AUCTION 895 • JUNE 2020

895_antik_omslag.indd 1 14/05/2020 17.57 MALERIER + ANTIKVITETER Traditionel Auktion 895

AUKTION 9. - 11. juni 2020

EFTERSYN Torsdag 4. juni kl. 11 - 17 Fredag 5. juni Grundlovsdag lukket Lørdag 6. juni kl. 11 - 16 Søndag 7. juni kl. 11 - 16 Mandag 8. juni kl. 11 - 17 eller efter aftale

Bredgade 33 · 1260 København K · Tel +45 8818 1111 [email protected] ·

895_antik_s001-015_start.indd 1 14/05/2020 18.48 Vigtig information om auktionen og eftersynet

På et kort øjeblik blev verden forandret som følge af COVID-19. Danmark kan heldigvis som flere andre lande nu åbne mere og mere op for samfundet igen. Hos Bruun Rasmussen følger vi myndighedernes retningslinjer og afholder den Traditionelle Auktion og det indledende eftersyn ud fra visse restriktioner og forholdsregler.

Oplev udvalget og byd med hjemmefra Sikkerheden for vores kunder er altafgørende, og vi anbefaler derfor, at flest muligt går på opdagelse i auktionens udbud via og auktionskatalogerne. Du kan også bestille en konditions- rapport eller ringe til en af vores eksperter, der kan fortælle dig mere om specifikke kunstgenstande.

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Velkommen til eftersyn og auktion hos Bruun Rasmussen!

895_antik_s001-015_start.indd 2 14/05/2020 18.48 Important Information Regarding the Live Auction and Preview

The world changed overnight due to COVID-19. Luckily, Denmark can now, as other countries around the world, begin to open up again. At Bruun Rasmussen, we are following the guidelines of the local authorities and will conduct our Live Auction and preview with certain restrictions and regulations.

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Welcome to the preview and auction at Bruun Rasmussen!

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895_antik_s001-015_start.indd 4 14/05/2020 18.48 AUKTIONSKALENDER


Tirsdag 9. juni kl. 16 Malerier 1 - 94 kl. 18 Armbåndsure 95 - 136

Onsdag 10. juni kl. 14 Asiatisk auktion 137 - 177 kl. 15 Russisk auktion 178 - 200 kl. 15.30 Sølv og porcelæn 201 - 232 Møbler, ure, bronzer og tæpper 233 - 324

Torsdag 11. juni kl. 16 Smykker 325 - 515


Tirsdag 16. juni kl. 16 Malerier og skulpturer

Onsdag 17. juni kl. 14 Malerier og skulpturer Grafik

Torsdag 18. juni kl. 16 Sølv og kunsthåndværk Møbler, belysning og tæpper

SIDSTE FRIST FOR AFHENTNING: ONSDAG DEN 1. JULI Genstande købt på denne auktion skal være betalt senest otte dage efter fakturadatoen og afhentet i Bredgade 33 senest onsdag den 1. juli. I modsat fald bliver de transporteret til Bruun Rasmussens lager på Baltikavej 10 i Københavns Nordhavn for købers regning og risiko. Transporten koster 150 kr. pr. genstand inkl. moms, og opbevaringen koster 150 kr. pr. genstand pr. påbegyndt uge inkl. moms.

Eventuelle særlige regler i forbindelse med COVID-19 kan findes på

895_antik_s001-015_start.indd 5 14/05/2020 18.48 FINE ART + ANTIQUES Live Auction 895

Lot 14

895_antik_s001-015_start.indd 6 14/05/2020 18.48 FINE ART + ANTIQUES Live Auction 895

AUCTION 9 - 11 June 2020

PREVIEW Thursday 4 June 11 am - 5 pm Friday 5 June Constitution Day Closed Saturday 6 June 11 am - 4 pm Sunday 7 June 11 am - 4 pm Monday 8 June 11 am - 5 pm or by appointment

Bredgade 33 · DK-1260 Copenhagen K · Tel +45 8818 1111 [email protected] ·

895_antik_s001-015_start.indd 7 14/05/2020 18.48 Lot 61

895_antik_s001-015_start.indd 8 14/05/2020 18.48 DAYS OF SALE


Tuesday 9 June 4 pm Paintings 1 - 94 6 pm Wristwatches 95 - 136

Wednesday 10 June 2 pm Asian sale 137 - 177 3 pm Russian sale 178 - 200 3:30 pm Silver and ceramics 201 - 232 Furniture, clocks, bronzes and 233 - 324

Thursday 11 June 4 pm Jewellery 325 - 515


Tuesday 16 June 4 pm Paintings and sculptures

Wednesday 17 June 2 pm Paintings and sculptures Prints

Thursday 18 June 4 pm Silver and decorative art Furniture, lamps and carpets

DEADLINE FOR CLAIMING ITEMS: WEDNESDAY 1 JULY Items bought at this auction must be paid no later than eight days from the date of the invoice and claimed at Bredgade 33 by Wednesday 1 July at the latest. Otherwise, they will be moved to Bruun Rasmussen’s storage facility at Baltikavej 10 in Copenhagen at the buyer’s expense and risk. This transportation will cost DKK 150 per item VAT included, and storage will cost DKK 150 per item per week VAT included.

