Post – War Socio Economic Development in the Eastern Province of ( & districts)

Dr S Sutharsan Dean / Faculty of Agriculture Eastern University Sri Lanka

1 Land of Singing Fish

BATTICALOA 2 Administrative Purview

Extent 2633.1 sqkm

Families DS Division 162,742 14

Population GN Division 586,400 345

Local Authority Villages

12 965 3 Sectoral Development : 2009-2013

Water & Sanitation –1.3% Roads &Bridges – Agriculture -8.5% 58 .4%

Tourism – 0.5% Education– 4.3%

Irrigation – 0.6 Health – 26.2% Shelter – 0.2%4 Achievement in Resettlement

160000 144,627 136,084 140000 119,527 120000

100000 75,867 80000

Persons 60000

40000 24,409 20000 8,543 0 0 0 2006 2007 2008 2009 Year IDPs Resettlers 32% of population from 6DS Division (163 GN divisions) were displaced from 2006 to 2007 100% of displaced persons were resettled in their own land

5 Roads & Bridges

Key Interventions

936 Km road rehabilitated 33 numbers of small and medium bridges reconstructed Outcome

• const. of new bridges and roads are connected villages with main city. Eg. Chenkalady - Karadiyanaru Batticaloa- Kokkodicholai Oddamavady-Vaharai • Improved marketing opportunities • Increased resource accessibility • Reduced time and cost of transportation. 6 Irrigation

Key Interventions 277 Irrigation tanks and channels are rehabilitated

Outcome Extent of cultivation is increased from 60% to 98% Capacity of recharging groundwater increased.

7 Agriculture

Yala Extent (Ha) Yala Production (Mt) 102,366 93,023 73,904 59,227

21,603 21,780 15,637 19,611

Key Interventions 2009 2010 2011 2012 Supply of agriculture inputs Average Yield per Ha Land leveling & Expanded Extension Services National – 4.2 Mt District - 4.5 Mt Advanced technology was introduced in farming activities after 30 years. Outcome Percentage of contribution for national production increased by 3% to 7.6%(Paddy) Improved living stand of farmers Doubled the production (59,227 – 102,366Mt) Quality storage facilities are expanded- 08 stores Established system to purchase paddy by Paddy marketing board 8


Mt 45,000 41,655 40,000 35,513 36,079 35,000 30,000 23,816 25,000

20,000 15,499 14,243 15,000 10,856 10,000 Key Interventions 5,461 5,000 A fisheries harbour reconstructed - 127 Landing sites established A fisheries training centre reconstructed 04 coolers provided to fisheries societies

Outcome Increased fish production from 2% to 8.7% by relaxation of restrictions for deep sea fishing Increased living standard of fishermen 9 Livestock

6,000,000 Trend of Milk Production 5,000,000





- Key Interventions 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Reconstructed milk collecting and chilling centers -10Nos Improved extension services Distribution of hybrid milking cows

Outcome Increased milk production from 12% to 30% Enhanced income to cattle growers Increased job opportunities 10 Shelter Available Permanent Houses 106,192 120,000 100,588 87,273 92,771 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 - 2009 2010 2011 2012 Key Interventions 11, 782 permanent houses constructed in resettled area 4036 houses are being constructed - 2013 (include 2000 Indian housing and 1000 UNHABITAT scheme) Balance 7,000 houses will be constructed in another 3 years period. Outcome Increased availability of permanent houses by 55%- 68% Access to rural electricity increased by 52%-80% 11


Key Interventions Number of schools rehabilitated – 175 Number of vocational training centers established-14 Outcome Number of students benefited- around 30,000 Reduced school dropouts from 21% to 11% Enhanced school students performance Provided better pleasant environment – 157 Feeder schools Provided IT facilities to rural schools - 45 Created job opportunities in resettled areas Reduced Teachers Students Ratio 1:21 12 HIGHER EDUCATION Eastern University Sri Lanka Remarkable consideration by the Ministry of Higher Education and University Grants Commission in all aspects (funds, students allocation, infrastructure etc) and giving full support for its development

Student number from 2010 to 2013 Funds allocated to Eastern University 1400 from 2009 to 2013 1200 1000.0 N 1000 u 800.0

m 800 600.0 b 600 1190 941.2 e 400.0 400 856 Millions 691.9 r 567 605 443.3 468.5 484.0 200 200.0 0 0.0 Years Year 13 Health & Nutrition

Key Interventions 10 peripherals hospitals reconstructed Established rural health clinic centers Upgraded teaching hospital facilities Established Medical faculty Outcome Reduced home deliveries from 10.6% to 0.8% Reduced maternal mortality rate from 91 to 11 : 1000 Reduced infant mortality from 16% to 14% Reduced Low birth weight rate from 15% to 14% 14 Water & Sanitation

Key Interventions Established urban and rural water supply scheme 2125 numbers of wells & toilets constructed Established community water supply scheme – 25 Nos. Outcome 58,000 water supply connections provided Increased access to quality drinking water from 6% to 32% Improved sanitation facilities in rural areas 15 Tourism

Key Interventions Constructed 16 hotels with 1300 rooms and other facilities Town and beach beautification Improvement of archeological and heritage city Established Tourist information centre Outcome Increased employment opportunities Increased arrival of local and foreign tourists Increased marketing opportunities for traditional products

Increased value of land and properties in costal belt 16 POTENTIAL Coconut RESOURCES Tourism OF BATTICALOA. Cashew

