St. Bartholomew the Apostle Catholic Church 5356 Eleventh Street, Katy, TX 77493 281-391-4758 October 25, 2020 • 25 de Octubre del 2020 Welcome! ¡Bienvenidos! Father Father Father Deacon Deacon Deacon Deacon Christopher Plant Ricardo Arriola Santy Kurian William Wagner Fred Dinges Rolando Garcia Gordon Robertson Pൺඌඍඈඋ Pൺඋඈർඁංൺඅ Pൺඋඈർඁංൺඅ Pൺඌඍඈඋൺඅ Dංඋൾർඍඈඋ ඈൿ Dංඋൾർඍඈඋ ඈൿ Vංർൺඋ Vංർൺඋ Aඌඌංඌඍൺඇඍ Lංඍඎඋඒ Hංඌඉൺඇංർ Mංඇංඌඍඋංൾඌ Bൾ Fൺංඍඁൿඎඅ! Bൾ Hඈඅඒ! Bൾ ൺ Dංඌർංඉඅൾ ඈൿ Cඁඋංඌඍ! CONNECT WITH US MASS TIMES (All Public) RECEPTION HOURS Daily Masses / Misas Diarias A receptionist is available to take your Facebook: (all live-streamed) calls to the parish office on SaintBartholomewKaty or Monday - Friday FrPlant Monday - Friday Lunes a Viernes 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. YouTube: 8:30 am English Limited deliveries, drop-offs, and Mass Saint Bartholomew or Tuesday & Thursday intentions may be accepted during this Conversing Clergy Martes y Jueves time. Email is the best way to reach the office staff. Visit the website for more Flocknote: 7:00 pm Español Saturday / Sábado information and updates. 8:30 am First Saturday only, English
[email protected] Sign up for Flocknote today and Weekend Masses receive weekly e-mails with updates Una recepcionista está disponible para on the sacraments, CCE and other (see website for streaming schedule) recibir sus llamadas a la oficina de la parish information. Saturday / Sábado parroquia 5:00 pm English Registrese hoy para Flocknotes y Lunes - Viernes 7:00 pm Español 9:00 AM a 3:00 PM.