Liinen Nttontlon of Rnrihaien Invited I'lnnoi Rented, Sill for Tlirco Month'

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Liinen Nttontlon of Rnrihaien Invited I'lnnoi Rented, Sill for Tlirco Month' I 'Jf "Mf " Tina Washington crime, sathhpay bvkninc, may s, isbs. WASHINGTON OIMTIO AT Till: THUiYTltnS. MAflOS. Allmtigb's "Indian." -- DecottatiVe GO,. n city sii?oiaij9. Next neck llio AlcCaull Opera Com- &- hows this INDEPENDENT ICE llrM lit 'flftt fUMi WC"! Cnlf. pany will give the production tills 90'flAn' i UeliU' riiioHlinon.ln Kangnrnniiml opera All tlio Inlrnt stylos. We cnll nttontlon to city of Auilrim's lalct combine, mir $5 lino of KniiRKroo Hhpcs as being otra "Indiana," nt Albnugh's, presenting the FOR lllCC. OAt'.TIIKLL'f. 1)00 "til at. work wlllt tho tame strong cast, with one exception, with which It Is now giving . r Clguritl Cigars! I UlRiirslli "llclunnii." Dighy llcll. a great favorite lillM& Is approaching poor I0,(xx Henry Clay Cigars, hero, appears In tho leading comedy role, 'JJ The Mnion now whoti the slei, the well, the Heli, an4 the nre nil In a box, tiOo. n bo. deeply Intctcetcd In tho QUALITY, ns well w the SUl'I'LY of IOE. Greatest Imrcnln In Clears ever offered tho In plnrc of Do WolT Hopper, to nnil Six packnsos New York for tho production of "Tho yubllo. Call boo them. -F- UOlI- Tlo ,051(9 some Idea 6f the rcqulrcil by this Company Legal-Tend- Tiger." ? fyclowwjll giro fho roader Plant Unoqunled in Tone, Touch, Durham SmoklnaTolmeoo.'.fio. Lndy or the "IJollnmn" hastlotie FACTS St. A 1'. Mtrrrocn, n good week's business, nml tho growing to keep lis ninny ratrens supplied with the best nnd pdreH Ice brought to tills market. 117 Seventh street n. w. tiopulnrlly of the company Is an earnest ' Workmartaiilp and Durability. that next week will be n boom. THE DECORATIVE Atf ROOMS Summer Knle. Special Is Tho Nntlonnl-"I.o- st In Now York." liinen nttontlon of rnrihaien Invited I'lnnoi rented, Sill for tlirco month'. o their "Now Artistic Styles," Qnlshod la do-U- Cretins rented, Si per month. The production of "Lost In Kcw York" -- OF- Bland from under or wowlifcnuh of Jln.umnir I'AtAtr, or Music, next week nt tho National will hu under 1235 ra. Ave. tho direction nnd personal supervision of you. Clonr tlio track or wVIl run Highest Decorative Art. Do Not l'orect ttio (Iriiml Unit Miles and llarton of tho llljou Theatre, over you. You hnvo no right hi this SECOND HAND TIAN03, ft Bno assortmeat nml llatia.uet, to bo given at tho National Now York, whose names nro n sulllclont S. & Bra Ot prominent makes at all prices. nines' Armory on tho '22I ot this month, by Oppenheimer community thnt wo must respect, tlin Knights of thoaoldcn Eaglo. gunrnntcoortheplay. It Is a story of life PIANOS FOU HENT. T in tho Kmplro City nnd abounds with this community wna created for Nnmlor'n tho l.iirgcst nml Moit Com thrilling situations and witty dialogue, Bpcclnl AVu WM. KNABE & CO., iiloto IVIno llnuso In tho llust. nnd Introduces tho latest stago roallsnt.-- SflliE our benoflt. ni 0 tho great real river, which contains over 80,000 Xandor'H celebrated Clarets superior to all elephant of period, nnd it takes n 8t7 Market Space. American CIniuts: consumption. Oti.oix) Is 75 feet lonu', B3 Icet SUMMER WORK. tho Bullous annually. Thoso wines aio of my widonnd I feet deep, upon wilch will to us. nro own production, and Guaranteed to be puro. speed, great deal keep Thcso tho ' float a genuine steamboat at full BOOTS AND SHOES. No. tJt Boicnth st n w. nndcraltof nil description, loaded with llUi;roNSIIIIGTINO,tlio now material, Is sentiments of some business mgn, An becoming I.aiiim. inlsccn and children wanting low patscngers, showing n distant und nlmott more popular ns It becomes Vcttcr vlow New city Intelligent community seems to think slices should call at (Iaiiiiiki.l's, ti(H) 7tli st. perfect of York nt tilclit. known. IMWEPBBPIHIHHillHMvncflrviNPHL All llio scenery used In tho production Among Hangings, recently doslgncd and Wm IW. TT. i I sr SI1 -( ' AVo nro wo aro going u'-t- .,,7y, IflllfllH!'