2014, June 26 Stargate Roundtable Call



A BBS RADIO Go To www.bbsradio.com; click on Talk Radio Station #2; click on “64K Listen”

Thursday: 9 pm – 12:00 pm EST Stargate Round Table Host: Marietta Robert

Friday: 9 pm – 2 am EST Friday Night Hard News Hosts: T & R

Saturday: 4:30 pm – 2 am EST History of our Galactic World & NESARA Hosts: T & R

Friday, Saturday: From 10 – 11 pm EST, for one hour, the call moves to the Conference Call Line [PIN below] and then returns to BBS Radio. • Use the following phone numbers to ask questions or make comments during the radio show. 530 – 413 – 9537 [line 1] 530 – 763 – 1594 [line 2 & 3] 530 – 746 – 0341 [line 4]

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● The 2013 Round Table website also has an archive section: http://2013rainbowroundtable.ning.com/ look under the “Archives” tab for written notes.


A Sunday, Mondays: 9 – 10:30 EST Cheryl Croci's Activation Calls By telephone only: 1 – 213 - 342- 3000; PIN 9467441#

B Tuesdays, 2Nd & 4th of each month: Ashtar on the Road 9:30 – 11:00 pm EST Host is Fran; Susan Leland channels Ashtar, Sekhmet & others www.Ashtarontheroad.com ▪ Phone Number: 1 – 559 – 726 – 1300; PIN 163731# ▪ Call is free [except for long distance charges] ▪ Can also listen to the call via Skype

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Host: MariettaRobert Meditation: Rainbird

Mayan Calendar: Rainbird

NEW MOON on June 27 – will be next to last wave of the Harmonic Module we started on Oct 31/13; we finish it on July 13, 2014 Destiny Chart of the New Moon: Challenge teacher: IC the magician Support glyph: Men the eagle – our support for Nesara Spiritual support: Kaban, the Earth

26th Thurs - 9 AKBAL – 9 is expansion and activation; Akbal is the Night – we get to work with the unseen and in the cover of the night.

27th Fri – 10 KAN – new moon. 10 is manifestation of the seed; this is the wave of the vision, Men As we finish this harmonic module, we begin a new year on July 26

28th Sat – 11 CHICCAN – 11 to let go of what no longer serves us; Chiccan the snake is about the same thing: changing skins. Be with that energy of transformation

29th Sun – 12 CIMI – Cimi is the leader of worlds, 12 complex, crystal stabilizing energy, birth, death, mid-wifing - making the path to the future – powerful day

30th Mon – 13 MANIK – transformative end of the wave with the 13 tone of the end of the wave; Manik is the healing hand, the deer

1st July Tues – 1 LAMAT, the stargate – Canada Day; the new wave is time to learn to compromise and not give away your power. Beginning of a new wave – how to compromise without giving away your own power -

2nd Wed - 2 MULUC – the moon; time to practice telepathy and working in the polarity, moon, dual energy of 2

3rd Thurs - 3 OC – the dog, unconditional love the 3rd day is the 3rd tone of the Mayan calendar – can follow the wave of Lamat through the 13 days of July

● Reads from The Mayan Record Keeper ; the author talks about using the Record Keeper as a way to work with your daily energies and learn about the transformative nature of the Mayan calendar ● As you use the galactic symbols, you will find your consciousness changing. The seen and the unseen will become clear to you. ● The 3 worlds: The overworld, the middle world [humans live/free will zone]; the underworld – these worlds work in harmony; they are the natural cycles of the universe.

There will be 2 spiritual Yoga classes July 1st will be the first, July 2nd will #2 – both in the evening [email protected] This is a conference call class; she asks for contact information so she can send out a handout.

Astrology - Annie Rose ● This new moon brings a new energy – good for new beginnings for example: a new diet, desire to change choice of clothing, new routes ● This moon also upsets her a bit: does not like -ve predictions, feels very strongly that will hear of new challenges to new wars, etc ● Things in DC in for a shake-up: his fight for peace will not be easy: will need lots of diplomacy; need to watch North Korea and other small countries – next 10 – 12 days will be quite disquieting – not looking forward to this new moon! ● Good time to make moves and settle or close down old issues or old projects

● Concerned about something to do with fires – whatever it is will hit nation-wide news. Need to be cautious even while Mercury is retrograde. ● Will have a lot of things we don't understand in these last few days of Mercury Retrograde: people are not cautious with what they say or do – people in other countries think we mean the opposite of what we say: our politicians need to be careful about what they say ● Personal life: if an estrangement in the family, time to contact them and start a new re'ship.

● Still cannot read and get more help from her ephemeris ● Travel Plans: follow through on them ● The sun spots have really stepped on the computer's toes!