Information about special regulations due to COVID-19 can be found at

895_antik_s001-015_start.indd 9 14/05/2020 18.48 “Vi elsker vort land, men ved midsommer mest …”

Med dette katalog byder vi velkommen til sommerauktion i Bredgade. Ordene i overskriften stammer fra ”Midsommervisen”, som Holger Drachmann skrev i 1885 til skuespillet ”Der var engang”. Som forfatter var Drachmann en af det moderne gennembruds kontroversielle skikkelser, og som kunstner kom han til at spille en vigtig rolle for kunstnerkolonien i Skagen. Heroppe på Danmarks nordligste punkt mødte han den af tidens malere, der var allerbedst til at skildre den danske sommer, nemlig P.S. Krøyer. Denne malers mest berømte værk er ”Sankt Hans-blus på Skagen Strand” fra 1906, og her har han ladet lokale skagboer, byens bedre borgerskab og repræsentanter fra kunstnermiljøet samles omkring den festlige danske sommertradition. På auktionen præsenterer vi en af Krøyers forstudier fra 1905 – et portræt af Drachmann og hans sidste hustru, den norskfødte Soffi. Parret har opmærksomheden rettet mod noget uden for billedrammen, og deres ansigter er lyst op af det Sankt Hans-bål, som man ser i det endelige værk fra året efter. Drachmann tårner sig op i sin karakteristiske sorte slyngkappe og eksotiske hat, mens han holder sin stok i den ene hånd og sin mange år yngre hustru i den anden. I deres ansigtsudtryk mødes den aldrendes upåvirkede ro og ung- dommens forventningsfulde glæde. Der er sommerstemning for alle pengene i denne studie, og skulle det ikke være nok, har vi fire andre af Krøyers værker med på auktionen. Det gælder et andet portræt af Drachmann, et kystparti fra Vesterhavet med rosafarvede skyer og et af hans l’heure bleu-motiver med en dreng, der sopper i måneskinnet. Vi byder også på et af Krøyers værker, der ikke tager udgangspunkt i Skagen. Det sker i form af en hidtil ukendt nøgenstudie af en kvinde udført under en rejse til Paris i 1877 efter Rembrandts ”Bathsheba tager bad”, der hænger på Louvre ( 28, 40, 32, 37 og 16). For et halvt år siden solgte vi et værk af den samtidige Vilhelm Hammershøi for 31,5 mio. kr., og det opnåede dermed status som det hidtil næstdyreste værk af kunstneren på auktionsmarkedet. Som de fleste ved, er Hammershøi bedst kendt for sine sparsomt ind- rettede og stemningsmættede interiører, og man kunne fristes til at spørge, om han aldrig kom udenfor i sin søgen efter motiver. Det gjorde han imidlertid, og med på auktionen har vi et af hans landskaber med træer på en bakke ved Frederiksværk fra 1904. Det sam- me gælder et motiv med to tændte stearinlys i stager, som Hammershøi skildrede i flere malerier sidenhen, fx i det kendte værk ”Fem portrætter”, der i dag hænger på Thielska Galleriet i Stockholm ( 41 og 47). Det er ikke hver dag, at man ser en signeret rokokokommode af møbelsnedkeren Mathias Ortmann på auktionsmarkedet. Han anvendte nemlig kun signaturetiketter på sine møbler i en relativ kort periode af sit kunstneriske virke – fra 1745-57. Kommoden er udtryk for perio- dens allerfineste nordeuropæiske møbelsnedkerkunst og har tidligere været i grosserer Louis Foghts samling ( 241). Er tiden derimod inde til at forsøde tilværelsen med skønne smykker, præsenterer vi denne gang et stort udvalg, heriblandt fra Boucheron. Det franske familieforetagende blev grundlagt i 1858 og indtog som den første juveler den prominente parisiske adresse Place Vendôme. Allerede i 1867 vandt grundlæggeren Frederic Boucheron guldmedalje på Verdensudstillingen, og lige siden dengang har juveleren stået for udsøgt design og håndværk og har gennem tiden været den foretrukne smykkeleverandør for et utal af kvinder verden over. I den danske smykkeverden har juveleren Hartmann’s gennem to årtier stået stærkt, og på auktionen præsenterer vi blandt andet et af deres bemærkelsesværdige armbånd med de fineste Tahiti-perler (kat. nr. 340-344, 370-374 og 377).

895_antik_s001-015_start.indd 10 14/05/2020 18.48 Lot 118

Sammen med smykkerne udbyder vi også en guldtabatiere med seks store diamanter, som den tyske juveler C.M. Weishaupt & Söhne udførte i Hanau i 1860’erne. Dette klenodie er prydet med Christian IX’s kronede monogram og skulle i følge mundtlige overleveringer have været brugt som kongelig præsentationsgave til den norske digter og dramatiker Henrik Ibsen ( 415). Man har også endnu engang mulighed for at blive ejer af det legendariske Rolex Daytona med referencen 6239. Det udbudte ur tilhører en sjælden variant af skivedesign, som samlere i dag betegner som eksotisk. Modellen er opkaldt efter den berømte racerkører og skuespiller Paul Newman, der ofte blev set med denne elegante reference på armen – både i hollywoodfilm og på racerbanen. Denne klassiker bliver udbudt til en vurdering på 800.000-1.000.000 kr. ( 118). Med ønsket om en god midsommer!

Jesper Bruun Rasmussen

895_antik_s001-015_start.indd 11 14/05/2020 18.48 ”We love our country, but at midsummer most ...”

