Ecologica Montenegrina 30: 77-81 (2020) This journal is available online at:

A new monotypic of the subfamily Chilecomadiinae Dyar, 1940 (: ) from South America


1Fundación de Historia Natural “Félix de Azara”, Departamento de Ciencias Naturales y Antropología, Universidad Maimónides, Hidalgo 775 piso 7 (1405BDB) Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina. E-mail: [email protected] 2Altai State University, pr. Lenina 61, Barnaul, 656049, Russia. E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] 3Tomsk State University, Laboratory of Biodiversity and Ecology, Lenina pr. 36, 634050 Tomsk, Russia

Received 10 March 2020 │ Accepted by V. Pešić: 12 April 2020 │ Published online 15 April 2020.

Abstract The article describes a new genus, Miacorella Penco, Yakovlev & Naydenov gen. n. (Lepidoptera, Cossidae, Chilecomadiinae) (type , by monotypy – Miacora leucocraspedontis Zukowsky, 1954). The neotype M. leucocraspedontis is allocated, the new combination Miacorella leucocraspedontis (Zukowsky, 1954), comb. n., is established. The species is distributed in Peru, Bolivia and Argentina. The distributional map is given. The article has 16 illustrations.

Key words: Carpenter , new genus, neotype, , Neotropics.


The study of Cossidae (Lepidoptera) from South America are still at the initial stage, though during the recent years we have described several taxa of family range – Chilecomadiinae Schoorl, 1990 and of generic range: Aramos Schoorl, 1990, Voosia Schoorl, 1990, Listrada Naydenov, Yakovlev, Penco, Witt, 2019, Uretiana Yakovlev, Naydenov & Penco, 2019, Dogniniya Yakovlev, Naydenov & Penco, 2019, Qhichwaruna Yakovlev, Naydenov & Penco, 2019, Wiraqucha Yakovlev, Naydenov & Penco, 2019, Thonyocossus Yakovlev, Naydenov & Penco, 2019, Hastam Yakovlev, Naydenov & Penco, 2019 and Klagesiana Yakovlev, Naydenov, Penco, 2020 (Schoorl 1990; Naydenov et al. 2019; Yakovlev et al. 2019; 2020). Despite the work undertaken, the status and taxonomic position of the majority of the described species group taxa remains unclear. This also refers to the poorly studied species Miacora leucocraspedontis Zhukowsky, 1954, described on a unique male collected by the expedition from the University of Hamburg (Germany) in South Peru in 1936. The specimen was labelled “Hamb. Südperu-Exped. 1 ♂ Süd-Peru: Huaycahuacho, 3200 m, 15. 4. 1936”. The specimen was deposited in the Zoological Museum of Hamburg, but in 1943 it was destroyed during the war. Later, according to the survived drafts, Zukowsky (1954) described the new species. Thus, we have a clear evidence of the type specimen loss.

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Based on Zukowsky's description: “Auf den ersten Blick an einen kleinen cossus L. erinnernd, 49 mm Spannweite. Die Rieselzeichnung besonders auf den Vorderflügeln hervortretend, der gesamte Vorderrand aber deutlich weißgrau, wie auch die Behaarung des Thorax. Es laufen in paralleler Anordnung in der Nähe des Apex anfangend quer über den Vorderflügel drei dunkelgraubraune, sich deutlich abhebende Linien. Die erste in kurzem Abstand vom Apex, die zweite kurz vor der Mitte, die dritte direkt über die Mitte, keine erreicht ganz den Hinterrand; sie lösen sich allmählich in der Rieselzeichnung auf, die letzte, über die Mitte laufend, gabelt sich deutlich am Ende. Ein sich gut abhebender graubrauner Wisch hinter der letzten Binde, der nach der Wurzel in einen hellgrauen Fleck, nicht sehr hervortretend, abschließt, ist noch hervorzuheben. Die Hinterflügel wie der Hinterleib etwas dunkler und nicht so auffallend gerieselt. Fransen beider Flügel kurz, nicht gescheckt. Die Unterseite etwa gleichfarbig, jedoch umzieht eine helle Umrandung alle Flügel, der Wurzelteil der Vorderflügel ist ebenfalls heller. Die Binden zeigen sich verwaschen, aber verbreitert, wie oben. Die Hinterflügel hier deutlich gerieselt”, the identified (or wrongly identified) series of this species found by the authors of this article in various collections were defined as Miacora leucocraspedontis. Examining M. leucocraspedontis, the authors found significant morphological differences from the species Miacora tropicalis (Schaus, 1904), belonging to the nominative subfamily (type species Cossus Fabricius, 1793) and which is a type species of the genus Miacora Dyar, 1905, which had been redescribed (Yakovlev 2014).

