: He's the most polite neighbor. I've ever seen in my life. I mean, it's. He was like going out of his way not to criticize you. And I love them for I'm sitting there. CHUCKLING

244 00:29:22.830 --> 00:29:31.140 Dennis Yeskey: I like the site. I really want to work and get this building is a win win, both for the community and for the applicant, quite frankly,

245 00:29:31.290 --> 00:29:33.720 Dennis Yeskey: And that's what I was saying there. Unlike other buildings.

246 00:29:33.930 --> 00:29:42.540 Dennis Yeskey: Most of the other buildings. We've seen are wedged in buildings that don't fit and don't fit the neighborhood. This building can be made to fit the neighborhood.

247 00:29:42.840 --> 00:29:55.530 Dennis Yeskey: If we address the ball and I don't you know I wasn't serious going down 2.5 but I am very serious file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] about not being point nine. But remember, the good news is I don't vote on this application. So you're clear in terms of votes.

248 00:29:56.610 --> 00:29:57.030 Thank you.

249 00:30:02.100 --> 00:30:02.520 Dennis Yeskey: Chairman.

250 00:30:02.700 --> 00:30:03.090 Maybe

251 00:30:04.770 --> 00:30:06.570 Peter Levy: I like what Dennis did say

252 00:30:08.040 --> 00:30:08.310 Peter Levy: I

253 00:30:10.350 --> 00:30:11.010 I am

254 00:30:12.060 --> 00:30:31.050 Peter Levy: fairly happy with the direction of the project and the the bulk who would love to see something smaller. I don't think that it's an inappropriate size. I think that one of the for that corner. I think that the configuration is is

255 00:30:35.010 --> 00:30:45.150 Peter Levy: A little awkward. It's an awkward site the configuration you have the building that the retail and the housing, I think, is

256 00:30:46.830 --> 00:30:48.030 Peter Levy: A little awkward, but

257 00:30:52.680 --> 00:31:03.060 Peter Levy: I think that that's a, you know, the configuration of what what kind of things they want on their property. They have to figure that out. I just don't think they've done that successfully.

258 00:31:05.040 --> 00:31:12.690 Peter Levy: But the the boat is definitely something that all of us are reacting to it would be nice to

259 00:31:14.070 --> 00:31:14.400 Peter Levy: You know,

file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] 260 00:31:15.960 --> 00:31:18.630 Peter Levy: To push it back a little bit further.

261 00:31:20.040 --> 00:31:26.910 Peter Levy: From Putnam, and to hide the parking and and to work on.

262 00:31:28.170 --> 00:31:33.810 Peter Levy: Getting that intersection to to work as well as it can. Those are the big issues.

263 00:31:36.930 --> 00:31:40.170 Peter Levy: But I think that the the applicant is is

264 00:31:41.700 --> 00:31:45.690 Peter Levy: very willing seems to be very willing to listen to us and try to

265 00:31:49.980 --> 00:31:51.210 Peter Levy: Be be very

266 00:31:54.780 --> 00:32:03.690 Peter Levy: You know he's he's trying to be very cooperative so i'm i'm pleased with the direction it's going, I'd love it to be a little bit

267 00:32:04.710 --> 00:32:10.890 Peter Levy: less bulky and I'm anxious to see the architecture resolved.

268 00:32:12.060 --> 00:32:14.400 Peter Levy: But generally, I do feel that

269 00:32:16.740 --> 00:32:19.980 Peter Levy: If this project is being complicated by

270 00:32:23.160 --> 00:32:24.120 Peter Levy: Trying to do this.

271 00:32:26.160 --> 00:32:27.450 Peter Levy: The the

272 00:32:28.980 --> 00:32:30.060 Peter Levy: Then maybe it should be.

273 file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] 00:32:31.680 --> 00:32:32.370 Peter Levy: Maybe it should

274 00:32:33.960 --> 00:32:36.090 Peter Levy: Just be a smaller project and

275 00:32:37.920 --> 00:32:45.240 Peter Levy: That was certainly a solvable problem, but that's the, that's a decision for the for the applicant.

276 00:32:46.740 --> 00:32:47.910 Peter Levy: What the applicant is

277 00:32:49.050 --> 00:32:52.530 Peter Levy: shown us is certainly plausible and reasonable.

278 00:32:54.540 --> 00:32:55.560 Peter Levy: I just don't think they've

279 00:32:56.790 --> 00:33:02.460 Peter Levy: They're, you know, they're just in the process and they haven't resolved a few issues.

280 00:33:08.460 --> 00:33:09.030 Margarita Alban: Okay.

281 00:33:11.250 --> 00:33:12.990 Margarita Alban: Anybody else want to add anything

282 00:33:14.850 --> 00:33:18.420 Nick Macri: It's looking at a lot of the different materials that were supplied to us.

283 00:33:19.770 --> 00:33:27.120 Nick Macri: What I'm really seeing in terms of, I think, what could be objectionable to most people is the height of the building.

284 00:33:28.230 --> 00:33:37.920 Nick Macri: I think you're equating you know bulk and to the masses, and I think actually really starting with the height of the building.

285 00:33:38.520 --> 00:33:40.470 Nick Macri: In comparison to Taylor and

286 file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] 00:33:41.490 --> 00:33:41.940 Nick Macri: And

287 00:33:44.220 --> 00:33:52.920 Nick Macri: Post road is one place where actually rather than getting back into FA IR, you could actually bring the bulk of this building straight down.

288 00:33:55.110 --> 00:33:57.300 Nick Macri: And I think actually one of the one of the issues is

289 00:33:58.380 --> 00:34:05.550 Nick Macri: We are starting with the grade playing jumping off the street by 60 inches are ready and then going up with height.

290 00:34:06.870 --> 00:34:23.520 Nick Macri: I think, actually, if you're if you're looking at kind of a baseline of the garage been specified that we can't have a lower garage at the moment. It's from that that ceiling or that first floor elevation of the first

291 00:34:24.930 --> 00:34:26.280 Nick Macri: First level of apartments.

292 00:34:27.120 --> 00:34:30.330 Nick Macri: And I think that whole thing can be revised and brought down.

293 00:34:31.980 --> 00:34:32.220 Nick Macri: Yeah.

294 00:34:32.250 --> 00:34:33.510 Nick Macri: What's your apartment. You have to have

295 00:34:33.600 --> 00:34:34.530 Nick Macri: high ceiling heights.

296 00:34:34.920 --> 00:34:37.500 Nick Macri: Right now we're looking at the ceiling heights.

297 00:34:38.340 --> 00:34:46.920 Nick Macri: At eight foot six. So even at nine feet, you know, adjusting for the floor thicknesses, you could actually bring the building this building, way down.

298 00:34:48.000 --> 00:34:57.780 Nick Macri: And I think actually taking a look at some of the details on the outside of the building in suggesting to air file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] see some ideas. We could actually visually bring the building down. They've already

299 00:34:58.650 --> 00:35:06.900 Nick Macri: Brought the building back off the street by a few feet. We got 28 feet from the curb line to the facade. It was brought in on the backside.

300 00:35:08.280 --> 00:35:14.580 Nick Macri: I think it's actually we're really close on actually negating that Lou factor on the street.

301 00:35:15.960 --> 00:35:35.070 Nick Macri: I think as you drive past this proposal, it's not going to be right on the on the curb, like the CVS building. And I think a lot of the details that air see probably could suggest in through may help with actually getting this to look more as Miss album would say cost copy

302 00:35:38.250 --> 00:35:44.880 Nick Macri: The, the FLIR issue. I think that we had talked yesterday about a thing of what the applicant.

303 00:35:46.590 --> 00:35:50.640 Nick Macri: Could come down to that the market would bear. I don't know if that's still a viable question.

304 00:35:51.900 --> 00:35:56.520 Nick Macri: You know what is, what is the smallest where it still makes sense.

305 00:35:57.750 --> 00:36:09.060 Nick Macri: We're at the maximum we're close to the maximum now. But is it point 7.75 is a point eight 9.89. I think that's something that really needs to be

306 00:36:11.550 --> 00:36:21.660 Nick Macri: Suggested I think actually the green space that they've added it works really, really well. I still agree with the with Andy that I believe that the parking itself. Actually, it could be bought underground

307 00:36:22.470 --> 00:36:31.590 Nick Macri: Or lower you know get something, you know, get it down off the bat. Great. I still think that that can be done or try to explore that for that issue, but

308 00:36:32.550 --> 00:36:39.450 Nick Macri: I think, actually, as we talked about yesterday briefing. One of the reasons why this building is so tall is because it's sitting on top of its own parking

309 00:36:40.500 --> 00:36:47.430 Nick Macri: In there and my really the the issue that I think a lot of people are having if this was not sitting on its own parking

file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] 310 00:36:48.090 --> 00:37:01.530 Nick Macri: It'd be a two story building it would probably fit better in in Costco and we wouldn't be discussing the mass and bulk of the building. It comes down to that it's sitting on its parking. It's up out of history.

311 00:37:03.570 --> 00:37:07.620 Nick Macri: But I think if you take a look at what's happening with with I can address those points.

312 00:37:07.800 --> 00:37:10.290 Margarita Alban: Yeah, I've missed. Mr. Hansen.

313 00:37:11.130 --> 00:37:21.150 CHaslun: One of the things is, you're right on the corner on the south east corner of the lot your buddy in a flood zone. And in fact, the CVS building. If you look at it, it's rated as

314 00:37:22.230 --> 00:37:33.150 CHaslun: high potential for flooding and in fact that garage. If you think I said this before, but if you're in there. Sometimes you can hear what are rushing in here if you in the future. We continue to get very high

315 00:37:33.660 --> 00:37:39.720 CHaslun: flooding in that task Iberian I remember several storms, where we have with the water's going right across the post road into some of those shops.

316 00:37:40.980 --> 00:37:48.240 CHaslun: That would create a problem for this question. Also, I thought we'd resolve that to again going, looking back in this, if you remember we had it so cool. We talked about the deal.

317 00:37:48.720 --> 00:37:59.610 CHaslun: That we understood that parking was a great and that was acceptable. Do you need a garage, but certainly I mean it can it can be looked at me just reminded me to of course that

318 00:38:00.870 --> 00:38:08.610 CHaslun: As far as making this just the residential apartment complex building, you can't do that in the zone in the LB are two zones. It's not permitted.

319 00:38:09.210 --> 00:38:21.270 CHaslun: And you have to have your retail function to so you don't really have that opportunity to have a residential apartment building. It's got to be a six dash 110 application. So it was all interlinked really to

320 00:38:21.600 --> 00:38:24.540 CHaslun: Make it work. And I think that's appropriate to because it's a great location.

321 00:38:24.990 --> 00:38:38.520 file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] CHaslun: For Mayra income housing, because you have the fire station close by, you have library close by, you have school close by, you have lots of places where people might be employed and find that this is very attractive place to live for the Costco community.

322 00:38:39.750 --> 00:38:40.890 Andy Fox: Well, my like

323 00:38:40.920 --> 00:38:41.160 CHaslun: Looking

324 00:38:41.880 --> 00:39:06.180 Andy Fox: I agree, bearing the entire parking down eight to 10 feet would be a challenge. I'm saying if you could cut it down four feet or half a story. I think you would stay above the flood and accomplish what Mr. Mack Ryan I and Mr Hartman are trying to do is just try to compress the hype, which

325 00:39:07.320 --> 00:39:10.680 Andy Fox: I think would help alleviate the massing

326 00:39:11.850 --> 00:39:14.970 CHaslun: Okay, good. Thank you. And he's taking note, I'm sure.

327 00:39:15.660 --> 00:39:18.750 Nick Macri: Mr Mr Haslam, I'm actually looking at the female

328 00:39:19.440 --> 00:39:19.980 Nick Macri: Right now.

329 00:39:21.660 --> 00:39:24.120 Nick Macri: Most of that lot is not in a flood zone.

330 00:39:24.600 --> 00:39:25.680 CHaslun: No, no, Watson.

331 00:39:25.710 --> 00:39:32.580 CHaslun: Know portion of the lots of the flood zone, as I said it abuts the flood zone, which is where I think on the southeast corner.

332 00:39:34.020 --> 00:39:42.810 CHaslun: And, you know, I'm not a meteorologist, but I think we can all see where the future is going to be going. So it's a consideration.

333 00:39:44.490 --> 00:39:47.040 file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] Nick Macri: Right in your sections that you've given us

334 00:39:47.130 --> 00:39:48.300 Nick Macri: You know that

335 00:39:50.730 --> 00:40:07.260 Nick Macri: The line of the garage is actually part of the garage is actually at the post road about where the retail is and then it actually rises up so it's even farther off the postcode in farther out of any kind of a flood has it. So I'm really agreeing with Mr.

336 00:40:08.430 --> 00:40:11.610 Nick Macri: Mr Fox and it's even going down just a little bit may help

337 00:40:12.000 --> 00:40:12.420 Okay.

338 00:40:16.620 --> 00:40:16.890 Nick Macri: Now,

339 00:40:22.590 --> 00:40:28.200 Nick Macri: Curious to know what the other members think of actually about the, oh, just the physical height. We've talked about

340 00:40:29.310 --> 00:40:43.080 Nick Macri: FLIR bulk of the building is that when I think is I really like to know is that what's every kind of bugging everybody is at the height of this building is just the whole mass. I mean, how do, how, how do you see the building and it's madness.

341 00:40:43.440 --> 00:40:45.780 Andy Fox: Unfortunately, they meet the height regulation.

342 00:40:46.230 --> 00:40:50.460 Andy Fox: Do and i and i think the concern is

343 00:40:52.710 --> 00:40:58.380 Andy Fox: Even though they meet the height regulation, the bulk is because they

344 00:40:59.400 --> 00:41:00.600 Andy Fox: Have you know

345 00:41:01.800 --> 00:41:05.850 Andy Fox: You know point four increase in the FA are so file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] 346 00:41:07.290 --> 00:41:10.590 Andy Fox: What we're I think we're all saying is

347 00:41:11.610 --> 00:41:19.290 Andy Fox: Sure you make the regulation of the hype. But I think if the bulk can be

348 00:41:20.520 --> 00:41:27.600 Andy Fox: minimized by lowering the hype. I think it's a top or minds that

349 00:41:28.650 --> 00:41:31.650 Andy Fox: Would benefit the neighborhood.

350 00:41:32.760 --> 00:41:36.000 CHaslun: I just got a text from Andy indicating that

351 00:41:36.330 --> 00:41:45.450 CHaslun: He thinks they might be able to cut in couple feet and make that lower by two feet, which if that's for consideration by a commission

352 00:41:46.620 --> 00:41:48.420 CHaslun: I just, it's really just you.

