All students graduating from Roy High School must: 1. Earn 27 total credits. 18.5 credits of state core and 8.5 elective credits. See chart below. Career assessment and guidance is offered to students to assist them in designing a course of study that will meet their individual needs. Students have the opportunity to complete a variety of preparation courses. All students are encouraged to enroll in courses which provide for the development of specific job skills, prepare them for post high school education and provide enrichment to life. Requirements are outlined in the chart below. 2. Maintain cumulative attendance credit loss of .75 or less. Attendance credit losses beyond .75 must be made up according to Weber School District policy. ______REQUIREMENTS/RECOMMENDATIONS FOR GRADUATION Unless the College and Career Ready Plan (CCR) calls for different arrangements, Each student must successfully complete the following requirements in grades 9-12.

State Core Requirements Graduation Requirement Recommended requirements for post high school programs



ENGLISH (9, 10, 11,) Lang Elective 4 CREDITS 4 CREDITS








SOCIAL STUDIES 3 CREDITS 3.5 CREDITS One year of physics or chemistry and two years of foreign language are required at some universities & recommended at others. Note: It is the responsibility of every student and their parent/guardian to make sure core and graduation requirements are met.


LANGUAGE ARTS-THREE COURSES FROM THE FOUNDATION LIST PLUS ONE FROM THE APPLIED AND ADVANCED COURSES LIST Foundation Courses Applied or Advanced Courses English 9 / English 9 Honors English 12 Language Arts College Prep Language Arts English 10 / English 10 Honors Creative Writing 1 & 2 Business Communication (sem) English 11 / English 11 AP Journalism 1 and 2 World Languages 3,4, 5, or AP Concurrent Enrollment Courses** Debate AP Literature and Composition** AP Language and Composition**

MATHEMATICS-Secondary Math 1, 2 and 3 are required. Secondary Math 3 can be replaced by an Applied or Advanced Course with written parent request. Foundation Courses Applied or Advanced Courses Secondary Math 1/Secondary Math 1 Honors College Prep Math Mathematical Decision Making for Life Secondary Math 2/Secondary Math 2 Honors Calculus AB or BC (AP courses) Accounting 1 and 2 (sem) Secondary Math 3/Secondary Math 3 Honors AP Statistics Pre-calculus Computer Programming Concurrent Enrollment Courses (1010, 1030, 1040, 1050 or 1060)

SCIENCE-A total of 2.0 credits are required from two of the five areas of science on the Foundation Course list plus 1.0 credit from the Foundation Courses list OR the Applied and Advanced Courses list. Foundation Courses Biological Sciences Chemistry Earth Sciences Biology Chemistry Earth Science Bio-Agricultural Science Chemistry Honors AP Environmental Science Concurrent Enrollment Chemistry Computer Science Physics Computer Programming 2 Physics Physics with Technology AP Physics Check with colleges and universities to see if they will accept classes from the Applied and Advanced lists for English, Math and Science credits.

Applied or Advanced Courses Agricultural Science Geology Medical Anatomy and Physiology Animal Science 1 or 2 Natural Resource Science PLTW Digital Electronics Astronomy Plant and Soil Science PLTW Principles of Engineering Genetics Veterinary Assistant

New classes offered 2017-2018 This is a list of new classes offered for the 2017-2018 year. Please see appropriate department for details.

DEBATE III (English Department) INTERMEDIATE CERAMICS (Art Department) INTRO TO CORRECTIONS (Law Enforcement) ENGLISH 2200 (English Department)

ADDITIONAL COURSES Course # Course Title Grade Length Fee Credits Comments Course Description 23910 AP Contract 10,11,12 Year Student must be enrolled in at least 2 AP classes. Must maintain a B in AP classes. 23930 Early College 12 X Contact HS counselor & WSU Early College office prior to enrollment year. Credit from WSU 79214 Work-Based Internships 11,12 Sem CWS packet Seniors who have successfully completed at least 2.0 credits in their required identified Pathway may be eligible for an Internship. Off Campus/ATC 11,12 X SEOP required. Open entry/exit. Options are: Ogden Weber/ ATC, Davis/ ATC and private cosmetology programs etc. 23960 Peer Tutoring 10,11,12 Sem Signature Tutors Roy students with disabilities. Interview required. 78010 Seminary 10,11,12 Year Released Time/ Seminary 77221 Student Government 10,11,12 Year This course is for students who have been elected to student government offices. 23300 Latinos In Action 10,11,12 Year Service oriented program for bilingual and non-bilingual students. Students serve as paraprofessional tutors at the elementary schools, learn about leadership skills, culture, advantages of bilingualism, provide service in the community, develop resumes & prepare for opportunities of furthering their education. 2.0 GPA and regular attendance required. Required to participate in a cultural event. 23310 Royals In Action 10,11,12 Year Recommendation Service oriented class that focuses on leadership skills. Students tutor in from Teacher math and reading. Heavy emphasis placed on applying for scholarship opportunities. Students should be earning B’s or better in math. Students must be recommended by a teacher. Regular attendance required. 23883 ESL 10-11-12 Year Recommendation English Second Language.

APPLIED ARTS (CTE) 1 CTE CREDIT IS REQUIRED FOR GRADUATION Course # Course Title Grade Length Fee Credits Comments Course Description 32309 Digital Print Design 11,12 Sem CTE Create your own band posters, T-shirts, flyers and more! Learn how to create, format, illustrate, design, edit and print publications. Learn how to WOW your teachers and future employers by creating amazing reports, brochures, newsletters and other communication materials. 28388 Digital Media 1 10,11,12 Year CTE Learn to do everything amazing on a computer using graphics, digital photo, text, animation, sound & video. Enhance your computer communication skills. Excellent for students with interest in computer, entertainment, and media careers. 28389 DM 2/ Video Game Des 11,12 Year CTE Prerequisite You play them! Now learn to make them while getting college credit! Learn about making video games and also build a professional portfolio. CS1010 - can count as WSU Concurrent Digital Med 1 Prepare for entry-level jobs in most computer, entertainment, and media Creative Arts Breadth Course 3 credits related fields. 32257 Audio Essentials 10,11,12 Sem CTE Interested in making music, being a DJ, mixing sound for movies or games. Learn the art and technology for creating audio. 32258 Movie Making 10,11,12 Sem CTE Make movies and learn the skills and concepts necessary to work in film TV Productions 1 making and TV broadcasting industry. Learn to communicate using the most powerful medium in the world. All equipment provided. 32259 Movie Making 11,12 Sem CTE Prerequisite Make movies that rival Hollywood! Learn the secrets of the pros, after TV Productions 2 Movie effects and special effects, advanced editing and shooting techniques. For students interested in media and communication careers. Culmination of Making 1/TV class is participation in the Weber Fest Film Festival. All equipment Production 1 provided. 32470 Royal TV1 11,12 Sem CTE Prerequisite Work on the Royal News crew. Be a news anchor and produce the TV Pro. 1 greatest show ever. Prep for entry-level jobs in the film/television industry. 32471 Royal TV2 11,12 Sem CTE Prerequisite A continuation of Royal News. Work on the Royal News crew. Be a news TV Pro. 1 anchor and produce the greatest show ever. Prep for entry-level jobs in the film/television industry. 27217 3D Graphics 11,12 Sem CTE Prerequisite Create stunning 3D models and learn the ins and outs of industry standard Digital Med. 1 tools and skills including textures, lighting, camera techniques, and rendering. For students interested in video gaming, film effects, health sciences, architecture, engineering, aerospace, and graphic arts. 27218 3D Animation 11,12 Sem CTE Prerequisite Want to work for Pixar or make the next Halo? This class is for you. 3D Graphics Learn to make your 3D models come to life. An excellent course for students interested in video gaming, film effects, health sciences, architecture, engineering, aerospace, and graphic arts. 32248 Digital Photography 10,11,12 Sem $15.00 CTE Love taking pictures? Want to learn how to take your pictures to the next Fine Arts level? Want to learn how to use Photoshop? Taking this class will turn your pictures into art.

32249 Adv. Commercial Photo 11,12 Sem $15.00 CTE Prerequisite Continuation of Digital Photo I with emphasis on advanced digital photo, Fine Arts Basic Digital presentation, and professional skills. Commercial portfolio developed. Photo 79214 Applied Arts Internship 12 Sem Elective CWS packet Explore chosen field in a professional setting. Must complete 2 credits in required the Applied Arts pathway. Check eligibility requirements with counselor or CTE office.