With this catalogue, we welcome you to our summer auction in Copenhagen. The lyrics of the headline come from the Danish ”Midsummer Song”, which the poet and playwright Holger Drachmann wrote in 1885 for the play ”Once Upon a Time”. As a writer, Drachmann was one of the Modern Breakthrough’s controversial figures, and as an artist, he came to play an important role for the artist colony in Skagen. There at Denmark’s northernmost point, he met one of the period’s finest painters of the Danish summer: P.S. Krøyer. This painter’s most famous work is ”Midsummer Eve Bonfire on Skagen’s Beach” from 1906, where he gathered local residents, the finer citizenry and representatives from the artist colony around the festive Danish summer tradition of the bonfire. At this auction, we present one of Krøyer’s preliminary studies from 1905 – a portrait of Drachmann and his final wife, the Norwegian- born Soffi. The couple is preoccupied with something outside the frame of the painting, and their faces are lit up by the Midsummer Eve bonfire that you see in the final work from the following year. Drachmann towers in his distinctive black cape and exotic hat while holding his cane in one hand and his much younger wife in the other. In their facial expressions, the unaffected calm of the elderly person and the youth’s expectant joy meet. This study is brim- ming with a summer mood and if that is not enough, we have four other Krøyer paintings included in the auction. An additional portrait of Drachmann is among the group as well as a coastal view of the North Sea with rose-coloured clouds and one of Krøyer’s l’Heure Bleue motifs with a boy paddling in the moonlight. We also offer one of his works not based on the life of Skagen. This painting is an unknown nude study of a woman made by Krøyer during a trip to Paris in 1877, where he copied Rembrandt’s ”Bathsheba at Her Bath” at the Louvre (cat. no. 28, 40, 32, 37 and 16). Six months ago, we sold a work of Krøyer’s contemporary Vilhelm Hammershøi for DKK 31.5 million. This hammer price was the second-highest ever for a work by the artist on the auction market. As most people know, Hammershøi is best known for his sparsely decorated and evocative interiors, and one might be tempted to consider whether he ever ventured outside in his quest for motifs. That he actually did so, is proven at this auction with one of his landscapes from 1904 depicting trees on a hill near the town of Frederiksværk. Also in- cluded at the auction is a motif with two candlesticks, which Hammershøi used in several of his paintings, including in the famous work ”Five Portraits” that today hangs at the Thielska Gallery in Stockholm (cat. no. 41 and 47). It’s not every day you get to see a signed Rococo commode by the cabinetmaker Mathias Ortmann on the auction market. One reason for this is that he only used signature labels on his furniture during part of his career – from 1745-57. The commode is an example of the finest Northern European carpentry of the period and has previously been in the merchant Louis Foght’s collection (cat. no. 241). If you instead feel that it is time to sweeten your existence with beautiful jewellery, we can this time present a large selection that includes jewellery from Boucheron. Founded in 1858, the French family-owned business was the first jeweller to occupy the prominent Parisian address of Place Vendôme. Already in 1867, the founder Frederic Boucheron won the gold medal at the Exposition Universelle, and ever since, the jeweller has been the epitome of exquisite design and craftsmanship and has been the preferred jewellery purveyor for countless women worldwide. In the Danish jewellery world, Hartmann’s has been in popular demand for two decades, and at this auction, we present, among other items, one of their remarkable bracelets with the finest Tahiti pearls. (cat. no. 340-344, 370-374 and 377).

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Along with the jewellery, we can also offer a gold tabatière with six large diamonds, which the German jeweller C.M. Weishaupt & Söhne made in Hanau in the 1860s. This treasure is adorned with Christian IX’s crowned monogram and, according to oral tradition, it was used as a royal presentation gift to the Norwegian poet and playwright Henrik Ibsen (cat. no. 415). You also once again have the chance to become the owner of the legendary Rolex Daytona reference 6239. The wristwatch belongs to a rare variant with a dial design that collectors today consider exotic. The model is named after the famous actor and race car driver Paul Newman, who was often seen with this elegant reference around his wrist – both in Holly- wood movies and on the racetrack. This classic will be up for auction at an estimated price of DKK 800,000-1,000,000 (cat. no. 118). We wish you all a wonderful Midsummer!

Jesper Bruun Rasmussen

895_antik_s001-015_start.indd 13 14/05/2020 18.48 SPECIALISTS IN FINE ART AND ANTIQUES

Paintings Asian and decorative arts Julie Arendse Voss Ralph Lexner +45 8818 1123 +45 8818 1161 [email protected] [email protected]

Paintings Asian and decorative arts Birte Stokholm Charlotte Hviid +45 8818 1122 +45 8818 1162 [email protected] [email protected]

Paintings Silver and pocket watches Søren K. Holmstrup Heidi Schophuus Jensen +45 8818 1127 +45 8818 1163 [email protected] [email protected]

Russian art and antiques Asian and decorative arts Martin Hans Borg Alexandra Nilsson +45 8818 1128 +45 8818 1164 [email protected] [email protected]

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895_antik_s001-015_start.indd 14 14/05/2020 18.49 Lot 397

Lot 398

Lot 399

895_antik_s001-015_start.indd 15 14/05/2020 18.49 895_antik_s184-210_porcsolv.indd 184 14/05/2020 17.33 SILVER AND CERAMICS

Wednesday 10 June 3:30 pm Lot 201 - 232

Lot 205

895_antik_s184-210_porcsolv.indd 185 14/05/2020 17.33 201

201 202 A set of 19 Danish silver plates with beaded border A pair of Danish silver covered casseroles, gilt and one in almost identical design. Denmark 20th interiors, detachable handles of ebony, cover century. Weight 9956 g. Diam. 27.8-28 cm. (20) finials in the shape of clusters of grapes and vines, DKK 30,000-40,000 / € 4,000-5,350 engraved with noble crowned MF in leaf cartou- che. Maker Anton Michelsen, Copenhagen 1847. Weight 3095 g. Diam. 19 cm. L. 32 cm. (2) DKK 30,000 / € 4,000



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203 204 “Flora Danica” 11 porcelain lunch plates with “Flora Danica” two square porcelain bowls, deco- pierced borders, decorated in colours and gold with rated in colours and gold with flowers. The Royal flowers. 3554. Royal Copenhagen. Diam. 23 cm. (11) Danish Porcelain Factory 1894-1900. L. 23 cm. DKK 25,000-30,000 / € 3,350-4,000 W. 23 cm. (2) DKK 10,000-12,000 / € 1,350-1,600



