C O N F E R E N C E 6 4 October 2017

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C O N F E R E N C E 6 4 October 2017 Joint Pathology Center Veterinary Pathology Services WEDNESDAY SLIDE CONFERENCE 2017-2018 C o n f e r e n c e 6 4 October 2017 CASE I: 3120125021 (JPC 4017935). Microscopic Description: Skin: In the dermis and subcutis, elevating the overlying Signalment: 1-year-old, Crested Guinea epidermis, is a densely cellular, poorly fowl, Guttera pucherani, avian. demarcated, non-encapsulated, infiltrative growing, monomorphic round cell History: A peri-orbital mass surrounded the neoplasm. Neoplastic cells are organized in left eye. Growth of the mass initially started poorly defined lobules of large solid sheets rostrally from the eye and slowly extended with scant intermingled fibrovascular to the nose and the upper eyelids. Initial connective tissue. Neoplastic cells are round treatment with enrofloxacin gave transient to oval with a small amount of pale improvement. A second treatment with the amphophilic cytoplasm and indistinct cell same antibiotic did not have effect. Bacterial borders. Nuclei are round and contain culture yielded Staphylococci susceptible to coarsely clumped chromatin and one or two doxycyclin. Treatment with doxycyclin was started but did not give improvement. A surgical biopsy was then taken and submitted for histopathology. Gross Pathology: Bilaterally there was a mass of approximately 1.5cm in diameter, involving the upper eyelids and extending into the subcutis of the nose. On cut surface the mass was solid, firm and marbled pale tan to black with multifocally softer tissue with cystic spaces containing viscous mucoid material. Laboratory results: Bacterial culture in the Feathered skin, guinea fowl. At subgross magnification, past: Staphylococci, not further specified. the dermis is expanded and largely effaced by sheets of neoplastic round cells. (HE, 5X) 1 moderately distinct nucleoli. Mitotic figures the Galliformes order but not including are 18 per 5 HPF and there is mild domestic fowl. anisocytosis and anisokaryosis. Small numbers of neoplastic cells multifocally Lymphomatous tumors are also relatively infiltrate the epidermis and feather follicle common in domestic fowl and turkeys. epithelium and there’s multifocal infiltration Common sites of occurrence are liver, and replacement of pre-existing muscle spleen, thymus and kidneys. Cutaneous and tissue and lacrimal glands (not present in all oropharyngeal lymphomas have been slides). Multifocally there are areas of reported in pheasants. The neoplasms were necrosis characterized by pyknosis, present in the skin around the eyes, around karyorrhexis, karyolysis, loss of cellular the external ear openings and involving the detail and amorphous, eosinophilic debris hard palate.4 Histologically, these tumors with associated infiltration of moderate were composed of a pleomorphic mixture of numbers of heterophils. Multifocally lymphoblasts and lymphocytes. 4 dispersed throughout the neoplasm there are small numbers of heterophils and A similar case of a guinea fowl presenting macrophages with an occasional with a periorbital lymphoma has been multinucleated giant cell. The overlying reported and was associated with visceral epidermis is multifocally ulcerated and lymphomas in the spleen, lungs, kidneys, covered with serocellular crusts (not present liver and ovary. 8 In our case, however, we in all slides). did not perform a full necropsy and information regarding the internal organs Contributor’s Morphologic Diagnosis: was not available. Skin: Lymphoma. Most information on ocular and periorbital Contributor’s Comment: Guinea fowl are tumors in animals is from dogs and cats. In terrestrial, ground-living birds that belong to these animals, ocular tumors are relatively the order Galliformes, family Numidae. rare. Ocular tumors can arise from the Some ornithologists consider them to be part eyelids and adnexa, the optic nerve and of the superfamily Phasanidae (including structures within the globe, and metastases Partridges and Pheasants). are generally infrequent. The most frequent neoplasms of the eyelid and conjunctiva in There are limited reports available on dogs are squamous cell carcinoma and lymphoid neoplasms and neoplasms in Meibomian adenoma. Less frequently general in guinea fowl. Pancreatic encountered are melanocytic neoplasms, adenocarcinomas and seminomas have been papillomas, vascular tumors, mast cell reported as rare spontaneous neoplasms in tumors and lymphomas. guinea fowl.3,1 Viral- induced pancreatic tumors and duodenal adenomas have been In dogs, cats and cattle, multicentric reported in guinea fowl in experimental lymphoma regularly involves the eye. In settings.9,2 In general, the most common dogs and cats, there is predominant naturally-occurring neoplasms in birds are involvement