BUSINESS (CTE) 1 CTE CREDIT REQUIRED FOR GRADUATION .5 COMPUTER CREDIT REQUIRED FOR GRADUATION Course # Course Title Grade Length Fee Credits Comments Course Description 28230 Accounting 1 10,11,12 Sem $34.00 CTE *Can count as Basic elements and concepts of double-entry accounting for business & *Math 3rd year math personal use. Knowledge of the accounting cycle & automated credit applications. 28231 Accounting 2 10,11,12 Sem $34.00 CTE Prerequisite Instruction on uncollectible accounts, payroll, depreciation. Interpreting *Math Acct. 1 financial information for a corporation and stocks. 28376 Business Communications 11,12 Sem CTE Want to be better understood by friends, family, co-workers, and even *English your boss?? Then learn to communicate more effectively using fun and interesting activities to present yourself in a clear, courteous, concise, and correct manner. 28250 Business Law 10,11,12 Sem CTE Keep yourself out of legal trouble as a citizen, consumer, and employee or employer by learning about and applying basic principles of personal and business law. Use of guest speakers, videos, and mock trials will make this an interesting and fun class for anyone. 28240 Business Management 10,11,12 Sem CTE Want to be the boss? Those who are successful in “climbing the corporate ladder” are those who understand how business is conducted. You’ll benefit from learning about problem solving, decision making, work ethics, and how businesses are started and successfully run. 28220 Computer Technology 10,11,12 Sem Computer Enhance keyboarding skills; computer basics; e-mail; document processing; spreadsheets; ethics; on-line resources; electronic Tech presentation; data bases. 28221 Computer Technology 2 11,12 Sem Concurrent Prerequisite WSU courses WEB 1701, 1702, 1703 covering Word, Excel, PowerPoint, windows, data bases. 3 hours college credit. Must Pass Comp Tech 1 with WEB1700 *Fulfills WSU 3 credits Computer C or better Core WEB Gen. Ed. Credit Technology 79214 Business Internship 11, 12 Sem Elective CWS packet Explore your chosen field in a professional setting. Must complete 2 required credits within the Business pathway. Check eligibility requirements with your counselor or the CTE office. CWS packet required. *CAN SUFFICE FOR THIRD YEAR MATH OR FOURTH YEAR ENGLISH CREDIT

COMPUTER PROGRAMMING (CTE) 1 CTE CREDIT IS REQUIRED FOR GRADUATION Course # Course Title Grade Length Fee Credits Comments Course Description 27210 Computer Programming 10,11,12 Sem CTE Concurrent Basic programming class for students with little or no programming IA CS1030 – 4 credits *Math for experience. Students will learn the basics of programming and algorithms, good programming style and form. Juniors/Seniors 27211 Computer Programming 10,11,12 Sem CTE Concurrent Reviews and builds on concepts from Computer Programming 1A. IB CS1400 – 4 credits *Math for Students will work on intermediate programming topics to gain a better understanding of object-oriented programming, software design and Juniors/Seniors computer applications. 27214 Web Development 1A 10,11,12 Sem CTE Student will learn about the structure and operation of the Internet. Main focus will be creating Web pages using HTML and CSS. 27215 Web Development 1B 10,11,12 Sem CTE Concurrent for Continuation of Web Development A. Student will learn and explore WEB 1400 - 3 credits Juniors/Seniors advanced HTML techniques, simple JavaScript, as well as other programming tools. 79214 Computer Internship 12 Sem Elective CWS packet Have you chosen a career in the Computer industry? Explore your chosen required. field in a professional setting. Students must complete 2 credits in the computer pathway. Check eligibility requirements with your counselor or the CTE office. *CAN SUFFICE FOR THIRD YEAR MATH OR FOURTH YEAR ENGLISH CREDIT

ENGLISH 4 ENGLISH CREDITS REQUIRED FOR GRADUATION ONE ENGLISH 10 CORE AND ONE ENGLISH 11 CORE Course # Course Title Grade Length Fee Credits Comments Course Description 52510 English 10 10 Year Core English Designed to help students improve basic English skills (reading, writing, speaking, listening) 52610 English 10-Honors 10 Year Core English Focus is on analytical reading and writing in preparation for the AP and ACT tests. Purchase of novels recommended. 52520 English 11 11 Year Core English Designed to help students improve basic English skills (reading, writing, speaking, and listening). ACT preparation included. 52625 English 11-AP 11 Year AP test Core English Focus is on college-level work for analytical and argumentative writing in AP Language and Comp preparation for the AP English test or English 1010/WSU. ACT prep included. Purchase of novels recommended. 3, 4, 5 on AP test = college credit. 52530 English 12 12 Year *English Designed to help students improve basic English skills (reading, writing, speaking, and listening.) Research paper required. 52630 English 12-AP Literature 12 Year AP test *English Emphasis and focus on literary appreciation and college level work in and Composition analysis and composition. Purchase of novels recommended. 3, 4, 5 on AP test = Eng. 1010 and 3 credit hours Hum/Div 2200. Summer reading required. 52270 Debate 1 10,11,12 Year Fee *English Students will learn the basic steps to becoming a competent debater. Competition is optional. No try outs necessary. $85.00 if students chose to compete. 52370 Debate 2 11,12 Year Fee * English Prerequisite Students will learn the intermediate steps to becoming a proficient Debate 1 debater. Competition is optional. No tryout necessary. $85.00 fee if students chose to compete. 52470I Debate 3 11, 12 Year Fee *English Prerequisite Students will learn the advanced steps to becoming a master debater. Debate 2 Competition is optional. No tryout necessary. $85.00 fee if students chose to compete. 52330 Creative Writing 10,11,12 Year *English Instruction in craft of writing, including short stories, poetry, and plays. 52240 Journalism 1 10,11,12 Year *English Basic newspaper writing. 52340 Journalism 2 11,12 Year *English Prerequisite The Round Table Staff. Journalism 1 23250 Yearbook 10,11,12 Year Signature Students interested in designing, producing, and marketing the school Elective Alternate only yearbook. Student leaders and editor are responsible for individual staff members. 52425 Comm 2110/WSU 12 Sem Text * English Concurrent 3 WSU credit hours. English ACT score of 18, ACT reading score of 17 Interpers. & Small Group Book 3 credits recommended & 90 % attendance required. Understanding human communication, interpersonal skills. Comm. Can count as Must take ACT by December of junior year. Humanities Breadth credit 52420 English 1010/WSU 12 Sem Text *English Concurrent 3 WSU credit hours. ACT English score of 17, ACT Reading score of 17 fulfills WSU Core req. Book 3 credits & 90 % attendance required. Various writing forms taught. Must take ACT by December of junior year. 52422 English 2010/WSU 12 Sem Text *English Concurrent 3 WSU credit hours. ACT score of 29 on both English and Reading tests fulfills WSU Core req. Book 3 credits AND completed English 1010. 90% attendance required. Must take ACT by December of JR year. 52435 English 2200 (DSU) 12 Sem Text *English Concurrent 3 DSU credit hours. Provides basic understanding of novels, short stories, Book CTE 3 credits poems, plays and essays. Students will learn to read analytically and write critically. 28376 Business Communications 10,11,12 Sem *English Learning to communicate in a clear, courteous, concise & correct manner CTE for personal & professional use. Listening skills also emphasized. *CAN SUFFICE FOR ELECTIVE FOURTH YEAR ENGLISH CREDIT