Hard News: R: We are in divine chaos at the highest levels at the moment! The fiascoes are of intergalactic proportions right now ● Those he talked to were all about Boehner and his suing of Obama: kind of like Homer Simpson taking on the Koch Bros! Supposedly the Koch Bros have sent legal advisors to Boehner to take on the constitutional lawyer ● Boehner up to his 3rd eye in 9/11; got involved with Silverstein and Neil Bush and the insurance policy when it went down, they all cashed in. Neil Bush is responsible for killing Bob Marley. ● Everything going on with North Korea is Black Ops; he is an asset of them • the neo con Nazi collaborators are manipulating the puppets of the war machines around the world because they are mad at the black man in the white house R: the change that he promised us is here; it is us; we are the change we are waiting for and as we are a house divided against ourselves, a lot of shit is coming down that is not pretty

T; the manipulators who are supposed to represent us are part of the problem and we don't get it ● Someone asked Thom Hartmann when was someone going to take down the gov't; ● Thom's answer was the gov't is us. Yet the power called us has been usurped, by an oligarchy, a plutocracy a fascist type of corporatocracy; the members of congress except for 64 good men are involved because it is all about money. T: Rama talked to Curly of Larry, Curly and Mo, galactic people in the ACIO: ● Curly [ addressing Mr Boehner]: you are taking on a college professor who is going to whip you into shape regarding him being a constitutional lawyer! And Boehner is a drunk! ● Obama did an end run around Congress and the nazi collaborators, especially the Republicans, about sending 300 people to Iraq, and about Bengazi ● Ahmed Abu Khattala – a Libyan military leader is the chief suspect in 2012 embassy attacks in Benghazi – Curly said he did nada! [SEE BELOW] ● The Black Ops killed the ambassador, and did it for Hillary and Mr McCain - she did not get her 800 metric tonnes of gold; she put it in a plane; St Germain took it on his ships for safe keeping for ● This will open Pandora's box all the way – the Republicans wanted to send him to Gitmo, and Obama used his Executive Privilege to get him tried on the mainline; The Libyan and Beau Berghdahl will talk to high heaven! ● Curly said this is the most intensive time: as we get closer to July, giant cracks in the all of the alibi stories of the Republicans on all issues will show up, plus a huge crack in the birthing egg of NESARA as well.

R called Thom and spoke to Cheno, wanting to talk to Thom about calling McCain out for what he did: war crimes he was never tried for them: he attacked and destroyed village after village and knowingly killed innocent people both in Viet Nam and in North Korea T: ISIS or ISIL – this group with the egging on of McCain, Lindsay Graham, McDermott of Prince Bandar Bush [considered a member of the Bush family even though Saudi Prince – tied at the hip to the Bush-Clinton crime family] was arranging for the so-called opposition fighters to be backed by Bandar Bush's money back in Syria – the ISIS group now. ● McCain went to Syria last year in August and poisoned the kids – Bandar Bush funded it, along with King Abdullah; Netanyahu supplied the chlorine gas ● The Saudis are Sunni, so is ISIS, and Western Iraq ● Iran is Shia; Bashir al Assaud, Maliki / Baghdad is also Shia – this is being etched out in the news

R: one person being considered ?? Mahdi is being considered to be picked in place of Maliki [who is adamant he will not be inclusive [like the ones in the US Congress] ● Egypt has to form a new government by July 1st – heard this from John Kerry ● We are watching a shadow puppet show

T: Sam Seder on Ring of Fire: started to speak on a higher level ● We are in a new cycle; the post end of the Mayan Calendar and the 1320 cycle brings the Naqual into play, ● the 13 families are taking each other out by their own misqualified deeds against the feminine ● On the summer solstice, Isis the black Madonna came in the physical, and any depiction of them not being black are incorrect. ● Sam Seder brought in that the feminine warrior goddesses, Isis and Maitreya, take out the armies of darkness by whatever means necessary, and that the Mahdi, Kalki Maitreya, is here too! ● Go to www.Shareinternational.com to see his starship and more about him.

● A little town outside of Krackow, Poland – the home of the Black Madonna ● This aspect of the Divine Feminine brings in greater intuition & the higher powers we all have ● This shift of the ages we are in – Isis along with Sekhmet too

● Mark Green was with Sam Seder yesterday: talking of the 14 treasonists; Kevin McCarthy is a 3rd cousin to Joe McCarthy family ● back in 1971, when us went on the petro dollar; the Project for a New American Century was planned; the elite Jews of the US gov't, Zionists pre-planned the collapse of the US dollar and coming collapse of the country – the hood winking began a long time ago Mike Papantonio: ● Mr Boehner does not have anything in hand to go up against in terms of the lawsuit ● as we wish to split hairs, regarding the recess appointment when they were not on recess as they kept the gavel and hit it 3x every so often: Warren's ass't was appointed to the Consumer Protection Bureau; we can go to all the recess appointments that Bush did, but it is past history ● Obama will crucify Boehner who is a drunk and a go-fer for the Koch Bros – they are sending legal counsel to Boehner ● The world will find out that Obama's father is Malcolm X and that he has been sent to save this tiny little planet and the local solar system in the Milky Way Galaxy


Guest: Craig Campobosso

Stranger at the Pentagon is 3rd in the showing in Burbank, CA, AMC screens, with a party after wards. ● Go to Facebook: Stranger at the Pentagon movie site to get a ticket if there are any left. ● $15 – 7 to 8:30 with two other short films as well

● For a donation, people can get Stranger at the Pentagon book; there are 3 other Dr Frank Stranges books available. ● Also have posters – picture of Valiant Thor's craft+ poster of the starship ● Debut of movie poster also there – www.strangeratthepentagon.com His twitter: @campobosso