353 00:41:48.660 --> 00:41:50.610 Peter Levy: Know, I think that two feet, make a difference.

354 00:41:51.930 --> 00:41:58.320 Peter Levy: No question that that could make a difference. You've set it back about 30 feet from the road.

355 00:42:01.380 --> 00:42:04.590 Peter Levy: And so, you know, they're

356 00:42:04.920 --> 00:42:06.600 Peter Levy: All these things make a difference.

357 00:42:08.610 --> 00:42:09.000 CHaslun: Okay.

358 00:42:09.090 --> 00:42:10.440 CHaslun: Look at, look at that.

file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] 359 00:42:11.520 --> 00:42:12.420 Nick Macri: But I think actually

360 00:42:12.450 --> 00:42:12.690 What

361 00:42:13.980 --> 00:42:18.270 Peter Lowe: Why not four feet, not, not the truth. I mean, why why two feet, not for

362 00:42:18.840 --> 00:42:27.300 CHaslun: Me and his text again I misunderstood. And he said, we can cut grade possibly two feet and construction to feed for total of four feet, so bring it down by four feet.

363 00:42:28.860 --> 00:42:30.600 Nick Macri: That's a great start. Okay.

364 00:42:30.660 --> 00:42:32.010 CHaslun: Well, start. Oh.

365 00:42:33.420 --> 00:42:33.660 Nick Macri: Okay.

366 00:42:33.810 --> 00:42:34.980 CHaslun: I think possibly

367 00:42:35.250 --> 00:42:36.180 CHaslun: Possibly to

368 00:42:36.900 --> 00:43:00.240 Andy Fox: chit but I think it's a start, because as we all know, the devils in the details. When you start doing grade building high structure Ada access. So I think we all think it would be a great step a good step in the right direction, but until we see it.

369 00:43:01.320 --> 00:43:04.200 Andy Fox: On a piece of paper. It's hard to

370 00:43:05.850 --> 00:43:16.860 Andy Fox: Kind of bless it. And so that's, I think what we're saying it's and it's gonna be hard to bless something without seeing a product

371 00:43:17.520 --> 00:43:27.780 file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] Peter Lowe: Isn't that, isn't the entire lot on a bit of an incline or slope. So the devil being in the details as Andy says would

372 00:43:28.320 --> 00:43:41.520 Peter Lowe: Apply to exactly where that four feet begins. If it, if it begins on the top of the slope, you're not getting quite the, the advantage that you might get if it were at the lower portion

373 00:43:41.850 --> 00:43:42.150 But

374 00:43:43.740 --> 00:43:55.980 Peter Lowe: Mr macro I may have the actual numbers in front of him, or somebody might I don't have them. But what that what the, what the grade is or what the slope, an angle is the differences lower and upper

375 00:43:57.360 --> 00:44:01.290 Margarita Alban: Pet sorry Mr has learned, I'm

376 00:44:02.670 --> 00:44:03.660 Margarita Alban: One of the

377 00:44:05.130 --> 00:44:18.390 Margarita Alban: Things that Mr. McCray has mentioned, we had originally you originally talked about why taking Taylor drive and making it three lanes and adding a turning lane, because people were concerned about the traffic.

378 00:44:18.870 --> 00:44:24.300 Margarita Alban: When you met with the neighborhood, the neighborhood was not enthused with that idea.

379 00:44:25.020 --> 00:44:27.180 CHaslun: And members neighbor hood. Yeah.

380 00:44:27.270 --> 00:44:38.280 Margarita Alban: And Mr. Mack where I went in the opposite direction. Yesterday, which was what if we went the other way and we narrowed Taylor to be

381 00:44:38.880 --> 00:44:55.440 Margarita Alban: A conventional two lanes wide apparently it's wider than that and with the residual we created a green area. No, I, I think that may get into that becomes Katie that's town right away. Right.

382 00:45:00.750 --> 00:45:02.820 Nick Macri: Yeah, looking at to drive.

383 00:45:02.940 --> 00:45:08.670 file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] Margarita Alban: Okay. It just turned out her mic. Sorry. That was why the silence because she liked me often has background noise.

384 00:45:08.880 --> 00:45:09.180 Yeah.

385 00:45:10.830 --> 00:45:11.220 Margarita Alban: So,

386 00:45:11.310 --> 00:45:11.430 Katie DeLuca: I

387 00:45:11.790 --> 00:45:14.670 Katie DeLuca: Think Taylor drive his, his town road and it

388 00:45:14.670 --> 00:45:14.910 CHaslun: Is

389 00:45:15.540 --> 00:45:16.320 Katie DeLuca: The time right away.

390 00:45:16.830 --> 00:45:25.080 Margarita Alban: So if the town were agreeable to narrowing Taylor drive you could create a much deeper side yard.

391 00:45:26.250 --> 00:45:42.150 Margarita Alban: Or a side yard look to that building, you could make it much more landscape, much more screened because you could add that to the side of the building and that the thing about a point nine FA IR is your lot looks very full.

392 00:45:43.500 --> 00:45:46.410 Margarita Alban: And that's what I what

393 00:45:47.430 --> 00:45:57.930 Margarita Alban: I think Nick and some of the other people yesterday weren't clear that the neighborhood was understanding that the lot was going to be built basically from edge to edge or

394 00:45:57.990 --> 00:45:59.880 CHaslun: You know, I think a work because

395 00:46:00.240 --> 00:46:00.780 Margarita Alban: They got it.

file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] 396 00:46:01.140 --> 00:46:04.050 CHaslun: They got the plans with us to the cost Cobb library.

397 00:46:04.200 --> 00:46:10.350 CHaslun: And we went through them with them. So they're aware of it. And there's actually more coverage at that point, my life but some

398 00:46:10.710 --> 00:46:12.480 CHaslun: But I also I want to bring up the fact that

399 00:46:12.930 --> 00:46:15.270 Margarita Alban: Come back to tailor drive because that's really the

400 00:46:15.540 --> 00:46:28.590 CHaslun: Yeah, I will look at that and we'll have to consult with Chris from time bond, obviously, and as Pat pointed out yesterday. Cutler, oh, there's also the issue of delivery trucks with the 18 wheelers coming in right

401 00:46:29.400 --> 00:46:32.790 Margarita Alban: So that's what ruled out just done the delivery trucks.

402 00:46:34.290 --> 00:46:43.020 Margarita Alban: They should have. They should have enough, they don't need a three lane Street to turn into what is a problem for them as a media is it planted media.

403 00:46:43.110 --> 00:46:46.140 CHaslun: Or if it's now or possibly we'll have to look at the trees.

404 00:46:46.200 --> 00:46:48.090 Margarita Alban: Are not yet. So it's a 50

405 00:46:48.090 --> 00:46:50.400 Margarita Alban: Foot with Nick right now.

406 00:46:53.310 --> 00:46:58.410 Nick Macri: It's actually it's a red of ways there, but it actually impinges on

407 00:46:59.610 --> 00:47:14.220 Nick Macri: Their property, probably to the other side of the sidewalk. I think on the east side it looks like it's probably just on the sidewalk in terms of the right of way, so there's there's some wiggle room. I think the page area of Canada could be narrowed

408 file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] 00:47:15.780 --> 00:47:22.560 Nick Macri: affording them, you know, a few more feet, maybe to plant in or, you know, that kind of thing, or maybe a wider buffer on Taylor itself. But again,

409 00:47:22.980 --> 00:47:30.090 Nick Macri: As we talked about yesterday. It's something that needs to be studied to make sure that the turning radius is for vehicles getting in and out of that or

410 00:47:30.660 --> 00:47:31.920 Margarita Alban: Yeah, I mean, it's

411 00:47:31.950 --> 00:47:32.580 Margarita Alban: Clear. What

412 00:47:33.120 --> 00:47:33.810 CHaslun: We can with that.

413 00:47:34.050 --> 00:47:46.080 Margarita Alban: I mean the delivery experience is that when you put a planted median, and you've got a raised curb in the middle of a street your trucks are going to drive right over it and that's just what's going to happen because they're not going to make the turn coming off of the post road otherwise.

414 00:47:46.440 --> 00:47:51.030 Margarita Alban: So it's something worth looking at you're addressing

415 00:47:52.110 --> 00:47:58.200 Margarita Alban: The fact that this building currently has the little. It's a little building in it has very deep setbacks from the front side.

416 00:47:58.770 --> 00:47:59.070 CHaslun: Right.

417 00:47:59.400 --> 00:48:04.320 Margarita Alban: And it has very wide sidewalk that side setback right now. It's nice and wide, and it's

418 00:48:04.320 --> 00:48:08.730 Margarita Alban: Got a sidewalk. AND IF YOU COULD KEEP THAT IT KEEPS SOMETHING FOR THE NEIGHBORHOOD.

419 00:48:10.230 --> 00:48:18.210 Margarita Alban: Do you want to talk about the traffic at all. I know the neighborhood's been concerned about the increased traffic on Taylor.

file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] 420 00:48:19.320 --> 00:48:22.410 Margarita Alban: Do you want to do, you've got someone here for traffic. Right.

421 00:48:23.190 --> 00:48:24.420 CHaslun: I don't know if Chris is honest.

422 00:48:24.780 --> 00:48:27.780 Margarita Alban: Oh yes, I think I believe I saw his name. Hold on.

423 00:48:35.160 --> 00:48:35.700 CHaslun: Chris, yes.

424 00:48:35.790 --> 00:48:36.270 Margarita Alban: Oh la

425 00:48:36.930 --> 00:48:37.680 CHaslun: gana Jeannie

426 00:48:38.700 --> 00:48:39.300 Margarita Alban: Excuse me.

427 00:48:39.750 --> 00:48:40.680 CHaslun: Grant a teeny

428 00:48:41.220 --> 00:48:43.320 Margarita Alban: Oh no Christian tola you have here.

429 00:48:43.380 --> 00:48:52.830 CHaslun: Okay, I hope that Chris is gonna Christiane Bianchi. But in any event, we can look at it, but the, the, I have to say my recollection from the neighborhood meeting was

430 00:48:53.880 --> 00:49:03.990 CHaslun: There was not so much concerned about traffic coming out of jail, although everybody agrees it's a short like you have to wait for for a long time. It's fairly short everybody agrees with that, the more concern was the fact that

431 00:49:04.530 --> 00:49:07.200 Margarita Alban: Very your. I'm sorry, but you had a

432 00:49:07.260 --> 00:49:09.720 Margarita Alban: We had a very impassioned speaker.

file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] 433 00:49:10.770 --> 00:49:23.460 Margarita Alban: James O'Brien, I believe, his name was from cos cob at the hearing, and he was very concerned about Taylor and the safety for his young children and the impact on cross

434 00:49:24.360 --> 00:49:24.990 CHaslun: So there was a

435 00:49:25.080 --> 00:49:32.730 Margarita Alban: Lot of concern about the traffic both what would happen with more intensity on Taylor and how that impact was on cross and

436 00:49:33.750 --> 00:49:42.630 Margarita Alban: There were two people. I can't remember the second person's name, who also had talked about having young children and wanting to protect that walkability

437 00:49:43.200 --> 00:49:57.750 CHaslun: Well, that's that went to, I think, the width of the tailor itself. But as far as cross was concerned that he came up in the Costco meeting and a lot of people had concerns about cross it actually they don't get the green light is not

438 00:49:59.040 --> 00:50:01.350 Margarita Alban: We know it's a nice long. Yeah, right.

439 00:50:01.530 --> 00:50:04.110 CHaslun: But also they don't, they're not empty at the same time.

440 00:50:04.440 --> 00:50:08.370 CHaslun: Cross comes out and then Taylor comes out after cost is now turning red

441 00:50:08.670 --> 00:50:12.840 Margarita Alban: Because otherwise you can't make the current because you have to turn in, you can't make the turn.

442 00:50:13.110 --> 00:50:21.540 CHaslun: Correct. And in addition to that there was some discussion about whether you can make cross to way and then people live in Costa, absolutely not. We don't want

443 00:50:21.570 --> 00:50:30.000 Margarita Alban: Oh, the discussion was not to make cross to way. It was to make cross one way in the other direction.

444 00:50:30.060 --> 00:50:31.140 CHaslun: We discussed that too.

445 file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] 00:50:31.200 --> 00:50:35.850 CHaslun: Yeah, this was at the Khan Academy, not before you folks but we discussed that too. And again, do a

446 00:50:35.910 --> 00:50:37.110 CHaslun: Real concerned about that.

447 00:50:37.410 --> 00:50:40.890 CHaslun: Yeah, and dumping it out on to Indian field road and whatnot so

448 00:50:41.370 --> 00:50:50.220 CHaslun: I think at the end of at least our Costco meeting. Everybody came around to the conclusion that there wasn't a whole heck of a lot. We could do with cross Lane in conjunction with this project.

449 00:50:50.550 --> 00:51:00.810 CHaslun: And I think also our traffic study shows that we're really for the size of this apartment building. You're really not adding a lot of traffic.

450 00:51:01.230 --> 00:51:16.890 CHaslun: Coming out of that site. And then as we all can agree that some people who are going east or going north are going to go out behind CVS building like you do with a shared type parking parking lot, so don't have some actually not that way as well.

451 00:51:20.610 --> 00:51:22.620 Nick Macri: Mr. Hansen and I just wanted to verify

452 00:51:23.670 --> 00:51:25.890 Nick Macri: Has the traffic console.

453 00:51:28.320 --> 00:51:32.520 Nick Macri: Type on and they addressed all of the beta comments from January.

454 00:51:32.880 --> 00:51:44.730 CHaslun: I believe they did so I'm surprised that they still came up because they showed up again and the engineer comments. I think those have all been addressed and I'm, again, I'm sorry at Christmas and on, but that's my understanding, we would have had them address them if if he hadn't already

455 00:51:44.760 --> 00:51:53.190 Nick Macri: Okay, I think, actually, with engineering. We've got the resubmit prior to final. I think it's, it's, you know, specific that dress dresses back to them.

456 00:51:54.000 --> 00:52:04.680 Nick Macri: If we move if we move to final here you know you've got, I guess the zoning of horsemen officers on board here engineering as a resubmit stewards looking for flow calculations. file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] 457 00:52:06.060 --> 00:52:07.590 Nick Macri: Conservation had some questions.

458 00:52:08.700 --> 00:52:10.620 Nick Macri: Air see like usually usual

459 00:52:12.180 --> 00:52:24.690 Nick Macri: I saw the tree letter from William Kenny's office and understanding what's going on with the trees up on the ridge there. Again, I think I said do a detailed landscape read. So what's happening with the replanting there.