FAMILY AND CONSUMER SCIENCE 1 CTE CREDIT IS REQUIRED FOR GRADUATION Course # Course Title Grade Length Fee Credits Comments Course Description 43336 Adult Roles & 11,12 Sem CTE Understanding of human relationships involving individuals & families. Topics include: family living, parenting, household & money management, decision-making skills, Responsibility communication skills, self-awareness, crisis management. Emphasis upon the uniqueness, needs, & interests of individuals & families. 43337 Adult Roles & Financial 11,12 Year .5 CTE Self-awareness, dating, marriage, family relationships, communication, life choices and understanding of personal financial planning and sound money management skills to Literacy GFL achieve long and short term financial goals and security. 43338 CE Adult Roles & 11,12 Year Textbook .5 CTE Concurrent Self-awareness, dating, marriage, family relationships, communication, life choices and 3 credits understanding of personal financial planning and sound money management skills to Financial Literacy GFL achieve long and short term financial goals and security. Must complete 1.0 credit to CHF 2400 Family Relations receive financial literacy credit. 43240 Child Development 10,11,12 Sem $5.00 CTE Understanding of the aspects of human growth & development. Parenting skills are developed as positive guidance techniques & child-related issues are studied. Learning activities, observation techniques, and lab experiences in working with young children may be included. 43241 Early Childhood 10,11,12 Sem $5.00 CTE Prerequisite Students acquire skills to work with young children, including standards involved with Child Dev childcare, employment skills needed to work with young children, how to maintain a Education 1A healthy environment for children, developmentally appropriate practices (DAP) & curriculum design for young children. Counts towards Child Development Associates hours. Food handler’s permit required. 43243 Early Childhood 10,11,12 Sem $5.00 CTE Prerequisite Students work with children in lab setting. Includes demonstrating employment skills Child Dev/ required to work with children, maintaining a healthy environment, implementing Education 1B/ Lab developmentally appropriate practices in a lab setting, developing & implementing ECE 1A curriculum & developing positive relationships with children. Royal Tots preschool is a major component of this course. Counts towards Child Development Associates hours. Food handler’s permit required. 43321 Early Childhood 11,12 Sem $5.00+ CTE Signature Focus is hands-on, Royal Tots Preschool early childhood education experiences. Prepares background Prerequisite for careers in early childhood education. Includes program planning & management Education 2 resource & facility management supervising recreational & play activities, preparing & (Head Teacher) check and Child Dev, implementing a large variety of learning experiences for children, application of individual fingerprinti ECE 1A-1B teaching skills. Counts towards Child Development Associates hours. Food handler’s ng permit required. *check with CTE Coordinator. 43210 Food & Nutrition 1 10,11,12 Sem $20.00 CTE May not be For students who love food! Explore the science of cooking and nutrition in a fun and repeated delicious atmosphere! Foods prepared include but not limited to pasta, rice, breads, fruits, vegetables and meat and dairy. May earn food handlers permit. 43220 Food & Nutrition 2 10,11,12 Sem $20.00 CTE Prerequisite Prepares students to understand principles of food preparation, safety, sanitation, Foods 1 management & consumerism used in the homes & food industry. Nutrition principles & applications emphasized. Table setting, meal planning & practicing correct dining etiquette are included. Preparation for Food Service/Culinary Arts class. 43311 Foundations of Nutrition 11,12 Sem Textbook CTE Concurrent Basic principles of nutrition are considered with respect to maintaining nutritional balance 3 credits as well as maintaining health. The standards & objectives are determined by the university NUTR1020 can count as institution from which credit is given. University Life Science General Education Credit. Life Sci. breadth credit 43315 Pro-Start 1 and 2 11,12 Year $40.00 CTE Prerequisite Students are trained for career opportunities in the hospitality/culinary arts industry. Food 1-2 Students learn the basic skills from the history of food service and food prep to (Course alternates every + Chef communication with customers and business math. Emphasizes real on the job skills. By other year) Coat taking 2 full years and passing requirements, students may earn college credit and scholarships. Food Handlers Permit required. 43330 CE Human Development 11,12 Sem Textbook CTE Concurrent Basic concepts of human development across the lifespan taught at an accelerated pace and 3 credits level. Encompasses the study of biological, cognitive, social, and emotional developmental (CHF 1500 Human changes of the healthy individual in the context of the family and society. Emphasizes and Development) can count as demonstrates the vital connections between theory, research, and application. The Social Sci. breadth credit standards and objectives are determined by the institution from which credit will be granted. Meets Gen Edu req. for college graduation. 43250 Interior Design 1 10,11,12 Sem $15.00 CTE Students explore their creativity in the field of interior design. Identification of the elements & principles of design are emphasized. Topics include: furniture arrangement basics, floor plan evaluation, area planning and careers.

FAMILY AND CONSUMER SCIENCE continued 43260 CE Interior Design 2 11,12 Sem $15.00 CTE Concurrent Explores Interior design profession. Students learn phases of the design process (IDT 1010CA – 3 credits Textbook Prerequisite and develop spaces that relate to sustainability, accessibility and human factors. can count as Creative Design 1 Study of architectural and furniture styles. Students create spaces that utilize principles of design and color theory. Upon completion of Interior Design 1 & Arts breadth credit 2, you receive CE credit. Meets Gen Edu req. for college graduation. 43230 Fashion Design Studio (A) 10,11,12 Sem $15.00 CTE Concurrent Discover the fashion influences in everyday life and the fashion industry. PS 1503 Artistic focus on fashion fundamentals, elements & principles of design, textiles, consumerism, and fashion related careers. Emphasis on personal fashion. FCCLA and/or DECA may be part of this course. 43231 Fashion Design 10,11,12 Sem $15.00 CTE Focus on both business and fashion fundamentals. Fashion cycles, fashion Merchandising (B) industry, retail merchandising, fashion promotion and fashion careers. Student leadership & competitive events in FCCLA/DECA may be part of this course. 43233 Fashion Design Magnet 11,12 Sem $15.00 CTE Concurrent This is a combination of Fashion Design Studio and Fashion Design 2hr-block Merchandising. See descriptions above. 1 semester 43232 Advance Fashion Design 11,12 Sem $15.00 CTE 2 hr- block Knowledge of various business functions in the fashion industry. Knowledge of Merchandising Magnet 1 semester promotion, textiles, merchandising math, selling, visual merchandising and career opportunities. Competitive events in FCCLA/DECA possible. 79214 FACS Internship 12 Sem Elective CWS packet Explore your chosen field in a professional setting. Students must complete 2 required. credits within the FACS pathway. Check eligibility with your counselor or CTE office.

FINE ARTS/PERFORMING ARTS 1.5 CREDITS OF VISUAL OR PERFORMING ARTS REQUIRED FOR GRADUATION Course# Course Title Grade Length fee Credit Comments Course Description 32283 Music Appreciation 11,12 Sem Fine Art Concurrent Study of the development of music throughout the ages, eras of music and MUSC1010 3 credits composers. Book rental/purchase required. Can count as Creative Arts breadth credit 32620 AP Music 10,11,12 Year AP test Fine Art Prerequisite Study of composing, harmonizing & writing music. Prep for AP test. Proficiency on an instrument or voice is required, must be able to read music. Advanced music skills. 32274 Concert Orchestra 10,11,12 Year $15.00 Fine Art Prerequisite Designed for the intermediate student of string instruments. Extra-curricular rehearsals and performances are required. Formal black attire is required. Two years of orchestra is required, or teachers approval. 32296 Chamber Orchestra 10,11,12 Year $15.00 Fine Art Prerequisite Designed for the advanced student of string instruments. Extra-curricular rehearsals and performances are required. Formal black attire is required. Three years of orchestra is required, or teachers approval. 32271 Royal Concert Band 10,11,12 Year $15.00 Fine Art Performance Intermediate wind ensemble used to train students for Royal Symphonic Band. Attire All incoming sophomores should register for Royal Concert Band. Outside performances required. 32292 Royal Marching Band 10,11,12 Sem $85.00 Fine Art Performance Field competition & pep band .Students must be enrolled in a wind Attire ensemble/percussion ensemble/Color guard. Outside performance required. Rehearsal begins at 7:00 AM every A day & some after school 1st semester. 32278 Royal Symphonic Band 10,11,12 Year $15.00 Fine Art Audition Advance wind ensemble. Must have 1 year high school band experience. Perf. Attire Commitment to unity, musical excellence & personal responsibility. Outside performances required. 32370 Royal Jazz Band 10,11,12 Sem $15.00 Fine Art Audition Select group of instrumental musicians performing stage/ jazz music. Must also Perf. Attire be in a wind ensemble or percussion. Outside perform. 2nd semester. 32279 Royal Percussion 10,11,12 Sem $15.00 Fine Art Performance All percussionists are required to enroll. Ensemble & individual techniques will Ensemble plus Attire be covered on all percussion instruments. Will perform with Mallet fee Concert/Symphonic bands. Outside performances required. 2nd semester.

