Liinen Nttontlon of Rnrihaien Invited I'lnnoi Rented, Sill for Tlirco Month'
I 'Jf "Mf " Tina Washington crime, sathhpay bvkninc, may s, isbs. WASHINGTON OIMTIO AT Till: THUiYTltnS. MAflOS. Allmtigb's "Indian." -- DecottatiVe GO,. n city sii?oiaij9. Next neck llio AlcCaull Opera Com- &- hows this INDEPENDENT ICE llrM lit 'flftt fUMi WC"! Cnlf. pany will give the production tills 90'flAn' i UeliU' riiioHlinon.ln Kangnrnniiml opera All tlio Inlrnt stylos. We cnll nttontlon to city of Auilrim's lalct combine, mir $5 lino of KniiRKroo Hhpcs as being otra "Indiana," nt Albnugh's, presenting the FOR lllCC. OAt'.TIIKLL'f. 1)00 "til at. work wlllt tho tame strong cast, with one exception, with which It Is now giving . r Clguritl Cigars! I UlRiirslli "llclunnii." Dighy llcll. a great favorite lillM& Is approaching poor I0,(xx Henry Clay Cigars, hero, appears In tho leading comedy role, 'JJ The Mnion now whoti the slei, the well, the Heli, an4 the nre nil In a box, tiOo. n bo. deeply Intctcetcd In tho QUALITY, ns well w the SUl'I'LY of IOE. Greatest Imrcnln In Clears ever offered tho In plnrc of Do WolT Hopper, to nnil Six packnsos New York for tho production of "Tho yubllo. Call boo them. -F- UOlI- Tlo ,051(9 some Idea 6f the rcqulrcil by this Company Legal-Tend- Tiger." ? fyclowwjll giro fho roader Plant Unoqunled in Tone, Touch, Durham SmoklnaTolmeoo.'.fio. Lndy or the "IJollnmn" hastlotie FACTS St. A 1'. Mtrrrocn, n good week's business, nml tho growing to keep lis ninny ratrens supplied with the best nnd pdreH Ice brought to tills market.
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