895_antik_s184-210_porcsolv.indd 187 14/05/2020 17.34 188 MORE PHOTOS AND DETAILS AT BRUUN-RASMUSSEN.DK

895_antik_s184-210_porcsolv.indd 188 14/05/2020 17.34 205 “Fluted Half and Full Lace” porcelain service decorated in purple and gold. The Royal Danish Porcelain Factory, 1870-1900. (31) Comprising: 13 lunch plates, 1085. 2 oval dishes, 533. 1 fruit bowl, L. 30 cm. 2 dishes, 1076. 2 sauce bowls, 587. 1 covered dish, 620. 1 dish, 1115. 1 salt cellar, 199. 6 bread plates, 1088. 1 centerpiece, 1020. 1 bowl, 1018. DKK 50,000-60,000 / € 6,700-8,050



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206 “Flora Danica" 11 porcelain lunch plates decorated in colours and gold with flowers. 3550. Royal Copenhagen circa 1898-1923. Diam. 23 cm. (11) DKK 25,000 / € 3,350


895_antik_s184-210_porcsolv.indd 190 14/05/2020 17.34 207 “Flora Danica” round porcelain dish decorated in colours and gold with a flower, Crataegus Oxyacantha Jacg. 3524. Royal Copenhagen circa 1898-1923. Diam. 33 cm. DKK 8,000 / € 1,050 207

208 “Flora Danica" three porcelain dishes of oval shape, decorated in colours and gold with flowers. 3516, 3517 and 3518. Royal Copenhagen circa 1898- 1923. L. 26-41 cm. (3) DKK 15,000-20,000 / € 2,000-2,700



895_antik_s184-210_porcsolv.indd 191 14/05/2020 17.34 209

209 “Rosenborg” sterling silver cutlery. Maker A. Michelsen, Copenhagen 20th century. Weight 2970 g. (73) Comprising: 12 dinner forks 12 dinner knives 12 lunch forks 12 lunch knives 8 bouillon spoons 10 dessert spoons 1 sauce spoon 1 meat fork 2 cold meat forks 1 serving spoon DKK 20,000-25,000 / € 2,700-3,350

210 A Danish Regence silver bonbonniére, of oval shape, engraved with Regence ornamentation. Maker Jacob von Holten, Copenhagen c. 1724. Weight 230 g. H. 7 cm. L. 11.5 cm. Literature: Chr. A. Bøje: Danske guld og sølv smedemærker, 1979. Volume I, p. 122, presumably the bonbonnière referred to under the maker Jacob von Holten: Oval bonbonnière with Regence engravings KM 1724. DKK 10,000-15,000 / € 1,350-2,000 210


895_antik_s184-210_porcsolv.indd 192 14/05/2020 17.34 211 12 Arnold Krog porcelain fish plates decorated in colours and gold. The rim with fish in relief, centre with various fishes. Royal Copenhagen 1898-1923. Diam. 14 cm. (12) DKK 10,000 / € 1,350



895_antik_s184-210_porcsolv.indd 193 14/05/2020 17.34 212 A pair of French Louis XV silver candlesticks, taper- ing hexagonal stems on stepped hexagonal bases, engraved with crowned cartouche with monogram KM. Maker Mathieu-Francois Oudvore, Saint-Malo 1763-1766. Weight 1452 g. H. 25 cm. (2) DKK 25,000 / € 3,350

213 212 A Kastrup faience dish decorated in colours with flowers and cabbage rim in green. Denmark, 18th century. Diam. 36 cm. Literature: This model depicted in Jørgen Ahlefeldt- Laurvig og Anne-Mari Steimle: Fajence og Stengods fra Fabriken i Kastrup, 1977. DKK 10,000-15,000 / € 1,350-2,000



895_antik_s184-210_porcsolv.indd 194 14/05/2020 17.34 214 A Swedish faience table-top tray decorated in colours with a prospect of a palace situated in a Baroque garden, bordered by festoons and with flower vine trimming. Set on a Gustavian fruitwood table, both sides with candle slides and fluted legs. Presumably Rörstrand, Sweden, second half of 18th century. H. 76 cm. L. 88 cm. W. 60 cm. Provenance: A private Danish collection. DKK 60,000-80,000 / € 8,050-10,500 214


895_antik_s184-210_porcsolv.indd 195 14/05/2020 17.34 215 FREDRIK JÜRGENSEN A Danish late Empire 18k gold quarter repeating open-face pocket watch in guilloché and ribbed case, white enamel dial with Arabic numerals and subsidiary seconds, signed Fredrik Jürgensen, gilt movement with duplex escapement, signed Fredrik Jürgensen Kiöbenhavn, dust cover of gilt metal signed Fredrik Jürgensen Kiøbenhavn N. 4105 and engraved "Træk op til höire" and "Echappement Duplex, gaaer under Optrækningen, med Secunder, 4re Steenhuller, Steenrulle og Compensateur for Varme og Kulde". Case band with strike/silent lever. C. 1828. Weight 167 g. Case diam. 56 mm. Together with a gold watch chain with three pendants; a gold mounted key and two gold and carnelian seal fobs. L. 22 cm. In a fitted case of red maroquin embossed in gold with Frederik VI's crowned monogram and the date d. 18 Juni 1828. L. 38.5 cm. Fredrik Jürgensen (1787-1843), brother of Urban Jürgensen (1776-1830), took over the operation of the business when his father, Jürgen Jürgensen, died in 1811. The same year he was appointed Royal Court Watchmaker after his father. Fredrik Jürgensen is estimated to have made approximately 500 pocket watches in the period 1811-1843. Provenance: Present from King Frederik VI to merchant Palle Møller Lunøe (1783-1869). Excerpt from ancestral book "Oversigt over efterkommerne af Palle Møller Lunøe og hustru Maren Jelstrup, 1935": "Butikken var i den lave Fløj i Baggrunden med Butiksdøren i Gavlen og Beboelseshuset i Bygningen midt paa Billedet ... Ejendommen var dengang en af Byens anse- ligste og Gæsteværelset og "Salen" blev stillet til Disposition ved Kongebesøg og har været benyttet af Frederik den Sjette og Christian den Ottende ..." (The shop was in the low wing in the background with the shop door in the gable and the residential house in the building in the middle of the picture ... the property was then one of the city's most significant, and the guest room and "Salen" were made available for Royal visits and were used by Frederik VI and Christian VIII ...) DKK 30,000-40,000 / € 4,000-5,350