460 00:52:25.860 --> 00:52:40.020 Nick Macri: I think that's kind of a weird critical thing because it's the building is right on top of that, that property line. And I think a really good a concerted effort to take a look at what's going to be planted there. What's going to grow where they're actually

461 00:52:40.290 --> 00:52:45.450 Nick Macri: What can be maintained there because it's so close to the property. And how do you get up there and you know take care of it all.

462 00:52:47.460 --> 00:52:53.040 Nick Macri: I quick question. I think you've answered this once before the bank that's their website is going to stay as a tenant.

463 00:52:53.700 --> 00:52:56.820 CHaslun: It's m&t bank and yes they are planning to stay there. Okay.

464 00:52:58.050 --> 00:52:58.500 Yes.

465 00:53:01.650 --> 00:53:02.040 Nick Macri: Okay.

466 00:53:03.750 --> 00:53:12.990 Margarita Alban: Is this a. Do you guys want to. Okay, so you don't have a traffic person here at Nick, you referenced quickly that AARC had their usual thing, but they haven't seen this yet.

467 00:53:14.760 --> 00:53:25.860 Nick Macri: No. No they haven't. And I think it's, it's, you know, if we send this off to them. I think actually having giving them specific directions things we want to have them take a look at that kind of stuff would help a lot.

468 00:53:26.220 --> 00:53:44.430 file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] Margarita Alban: But I have to land on the box that they're working with it's they can't do the FLIR and we can't unless you guys are very clear what we have and what they're going to work with. I don't think we can send it to them until they know what they actually have to work with that.

469 00:53:44.430 --> 00:53:44.640 Nick Macri: Would

470 00:53:44.790 --> 00:53:52.290 Margarita Alban: Be my suggestion. Um, do you guys want to turn to public comment momentarily, or do you have somebody else who wants to speak. Mr.

471 00:53:52.740 --> 00:53:56.490 Nick Macri: What before we rather than I think actually it really to me.

472 00:53:57.540 --> 00:54:03.180 Nick Macri: Taking a look at the overall height of the building in relationship to Taylor and post road is the critical thing.

473 00:54:03.570 --> 00:54:12.060 Nick Macri: Okay, we can get on an auto non FA IR and this building. But it's that relationship and how it's perceived on the street.

474 00:54:13.380 --> 00:54:15.810 Nick Macri: The building's been pushed you know off the post road.

475 00:54:16.050 --> 00:54:28.050 Nick Macri: Yeah, it could probably, in my opinion, be pushed more the backspin which then. But let's squeeze from the top. Now let's push it down, that kind of thing. And I think that'll help with everybody's perception of bulk of this building itself.

476 00:54:29.190 --> 00:54:37.440 Nick Macri: I have some ideas about maybe other things that could happen to the to the building that might help with this perceived height on the street, but we can get into that later.

477 00:54:39.000 --> 00:54:40.110 Victoria Goss: I have a question.

478 00:54:40.740 --> 00:54:58.350 Victoria Goss: Mr husband, you said that the earlier today that distance. It's in the LB er to zone that you can't do strike residential, but if you have the bank building there. You're not doing strike residential you're having a mic fewster with that solve your problem of, I mean,

479 00:54:59.310 --> 00:54:59.940 file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] Dennis Yeskey: Problem.

480 00:55:00.540 --> 00:55:08.340 CHaslun: I think you if you're looking at. Well, I don't have my regulations in front of me but as I recall it. What's premier just use group one

481 00:55:08.970 --> 00:55:19.650 CHaslun: And three, among others, and three would be the six dash 110 years. I don't think you can get carbons in there without that, but I may be wrong because Katie can can comment on that, I get my various

482 00:55:20.700 --> 00:55:22.500 CHaslun: moderate income housing projects confused.

483 00:55:22.920 --> 00:55:26.520 Katie DeLuca: Yeah, that's the one where you can't have the first level be residential

484 00:55:27.690 --> 00:55:28.770 Katie DeLuca: Be above commercial

485 00:55:28.830 --> 00:55:32.790 CHaslun: So I can't do it above. Okay. I knew something was right. Okay. A lot of fun. It was

486 00:55:33.180 --> 00:55:39.390 Katie DeLuca: Like CG B or C LB, LB, are you cannot, you know, you can't have only residential, it's got to be partial

487 00:55:40.710 --> 00:55:43.800 CHaslun: That's right, that's right, even though it's it's kind of strangely records.

488 00:55:44.100 --> 00:55:45.090 Peter Levy: Like it's only for

489 00:55:45.210 --> 00:55:46.590 CHaslun: But it means on the first floor right

490 00:55:47.100 --> 00:55:47.730 CHaslun: Well parking

491 00:55:48.150 --> 00:55:51.630 Katie DeLuca: Parking. I mean, the idea being that you want to have continuous retail

492 00:55:51.930 --> 00:55:52.260 file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] Right.

493 00:55:54.060 --> 00:55:54.810 Victoria Goss: Okay, thank you.

494 00:55:55.170 --> 00:56:03.210 Margarita Alban: Um, back to this question, we raised the question about tree protection and it's kind of like, oh yeah, we're going to see

495 00:56:03.810 --> 00:56:04.230 Margarita Alban: To it.

496 00:56:05.940 --> 00:56:13.650 Margarita Alban: That's not satisfying as an answer. So I think we have to be very clear that

497 00:56:13.770 --> 00:56:27.990 Margarita Alban: The natural features have to be protected that we've got this whole Task Force working on that very issue of maintaining green in town. And there's no reason we can't make development that's consistent with that.

498 00:56:29.070 --> 00:56:34.500 Margarita Alban: So I don't want that to get buried under the carpet, as we discuss this.

499 00:56:34.710 --> 00:56:41.040 Katie DeLuca: And to that end, since this is a preliminary would I think the question I would like to have answered from what was Alvin said is

500 00:56:41.250 --> 00:56:49.590 Katie DeLuca: Is the applicant willing to work with this green scape committee and if they've disbanded. At that point, through me and through the plan that they've come up with

501 00:56:50.310 --> 00:56:59.760 Katie DeLuca: With to provide or to produce landscaping that we've been keeping with this overall plan like it's it's in its infancy, at the moment, obviously none of us know exactly what the plan is, but I

502 00:57:00.030 --> 00:57:07.950 Katie DeLuca: Think a commitment that you're at least willing to work with us and look and see what we're doing. Obviously, it's going to be beautiful and awesome, if I may say

503 00:57:09.450 --> 00:57:19.920 Katie DeLuca: And I don't think it's going to be, you know, it's nothing that is is burdensome on an applicant, I would think. But I think at least just, you know, I know Mr. Tom is a developer's

504 file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] 00:57:20.970 --> 00:57:25.050 Katie DeLuca: Been quite open to conversations like that in the past. So I just

505 00:57:25.110 --> 00:57:29.520 CHaslun: I think I just got a text from Sandy. Can you say that's fine. I'm happy to work with you on that.

506 00:57:30.150 --> 00:57:30.510 Peter Lowe: Yeah.

507 00:57:30.690 --> 00:57:37.980 Margarita Alban: I mean, we had said that from the get go. I think we raised it at the very beginning, and this is so important to assist

508 00:57:38.580 --> 00:57:47.400 Margarita Alban: Those Greece good test for us has been meeting twice a week during lockdown. And it's so critical. I think you said in on one of the meetings, potentially, but

509 00:57:47.880 --> 00:57:58.380 Margarita Alban: It's so important and we have such a big commitment because it's just a way of giving Greenwich back to people. So we would like you to work on protecting that tree line up at the top.

510 00:57:58.860 --> 00:58:04.350 CHaslun: Well, that's a different story. Because as you said that from the arborist those trees are not in good condition, but as far

511 00:58:04.380 --> 00:58:04.680 Margarita Alban: As the

512 00:58:04.740 --> 00:58:05.280 CHaslun: Trees.

513 00:58:05.760 --> 00:58:06.750 CHaslun: But can work with.

514 00:58:06.960 --> 00:58:19.500 Peter Lowe: The fact that the fact that you don't you know that those trees. The vast majority of them have been rated in poor condition, doesn't mean it would seem to me that there shouldn't be some trees, they're moving forward.

515 00:58:19.560 --> 00:58:24.570 CHaslun: Oh, cool. Yes. And we will work with Mr to veto and the top of the hill to do that too. Right.

516 00:58:24.630 --> 00:58:25.350 file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] CHaslun: So we got

517 00:58:25.560 --> 00:58:32.490 Peter Lowe: I don't know what the ratio is. But even if you've gotten rotting trees there and they have to come down. Others have to go up against.

518 00:58:32.670 --> 00:58:33.420 CHaslun: A great. Yep.

519 00:58:34.830 --> 00:58:36.870 CHaslun: Question, we, it's not going to be just like a gravel.

520 00:58:37.500 --> 00:58:38.160 CHaslun: Or something like that.

521 00:58:38.670 --> 00:58:45.090 Margarita Alban: Okay, so, uh, you have is. Everybody gotta go ahead, Katie.

522 00:58:45.600 --> 00:58:59.610 Katie DeLuca: Has a question about that because one of the comments is looking back from at the transcripts is concerned that those neighbors would be looking into the windows of, you know, it goes both ways, obviously. So the planting that is proposed at the top of that ledge.

523 00:58:59.760 --> 00:59:01.770 Katie DeLuca: Would that be such that it kind of screens.

524 00:59:01.860 --> 00:59:03.150 Katie DeLuca: Each neighbor from each other.

525 00:59:03.930 --> 00:59:04.140 Peter Levy: I mean,

526 00:59:04.860 --> 00:59:06.840 CHaslun: If that's what the owner wants, but they are pretty high.

527 00:59:07.260 --> 00:59:18.180 CHaslun: And then as far as Mr Burke is concerned to the north. His actually his elevation is such that he's going to look over the top of the building, he's still going to have water views, but again we're willing to do whatever we can. Green it

528 00:59:18.720 --> 00:59:19.320 Katie DeLuca: Yeah, I know. I was file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] 529 00:59:19.590 --> 00:59:21.510 Katie DeLuca: Thinking towards the west, actually.

530 00:59:21.900 --> 00:59:22.740 CHaslun: That's, yeah, that's

531 00:59:24.630 --> 00:59:30.600 Andy Fox: The lower you make the building, the better it is because of the way of the grave rises.

532 00:59:31.590 --> 00:59:34.260 Katie DeLuca: Because those, those are the trees that we're talking about on top of the ledge.

533 00:59:34.260 --> 00:59:40.950 CHaslun: Yes, I understand. And that's the one that Andy talked to the owner of the property up on top of the escarpment Dominic to veto.

534 00:59:41.880 --> 00:59:42.750 Peter Lowe: The yellow house.

535 00:59:43.200 --> 00:59:52.470 CHaslun: And I have and I have a we actually have an email from them, saying that, yes, I confirming that I want the streets to come down and the you and I will work in principle to landscape that areas of that.

536 00:59:52.740 --> 00:59:54.720 CHaslun: We're screen from each other and it looks attractive.

537 00:59:55.230 --> 00:59:58.620 CHaslun: Great. And I will provide that to you tomorrow at. I just don't have it in my

538 00:59:59.550 --> 01:00:00.270 Katie DeLuca: No problem.

539 01:00:00.540 --> 01:00:01.830 CHaslun: Thank you a fortune. Yeah.

540 01:00:03.120 --> 01:00:07.320 Peter Lowe: And landscaping equals trees. Is that correct, as well as other things.

541 01:00:07.590 --> 01:00:07.890 Yes. file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] 542 01:00:11.790 --> 01:00:24.210 Margarita Alban: Okay, do you don't have your traffic person here. You don't have you don't have anybody else that you wish to have speak. So do you want to turn it over and get some public comment and then we'll talk about the summer.

543 01:00:24.630 --> 01:00:25.410 CHaslun: Yes, that's fine.

544 01:00:26.220 --> 01:00:36.270 Margarita Alban: Okay, and we may not get any public comment. But let's see where it goes. We've got one hand up, which is Peter Berg and Peter Berg, I am going to

545 01:00:37.410 --> 01:00:40.200 Margarita Alban: unmute you and

546 01:00:42.270 --> 01:00:47.910 Margarita Alban: If you'd like I can turn on your video. So let me know and then you can turn it on, on your side.

547 01:00:50.340 --> 01:00:50.910 Margarita Alban: Peter Berg.

548 01:00:54.420 --> 01:00:55.410 Margarita Alban: There he is. Oh.

549 01:00:55.500 --> 01:00:55.950 Sorry.

550 01:01:00.420 --> 01:01:01.170 Peter Berg.

551 01:01:02.730 --> 01:01:03.930 Margarita Alban: Peter, the other day.

552 01:01:05.280 --> 01:01:08.130 CHaslun: You know, I, I, yeah, I'm happy to talk

553 01:01:09.300 --> 01:01:19.110 Margarita Alban: There you are. Okay, there you are. We couldn't hear you. Um, do you want to turn on your, your video you want us to do video for you as well. Yeah, sure. Okay.

554 file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] 01:01:20.340 --> 01:01:21.030 Margarita Alban: There you go.

555 01:01:24.480 --> 01:01:26.460 Margarita Alban: We should be able to see you. Hold on.

556 01:01:32.040 --> 01:01:34.080 Margarita Alban: You have to start the video on your side.

557 01:01:39.630 --> 01:01:41.490 Margarita Alban: There, yes. Hi, Peter Berg.

558 01:01:42.900 --> 01:01:43.830 Peter Berg D8: afternoon everybody.

559 01:01:44.520 --> 01:01:45.330 Margarita Alban: Are you go

560 01:01:47.190 --> 01:01:49.410 Peter Berg D8: Be wearing ties, I would have worn a tie.

561 01:01:51.570 --> 01:01:54.000 Margarita Alban: Katie and I aren't wearing ties, you're quite all right.

562 01:01:55.500 --> 01:01:56.820 Peter Berg D8: I just wanted to

563 01:01:58.860 --> 01:02:07.530 Peter Berg D8: To say that my involvement in this project is as important member of the cost calm neighborhood association.

564 01:02:08.430 --> 01:02:11.940 Peter Berg D8: Or second I'm gonna take these off. You can still hear me right

565 01:02:12.360 --> 01:02:14.460 Margarita Alban: Yeah, you're just hear us differently now.

