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VI CARREIRA PEDESTRE CONCELLO DE FISTERRA, 13/10/2019 Carreira Absoluta (10K) VI CARREIRA PEDESTRE CONCELLO DE FISTERRA, 13/10/2019 Carreira Absoluta (10k). Distancia: 9.150 m Pto Dorsal Nombre Sx PtoCat T_Oficial RitmoKm T_Real RitKmReal Licenza Club Localidade 1 59 AMADOR PENA TORREIRA SNM- 1 00:32:59 00:03:37 00:32:59 00:03:37 AG 2018616 CLUB ATLETISMO O PINO SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA 2 549 RUBEN INSUA DIAZ SNM- 2 00:33:05 00:03:37 00:33:05 00:03:37 AG-2023812 SAR-VERMU PETRONI FISTERRA 3 4 JUAN ALVAREZ CURES M40M- 1 00:33:56 00:03:43 00:33:56 00:03:43 AG2024419 O PINO CARBALLO 4 111 JOSE ANTONIO GOMEZ RIOS M40M- 2 00:33:57 00:03:43 00:33:57 00:03:43 76967335C SAR-VERMU PETRONI NOIA 5 5 LUÍS MIGUEL ANTELO LEMA M40M- 3 00:34:23 00:03:46 00:34:23 00:03:46 AG2019278 VIMIANZO 6 711 CARLOS VALIÑA LISTA SNM- 3 00:35:00 00:03:50 00:35:00 00:03:50 CAMARIÑAS 7 12 MARCOS TRELLES RODRIGUEZ SNM- 4 00:35:14 00:03:51 00:35:13 00:03:51 A.D. JARNACHAS ARTEIXO 8 73 PEDRO TRABA CAAMAÑO M40M- 4 00:35:27 00:03:53 00:35:01 00:03:50 CLUBE ATLETISMO OUTES- JOHN TURKEY OUTES 9 173 RAMÓN CANOSA CASTIÑEIRA M40M- 5 00:35:37 00:03:54 00:35:37 00:03:54 CÉE 10 98 BONI GONZÁLEZ REY M40M- 6 00:35:55 00:03:56 00:35:54 00:03:56 PRAIA DE CARNOTA RUNNERS CARNOTA 11 97 JOSECHO GONZÁLEZ REY SNM- 5 00:35:55 00:03:56 00:35:54 00:03:56 PRAIA DE CARNOTA RUNNERS CARNOTA 12 227 ALBERTO VILLAR GARCIA SNM- 6 00:36:00 00:03:56 00:36:00 00:03:56 CARBALLO 13 28 KIKO LAGO SANTIAGO M40M- 7 00:36:04 00:03:57 00:36:03 00:03:57 ASOCIACION DEPORTIVA OLIMPIA BRENS CEE 14 216 JUAN CASTIÑEIRA ROMERO M40M- 8 00:36:13 00:03:58 00:36:11 00:03:58 CEE 15 55 FERNANDO PEREZ HERNANDEZ M50M- 1 00:36:21 00:03:59 00:36:20 00:03:59 AG2019970 CLUB ATLETISMO CORUÑA COMARCA A CORUÑA 16 85 GONZALO SILVA BRENLLA SNM- 7 00:36:25 00:03:59 00:36:25 00:03:59 AG 766103 NOITEBRA F.C. SANTA COMBA 17 107 JOSÉ MANUEL LAGO CES M40M- 9 00:36:32 00:04:00 00:36:29 00:04:00 AG 763847 SAR-VERMU PETRONI CEE 18 511 MARTÍN ABELENDA LÓPEZ SNM- 8 00:36:39 00:04:01 00:36:38 00:04:01 CLUB DE ATLETISMO O PINO SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA 19 54 IVAN SEGADE CAROU SNM- 9 00:37:10 00:04:04 00:37:09 00:04:04 AG-766602 CLUB ATLETISMO BOIMORTO A CORUÑA 20 51 MARCIAL ANIBAL BARCA ESPAÑA SNM- 10 00:37:11 00:04:04 00:37:11 00:04:04 