895_antik_s184-210_porcsolv.indd 196 14/05/2020 17.34 215


895_antik_s184-210_porcsolv.indd 197 14/05/2020 17.34 216 A late 19th century Berlin KPM porcelain plaque of rectangular form depicting a satyr-like male em- bracing a nude female, signed K.Koch. The rear with impressed factory K.P.M and sceptre mark, mounted within a contemporary giltwood and gesso frame, the plaque 43 cm x 54 cm. DKK 20,000-25,000 / € 2,700-3,350 216


895_antik_s184-210_porcsolv.indd 198 14/05/2020 17.34 217 An Empire gold pair case open-face pocket watch, white dial with Arabic numerals and keywind, signed Breguet A Paris, front and back bezel adorned with pearls, back case decorated with enamel in colours and gold, applied text "Gace Damitié" written with rose-cut diamonds. 217 Outer case with glazed back case. C. 1816. Weight c. 84 g. Case diam. 46/52 mm. Watch chain set with rose-cut diamond and cabochon turquoise. Weight c. 32 g. L. 130 cm. Provenance: Presented as a gift to the Danish Consulate-Secretaire, Jacob Edvard Colbjørnsen Hjort (1793-1838) by the Swedish General Consul in Algier 1816. Further information regarding the pocket watch included. Sold at BRK auction 795, cat. 1743. DKK 10,000-15,000 / € 1,350-2,000

218 A 14k gold hunter case pocket watch with minute repetition and chronograph, white dial with Arabic numerals, subsidiary seconds and outer 0-60 chronograph scale, movement en- graved with swiss patent 13244, dust cover of gold. Outer cases marked LBF for Louis Brandt & Freres, based in Bienne, Switzerland, all cases numbered 50639. C. 1900. Weight 123 g. Case diam. 57 mm. DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 218


895_antik_s184-210_porcsolv.indd 199 14/05/2020 17.34 217


895_antik_s184-210_porcsolv.indd 200 14/05/2020 17.34 219 "Fluted Half Lace" dinnerware service of porcelain decorated in purple. Royal Copenhagen, 1898-1923. (53) Consisting of: 11 dinner plates, 571. 1 dinner plate, 577. 4 soup plates, 565. 13 side plates, 575. 13 deep dessert plates, 566. 10 lunch plates, 572. 2 salad bowls, 512. DKK 40,000-50,000 / € 5,350-6,700



895_antik_s184-210_porcsolv.indd 201 14/05/2020 17.34 220 “Flora Danica" oval porcelain dish decorated in colours and gold with flowers. 3517. Royal Copenhagen. L. 37 cm. DKK 6,000-8,000 / € 805-1,050

221 “Flora Danica" 11 porcelain plates decorated in colours and gold with flowers. 3549. Royal Copenhagen circa 1898-1923. Diam. 25.5 cm. (11) DKK 30,000 / € 4,000




895_antik_s184-210_porcsolv.indd 202 14/05/2020 17.34 222 A pair of Danish Baroque silver candlesticks, baluster stems on fluted domed bases. Maker Sivert Thorsteinsson, Copenhagen 1750. Weight 488 g. H. 18 cm. (2) Literature: Chr. A. Bøje: Danske guld og sølv smedemærker, 1979. Volume I, p. 136, referred to under the maker Sivert Thorsteinsson: A pair of candlesticks KM 1750. DKK 20,000 / € 2,700


223 A Danish Rococo silver coffee pot, of oval baluster fluted form, chased and engraved with rocailles and flowers, two rocaille cartouches pricked with owner's initials SH and KF respectively, raised on three tall cast leaf supports, leaf bud finial, scroll handle of black painted wood. Maker Joachim Weller, licensed Holstebro 1754-1792. Weight 764 g. H. 27 cm. 223 DKK 15,000 / € 2,000


895_antik_s184-210_porcsolv.indd 203 14/05/2020 17.35 224 A Baroque style c. 24k hammered gold beaker embossed with flowers. C. 1950. Weight 151 g. H. 7 cm. DKK 40,000-50,000 / € 5,350-6,700



895_antik_s184-210_porcsolv.indd 204 14/05/2020 17.35 225 A c. 24k gold communion set comprising a chalice with smooth cuppa on stem with central knop spelling "IHESUS", hexagonal stem expanding to a six-lobed base; paten of circular shape with lobed center, and wafer box embossed with domed cover. Box and paten engraved with consecration cross. C. 1950. Weight 1138 g. H. 5 and 18 cm. Diam. paten 14.5 cm. (3) DKK 300,000-400,000 / € 40,000-53,500



895_antik_s184-210_porcsolv.indd 205 14/05/2020 17.35 226

226 A set of 13 Danish silver plates with beaded border. Carl F. Christiansen, K.E. Thygesen Jacobsen and Sv. Toxværd, Copenhagen 20th century. Weight 6731 g. Diam. 27.8-28.2 cm. (13) DKK 25,000 / € 3,350