FINE ARTS/PERFORMING ARTS continued 32290 Beg Guitar 10,11,12 Sem $15.00 Fine Art Outside Perf. Acoustic guitar required. Study of basic chord progressions, tuning, strum Required. patterns, fingerpicking, reading music & songwriting. 32291 Royal Guitar/Advanced 10,11,12 Sem $15.00 Fine Art Signature Acoustic guitar required. Study of basic chord progressions, tuning, strum Outside Perf. patterns, fingerpicking, reading music, & songwriting. Performance ensemble. Required 32285 Royal Colorguard 10,11,12 Sem $15.00 Elective Audition All color guard students must be enrolled in marching band 1st sem. 2nd sem. 32286 Royal Winterguard 10,11,12 Sem plus Perf. Attire will focus on the winter competition show. Building fundamentals with flags, Equip fee rifles & sabres. Outside performances required. 2nd semester. 32361 Royal Sounds 10,11,12 Year $15.00 Fine Art Audition Specializing in Women’s three and four part choral arrangements of a variety Women (SSAA) Perf. Attire of styles. Extra-curricular time is required for rehearsals & performances 32460 Royal Choir 11,12 Year $15.00 Fine Art Audition Advanced vocal performing group. Must have 1 year high school choral Men & Women (SATB) Perf. Attire experience. Commitment to unity, musical excellence, and personal responsibility. Outside performances required. 32463 Chamber Choir 11,12 Year $15.00 Fine Art Audition Select choral ensemble. Group performs throughout the community and Perf. Attire requires many hours of extra-curricular time. Must be in Royal Choir. 32260 Ladies’ Show Choir 10,11,12 Year $15.00 Fine Art A mixture of pop, Ladies Show Choir and traditional choir music. Learn music basics and beginning piano keyboard skills. Outside perf. Required. 32262 A Cappella (Male Chorus) 10,11,12 Year $15.00 Fine Art A mixture of men’s A cappella, Rock, and traditional choir. Learn music basics (TTB) and beginning keyboard skill. Outside performance required. 32300 A Cappella 10,11,12 Sem $15.00 Fine Art For those advanced beyond Men's & Ladies Chorus but not yet ready for the (Mixed Chorus) more advanced Royal Choir. Second semester only. 32363 Hand bell Choir 10,11,12 Year No Fee Fine Art Designed to give students a unique opportunity in receiving fine arts credit. Music experience helpful, but not necessary. All training will be done in class. Participation in concerts & extra performances at holidays. 32250 Drama 1 10,11,12 Year $15.00 Fine Art Intro to world of theatre. Explore key aspects including: improvisation, pantomime, dramatic structure, voice & articulation, research & design as well as other drama based philosophies. Outside play attendance is required. 32350 Drama 2 11,12 Year $15.00 Fine Art Prerequisite Continuation of Drama 1. More in-depth look at acting (use of body & voice), Drama 1 theatre history, play analysis, performance, production, begin research & design and directing. Outside play attendance is required. 32356 Play Productions 11,12 Year $15.00 Fine Art Prerequisite Advance work in theatre production. Hands-on theatrical techniques. Learn, Drama practice, & perfect humorous & dramatic monologues, pantomimes, classical and contemporary scenes. Audition for all school productions & Audition participation in region and state events required. Outside practice and . performance required. Outside play attendance required. 32355 Theater/Technical 10,11,12 Year $15.00 Fine Art Learning & doing hands-on tech service. Key aspects include set design & (Stage Crew) /Elective construction, production of costumes, props, lights, sound, make up. Many after school hours and outside performances required. 32357 Musical Theatre 10,11,12 Year $15.00 Fine Art Students will learn the aspects of musical theatre, sound, and costumes. Students required to be in the musical(s). Extra rehearsals required. 32266 Survey of Cinema 10,11,12 Sem $15.00 Fine Art Students will find meaning in the works of film art through critical thinking, study & appreciation of film & theatre as an art form. History of film, genre, film elements, oral & written critique. Must attend school play.

FINE ARTS/VISUAL 1.5 CREDITS OF VISUAL OR PERFORMING ARTS REQUIRED FOR GRADUATION Course # Course Title Grade Length Fee Credits Comments Course Description 32325 Survey of Art History 10,11,12 Sem $10.00 Fine Art Art History from the dawn of time to the present, exploring art through the images and peoples that created them. Each historical period will be based around a guided art project that will be created by the student to help understand the historical significance of the technique or medium on the art world. Art History AP 11,12 Year $20.00 Fine Art Explore human history through the timeless creations of man starting with prehistory cave paintings to modern buildings and contemporary arts of today. Successful AP test result will earn 6 credits of college humanities. 32611 $90.00 test fee or scholarship. 32210 Art Foundation 1 10,11,12 Sem $20.00 Fine Art Basic Art elements & principles are taught through a series of projects & guided tutorials in this hands on approach to Art Education. Many different mediums & techniques to drawing will be taught. Recommended prerequisite to all Fine Art classes. 32213 Art Foundation 2 11,12 Sem $20.00 Fine Art Prerequisite Continuation of Art Fnd 1. Intermediate level skills and concepts are taught Art Found. 1 through a series of hands-on projects & guided drawings. Prereq. Art Concurrent Foundations 1 or Design 1. College 1010 credit available.

32216 Painting & Drawing 11,12 Sem $20.00 Fine Art Prerequisite Art students refine drawing & painting skills through a series of projects Art Fnd 1&2 designed to teach technique and mastery. College 1110 credit available. Concurrent Art/ Studio/ AP 11,12 Year $20.00 Fine Art Signature and Prepares students to take the AP art Portfolio exam consisting of 29 pieces + Prerequisite of art chosen and created by the student. Earn college credit for humanities 32610 Art Fnd 1&2 based entirely on works of art created over the course of the year. NO written exam. $90.00 test fee or scholarship. Art/ 2D Design/ 11,12 Year $20.00 Fine Art Signature Adv. Photography and design. Individual projects focus on advancing photo Photography/AP skills. Begin and /or complete portfolio for 6 college humanities credits if 32615 passing the AP test with 3, 4 or 5. It is not a written exam. 32230 Ceramics 1 10,11,12 Sem $20.00 Fine Art Follow up to Students learn and review methods of forming clay; pinch, slab, coil, Jr. High construction, and the pottery wheel. Basic clay methods are refined. Ceramics Efficiency in clay methods, terminology, definitions, reflective writing, ceramic art elements, principles and history will be required. 32231 Intermediate Ceramics 11,12 Sem $20.00 Fine Art Prerequisite Emphasis is on Pottery wheel; students will refine ceramic techniques to Ceramics 1 make larger more complex pieces. Sophisticated glaze techniques will be At Roy High introduced. A strong foundation in clay is needed for this class. 32330 Advanced Ceramics 11,12 Sem $20.00 Fine Arts Prerequisite Students will be expected to introduce sets of groups of conceptual elements Ceramics 1 to their work learned in the previous two courses with emphasis on the and wheel method. Students will organize a portfolio that expresses a purpose Intermediate such as master of a medium. A strong emphasis is on developing a personal Ceramics style and expression. 32331 Sculpture 10,11,12 Sem $20.00 Fine Art Prerequisite Students are introduced to the process of making sculptural forms. Ceramics 1 at Materials include glass, clay, metal, wood, and wire. Sculptural projects Roy High will show how elements and principles of art can create a good design for a piece of art. 32310 Art and Graphic Design 10,11,12 Sem $20.00 CTE Basic Art elements & principles are taught through projects designed to (Design and Visual Fine Arts emulate Commercial Art occupations & concepts. Many areas of Commercial Design & Art occupations will be explored including; Communication) illustration, graphic design, magazine layout & advertising, storyboarding, typography & fashion design. 32311 Commercial and Advertising 10,11,12 Sem $20.00 CTE Prerequisite Intermediate level skills & concepts are taught through a series of projects Art Fine Arts Art & Graphic reflecting real world occupational projects in the Commercial Media, Design including; illustration, graphic design, typography, magazine & multimedia formats & advertising. This class will prepare the student for entry level positions in the commercial job force.

FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEVEL 2 FOREIGN LANGUAGE REQUIRED AT SOME UNIVERSITIES Course # Course Title Grade Length Fee Credits Comments Course Description 35230 German 1 10,11,12 Year Fundamental communicative skills will be developed. 35231 German 2 10,11,12 Year Prerequisite Prerequisite. German 1 for RHS students and German 2 for Jr High students. German 1 Beginning level concurrent class. Students will extend skills they learned in Concurrent previous German class. College 1010 credit available. 35232 German 3 10,11,12 Year *English Prerequisite Prerequisite German 2 or teacher approved. Intermediate level concurrent German 1 & class for Jr High students with B grade or higher or RHS students with 2 German 2. Students continue advanced language skills learned in German 1 Concurrent and 2. College 1020 credit available. 35233 German 4 10,11,12 Year * English Concurrent Prerequisite German 3 at RHS or Jr High or teacher approved. Advanced class that builds on 1020 content. Emphasis placed on speaking while reviewing grammar and other concepts covered in German 3. College 2010 credit available. 35234 German 5 11,12 Year * English Concurrent Prerequisite German 4. Advanced class that build on 1020 content. College 2010 credit– available Emphasis placed on speaking while reviewing grammar and other concepts covered in German 3 and 4. if not generated in German IV 35210 Spanish 1 10,11,12 Year Fundamental communicative skills will be developed. 35211 Spanish 2 10,11,12 Year Prerequisite Beginning level CE class. Students learn basic vocabulary and extend skills Spanish 1 learned in previous Spanish class. For those students who have taken Concurrent Spanish 2 in the JR high or Spanish 1 at RHS. College 1010 credit available. 35212 Spanish 3 10,11,12 Year *English Prerequisite Intermediate level class suited for those coming from Jr. High with B or Spanish 1 & lower. Emphasis placed on advancing students speaking abilities from 2 previous class. College 1020 credit available. Concurrent 35213 Spanish 4 10, 11, 12 Year *English Prerequisite For students who have completed 3 years of Spanish at the junior high. Focus on Spanish 1, 2, expanding ability to speak and understand through interactive learning activities. 3 Lots of fun, energy and new experiences with minimal written work. Speaking is Concurrent the focus. Prep for college credit in Spanish 4 and 5. College 2010 credit available. 35215 Spanish 5 – College Prep 11,12 Year *English Prerequisite This course is for students proficient in the Spanish language and may be taken Spanish 4 for Concurrent Enrollment 2010 credit OR the AP Spanish exam (not required). College 2010 credit available OR Students take the course to improve skills for post-high opportunities and AP Spanish exam preparation Concurrent OR potential college placement to earn Humanities credit. Spanish Business offered (not required) AP test Certification may be generated for resumes and job applications. option 35300 American Sign Lang 1 10,11,12 Year None Beginning ASL communication skills, Deaf history, Deaf culture, and Storytelling and State competition. 35301 American Sign Lang 2 11,12 Year None Prerequisite: Intermediate to advanced ASL communication skills, Deaf history, Deaf ASL 1 culture, storytelling, State competition and Signing Weekend. Concurrent College 1010 credit available. 35302 American Sign Lang 3 12 Year None Prerequisite: Advance ASL communication skills, Deaf history, Deaf culture, ASL 2 Storytelling, State competition and Signing Weekend. Concurrent College 1020 credit given. *CAN SUFFICE FOR ELECTIVE FOURTH YEAR ENGLISH CREDIT

