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If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at NCJRS.gov. · 0 . o o ~ . !' >~ a n nit at,;'r eport ~.;1!tl7· : ... "' ..... ~.'" ,............ ,~ ... ' .' JUN E 1974 ". ." -----.,...----------------------_.__ ._----------_._- JUSTICE British Section of the International Commission of .Turists CHAIRMAN OF COUNCIL The,Rt. Hon. Lord Gardiner, Q.c. VICE-CHAIRMAN Sir John Foster, K.B.E., Q.C. CHAIRMAN OF EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Geoffrey Garrett VICE-CHAIRMAN Lewis Hawser, Q.c. HON. TREASURER Michael Bryceson COUNCIL Prof. J. N. D. Anderson, Tom Kellock, Q.c. O.B.E., Q.C. Philip Kimber Bryan Anns, Q.C. James Lemkin Peter Carter-Ruck Blanche Lucas Michael Ellman Edward Lyons, Q.C., M.P. Philip English Ainslie Nairn Lord Foot Michael Sherrard, Q.C. Edward Gardner, P.C., M.P. Paul Siegbart Prof. J. F. Garner Laurence Shurman William Goodhart Jeffrey Thomas, Q.c., M.P. Percy Grieve, Q.c., M.P. Peter Webster, Q.C. Prof. C. J. Hamson Charles Wegg-Prosser Glyn Hardwicke William Wells, Q.C., Sir Desmond Heap David Widdicombe, Q.C. Muir Hunter, Q.c. Lord Wigoder, Q.C. J. E. Hall Williams DIRECTOR OF RESEARCH Alec Samuels SECRETARY 'tom Sargant, a.B.E., j.P. LEGAL SECRETARY R. C. H. Briggs 12 Crane Court, Fleet Street, London, E.C.4 01-3539428 CHAIRMAN'S INTRODUCTION In my introduction to last year's Annual Report I said that in general the climate for reform, except where commendable to the CONTENTS Government, was not as favourable as it might be. PAGE The year under review has been a sad year both.
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