227 A pair of Danish Regence silver candlesticks, octagonal baluster stems on fluted octagonal bases. Maker Philip Lorenz Weghorst, Copenhagen 1735. Weight 674 g. H. 20 cm. (2) DKK 30,000-40,000 / € 4,000-5,350



895_antik_s184-210_porcsolv.indd 206 14/05/2020 17.35 228 “Flora Danica" porcelain tureen and stand decorated in colours and gold with flowers, finial and handles in the shape of a twisted twig adorned with repoussé flowers. 3562 and 3563. Royal Copenhagen circa 1898-1923. Dish Diam. 33 cm. Tureen Diam. 30 cm. DKK 25,000-30,000 / € 3,350-4,000



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229 A Danish set of 12 silver plates with beaded border. Maker Svend Toxværd, Copenhagen 20th century. Weight 6223 g. Diam. 28 cm. (12) DKK 30,000 / € 4,000


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230 “Flora Danica” five porcelain pastry plates, decorated in colours and gold with flowers. 3554. Royal Copenhagen. Diam. 19.5 cm. (5) DKK 10,000-15,000 / € 1,350-2,000

231 “Flora Danica” five porcelain dinner plates with pierced border, decorated in colours and gold with flowers. 3553. Royal Copenhagen. Diam. 25.5 cm. (5) DKK 15,000-20,000 / € 2,000-2,700



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232 “Flora Danica” 10 porcelain side plates decorated in colours and gold with flowers. 3552. Royal Copenhagen. Diam. 14.5 cm. (10) DKK 10,000-12,000 / € 1,350-1,600


895_antik_s184-210_porcsolv.indd 210 14/05/2020 17.35 FURNITURE, CLOCKS, BRONZES AND CARPETS

Wednesday 10 June Lot 233 - 324

Lot 249

895_antik_s211-282_moblerOGtaepper.indd 211 14/05/2020 17.27 233 NILS BERG b. 1721, d. Stockholm 1794 A Gustavian painted and giltwood longcase clock, deco- rated with flowers and Chinoiserie. Round white painted metal dial signed 'Niels Berg, Stockholm'. Second half of the 18th century. H. 200 cm. W. 58 cm. D. 20 cm. DKK 15,000-20,000 / € 2,000-2,700



895_antik_s211-282_moblerOGtaepper.indd 212 14/05/2020 17.27 234 A Swedish Rococo giltwood mirror with mirrored borders deco- rated with flowers, the frame carved with openwork rocaille and C-scrolls. Mid-18th century. H. 144 cm. W. 60 cm. DKK 20,000 / € 2,700

235 A pair of Danish white and blue tile-top tables each with six Dutch faience tiles decorated with religious scenes, slides for candles and drawer. 18th-19th century. H. 75 cm. W. 49 cm. D. 35 cm. (2) DKK 30,000 / € 4,000




895_antik_s211-282_moblerOGtaepper.indd 213 14/05/2020 17.27 236

236 A Flemish Verdure tapestry. Allegorical scenery with two goddesses in woodland surroundings. Executed in wool and silk. C. 1700. W. 305 cm. H. 275 cm. Reduced in size. DKK 40,000 / € 5,350


895_antik_s211-282_moblerOGtaepper.indd 214 14/05/2020 17.27 237

237 A large North Germany Baroque cupboard, walnut massive and veneered, the top molded with carved foliage and birds, the Virgin and Child with Saint Anne, ribbon with the inscription 'IN LIEB UND FRID WIRD ALES GROS' (in love and peace all is well), front with two doors divided by pilasters richly carved with figures, foliage and cherub, the lower part with one large drawer raised on five ball feet. Hamburg, c. 1700. H. 225 cm. W. 232 cm. D. 87 cm. Literature: Himmelheber/Kreisel. “Die Kunst des deutschen Möbels“. Munich 1973, Volume 1, images 505-509. Provenance: Danish manor house, Funen. DKK 50,000-60,000 / € 6,700-8,050


895_antik_s211-282_moblerOGtaepper.indd 215 14/05/2020 17.27 238


895_antik_s211-282_moblerOGtaepper.indd 216 14/05/2020 17.27 238 A pair of Rococo solid elmwood commodes with Provenance: Inherited through generations in the curved sides and Norwegian Gjellebæk marble tops, Holmblad family. Probably acquired by the Royal Agent each with three drawers adorned with bronze han- Jacob Holmblad (1791-1837) manufacturer of var- dles and key plates, the base richly carved with nish, glue, soap and playing cards in Copenhagen and openwork foliage, C-scrolls and cabriole legs. Pre- married to Christiane Marie Holmblad neé Schack sumably from Denmark or North Germany. C. 1750. (1794-1880). H. 83 cm. W. 70 cm. D. 43 cm. (2) DKK 100,000-125,000 / € 13,500-16,500


895_antik_s211-282_moblerOGtaepper.indd 217 14/05/2020 17.27 239

239 A Flemish Verdure tapestry. Scenery with view from the woodland toward castles. Executed in wool and silk. Early 18th century. W. 351 cm. H. 279 cm. Sold at Bruun Rasmussen 2007, auction 705, lot. 2165. DKK 25,000 / € 3,350


895_antik_s211-282_moblerOGtaepper.indd 218 14/05/2020 17.27 240

240 A Norwegian glass lantern with floral engravings, within a crown- shaped and foliate gilt metal frame, the inside fitted for one candle. Presumably from Hurdal, late 18th century. H. 82 cm. Diam. 38 cm. The glass production in Hurdal was active from 1755 to 1895. DKK 20,000-30,000 / € 2,700-4,000


