PRESENT Councillors; Stow (Chair), Cammack, Crosland, Fearon, Fenton, Fraser, Harrison, Needham, Patient, Phillips and Young.

Jason Boom – HRTC Town Clerk

Nine members of the public.

469. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME. No questions were asked of the council.

470. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE. Cllrs Bampton Smith, Boggis, Courtney, Hodgins, Timbers and Trickett.

471. MEMBERS’ INTERESTS’ RELATING TO AGENDA ITEMS. None were declared at this time.

472. PLANNING APPLICATIONS a. Application 18/00313/OUT at Land South East Of 15 Mount Pleasant Drive Mount Pleasant Drive Hebden Bridge for Residential development of one pair of semi-detached dwellings (Outline)(Amended plans). Jane Ruby spoke against the application focusing on its position in the Mytholmroyd Conservation Area, the loss of habitat and detrimental effect on the area’s visual amenity. Concerns were also raised regarding the stability of the site and the possible damage to a drainage culvert that lies below the surface of the site. Previous refusals for the site were also considered with the recommendations to improve site lights from the proposal yet to be acted upon. It was moved by Cllr Patient Seconded by Cllr Crosland RESOLVED: RECOMMEND REFUSAL as the development is not sensitive to the Mytholmroyd Conservation Area and the historic settlement of White Lee. The proposals will have a detrimental impact on the wildlife corridor, overlook nearby properties and continue to not make due regard to the recommendations made by the Highways Authority regarding parking provision for neighbours and lines of sight when entering and leaving the proposals site. Issues with regard to the stability of the land on the site remain an area of concern.

Note: Cllr Fearon Arrived.

b. Application 19/20029/TPO at Gudger, Glen View Road, Hebden Bridge, HX7 6DA for Management of trees (Including felling three trees and pruning)(West End). It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Patient RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION c. Application 19/20039/TPO at Hill Brink, Mytholm Bank, Hebden Bridge, HX7 6DL for Fell five trees and prune one tree (Tree Preservation Order)(West End). It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Patient RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION d. Application 19/00268/HSE at The Haven, Eversley Road, Hebden Bridge, HX7 7DY for Construction of single storey extension and construction of a raised path, patio and deck (West End). It was moved by Cllr Fearon Seconded by Cllr Needham RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION e. Application 19/00310/FUL at 6 Cheetham Street, Hebden Bridge, HX7 8EW for Change of use of redundant substation to form extension to existing shop (Fairfield). It was moved by Cllr Fenton Seconded by Cllr Needham RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION but with a request that level access into the premises be considered with appropriate flood protection for the premises. f. Application 19/00264/HSE at The Tree House, Wood Top, Wood Top Road, Hebden Bridge, HX7 6JH for Two storey and single storey extension with balcony to side elevation (Fairfield). It was moved by Cllr Needham Seconded by Cllr Fenton RESOLVED: RECOMMEND REFUSAL on the grounds of the over intensive use of the site. g. Application 19/00331/FUL at Land South East Of 6 Mabel Street, Mabel Street, Mytholmroyd for Construction of culvert outfall in to the Canal from White Lee Clough (Foster Clough) Culvert with associated maintenance access works as part of the Mytholmroyd Flood Alleviation Scheme. (White Lee). It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Patient RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION h. Application 19/00324/FUL at 4 - 8 Crown Street, Hebden Bridge, HX7 8EH for Replacement Shop Fronts (Fairfield). It was moved by Cllr Needham Seconded by Cllr Fenton RESOLVED: RECOMMEND REFUSAL as the vermiculated lintels are obstructed by the proposed shop fronts on these premises in the Hebden Bridge

Conservation Area. The obscuring of these original features is detrimental to the area.

i. Application 19/00070/FUL at Royd Square, Bond Street, Hebden Bridge, HX7 7DE for Installation of Solar PV panels on roof orientations , consisting of 30 modules which will be black in colour. Array size 9kWp (West End). It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Needham RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION

Applications dealt with under delegation from Full Council.

Application 19/20017/TPO at 1 Mid Birks, , Hebden Bridge, HX7 5RY for Prune trees (Tree Preservation Order). NO OBJECTION

It was moved by Cllr Stow Seconded by Cllr Young RESOLVED : that the recommendations on the above planning applications are sent to the Environmental Services Department, Calderdale MBC. When the Chair or Deputy Chair cannot attend, Ward members be authorised to represent the view of Hebden Royd Town Council at meetings of the Planning Committee at Calderdale MBC.

473. APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING PERMISSION GRANTED BY CALDERDALE MBC The Clerk reported on Planning Notices received from the Chief Town Planning Officer GRANTING PLANNING PERMISSION to applications previously considered. It was moved by Cllr Stow Seconded by Cllr Young and RESOLVED: to note the information .

474. HRTC & HBPH PAYMENT & RECEIPT SCHEDULE It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Patient and RESOLVED: To note items of information and to authorise payments totalling £22,996.18.

475. HRTC STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Harrison and RESOLVED: to accept the Statement of Account up to end February 2019 as a true and accurate record.

476. ICAN CITIES APPEAL It was moved by Cllr Stow Seconded by Cllr Young and UNAMIMOUSLY RESOLVED: that Hebden Royd Town Council is an active member of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki-led organisation Mayors for

Peace; which have been working for almost four decades to promote multilateral nuclear disarmament. Mayors for Peace work with the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN), which received the Nobel Peace Prize for its work in encouraging over two thirds of United Nations members to agree to the International Treaty to Prohibit Nuclear Weapons (TPNW). Hebden Royd Town Council supports ICAN’s new ‘Cities Appeal’ which urges Councils to formally support the TPNW. It has already been signed by a number of important global cities likes Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Sydney, Melbourne, Washington DC, Los Angeles, Geneva, Mainz, Trondheim, Zaragoza and in the UK, Manchester and Renfrewshire. In supporting the Cities Appeal, Hebden Royd Town Council is deeply concerned about the grave threat that nuclear weapons pose to communities throughout the world. We firmly believe that our residents have the right to live in a world free from this threat. Any use of nuclear weapons, whether deliberate or accidental, would have catastrophic, far-reaching and long-lasting consequences for people and the environment. Therefore, we warmly welcome the adoption of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons by the United Nations in 2017, and we call on the UK Government to join it.

