The TIMES CatholicThe Diocese of Columbus’ Information Source April 25, 2021 • FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER • Volume 70:15 Inside this issue Missionary discipleship: Marc Hawk of RevLocal in Granville takes a missionary discipleship approach as a Catholic businessman and entrepreneur, making service to clients, others and family the primary focus in all of his endeavors, Page 3 Autism Awareness: April is Autism Awareness Month and Catholic parents discuss raising children who are on the spectrum, their experiences in the Church and how diocesan parishes have worked with them, Page 8 School retreats: Bishop Watterson students Victoria Alves (left) and Gina Grden participate in an activity during a retreat, which are being held this year at diocesan high schools despite challenges presented by the pandemic, Page 10 OUR LADY OF PEACE CHURCH, SCHOOL STILL GOING STRONG AFTER 75 YEARS Pages 12-13 Catholic Times 2 April 25, 2021 Local news and events Columbus Catholic Renewal to sponsor praise meeting The Columbus Catholic Renewal ther Toner at patricktoner00@gmail. Father Smith to speak at retreat football, boys and girls lacrosse, boys organization will sponsor a citywide com or 473 S. Roys Ave., Columbus Father Stephen Smith, parochi- soccer, girls soccer, track and girls praise and adoration meeting from 10 OH 43204. al vicar at Powell St. Joan of Arc volleyball. Go to bishopwatterson. a.m. to noon Saturday, April 24 at Co- Church, will lead a men’s retreat at com/athletics/eagle-summer-sports- lumbus Our Lady of the Miraculous Josephinum 4-Miler to resume the Maria Stein Spiritual Center in camps for dates, registration and other Medal Church, 5225 Refugee Road. The Pontifical College Josephi- Mercer County from Friday, May 14 details. Theater and wood shop camp The program will include Mass cel- num’s annual 4-Miler run/walk, to Sunday, May 16. information will be available soon. ebrated by Father Dean Mathewson, a which was canceled last year because The retreat will be sponsored by teaching by Patrick Shroyer on “The of the COVID-19 pandemic, will re- the Knights of Columbus Council of Longtime professor to speak Promise of the Father,” worship mu- sume Saturday, Oct. 2 at the college’s Hilliard St. Brendan the Navigator at ODU commencement sic by Michael Melliere, and Eucha- campus, 7625 N. High St., Columbus. Church, but all men are invited to at- Dr. Ronald Carstens, professor of ristic Adoration. The Sacrament of The field size will be is limited to tend. Its theme will be “The Spiritual- political science at Ohio Dominican Reconciliation will be available and the first 800 entrants and the start time ity of the Holy Family.” Father Smith University (ODU), will deliver the healing and prayer teams will be on is set for 9 a.m. This year’s event will will give presentations on Mary, Jo- keynote address to more than 200 hand. Safe-distancing requirements be run entirely on the college grounds. seph, Jesus, and spiritual growth and graduates, as well as faculty, staff, will be observed and masks will be Parking will be available at One our Christian mission. alumni, family and friends at ODU’s required. Crosswoods Center or Two Cross- Casual attire is appropriate for the 112th commencement ceremony at 11 Columbus Catholic Renewal is un- woods Center, immediately across weekend. The cost is $170, which in- a.m. Saturday, May 8. der the authority of Bishop Robert from the race course. cludes all meals and a private room To help ensure the health and safe- Brennan, with Father Mathewson as Race packet pickup will begin at with bath. A one-night Saturday-Sun- ty of all participants because of the its liaison to the bishop. For more in- 7:30 a.m. on the event day. Pre-race day package is available for $110. For COVID-19 pandemic, the ceremo- formation, call (614) 980-3021. packet pickup will be available at registration information, contact Ger- ny will take place outside in Panther Fleet Feet Sports, 1270 E. Powell ry at (614) 946-8117 or email Gerryl- Stadium, located on ODU’s campus Father Toner plans pilgrimage Road, Lewis Center. [email protected]. at 1216 Sunbury Road. There will be Father Pat Toner, pastor of Co- Participants should register using a baccalaureate Mass at 9 a.m. in the lumbus St. Mary Magdalene and St. the Josephinum 4-Miler’s event page Floral offering to be presented Sister Mary Andrew Matesich, OP Aloysius churches, has rescheduled maintained by M3S Sports. The web- at Holy Cross’ First Friday Mass Theater on the second floor of Erskine the pilgrimage to the Passion Play site address is www.m3ssports.com/ A floral offering will be presented Hall. Both ceremonies will be avail- in Oberammergau, Germany, which events/Josephinum.htm. to the Virgin Mary during the monthly able via livestream. was canceled in 2020 because of the Gift bags for all registrants will in- first Friday Mass at 