T: what does he think this presentation will open up? CC: it's an amazing story that needs to be told; CC met a couple in 2001 and they took him to meet Dr Frank Stranges who was a friend of Valiant Thor when he was here. The creation of the movie happened organically: the first offer to make a film, CC did not think was a good one; Cc spent lots of time with Dr Frank and eventually they discussed making a film; they started with a short film to show what CC could do. ● People are coming from all over the world to see the short film ● People all over the US are wanting to host screenings in their home towns – will bring interest to lots of people who have never heard the story – they can decide if it's science fact or science fiction. ● Even Gene Rodenberry knew he was receiving information to create Star Wars. ● people who knew Valiant Thor are now coming out of the woodwork. ● He is only presenting the story as it was given to him

CL: part of the process of the profound awakening that is going on CC: this was happening around he time of George Van Tassel and the space convention at – this is a big part of history and people can check it out at Www..com – can learn the story of George Van Tassel ● Back in those days, Dr Frank was the MC of all the space conventions ● When CC went to see the integratron and the refurbished site, he found out the degree of information that Dr Frank had. Talks of the singing bowls in the sound chamber in the integraton

Frank Chile comes on: ● George Filer – Filer's Files – has recently had a conversation with a major in the Pentagon who confirmed that someone had statyed there; ● Also a call from another Major who is working along side a visitor who looks like us; the Major called George Filer on the quiet CC: these enlightened beings are working for the benefit of mankind to help turn things around He wonders if Valiant Thor was in tough with other

FC: Timothy Good's new book Enterprize Earth has proof of 4 visits with Eisenhower: 2 visits with grays, 2 with ones who look like us Nick Redfern thinks one of these visitors could have been Valiant Thor CC: discussion if personal photos might exist; ● Laura Eisenhauer had not heard the whole story when CC had spoken to her. Laura is not only an offshoot of Eisenhauer but also of Nixon – Eisenhower's son and Nixon's daughter married; Eisenhower is her great- great grandfather; her grandfather passed quite recently. ● Judy Beebe met Valiant Thor when she was 17, as did another lady ● Discussion of people who have met Valiant Thor FC: he asked Judy what it was like looking into VT's eyes: like looking into the depths of eternity CC: Dr Frank said he looked into the depths of your soul – nothing can be hidden. It is also a freeing experience: when you look into an avatar's eyes, you feel the unification with the universe and love. FC: the energy emanating from him was intense and also uplifting – there was also a beautiful fragrance CC: called it a “spiritual Feramone” - kills fear, trepidation about meeting him. FC: ever since major Filer has gone public about meeting a space man and a space woman when he was 5 years old, more openness about talking CC: this movie is a nice way of bringing forth yesteryear, enhances the people and the gov't and it eases into disclosure – not sure how it will transpire but all areas of life will be enhanced. ● He is doing the film in total unconditional love and keeping the spiritual intention and telling the story as Dr Frank told it to him. ● thinks it will be a healing thing for the people and the gov't – he is getting such a lot contact about this film from all over the world: it is really the first movie about the real life contacts being made ● “The Day the Earth Stood Still” came out in 1952.3; Valiant Thor arrived in 1957 on his official mission FC: compliments on the poster! CC: talks about its creation & creator ● The creator was overlit during its creation ● The actors who played Eisenhawer and Valiant Thor were also overlit! It was obvious. MR: getting him to come on this show was also guided!

When he will be complete? ● Go to the website and click on “fund short film” ● As for the timeline: as soon as you find someone with a lot of money, his timeline starts then ● To finish the short film: needs about $2,000 to make the DVDs for the donors ● Also needs big storage units to store the film ● June 26 – got the first film with music attached! The music just grabs you! It's an original score: the music does push the story forward as the story is a bit dark. It will bring starseeds to tears! ● Designing sounds for various aspects of the film

Is there any original footage of crafts? Dr Greer has lots of this ● Victor 1 has its own look; Dr Frank had been on the ship lots of times, so he drew it up and it was translated into the film.

FC: comments on CC's enthusiasm: must be part of his DNA now! CC: yes! Also credits Dr Frank's enthusiasm when he told the stories; CC is enthusiastic to translated it into film

Timeline 2001 he met Dr Frank 2002 preliminary talks – when Dr Frank was alive, they had lunch weekly and talked every day as well. 2006,7 – finished draft, draft Dr Frank got ill, he came through, then he fell and broke some bones in his neck; came home had a brace on his head – got cephalitis and was gone quickly. “Please don't ever forget me!” His last words to CC and he was crying when he said it. 2012, 2013 – got the message to start the short film; each little bit of money will come along as you need it. ● No one has taken a paycheck – all services donated! Including Craig & James Cameron's visual effects coordinator – will help with the big film. ● We'll be seeing lots of really cool effects! Green Screen: is lit; has to be perfect and smooth; there are special effects green screen people who have a lot of tedious work to get a perfect result. ● The lighting, the green screening and the sound equipment have been donated.

● So glad he made the short film first; the people are helping to create this by donating time or money – they have made this film happen – it is for the people, by the people – very different from making a film in the studio.