566 01:02:15.540 --> 01:02:33.690 Peter Berg D8: And that when we have that meeting on the, the sense of that meeting was that our goal is to have a pedestrian friendly village and the people who were there were surprisingly enthusiastic about the moderate income housing.

file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] 567 01:02:35.280 --> 01:02:49.110 Peter Berg D8: Potential of this project we have. There were a number of references the fact that we have teachers school teachers. We have librarians firefighters shopkeepers we have like boatyard

568 01:02:50.070 --> 01:03:05.820 Peter Berg D8: Mechanics. We have a lot of workforce in cos cob. And most of them don't live in Greenwich they drive to work in their cars they add to the traffic. And I think the great promise of a project like this is

569 01:03:06.390 --> 01:03:07.050 Peter Berg D8: We'll get

570 01:03:07.500 --> 01:03:09.240 Peter Berg D8: More of our workforce.

571 01:03:10.260 --> 01:03:30.810 Peter Berg D8: Living in the town and potentially driving on walking to work or biking to work, not, not driving cars. So please keep that in mind, I just had when I moved to cos cob, which is now 42 years ago there were probably believe it or not.

572 01:03:32.430 --> 01:03:35.220 Peter Berg D8: Car service businesses in cars com

573 01:03:38.040 --> 01:03:38.490 Peter Berg D8: Sorry.

574 01:03:41.370 --> 01:03:41.700 Margarita Alban: Well,

575 01:03:43.770 --> 01:03:46.830 Peter Berg D8: My website zoom also, um, and that

576 01:03:48.870 --> 01:04:01.290 Peter Berg D8: You'd be amazed how many of the buildings including Griff Harris were originally car service businesses. And then we had the problem with so many banks. So, and then we lost our grocery store.

577 01:04:02.610 --> 01:04:15.270 Peter Berg D8: And as a result, the residents are driving to acne or to Stanford to do grocery shopping. If you've got if you increase the density of residential

578 01:04:16.290 --> 01:04:16.680 Peter Levy: Here.

file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] 579 01:04:17.040 --> 01:04:28.620 Peter Berg D8: At this site and continuing to do that kind of thing. At some point you'll attract a grocery store back to cost calm, you know, we have very high end cheese shop.

580 01:04:29.700 --> 01:04:40.440 Peter Berg D8: To shop butcher shop, but it doesn't, it's not the same as having a grocery store. So, so please keep the modern income element of this project.

581 01:04:43.320 --> 01:04:43.950 Nick Macri: Mr. Burns

582 01:04:45.180 --> 01:04:45.780 Nick Macri: Can you hear me.

583 01:04:46.080 --> 01:04:47.610 Peter Berg D8: Yes. Okay.

584 01:04:47.940 --> 01:04:51.630 Nick Macri: You understand this is five units in this building and that are moderate income right

585 01:04:52.470 --> 01:05:01.380 Nick Macri: Yes. Okay. When you were discussing the project with the neighborhood association. Was there any discussion or contemplation, the size and the bulk of the building.

586 01:05:03.720 --> 01:05:06.780 Peter Berg D8: No I don't recall that being a concern.

587 01:05:08.100 --> 01:05:09.240 Peter Levy: Okay, was it discuss

588 01:05:10.170 --> 01:05:16.290 Nick Macri: You know, any anything even even looking at the the shape and size of the building at all, or was it just basically looking at

589 01:05:17.340 --> 01:05:21.390 Nick Macri: How the pedestrians access that and traffic and that kind of thing. No, we, you know,

590 01:05:22.170 --> 01:05:27.660 Peter Berg D8: We did have the architectural plans in front of us. I'm not sure that

591 01:05:29.070 --> 01:05:41.580 file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] Peter Berg D8: We all quite understood them. But, but, again, that I think the discussion was much more around how this is going to have an impact on having a pedestrian friendly village.

592 01:05:41.790 --> 01:05:52.740 Margarita Alban: Okay, so let me just stop you guys for a second, Pat. Can you read the setback change in the front end side. I don't think the rear setback is as important

593 01:05:54.210 --> 01:05:56.130 Margarita Alban: Read just pat

594 01:05:56.730 --> 01:06:00.300 Margarita Alban: Yes, ma'am. Okay, um, because I don't want to go in and and

595 01:06:01.290 --> 01:06:01.560 Peter Levy: Here.

596 01:06:02.040 --> 01:06:04.110 Margarita Alban: Can you just give Peter Berg.

597 01:06:05.160 --> 01:06:07.620 Margarita Alban: The, the Taylor. Dr setback.

598 01:06:07.770 --> 01:06:08.070 Peter Levy: And the

599 01:06:08.640 --> 01:06:12.210 Margarita Alban: Road setback, as proposed, and as existing

600 01:06:13.290 --> 01:06:25.020 Margarita Alban: Because just to contextualize the questions were raising because Peter We're not Peter Berg, we're not concerned a moderate income housing. Great.

601 01:06:25.230 --> 01:06:36.300 Margarita Alban: But we want to keep something that's in character with cos cob. And I keep referring to it as yeah okay just want to keep it costs copy and so go Patrick if you've got an interview.

602 01:06:36.630 --> 01:06:47.700 Patrick LaRow: I do. So the setback of the buildings. Currently, which is the current bank building of the formal friendlies is 25 feet and a half from East putting a map.

603 01:06:48.360 --> 01:07:03.660 Patrick LaRow: And about 40 feet from the Taylor. Dr. Lot Line, the proposal at the nearest point will be about 10 file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] nine from East Putnam and 10 1310 you know almost 10 and a quarter from

604 01:07:04.710 --> 01:07:20.790 Patrick LaRow: Taylor, but also the way the design is now that that the majority of the beside will be about 15 feet from each button. There's a little part of it at the corner that will come out and reached that corner a little closer than, than the rest of the building, but that those are the numbers.

605 01:07:21.150 --> 01:07:21.510 Margarita Alban: So,

606 01:07:21.570 --> 01:07:38.400 Margarita Alban: What we've been focused on Peter Berg is you're you're taking something that was 25 feet and losing 15 feet on it. Bringing it down much closer to the street and it will be 40 feet high.

607 01:07:39.420 --> 01:07:53.220 Margarita Alban: Now, Mr. Toss has offered to reduce that to 36 feet, but it's 40 feet high. And so if you think about it, it will create a loom factor on that corner.

608 01:07:53.850 --> 01:08:04.110 Margarita Alban: And that was what you're hearing from us is mainly about the fit with the village and having the village feel proportionate.

609 01:08:04.560 --> 01:08:11.160 Margarita Alban: To the human being. It's a something that Mr levy talks a lot about to have it be in human scale.

610 01:08:11.730 --> 01:08:21.270 Margarita Alban: And so we're very concerned about the setbacks and sort of also and this is my own private perspective I've been concerned about

611 01:08:21.600 --> 01:08:28.530 Margarita Alban: It having a very industrial look this building. And that's just not the cost cub. Look, except for the CBS building so

612 01:08:29.310 --> 01:08:40.350 Margarita Alban: I think we're in agreement. I'm certainly an agreement with you that a pedestrian friendly cos cob is a huge plus because it supports all that new retail that we've been developing

613 01:08:41.010 --> 01:08:41.310 Peter Berg D8: Some

614 01:08:41.820 --> 01:08:44.400 Margarita Alban: Show. Mr. Burke, would you like to add something else.

file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] 615 01:08:45.690 --> 01:08:46.860 Peter Berg D8: Yes. Am I unmute

616 01:08:47.550 --> 01:08:49.860 Margarita Alban: No, you're not just go right ahead we we

617 01:08:50.460 --> 01:09:04.170 Peter Berg D8: So in the Costco neighborhood plan and actually calls for some day, bringing the Milton shopping center buildings, up to the street. I think that that's a traffic calming

618 01:09:05.310 --> 01:09:14.040 Peter Berg D8: Measure having, having less setback will will contract. The biggest problem we have.

619 01:09:14.490 --> 01:09:15.660 Margarita Alban: There's no research.

620 01:09:17.220 --> 01:09:24.090 Peter Berg D8: In terms of having a pedestrian friendly village is we have a four lane state highway, running right through.

621 01:09:24.150 --> 01:09:30.270 Peter Berg D8: The middle. Yep. So anything we can do to calm traffic. Yeah. On the post road is a plus.

622 01:09:30.480 --> 01:09:31.620 Margarita Alban: And actually,

623 01:09:32.760 --> 01:09:40.950 Margarita Alban: The calming of the traffic on the post road was from that surface study that we all worked on, you remember we were involved in it in 2011

624 01:09:41.430 --> 01:09:43.680 Margarita Alban: And that was to put the post road on an

625 01:09:43.980 --> 01:10:03.720 Margarita Alban: On a diet and narrow it to reduce the traffic. The Mill Pond idea was to put the parking in the back and remove the buildings forward, but you would still keep a gracious setback, but I hear you. Okay, so if that's it I'm going to change you back down to an attendee

626 01:10:05.040 --> 01:10:15.210 Margarita Alban: Does anybody else from the public wish to speak. I'm not seeing anybody. All you have to do public is raise your hand. I see a lot of names here, but nobody's got their hand up.

file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] 627 01:10:16.680 --> 01:10:17.280 Margarita Alban: Folks

628 01:10:18.030 --> 01:10:19.290 Patrick LaRow: Virtually raising your hand.

629 01:10:20.010 --> 01:10:21.660 Margarita Alban: Yeah, you guys if

630 01:10:23.160 --> 01:10:29.310 Margarita Alban: Any I'm not seeing any hands up. I can, I can see who's in the public, but I guess none of you want to speak.

631 01:10:31.200 --> 01:10:41.070 Margarita Alban: Nope, okay. So with that, oh, wait, wait. There's a panelist, who has their hand up. That's cheating. That's Victoria. Okay, Victoria. Go ahead.

632 01:10:45.210 --> 01:10:47.460 Victoria Goss: No, no I lowered my hand. Sorry.

633 01:10:47.730 --> 01:10:50.190 Margarita Alban: Okay, okay. Somebody did just raise their

634 01:10:50.850 --> 01:10:51.600 Victoria Goss: Hand, but I'm

635 01:10:51.660 --> 01:10:51.990 Margarita Alban: Doing

636 01:10:52.410 --> 01:10:54.630 Margarita Alban: Okay, be lowered. Mr. Toss

637 01:10:57.900 --> 01:10:58.410 andrewtoth: Yes.

638 01:11:00.480 --> 01:11:00.990 Margarita Alban: Go ahead.

639 01:11:08.550 --> 01:11:10.620 Margarita Alban: Mr task. Go ahead. We can hear you now.

file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] 640 01:11:15.540 --> 01:11:17.820 Margarita Alban: You need to start your video.

641 01:11:20.700 --> 01:11:21.930 andrewtoth: I wanted to stay

642 01:11:25.800 --> 01:11:26.790 Margarita Alban: There you go. Hello.

643 01:11:27.300 --> 01:11:27.810 Hi there.

644 01:11:29.040 --> 01:11:44.070 andrewtoth: So I think when we first met with Katie and to really reiterate what Berg said in the LB or is a local business residential zone and then village like Hamlet like

645 01:11:45.570 --> 01:11:55.770 andrewtoth: And I built another villages is the whole purpose of a local business is to have the storefronts and the businesses close to the main road.

646 01:11:56.340 --> 01:11:57.780 andrewtoth: I know CBS is

647 01:11:58.470 --> 01:12:06.660 andrewtoth: In your face, so to speak, and it's too close, but I thought, we've done a good job and I agree with Peter. The one thing that you're

648 01:12:07.140 --> 01:12:27.090 andrewtoth: Kind of implementing to Peter that you know we're attention to off of Taylor drive and that were 40 feet high. That's not true. The bank building is 10 foot eight off of tailor Dr. Mr. Burke and it's only 1618 feet high. The main part of the building where the bulk of the mass that the

649 01:12:27.390 --> 01:12:28.830 andrewtoth: Condition says

650 01:12:29.100 --> 01:12:43.560 andrewtoth: Is probably 60 feet off of Taylor dry so it's not in your face. We purposely tucked it into the mountain or the hill, so that it wasn't right in your face. And when you're walking on Taylor, you're not looking up 45 feet.

651 01:12:44.220 --> 01:12:55.260 andrewtoth: 100% into the sky. So I just wanted to clarify those two things. I think my team has done a really, really good job of pushing the building back for what you would like it to be. file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] 652 01:12:55.620 --> 01:13:14.610 andrewtoth: We've also push back for mass or the bulk of the building as far off fatality drive. We set back the third story off of the post road. So we tried to push that back as per your recommendations and, you know, all I thought it came out pretty well.

653 01:13:17.040 --> 01:13:19.290 Margarita Alban: Does anybody have any questions for Mr. Charles

654 01:13:23.250 --> 01:13:23.700 Margarita Alban: Okay.

655 01:13:25.770 --> 01:13:26.160 Margarita Alban: Uh,

656 01:13:27.270 --> 01:13:29.160 Margarita Alban: I am a broken record, you know,

657 01:13:30.180 --> 01:13:32.250 Margarita Alban: Feel like when it to look like the village.

658 01:13:32.760 --> 01:13:38.850 andrewtoth: I, I agree with you, and I'm not disagreeing, and I apologize if we did not pay mind.

659 01:13:39.450 --> 01:13:48.960 andrewtoth: To your comments in January's meeting in March, and I guess as a builder, that's very much into design and construction.

660 01:13:49.530 --> 01:14:03.510 andrewtoth: The white trim around the windows in the facade. The, the, the sockets and the facial boards. It's very easily attainable. And, you know, we will be very cognizant of that. So I don't want you to think that

661 01:14:03.510 --> 01:14:05.160 Margarita Alban: Way, where you lost

662 01:14:05.160 --> 01:14:15.420 Margarita Alban: Me the very first time at the very first meeting you lost me personally when you said that this was a design that had been used in Brooklyn.

663 01:14:16.770 --> 01:14:21.330 Margarita Alban: And I remember I said to you that day you. This is not Brooklyn.

file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] 664 01:14:21.870 --> 01:14:26.010 andrewtoth: So no, I understand it. I was, if you read the notes.

665 01:14:26.370 --> 01:14:38.910 andrewtoth: Now that I've read the notes, three times over. I was trying to take certain concepts of that building and implement them. The other thing is, is I have to disagree with everybody saying that

666 01:14:40.050 --> 01:14:47.280 andrewtoth: CBS is an industrial building. It's not industrial buildings have very large windows. It's more of a

667 01:14:47.400 --> 01:14:49.920 andrewtoth: Prison. Yeah, exactly.

668 01:14:50.430 --> 01:14:50.730 Margarita Alban: I know

669 01:14:51.060 --> 01:14:51.360 Dennis Yeskey: That's

670 01:14:51.450 --> 01:14:52.230 Margarita Alban: A big yeah

671 01:14:53.400 --> 01:14:55.080 Margarita Alban: I mean, that's, to be honest.