of the uvea, whereas in cattle lymphomas, fibromas and fibrosarcomas, retrobulbar (orbital) neoplasms are more and lipomas6; however these information are common. Only occasionally are lymphomas based upon a population including species of encountered in the tissues of the eyelids in these animals. Solitary lymphomas in the 2 conjunctiva and third eyelid have been leukosis virus (retrovirus) reported in cats and horses. • Reticuloendotheliosis, caused by reticuloendotheliosis virus In birds, squamous papillomas, squamous (retrovirus). cell carcinomas, malignant melanomas, basal cell tumors and adeno(carcino)mas of Of these entities, Marek’s disease can the lacrimal gland have been reported in the involve the skin.5 Marek’s disease is a skin and subcutis of the eyelids.7 Lymphoma disease that mainly affects chickens and is reported as a neoplasm arising in the orbit only occasionally affects pheasants, quail, as are infiltrative carcinomas, chondromas game fowl and turkeys. To the best and teratomas.7 An infectious etiology has knowledge of the author, Marek’s disease not been identified in the lymphomas has not been reported in guinea fowl. reported in pet birds or in the report of a periorbital lymphoma in a Guinea fowl.7,8 JPC Diagnosis: Feathered skin: Lymphoma, crested guinea fowl (Guttera Lymphocytic neoplasms in poultry are often pucherani), avian. categorized as infectious or non-infectious. Spontaneously occurring neoplasms often Conference Comment: There are three involve older birds whereas viral induced main viral neoplastic diseases in chickens neoplasms develop in relatively young which result in lymphoid tumors: Marek’s birds.5 The most important viral-induced disease (MD), avian leukosis, and neoplastic diseases in poultry are: reticuloendotheliosis.5 • Marek’s disease, caused by Gallid Marek’s disease is caused by an alpha herpesvirus type 2 herpesvirus (Gallid herpesvirus-2) and • Avian Leukosis caused by avian typically affects young chickens, and rarely quail, turkeys, pheasants, and jungle fowl. The herpesvirus that causes MD is classified into three serotypes. Serotype 1 is ubiquitous in chickens and varies in pathogenicity from very virulent (vv+) which is oncogenic to avirulent (mild). Feathered skin, guinea fowl. Neoplastic cells have distinct cell borders, a moderate amounts of finely Serotype 2 is also granular eosinophilic cytoplasm, irregularly round nuclei with coarsely stippled chromatin. Moderate common in numbers of heterophils and plasma cells are scattered throughout the neoplasm. (HE, 400X) chickens but is 3 non-oncogenic and serotype 3 is common in from LL. If female, these chickens will lay turkeys and also non-oncogenic. The virus is fewer eggs and shed the virus to their own spread through inhalation of virus- progeny further disseminating the infection. containing feather follicle dander of infected Clinical signs of ALV are non-specific and birds which can spread across long many birds simply appear emaciated and distances. Carrier birds can be silently lethargic. Tumors may be detected within infected and periodically shed the virus the bursa of Fabricius by insertion of the throughout their lives. There are four clinician’s finger into the cloaca. different types of lesions seen in MD: (1) Additionally, birds with skeletal peripheral nerve enlargement, (2) myelomatosis (subgroup J) may develop discoloration of the iris; (3) swelling of osteopetrosis of the shanks resulting in what feather follicles with skin reddening are colloquially known as “boot shanks”. (leukosis); (4) and visceral tumors often Avian retroviruses cause osteopetrosis by involving heart, spleen, liver, gonads, infecting osteoblasts and making them kidneys, and proventriculus. Of the four, constitutively active, while osteoclasts visceral tumors are most common and can remain unaffected.1,2 Microscopically, result in depressed, cachexic birds prior to neoplastic cells are uniformly lymphoblastic death with vague clinical signs. and positive for immunoglobulin M and B- Microscopically, lymphomas caused by MD cell markers since they originate in the contain pleomorphic T-lymphocytes that Bursa of Fabricius.5 carry a MD tumor-associated surface antigen (MATSA).5 In pet birds, Reticuloendotheliosis (RE) encompasses a epitheliotropic lymphoma that appears variety of conditions caused by retroviruses. similar to MD occurs but the etiology has Only two conditions caused by this non- not been identified.11 defective RE virus, runting syndrome and chronic lymphoma are of economic Avian leukosis (ALV) affects mature importance particularly in the southern U.S. chickens and is caused by alpha retroviruses Runting disease is induced by vaccination known as avian leukosis viruses which have with RE virus-contaminated biologics of been further classified
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