Samuelson Reunion Michael Cullick As of 4.31.2017.Pdf
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Ark ILTV—Ark of the Covenant | Ark Three Chief Rabbis of Israel 1981 Samuelson Videos | Israel TV Back Home Next Zacuto PDF | Rebecca Branch Lineage Only | Michael Cullick April, 2017—Wolfson, Cullick, Ekman, Zacuto | Search Israel Klavan’s One State Solution—Israel—Live Western Wall | Wall | Ark | Evil Adam and Eve to Noah to Melchizedek, Rabbi Abraham Zacuto (1492 Christopher Columbus) Zacuto Wolfson | Back Home Next SAMUELSONREUNIONS.COM [email protected] Israel Database | | Sirens Ring Out in Israel Sirens Ring | Jewish Heritage May 1, 2017 | Jewish Month—D. Trump 25TH SILVER ANNIVERSARY OF THE SAMUELSON WEBSITE July 4, 1997 Reunion Houston, Texas BY MICHAEL CULLICK 1991-2017 = 26 YEARS = 4,000 PHOTOS | 75 VIDEOS | ILTV | Israel TV | Ark ILTV | Israel | IDF Campus in the Negev | Israel is Just a Dream Ark of the Covenant -Israel TV-ILTV | Israel PM | Which side are you on? | IMFA | Palestinian State?| Israel IDF - F-IDF | Protective Edge: Friends of the IDF (FIDF) Jan 19, 1985 Reunion New Orleans Why Isn't There a Palestinian State? | PLO Rejects Land for Peace Five Times | IDF Women IDF Navy Women FIDF IDF Israel 68 Fun Facts | Friends of the IDF (FIDF) Dung Slides | Logos | Videos | Photos | Census Slides | Logos | Videos | Photos | Census Zacuto | Kinship | Slide Show Sh'Muel Glassivitsky Zacuto | Kinship | Slide Show Newsletters Personal Pages Photographs Newsletters | Personal Pages Samuelson Videos | Samuelson Esplanade Avenue |529-539 Rampart Street | French Quarter Jewish Celebrities +++ By Michael Cullick Genetic studies on Jews Kohen Search Israel Database July 6, 7 & 8 2001 Reunion - New Orleans Y-chromosomal Aaron | Aaron Rebecca Branch ILTV | Israel TV | Hannity Levi DNA | Spain | DNA | Jews ILTV News | Israel Weekly July 1-3, 2005 — Austin, Texas Omni Hotel Israel PM Videos | Iran Israel Hamas Hezbollah PLO Fatah Charter Holiday or Holiday | Israel Now Hamas—Oxford Dennis Prager | Israel Fox PLO pays Terrorist Salaries Hezbollah Julius Mosha Alan Dershowitz | Obama PLO-Iran | Radical Islam Netanyahu II Glassivitsky Glassivitsky |John Bolton Obama | Subscribe Dennis Prager—Prager University | Iran Samuelson Born 1855 | Photo Lou Dobbs | Fox News AIPAC Born 1856 | Photo JPost J-PostExodus | France | Europe Female-IDF | Israel 2016 IDF TBN Kinship Outline & Genealogy UN FIDF | Exodus Ukraine Congress Female Israeli Troops IDF Songs Israel | Israel Official WeStandWithIsrael TBN Israel Women in the IDF IHLS Co-Ed IDF | IDF-Main Rock-u |F-IDF Hannity Israel 2017 Netanyahu Ryan שמע ראל Hatikva Shema Israel AIPAC | Hannity | Gen Mattis | Islam China Jews Israel Documentary Channel Israel TV Direct| United Nations Live Western Wall more | ABC Cain Solve Israel's Problems Female-IDF FIDF Israelis Israel: The World's Most Moral Army July, 2013 Small Version New Orleans Thanks Briann Nikki Haley AIPAC | Refugees ISRAEL'S National Anthem - HATIKVAH UN | Refugees Nikki Haley Woman IDF Female-IDF Female Arab IDF Taylor Force Act U.S. Pays terrorist to kill Americans and Samuelson Resumes, Auto Biographies, Books, Art Ted Cruz | Paul Ryan |Obama Please send me yours— [email protected] Original Charts 2001 John Kasich | Israel Hannity Israel Database | By, Hymie Samuelson, PJ Ekman, Steve Bergstein and Michael Cullick Benjamin Netanyahu | Kelly Sh'Muel = "son of Samuel" Benjamin Netanyahu | APAIC Slide Show 685 Slides April 2016 mc – Slides Original Charts 2005 World Jewish Congress President D. Trump Netanyahu April 2017 Part II Hymie Samuelson Michael Cullick By, Hymie Samuelson, PJ Ekman and Michael Cullick Oliver North | Israel |O.North | PBS Republican Jewish Coalition | BlueStar Videos_2016 Slides | Photo_2016 Includes The Moshe Glassivitsky Charts 1985-2005 Museu Luso-Hebraico | Tomar Synagogue Whitehouse Press |Iran | Nuclear Temple Doc Zacuto Lineage—pdf click| Samuelson Photo Slide Show-POWERPOINT about 2,000 Photos Original Charts 2009, Mike Pence V.P. US | President Trump The Jewish Temple & Mikvah | | My old Stuff By Hymie Samuelson and Michael Cullick Donald and Benjamin | Silence Samuelson Photo Slide SHOW-PowerPoint SHOW - 2,000 Photos Includes The Moshe Glassivitsky Charts 1985-2009 PM | WJC | WJC Videos Why Isn't There a Palestinian State? | Step up for Israel Wake The Dawn - Holy Temple Fiddler | Tradition Bottle Dance | Hebrew Sunrise Ambassador Nikki Haley Samuelson Photo Slides -PDF—2,000 Photos 2013 | No change from 2009 President Donald Trump | ILTV Videos The Third Temple: Ezekiel's Vision Fox News | Fox Business News Videos FBN Videos 2017 | Charts Israel Sunshine | Israel a Young Country | IDF-Gideon Whitehouse Welcome | Whitehouse Press Album by Adrian & PJ Ekman & Michael Cullick The Samuelson-Reunion Website and Directory was launched in 1991 when my Mother passed away and in her honor, Claire Vivian Wolfson Cullick, Rebecca Branch. Please send updates to I created and have maintained it ever since and I also created the First Samuelson Email and First Samuelson Address Directory which I passed out to everyone attending the 1993 Colorado reunion. With love [email protected] and the deep respect for my mother and family had for the Samuelsson's. Dr. P.J. Ekman, Adrian Ekman and Mel-Z Wolfson were significant contributors. In my communications with the Samuelsson's since 1991, I have directly collected thousands of Photographs, slide shows and presentations from Samuelson’s and Glassivitsky’s to share on this website. Hymie designated me as the Official Samuelson Historian and one of the original committee members along with Dr P.J. Ekman, so I will keep the historical information and research data stored in the website. Census, Photographs, Videos older charts and misc old data. 2016, I have about 4,000 photographs available on this website and about 75 Videos and multiple slide shows. More are in production and photographs will top out at no more than 5,000 Samuelson Claire & Morris Samuelson & Glassivitsky Wolfson Photographs by the 2017 Reunion. Nothing is copyrighted, so please feel free to download and republish as you wish. I plan to keep the website until it is my time and then the web space will expire. Love, Michael Cullick | April, 2016 | [email protected] | P.S. If someone would like to perpetuate the Samuelson | Glassivitsky website, just let me know. Note: Elucidating on the plethora of epiphainein and transcendent name derivatives. Velville Zacuto became Wolfson. | Velville means son of a wolf.| Zacuto became both Wolfson and Barnet (Hyman Zacuto= Hyman Barnet | Julius & Rebecca Glassivitsky became Samuelson. Rebecca AKA: Becky, Bubbe Beck & Becky Wolfson. Rebecca had three last names, Glassivitsky, Samuelson and Wolfson + four first names, Rebecca, Becky, Bubbe Beck, Bubbe Bush. Everyone who knew Rebecca Wolfson said the same two things. She never said anything bad about anyone and whatever she touched turned to gold. Perhaps the two are related. My mother, Claire Wolfson carried on this fine tradition with her three monkeys in her window, see hear and say nothing bad about anyone. (Lev. 19:16, and ye shall not wrong one another (Lev. 25:17, which according to tradition refers to wronging a person with speech and gossip). Rebecca Samuelson Wolfson was a Glassivitsky until age 5 then Julius and Rebecca changed their last name to Samuelson in 1885. Julius’s wife, Deborah Bowman was Bowman then later Glassivitsky then later Michael Cullick | Rebecca Branch Samuelson. Velville Zacuto became Wolfson’s and Barnet’s. Julius Glassivitsky Samuelson’s brother was Moshe Glassivitsky. Glassivitsky is spelled various ways on various documents such as Census, [email protected] Photographs and Ship reports. Glass, Gloss & Glazer evolved. Tribute to Hymie Samuelson - by Michael Cullick, How did the Samuelson Reunions Start? | Bluma Wolfson and Dotsy Fisher Started the reunions Jan 19th 1985 Hymie Samuelson expanded to all Tribes in 1985 to be inclusive of the entire Samuelson family and a humble, pre-septuagenarian, semi- the children. Bluma Fertel Wolfson was married to Welville (Welly) Wolfson; son of Samuel Zacuto Wolfson; who was son of Julius Glassivitsky Samuelson (Rebecca Branch). Dorothy Rose (Dotsy) Samuelson; serendipitist and pseudo, sesquipedalianist) was the daughter of Samuel Jacob Samuelson; who was the son of Julius Glassivitsky Samuelson (Samuel Branch) In 2001 descendents of the lost tribe of Mosha (Glassevitsky) Glassivitsky joined us in New Orleans Reunion, Mosha was the brother of Julius Glassivitsky Samuelson. [email protected] Houston, Texas All of the above were descendents of Sh'Muel Glassivitsky from Slonim Russia, Moshe, Julius and Rebecca Glassivitsky were all born in Slonim Russia. What is the cultural morphic resonance of the of the Temple Mount Samuelson paradigm? It has always been the reciprocal mutual love and collective symbiotic loyalty. Ark of the Covenant - ILTV | ILTV.TV World Jewish Congress | Video | News Michael Cullick = Michael Cullick> Claire Wolfson> Morris Wolfson> Rebecca Glassivitsky ,Samuelson, Wolfson> Julius & Deborah Glassivitsky Samuelson. April, 2017 Jewish Wedding Music—Fun | AIPAC Shema Israel | IDF | IDF Video Please send updates to [email protected] | Israel Database | Kinship Reports by Michael Cullick United States Census & Port of Entry Gwendolyn Midlo Hall | | Ekman-Juniper | TJHS | Genealogy | Search | LOC | JBS | Mike Huckabee Israel | Obama Slams Israel 2015 Megan Barbara Vevo