672 01:14:55.380 --> 01:14:57.270 Dennis Yeskey: A lot better being in prison is better.

673 01:14:58.140 --> 01:15:00.450 Margarita Alban: No. No, not right now. You don't want to be in prison right now.

674 01:15:00.540 --> 01:15:01.590 Nick Macri: Well, I think I'll show ya.

675 01:15:01.680 --> 01:15:09.390 Nick Macri: I think Miss, miss out on I think it basically just kind of two prisons under the bus. I think when I look at cost cop. I'm looking at a mill building

676 01:15:10.290 --> 01:15:14.670 Nick Macri: Yeah, you know it's it's brick. It's got punctured very small punctured windows.

file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] 677 01:15:14.880 --> 01:15:22.050 Nick Macri: You know I'm expecting something to be inside there, that being you know what you know hundred year old looms grinding away.

678 01:15:23.220 --> 01:15:31.260 Margarita Alban: I've never seen it that way. The neighborhood thinks it looks like a prison. That's the comment that we heard if people made most often when it first went up.

679 01:15:31.530 --> 01:15:33.990 Nick Macri: Yeah, I've seen prison says no prison, let's just say that

680 01:15:34.020 --> 01:15:34.680 Margarita Alban: Yeah, I know.

681 01:15:35.160 --> 01:15:36.000 Nick Macri: But actually,

682 01:15:36.480 --> 01:15:41.520 Margarita Alban: Talk visit a meter, but that's the idea. And we can get it. Mr. Todd understands

683 01:15:42.930 --> 01:15:49.890 Margarita Alban: The first objective that we put into the P OCD, the most important guiding principle is to maintain community character.

684 01:15:50.340 --> 01:16:09.600 Margarita Alban: But yes, we want it to be pedestrian friendly. We want it to be walkable and we want it to look proportionate so that the compromises you're throwing out Mr tough. I believe are excellent suggestions. So does anybody have anything else for Mr Toth or do you want to ask

685 01:16:10.080 --> 01:16:15.000 Katie DeLuca: I would actually I am kind of curious about that question that Nick raise

686 01:16:16.110 --> 01:16:24.420 Katie DeLuca: Which is, is this the lowest floor area that makes sense to him as a developer or could it get lower

687 01:16:25.830 --> 01:16:38.010 Katie DeLuca: But what's the threshold there because obviously you've heard from the Commission, I mean we we've kind of run the gamut. But I think it would be, since we're discussing it, we might as well see if there is an answer to that question.

688 01:16:38.010 --> 01:16:39.420 Peter Lowe: Yeah and we left file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] 689 01:16:40.050 --> 01:16:51.720 Peter Lowe: It seemed to me. We left the briefing session yesterday with the open question to the applicant on this very issue which I was just about to bring up Katie just how much smaller, the structure could be and still be viable.

690 01:16:52.860 --> 01:16:57.600 Peter Lowe: Mr has been brought up the retail aspect, but that that didn't really address

691 01:16:58.980 --> 01:17:02.790 Peter Lowe: The issue that we, the question we had at the end of the breathing and

692 01:17:03.930 --> 01:17:05.940 Nick Macri: We asked the same question, I think, at

693 01:17:06.960 --> 01:17:09.300 Nick Macri: 1205 east by them as well.

694 01:17:10.470 --> 01:17:20.250 Nick Macri: It's that that that issue of we're at a point eight, nine just about nine as we really take a look at it and sharpen a pencil and the numbers.

695 01:17:21.930 --> 01:17:28.770 Nick Macri: At what point does the does the project not make sense or is unviable in terms of FA IR

696 01:17:30.270 --> 01:17:37.080 Nick Macri: I think, go back to you. You know, we can understand that point five, which is the underlying underlying zone FLIR is probably not attainable, but

697 01:17:38.250 --> 01:17:45.360 Nick Macri: We've bending about point seven five, that kind of thing is that at that point. Is it point seven and eight.

698 01:17:47.070 --> 01:17:49.800 Nick Macri: And I think it comes down to actually just understanding

699 01:17:51.420 --> 01:17:57.360 Nick Macri: The economies that are into this to Mr. Toss per view on this, he's got he's the man with the numbers so

700 01:17:58.080 --> 01:18:06.240 andrewtoth: So if I get back to Mr. Yes. Keys earlier comments. Yes. Housing pricing.

701 01:18:06.300 --> 01:18:17.190 file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] andrewtoth: Has gone down, especially in the back country. And granted, but commercial property. I don't believe has gone down. This is a prime site. Unfortunately, how to pray.

702 01:18:18.390 --> 01:18:20.730 andrewtoth: Prime money for it.

703 01:18:22.830 --> 01:18:36.150 andrewtoth: So what I did at 1205. Not that I want to reference this in this meeting, but I know where the Commission wants to go with the future of the far in the six dash 110

704 01:18:37.410 --> 01:18:45.960 andrewtoth: So obviously we come in at, you know, a great number of close to nine. We're at point eight six which does mean something.

705 01:18:47.160 --> 01:19:06.510 andrewtoth: In that application when we receive preliminary I had come in and said, Okay, I could split the difference point seven 5.9 divided by two comes 2.8 to five. Okay. I thought that was a very fair solution.

706 01:19:07.980 --> 01:19:11.100 andrewtoth: You know, to the request.

707 01:19:12.300 --> 01:19:21.570 andrewtoth: So I'm not 100% sure I could do that here. But then what we did when we agreed to that we also said that we were only going to do

708 01:19:22.290 --> 01:19:41.190 andrewtoth: Three moderate income as opposed to four and that we learned that we couldn't do that. But I'm very confused still about this. If you have a point. Can I get rounded down or can I get round it up. So I'm still unclear about that decision. So

709 01:19:43.170 --> 01:20:03.180 andrewtoth: You know, and some of you guys have have said this, that, you know, maybe if we decrease the square footage of the building. Oh maybe I can do one less moderate income and, you know, then you know we can make it work. And we can reduce the size of the buildings so

710 01:20:05.040 --> 01:20:17.970 andrewtoth: That would be something that I could possibly entertain, but I'm definitely not going lower than that. I just can't. And, you know, then we seek alternate situations.

711 01:20:21.120 --> 01:20:22.080 Margarita Alban: That's people

712 01:20:23.400 --> 01:20:25.680 file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] Dave Hardman: Yeah, I'm are agree to this is Dave

713 01:20:27.930 --> 01:20:30.000 Dave Hardman: You know, I first appreciate

714 01:20:31.230 --> 01:20:32.400 Dave Hardman: Mr plus

715 01:20:33.660 --> 01:20:40.800 Dave Hardman: Proposal that this could be lowered four feet and, I hope, perhaps more to me. I think the bulk

716 01:20:42.030 --> 01:20:45.270 Dave Hardman: Versus the FLIR

717 01:20:49.170 --> 01:20:57.810 Dave Hardman: Is, is my primary issue and I, again, I think the spirit of this is moving in the right direction. I just

718 01:20:58.920 --> 01:21:03.870 Dave Hardman: Would encourage you try to get her even lower than four feet that you've offered

719 01:21:08.640 --> 01:21:10.140 Margarita Alban: Okay, anybody else.

720 01:21:12.480 --> 01:21:22.590 Victoria Goss: Can't do one that's monitored income, didn't we decide that we had to have our point 2% or whatever the reg says we have to have a certain amount of moderate income and we can't go below that.

721 01:21:22.830 --> 01:21:24.120 Margarita Alban: Yes, we've been

722 01:21:24.420 --> 01:21:32.160 Margarita Alban: Funny yes we consulted with Wetmore that was a big guy that was a big booboo on my part that I thought we could go lower

723 01:21:32.700 --> 01:21:45.060 Margarita Alban: And the answer is no. The only thing we have the flexibility honesty F, er, it is something that we're discussing for the next we've talked about for the next version of the regulation.

724 01:21:46.500 --> 01:21:49.500 Margarita Alban: And he had talked about doing some sort of matrix.

725 file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] 01:21:51.120 --> 01:22:00.960 Margarita Alban: That address that issue of if you have so much moderate income. Well, I guess, Andy, you can speak for yourself. So, but anyway, so

726 01:22:01.470 --> 01:22:02.700 Andy Fox: You're doing fine job.

727 01:22:03.090 --> 01:22:10.230 Margarita Alban: Okay. So Andy had talked about that for how we would redo the regulations so it would give a builder.

728 01:22:10.350 --> 01:22:11.820 Margarita Alban: A matrix with into work.

729 01:22:11.880 --> 01:22:26.850 Margarita Alban: And predictability. So you would know if you had x percent of moderate income. It went with this FDR and the Commission had to buy into that FDR, which is where we've been getting stuck on the the existing six 110 all along.

730 01:22:27.450 --> 01:22:35.250 Margarita Alban: Is it says may and we keep talking. Okay, anybody else have any questions for Mr. Toss

731 01:22:36.390 --> 01:22:37.020 Margarita Alban: Comments.

732 01:22:38.160 --> 01:22:42.720 Peter Levy: I just think that, you know, reducing the height by four feet.

733 01:22:44.010 --> 01:22:44.490 Peter Levy: Because of

734 01:22:45.870 --> 01:22:55.380 Peter Levy: an accommodation putting the garage down a little bit lower can make a big difference. The landscaping can make a big difference.

735 01:22:56.970 --> 01:22:59.100 Peter Levy: Maximizing the

736 01:23:00.840 --> 01:23:02.580 Peter Levy: green space along the road.

737 01:23:03.600 --> 01:23:04.050 file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] Peter Levy: By

738 01:23:05.940 --> 01:23:09.690 Peter Levy: Reducing making sure that the that the Taylor is

739 01:23:12.420 --> 01:23:14.430 Peter Levy: Kind of, at a minimum, with

740 01:23:15.510 --> 01:23:27.360 Peter Levy: Really could make a significant difference that will really make the that area feel very comfortable and pedestrian and residential even so

741 01:23:29.910 --> 01:23:36.300 Peter Levy: There's a lot of things that the applicant is interested in doing which is responding to

742 01:23:38.550 --> 01:23:41.040 Peter Levy: Our comments. I'm so I'm encouraged.

743 01:23:42.060 --> 01:23:42.450 Margarita Alban: Okay.

744 01:23:43.200 --> 01:23:45.480 andrewtoth: Can I just say one other thing.

745 01:23:45.780 --> 01:23:50.100 andrewtoth: Of course, and I might shoot myself in the foot on this, but

746 01:23:51.300 --> 01:24:00.660 andrewtoth: The engineering department and this is getting back to the turn lane, it increases by one foot nine which crossing the road is is one step.

747 01:24:01.290 --> 01:24:19.020 andrewtoth: And my concern is, I'm willing to pay to change this to three lanes so that that right turn lane can go. We all know that that light is very long and, you know, three to four cars can get out as long as everybody's paying attention at the light

748 01:24:20.070 --> 01:24:31.650 andrewtoth: So I am concerned, also about my development. I'm going to be the owner. So I'm concerned about the cars queuing up if you have a single lane and make that less narrow

749 01:24:32.460 --> 01:24:47.550 andrewtoth: Right. So what's going to happen is if people have to go north. They're definitely going to go through file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] CDs. But if the queue is not that long. And it's probably only going to be in the peak hours right in the morning, afternoon when people are coming home.

750 01:24:49.590 --> 01:24:53.850 andrewtoth: And I just want to say it's at my expense. I'm offering that I think

751 01:24:53.970 --> 01:25:06.420 Margarita Alban: Not sure what you're saying because see nobody makes a double lane narrow right now and you're queuing is going to go up by I remember your trips per, per peak hour. We're not that significant.

752 01:25:06.450 --> 01:25:08.340 andrewtoth: It's not but

753 01:25:08.430 --> 01:25:19.200 andrewtoth: Yeah, I live a mile away. I go there now a lot of been to the CBS and like we all said we cut to the bank and we're not going to be able to do that anymore because we don't want to wait for the light

754 01:25:19.440 --> 01:25:36.600 andrewtoth: All I'm saying is that the engineering department is suggesting it I'm agreeing with the engineering I'm agreeing to pay for it. What happens after we get this thing rented up and we have 10 cars in the morning and 15 cars at night on cue and it causes a major problem.

755 01:25:37.980 --> 01:25:39.540 andrewtoth: Who is going to pay for it, then

756 01:25:40.830 --> 01:25:45.540 Margarita Alban: So you're saying if we don't widen it to three lanes.

757 01:25:47.580 --> 01:25:58.470 andrewtoth: I just think that we should take one more last look at it in between now and final okay and probably get traffic and engineering.

758 01:25:59.640 --> 01:26:09.750 andrewtoth: Involved in and i again i know is becoming a dead issue, but I'm thinking about. But, you know, six months after the building is up and we have

759 01:26:10.260 --> 01:26:23.730 andrewtoth: Traffic flow, etc, etc. So that's all I'm saying. I think it's important if you guys don't want to do it. It's one step of time for a pedestrian to get across the street so

760 01:26:24.300 --> 01:26:29.010 Margarita Alban: The but the take from the neighborhood was not in favor right

file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] 761 01:26:29.070 --> 01:26:31.440 andrewtoth: That's because we have, that is that is correct.

762 01:26:31.530 --> 01:26:42.000 andrewtoth: That I just want to be on the record because I don't want DB who come back and say to me later on, you know, we really should widen that road and you know now.

763 01:26:42.060 --> 01:26:42.450 Margarita Alban: Joe

764 01:26:42.540 --> 01:26:44.100 andrewtoth: And, you know, granted has to pay for it.

765 01:26:44.400 --> 01:26:45.660 Margarita Alban: And in fact, we want to go.

766 01:26:45.690 --> 01:26:57.360 Margarita Alban: Where we were talking yesterday, as you heard us of going the opposite direction and narrowing it so that you could have more planting on your side side setback, I

767 01:26:57.480 --> 01:27:04.020 andrewtoth: I'm, I'm, I'm not in disagreement of that either. Um, I just wanted to. Yeah.

768 01:27:05.340 --> 01:27:12.060 Margarita Alban: Cuz, to be honest, I think what you're saying is we're kind of talking about these ideas without any data.

769 01:27:13.740 --> 01:27:19.860 Margarita Alban: We don't have any data. Let's look at the hard data. Let's look at what happens in any of those cases, can people turn

770 01:27:20.460 --> 01:27:31.980 Margarita Alban: What are the, what would the radius be that's possible. What would the queuing be on Taylor. Because yeah, you're right. Everybody cuts through the parking the bank, because that light is eternal.

771 01:27:33.720 --> 01:27:39.090 Margarita Alban: And there's nothing you can do about that light that was why we talked about making the street go the other way.

