
Brand concept 1

University of the Highlands and Islands

Pantone 653C

Designer, Jamie Lawrence November 2020 Brand concept 1 | University of the Highlands and Islands Shetland | November 2020

The evolution of the motif

If you mention Shetland you may immediately think of small ponies, puffins, stormy weather and Vikings but there is so much more to our islands and way of life.

Shetland. One of the northernmost islands of the UK. Proud of its strong maritime reputation and heritage. The concept here has been designed with this in mind.

This style demonstrates a strong identity to the seas which embrace the islands, with the soft curves and elongated lines paying homage to land and water, and to the movement of both.

The dominant ‘S’ is to show strength in place with the slight tilt giving a nod to the angle of the island that can be found on the map. The rich body of the ‘S’ illustrates the swell of growth and progression of Shetland.

The forthcoming pages will help provide a better understanding with how scalable and versatile the design can be to the intended audience.

2 Brand concept 1 | University of the Highlands and Islands Shetland | November 2020

Pantone 653 C

University of the Highlands and Islands Shetland Pantone 260 C

3 Brand concept 1 | University of the Highlands and Islands Shetland | November 2020

The family in brand colours

4 Brand concept 1 | University of the Highlands and Islands Shetland | November 2020

Gremista Lerwick Shetland Stationery brand colour ZE1 0PX T: +44 (0) 1595 771000 E: [email protected]

Jamie Lawrence Graphic Designer

Front of business card

University of the Highlands and Islands Shetland, Gremista, Lerwick, Shetland, ZE1 0PX M: +44 (0) 7386 246555 T: +44 (0) 1595 771000 E: [email protected]

[email protected]

Reverse side of business card

A limited company registered in No. 148203 | Registered Scottish Charity No. SC022228 | Registered office: Gremista, Lerwick, Shetland, Scotland, ZE1 0PX

5 Brand concept 1 | University of the Highlands and Islands Shetland | November 2020

Corporate brochures

Annual report 2020/21

6 The university partnership has been working to develop our collective branding and positioning as we come up to our 10th anniversary of university title. Following consultation with staff, students and external stakeholders, a move towards the adoption of a single primary brand colour (purple) was endorsed by partnership senior management and governors to create a more integrated family brand. The implementation of the visual identity for academic partners would continue to feature a distinctive secondary colour. Further work on this will be done over the next six months, for this reason, each creative option has been shown in purple.

Brand concept 1

University of the Highlands and Islands Shetland

Pantone 260C

November 2020 Brand concept 1 | University of the Highlands and Islands Shetland | November 2020

The family in Pantone 260c

University of the Highlands and Islands Shetland

8 Brand concept 1 | University of the Highlands and Islands Shetland | November 2020

Gremista University of the Lerwick Shetland Highlands and Islands ZE1 0PX Stationery Pantone 260c Shetland T: +44 (0) 1595 771000 E: [email protected]

University of the Highlands and Islands Shetland

Jamie Lawrence Graphic Designer

Front of business card

University of the Highlands and Islands Shetland, Gremista, Lerwick, Shetland, ZE1 0PX M: +44 (0) 7386 246555 T: +44 (0) 1595 771000 E: [email protected]

[email protected]

Reverse side of business card

A limited company registered in Scotland No. 148203 | Registered Scottish Charity No. SC022228 | Registered office: Gremista, Lerwick, Shetland, Scotland, ZE1 0PX

9 Brand concept 1 | University of the Highlands and Islands Shetland | November 2020

University of the Corporate brochures Highlands and Islands Shetland

University of the Highlands and Islands Shetland

Annual report 2020/21