Three Generations of Working-Class Fiction (Lawrence, Greenwood, Sillitoe), 1910-1960
ALTERNATIVE FORMS OF MODERNITY: THREE GENERATIONS OF WORKING-CLASS FICTION (LAWRENCE, GREENWOOD, SILLITOE), 1910-1960 MATTHEW GAUGHAN PhD THE UNIVERSITY OF YORK DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH AND RELATED LITERATURE MAY 2007 In memory of Herbert Peter Kirkham, grandfather and chemist iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgements v Declaration vi Abstract vii Abbreviations ix INTRODUCTION I CHAPTER ONE The Forging of a Working-Class Tradition in D. H. Lawrence's Sons and Lovers 14 1. Historical Contexts 1. Iniroduction 18 2. D. H. Lawrence'sInditshialMidlands 23 3. Edwardian England 30 4.1 Education 35 -airrence's H. The Development of Lawrence's Fiction 1.A BiograpbicalNarralire 38 2. FourMbibi, Sloties,1912 42 ,g 3. Vii1big Somaid Lvrers 48 111."The Colliery Novel" 1. CriticalReadings 54 2. ThePbjsique of Class 59 3. TheIndustrial TForkscape 68 4. ThePlatiq of Irlomen 76 5. Conclusion 83 CHAPTERTWO Palatable Socialism or the "Real Thing"? Walter Greenwood's Love On the Dole 86 1. Historical Contcxts 1. Introduction 87 2. Contemporaries&Predecessors 95 3.1930s Fiitiii 102 ,g IV 4. Mancbester6- Safford:A Btief Oveniew 109 5. ThePolitical Context 112 11. The Novel 1. ReconsinictinTSafford 122 (a) Gambliiý 123 ,g (b) Goff,ýhj 128 ,g (c)Etbititi-O 130 2. Politics:'Apalby, dodAy,deference" 136 3. TheAtilbentidy of Laii guage 145 . , 4. Froz),Novel to Film 150 CHAPTER THREE The Creation of a New Working-Class Mythology in Alan Sillitoe's Saturday Night and Sunday Morning 157 1. Historical Contexts: "The TranquIlized Fifties" 1. Bfifisb Likrature 161 2. From,'Tbe People'sVar" fo theAffluent 1950s 166 3. TeenageOdium 172 4.
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