895_antik_s211-282_moblerOGtaepper.indd 219 14/05/2020 17.27 241 The Danish cabinetmaker Mathias Ortmann (1692- MATHIAS ORTMANN 1757) was born in Sweden as the son of a cabinetmak- b. 1692, d. Copenhagen 1757 er. The family moved to Copenhagen to open a work- A fine and rare signed Danish Rococo walnut and shop in the Nyhavn area. Early on, Ortmann became an giltwood commode, bombé shape with three curved apprentice in his father's workshop, which produced bracket drawers, gilt bronze handles and key plates, furniture for Frederik IV's brother Prince Carl's "Char- cut-off corners with gilt lead ornaments. The top lottenborg" Palace. Ortmann's mother continued the of white Cararra marble and base richly carved with workshop after the father's death in 1723. Two years foliage. Remains of Mathias Ortmann's paper label later Ortmann passed his final test, and in 1727 he ob- under the marble top. Mid-18th century. tained citizenship as a cabinetmaker. H. 80 cm. W. 71 cm. D. 50 cm. It was on a Grand Tour around Europe, mainly to Louis Label: XV's France, that Ortmann experienced the benefit of "Hos Sr. M. Orthmann boende udi Gotters Gaden signing his furniture. The label is today the collector's bliver alle Sorter Cabinet og Snedker Arbeide forfær- guarantee of "a genuine Ortmann". However, not all diget for en Civil Pris i Kiöbenhavn." Ortmann furniture carries the coveted signature – he only used it in the period 1745-1757. "At Sr M. Orthmann, living in Gotters street, all sorts of cabinet and carpentry work is done for a civil Provenance: Previously in the merchant Mr Louis price in Copenhagen" (translated from Danish). Foght's collection, sold at A.B.R. auction 118 lot 36 in 1960 and again later in 1999, auction 650 lot 562 for a collector.

The textile manufacturer Louis Foght died in 1958. Ac- cording to his will, the business as well as the proceeds from the sale of a substantial art collection should ac- crue to a fund established in 1960. DKK 100,000-150,000 / € 13,500-20,000


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895_antik_s211-282_moblerOGtaepper.indd 221 14/05/2020 17.27 242

242 An antique Heriz , North West Persia. Classical geometrical medallion design and stylised flower- ing vines. Executed with a fine bright natural colour palette. C. 1890. 369 x 295 cm. DKK 130,000 / € 17,500


895_antik_s211-282_moblerOGtaepper.indd 222 14/05/2020 17.28 Georg Balthasar Probst. A prospect of Frederiksberg Castle.

Alexander Roslin (1718-1793). Portrait of Christian VII.


243 A Danish Rococo walnut console table, curved profiled top above single drawer, curved leaf carved legs. The back stamped with Danish King Christian VII's crowned monogram and inventory stamp 'FBe' for Frederiksberg Palace. 18th century. H. 79 cm. W. 100 cm. D. 62 cm. Provenance: The Danish actress and writer Johanne Luise Heiberg's private furnishings (1812-1890), inherited by descent. DKK 20,000-30,000 / € 2,700-4,000


895_antik_s211-282_moblerOGtaepper.indd 223 14/05/2020 17.28 244

245 BURCHARD PRECHT, ATTRIBUTED b. Bremen 1651, d. Stockholm 1738 A Swedish Baroque portal-shaped mirror with etched glass decor in the frame and adorned with gilded lead mounting on gilded wood, the top with a crest, flanking female figures and floral vases. Stockholm, early 18th century. H. 173 cm. W. 86 cm. The Precht family is synonymous with the production of mirrors of the highest quality in 18th century Swe- den, numerous examples having been attributed to Burchard or to his sons Gustav (d. 1763) and Christian (d. 1779). Originally from Bremen, educated in Ham- 244 burg, Burchard arrived in Stockholm in 1674 to work at A Swedish Rococo fruitwood parquetry commode Drottningholm Palace before being appointed carver with curved sides and front, gilt bronze mount- to the court in 1682, further to the recommendation of ing and handles. The upper drawer stamped with the royal architect, Nicodemus Tessin the Younger. Pre- the Stockholm cabinetmaker hallmark. Stockholm, cht became extremely influential in the development c. 1770. H. 81 cm. W. 124 cm. D. 62 cm. of the Swedish Baroque style. This Stockholm cabinetmaker stamp was a guarantee of quality used between 1768 and c. 1790. Literature: Graham Child: World Mirrors, 1990. p. 299 And Torsten Sylvén, Elisabeth Welander-Berggren: Literature: Torsten Sylven, Mästarnas Möbler, Stock- Speglar, spegelmakare & Fabrikörer in Sweden 1650– holmsarbeten 1700-1850. p. 397. 1850, p. 192. DKK 25,000 / € 3,350 DKK 100,000-150,000 / € 13,500-20,000


895_antik_s211-282_moblerOGtaepper.indd 224 14/05/2020 17.28 245


895_antik_s211-282_moblerOGtaepper.indd 225 14/05/2020 17.28 246 A Régence style gilt bronze chandelier with eight curved candlearms fitted for electricity, each with shaped nozzle and broad cast drip-pan on square section arms clasped with foliage, issued from female masks, the profiled openwork foliate stem adorned with busts of putti. 20th century. H. 85 cm. Diam. 82 cm. DKK 30,000 / € 4,000




895_antik_s211-282_moblerOGtaepper.indd 226 14/05/2020 17.28 247 A large French gilt bronze, brass, tortoiseshell, Boul- le marquetry table clock, surmounted by Minerva seated, front door with glass and figural relief work, revealing a round gilt bronze dial with white enam- el plaque and Roman numerals, rocaille feet with female heads. Régence style, mid-19th century. H. 130 cm. W. 52 cm. D. 21 cm. DKK 35,000 / € 4,700