GENERAL FINANCIAL LITERACY .5 GFL CREDIT REQUIRED FOR GRADUATION Course # Course Title Grade Length Fee Credits Comments Course Description 28379 General Financial Literacy 11,12 Sem Gen Fin Understanding of personal financial planning & sound money management Lit skills to achieve long & short term financial goals & security. 43337 Adult Roles & Financial 11,12 Year Gen Fin Self-awareness, dating, marriage, family relationships, communication, life Literacy Lit choices, understanding of personal financial planning and sound money mgmt.to achieve long and short term financial goals and security. .5 CTE 43338 Adult Roles & Financial 11,12 Year Text Gen Fin Concurrent Self-awareness, dating, marriage, family relationships, communication, life Literacy CHF2400 – 3 credits Book Lit choices, understanding of personal financial planning and sound money management to achieve long & short term financial goals and security. .5 CTE

HEALTH/HEALTH SCIENCE TECH .5 HEALTH CREDIT REQUIRED FOR GRADUATION Course # Course Title Grade Length Fee Credits Comments Course Description 73320 Health Edu 10,11,12 Sem Health Study of the physical, emotional, mental, community and social interrelationships related to personal health. 47110 Intro to Health Science 10,11,12 Year $10.00 Health A study of human anatomy and physiology. Intro to medical terms and CTE careers in health field. .5 health credit and .5 CTE credit Teacher must be Health endorsed. 47270 Intro to Emergency Medical 11,12 Sem $10.00 CTE Concurrent American Red Cross Emergency Response curriculum. Response (EMR) AT2300 +Book 3 credits 47380 Medical Anatomy and 11,12 Year $10.00 CTE Prerequisite In-depth study of health science careers. A&P, disease/disorder skills Physiology *Science Intro to etc. Prerequisite is Intro to Health Science. Health Sci. 47350 Exercise Science/ Sports 11,12 Year $10.00 CTE Concurrent Study of athletic injury, anatomy/physiology. Medicine AT2175 – 3 credits Prerequisite Prerequisite is Intro to Health Science. Intro to Health Sci. 47360 Medical Terminology 11,12 Sem Textbook CTE Concurrent Basic terminology to allow success in medical occupations. Prerequisite HTHS1101 – 2 credits Prerequisite is Intro to Health Science. Intro to Health Sci. 47365 Case Studies 11,12 Sem CTE Concurrent Designed for students with medical field emphasis. A look at health care HTHS 1120 professions. Students will create portfolio and receive job seeking interview skills. 47315 CNA Certified Nursing 11,12 2 Blks $10.00 CTE Hands on entry level nursing course required for CNA certification. Will Assistant Sem prepare students for employment in the nursing field. Required to apply to nursing school. Experience clinical in local health care facilities. 79214 Health Science Internship 12 Sem Elective CWS packet Explore your chosen field in a professional setting. Students must required. complete 2 credits within the Health Science pathway. Check eligibility requirements with your counselor or CTE office. CAN SUFFICE FOR ELECTIVE SCIENCE

INDUSTRIAL/ENGINEERING (CTE) 1 CTE CREDIT IS REQUIRED FOR GRADUATION Course # Course Title Grade Length Fee Credits Comments Course Description AUTOMOTIVE 84245 Intro to Automotive Service* 10,11,12 Sem $20.00 CTE Concurrent Intro Automotive course. Basic knowledge of engines, brakes, AUSV1000 3 credits alignment, transmission, drivelines, ignition & electrical systems. Consumer Autos course 84250 Small Vehicle Technician* 10,11,12 Sem $20.00 CTE Maintain and repair small internal combustion engines used on portable power equipment such as lawnmowers, chainsaws, motorcycles, etc. 84331 ASE* Brakes 11,12 Sem $20.00 CTE Conc. 3 credits Lab and class work on automotive braking systems. Learn diagnosis and AUSV1021 Prerequisite repair of hydraulic systems, drum, disk, power assist, wheel bearings, Int. to Auto parking brake, anti-lock brake, and traction control systems. 84332 ASE* Electrical/Electronics 11,12 2 Period $40.00 CTE Conc. 2 credits In-depth study of automotive electrical systems, starters, charging, AUSV1320 Block Prerequisite lighting, gages, warning devices and batteries. Sem Int. to Auto 84333 ASE* 11,12 2 Period $20.00 CTE Concurrent In-depth study of automotive engine performance, tune-up, ignition, Engine Performance Block Prerequisite fuel, exhausts, emissions and computer control systems. AUSV1120 Sem Int. to Auto 84334 ASE* Steering and 11,12 Sem $20.00 CTE Conc. 2 credits Lab and class work on automotive suspension and steering. Learn Suspension AUSV1022 Prerequisite diagnosis and repair of springs, shocks, struts, rack and pinion, pumps, Int. to Autos electric power assisting, alignment, tire balance, and wheels. DRAFTING 84275 CAD Mechanical Design 1 10,11,12 Sem $10.00 CTE Concurrent Class includes the use of 2D CAD software, sketching, drawing layout, DET1010 3 credits geometric construction, and orthographic projection and dimensioning.

84276 CAD Mechanical Design 2 10,11,12 Sem $10.00 CTE Conc.3 credits Emphasis in developing technical knowledge and skills to develop 3D DET1160 Prereq. Mech 1 models in support of mechanical and industrial engineers, and related professionals. Model creation & technical communication. 84277 CAD Mechanical Design 3 11,12 Sem $10.00 CTE Conc.3 credits Instruction in 3D CAD software, threads & fasteners, welding symbols, Prereq. Mech 2 geometric dimensioning & tolerance, and assemblies.

84320 CAD Architectural Design 1 10,11,12 Sem $10.00 CTE Concurrent Prepares for career in Architecture, Engineering, and Construction DET1040 3 credits industry. 2D/3DCAD software to draw small residential home. Emphasis on blueprint reading. 84321 CAD Architectural Design 2 10,11,12 Sem $10.00 CTE Conc. 3credits Design and model a small residential home. Emphasis on residential DET1350 Prereq. Arch 1 methods and materials of construction, codes, and building information modeling. CABINETMAKING 84260 Woodworking* 10,11,12 Sem $20.00 CTE Knowledge and skill to lay out and shape stock: assemble, saw and sand projects; stresses safe use of a variety of hand and powers tools. Projects allow student to incorporate all joints and tools e.g. a nightstand. 84262 Furniture Design* 10,11,12 Sem $20.00 CTE Prepares students to apply technical knowledge and skills to prepare and execute furniture design projects; assemble and finish furniture articles; repair furniture; and stress the safe use of a variety of hand and power tools and machinery.