772 01:27:40.410 --> 01:27:51.540 Margarita Alban: But I'm not sure that I mean that didn't solve the problem for the neighbors. Okay. So does anybody have any questions for Mr. Toss before he goes away, or he can come back if you want file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] 773 01:27:53.190 --> 01:27:55.500 Margarita Alban: No. Okay. All right. So thank you.

774 01:27:56.940 --> 01:28:00.270 Margarita Alban: And we don't seem to have Victoria, you have your hand up again.

775 01:28:03.510 --> 01:28:04.770 Victoria Goss: No, I just didn't put it down.

776 01:28:05.190 --> 01:28:06.630 Victoria Goss: Okay, no, sorry.

777 01:28:07.020 --> 01:28:13.440 Margarita Alban: Okay. All right. So, um, I just checked and we don't have anybody else in the public who has their hand up in wants to speak.

778 01:28:14.640 --> 01:28:17.160 Margarita Alban: Probably Mr hassling are you

779 01:28:18.360 --> 01:28:19.080 Margarita Alban: Are you there.

780 01:28:19.290 --> 01:28:24.060 CHaslun: Yeah, I don't think I have much more to say I'm by way of doing a formal

781 01:28:25.500 --> 01:28:30.480 CHaslun: Summation i think we're on the same page. I appreciate the time. Again, it's Commission spin on this.

782 01:28:31.620 --> 01:28:40.890 CHaslun: And this is preliminary but it is important for us to have some sense of where we think, ultimately, the Commission is going. And I think you've given that to us tonight. So I appreciate

783 01:28:40.920 --> 01:28:43.260 Margarita Alban: That and I have written it all down.

784 01:28:45.120 --> 01:28:48.750 Margarita Alban: So even if you read me the transcript. I'm still going to have the notes.

785 01:28:52.530 --> 01:29:02.640 Margarita Alban: But i think i think you understand where the Commission's because as we evolved in the discussion file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] tonight, you know, all those underlying concerns always are there about

786 01:29:03.720 --> 01:29:08.610 Margarita Alban: massing the amount of concept development on the lot, so

787 01:29:09.690 --> 01:29:14.880 Margarita Alban: With that, folks. What do you want to do with this food.

788 01:29:17.160 --> 01:29:18.810 Margarita Alban: Well, I'll let you guys talk first and

789 01:29:18.810 --> 01:29:19.290 Margarita Alban: Then I'll

790 01:29:21.540 --> 01:29:32.430 Margarita Alban: I'm inclined to leave this open for one more time. But if you guys are really want to move it to final I just would like to see what they do with all this feedback tonight before

791 01:29:32.760 --> 01:29:34.080 Nick Macri: If we if we

792 01:29:34.830 --> 01:29:41.280 Nick Macri: If it's kept open what specifics are we looking at for when they come back.

793 01:29:41.580 --> 01:29:43.410 Margarita Alban: Everything we've talked about tonight.

794 01:29:43.830 --> 01:29:46.080 Nick Macri: Height character.

795 01:29:48.840 --> 01:29:52.830 Nick Macri: The landscape in the back. I just, I want to make sure you know we've got an

796 01:29:52.980 --> 01:29:54.360 Margarita Alban: Action that

797 01:29:54.390 --> 01:30:02.310 Margarita Alban: You know that we're talking about protecting than the natural where you can you you protect I know we're losing a lot of rock face on this.

798 01:30:03.540 --> 01:30:06.330 file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] Margarita Alban: But what do you guys want to talk about what you want to see.

799 01:30:08.070 --> 01:30:13.860 Peter Levy: I think that the applicant is has said that they want to

800 01:30:15.720 --> 01:30:18.450 Peter Levy: they've listened and they want to try to to

801 01:30:21.360 --> 01:30:28.080 Peter Levy: satisfy some of our concerns here and I think we're all working in the same direction. I think that

802 01:30:28.470 --> 01:30:29.610 Peter Levy: I want to give them a chance

803 01:30:30.180 --> 01:30:40.080 Margarita Alban: But we came to them and then they were quite surprised when they heard us yesterday, so we need to be very clear and very articulate what we want to see.

804 01:30:40.800 --> 01:30:41.880 Nick Macri: Oh ok so

805 01:30:42.240 --> 01:30:43.560 Nick Macri: The specific

806 01:30:43.590 --> 01:30:44.220 Peter Levy: Forward now.

807 01:30:45.450 --> 01:30:46.830 Nick Macri: To be specific, I think.

808 01:30:47.100 --> 01:30:48.450 Nick Macri: What I heard here.

809 01:30:49.380 --> 01:30:53.220 Nick Macri: Is that we want them to look at lowering the height of the building.

810 01:30:54.660 --> 01:30:56.340 Nick Macri: Either by by

811 01:30:58.020 --> 01:31:02.100 Nick Macri: You know by to section, you know, bring the roof down, that kind of thing. file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] 812 01:31:03.300 --> 01:31:09.240 Nick Macri: Sinking the parking deeper into the ground, an adjustment to FA are

813 01:31:10.380 --> 01:31:12.450 Nick Macri: I think actually taking a look at

814 01:31:14.160 --> 01:31:22.200 Nick Macri: The overall height, starting with the garage and going up, I think, actually, they're taking advantage of

815 01:31:22.860 --> 01:31:37.260 Nick Macri: That that full height in the LB or two here. Maybe there's something there that can be thinned out to bring the height down so the perceived mass of the building is smaller. I think that's what everybody's big, big issue here.

816 01:31:37.560 --> 01:31:39.870 Nick Macri: We're talking about FDR, but I really believe it's the

817 01:31:39.870 --> 01:31:43.530 Nick Macri: physical size of the building in terms of just height now so

818 01:31:45.000 --> 01:31:48.060 Nick Macri: With those kind of things for the next time around for me.

819 01:31:53.580 --> 01:32:00.450 Victoria Goss: And then we need to look at the width of tailor to Tyler Dr issue and the delivery truck issue, I believe that still not done.

820 01:32:00.480 --> 01:32:15.450 Margarita Alban: And I think to Mr. Charles point that's a question of coming of having a traffic guy come back and we look at the queuing again at the peak hours as I remember that has a pretty bad level of service. We're all aware of that.

821 01:32:15.660 --> 01:32:25.530 Margarita Alban: So we just look at that and we look at what the options are. And in the meantime, Katie I guess we talked to DP W about how they feel about Taylor, where they would go

822 01:32:26.280 --> 01:32:27.360 Andy Fox: Yeah, I think that

823 01:32:27.450 --> 01:32:30.930 Andy Fox: To me is more on the final verses preliminary

file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] 824 01:32:31.410 --> 01:32:35.850 Margarita Alban: But he needs to know, does any which way. He's going on. Taylor wider or narrower.

825 01:32:36.210 --> 01:32:42.240 Andy Fox: Before he right but I don't think that's something. How much time does he have on this application.

826 01:32:43.530 --> 01:32:55.380 Andy Fox: Because you need to go through the sides are. Engineering You're gonna have to go through state do T and it's a lot of time.

827 01:32:55.770 --> 01:33:02.550 Margarita Alban: But don't forget that we have the state extension, the government, the executive order extension. So here we've got a long

828 01:33:02.580 --> 01:33:02.910 Andy Fox: Right.

829 01:33:03.000 --> 01:33:08.790 Margarita Alban: They don't want to go full level because it's not fair to the applicant I'm because we're at we're meeting and that is

830 01:33:08.820 --> 01:33:09.720 Margarita Alban: That those

831 01:33:09.780 --> 01:33:11.100 Margarita Alban: Executive Order dates.

832 01:33:11.550 --> 01:33:22.680 Margarita Alban: On the assumption that nobody's going to work and we are working. So I don't want to go that far. But we have the time. So we could do it during preliminary or we could do it during final. It doesn't matter.

833 01:33:23.340 --> 01:33:32.700 Patrick LaRow: To me, I just want to bring up a point, though, that any new traffic data right now is not going to be valid. It's going to be the total anomaly. So it would have to

834 01:33:33.030 --> 01:33:34.800 Margarita Alban: It did it before he's got the tree I

835 01:33:34.800 --> 01:33:42.960 Patrick LaRow: Don't understand that. So if we're just re analyzing the data and using and applying that, that's fine. But if if we're looking at new Council whatever I

file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] 836 01:33:42.960 --> 01:33:44.850 Margarita Alban: Don't know him in that right now until

837 01:33:45.240 --> 01:33:49.530 Margarita Alban: Like to my car every now and then a drive around Greenwich and marvel at how

838 01:33:49.530 --> 01:33:50.700 Margarita Alban: There's nobody there. So,

839 01:33:50.910 --> 01:33:53.250 Margarita Alban: Ya know, we get that. But he did the camps before

840 01:33:53.490 --> 01:33:53.820 Right.

841 01:33:54.900 --> 01:33:56.820 Patrick LaRow: Now, just want to make sure everyone understands what the

842 01:33:57.210 --> 01:33:58.260 Margarita Alban: Deal with me.

843 01:33:58.890 --> 01:34:09.000 CHaslun: If I could just chime in on that it doesn't really affect the site plan itself, other than some landscaping. So I'm hopeful. We can do it before the next meeting, but

844 01:34:09.480 --> 01:34:17.460 CHaslun: Who knows as Andy said with the state with the TAM, whatever. I'd rather leave that to find out because then we can figure out which way we're going. And also,

845 01:34:18.150 --> 01:34:30.330 CHaslun: The neighborhood may have more to say about it, too. And they may want to say that final so I'd rather do it then possible. And the other thing I'd like to ask about is we did file to come to a place hold with a RC.

846 01:34:31.410 --> 01:34:36.330 CHaslun: We'd like to start the discussion with a RC now is, are you okay with us doing that kind of simultaneously.

847 01:34:36.690 --> 01:34:42.990 Margarita Alban: Are you going to be able to talk to them. It's going to be a little tough. Are you going to be able to do it with what's your placeholder date.

848 01:34:43.950 --> 01:34:47.070 file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] CHaslun: Whatever the next day or so. You mean is, I think it's a may

849 01:34:47.580 --> 01:34:50.850 Margarita Alban: 15th us two weeks is may early May.

850 01:34:51.150 --> 01:34:56.490 Nick Macri: Yeah, I think, actually, before before you appear there see

851 01:34:57.900 --> 01:35:12.900 Nick Macri: We really should be making sure that we are comfortable with the height and I would be more comfortable with actually providing air see our thoughts on what we're looking at in terms of the quote cost Gabi feel

852 01:35:13.620 --> 01:35:16.560 Nick Macri: Okay, because I don't want them to

853 01:35:17.880 --> 01:35:28.800 Nick Macri: Kind of go blind to this. We've had a long discussion about this building its design its character, that kind of stuff. We give them some thoughts and some some place to start.

854 01:35:29.340 --> 01:35:31.650 Nick Macri: You're not kind of reinventing the wheel and their discussions.

855 01:35:33.660 --> 01:35:34.890 CHaslun: Okay, I thought I felt we

856 01:35:34.920 --> 01:35:39.720 CHaslun: Had enough of a sense of the elements, you're looking for at least start the discussion with a RC, if possible, but

857 01:35:40.890 --> 01:35:46.680 CHaslun: And then we could kind of have this as a three way conversation, to a certain extent and might be helpful. Keep going.

858 01:35:49.170 --> 01:35:54.570 Margarita Alban: And and so the reduction in the height is going to be at least four feet.

859 01:35:55.680 --> 01:35:57.570 CHaslun: Well, we're looking at will look into it.

860 01:35:58.590 --> 01:36:01.920 Margarita Alban: Okay, but the initial number is maybe four feet.

file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] 861 01:36:02.460 --> 01:36:04.230 CHaslun: We're trying to hit. Yep. Okay.

862 01:36:05.070 --> 01:36:15.630 Victoria Goss: And do we want to. I know that Andy had mentioned putting some of the parking underground and that Mr Hartman was also interested in that. Is that going to be on our list.

863 01:36:15.630 --> 01:36:16.890 Victoria Goss: Of items for the

864 01:36:17.220 --> 01:36:18.030 CHaslun: Rap. I think just

865 01:36:18.090 --> 01:36:22.050 CHaslun: Trying to dig down to cut in and take down as part of the overall height.

866 01:36:22.500 --> 01:36:25.230 Margarita Alban: Don't haven't done any kind of chested

867 01:36:25.290 --> 01:36:25.920 CHaslun: You haven't done

868 01:36:26.130 --> 01:36:30.660 CHaslun: Testing. Right. We have done some testing, but we may need to do more obviously

869 01:36:31.050 --> 01:36:37.290 Margarita Alban: I mean, you have no idea really. I mean, every time we asked you, you've said all the water tables too high, but you don't actually know that you

870 01:36:38.130 --> 01:36:40.380 CHaslun: can recall tell you the truth, and we did do some

871 01:36:40.470 --> 01:36:42.780 Margarita Alban: More so that's it, the water table is. Hi.

872 01:36:43.260 --> 01:36:44.100 CHaslun: Charlie. Good. Yep.

873 01:36:44.460 --> 01:36:47.400 Margarita Alban: Yep. I know it's high on Strickland.

file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] 874 01:36:48.810 --> 01:36:53.370 Margarita Alban: And I'm for sure. And you were gonna say something because you you lean forward.

875 01:36:55.980 --> 01:37:05.190 Andy Fox: Was just confirming that not parking underground, but to cut the parking into the grave.

876 01:37:05.400 --> 01:37:08.460 Andy Fox: For feet. So it was more like a half a story.

877 01:37:09.360 --> 01:37:13.320 Andy Fox: Below the current elevation to lower the height.

878 01:37:14.700 --> 01:37:23.340 CHaslun: Yeah, I'm told, Diana, that there is actually a ledge real quick there. And I'm sure that maybe I don't. Not sure what the watch it was, but we will look into that. If we get it yet.

879 01:37:23.520 --> 01:37:26.130 Andy Fox: I'm assuming you're blasting regardless. So you're

880 01:37:26.130 --> 01:37:31.560 Andy Fox: Gonna have to sound, whether you whether you go down to feed for foundations or

881 01:37:32.580 --> 01:37:34.170 Andy Fox: Four feet. It's a rounding error.

882 01:37:34.500 --> 01:37:40.770 Margarita Alban: Right. So what was the take on. They're going ahead and seeing a RC, the first week of May.

883 01:37:43.200 --> 01:37:43.560 Andy Fox: Already

884 01:37:43.740 --> 01:37:47.490 Andy Fox: Well, I don't think. I think we should get this both agreed upon.

885 01:37:47.700 --> 01:37:48.630 ASAP.

