The Concept of Manliness of the Working Class Society in Greenwood’S Love on the Dole
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THE CONCEPT OF MANLINESS OF THE WORKING CLASS SOCIETY IN GREENWOOD’S LOVE ON THE DOLE AN UNDERGRADUATE THESIS Presented in the Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters By Raulina Oktavia Br. Sibuea Student Number : 984214056 Student Registration Number : 980051120106120056 ENGLISH LETTERS STUDY PROGRAMME DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH LETTERS FACULTY OF LETTERS SANATA DHARMA UNIVERSITY YOGYAKARTA 2007 i They said that you wouldn’t make it But never mind! Cause you have never it let go inside You have wotrked real hard to what you want So believe and never give up! You can reach your goals I believe I can I believe I will I believe my dreams are real I believe i’ll reach my goals real soon That is what I do believe! (“I believe”-Yolanda Adams) iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS First of all I would like to thank my heavenly Father for guidance and love and blessing during the hard days. My deepest gratitude goes to my beloved dad in heaven. I also like to thank my dearest mom for her endless love, pray and support. I am sorry for making you in tears so many times. I do not mean it. I love you, Mom. I also thank my beautiful sisters: Duma and “Butet” who patiently warn me to finish my thesis and never let me give up. I would like to thank Drs. Hirmawan Wijarnaka, M.Hum, my major advisor and my co-advisor Dewi Widyastuti, S.Pd., M. Hum., for being patient, careful and wise during the long days of working my thesis. I am sorry for wasting your time to read and to examine my thesis. I also would like to express my gratitude to Mas Didit for his ‘sms’ correcting and warning toward my thesis. My gratitude also goes to all the lecturers and Secretariat staffs of the Faculty of Letters who have taughed and served much knowledge with me. My deepest gratitude also goes to all my sisters: Ka Yuyun and Mba Gabi, both of you have been my real older sisters. Yona and friends, thanks for sharing nice time about the life. I deeply appreciate what you have done to me. Indra, thanks for your confusing jokes. You remain me to “Chandler”. I also would like to thank to ex all members in Gang Cabe 21d Susi, Ica, Ike, Eta and many friends for making me comfortable in the boarding house. My gratitude also goes to all of my ‘98’ friends. My study would have been boring without you all. I appreciate the wonderful friendship along my study. The last but not the least, I would like to thank my four best friends Ika, Helga, Asti and Herning. You all inspire and teach me about ‘true friendship. All of you are the sunshine of my life. v TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- i APPROVAL PAGE -------------------------------------------------------------------- ii ACCEPTANCE PAGE ---------------------------------------------------------------- iii MOTTO ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ----------------------------------------------------------- v TABLE OF CONTENTS -------------------------------------------------------------- vi ABSTRACT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- vii ABSTRAK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ viii CHAPTER: I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study -------------------------------------------- 1 B. Problem Formulation ------------------------------------------------ 5 C. Objectives of the Study ---------------------------------------------- 5 D. Definition of Terms -------------------------------------------------- 6 CHAPTER: II THEORETICAL REVIEW A. Review of Related Studies ------------------------------------------- 8 B. Review on Related Theories ----------------------------------------- 10 1. Theory of Character and Characterization ------------------- 10 2. Theory of Setting ------------------------------------------------ 11 3. Men in Perspectives---------- ----------------------------------- 12 4. The Relation between Character, Setting and Society ------ 15 5. Theory of British Working Class ----------------------------- 16 C. Theoretical Framework ---------------------------------------------- 18 CHAPTER: III METHODOLOGY A. Object of the Study --------------------------------------------------- 20 B. Approach --------------------------------------------------------------- 21 C. Method of the Study -------------------------------------------------- 22 CHAPTER: IV ANALYSIS A. Maliness Seen in the Characters ------------------------------------ 24 1. Harry Hardcastle ------------------------------------------------ 25 2. Ned Narkey ------------------------------------------------------ 29 B. The General Condition of the Society on the Novel -------------- 