INDUSTRIAL/ENGINEERING continued 84370 Welding Technician A* 10,11,12 Sem $20.00 CTE Beginning welding & cutting processes for stick & MIG welding. Beginning fitting math & blueprint reading. Safety glasses, gloves, leather shoes required. 84372 Welding Technician B* 10,11,12 Sem $20.00 CTE Prerequisite Continuation of Welding Technician A. Prerequisite: Welding Tech. A Welding Tech. Safety glasses, gloves, leather shoes required. A 84372Y Welding Technician A/B* 10,11,12 Year $20.00 CTE Beginning welding & cutting processes for stick & MIG welding. Per sem Beginning fitting math & blueprint reading. 84375 Welding Technician 11,12 Year $20.00 CTE Prerequisite Advanced stick, MIG, GTAW, plasma cutting. Aluminum & steel Intermediate* Per sem Welding A & welding & cutting. Advanced Fitter math. Advanced Mechanical B drawing. Safety glasses, gloves, leather shoes required. Prerequisite Welding A and B. 84377 Welding Technician Adv.* 12 Year $20.00 CTE Prerequisite: More advanced skills in all welding processes that will prepare students Per sem Welding to apply technical knowledge and skill in the workplace and project Intermediate construction. Practice and learn appropriate setup techniques. Safety glasses, gloves, leather shoes required. 84378 Machinist Tech 1* 10,11,12 Year $20.00 CTE Basic metal machinery. Lathe & mill operations. Grinding & finishing. Per sem Machine operation math and blueprint reading. Safety glasses and hair tie required. 84380 Machinist Tech 2* 11,12 Year $20.00 CTE Prerequisite Hands on experience in production machinery concepts. CNC Per sem Machining 1 programming and production. Prerequisite Machinist Tech 1. Safety glasses and hair tie required. 79214 Industrial/Engineering 12 Sem Elective CWS packet Explore chosen career field in professional setting. Students who have Internship required. completed at least 2 credits within an Industrial/Engineering pathway may participate. Check eligibility requirements with counselor or CTE office. *STUDENTS WILL PAY THE WSD APPROVED SAFETY GLASSES FEE OF $3.50

LAW ENFORCEMENT (CTE) 1 CTE CREDIT IS REQUIRED FOR GRADUATION Course # Course Title Grade Length Fee Credits Comments Course Description 77460 Law Enforcement 10,11,12 Sem $12.00 CTE Theories, principles and techniques of developing, administering and managing services for the safety & protection of people & property. 77461 Introduction to Corrections 11,12 Sem $12.00 CTE Prerequisite This is a new course being developed by the State Office of Education. Law Enforce. 79214 Law Enforcement 12 Sem Elective CWS packet Explore chosen career field in professional setting. Students who have Internship required. completed at least 2 credits within an Industrial/Engineering pathwamay participate. Check eligibility requirements with counselor or CTE office.

MARKETING (CTE) 1 CTE CREDIT IS REQUIRED FOR GRADUATION Course # Course Title Grade Length Fee Credits Comments Course Description 28356 Digital Marketing 10,11,12 Sem CTE Want sweet skills? YOU need these digital marketing skills for any (Social Media Marketing) profession. Today’s world is all about media. In this class you will learn about social media, branding, mobile marketing, online retail and advertising. #DIGITALMARKETINGROCKS. 28260 Marketing 1 10,11,12 Sem CTE Everything is marketed. You need to know how marketing works, how to market your business and yourself. This exciting class explores marketing strategies, selling, management and careers. 28264 Marketing 2 11,12 Sem CTE Concurrent Continuation of Marketing 1 concepts. Concurrent credit is available PS 1303 3 credits for successful completion of the Marketing 1 and 2 course combination. 28262 Sports & Entertainment 10,11,12 Sem CTE Learn about Marketing of and thru sport. Relation between fan, sponsor, Marketing and event in sports. Marketing recommended. 28351 Retailing-School Store 11,12 Sem CTE Concurrent Practical experience in school store with inventory. Retailing and PS1890 – 2 credits (may Marketing recommended. Students will work in the school store. repeat) 28354 Customer Service 10,11,12 Sem CTE Concurrent The students will gain an understanding of the skills needed to win PS1403 3 credits customer satisfaction and loyalty. Including a heightened awareness of opportunities in customer service, tools for dealing with unhappy customers, and a clear understanding of the future directions of customer service. 28370 Hospitality and Travel 10,11,12 Sem CTE Let’s travel the world! Come explore different countries and cultures and the many jobs available in travel, tourism, hospitality, airlines, hotels, cruises, advertising travel and more. 28371 Lodging & Recreation 10,11,12 Sem CTE Experience lodging and recreational activities that are available world- wide. Manage Bed & Breakfast, hotels, tours, cruises, catering…and the marketing needed to build a successful destination. Construct events, amenities, rooms, catering, and other related Lodging & Recreational activities for the traveler including Ski Resorts and State and National Park vacations, etc. 79214 Marketing Internship 11,12 Sem Elective CWS Explore your chosen field in a professional setting. Students must packet req. complete 2 credits within the Marketing pathway. Check eligibility requirements with your counselor or CTE office.

MATHEMATICS 3 CREDITS REQUIRED FOR GRADUATION Course # Course Title Grade Length Fee Credits Comments Course Description 62130 Secondary Math 2 10 Year Math Focus on quadratic expressions, rational & complex numbers, probability, trigonometry, and circles. This class increases the rigor in order to prepare for college level math. 62135 Secondary Math 2 Hon 10 Year Math Pre-req. Sec Math 1. Includes all Math 2 curriculum. This class has more material and increases the rigor in order to prepare for college level math. 62140 Secondary Math 3 10,11 Year Math This course is an accumulation of previous courses. Expanded studies of math topics will be discussed from previous courses. 62145 Secondary Math 3 Hon 10,11 Year Math Pre-req. Sec Math 2. This class has more material and increases the rigor in order to prepare for college level math. Students will explore mathematical ideas for analyzing the complex solving of problems 62515 Pre-Calculus/ Adv Math 11,12 Year Math TI-83+ or This class is 1060 at most colleges. Focus on skills and knowledge you higher need to step into and be successful in Calculus. Students should be confident and capable in mathematics. 62620 Calculus AB/AP 11,12 Year AP test Math TI-83+ or Some say this class is derivative, I know it is integral to your success! One higher semester of college level Calculus, taken over a year period. Calculus lab required to be taken concurrently. 62560 Calculus Lab 11,12 Year Elective Required What could be better than hanging out with your Calculus teacher? Additional time, assistance and instruction to aid student’s success. 62640 Probability/Statistics AP 11,12 Year AP test Math TI-83+ or Pass the test=get college credit! More & more universities are requiring higher Stats for Gen Ed. This is a great way to learn the material and check that box off. Learn about statistics, how they are calculated, what they measure, and how they can be used and misused. This class will make you better informed citizen and less likely to be deceived. 62563 Math 1050/WSU 12 Sem Math Scientific Class for the majority of college majors! This is the big hurdle in gen fulfills core req. Concurrent calculator education at most universities. Required 23 on math ACT or 50+ on accu-placer. Finish this in high school and it is likely you will not have to take math in college. 62567 Math 1010/WSU 12 Sem Math Scientific Act math score of 18. Or accu-placer score of 54. This is the class for Concurrent calculator you! Earn college credit, and by passing with C or better you are qualified to take Math 1050! 62325 Mathematical Decision 11,12 Year Math What is a better deal; the 12” medium pizza or the 23” giant pizza at The Making for Life Pie? Are you wondering if math is really applicable to the real world? We show you how much math is in the world around you! We will teach you to use math to be informed and to analyze the decisions you make. 62315 College Prep Math 11,12 Year Math TI-83+ or Do you want to go to college? Did you qualify for 1010 and not 1050? higher This is the class for you. We teach the same topics found in Math 1010, but take an entire year! Similar to Pre-Calculus, however not quite as rigorous. 28230 Accounting 1 10,11,12 Sem $23.00 *Math/CTE Basic elements and concepts of double-entry accounting for business & personal use. Knowledge of accounting cycle & automated applications. 28231 Accounting 2 10,11,12 Sem $23.00 *Math/CTE Prerequisite Skills dealing with automated accounting applications. Instruction on Accounting 1 uncollectible accounts, payroll, notes and interest. Interpreting financial information 27210 Computer Program 1A 10,11,12 Sem *Math/CTE Concurrent Intro to Java programming graphics and other computer applications. 27211 Computer Program 1B 10,11,12 Sem *Math/CTE Concurrent Understanding of software design and computer applications. Must take 1A and 1B for concurrent credit. *CAN SUFFICE FOR THIRD YEAR MATH CREDIT

PHYSCIAL EDUCATION 1.5 PE CREDITS REQUIRED FOR GRADUATION Course # Course Title Grade Length Fee Credits Comments Course Description 73210 PE/Fitness for Life 10 Sem PE Combination of classroom and activity based learning with focus on proper (Required) nutrition. Required for graduation. 73220 PE/ Sports 10,11,12 Sem PE Instruction and participation in individual and team sports. Possible golf and bowling fee. PE clothing and lock required. 73235 PE/ Weight Training 10,11,12 Sem $10.00 PE Weight lifting and conditioning with fitness log. FEE

73230 Beginning Dance 10,11,12 Sem $10.00 PE Various forms of dance-ballet, modern, ballroom, aerobic, and jazz. Emphasis on rhythm and technique. FEE 73231 Intermediate Dance 10,11,12 Sem $10.00 PE Prerequisite Intermediate level of techniques in modern, ballet and jazz. FEE Beg. Dance 73801 PE/ Cheerleaders 10,11,12 Year $85.00 PE Audition After school activities required. Must also purchase attire. 73800 PE/ Royalaires 10,11,12 Year $85.00 PE Audition After school activities required. Must also purchase attire. 73247 PE/ Conditioning/Athletics 11,12 Sem $10.00 PE Fee Conditioning class for those students participating in basketball, baseball, track, soccer, etc. Athletes only. FEE 73236 PE/Female Conditioning 10,11,12 Sem $10.00 PE Female conditioning will introduce you to strength training and conditioning choices. You will learn to design and implement different types of fitness programs based on your personal goals. 73211V PE/Athletics/Football 11-12 Sem PE Audition Juniors and Seniors on the Varsity football team. 73211J PE Athletics/Football 10 Sem PE Audition Sophomores on the football team. 73211 PE/Athletics Spring 10-11 Sem PE Audition Juniors and Sophomores on the football team. 73239 PE/ Swim Team 10-11-12 Sem PE Swim Team

