A RIDE IN A can be a valuable experience— educational,uplifting, empowering. But only if you’re prepared forit. Hence this guide—the most comprehensive and PRACTICAL ever offered to the public. In it you’ll find tales of , facts about the Space People, and amazing photos. You’ll learn about ’s ride, Orthon, mother ships, the Encounter Kit, boarding etiquette, Little Men, propulsion systems, Cosmic Consciousness, UFO detectors, , interplanetary birds, a special handshake, women and UFOs, the Pyramid Hat, sightseeing on Mars, abductions (the real story), Madame Blavatsky, the train, exercise pills, Ray Palmer (“the man who invented flying saucers”), the Saturn conference, Music of the Spheres, the Mystery Tower, your legal rights in Space, , jumpsuits.

And you’ll get Professor Solomon’s tips for MAKING THE MOST of your encounter. Read this book and be ready—for your ride in a UFO.

     0-912509-07-4 by Professor Solomon

Illustrated by Steve Solomon

Top Hat Press BALTIMORE Copyright © 1998 by Top Hat Press

All rights reserved

ISBN 0-912509-07-4

Photography by Leonard Solomon


Top Hat Press Baltimore Contents

Why This Book 

1. Do They Exist? Things in the Sky  Explanations  My Own View  I Was Wrong  There’s Something Out There 

2. What Are They? Local?  Wrong Again  Amazing Tales 

3. Messengers It Can Happen to Anyone  Dealing with It  The Contactees Thrive  Adamski 

4. “Let Me Outa Here!” Different Types  The Abduction Phenomenon  Theories  My Theory  Spiritual Benefits  5. Flying Saucers and You Me?  Being Prepared  Coming Aboard  Making the Most  Things to Beware  At Risk  Three Special Words 

6. Q&A Q&A 

7. This and That The Mars Restaurant  Women and Flying Saucers  Mundo  The Pyramid Hat  How Do They Fly?  A Martian Temple  Elvis  A Summing Up 

: The Extraterrestrial Life Debate  Why This Book

You stagger to your feet. The floor begins to rumble. There are flashing lights—a high-pitched hum—an approaching figure in a jumpsuit. It’s happening. A flying saucer is about to take off. And who’s aboard? Who’s staring in disbelief at the alien decor? Who would prefer to be elsewhere? That’s right. You. Moments before, all was fine. You were driving along a lonely road, savoring the night air, marveling at a skyful of stars—when a disk appeared overhead, glowing and pulsat- ing. Mysteriously, your car stalled and coasted to a halt. The disk swooped down. From it came a ray of light, gripping you and drawing you inside. Now that disk is rising into the sky. It is carrying you off. And my question is this: Are you prepared for such an experience? Will you be able to deal with it? Meet its challenges? And even (as with any remarkable experience) profit from it? Let’s face it. Probably not. Indeed, you’ve probably given scant thought to the mat- ter. A flying saucer experience? Oh, that’s something that happens to other people. Or doesn’t even happen at all—a bunch of nonsense. In any event, you’ve seen no reason to worry about it. Yet to anyone who has examined the evidence—taken a close look at the photographs, eyewitness accounts, and sta- tistics—nothing could be further from the truth. Encoun- ters with flying saucers do take place. They happen daily. And they can happen to anyone. Includin