Council instructs the Town Clerk to write to the UK Government to inform them of this resolution and urge them to take account of it.”

477. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE TOWN MAYOR AND THE CLERK. a) HB & Mytholmroyd Town Board Minutes 19 th March 2019 b) Mytholmroyd FAS March 2019 c) WYPF Contributions from April 2019 d) Yorks Internal Audit Interim Visit Report e) CMBC Wheel Chair Accessible Taxis f) YLCA White Rose Update March 2019 It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Patient and RESOLVED: to note the communications and aske that Strategy & Review consider the role of the internal auditor as highlighted in the YLCA White Rose update, March 2019.

478. MAYOR’S REPORT/DEPUTY MAYOR’S REPORT It was moved by Cllr Stow Seconded by Cllr Young and RESOLVED: To note the activities of the Mayor in particular the School Council Meetings and their discussions on democracy and how they look after each other. Cllr Stow highlighted the discussions about inclusivity and the vote that resolved that the lift in Scout Road School symbolised the most inclusive idea in all the schools. Cllr Stow asked that the Environment, Allotments and Events Committee consider the colour schemes associated with litter bins in and around Hebden Royd.

479. MINUTES OF THE TOWN COUNCIL held 20 th March 2019 It was moved by Cllr Stow Seconded by Cllr Young and RESOLVED: To approve the minutes as a correct record.

480. MINUTES OF THE STRATEGY & REVIEW COMMITTEE held 27 th March 2019 It was moved by Cllr Stow Seconded by Cllr Young and RESOLVED: To accept the minutes as a correct record and endorse recommendations therein.

481. DELEGATED POWERS The proposed delegated powers were discussed. It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Needham and RESOLVED: To adopt the powers as amended to include young people.

482. REPRESENTATIVES TO OUTSIDE BODIES Cllr Stow reported on a very successful Slow the Flow Conference which had attracted a large audience to see and hear speakers at the Town Hall and the Picture House. Delegates from across the country had attended and the Mayor had hosted a Ceilidh on the Saturday evening as a social event.

Meeting finished at 8.30pm

Payment and Receipt Schedule Full Council 10th April 2019

Hebden Royd Town Council Item Payment no: Payee Details Amount Cost Centre Method Accounts to be Paid a ICO Data Protection Fee 40.00 Office BACS b WIL Grab Rails 90.00 DAF BACS c WIL Lining 97.00 DAF BACS d WYPF Pension Contribution 5,400.00 Salaries BACS e CALVAG Spring Clean Equipment 48.00 Env, All &Event BACS f R.Clayton Clock Servicing 160.00 Clocks BACS g YLCA Subscription 1,069.00 Subscription BACS h HBCA Room Hire - DAF 92.40 DAF BACS I BNP Paradis Copier Hire 763.20 Office BACS j Carolyn Warren Accounts Support 175.00 Account Supp BACS k Lisa Murdoch HRTC Marketing 240.00 Salaries BACS 8,174.60

HB Picture House Item Payment no: Payee Details Amount Cost Centre Method Accounts to be Paid a Artificial Eye Film Royalties 120.00 Royalties BACS b BFI Film Royalties 120.00 Royalties BACS c Cinevents Film Royalties 257.40 Royalties BACS d Cinevents Film Royalties 180.40 Royalties BACS e Dartmouth Films Film Royalties 194.60 Royalties BACS f Dogwoof Film Royalties 814.45 Royalties BACS g Eone Film Royalties 756.35 Royalties BACS h Sony Film Royalties 372.17 Royalties BACS i Studio Canal Film Royalties 311.33 Royalties BACS j Thunderbird Film Royalties 120.00 Royalties BACS k Fox Film Royalties 1,025.50 Royalties BACS l Fox Film Royalties 704.56 Royalties BACS m Verve Film Royalties 120.00 Royalties BACS n Warner Bros Film Royalties 289.10 Royalties BACS o Warner Bros Film Royalties 589.57 Royalties BACS p Brooks Kiosk 37.80 Kiosk BACS q Clarks Kiosk 359.58 Kiosk BACS r Clarks Kiosk 417.42 Kiosk BACS s Clarks Kiosk 367.99 Kiosk BACS t Suma Kiosk 391.34 Kiosk BACS u Total Kiosk 201.21 Kiosk BACS v Towngate Tearooms Kiosk 549.20 Kiosk BACS w Vocation Kiosk 160.80 Kiosk BACS x Vocation Kiosk 76.80 Kiosk BACS y Crisps Kiosk 120.96 Kiosk BACS z HB Cleaning Temp Cleaning 143.00 Salaries BACS aa ICO Film Programming 1,904.42 Programming BACS bb Lisa Murdoch Brochure Design 165.00 Brochure BACS

cc Peter Bailey Ass Ltd Fire Risk Assessment 540.00 Build Man BACS dd Pos Yorkshire Film delivery 158.40 Film delivery BACS ee Reflex Print Brochure Printing 540.00 Brochure BACS ff Viking Stationary 46.84 Office BACS gg CMBC Business Rates 1,700.79 Rates BACS hh Phone Coop Internet 84.00 Office BACS ii SSE Electric 603.88 Utilities BACS jj Yorkshire Water Water 276.72 Utilities BACS 14,821.58