Materials and methods

Images of imago were taken by the digital camera of Apple iPhone 7, Sony DSLR-A100K and Canon EOS 70D illuminated in Lightbox. Male genitalia examined with a Nikon SMZ 800 n microscope, Zeiss Stemi 2000 C microscope and Digital Microscope U500X, 1.3 MPx. The images were processed using Adobe Photoshop software. The specimens for examination were found in the museums the acronyms of which are given below, and also collected in the latest expeditions. Abbreviations used in the text: FML Fundación Miguel Lillo, San Miguel de Tucumán (Tucumán, Argentina). MACN Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales “Bernardino Rivadavia” (Buenos Aires, Argentina). MLP Museo de La Plata (La Plata, Argentina). MWM Museum of Thomas Witt (Munich, Germany). RYB Collection of R. Yakovlev (Barnaul, Russia). ZISP Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg, Russia).

Taxonomical part

Miacorella Penco, Yakovlev & Naydenov gen. n.

Type species: Miacorella leucocraspedontis (Zukowsky, 1954), by monotypy.

Description. Size medium. Thorax and tegulae densely covered with dark brown scales. Antennae of males ½ of fore wing in length, bipectinate, comb processes in medium third of antenna three times longer than antenna rod diameter. Fore wing relatively elongated, narrow, dark brown, with slightly noticeable brown portion discally and thin transverse bands submarginally, postdiscally and discally, fringe dark brown, unicolorous. Hind wing brown, without pattern, fringe dark brown unicolorous. Male genitalia. Uncus wide, deeply forked; gnathos arms long, thick; gnathos robust, covered with tine spikes; valve poorly sclerotized, costal and abdominal edges slightly curved, apex semicircular, no harpes; juxta robust, conical, with pair of leaf-like lateral processes; saccus tine, tapered; phallus spoon-like, caudally widened, vesica aperture in dorso-apical position, vesica without cornuti.



FIGURES 1−8. Cossidae, adults: 1. Miacorella leucocraspedontis (Zukowsky, 1954), neotype, male, Peru: Apurimac, Abancay, 26.11.2010, leg. Viktor & Svetlana Sinyaev + Yury Bezverkhov (RYB); 2. M. leucocraspedontis (Zukowsky, 1954), male, Bolivia: Cochabamba, Zischka leg. (MLP); 3. M. leucocraspedontis (Zukowsky, 1954), male, Argentina: Tucumán, La Viña, 30 Ene 1998, leg. J. Rumi (MWM); 4. M. leucocraspedontis (Zukowsky, 1954), female, Argentina: Salta, San Lorenzo, Oct 1950, P. Kohler leg. (FML); 5. Miacora tropicalis (Schaus, 1904), male, Central Peru, Villa Rica-Pto Bermudez, 12.III.2013, leg. V.V. Doroshkin (RYB); 6. moorei (Silva Figueroa, 1915), male, ARGENTINIEN, Cafayate, Prov. Catamarca, 16-11-98, leg. A. Ugarte P. (Prep.Gen.Het.№ 26.780) (MWM); 7. (Philippi, 1859), male, Argentinien, Patagonien prov. Rio Negro, Carlos de Bariloche, XII.2005-III.2006, leg. Local collectors (Prep.Gen.Het.№ 26.728) (MWM); 8. Rhizocossus munroei Clench, 1957, male, Chile prov. Nuble, Shangrila, XII.1998, leg. A. Ugarte P. (Prep.Gen.Het.№ 28.477) (MWM).

Diagnosis. Currently, the neotropical subfamily Chilecomadiinae includes two genera: Chilecomadia Dyar, 1940 (type species Langsdorfia moorei Silva Figueroa, 1915) and Rhizocossus Clench, 1957 (type species Rhizocossus munroei Clench, 1957). The specimens of both genera are distributed at south of phytogeographic province of monte and Patagonian steppe (Chile, Argentina). We have studied all the known representatives of both genera, namely: Chilecomadia moorei (Silva Figueroa, 1915) (Figs. 6, 13), Ch. valdiviana (Philippi, 1859) (Figs. 7, 14) and Rhizocossus munroei Clench, 1957 (Figs. 8, 15) and revealed several significant distinctions from M. leucocraspedontis: - the male antenna comb process is three times longer than the antenna rod diameter, while in the other genera it is equal to the rod diameter; - the apical bifurcation of the uncus is much more expressed; - the valve is long, while in the other genera it is short and cup-like; - the lateral processes of the juxta are without any armoury, in the other genera they are serrated; - the caudal part of the phallus has no lateral processes, while the other genera have those.