Website: www.strangeratthepentagon.com Can see the poster and short films Craig has made Facebook: Strangeratthepentagonmovie

● Craig's book – on Amazon Autobiography of an ET saga: I am Thyron, Sylvia Browne wrote intro Book is illustrated; a terminology of the ET world. Website: www.AutobiographyofanET.com [Book 1 of 3; Book 2 coming in the fall]

MR: thanks Craig for time R: as for the complex drama: it's very convoluted: the ones playing the roles know fully well what we know, and their money cannot keep them going anymore. The energies are what they are, and these ones are taking themselves out with their misqualified deeds against the Feminine. ● Every single day, more and more is being revealed to the people: their disrespect for the First Family; all the sabre rattling; the money which the Lavender Lad is holding and will not give back Ghaddafi was doing some good things in Libya, North Africa – had a currency for the region – only the clone was killed. ● Ecocide, genocide, mass murder – we get a little blurry eyed looking at the stories that are going on – need to take it to the comedy level to get through it. Lee Camp's comedy is hard stuff, but cuts to the chase: ● we are looking at 2 stories, like 2 sets of books one for the gov't/the Man, and one for the [people involved] ● The Wingmakers coming more and more into the story: their message is being given to the people in the year 2014, which is really 2016 – so many pieces of the stories have to be fitted together: the ones putting it together are those seeing the graffiti on the wall – give peace a chance!

T: In the last 2 hours, a more in depth discussion on what is happening in Honduras, Guatemala, San Salvador: one city in Honduras – the most densely, murder filled city of the 3 countries ● Latest president in Honduras is a scary guy: can get anyone killed at any time for any reason Created a military police that commit war crimes - ● Honduras: Just did a mass execution of children ● will be 52,000 kids coming to the US – they are running away for a reason. ● Thom Hartman had on a professor Dr Dana Frank at UC Santa Cruz to talk about the horrendous acts the Reagan administration did in those 3 countries; Ollie North needs to be brought up for international war crimes; now a commentator on Fox News and CNN ● What US paid for through the School of the Americas to train mercenaries along with Blackwater

MR: caller wants to know why he said 2016, and not 2014 ● Not really in 2014, we are in 2015, but it will be 2016 on Aug 18 of this year ● Has to do with the 520 missing years of history in our reckoning with the calendar which erased 520 years because it was about the Black Madonna / Sekhmet and the people of Kennet and the original the Moabite Nation ● Has to do with the difference between a 12/60 cycle and a 13/20 cycle ● Adjusting to the resonance of our being and not a linear thinking – takes some getting used to: time is not anything we think it is.

2006 - Deciphering Dov Zakheim - could not find the exact article T was reading from; the locations below include what she said, plus a whole lot more! These are too long to cut and paste.




T: reads several items T: being told of the intensity at this moment: Reading: Re-found an article: Legend of Lake Titicaca and the Lemurian solar Disc: reads a bit of it, including an Incan Prayer.


2014, June 17 U.S. Defends Prosecuting Benghazi Suspect in Civilian Rather Than Military Court By JENNIFER STEINHAUER and CHARLIE SAVAGE

Play Video|2:00 Obama on Captured Benghazi Suspect President Obama said that Ahmed Abu Khattala, suspected of being the ringleader in the 2012 attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, was being transported to the United States. WASHINGTON — Conservative lawmakers on Tuesday sharply criticized the Obama administration’s decision to prosecute the suspected leader of the 2012 attack in Benghazi, Libya, in the civilian criminal justice system, arguing that he should be questioned and tried by the military. “The last thing we want is for this terrorist suspect to hear the statement, ‘You have the right to remain silent,’ ” Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina, said in a statement. Mr. Graham said the suspect, Ahmed Abu Khattala, should be sent to the military prison at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. The attack on the American Mission in Benghazi — in which four Americans were killed, including the United States ambassador, J. Christopher Stevens — has been a contentious issue among Republicans. They have questioned the Obama administration’s handling of the attack and accused it of a cover-up. The Obama administration has sought to close the Guantánamo prison and refused to send newly captured prisoners there, instead using federal courts to prosecute terrorism cases that arose after Mr. Obama took office. It was not clear whether Mr. Abu Khattala, who was captured over the weekend, had been warned of his Miranda rights to remain silent and obtain a lawyer. The Obama administration has adopted a policy of interrogating terrorism suspects for long periods without such a warning under a “public safety” exception. “We will always seek to elicit all the actionable intelligence and information we can from terrorist suspects taken into our custody,” Ms. Hayden said. The military commissions system, which the Bush administration established and Congress revised in 2009, has struggled. Appeals courts have vacated the convictions of the only two Guantánamo detainees who were tried for war crimes before a military commission — as opposed to pleading guilty without a trial and giving up a right to appeal — because of flaws that would likely not have been a problem in civilian court. Two years after the arraignment of Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and four other detainees accused of aiding the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, the case is snarled in tangential issues, and no trial is in sight. The debate, as all things on Capitol Hill, appeared to break along partisan lines. “I fully support the administration’s efforts to gather intelligence from Abu Khattala and prosecute him in federal court,” said Senator Dianne Feinstein, Democrat of California and chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee. Peter Baker contributed reporting. George Van Tassel's Amazing Integratron at Giant Rock

by Kathy Doore

George Van Tassel's Integratron and Giant Rock Gallery

To researchers, Giant Rock is significant for many reasons. For starters it was the home and workplace of the enigmatic George Van Tassel, known as "Van" to his friends. Van allegedly made contact with extraterrestrials in the 1950's and was tutored by them on a variety of subjects, including human cellular rejuvenation leading to the building of a structure called "The Integratron”.