AG2027730 CA PINO CORISTANCO 21 103 CARLOS PEREIRA REY M50M- 2 00:37:12 00:04:04 00:37:11 00:04:04 RUNNING ARTEIXO ARTEIXO 22 706 JOSE MARIA FORMOSO SENANDE M40M- 10 00:37:32 00:04:07 00:37:32 00:04:07 PAUS LIRA CARNOTA 23 801 ANGEL VALIÑA M40M- 11 00:37:32 00:04:07 00:37:26 00:04:06 VIMIANZO 24 2 ROCIO ALVITE FERREIRO F- 1 SNF- 1 00:37:55 00:04:09 00:37:55 00:04:09 GA 768548 SAR-VERMU PETRONI MAZARICOS 25 223 JULIO MUÑOZ ESPASANDÍN M40M- 12 00:37:55 00:04:09 00:37:52 00:04:09 CORUÑA (A) 26 68 JOSE BUJAN GONZALEZ M40M- 13 00:37:55 00:04:09 00:37:52 00:04:09 CLUBE ATLETISMO OUTES - JOHN TURKEY OUTES 27 71 MIGUEL ANGEL MARTINEZ NIETO M40M- 14 00:37:56 00:04:09 00:37:53 00:04:09 CLUBE ATLETISMO OUTES - JOHN TURKEY SERRA DE OUTES 28 30 JORGE RODRÍGUEZ LARIÑO SNM- 11 00:38:01 00:04:10 00:37:58 00:04:09 ASOCIACIÓN DEPORTIVA OLIMPIA CEE 29 60 RAFAEL SENÉN GOMEZ GARCIA SNM- 12 00:38:48 00:04:15 00:38:48 00:04:15 CLUB ATLETISMO OUTES OUTES 30 141 JOSÉ LEMA MARTÍNEZ SNM- 13 00:38:53 00:04:15 00:38:48 00:04:15 VIMIANZO 31 167 SUSIÑO RODRÍGUEZ FERNÁNDEZ SNM- 14 00:38:57 00:04:16 00:38:56 00:04:16 CEE 32 505 ESTEBAN SUEIRO IGLESIAS M40M- 15 00:39:00 00:04:16 00:38:58 00:04:16 CLUB ATLETISMO O PINO SANTIAGO 33 705 LALO LUACES SENDON SNM- 15 00:39:09 00:04:17 00:39:00 00:04:16 LOURO-MUROS 34 87 DANIEL BECERRA RODRIGUEZ M50M- 3 00:39:13 00:04:18 00:39:13 00:04:18 NOITEBRA FC SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA 35 114 FÉLIX ROGET PÉREZ SNM- 16 00:39:19 00:04:18 00:39:14 00:04:18 TERRA DE SONEIRA C.D. VIMIANZO 36 124 F. JAVIER BARREIRO CORDEIRO M40M- 16 00:39:28 00:04:19 00:39:22 00:04:19 SANTA COMBA 37 35 JOSE ANTONIO FERNANDEZ RODRÍGUEZ M40M- 17 00:40:02 00:04:23 00:39:59 00:04:23 ATLETISMO ARTEIXO ARTEIXO 38 607 ALBERTO GARCIA SOUTO SNM- 17 00:40:10 00:04:24 00:40:07 00:04:24 PROYECTO BULULU CARBALLO 39 231 JAVIER CUPEIRO FRADE M40M- 18 00:40:11 00:04:24 00:40:10 00:04:24 OLEIROS 40 168 MANUEL CALO CANOSA M40M- 19 00:40:18 00:04:25 00:40:15 00:04:24 CEE 41 728 FRANCISCO JAVIER BRENLLA DUARTE SNM- 18 00:40:35 00:04:27 00:40:33 00:04:26 SANTA COMBA 42 603 INES PAPIN ESTEVEZ F- 2 M50F- 1 00:40:55 00:04:29 00:40:55 00:04:29 AG7658545 CLUB ATLETISMO SADA CAMBRE 43 225 BERNABÉ GRILLE OTERO SNM- 19 00:41:00 00:04:29 00:40:53 00:04:29 SANTA COMBA 44 727 JAVIER MARTÍNEZ BLANCO SNM- 20 00:41:13 00:04:31 00:41:06 00:04:30 BILBAO 45 151 JORGE POUSO TOJA