6 R · Bt.F (O F'i (.{(F !JEW
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?6 r · bt.f (O f'i (.{(f !JEW UBRAAY " EQUAL EMPLOYl'iENT OPPORTUNITY IS THE POLICY OF THIS DEPART3i!ENT. OPPORTUNITIES FOR T?~INING ARE AVAILABLE TO ALL STAFF REG~~LESS OF SEX, MARITAL STATUS OR ETHNIC BACKGROUND "• I?IDEX TO COURSE SUBJECT Th1ATTER SUBJECT TITLE PAGE Nlll'IIBER ,, TN'J'RODUCTICN TO COURSE * * * '· 6 m\um.Gh'NCY EQUIPMENT ( 1 ) * * * * 7 :nOT EQUIPMENT * * * " 8 lUO"c FORMATIONS ( 1 ) * " * * 12 Ti;:: .. A.PONS ( 1 ) Ruger * * * * 18 REGULATION Use 0£ Pirearms * * * * 19 PHOC}:DURES 'de a pons ~f 25 ':'- - * * * REGULATION 100 •• a,b,c, 100d. * * * * 31 OFFICERS ON ARI·,~lf!J'D DUTY * * 7! * 33 CHEJ;IICAL AGENTS (1) * * * * 35 :m,TERG1'HCY EQUIPMENT (2) " * * * 58 EIOT JcORlviATIONS (2) * * * * 59 ALARI:1 ACTION * * * * 60 :rrBAPOHS (2) Ruger * ~* * * 67 r VEAPOITS (2) Shotgun * * * * 78 'JF!APONS (3) Ruger * * * * 82 'NEAPONS (3) Shotgu.,.~ * * * * 83 'H3APONS ( 1 ) Revolver * * * * 84 P.R. 24 Baton * * * 7! 90 ETtERGZNCY EQUIP: lENT (3) * * * ~f 95 lUSK PRIORITIES * * * * 96 'SEA PONS (2) Revolver * .;.; * * 103 PIRE FIGHTING * 7(· * * 104 RIOT "f'OR!f!AT I ON S (3) * * * * 107 HOSTAGE NEGOTIATION (1 & 2) * * * * 108 l1ANGE PRACTICE * * * * 109 CHEMICAL AGENTS (2) * * * * 110 1/1l' i/EAPONS (4) * * * * 111 !'XPWSIVES * * * * 112 oooOoooOoooOoooOooo COURSE CONTENTS. TNTEO:DUOTION. EMERG.ENCY EQUIP111IENT ( 1 ) ( 2) ( 3) • RIOT EQUIPMENT. RIOT FORJ'ilATIONS ( 1 ) ( 2). WEAPONS (1) (2) (3) (4). CHEJ'UCALAGENTS (1) (2). (', ALA..Blc ACTION. RIOT PLANS. RISK PRIORITIES. PREVIOUS RIOTS. FIRE FIGHTING. HOSTAGE NEGOTIATION (1) (2). PJ'GTGE PRACTICE. EXPLOSIVES. EXAim:TATIONS. RE'l'URN STORES. 2Yl'1DICATE I''V ALUATION, COURSE EVALUATION. -1- COURSE.AIMS. This course is designed for senior personnel of the Department of Corrective Services who wish to aspire to the rank of Principal Prison Officer and above. The aims are:- 1 • To emphasise the practical and current Departmental procedures relating to riot formations, and understand squad commands. 2. To stress the control required during a riot situation. 3. To demonstrate usage of all Departmental weapons and Chemical Agents. 4. To ensure that all participants are aware of the procedures relating to Hostage Negotiation. 5. To ~ke participants aware of the available Emergency Equipment .. -2- COURSE OBJECTIVES. 1. Participants will be able to combine practical skills with a full understanding of emergency and control :procedures. 2. All participants will have a thorough knowledge in the use of riot formations and be able to assist any riot squad leader. 3. To ensure participants are fully familiar with all weapons that are currently being used by this Dept. 4. All participants will have a thorough knowledge of all emergency equipment available to this Department, and how to obtain assistance in its use during any emergency situation. 5. All participants will be fully familiar with and, have a thorough working knowledge of all Chemical Agents used by this Department. 6. To ensure participants have a recognition of hostage situations and, the reality of such within our Institutions. They will have the knowledge of why it is important and, necessary to call for expert personnel trained in this field. 7. They will all know the important steps to take in the instance of the FIRST RESPONDING OFFICER to a hostage situation. -3- COURSE PROGRAMME. DAY ONE 8.00 am to 8.30 am Introduction to Course. 8.30 am to 9.00 am Emergency Equipment ( 1). g.oo am to 9.30 am Riot Equipment. 9.30 am to 10.00 am Riot Formations ( 1 ) • 10.00 am to 10.15 am Morning Tea. lw 1 o. 15 am to 12.30 pm Weapons (1) Ruger + S/gun. 12.30 pm to 1.30 pm Lunch. 1.30 pm to 3.00 pm Chemical Agents. 3.00 pm to 3.15 pm Afternoon Tea. 3.15 pm to 5.00 pm Emergency Equipment (2). DAY TWO 7.30 am to 8.30 am Riot Formations ( 2). 8.30 am to 10.00 am Alarm Action + Riot Plans. 10.00 am to 10.15 am Morning Tea. .'.!. 10.15 am to 12.30 pm Weapons (2) and (3). 12.30 pm to 1.30 pm Lunch. 1.30 pm to 3.00 pm Weapons (1) Revolver+ PR 24. 3.00 pm to 3.15 pm Afternoon Tea. 3.15 pm to 4.30 pm Emergency Equipment (3). DAY THREE 7.30 am to 9.00 am Risk Priorities, + Prev. Riots. g.oo am to 10.00 am Revolver + PR 24. 10.00 am to 10.15 am Morning Tea. 10.15 am to 11.30 am Fire Fighting. 11.30 am to 12.30 pm Riot Formations. 12.30 pm to 1.30 pm Lunch. 1.30 pm to 4.30 pm Hostage Negotiation (1) and (2). -4- COURSE PROGRAJ\IJME (continued) DAY FOUR 7. 30 am to 8.00 am Travel to Rifle Range. 8. 00 am to 12.30 pm Range Practice. 12. 30 pm to 1.30 pm Lunch at Range. ~> 1 • 30 pm to 3.00 pm Chemical Agents (2). 3. 00 pm to 3.30 pm Return from Rifle Range. 3. 30 pm to 4.30 pm Weapons (4). DAY FIVE 7. 30 am to 9.00 am Explosives and Incendiaries. 9. 00 am to 12.30 pm Examinations. 12. 30 pm to 1.30 pm Lunch. 1 • 30 pm to 2.30 pm Riot Formations Exam. 2. 30 pm to 3.00 pm Return Stores. 3. 00 pm ·to 3.15 pm Afternoon Tea. ·(~ 3. 15 pm to 3.30 pm Exam Results. 3. 30 pm to 4.00 pm Syndicate Evaluation. 4. 00 pm to 4.30 pm Course Evaluation. * * * * * * * -5- SESSION TITLE - Introduction to Course. LENGTH OF SESSION - 30 Minutes, SESSION OBJECTIVES - 1. Each participant will have an understanding of the course objectives, and what is expected from them, 2, Each participant will have an understanding of the duties of the Duty Officer. 3, Each participant will be able to recognise the course leaders. 4, All participants will be issued with course stores which they will be responsible for during the course, and will be equipped with overalls, and identification name tags, 5. Each participant will be conversant with the meal and recreational facilities during this course, 6, Each participant will be made aware of the procedure to be adopted should he/she be unable to attend sessions at the appointed time, -6- SESSION TITLE- Emergency Equipment. (1) LENGTH OF SESSION - 30 Minutes. SESSION OBJECTIVES - 1. Participants will know what type of equipment is used by the Department, 2. Participants will be able to name, and identify the various types of emergency equipment, and know what it is used for, 3. Participants will know how to obtain such equipment to assist them in an emergency situation. 4. All participants will have a thorough knowledge of the fuel and oil requirements for motorised equipment, 5. Participants will have a thorough knowledge of the specifications of all equipment displayed. 6, Each participant will be able to understand the safety precautions which must be adhered to when using such equipment, -7- SESSION TITLE - RIOT EQUIPMENT LENGTH OF SESSION - 30 Minutes SESSION OBJECTIVES - 1. Each participant will have his/her memory refreshed to the correct method of applying and removing the gas mask used by this Department. 2, Relate information by question, the use of the gas mask filter. 3. Each participant will specifically know each type of baton on issue to this Department, and their danger if used too vigorously. 4. Each participant will be made aware as to why the clear plastic shield was chosen by this Department in preference to the black fibreglass shield. 5. All participants will be made aware of the reason for the change in riot helmet, and why this Department chose the one now being used by all personnel attached to the Emergency Units. 6. All participants will have their memory· refreshed to the correct method for gearing up and, standing down with riot equipment. -8- GAS !TASK l, HOW IT WORKS Harmful gases or vaporo can be removed fror!l the c:ir you breath by uoins the proper canister. Inhaled air flows throu.g_Q the canicter chemicals into the f,:.,~cepiece ',-:;here it passes over the lenses to reduce fogging before er... te:ring the lungs. 'The ha:cmful r.w.. te::io.ls are collected in the canister" Iluring this process, heat is given off indico.ting toxic conto..ninants present are being removed from the air., :2xhaled air leaves the mask throur,h the exhalation valve. !;lake su.re the gas oask is in good working condition before using. 2, CH3CK 'rHE FOLLO.IHTG a) Canister - Make sure canister is the correct type for t:C.. e toxic gases or vapors th2.t are present. b) Be SLl.re canister is securely attached to the facepiece. c) Botton opening of canister - Be su.re to remove tape. d) Head harness - Do not use if straps are broken, 3, PUTTIH0 OH THE FACEPIECE a) Make oure all headstraps are fully extended, b) Using both hands - Grasp together one temple otrap and one cheek strap in each hand. c) Place the chin into position in the facepiece. d) Draw the headstraps over the head, be sure they all lay flat against the head, e) Simultaneously draw-up a..Yl.d back both CHEEK strapse f) Simul tru1.eously draw-up and back both TE:~·. ..rPLE (oiddle) strapse g) Place ·calm of ei·ther hand. on the j ur~ction point '."Jhe:r·3 the strr:1ps join, push DO\IN tov12.rd the bs.ck of the necko 'J:his exerts a pull on the TOP strap or straps lifting the facepiece into proper position.