886 01:37:50.190 --> 01:37:51.810 Andy Fox: Get in in see

887 file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] 01:37:52.530 --> 01:37:57.150 Andy Fox: On a piece of paper. What it looks like I'm not as

888 01:37:58.170 --> 01:38:11.520 Andy Fox: Concerned about what the actual Landscaping plan is because I think that's a refinement, but the setbacks, the height of section through the building. So we all can apply on the bulk

889 01:38:12.570 --> 01:38:21.090 Andy Fox: And and then get everybody comfortable with that then send them to final and and then they can go to a RC.

890 01:38:22.260 --> 01:38:23.580 Nick Macri: I agree with Andy completely

891 01:38:24.480 --> 01:38:26.790 Dave Hardman: Okay, I do as well.

892 01:38:27.150 --> 01:38:31.830 Victoria Goss: Okay, I had one more point that Mr. Todd had mentioned that at

893 01:38:32.970 --> 01:38:42.750 Victoria Goss: That he had been able to bring the FLIR down to compromise between point seven five and nine oh and bring the proper the FLIR down 2.8 to five.

894 01:38:43.020 --> 01:38:44.310 Peter Levy: That was on a different project.

895 01:38:44.310 --> 01:38:45.420 Peter Levy: Correctly. No.

896 01:38:45.930 --> 01:38:46.920 Peter Levy: Different projects.

897 01:38:47.190 --> 01:38:47.490 That was

898 01:38:48.930 --> 01:38:49.140 Peter Levy: Yet

899 01:38:50.070 --> 01:39:09.300 Victoria Goss: But is there is that was fine McDonald's, but his was Mr top saying that he would look at the numbers at 100 is Putnam, to see if that was a possibility at this 100 years Putnam site or was he, I'm not quite sure where he was file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] ended up with that.

900 01:39:10.320 --> 01:39:13.380 Peter Levy: I think that he was comfortable, keeping the F, er, where it is.

901 01:39:14.070 --> 01:39:26.040 CHaslun: And I'm hearing that from you folks to is that, in particular, it's not necessarily FLIR you're concerned about. It's more of perception of bulk and if we can take care of that with fight, as Mr. Matthew suggested they Mr Fox to

902 01:39:26.370 --> 01:39:27.600 Peter Levy: Someone listening better so

903 01:39:27.750 --> 01:39:28.890 CHaslun: Let's take a whack at it.

904 01:39:30.210 --> 01:39:40.140 Margarita Alban: Yeah. And that I think addresses a huge part of my very technical comment about it not looking cost copy

905 01:39:40.410 --> 01:39:44.490 Andy Fox: Well, I think, at the same time they need to rest the bulk that

906 01:39:46.020 --> 01:39:54.990 Andy Fox: Eric and grant off can put together some kind of sketch, to make it more cost copy in at the same time.

907 01:39:59.280 --> 01:40:07.380 Margarita Alban: Okay, so with that, we'll leave this open and if you wouldn't mind changing your placeholder it with a RC.

908 01:40:08.190 --> 01:40:16.050 CHaslun: So we got to find it. I'll just let Risa know that we're not going to go forward to next meeting, and it will be estimating modified plants.

909 01:40:18.330 --> 01:40:25.980 CHaslun: And we hope to be the next DMZ meeting. I think we can we can like my team can chime in here. But at the moment, but I that's we're gonna shoot for.

910 01:40:26.760 --> 01:40:29.880 Margarita Alban: This is to look up Mr. Lowe, could you arrange for that.

911 01:40:34.890 --> 01:40:35.880 Patrick LaRow: I'll wait for Katie to say file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] 912 01:40:36.180 --> 01:40:38.460 Katie DeLuca: Sorry, I couldn't unmute it fast enough. Yes, that's fine.

913 01:40:38.880 --> 01:40:40.350 Margarita Alban: Yeah, it's tricky unmuted.

914 01:40:43.380 --> 01:40:43.920 CHaslun: Okay.

915 01:40:44.250 --> 01:40:45.660 Andy Fox: Thank you. I'll see you all.

916 01:40:46.020 --> 01:40:47.400 Andy Fox: Thank you. I'm signing on

917 01:40:47.550 --> 01:40:48.030 Andy Fox: As well.

918 01:40:48.450 --> 01:40:58.620 Margarita Alban: Okay, bye bye Andy So now, Mr. Yes. Ski will be seated for Mr. Fox, who is recusing himself from this application.

919 01:40:59.700 --> 01:41:00.780 Margarita Alban: And this

920 01:41:02.220 --> 01:41:18.150 Margarita Alban: Go to our second application, which is Greenwich hospital a final site plan and special permit at five Perry Ridge Road and I believe that is going to be Mr. Cohen speaking

921 01:41:21.630 --> 01:41:25.500 Patrick LaRow: Is there a particular setting that you'd like me to correct right now before we jump into the next.

922 01:41:25.500 --> 01:41:26.640 Margarita Alban: Oh no, it's good.

923 01:41:27.030 --> 01:41:27.840 Patrick LaRow: Okay, thank you.

924 01:41:28.710 --> 01:41:33.090 Margarita Alban: We're good areas. Good. And would you like to have file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] 925 01:41:34.110 --> 01:41:36.450 Margarita Alban: Michelle Cronin, be able to speak as well.

926 01:41:38.550 --> 01:41:39.810 Bruce Cohen: Only if she's going

927 01:41:40.860 --> 01:41:49.140 Margarita Alban: Okay. All right. Well, in case she needs to prod you are you know where my hand do any documents. Mr. Cohen. Please go ahead.

928 01:41:51.240 --> 01:41:53.340 Bruce Cohen: Hopefully, you're certainly row is not

929 01:41:54.510 --> 01:41:55.950 Bruce Cohen: Really organized summer.

930 01:41:56.550 --> 01:41:59.190 Patrick LaRow: Would you like the presentation to go up, Mr calling

931 01:42:00.090 --> 01:42:00.240 In

932 01:42:01.290 --> 01:42:16.110 Bruce Cohen: But thank you. Thank you very much, resolved in the Commission Bruce Caitlyn representing Greenwich hospital in this application for final sideman and set special permit approval to allow you to hear alterations.

933 01:42:18.570 --> 01:42:24.750 Bruce Cohen: For the burden of replacing the hospital's existing pet cat scan.

934 01:42:25.830 --> 01:42:36.750 Bruce Cohen: Equipment and creating a mechanical room for the equipment necessary to to support that new scanning operation.

935 01:42:37.860 --> 01:42:43.710 Bruce Cohen: With me tonight or representative John's hospital, Mike.

936 01:42:44.790 --> 01:42:46.740 Bruce Cohen: Walton singer, the director of

937 file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] 01:42:47.850 --> 01:42:55.050 Bruce Cohen: Facilities Management and Anthony carrots Holly, the senior project manager, as well as our traffic is

938 01:42:56.460 --> 01:43:03.330 Bruce Cohen: Bernie Adler who is here and all of whom are able to respond to any questions that you

939 01:43:04.350 --> 01:43:15.510 Bruce Cohen: May have essentially this is a project for interior operations only and although that's not the normal kind of thing. That's the Commission here is

940 01:43:16.290 --> 01:43:28.830 Bruce Cohen: Because this is the H word zone and you'll remember that the H1 zone provides any interior all direction of the building affecting more than 20,000

941 01:43:29.580 --> 01:43:46.410 Bruce Cohen: Square feet of floor area then prior to yours requires special permission from the Commission and that is what we're doing, because, as I'm sure you will recall the hospitalist in before the Commission over the last

942 01:43:47.460 --> 01:43:59.850 Bruce Cohen: Two years with interior alterations that exceed that number and we did provide a copy of a schedule that summarizes the prior applications.

943 01:44:01.170 --> 01:44:04.020 Bruce Cohen: And right now, although the

944 01:44:05.220 --> 01:44:15.270 Bruce Cohen: work that's being proposed is only a little over 1000 square feet of interior space, it still requires your approval.

945 01:44:17.400 --> 01:44:24.750 Bruce Cohen: That is it possible to put up the the site plan that shows that three colors.

946 01:44:29.670 --> 01:44:31.950 Patrick LaRow: Yes, Mr. Cohen, I'm getting to it right. I'll be right there.

947 01:44:32.760 --> 01:44:33.060 Yeah.

948 01:45:10.740 --> 01:45:11.370 Bruce Cohen: Here we are.

949 01:45:14.340 --> 01:45:15.060 file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] Bruce Cohen: Not quite.

950 01:45:15.630 --> 01:45:20.580 Patrick LaRow: No, we're gonna get there. It's just a slow slow burn here.

951 01:45:27.180 --> 01:45:27.750 Patrick LaRow: Bear with me.

952 01:45:34.470 --> 01:45:36.210 Margarita Alban: I gotta look at these every magazine again.

953 01:45:38.070 --> 01:45:50.730 Bruce Cohen: That, that's fine. Thanks Pat, so the the pink shows the existing area of where the scanning equipment is located and where the new equipment will be

954 01:45:51.300 --> 01:46:06.930 Bruce Cohen: Replacing it and that is located, that the in the house. The language is the North portion of the hospital is on the first floor of the hospital was able to locate an area directly beneath

955 01:46:07.830 --> 01:46:11.520 Bruce Cohen: The first floor on a garage level shown in blue.

956 01:46:14.250 --> 01:46:31.290 Bruce Cohen: Locate a mechanical room for the equipment necessary to support that scanning operation. So essentially what we're seeking tonight is the ability to reconfigure that pink area, except the new equipment construct

957 01:46:32.370 --> 01:46:38.220 Bruce Cohen: The blue area in the level below the blue area will will take

958 01:46:39.900 --> 01:46:54.630 Bruce Cohen: Three parking spaces of the screen. Hundred and 51 spaces that are now available that little green area that shown to the right, which is very northern areas in the exterior of the building.

959 01:46:55.170 --> 01:47:06.180 Bruce Cohen: And that is a piece of chilling equipment that is also necessary to support the scanner. The that chiller, which I

960 01:47:07.290 --> 01:47:14.490 Bruce Cohen: Think is shown on the next image, which is a photograph, showing that northern driveway.

961 01:47:16.080 --> 01:47:18.330 Bruce Cohen: If you can find that path. file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] 962 01:47:22.860 --> 01:47:26.340 Bruce Cohen: And that brings you down to a

963 01:47:27.570 --> 01:47:35.040 Bruce Cohen: below grade area which is shown in that bubble and that's the exact location of the

964 01:47:38.250 --> 01:47:40.770 Bruce Cohen: Color is shown on the next

965 01:47:40.830 --> 01:47:41.430 Image

966 01:47:45.600 --> 01:47:57.300 Bruce Cohen: Yeah, behind that launches and mechanical area. So this is a fairly modest piece of equipment designed to support that new scanner.

967 01:47:58.680 --> 01:47:59.280 Bruce Cohen: The

968 01:48:00.510 --> 01:48:09.840 Bruce Cohen: Because of the fact that the hospital is replacing three parking spaces in order to construct that mechanical room.

969 01:48:10.920 --> 01:48:32.010 Bruce Cohen: We've engaged the traffic and parking consultant Bernie has to assess our parking needs and and he has provided a copy of a an assessment that is showing monitoring that he did on four separate occasions beginning last January.

970 01:48:33.030 --> 01:48:40.380 Bruce Cohen: Knowing that there were always a number of spaces available and that, consequently, the loss of this

971 01:48:41.400 --> 01:48:57.120 Bruce Cohen: Of the three out of the 51 spaces would not impact parking availability, particularly in fact that the hospital does a pretty good job of managing their parking requirements through a valet.

972 01:48:58.470 --> 01:49:00.660 Bruce Cohen: Operation and through a

973 01:49:01.920 --> 01:49:12.000 Bruce Cohen: booth with personnel that directs people are going to the House the wing or the or the watching building

file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] 974 01:49:13.650 --> 01:49:27.540 Bruce Cohen: The, the final aspect of this is, and also in terms of the hierarchy and Bella Bella. You will recall that the hospital came before you last year.

975 01:49:28.050 --> 01:49:44.310 Bruce Cohen: And their effort to convert all of their double rooms to single rooms which was beginning before the presence of urgency and will continue when it's when it's over that will reduce the parking demand in terms of visitors.

976 01:49:45.660 --> 01:49:59.520 Bruce Cohen: And also as part of that effort. The hospital is is relocating and it's outpatient clinic and behavioral health center. So again, we believe that

977 01:50:00.570 --> 01:50:11.160 Bruce Cohen: With Mr. Adler, that the market will not be impacted. And sadly, you know, beta is submitted before the game was the property management.

978 01:50:12.540 --> 01:50:20.220 Bruce Cohen: Encourage the, the final aspect of this project to show the last image and that is

979 01:50:21.600 --> 01:50:32.610 Bruce Cohen: A mobile trailer that is going to be needed for a temporary period shown on the very top of the service, which is the western side of the building.

980 01:50:33.060 --> 01:50:46.860 Bruce Cohen: It's a mobile trailer that will provide pet a CAT scan service during the construction period, which is estimated about four months. The doctor the mobile trail Doc is there.

981 01:50:47.790 --> 01:51:03.360 Bruce Cohen: Thanks to an approval by this condition. It's utilities are in place and it's ready to be hooked up to, to a temporary show for that purpose. So if you have any questions will be glad to to address them.

982 01:51:07.290 --> 01:51:09.570 Margarita Alban: Does anybody have any questions for Mr. Cohen.

983 01:51:09.900 --> 01:51:10.530 Yes.

984 01:51:13.470 --> 01:51:27.900 Dennis Yeskey: I think it's great that they're enhancing this, what exactly are they enhancing. It sounds like a much bigger piece of them are. I mean, is it just a better faster kind of MRIs or some something even above that.

985 01:51:28.650 --> 01:51:39.780 file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] Bruce Cohen: It's a, it's probably above that it's a state of the art equipment that that performs the PET scan and CAT scan services if

986 01:51:40.860 --> 01:51:45.540 Bruce Cohen: It is for diagnosis and monitoring purposes.

987 01:51:45.540 --> 01:51:46.620 Nick Macri: To the level much

988 01:51:47.010 --> 01:51:51.300 Bruce Cohen: Higher than you are. Or I have experienced so far.

989 01:51:51.870 --> 01:51:52.500 Dennis Yeskey: Nope, this is

990 01:51:52.860 --> 01:51:54.780 Dennis Yeskey: The phobic your future is it

991 01:51:55.350 --> 01:51:56.880 Dennis Yeskey: Is it is claustrophobic.

992 01:51:57.360 --> 01:51:58.980 Margarita Alban: I don't think that's a zoning question.