SNM- 21 00:41:13 00:04:31 00:41:06 00:04:30 VIMIANZO 46 219 JOSE ANTONIO GIL BREA M50M- 4 00:41:23 00:04:32 00:41:17 00:04:31 SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA 47 146 ANTONIO BARREIRO CORDEIRO M40M- 20 00:41:26 00:04:32 00:41:20 00:04:31 A BAÑA 48 20 JORGE RAMOS VAZQUEZ M40M- 21 00:41:27 00:04:32 00:41:14 00:04:31 ABELLARIZA A CORUÑA 49 232 MARTIN REGO POSE SNM- 22 00:41:28 00:04:32 00:41:24 00:04:32 VIMIANZO 50 180 JAVIER AREOSA BRANDON M40M- 22 00:41:36 00:04:33 00:41:34 00:04:33 ARTEIXO 51 521 ADOLFO BLANCO SANCHEZ SNM- 23 00:41:38 00:04:33 00:41:36 00:04:33 CEE 52 46 ADOLFO GARCÍA ALONSO M40M- 23 00:41:40 00:04:34 00:41:33 00:04:33 BEER RUNNERS CORUÑA A CORUÑA 53 3 TERESA CASTRO VILLAVERDE F- 3 M50F- 2 00:41:47 00:04:34 00:41:47 00:04:34 CLUB ATLETISMO NOIA VIMIANZO 54 171 MANUEL ANGEL QUINTANS VARELA M40M- 24 00:42:00 00:04:36 00:41:48 00:04:34 SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA 55 716 RUBEN CUNDINS ORONS SNM- 24 00:42:08 00:04:37 00:42:04 00:04:36 CABANA BERGANTIÑOS 56 504 EVA DE LA FUENTE IGLESIAS F- 4 M40F- 1 00:42:12 00:04:37 00:42:09 00:04:37 CLUB ATLETISMO O PINO SANTIAGO 57 96 JOSÉ PARDIÑAS ALVITE M50M- 5 00:42:12 00:04:37 00:42:09 00:04:37 PARDIÑAS CEE 58 224 DAVID PRADO PAMPIN SNM- 25 00:42:13 00:04:37 00:42:09 00:04:37 CEE 59 145 ALEJANDRO JOSÉ CASTRO ROMÁN SNM- 26 00:42:15 00:04:37 00:42:12 00:04:37 A CORUÑA 60 64 NATALIA RIVAS SUÁREZ F- 5 M40F- 2 00:42:17 00:04:38 00:42:16 00:04:38 AG2027731 CLUB DEPORTIVO VAGALUME ENERGÍA CARBALLO 61 125 LUIS TAJES CANOSA M40M- 25 00:42:24 00:04:38 00:42:19 00:04:38 CAMARIÑAS 62 713 JESÚS MANUEL CASTRO GONZÁLEZ M40M- 26 00:42:34 00:04:40 00:42:29 00:04:39 CARBALLO 63 63 JOSÉ RAMÓN GARCÍA MARIÑO M50M- 6 00:42:34 00:04:40 00:42:25 00:04:39 CLUB CICLISTA MONTENEME CARBALLO 64 170 DIEGO BLANCO SANCHEZ SNM- 27 00:42:42 00:04:40 00:42:42 00:04:40 CEE 65 91 MARTIN ROZAS RAMOS M40M- 27 00:42:42 00:04:40 00:42:35 00:04:40 AG2016584 NOITEBRAFC SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA 66 109 ELENA MIGUENS OTERO F- 6 M40F- 3 00:42:43 00:04:41 00:42:41 00:04:40 AG-766075 SAR-VERMU PETRONI PADRON 67 535 JESÚS MANUEL GERPE PÉREZ SNM- 28 00:42:47 00:04:41 00:42:40 00:04:40 A CORUÑA 68 40 JUAN JESÚS TAJES MAYO M40M- 28 00:42:50 00:04:41 00:42:44 00:04:41 AG-2019296 ATLETISMO FONTES DO SAR ESTEIRO 69 88 MARTIN EUGENIO RODRIGUEZ GOMEZ SNM- 29 00:42:52 