.'" otherwise. hero, - f.. JUST RECEIVED. Cntn!ilniitlon", has been painted expressly the play. t- ) iilt "-- -- Hint Unrest of for wrought In this admlrablo stuff, Is a lovely 7s Mi itlMii - In con- iTjMri trim delicacy of llnor with truo cfllcaoy of Patrice, n clover young actress, During May of each year Portlero of n Soft Sago Color, embroidered In to stay herd, and expect In thp future, tiLtlon, has been attained In tho famous Cali- junction with n strong company, will In- Mon's Kangaroo Shoos, fornia liquid fruit remedy, Syrup of l'lgs. Its terpret tho various characters. we inaugurate a Grand Hope Silk of dull slates. ns In tho past, to dlsponso tho vory plcnrnnt tnsto nml bcnollclal effects Imvo llnrris's llljou Thenlra "Ind's Olrt." A pair of Curtains mado ot tho unbleached Ladios' Overgaltors, Assortod rendered It Imtncnsclr populnr. It cleanse Semi-Annu- al nnd wrought In tho Uagnrron Art Threads nro best and very ilncst Clothing fqr.Stcn Bystcm, cures Coatltcnoss etc. Alt One of tho most sparkling comedy-drama- s Sale of Linens Colors; tho very a (liugglsts. upon tho stage Is "Dad's Olrl," effective. nnd Hoys nt tho usually tow prices yinywMw---f-.,,,-'rr- r1'i:-g- j .tmwwnamv''' and Housekeeping Goods. Table Covers and lied Spreads rnado of this "tf)''tg' ai Ladies' and Children's Shoos. (Inoitji'iir Company, from the pen of tho popular playwright, Any- Itulibcr new is ready, material aro very effective and serviceable. for whtcli our hotiso Is noted. Tios and Slippers, noti Ninth street northwest, U tho correct V.. i. SvnrU. This comedy will ho pre-edit- The stock place to gn when cm want tennis shoe, balls, New German Cord Work andTnmhou Work thing and everything In tiio way of nt the llljou, beginning Monday " Mon's Calf and Patont Leather Ao., Ac Having unrivaled purchas- on exhibition. -- ' racqucti), . ZmiL " iXjf2 Tj7737TPwnS; nflerlioon, by tho fascinating souhrette, Now Luncheon Cloth, very handsome, In perfect fitting, lionest Clothing for Shoes for Streot Woar or I.lclilnliiK l!oil-- .r. II. I.l77io I liner, ami an excellent com- ing facilities, and an exten- May Yellow puro WMto Slltc nnd Linen Evening Dross, pany.. Ml" I'lmer has for tomo time sive distributing capacity, and Men nnd Hoys at popular prices, wo The above Cutrcprecnt tlio first buildings orcetod by tho Independent tto Company Cabin AililriM "JMInm. Ki5v York." been anxiously looking for ii play which mixed. Only n fow or thorn Imported. on tho Kcnnctceltlvcrntriltslon, Maine, In tho year 1875, with n capaolty of 1,1,00(1 Liibnriiloiy IMIson. have on hand and ready for tho in- Easy Shoos for Tonder Foot. 1'rora the of Thomas A' would oiler a (cope of characterization we are enabled to buy Cnlt nnd sec them at our room. Tons. Additional buildings wcro erected during tlio tlirco years following, IncrcnMng tho ,1., April 12(1, 18S8. at Ouwil.N adequate to her developed powers, nnd, spection of the people. Our Hoys' rnpnclty to 27,000 Tons. bubject, fulling in her quest, has preferred to con- the lowest possible prices, Mr. J II Ktichilng, & uvenuo, tinue in old works rather than to pro- ShirfVVnlsts nro n popular artlclo at Tho demand mado on this Company torn greater supply ot I'UUE KUN'NlllllCC ICU DALTOH STRICKLAND, l'Jl'J rcHinvlvnbi ones and give special attention to Washington, 1). c. duce new of doubtful incrlt. In ncccisltntc(Ubo purthaso of twentv acres ot land adjoining on tho North, erecting J lltAiiHin: "Dad's Girl" the lias found the extreme tho prices wo sell them. For Hoys' about fitting out. & thereon largo nnd commodious' Houses, with n capacity of about 03,000 Tons, making a In reply to your letter of tho UOtlt Instant. elements of comedy nnd strong sentiment Oi LIIIIUIilL.ll UIIUi) Knee rants without end. No ono can PBNNK 1 bcR tofay that Mr. LMWon helloes In tho w hicli are realized In the two roles in which Ull total capacity of 00,000 Tons at this ioInt. Tho housos nro nil tilled with tho host qual- 939 uko of strip copper for tho pirpnsoof giving Jlotels, Itlvcr Ice, which, no will be W.V8IIINOTON, ,D. 0. t samo sho has won public favor. Authors, as Importers or Deco- suit you belter than wo. All goods ity of Kennebec doubt, greatly appreciated by our 1'atrons. surface as well iisconduulvlty; tho a rule, linvo modeled their business cither and Manufacturers hhoiihl bo Insulated and Inn c a Rood ground in llguro3 nnd populnr connection. Yours truly, after "Hilly I'lpcr" or "Corrotsi" nnd thus Boarding Houses, rative Embroideries and marked plain tSlgllUl) A. C, I.VTK, hnc lulled that new and Interesting per- MatcrUl. ono prlco UPcRAWraMSHOE 1'rlvuto Secretary. sonality, blending tho featuics of both, prices. No deviation and In addition to Mr lMIon'snboo letter, I which characterizes "Dad's lllfl." Summer Cottages, Hole agents for the Light itunnlng Now to nil. tlxo Unlit-nui- Only Slioo would say that my Ilxcelsior Copper KcriiimV-"I'liisi- V. los. Homo Sowing Machine. la Hod Is or strip copper and man- ' SOLD DIRECT TO THE CONSUMER of thect Next week Kenian'a ufactured In n quadraiiRuhir form which Is at "i'arson" Rcstawants, BY MANUFACTURER. tho strongest. .J. II. Kikiu.isu. DaMes's big specially company and Win, THE GENTS' FURNISIUNQS. 810 1'KNNA. AVE. flood j car Ituliber Coinpany, Muldoon's company of gladiators will be Steamboats, THE Sim) Ninth street norlhwost, keeps ovcr thins n great attraction.
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