AGRICULTURE SCIENCE Course# Course Title Grade Length Fee Credits Comments Course Description 84216 Plant & Soil Science 10,11,12 Year $10.00 CTE Students will learn about plants and soils including plant genetics, Science Elec diseases, pests, and management practices. Classroom, laboratory, and field experiences emphasized. Career and educational opportunities. 72317 Biology-Agricultural 10,11,12 Year $10.00 CTE Biology Science credit. Emphasis on agriculture (food, farming, fabric, Science Science Elec flowers and forestry). Students will be cognizant of current technologies, methods, and changes in agricultural science. 84326 Floriculture 10,11,12 Sem CTE Students will develop knowledge skills related to the floriculture industry. Floral design and management will be the primary units of study. Students will be prepared to create floral arrangements, grow floriculture crops, and manage commercial floriculture operations. 84244 Landscape Management 11,12 Sem CTE Intensive course that prepares students to select appropriate plant material; design, install, and maintain interior and exterior landscapes, including plant material and hardscapes; maintain facilities and equipment. 84217 Animal Science 1 11,12 Year $10.00 CTE Pre-req. Bio/Ag Bio. Scientific processes of observation, measurement, Science Elec hypothesizing, data gathering, interpretation, analysis and application are included. Career opportunities are examined. 84235 Vet Assisting 11,12 Year $10.00 CTE Prerequisite Study veterinary science and principles which include anatomy, Animal Sci 1 physiology, chemistry, animal health and disease, dentistry and laboratory procedures. Students will provide hands-on care in surgical assisting, bandaging, wound care, oral care and general nursing care. 84227 Natural Resource Science 11,12 Sem $10.00 CTE Management of natural resources includes rangelands, forests, fisheries, Science Elec etc. Students learn thru field experiences, labs, and experts.

SCIENCE 3 CREDITS REQUIRED FOR GRADUATION FROM TWO DIFFERENT AREAS Course # Course Title Grade Length Fee Credits Comments Course Description 72215 Biology 10,11,12 Year $10.00 Science Lab included Study of organisms and relationships between living things and their environment.

72610 Biology AP 11,12 Year $10.00 Science Lab included College level course in the study of living things. Prerequisite Biology 72520 Chemistry 10,11,12 Year $10.00 Science Lab included Basic Chemistry course. Study of the structure and behavior of matter. Recommendation Covers concepts in the Utah State Core. Emphasis on hands on experience. Secondary Math with B or better. 72525 Chemistry Honors 10,11,12 Year $10.00 Science Lab included College preparatory course in basic Chemistry. Strongly recommended Recommendation that student has successfully Secondary Math with B or better. 72232 Chemistry 1110 & 11,12 Year $35.00 Science Concurrent Fundamentals of inorganic chemistry and intro to organic chemistry. 1110L/WSU + text Prerequisite Designed for nursing, engineering tech and other fields of science and Chemistry health professions where only one year of chemistry is required. One 3 (Lab credit awarded) book hour lab required every two weeks. Fee: $10 lab fee $25 WSU fee + text fulfills Breadth req. book. 72530 Physics 10,11,12 Year $10.00 Science Lab included Analyze properties of matter, investigate laws of motion, and study forms Recommendation of energy. Math intensive. Secondary Math with B or better. 72650 Physics AP 12 Year $10.00 Science Lab included College level course in the study of motion. Recommendation Physics and Secondary Math 3 with B or better. 72100 Geology 11,12 Year $10.00 *Science No prerequisite The study of the earth including processes that shape it (earthquakes and volcanos), its materials (rocks) and land forms (National Parks). 72210 Basic Genetics 10,11,12 Sem $10.00 *Science No prerequisite Study of heredity. How it works. What happens when it does not work properly? 72240 Astronomy 10,11,12 Sem $10.00 *Science Lab included Study of the solar system, stars, constellations, galaxies, the universe. Star parties and field trips are part of curriculum. 47380 Medical Anatomy & 11,12 Year $10.00 *Science In-depth study of health science careers. A&P, disease/disorder skills etc. Physiology CTE Prerequisite is Intro to Health Science. Project Lead the Way 10,11,12 *Science See the magnet courses page for descriptions of each course in the series. 84410 and 84430 CTE * CAN SUFFICE FOR THIRD YEAR SCIENCE CREDIT

SOCIAL STUDIES 3 SOCIAL STUDIES CREDITS REQUIRED FOR GRADUATION .5 GEOGRAPHY, 1.0 WORLD HISTORY, 1.0 US HISTORY, .5 GOVERNMENT AND CITIZENSHIP Course # Course Title Grade Length Fee Credits Comments Course Description 77510 World Civilization CP 10,11,12 Year World Civ Meets the state requirement for World Civ. Designed to give the student a broad view of World History. Recommended Sophomore year. 77605 World History/ AP 10,11,12 Year World Civ This course emphasizes principle themes in World Civilization, as well as the ability to analyze historical evidence. Follows guidelines established by College Board. Students will earn 6 college elective credits if they pass the AP test with a 3, 4, or 5 score. 77520 U.S. History CP 10,11,12 Year US History Meets the state requirement for US History. Recommended Junior year. 77315 U.S. History/WSU 11,12 Year US History Concurrent Explore U.S. History from the Age of Exploration to the modern day. American Inst. 1700 3 credits – fills Read college level material and employ critical thinking skills to understand key issues and events in U.S. history. Earn 3 college credits core Gen. Ed. from WSU. 77610 U.S. History/ AP 10,11,12 Year US History Covers the American experience from discovery to the present. Rigorous college level course to prepare for the AP test. Students will earn 6 college credits if they pass the AP test with a 3, 4, or 5 score. 77560 US Government & US Gov/Cit Fosters informed responsible participation in public life. Good citizenship Citizenship 12 Sem is essential to the preservation & improvement of United States democracy. Recommended for Seniors due to proximity to voting and draft age. 77640 Comparative Government 11,12 Year US Gov/Cit Study of World Governments and how they compare to America; focusing & Politics/ AP on England, France, Mexico, China, Russia, and Iran. Made for students who are more interested in the World than just the U.S. 77665 US Government & US Gov/Cit Study of American Government and how it has changed; students will get Politics/ AP 11,12 Year to discuss and analyze the problems and solutions for our American system. Made for students who are more interested in the U.S than foreign affairs. 77430 Psychology 10,11,12 Sem This course presents the basic concepts of Psychology: motivation, Elective personality, learning, stages of growth and abnormal psychology. 77335 Sports Psychology 10,11,12 Sem Designed to give the athlete an edge by focusing on the psychological aspects of performance. Instruction in activation levels, relaxation techniques, self-talk, concentration and communication. Elective 77630 Psychology AP 10,11,12 Year A college level course in Psychology where students may elect to take an Elective AP test for college credit. 77330 Current Events 10,11,12 Sem Exploration of the changing trends, events, or innovations that electrify Elective our modern “global village”. Emphasis placed on enviro issues, high technology, and other events that shape our culture and society.

CAREER TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION MAGNET PROGRAMS 2017-18 Magnet programs are taught only at designated locations because enrollment does not warrant a program at each high school. Each magnet program is fully supported by a certified teacher and certified curriculum. Students from all high schools in the district may attend any magnet program under the following conditions: 1. Register for the program during the regular registration process at your high school. The registration process generates a list of students who then receive a notice for the parent meetings regarding the program and its unique requirements. The meetings are held at various times and locations around the district. Students and a parent must attend one of the meetings. Students must return the necessary registration materials by the due date. 2. Magnet programs run from 7:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. or Noon to 3:00 p.m. This accommodates lunch and safe travel. Each magnet class is scheduled for two periods for one semester. 3. Transportation for magnet classes is the responsibility of the student. Transportation will be provided for sophomores taking PLTW classes at The Weber Innovation Center. 4. Students may take college classes at the Weber Innovation Center. Because of scheduling it is better to register for those classes in April/May when they have their schedule set for the next year.