After arriving in California from Ohio in 1930, Van, a young pilot and engineer, lived with an uncle who owned an automobile repair shop in Southern California. One day during that period, he met Frank Critzer, a down and out prospector who needed to have his Essex car repaired. Van found the prospector to be an engaging fellow and the two of them soon became friends. Owing to Critzer’s financial difficulties Van agreed to repair the car for free. Critzer was even allowed to sleep at the garage while repairs were made to his car. Van's largess didn’t end there. He gave Critzer a trunk full of canned goods along with $30, which, as Van put it, was a lot of money then. In return, Critzer promised to include Van and the uncle in any mining claims he might make in the future.

A year later, Critzer mailed a map to Van showing him how to get to Giant Rock - a massive boulder surrounded by a dry lake bed sacred to the native Americans, who called it the "Great Stone", the place where Critzer was living. Map in hand, Van set out to visit his friend. When he arrived, he was surprised to find that Critzer had dug under the massive boulder in order to carve out a place to live. He had made an alcove within the cavity to set up house. Technically, Critzer was a squatter, since he was living on government land. According to Van Tassel, the idea of making a cave was a good one. In the summer the maximum temperature under the Rock is 80 degrees F. In the winter, the temperature is a minimum of 50 degrees F. In contrast, the temperature outside the cave swings between 25 degrees F to 115 degrees F. Critzer made an airstrip, and five straight roads leading to Giant Rock. He soon became known as "straight road Critzer" by locals in nearby Landers. The rooms that Critzer dug were no more than a total of 400 sq. ft. under the rock that stands seven stories

high and weighs 100,000 tons. During WWII, Critzer ran afoul of the government and was accused of stealing dynamite and later of being an enemy spy. Conflicting stories about this colorful character abound. But whatever the truth, a confrontation with the police resulted in his death in August of 1942. Interestingly, Van Tassel claims the prospector was an "advanced thinker" who researched innovative methods of manufacturing plastic. However details of that matter are sketchy.

During the ensuing years, Van Tassel became an aeronautical engineer, flight inspector, and test pilot (he'd obtained his pilot's license while still a teenager), and worked for Douglas Aircraft during the 1930s, and alongside Howard Hughes in the 1940s at Hughes Aviation as Hughes' personal flight inspector for testing experimental aircraft. During this time he continued to visit Giant Rock with his wife on vacation. In 1945, he made an application to the Bureau of Land Management to lease the property. And in 1947, he quit his job at a Lockheed aircraft plant and moved his wife and three daughters to the Mojave Desert near Landers, leasing four square miles of land surrounding Giant Rock from the government.

The area was covered with decomposed granite making it a natural site for a small airport where Van Tassel created Giant Rock Airport and Cafe, which he operated from 1947 until 1975. Howard Hughes was a frequent guest who flew in for the delicious pie that Van Tassels wife made. Van Tassel believed the rock's crystalline structure possessed great channeling power by virtue of its piezo- electric characteristics. In 1953, he began a series of weekly meditations in the rooms under the boulder where it was said the meditations led to contact with extraterrestrial beings. On August 21, 1953, a ship from Venus landed and a man wearing a jumpsuit stood at the foot of his sleeping bag, announcing I am Solganda, and I would be pleased to show you my craft. Van Tassel wrote that he was led to a hovering spaceship, and stepped into what he described as a “butter colored” light emanating from the underside of the craft. He was taken on a tour of the ship and told that he had been chosen to bring a message of peace and interplanetary brotherhood to his fellow earthlings. He was shown the principals of cell rejuvenation which later led to the creation of The Integratron.

Designed specifically to carry out anti-aging processes to prolong human life, the Integratron schematics called for recharging human cell structure using a powerful negative ion field. Although Van Tassel died before he could complete the structure, what was left behind continues to focus and amplify powerful geomagnetic forces running through its location, built over a large underground aquifer, while the unique all-wood construction created, sets up a resonant sound field.

“All the planets are inhabited!” The message of two Georges

George Van Tassel authored several books on contact with extra-terrestrial beings including I Rode a (1952), Into This World and Out Again (1956), The Council of Seven Lights (1958), and When Stars Look Down (1976).

On March 1, 1954 George Van Tassel held the first Interplanetary Spacecraft Convention at the California Mojave Desert location that would meet for the next 23 years. Speakers included scientists as well as enthusiastic observers. Vendor booths displayed hundreds of books on space people and their craft. And an article and photo spread appeared in the May 27, 1957 issue of Life Magazine, entitled "Believers hold meeting in desert to swap interplanetary tall tales." The article brought the gatherings to the attention of the world-at-large with the purpose of mocking the entire affair, although it had quite the opposite effect. Within the next 24 months the convention attracted nearly 11,000 attendees.