00:04:41 00:42:46 00:04:41 NOITEBRA FC SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA 70 218 JUAN CARLOS TRILLO CAAMAÑO SNM- 30 00:42:56 00:04:42 00:42:51 00:04:41 CEE 71 25 BENITO PIÑEIRO ABEIJON M40M- 29 00:43:00 00:04:42 00:42:44 00:04:41 AGRUPACION DEPORTIVA ATLETES ESTEIRO 72 70 RAMON BARREIRO CERNADAS M50M- 7 00:43:00 00:04:42 00:42:48 00:04:41 CLUBE ATLETISMO OUTES - JOHN TURKEY OUTES 73 213 ALFONSO SÁNCHEZ GARCÍA M40M- 30 00:43:04 00:04:43 00:42:57 00:04:42 A CORUÑA 74 17 ALFONSO CANOSA BLANCO M50M- 8 00:43:17 00:04:44 00:43:16 00:04:44 A.D.OLIMPIA CEE (A CORUÑA) 75 709 MALICK CISS SNM- 31 00:43:19 00:04:44 00:43:19 00:04:44 MUXÍA 76 160 LAURA NÚÑEZ NAVEIRA F- 7 M40F- 4 00:43:35 00:04:46 00:43:34 00:04:46 AG 2018802 A CORUÑA 77 530 DOMINGO DANIEL CANOSA BLANCO SNM- 32 00:43:39 00:04:47 00:43:34 00:04:46 DUMBRÍA 78 199 DOSITEO TOBA QUINTÁNS M50M- 9 00:43:42 00:04:47 00:43:38 00:04:47 CORCUBIÓN 79 548 PABLO ROMERO LEMA M40M- 31 00:43:47 00:04:48 00:43:35 00:04:46 A CORUÑA 80 234 RAMÓN BAHAMONDE GONZÁLEZ SNM- 33 00:43:48 00:04:48 00:43:35 00:04:46 NIGRÁN 81 616 RAMON CAMPOS COSTA M50M- 10 00:43:48 00:04:48 00:43:44 00:04:47 CORCUBION 82 105 JOSÉ LUIS LOMBAO NÚÑEZ M40M- 32 00:43:48 00:04:48 00:43:40 00:04:47 RUNNING MESOIRO ALTAMIRA CAMBRE 83 90 ALFONSO RODRIGUEZ FRAMIL M40M- 33 00:43:56 00:04:49 00:43:50 00:04:48 AG-2020368 NOITEBRA FC AMES 84 152 MANUEL INSUA INSUA M50M- 11 00:44:12 00:04:50 00:44:04 00:04:49 FISTERRA 85 21 DANIEL VIGO LEMA M40M- 34 00:44:25 00:04:52 00:44:11 00:04:50 ABELLARIZA LAXE 86 148 JAVIER CALO M40M- 35 00:44:25 00:04:52 00:44:12 00:04:50 TRABA 87 131 MADA GARCÍA ABALO F- 8 M50F- 3 00:44:27 00:04:52 00:44:23 00:04:51 PONTECESURES 88 520 DAVID ESCALANTE PÉREZ SNM- 34 00:44:28 00:04:52 00:44:21 00:04:51 A CORUÑA 89 547 JOSÉ MANUEL CANOSA BLANCO M40M- 36 00:44:31 00:04:52 00:44:27 00:04:52 DUMBRÍA 90 189 JESÚS COUSO GARCIA M40M- 37 00:44:42 00:04:54 00:44:31 00:04:52 NEGREIRA 91 16 JOSE FERNANDO PARDIÑO BUSTO M40M- 38 00:44:45 00:04:54 00:44:41 00:04:53 A.D.MEDIADUCIA CARBALLO 92 605 JOSÉ FERNANDO TRILLO CARLÍN M50M- 12 00:44:51 00:04:55 00:44:43 00:04:54 FOGAR TRIATLON CARBALLO CARBALLO 93 710 XOSÉ MARCOTE FERNÁNDEZ SNM- 35 00:44:53 00:04:55 00:44:43 00:04:54 FISTERRA 94 13 MARTINA TASENDE ANDRADE F- 9 SNF- 2 00:44:53 00:04:55 00:44:53 00:04:55 A.D.
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