Distribution. Perú (Apurimac, La Libertad, Huanuco), Bolivia (Cochabamba), and Argentina (Salta, Tucumán).

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FIGURES 9−15. Cossidae, male, genitalia: 9. Miacorella leucocraspedontis (Zukowsky, 1954), neotype, male, Peru: Apurimac, Abancay, 26.11.2010, leg. Viktor & Svetlana Sinyaev + Yury Bezverkhov (Gen. prep. №18, Naydenov A.E.), (RYB); 10. M. leucocraspedontis (Zukowsky, 1954), male, Bolivia: Cochabamba, Zischka leg. (Prep.Gen. MLP Nº5), (MLP); 11. M. leucocraspedontis (Zukowsky, 1954), male, Argentina: Tucumán, La Viña, 30 Ene 1998, leg. J.Rumi (Prep.Gen.Het.№ 26.716), (MWM); 12. Miacora tropicalis (Schaus, 1904), male, Central Peru, Villa Rica-Pto Bermudez, 12.III.2013, leg. V. V. Doroshkin (RYB); 13. Chilecomadia moorei (Silva Figueroa, 1915), male, ARGENTINIEN, Cafayate, Prov. Catamarca, 16.XII.98, Leg. A. Ugarte P. (MWM), (Prep.Gen.Het.№ 26.780); 14. Chilecomadia valdiviana (Philippi, 1859), male, Argentinien, Patagonien prov. Rio Negro, Carlos de Bariloche, XII.2005.III.2006, leg. Local collectors (MWM), (Prep.Gen.Het.№ 26.728); 15. Rhizocossus munroei Clench, 1957, male, Chile prov. Nuble, Shangrila, XII.1998, leg. A. Ugarte P. (MWM), (Prep.Gen.Het.№ 28.477).

Etymology. The new genus is named in consonance with the genus Miacora.

Miacorella leucocraspedontis (Zukowsky, 1954) comb. n. (Figs. 1−4, 6−8, 10) Miacora leucocraspedontis Zukowsky, 1954 Zukowsky, 1954: 89

Material examined: 1♂, (neotype, here designated), Peru, Apurimac, Abancay, 13°34,2′S 72°50,4′W, 26.11.2010, H=3719m., Leg/coll. Viktor & Svetlana Sinyaev + Yury Bezverkhov (Gen. prep. №18, Naydenov A.E.), (RYB, later to be deposited in ZISP); 1♂, Peru, La Libertad Pataz prov.; N of Buldibuyo, 3800 m., 08°07,05′S 77°24,26′W, 18. XII. 2016, Leg. V. Sinjaev (RYB); 1♂, Peru, Huanuco, Quivilla - Llata, 09°33,5′S 76°45,8′W, 26.02.2011, H=2980m, Leg. Viktor Sinyaev & Alexander Poleschuk (RYB); 1♂, Bolivia, Cochabamba, [no date], Zischka Leg. (Prep.Gen. MLP Nº5, F.C.Penco), (MLP); 4♂ 4♀, Argentina, Salta, San Lorenzo, Oct 1950, P. Kohler Leg., (FML); 1♀, Argentina, Salta, San Lorenzo, 25 Ene 19??, P. Kohler Leg, (FML) (erroneously identified as “Acyttara undosus”); 1♂ 1♀, Argentina, Quebrada del Escoipe, Chorro blanco, 17-19 Oct 2000, Navarro leg, (FML); 1♂, Argentina, Tucumán, Siambón, 21 Ago 1930, (MACN); 1♂, Argentina, Tucumán, Siambón, Dic 1930, (MACN); 1♂, Argentina, Tucumán, La Viña, 1200 m, 30 Ene 1998, Leg. J.Rumi, (Prep.Gen.Het.Nº26.716), (MWM).



FIGURE 16. Distribution map of Miacorella leucocraspedontis (Zukowsky, 1954).

Acknowledgment The authors express their gratitude to †Th. Witt (Munich, Germany), V. Sinjaev (Moscow), V. Doroshkin (Chelyabinsk), A. Roig Alsina, P. R. Mulieri, J. Rodriguez-Ramirez (MACN), P. M. Dellapé, S. Salas (MLP) and E. C. Perez (FML).


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