Among the speakers were well-known , and the explorer/author George Hunt Williamson, who'd published several books on his investigations into UFOs, Other Tongues Other Flesh, (1953). The Saucers Speak (1954), A Message From Our Space Brothers (1954), and Secret Places of the Lion (1958). Giant Rock Interplanetary Spacecraft Convention, April 1954 Speakers include (from left) Orfeo Angelucci (Secret of the Saucers), George Van Tassel, Frank Sculy, Truman Bethurum, and George Hunt Williamson http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=VwqIueZdDmU

Video: 1950s Giant Rock Spacecraft Convention

Williamson's Road in the Sky (1959), detailed his expedition in the high Andes of Peru at the sacred rock forest of Markawasi, where he'd traveled at the behest of the sites discoverer, Peruvian explorer Daniel Ruzo. Ruzo would later publically denounce Williamson for publishing, what Ruzo believed, was his own research (although Ruzo would not publish his own discourse until nearly a decade later in Marcahuasi: the History of a Fantastic Discovery (1974). Williamson went on to scribe yet another sensational expedition to Peru in Secret of the Andes, written under the pseudonym Brother Philip, recounting the tales and teachings of the Brotherhood of the Seven Rays based at Lake Titicaca, including the teachings of the Solar Disk. Included were additional details on the expedition to Markawasi (Marcahuasi) with its history of contact with advanced beings (similar to those cited at Giant Rock), and magnetic anomalies located at similar sacred rock forests, located across the globe. Ruzos theories had made a strong impression upon Williamson.

Van Tassel's Prediction of the 1952 Washington D.C. UFO Incident

In June of 1952, a few weeks before the events of the 1952 Washington D.C. UFO incident George-Van- Tassel notified the US air force, Los Angeles Herald-Examiner and the Life (magazine) of the future events of the 1952 Washington D.C. UFO incident via registered letters, as noted in Van Tassel's book, "When Stars Look Down". The D.C. event was witnessed by thousands of people in and around the Washington Capitol area. It is one of the most publicized sightings to have ever taken place. In the said letters Van Tassel informed several Federal agencies including the White House and the US Air Force, Los Angeles Herald-Examiner and the Life (magazine) that space craft were going to fly over Washington D.C. in the near future. The events occurred a few weeks later in July 1952 as predicted.

For more on the D.C. UFO flap of 1952 see video clip, below. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Asa91nLri00&feature=player_embedded

Rare TV interview with George Van Tassel Vancouver newsman Jack Webster’s June 18, 1964 interview with George Van Tassel, KVOS. During the interview, Van discusses his experiences and the formula for time travel taught to him by visiting space people. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZbFsFWk__c&feature=player_embedded

Click to play.

Warning from the ET'S

Conveyed through George Van Tassel in 1952 from a being calling himself Ashtar (not the Ashtar Command or imitations) who claimed to be on board a patroling space station was a warning received by many early contactees of the 1950s; Shan was their word for Earth, July 18, 1952.

"Hail to you beings of Shan, I greet you in love and peace, my identity is Ashtar, commandant quadra sector, patrol station Schare, all projections, all waves. Greetings, through The Council of Seven Lights, you have been brought here inspired with the inner light to help your fellow man. You are mortals and other mortals can only understand that which their fellow man can understand. The purpose of this organization is, in a sense, to save mankind from himself. Some years ago your time, your nuclear physicists penetrated the "Book of Knowledge"; they discovered how to explode the atom.

Disgusting as the results have been, that this force should be used for destruction, it is not compared to that which can be. We have not been concerned with their explosion of plutonium and UR 235, the Uranium mother element; this atom is an inert element. We are concerned, however, with their attempt to explode the hydrogen element. This element is life giving along with five other elements in the air you breathe, in the water you drink, in the composition of your physical substance, hydrogen. Their efforts in the field of science have been successful to the extent that they are not content to rest on the laurels of a power beyond their use, not content with the entire destruction of an entire deity at a time. They must have something more destructive, they've got it.

When they explode the hydrogen atom, they shall extinguish life on this planet. They are tinkering with a formula they do not comprehend. They are destroying a life giving element of the Creative Intelligence. Our message to you is this: you shall advance to your government all information we have trasmitted to you. You shall request that your government shall immediately contact all other earth nations regardless of political feelings. Many of your physicists, with an inner perception development have refused to have anything to do with the explosion of the hydrogen atom. The explosion of an atom of inert substances and that of a living substance are two different things. We are not concerned with their deliberate determination to extinguish humanity and turn this planet into a cinder. Your materialism will disagree with our attempt to warn mankind. Rest assured, they shall cease to explode life giving atoms, or we shall eliminate all projects connected with such. Our missions are peaceful, but this condition occurred before in this solar system and the planet, Lucifer, was torn to bits. We are determined that it shall not happen again.

The governments on the planet Shan have conceded that we are of a higher intelligence, they must concede also that we are of a higher authority. We so not have to enter their buildings to know what they are doing. We have the formula they would like to use. It is not meant for destruction. Your purpose here has been to build a receptivity that we could communicate with your planet, for by the attraction of light substances atoms, we patrol your universe. To your government and to your people and through them to all governments and all people on the planet of Shan, accept the warning as a blessing that mankind may survive. My light, we shall remain in touch here at this cone of receptivity. My love, I am Ashtar."

"The purpose of the Integratron is to recharge energy into living cell structure, to bring about longer life with youthful energy. It is a machine, a high voltage electrostatic generator that would supply a broad range of frequencies to recharge cellular structure."

