Funding for the Smithsonian Jazz Oral History Program NEA Jazz Master interview was provided by the National Endowment for the Arts. GEORGE RUSSELL NEA JAZZ MASTER (1990) Interviewees: George Russell (June 23, 1923 – July 27, 2009) and Alice Russell [note: Alice joins the interview at tape 4, on May 5, 2004] Interviewer: Bob Daughtry with recording engineer Katea Stitt Date: May 3-5, 2004 Repository: Archives Center, National Museum of American History Description: Transcript, 111 pp. Daughtry: I’m Bob Daughtry. It’s Monday, May 3rd, 2004. We’re here in Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts, at the home of George Russell. This is for the Smithsonian Jazz Oral History Program. Katea Stitt is engineering. George, How are you feeling today? Russell: Not bad. Daughtry: Thank you for having us here in your home. It’s a very lovely home that you and Alice have here. Russell: You’re welcome, quite welcome. Daughtry: Very – a wonderful vibe. Feels good in here. I want to talk about, today, the early years. You were born, I believe, in June of 1923. June 23rd, I believe, 1923? Russell: That’s correct. Daughtry: And that was in Cincinnati, Ohio. For additional information contact the Archives Center at 202.633.3270 or
[email protected] Page | 1 Russell: It was. Daughtry: What were those early years like, that you recall? I’m talking about those years from beginning to walk up until just before going to school. Do you remember much about that? Russell: Oh sure. I remember as a child going to a school, Hoffman School, in Cincinnati, which was about a mile away from my home, walking that mile to school, and in kindergarten, kissing the girls first.