7:30 p.m. May 7 Because the pandemic forced the COVID-19 pandemic. clude a loaf of bread, a bottle of wine at Columbus Holy Cross Church, 205 university to cancel last spring’s cer- New dates for the pilgrimage are or a jar of Trappist jam, an event S. 5th St. Those attending are asked to emony, members of both last year’s May 17 to 28, 2022. It also will include T-shirt and retail coupons. Commem- bring their own small bouquets. Vas- and this year’s graduating classes stops in Berlin, Dresden, Prague, Vi- orative medals and ribbons will be es will be stationed by the image of have been invited to participate, with enna, Salzburg and Munich. presented to each participant after Mary. A Holy Hour with communal each participant receiving as many as This will be Father Toner’s fourth crossing the finish line. prayers will follow the Mass. four guest tickets. time to see the world-famous play, More than 600 participants, in- The Eucharistic Vigil Association “After the challenging and extraor- which takes place once every 10 cluding 36 Josephinum seminarians, has resumed its longstanding practice dinary historical events of the past years. He is an experienced tour guide registered to participate in the 2019 of attending the 7:30 p.m. First Friday year, I have never been so eager to who has led pilgrimages to Ireland, running of the event. The first running Mass at Holy Cross, followed by the celebrate and recognize a class of the Holy Land, Italy, Lourdes, Fati- was in 2018. Holy Hour, but there no longer are graduates than I am at this very mo- ma, South Africa, Iceland, and in the The run/walk will be sponsored by confessions during the Holy Hour. ment,” said Dr. Robert Gervasi, ODU Footsteps of St. Paul. He has celebrat- the Friends of the Josephinum, which president. ed Mass on all seven continents, in- has has raised more than $1 million Carstens, the keynote speaker, has cluding at the South Pole. since 2001 to cover the unexpected Watterson sports camp been teaching at ODU for 47 years. For more information, contact Fa- expenses of Josephinum seminarians. schedule available During that time, he has directed its Columbus Bishop Watterson High humanities program and chaired the CORRECTION School’s summer sports camp sched- departments of history, political sci- In a story in the April 11 Catholic Times, an incorrect last name was given for the late ule is out and registration is open. ence and criminal justice. In 2002, he Father Rod DiPietro, former associate pastor at Reynoldsburg St. Pius X Church. Father The school is offering camps for Rod Damico, whose name was erroneously mentioned, is a retired priest of the Diocese of baseball, boys basketball, girls bas- Columbus who lives in Morrow County. ketball, cheerleading, field hockey, See LOCAL NEWS, Page 15 Front Page photo: Bishop Robert J. Brennan: President & Publisher OUR LADY OF PEACE Doug Bean: Editor ([email protected]) THRIVES AT 75 Tim Puet: Reporter ([email protected]) Our Lady of Peace Church, estab- K. Colston-Woodruff: Graphic Designer lished in 1946 on Columbus’ north Copyright © 2021. All rights reserved. Mailing Address: 197 E. Gay St., Columbus OH 43215 side, is commemorating 75 years Catholic Times (USPS 967-000) (ISSN 745-6050) is the official Editorial/Advertising: (614) 224-5195 FAX (614) 241-2518 of service to the Catholic faithful newspaper of the Catholic Diocese of Columbus, Ohio. It is Subscriptions: (614) 224-6530 FAX (614) 241-2573 with a number of special events in published every other week throughout the year. Subscrip- ([email protected]) 2021. tion rate: $17 per year, or call and make arrangements with Postmaster: Send address changes to Catholic Times, 197 E. Gay St., Columbus your parish. Postage Paid at Columbus OH 43218. CT photo by Ken Snow OH 43215. Please allow two to four weeks for change of address. April 25, 2021 Catholic Times 3 Real Presence, Real Future in our Catholic schools By Adam J. Dufault will address four key elements. fice of Catholic Schools must adapt First, we want to affirm the impor- to facilitate this work, as our prima- Recently, a friend connected me tance of Catholic education in our Di- ry purpose must be to provide service to a small book with a big, powerful ocese, recognizing that our Diocese and support to the schools. We are al- message. Msgr. James P. Shea, the is not a one-size-fits-all environment. ready starting to restructure to do this, president of the University of Mary We want to ensure that we have struc- putting an emphasis on direct service in North Dakota, published an essay re-kindling the truth of our faith in all tures in place that encourage collab- for government affairs, finance, mar- titled, From Christendom to Apostolic Catholics, we will bring forward a re- oration and coordination among the keting, enrollment, development, reli- Mission.
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