Fishing Paddy Cattle

Drinking Vegetables water Poultry



∞Industries needs to be established ∞Lack of Investors ∞Disaster Management System ∞Modernized Irrigation Network (modern system) ∞Flood Mitigation ∞Tourism needs more attention

18 Development activities are in progress for the betterment of the people in Batticaloa District

19 Port City of Eastern Province


20 Administrative Purview

Extent 2,727

Families DS Division 115,546 11

Population GN Division 440,872 230

21 Sectoral Development 2013

Roads & Bridges – 36.5% Energy –0.9 % Agriculture-1.7%

Education– 2.4 % Dayata Kirula – 30.2 %

Irrigation – 3.3 % Health – 1.3 % Housing – 5.5 %22 Achievement in Resettlement

Number of people to be resettled

DS Division No of families Family Members Muthur 825 2598

Kinniya 263 609

Total 1088 3207

Around 1% of the families need to be resettled in Future

23 Roads & Bridges Access Roads (from 2006 to 2013)

Length (Km.) Category Used No. of

of Roads for Roads Total Renovated

No. of of No. Bridges A Class Inter 03 142.33 105.78 66 Provincial 17 209.68 115.51 57 B Class Access C Class Inter 54 215.52 143.03 09 District 52 95.7 62.84 04 D Class Access Inter 2350 3011 1467 08 E-Class Divisions Total 2476 3674.23 1894.16 144

Outcome • Connected villages with main city.

• Reduced time and cost of transportation. 24 Irrigation

Key Interventions Major Tanks Renovated : 08 Nos. No. of Beneficiaries Benefitted : 19,150 Families Catchment Area : 560,320 Acres Cultivation In 2006 : 46,586 Acres In 2013 : 54,688 Acres Outcome Extent of cultivation is increased Capacity of recharging groundwater increased 25 Agriculture

300,000 Production of Paddy Cultivation (Mt) Extent of Paddy Cultivation (ha) 250,000 70,000 60,000 200,000 50,000 150,000 40,000 100,000 30,000 20,000 50,000 10,000 0 0 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Key Interventions • No. of Beneficiaries : 48,450 Families •Increased Extent and Production of Field crops, Fruits and Vegetables Outcome Percentage of contribution for national production increased in Paddy Improved living standard of farmers Quality storage facilities are expanded- 16 stores 26 Fisheries

18000 16,350 16000 15,100 14,150 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 Key Interventions (Mt)ProductionFish 4000 2000 • Fishing Families - 15,152 0 2010 2011 2012 •Fishing Population - 60,639 •Active Fishermen - 20,264 •Fishing Boat Yards - 02 •Ice factories - 05 Outcome Increased fish production Increased living standard of fishermen 27 Livestock

14,000,000 300,000 Trend of Milk Production Trend of Egg Production 12,000,000 250,000 10,000,000 200,000 8,000,000 150,000 6,000,000 100,000 4,000,000

Eggproduction(Nos.) 50,000

Total milk production (L)productionmilk Total 2,000,000 0 2010 2011 2012 0 2010 2011 2012 Key Interventions Total number of Livestock increased significantly Number of value added dairy product enterprises - 35 Outcome

Increased milk and meat production Enhanced income of cattle growers Increased job opportunities 28 Shelter Key Interventions Houses constructed National Programme by NHDA 2,948 Tsunami Scheme 9,425 Resettlement Programme 15,955 Constructed by SamurdhiProgramme 638 Total 28,976


Increased availability of permanent houses

29 Education

Key Interventions - 2012 Number of schools – 296 Number of IT labs in Schools – 80 Library buildings - 68 Teachers Students Ratio 1:22 Outcome Reduced school dropouts Enhanced school students performance Provided better pleasant environment

Provided IT facilities to rural schools 30 Health & Nutrition

Key Interventions 2006 2013 No. of Hospitals 27 33 Consultants 8 22 Medical Officers 112 159 Nurses 214 269 No. of Base hospitals 1 4

Outcome No. of Patients treated in OPD -1,055,173 (2013) 31 Water & Sanitation

Key Interventions Source: Kanthalai Tank – 5.5 million gallons per day Area Covered: Town &Gravets : 100 % Kanthalai : 80 % Thampalalakamam : 100 % Kinniya : 80 % Kuchchaveli : 36 % Outcome 29,700 (42% of requirement) water supply connections provided Increased access to quality drinking water 32


Key Interventions Number of Tourism attraction developed - 02 Number of Tourist Information Center established - 01 Outcome Increased employment opportunities Increased arrival of local and foreign tourists Increased marketing opportunities for traditional products Increased value of land and properties in costal belt

33 Industries

Key Interventions

Salttern Industry location : Kumpuruppiti, Kuchchcaveli Investor : Raigam Eastern Salt – - Company (Pvt) Ltd. Land Area(On Long Term Lease) : 197 Ha. Total Investment : 500 Mn. Anticipated Production : 30,000 Mt. (Per Annum)

Outcome Employment Opportunity : 800 Direct : 300 Indirect : 500

34 Energy

Key Interventions

5900 Total number of houses received Electricity



5300 Houses

No.of 5100


4700 2010 2011 2012

Outcome Increased Access to electricity


∞ Drainage system ∞ Solid Waste Management ∞ Sea Erosion (Sea water Intrusion in Kinniya)

36 Tourist attractions and natural resources in the are the natural assets for our nation

37 All the information in this presentation are collected from the District Secretariats of Batticaloa and Trincomalee.

38 Thank you