30 C. The Concepts of Manliness ------------------------------------------ 39 1. The Occupation --------------------------------------------- 40 2. .Workplaces ------------------------------------------------- 42 3. Physical Appearances ------------------------------------- 44 CHAPTER: V CONCLUSION ----------------------------------------------------- 46 BIBLIOGRPHY ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 50 APPENDICES Appendix 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 55 Appendix 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 57 vi ABSTRACT Raulina Oktavia Br. Sibuea, (2007). The Concept of Masculinity of the Working Class Society in Greenwood’s Love on the Dole: Yogyakarta: English Letters Departments, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma, Yogyakarta. Love on the Dole is the first novel of Walter Greenwood. This novel depicts the real condition of the working class society in the depression of the late ninetieth thirties. It is an important contribution to the literature about working class society. The analysis of Love on the Dole is based on three problems formulation. The first problem is to find out the characters represent the manliness in the novel. The second problem is to analyze the condition of working class society in the novel. The last problem is to figure out how manliness concept is established among the working class society. The theory on manliness, character and characterization are the best to explore to the analysis. There are two characters that are analyzed, Harry Hardcastle and Ned Narkey. Each character presents their manliness through their characterization. Harry describes the character who lacks in having the emblems of manliness and Ned Narkey is the opposite of Harry’s characterization. It can be seen from their job, Harry works as a clerk which is not regarded as a real man while Ned Narkey works at the factory, the place where people think a real man should work. The novel also explores the British working class people’s condition, the theory of British working class is required to be a guideline. To get the picture vividly about their condition, the theory of setting is crucial needed. Through the elements of setting, the condition of the society in Hanky Park is easier to analyze and to conclude. In order to reach the objectives above , the library research is used. The Novel “Love on the Dole is the primary source for this thesis. Other sources come from some books and criticisms applied as the secondary sources. In this analysis, the manliness is close to the working class people’s condition in the novel that is why it is important to apply Sociocultural approach. Finally, to conclude the concept of manliness that is established among the working class society, we have to find out the ideas of manliness itself. The idea of maliness is raised from the people who think that a man should deal with the power. That is why a real man has to be supported by the convincing physical which is strong, big and muscles or the job which is dealt with the power. vii ABSTRAK Raulina Oktavia Br. Sibuea, (2007). The Concept of Manliness of the Working Class Society in Greenwood’s Love on the Dole: Yogyakarta: Jurusan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma. Love on the Dole merupakan karya novel pertama dari Walter Greenwood. Novel ini menggambarkan realita masyarakat kelas pekerja pada masa depresi akhir tahun 30an. Novel memberikan kontribusi yang penting bagi literature tentang masyarakat pekerja. Skripsi ini terbagi menjadi 3 pokok masalah. Pokok masalah yang pertama adalah pembahasan tentang karakter-karakter yang mencerminkan sikap seorang pria sejati yang digambarkan di dalam novel.pokok masalah yang kedua adalah membahasa tentang kondisi masayarakat pekerja yang terdapat di dalam novel. Dan yang terakhir adalah membahas tentang konsep pria sejati yang terdapat di dalam novel. Dalam skripsi ini teori tentang sikap laki-laki, karakter dan penokohan adalah teori yang tepat digunakan. Terdapat 2 karakter yang akan dianalisa, yaitu Harry Hardcastle dan Ned narkey. Tiap karakter menggambarkan identitas kelakian melalui penokohan mereka. Harry menggambarkan karakter yang kurang beruntung dalam memenuhi identitas sebagai pria sejati. Sedangkan Ned Narkey sebaliknya, Ia adalah seorang pria sejati. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari pekerjaan mereka, Harry adalah seorang pegawai kantoran biasa sedangkan Ned bekerja di pabrik, tempat dimana seorang pria sejati seharusnya bekerja. Novel ini juga membahas tentang kondisi masyarakat kelas pekerja Inggris, untuk itu teori tentang masyarakat kelas pekerja Inggris sangat layak sebagai garis besarnya. Untuk dapat menyimpulkan kondisi kelas pekerja Inggris sesungguhnya, teori setting sangat