~ George Van Tassel, Builder of The Integratron

The Integratron A Time Machine & Tabernacle

George Van Tassel called his Integratron "a time machine for basic research on rejuvenation, anti-gravity and time travel". The structure stood four-story's high and 55 feet in diameter. It was of non-metallic structure, sited over a magnetic vortex--an essential part of its functioning. Van Tassel erected a sign at the entrance which simply stated: “Integratron: Dedicated To Research In Life Extension.” The placement of the Integratron was chosen based on a complex set of theories involving the earth's magnetic field, with the Integratron's relationship to the Great Pyramid in Egypt and Giant Rock, presumed to be the world's largest freestanding boulder at the time.

Bruce Cathie, author of Harmonics 33 pronounced "The Integratron has the same harmonic value that is built into the King's Chamber in the Great Pyramid. I believe that this harmonic is connected with inter- dimensional values. The yin/yang or gateway to dimensions." Cathie's findings were published in Van Tassel Tassels newsletter, The Proceedings on November 5, 1977. Van Tassel wrote six books about his out-of-this-world experiences, and formed the College of Universal Wisdom. In an issue of the January 1978, "Proceedings," quarterly publication of the College of Universal Wisdom, it was reported that the device was 90 percent complete, and Van Tassel planned to be the first human to experience the power of the Integratron. He had been involved in over 400 radio and television interviews, and had a number of supporters, but three weeks later, George Van Tassel died February 9, 1978 of an apparent heart attack. A shock to his friends and family since he had been in good health. The "core" and other critical components of the Integratron disappeared shortly after Van Tassel's death, giving weight to a conspiracy theory. According to author and UFO researcher, Nick Redfern, in 1954 files F B I Director J. Edgar Hoover had dispatched g-men to surveil Van Tassel.

With no written plans for completing the project, Van Tassel's family abandoned the site. The buildings at Giant Rock were vacated and gradually Vandalized until the Bureau of Land Management found it necessary to bulldoze the remains, leaving only the nearby dome intact as you see it today.

In his many hundred radio and TV appearances, George Van Tassel compared the Integratron to the Tabernacle of Moses. He claimed that he was instructed by a higher intelligence to build a 21st century version of the Tabernacle that Moses constructed, using the same positive power principle of the Great Pyramid of Giza, and was given the name The Integratron. He was told it would revitalize and rejuvenate the physical bodies of humankind. George Van Tassel openly shared much of the technology with his supporters and followers, but those close to him say he kept much of it secret, sharing it only with his closest, trusted colleagues.

"And it came to pass, as Moses entered into the tabernacle, the cloudy pillar descended and stood at the door of the tabernacle, and the Lord talked with Moses." (Exodus 33:9) "And the Lord spake unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend..." (Exodus 33:11)

"According to all that I shew thee, after the pattern of the tabernacle, and the pattern of all the instruments thereof, even so shall ye make it." [Exodus 25:9]

George Van Tassel compared Moses' "rings" to the Integratron's coils, Moses' "staves" to the Integratron condensers, Moses' "tenons" to the Integratron's wires. Where Moses used nonmetallic skins and cloth to cover his Tabernacle, He used the more modern nonmetallic materials of plywood and fiberglass. And just as the Tabernacle had an "Ark," so did the Integratron - an "Electrostatic Arc."

"For the cloud of the Lord was upon the tabernacle by day, and the fire was on it by night, in the sight of all the house of Israel, throughout all their journeys." (Exodus 40:38)

Van Tassel interpreted this Exodus passage and compared it to the Integratron. He said the "fire by night" was the electrostatic discharge corona, and the "cloud by day" was the ionization of the moisture in the air causing a cloud to condense around the Tabernacle. He believed the Integratron building would display identical qualities.

According to Van Tassel, the Integratron is located on an intersection of powerful geomagnetic forces that, when focused by the unique geometry of the building, will concentrate and amplify the energy required for rejuvenation and healing. In 2005, a geophysicist measured the earth's magnetic field for up to 15 miles in every direction from the Integratron and then inside the dome. She proclaimed that there is a significant, unexplainable spike in the earth's magnetic field in the center of the Integratron.

George Van Tassel's literature describing the project stated that the machine's purpose was "to recharge energy into living cell structures, to bring about longer life with youthful energy." He theorized that the body is an electrical device, and aging was a matter of the cells running out of power. The Integratron, capable of collecting up to 50,000 volts of static electricity from the air, would be a multi-frequency, electrostatic charger for the human body.

The 16-sided Dome was built of wood and concrete and held together by glue and gravity-electrically neutral materials. The generating core was made of copper wire. Had it been placed into operation, candidates would have walked through the building, essentially a huge air capacitor, while wearing white outfits. The charges, distributed over a wide range of frequencies, would affect every cell. Integratron became a Noah's Ark, "a vehicle or vessel that could deliver a chosen lot of followers to a secure place. It's the dream as old as mankind to live forever and have some control in governing our time on earth."

Vintage Audio Interview The Flying Saucer Phenomenon and George Van Tassel 1957 CLICK TO PLAY NEBEL AUDIO (*short delay before audio begins.) George Van Tassel interviewed by Long John Nebel, The Partyline, June 21, 1957, along with Morris K. Jessup, Lester del Rey, Hans Stefan Santesson (aka Stephen Bond; Fantastic Universe), and Dan Fry.