993 01:51:59.250 --> 01:51:59.520 Dennis Yeskey: I

994 01:52:00.330 --> 01:52:01.320 Dennis Yeskey: Love this. I mean, I'm gonna

995 01:52:05.760 --> 01:52:09.120 Margarita Alban: I'm gonna send you a mystery esky to check it out.

996 01:52:09.750 --> 01:52:11.910 Dennis Yeskey: Oh. No more Mr. Eyes, that's why.

997 01:52:13.260 --> 01:52:15.300 Margarita Alban: Does anybody have any other questions.

998 01:52:16.860 --> 01:52:17.640 Nick Macri: No. file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] 999 01:52:18.390 --> 01:52:26.670 Margarita Alban: So, you know, the concern beta beta was concerned about the traffic of Mo and the basic point though was that they hadn't

1000 01:52:27.810 --> 01:52:36.540 Margarita Alban: They, they knew that you had somebody there but they didn't realize you were doing ballet and their point is you're effectively maxed out on your available parking

1001 01:52:36.960 --> 01:52:54.150 Margarita Alban: And we all know that to be true whenever we go to the hospital at the peak times it's bad. Now your point is that we're going to the single occupancy rooms is going to reduce the demand and beta agreed with that. So, you know, the loss of the three sconces unfortunate, you could

1002 01:52:54.150 --> 01:52:55.590 Margarita Alban: Probably use more but

1003 01:52:57.330 --> 01:53:02.100 Katie DeLuca: And it's not just, it's not just a changing of the bed of the single occupancy. It's also

1004 01:53:02.160 --> 01:53:03.270 Margarita Alban: Removing off site.

1005 01:53:03.570 --> 01:53:04.440 Katie DeLuca: The off site. Yeah.

1006 01:53:04.590 --> 01:53:10.050 Margarita Alban: Going off site with the outpatient stuff, which in retrospect may have some plus

1007 01:53:10.050 --> 01:53:10.650 Bruce Cohen: That's correct.

1008 01:53:11.520 --> 01:53:11.850 Yeah.

1009 01:53:12.990 --> 01:53:17.070 Bruce Cohen: driven down to the very bottom. You been able to leave your car with the valley.

1010 01:53:18.120 --> 01:53:21.480 Bruce Cohen: Yes, which works very well. Yes.

1011 file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] 01:53:22.650 --> 01:53:23.220 Margarita Alban: Yeah.

1012 01:53:25.140 --> 01:53:29.040 Margarita Alban: So, okay. Anybody else have questions, comments.

1013 01:53:29.820 --> 01:53:30.150 Margarita Alban: Nope.

1014 01:53:30.690 --> 01:53:31.950 Peter Levy: Okay, let me just see if there's

1015 01:53:31.950 --> 01:53:37.620 Margarita Alban: Any comments from the public. Does anybody from the public wish to comment, please raise your virtual hand.

1016 01:53:38.790 --> 01:53:39.270 Margarita Alban: Nope.

1017 01:53:39.750 --> 01:53:51.000 Margarita Alban: You've got no takers. Are you guys acceptable. Do you guys accept closing and moving this application forward at the end of our meeting or at least closing it

1018 01:53:51.450 --> 01:53:52.590 Nick Macri: Yes, I'm good at that.

1019 01:53:53.220 --> 01:53:54.120 Peter Levy: Everybody's good

1020 01:53:54.420 --> 01:54:03.540 Margarita Alban: Okey dokey. So, we will close that application and unless we have any other items. Do we have any minutes, guys. No. Right.

1021 01:54:04.170 --> 01:54:05.130 Patrick LaRow: No, madam chair, we do not

1022 01:54:08.100 --> 01:54:08.700 Margarita Alban: Okay.

1023 01:54:10.290 --> 01:54:10.770 Margarita Alban: So,

file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] 1024 01:54:11.820 --> 01:54:21.360 Margarita Alban: That being the case, then. So when does the public hearing. And if you want to. I think you could stop recording, I'll do that. I've got it.

file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-210110_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 4:02:16 PM] WEBVTT

1 00:00:00.539 --> 00:00:02.190 Margarita Alban: Okey dokey. I got it.

2 00:00:03.929 --> 00:00:10.410 Katie DeLuca: This is usually when we're when we do that when we send the, the court reporter home. We have the video we have the tape going

3 00:00:10.860 --> 00:00:13.170 Katie DeLuca: So we should we should keep the recording going

4 00:00:13.410 --> 00:00:17.039 Margarita Alban: Up done pad double check me, but I think I'm. Yep.

5 00:00:17.279 --> 00:00:18.660 Patrick LaRow: We could still running manager.

6 00:00:18.840 --> 00:00:19.800 Margarita Alban: I turned it off and I

7 00:00:20.820 --> 00:00:22.320 Patrick LaRow: Oh, well then, then you did it.

8 00:00:22.530 --> 00:00:36.360 Margarita Alban: So we're good. Okay, I got it back on. Okey doke. So with that, we're now in decision mode and it's a question of picking emotion. Mr. McCray, if you would like to make a motion on the hospital application.

9 00:00:37.350 --> 00:00:39.180 Nick Macri: Yes. Give me one moment.

10 00:00:40.410 --> 00:00:42.480 Nick Macri: I just want to clear the desktop here.

11 00:00:45.630 --> 00:00:53.070 Margarita Alban: Okay, you don't have you can sync and clear your desktop, but this meeting. You were missing your left shoulder. Most of the time last meeting it was your right shoulder.

12 00:00:53.580 --> 00:00:54.630 Victoria Goss: Other than his head.

file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-225539_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 3:59:42 PM] 13 00:00:56.610 --> 00:00:59.880 Margarita Alban: Hits missing a little truck every now and then to. Yeah.

14 00:01:00.690 --> 00:01:05.100 Dennis Yeskey: He says, as soon as you move the software cut you out everybody

15 00:01:06.720 --> 00:01:11.100 Dennis Yeskey: Margarita your yeah your hair everything. And he looks like he's dead or something. I mean,

16 00:01:11.190 --> 00:01:12.750 Margarita Alban: I end his daddy's gone

17 00:01:13.140 --> 00:01:16.590 Dennis Yeskey: Well, you know, it kind of looks goofy.

18 00:01:17.670 --> 00:01:18.960 Dennis Yeskey: But go to it.

19 00:01:21.420 --> 00:01:23.490 Victoria Goss: But you're not doing that Dennis.

20 00:01:23.880 --> 00:01:25.800 Peter Levy: That's because he doesn't have a background on

21 00:01:25.800 --> 00:01:26.100 Him.

22 00:01:27.300 --> 00:01:28.290 Dennis Yeskey: To these meetings.

23 00:01:28.380 --> 00:01:31.500 Dennis Yeskey: Oh. Anybody use the virtual background effectively.

24 00:01:31.770 --> 00:01:32.430 Nick Macri: I mean, there's no

25 00:01:33.060 --> 00:01:33.750 Nick Macri: Look. OK, so

26 00:01:34.380 --> 00:01:35.550 file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-225539_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 3:59:42 PM] Nick Macri: Now that I've heard that. Oh.

27 00:01:36.000 --> 00:01:37.080 Dennis Yeskey: Man, you look great.

28 00:01:37.500 --> 00:01:38.820 Nick Macri: Now let's turn that off on me know

29 00:01:39.780 --> 00:01:41.670 Peter Levy: Okay, we're in practice.

30 00:01:42.060 --> 00:01:42.600 Builder.

31 00:01:43.860 --> 00:01:44.340 Nick Macri: Okay.

32 00:01:45.420 --> 00:01:46.050 Nick Macri: Motion.

33 00:01:47.880 --> 00:01:50.820 Nick Macri: Five Perry redrow and hospital. Hospital.

34 00:01:51.840 --> 00:01:59.040 Nick Macri: PLP Z 2020 0066 final segment especial permanent in the H1 zone.

35 00:02:00.150 --> 00:02:09.270 Nick Macri: Whereas 6113 he to be for the H1 zone requires planning. Zoning Commission review exterior interior alterations.

36 00:02:10.320 --> 00:02:14.550 Nick Macri: Greenwich hospital is replacing existing PT CT scanning equipment.

37 00:02:15.660 --> 00:02:23.250 Nick Macri: Temporary equipment trailer will be utilized during the construction installation of the new equipment expected on site for four months.

38 00:02:24.360 --> 00:02:37.890 Nick Macri: Three existing garage visitor parking spaces will be lost due to construction of a dedicated mechanical area for the new equipment and new exterior mechanical systems will be concealed by an existing retaining wall.

39 file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-225539_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 3:59:42 PM] 00:02:39.060 --> 00:02:44.850 Nick Macri: Commission finds that the wetlands issued a green sheet. Get it three 620

40 00:02:46.080 --> 00:02:51.930 Nick Macri: Sewer division comments for 13 the government to get it. There's no issues to be addressed during a p AMP Z phase.

41 00:02:53.190 --> 00:03:03.810 Nick Macri: CEO issue comments status for 15 indicating endorsement of the zoning permits sign off and parking, although the new garage mechanical space and eliminate three garage spaces.

42 00:03:04.350 --> 00:03:18.210 Nick Macri: THE HAMPTONS traffic engineer is it to get into a report did it to 2620 that at peak times approximate approximately 19 visitors parking spaces will be available and beta confirmed and concurred with that.

43 00:03:19.110 --> 00:03:35.370 Margarita Alban: You should also add to that that is a condition of disapproval. The applicant will continue to manage the parking and provide valet parking, I believe. The hours are nine to three. Is that correct, Pat. You remember

44 00:03:37.530 --> 00:03:38.130 Patrick LaRow: I don't

45 00:03:39.390 --> 00:03:41.280 Patrick LaRow: Know, nine o'clock the beginning or not, but I

46 00:03:41.700 --> 00:03:43.740 Margarita Alban: Know wrong it's seven to three.

47 00:03:44.760 --> 00:03:58.020 Margarita Alban: Amanda booster generally the applicant will continue it per their parking study the applicant will continue operating a man boost between the between the hours of 7am and 3pm.

48 00:03:59.100 --> 00:04:06.510 Margarita Alban: That will monitor available parking, as well as offer valet parking as necessary.

49 00:04:08.520 --> 00:04:10.860 Margarita Alban: Because it is all of us know it's

50 00:04:12.000 --> 00:04:16.110 Margarita Alban: You go there and you valet Park. I mean, that's the bottom line, at least when I've been there.

51 00:04:17.130 --> 00:04:18.540 file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-225539_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 3:59:42 PM] Margarita Alban: Okay, go ahead, Nick.

52 00:04:18.720 --> 00:04:23.640 Nick Macri: Sorry cake therefore motion to approve application with the following conditions.

53 00:04:24.990 --> 00:04:29.520 Nick Macri: A potential address any know where meaning staff or inner bark into departmental issues.

54 00:04:30.420 --> 00:04:46.890 Nick Macri: Applicant to a Bible all conditions imposed by any and all previous cycling and CVA approvals and I wanted to mention the applicant shall remove the temporary trailer equipment within one month of the new company coming online and applicant shall notify staff of the removal

55 00:04:47.220 --> 00:04:52.410 Margarita Alban: Perfect. We probably should have gotten when they thought that was going to be the day

56 00:04:52.650 --> 00:05:07.230 Nick Macri: To my understanding for most of the is the construction date, but understanding that actually if if for some reason, it goes longer than that. It's basically, you know, if, as soon as it's done in the news clips online, they get rid of the trailer

57 00:05:07.710 --> 00:05:09.480 Margarita Alban: Okay, let's give them maybe six months.

58 00:05:10.560 --> 00:05:11.850 Nick Macri: Afterwards, or

59 00:05:12.030 --> 00:05:16.140 Margarita Alban: Instruction from data of construction construction start

60 00:05:17.370 --> 00:05:22.260 Nick Macri: No, I just because it may take longer. It may take shorter, you know, understanding the current environment within

61 00:05:22.530 --> 00:05:28.920 Margarita Alban: All right well to the day we can't, it's gonna, we're gonna have to notice that the trailers there and six, you know, after they've done it so

62 00:05:29.400 --> 00:05:34.770 Nick Macri: Well, that's it. The trailer goes in and they build Kelly goes out when they're finished a month later, after comes online.

63 file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-225539_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 3:59:42 PM] 00:05:35.790 --> 00:05:37.620 Margarita Alban: Okay. All right. Do I have a second

64 00:05:38.100 --> 00:05:38.490 Second,

65 00:05:39.600 --> 00:05:42.480 Margarita Alban: Ooh, that was close, Mr Hartman

66 00:05:43.680 --> 00:05:44.790 Margarita Alban: Was that hard meter. Yes.

67 00:05:46.410 --> 00:05:49.680 Patrick LaRow: I heard Mr Levy, but that you just made been the loudest volume.

68 00:05:51.810 --> 00:05:52.440 Margarita Alban: Okay.

69 00:05:52.710 --> 00:05:53.700 Nick Macri: Mr Levy, it is

70 00:05:53.850 --> 00:05:55.920 Margarita Alban: Mr Levy, it is all in favor

71 00:05:56.490 --> 00:05:56.880 Peter Levy: Aye.

72 00:05:57.450 --> 00:06:06.540 Margarita Alban: And just for the record or voting voting in favor are levy yes key all been Mac RY Hardman

73 00:06:08.850 --> 00:06:09.570 Patrick LaRow: Thank you, Madam Chair.

74 00:06:09.960 --> 00:06:16.200 Margarita Alban: And with that we've just made our deadline and the BT meeting is short.

75 00:06:17.250 --> 00:06:19.200 Katie DeLuca: Well done, everybody so

76 00:06:21.270 --> 00:06:21.570 All right. file:////gthdata2/landuseusers$/PLarow/Desktop/GMT20200421-225539_Planning-a.transcript.vtt.txt[4/27/2020 3:59:42 PM] 77 00:06:23.130 --> 00:06:28.680 Margarita Alban: Okay, so see you guys later. Um, drinks are on me.

78 00:06:31.050 --> 00:06:31.350 Dennis Yeskey: You

79 00:06:33.870 --> 00:06:35.160 Dennis Yeskey: Drink liquor and

80 00:06:35.280 --> 00:06:36.420 Dennis Yeskey: Charger on account.

81 00:06:37.980 --> 00:06:38.790 Dennis Yeskey: Credit card number.

82 00:06:39.690 --> 00:06:41.670 Margarita Alban: Yeah, no, I'm buying around tonight.

83 00:06:41.970 --> 00:06:47.670 Margarita Alban: And that's okay. I'm coming. All right. Okay, I'm being paid by the four legged by you guys

84 00:06:47.820 --> 00:06:48.900 Patrick LaRow: got everybody. Thank you.

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