Dairy Safe News
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Dairy Food Safety Victoria Level 2, 969 Burke Road JUNE 2018 Camberwell, Victoria 3124 Postal address DAIRY SAFE NEWS PO Box 8221 Camberwell North, Victoria 3124 From the interim CEO Applauding excellence in dairy products Phone: + 61 3 9810 5900 I am pleased to be addressing you for In May 2018, the Dairy Industry Association of Australia (DIAA) Fax: + 61 3 9882 6860 the first time as CEO. Although only celebrated all that is good about dairy. Email: [email protected] eight weeks in, with the support of the DFSV again sponsored the 2018 DIAA Victorian Dairy Product www.dairysafe.vic.gov.au Board and staff and the warm welcome Competition awards luncheon. The awards celebrate individual from industry, my transition to the role achievements, but also recognise the high standard of quality of has been a smooth one. food produced across the entire Victorian dairy industry. DFSV After many years at FSANZ in developing congratulates all recipients of awards in the 2018 competition, and setting food safety standards with special mention of most outstanding show exhibitor, it is good to be able to see them implemented to ensure the Dooley’s Ice Cream. safety of dairy food products and to safeguard public health. Winners of the National Dairy Product Competition were It is important to me that I gain a thorough understanding of the announced that evening at the Awards of Excellence dinner. workings of the businesses DFSV licence and the environment Dooley’s Ice Cream was again successful, taking out the in which they operate. Since joining DFSV, I have taken the major award. Other Victorian winners of national awards opportunity to meet with a number of people from industry to included: St David Dairy, Apostle Whey Cheese, That’s Amore, hear their views on current challenges and the opportunities Meredith Dairy, NuLac Foods, Bulla Dairy Foods Fonterra for dairy now and in to the future. We will continue to seek Cobden, Warrnambool Cheese and Butter, Parmalat and your opinions and your feedback on our services. Camperdown Dairy. A key focus for the organisation right now is consideration of Congratulations to all winners. our long-term direction and how we might get there. In July 2018 we will start a strategic review. This wide-ranging review is a critical exercise for DFSV as we develop our strategic objectives for the coming decade. Other significant work to be undertaken in parallel will be to progress the review of the DFSV funding model that was started in 2017. This is important for DFSV’s future financial sustainability and will provide more certainty for industry. In light of this, the DFSV Board has agreed to maintain the level of licence fees and charges across the whole Victorian dairy industry for 2018–19 at the 2017–18 level. The strategic review will be undertaken in consultation with industry and DFSV will use discussion papers, public fora, targeted consultations and social media to provide more opportunity for input. I look forward to greater engagement with the dairy industry in general, and plans are already underway to establish effective discussion forums with representation from across industry sectors. Micro testing – an important Compliance and enforcement Keeping it safe on farm Farm licence renewals verification tool DFSV has completed a review of its compliance and enforcement At the most recent Farm Auditor Working Group meeting, held A new DFSV licence period commences for farmers on 1 July On 19 June we held the latest in our series of seminars and framework and developed a strategy and revised supporting in May, DFSV reported the six-monthly compliance results, which 2018. Bovine dairy licences have been automatically renewed workshops for dairy manufacturers, tackling common food policy. These documents outline DFSV’s risk-based approach showed that veterinary treatments, milk cooling and storage, for most farmers based on manufacturer confirmation of milk safety issues related to the production of dairy foods. to regulating the Victorian industry, and describes DFSV’s and calibration continue to be the most common areas of non- supply, and licence certificates for the 2018−20 licence period compliance and enforcement decision-making framework. Around 140 people attended the Microbiological testing of conformance on farm. recently posted to all renewed licensees. This involves a comprehensive risk assessment and application dairy products seminar, which explored the role of testing in The importance of addressing these issues was brought into It is a condition of the licence that farms are audited at a of a regulatory response that is commensurate with the overall assuring the safety of dairy foods. sharp focus when Shayne Daniels, Director of the Dairy Export frequency no greater than 24 months or within six months of a risk. The policy lists the range of actions DFSV may undertake in Held at the Australian Synchrotron, eight presenters from the Program at the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources, new licence being listed. Therefore, please ensure that you are response to a non-compliance or a risk to food safety. Department of Agriculture and Water Resources, FSANZ, outlined the key on-farm areas of interest to importing countries. aware of your most recent audit date at your licensed premises The policy will be available to view on the DFSV website. testing laboratories and DFSV emphasised the importance of These include milk collection temperature, milk quality parameters and work with the manufacturer you supply to ensure microbiological testing as a component of a manufacturer’s food (total plate counts and bulk milk cell counts), antibiotics and compliance with this licence condition. safety program. controlled use of agvet chemicals. Please contact DFSV at [email protected] or on The aim of the seminar was to assist manufacturers understand Country of origin labelling looms Other points of discussion on the day included the potential to 03 9810 5900, if you have any questions related to your licence. the microbiology of dairy products, microbiological testing From 1 July 2018, updated country of origin labelling (CoOL) move towards a simpler structure when auditing and reporting methods, and interpretation of results. requirements for food sold in Australia will become mandatory. on regulatory food safety compliance matters on farm, a Topics covered included an overview of food microbiology, a This follows a two-year transitional period to allow current clarification of reporting requirements for farm audits, and how look at specific organisms of concern and current test methods stock-in-trade to see out its shelf life. these audits also incorporate Livestock Production Assurance used to detect and enumerate them, and the evolving The new Country of Origin Food Labelling Information (LPA) requirements for inputs into red meat production. methods used for microbiological testing. Standard 2016 was introduced under Australian Consumer The DFSV facilitated, bi-annual meetings are an important means An outline of how the Food Standards Code currently relates Law, and will be overseen by the Australian Competition and of engaging with the farming sector on compliance. Around 40 to dairy products and future developments in microbiological Consumer Commission (ACCC). people attended the meeting including farm auditors, farm food criteria; DFSV’s expectations as described in the Microbiological The standard covers the labelling of food that is grown, produced, safety company representatives, manufacturing company milk Testing Criteria guideline; and microbiological requirements for or made in Australia, and provides a range of labelling options quality assurance managers, field personnel, milk supply exporters and importers of dairy products, provided the including the kangaroo logo, a graduated bar chart indicating managers, and regulators from three states (Victoria, South regulatory context. the percentage of Australian ingredients, and a section of Australia and Tasmania). The most important take away is that an appropriate end- explanatory text. product testing program to detect particular microorganisms Dairy manufacturers are responsible for determining the type or groups of organisms, is an important verification tool to of origin claim they make and must ensure there is a reasonable demonstrate that your food safety program is working effectively. basis for any claims made. This is important where you are This includes in-process and end-product testing and using imported ingredients. environmental. The ACCC website contains comprehensive information for businesses on country of origin labelling, including a Country of origin labelling and the dairy industry fact sheet. The Department of Industry, Innovation and Science website also provides important information, including a CoOL online tool to determine if you need a label, and if so, will then find, customise and download the appropriate label for your food products. .