The Age of Flying Saucers with Long John Nebel Audio interview with 1950s contactees, including George Van Tassel retelling his contact experiences with Solganda aboard the spaceship, followed by Orfeo Angelucci's contact encounter with a being named Adam .

Click for full resolution photos. George Van Tassel 1910 - 1978

The Integratron Today

Recently honored with a dedication and historical monument by the Ancient and Honorable Order of E Clampus Vitus, Billy Holcomb Chapter, the Integratron today receives many visitors drawn to experience the Integratron's enhanced energy fields. An overnight stay at the Integratron is said to result in waves of peace, heightened awareness, and relaxation of the mind and body. Affectionately called "The Dome" by the Karl sisters (Joanne, Nancy, and Patty), who together own and operate the Integratron, say "Our work at the Integratron has been about honoring the old history and getting the story straight about George Van Tassel's life's work, what we call the New History of the Integratron, which we believe is about creating an environment that is a gathering place where science and spirit meet. We're dedicated to the research and the understanding of what the Integratron's gift to humanity really is." And many agree, including a very high- ranking Tibetan Buddhist lama who has been teaching out of the Integratron, purportedly sent there by His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

If you plan to visit, don't miss out on a truly out-of-this-world experience--a "sound rejuvenation" session, offered by appointment. The Integratron is open to the Public.

Giant Rock Splits Open Fulfilling Prophecy

On February 23, 2000 The High Desert Star newspaper, Landers, California, reported that one of the worlds largest freestanding boulders broke into two pieces. A third of it broke off, exposing a gleaming white granite interior. The Giant Rock is famous in Native American culture, since it and the surrounding land are Holy Ground. It was the place where the northern and southern tribes met each year. Native Americans call the Giant Rock The Great Stone. And to them, the Great Stone symbolizes the Great Spirit.

In times past, tribal ceremonies at this site often lasted up to three days. During the ceremonies, none of the ordinary citizens of the tribe were allowed to be near the Rock. Instead, they had to camp a mile or so away from the proceedings. On the North side of the Rock is the Sign of the Scorpion, purportedly put there by an Indian chief. To the Indians, the sign signifies a good place/ According to reports, it is the only official Native American sign on the Giant Rock. No other markings were permitted. At the Giant Rock, the chiefs would commune with the spirits of the "Rock People" who prophesized that one day the Mother would split open and a new era would begin. Many see the recent splitting of the rock as a prophesy fulfilled.

Giant Rock was considered by many to be one of the largest boulders in the world, it is now two boulders. A slice of the rock fell off from the boulder on February 23, 2000, exposing a gleaming white granite interior and fulfilling Native American prophecy.

In ancient times Giant Rock was held sacred by the Native peoples of the Joshua Tree, California, area. So sacred in fact that only the chief was allowed to go near it. Everyone else had to wait nearly a mile away while the Chief communed with the spirits of the "Rock People" who had prophesied "the day when the Mother would split open and a new era would be revealed."

Most other traditions have pointed to this time in our history as the awakening of the Divine Feminine, to a world based upon compassion and peace. Now that Giant Rock has split, many people believe that the prophecy has been fulfilled.

In his latest book, "The Secret of the Beloved Disciple," James Twyman wrote extensively about two important shamans in this area, Shri Naath Devi and Fr. John, a priest from Los Angeles. An important happening took place at the Integratron with Shri Naath Devi and Fr. John a mile away from Giant Rock, during the two days prior to the boulder splitting. Twyman believed that this story needed to be shared with as many people as possible so as to focus prayers and energy on the important era we have recently entered.

On February 19 and 20, 2000, Shri Naath Devi was inspired to bring a number of powerful healers to the desert near Giant Rock to pray, and meditate. She said that the Native people were no longer doing ceremony in this area and that the earth itself was about to react with a violent upheaval. If the Mother accepted the prayers that were scheduled, then Giant Rock would crack at the side, relieving pressure on the Earth's tectonic plates. If the prayers were not accepted, then Giant Rock would split directly down the middle.

The fact that Giant Rock had not moved for millions of years made the likelihood of such a change remote. And yet, the next morning, to everyone's amazement, the boulder had not cracked, rather one-third of the rock had split and had fallen to the desert floor. Shri Naath Devi interpreted this in the most positive light. She said that the Mother had opened her arms to us, cracking open her heart for the whole world to see. Fr. John was there for part of the prayer. He too felt the incredible shift and joined two of Twyman's assistants who had participated in the prayers with Shri Naath Devi. They had gathered at her house less than 24 hours later. As they stood in the kitchen discussing the events, lightning struck, sending a ball of light through the center of the house in a north/south direction. Within moments lightning struck again and shot through the house in an east/west direction. This was a very auspicious moment and was witnessed by all four people. Shri Naath Devi declared that the prayers were now complete and that the lightening was honoring the four directions as a sign from the Mother that supported this completion. The boulder had split open only two hours prior to this gathering.

What does this all mean?

We stand at the threshold of an amazing opportunity. This is the time when we rediscover within ourselves the peace and compassion of the Divine, and the earth itself will mirror this shift. There have been many signs over the last few years. All this leads us to believe that the time the ancients have called the Great Shift is at hand.

“Miracles happen when another unseen world intersects with our own.” -- C. S. Lewis, 1947