MAGNET CLASSES Course # Course Title Grade Credits Fee Location Comments Course Description 47480 Advanced Health Science 11,12 CTE Book Everyday 1st Concurrent WSU Anatomy & Physiology. th HTHSCI 1105 & 1106 Outline and 5 periods Can count as at Fremont or rd Bonneville 3 year Science 23900 Intro to Education 1010 12 CTE West Haven Concurrent Exploring elementary teaching as a career. WSU concurrent (Elementary) Elementary 2-hour block 1 semester 23901 Intro to Education 1010 12 CTE WIC Concurrent Exploring secondary teaching as a career. WSU concurrent. (Secondary) 2 hour-block 1 semester 43127 Apparel Design & 10,11,12 CTE WIC 2-hour block Course introduces students to basic sewing, serger, and pressing Production 2 1 semester equipment. Reviews fabric construction on an intermediate level. Students will make intermediate level project using correct construction techniques. 43233 Fashion Design 11,12 CTE Roy Concurrent This is a combination of Fashion Design Studio and Fashion Design 2-hour block Merchandising. 1 sem 47356 Intro to Physical Therapy 11,12 CTE WIC 2-hour block Students will learn physical therapy principles including body 1 semester movement, physical therapy terms, therapeutic exercises, roles & responsibilities, laws, ethics & insurance. History and current trends also included. 77465 Criminal Justice 11,12 CTE $12.00 WIC Concurrent For the advanced law enforcement student. 2-hr. block 1 semester 47485 Medical Forensics 11,12 CTE $10.00 Weber High Prerequisite Hands-on lab combining crime scene investigation, collection of (3rd yr. Sci.) Biology evidence and analysis. 2-hr. block 1 semester MAGNET CLASSES continued 27301 Computer Science and 10,11,12 CTE $10.00 WIC 2-hr. block This course aims to develop computational thinking, generate Software Engineering 1 semester excitement about career paths that utilize computing, and introduce professional tools that foster creativity and collaboration. App CS 1030 & CS 1400 development, visualization of data, cybersecurity, robotics and simulation. 27302 ICA Game Fundamentals 10,11,12 CTE $10.00 WIC Concurrent CS 1010 2-hr. block 1 semester 27303 ICA Dynamic Web 10,11,12 CTE $10.00 WIC Concurrent Devel. CS 2350 2-hr. block 1 semester 27304 ICA Applications 10,11,12 CTE OR $10.00 WIC Concurrent CS 1410 Core Sci. 2-hr. block Credit 1 semester 84410 Principles of Engineering 10,11,12 CTE $10.00 WIC Concurrent Through theory and practical hands-on experience, students address the PLTW POE MFET 1150 *Science 2-hr. block emerging social and political consequences of technological change. 1 semester 84420 Intro to Engineering 10,11,12 CTE $10.00 WIC Concurrent Students develop technical knowledge & skills required to plan and Design DET 1010 2-hr. block prepare scale pictorial interpretations of engineering & design concepts. Includes instruction in 2D/3D CAD software, sketching, drawing 1 semester layout, geometric construction, orthographic projection, & dimensioning. 84430 Electronics Digital 10,11,12 CTE $10.00 WIC Concurrent This course explores the smart circuits found in watches, calculators, PLTW EET 1110 & 1130 *Science 2-hr. block video games and computers. Students design circuits to solve problems. 1 semester 84440 Computer Integrated 10,11,12 CTE $10.00 WIC Prerequisite Fundamentals of computerized manufacturing technology. Students use Manufacturing/PLTW Principles of 3-D software to solve design problems, and produce 3-D models. CIM Engineering 2-hr. block 1 semester 84450 Civil Engineering and 10,11,12 CTE $10.00 WIC Concurrent Overview of the fields of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Architecture/PLTW CEA Prereq. Intro to emphasizing the interrelationship and dependence of both fields on each other. DET 1350 DET 2000 Eng. Design 2-hr. block 1 semester 84460 Aerospace Engineering/ 11,12 CTE $10.00 WIC 2-hr. block Expands horizons with project developed with NASA aerodynamics, PLTW AE 1 semester astronautics, space-lift sciences and systems engineering. 84470 Engineering, design and 11,12 CTE $10.00 WIC Concurrent Engineering research course in which students work in teams to Development/PLTW VII 2-hr. block research, design and construct a solution to an open-ended engineering problem. DET 2460 1 semester 47310 Emergency Medical Tech 12 CTE $10.00 WIC Concurrent Prepares individuals to perform initial medical diagnosis, treatment, and Prereq. EMR comprehensive care in medical crises. Program may include emergency vehicle operation and patient transportation procedures. 2-hr block 1 semester *Project Lead The Way 84410 and 84430 will suffice for the third year Science credit

Roy High School and Weber School District do not discriminate On the basis of age, race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, or disability. For additional information, please contact the principal or see the school or district website.


Concurrent, AP and Early College enrollments allow students the opportunity to take college-level courses and receive credit which applies to both high school and college.

Concurrent credit is available to juniors and seniors. In selected courses, the university that offers the course for CE credit will determine if a 10th grade student may register for the CE class. Check with the CE Coordinator in your school. Sophomores may receive concurrent credit for PLTW courses. Some classes are available to seniors only. Refer to the course guide. It is expected that students who enroll will have the necessary background and meet the academic requirements to demonstrate success in concurrent enrollment courses. It is suggested that concurrent enrollment students have at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA. Some institutions may require a minimum ACT or Accu-placer score before enrollment in the concurrent course. All concurrent enrollment courses are counselor recommended. Therefore, students must have a current (CCR) College and Career Ready Plan on file. All concurrent enrollment course registrations will take place by the 1st week of the semester. Universities require 90% attendance or better in all concurrent enrollment courses. Students will be responsible to purchase any required books, outline, and/or supplies as required by the university. Most post-secondary institutions charge a one-time application fee. Payment of this fee is the responsibility of the student. Once you register with the university, for concurrent enrollment credit, if you choose to drop the course, you will receive a “UW” on your college transcript, which is equivalent to an “F”. Be aware students must complete 67% of concurrent courses they are taking and maintain a 2.0 GPA to be considered for financial aid. The grade you earn in any concurrent enrollment course will become part of your permanent high school transcript as well as your college transcript.

College credit for concurrent enrollment is not guaranteed from year to year. It is determined by the university as to which courses and instructors qualify to offer the credit. Concurrent enrollment credit can only be offered if the following criteria are met: 1. The secondary teacher has applied and been approved to teach the concurrent enrollment curriculum. This approval is from the post-secondary institution and is granted on a yearly basis. 2. The course must appear on the USOE master list for concurrent enrollment courses for the current year. 3. The core codes for the secondary and post-secondary courses are the same. Please check with your CTE office if you have any questions regarding concurrent enrollment courses and the status of the class. It is important to remember that concurrent enrollment should be in line with your (CCR), College and Career Ready goals.



In accordance with Utah State Law, the Weber School District Board of Education annually reviews all fees charged students for various activities, classes, yearbooks, etc. This information will be published and made available to parents and students prior to the time of registration in the fall.


No student will be denied the opportunity to participate in school activities and educational programs because of the inability to pay fees, deposits or other charges. Students and/or parents who need assistance should contact a member of the school administration for assistance.


Titles VI & VII of the Civil Rights Act prohibit discrimination in federally funded programs on the basis of race, color, religion or national origin. All vocational opportunities are offered without regard to race, color, national origin, sex or disability. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act requires the District to find and serve qualified students with disabilities residing in the District. Weber School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, or disability. More information is available by calling the person(s) listed below:

Kirt Swalberg Bill Grilz Principal Assistant Director of Secondary Schools Roy High School Weber School District 2150 w 4800 s or 5320 Adams Avenue Parkway Roy, Utah 84067 Ogden, Utah 84405 801-476-3611 801-476-7873


Weber School District complies with Title IX regulations: “No person in the United States shall on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any educational program or activity receiving federal financial assistance. Problems should be referred to the school administration.” Any grievance regarding the above statements should be directed to:

Kirt Swalberg Bill Grilz Principal Assistant Director of Secondary Schools Roy High School Weber School District 2150 w 4800 s or 5320 South Adams Avenue Roy, Utah 84067 Ogden, UT 84405 801-476-3618 801-476-7804

WEBER ONLINE Now you can take online courses at no cost through Weber School District and/or the Utah Statewide Online Education Program! Utah students in grades 9-12 may enroll in individual online courses on a part-time basis through Weber Online or Utah’s statewide public education online program. Weber Online also offers full time enrollment for those students wishing to enroll full time in an online program. We realize that a growing number of students desire the freedom to work on many school credits in a different atmosphere than the regular school setting. Weber Online and SPEOP gives you the opportunity to pick the setting you desire to work on courses at your convenience outside of the traditional school setting. Students can find more information regarding online classes On the Weber School District website. Please go to www.wsd.net. Click on the “Parents & Students” tab and select “Weber Online.” To Enroll for Weber Online classes, you must see your counselor.

The information published in this catalog is as current and as accurate as possible. Classes are held based upon student interest and enrollment; therefore, classes may be cancelled due to lack of interest. Fees are subject to change based on Weber School District board approval.