248 A set of six French Louis XIV giltwood armchairs, each with high backs profiled frame with curved vo- lute armrests, cabriole legs joined by stretcher. Early 18th century. Gilding renewed. Upholstered with embossed velvet brocade. (6) DKK 60,000 / € 8,050 247



895_antik_s211-282_moblerOGtaepper.indd 227 14/05/2020 17.28 228 MORE PHOTOS AND DETAILS AT BRUUN-RASMUSSEN.DK

895_antik_s211-282_moblerOGtaepper.indd 228 14/05/2020 17.28 249

249 A large Italian monumental marble console with red Breccia marble top and white marble supports inlaid with polychrome marbles, each in the shape of Sphinx and terminated by a lion's paw. Probably Genovese, 19th century. H. 96 cm. L. 247 cm. W. 73 cm. Sold at Christie's, Paris. Le Goût français dont « Le Pa- villon de Ribourg », lot 217, from an appartment dec- orated by famous photographer and interior designer Alberto Pinto (1943-2012). DKK 200,000-250,000 / € 27,000-33,500 Detail of red Breccia marble top.


895_antik_s211-282_moblerOGtaepper.indd 229 14/05/2020 17.28 250

250 An antique carpet, North West Persia. A rare styl- ized square medallion surrounded by highly stylized en- twined branches and leaves on an ivory field. 1880-1900. 370 x 295 cm. DKK 75,000 / € 10,000


895_antik_s211-282_moblerOGtaepper.indd 230 14/05/2020 17.28 251

251 A large French Louis XV style gilt bronze cartel clock adorned with cupid driving his dove-drawn chariot above an undulating pierced foliate panelled case with a figure of the resting Psyche, white enam- el dial with hours in Roman numerals and seconds in Arabic numerals, pierced gilt-bronze scrolling hands. The dial marked 'Bertoul a Paris'. C. 1870. H. 98 cm. W. 60 cm. This impressive clock is after the celebrated model by Jacques Caffieri dating from circa 1745, now in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, and illustrated in Tardy, "La Pendule Française des origines au Louis XV", Vol. I, p. 190, fig. 1. DKK 50,000 / € 6,700


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895_antik_s211-282_moblerOGtaepper.indd 232 14/05/2020 17.28 252 A French Louis XV style gilt bronze and rock crys- tal chandelier, open cage-shaped frame with six S-scrolled branches, floral-shaped drip-pans and nozzles hung with large apple-shaped drops and smaller facet cut. Mid-19th century. H. 74 cm. Diam. 48 cm. DKK 30,000 / € 4,000

253 A French Louis XV style gilt bronze and rock crys- tal chandelier, open cage-shaped frame with six S-scrolled branches, floral-shaped drip-pans and nozzles hung with large pear-shaped drops and smaller facet cut. Mid-19th century. H. 74 cm. Diam. 48 cm. DKK 30,000 / € 4,000

254 A Louis XV rosewood marquetry commode with flo- ral pattern, curved sides and front with two drawers, curved burgundy marble top. Paris, 18th century. H. 85 cm. W. 98 cm. D. 50 cm. DKK 15,000-20,000 / € 2,000-2,700

255 FRANÇOIS AGERON b. Arbigny , d. Paris A large Louis XV console clock of oak with gilt bronze mounting, the chapter ring with white enamel plaques and black Roman numbers. The dial and movement signed 'François Ageron'. Mid-18th century. H. 139 cm. W. 44 cm. D. 24 cm. François Ageron became a 'maître horloger' in 1741 and is recorded as working in the Place Dauphine in 255 Paris. Alongside other important clockmakers he used some of the leading Parisian bronziers of the day in- cluding Robert Osmond, Jacque Caffieri and Jean-­ Joseph de Saint-Germain. Ageron also received royal commissions, and a bracket clock with a movement by Ageron is recorded in a 1787 inventory of the Apparte- ments de la Reine at Versailles. Literature: Pierre Verlet, Les Bronze Dorés Français du XVIIIe siècle, Paris 1987, p.460. DKK 40,000 / € 5,350


895_antik_s211-282_moblerOGtaepper.indd 233 14/05/2020 17.28 256

256 An antique Heriz carpet, North West Persia. All over styl- ized rosette, palmette, entwined branch and foliage design. C. 1910. 540 x 380 cm. DKK 60,000 / € 8,050


895_antik_s211-282_moblerOGtaepper.indd 234 14/05/2020 17.28 257

257 A Fereghan-Sarouk palace carpet, Persia. An impressive oversize medallion design on a blue field of flowering vines, rosettes and foliage. C. 1940. 707 x 437 cm. DKK 50,000 / € 6,700


895_antik_s211-282_moblerOGtaepper.indd 235 14/05/2020 17.28 258



895_antik_s211-282_moblerOGtaepper.indd 236 14/05/2020 17.28 260

260 A set of twelve white painted Gustavian chairs after model by the Stockholm chairmaker Ephraim Ståhl (1794-1820), each back carved with female Egyp- tian busts and foliage. Sweden, late 18th century. (12) The chairs are made after design by the Stockholm 258 chair-maker Ephraim Ståhl, (1767-1820). He was born A Gustavian giltwood mirror adorned with carvings in Finland and became master in Stockholm in 1794. and blue decoration, the frame with porphyry glass. His production was large and of noticeable quality, and Stockholm, late 18th century. H. 156 cm. W. 73 cm. he worked mostly in the late Gustavian style and the DKK 25,000 / € 3,350 Swedish Empire style. The design is predominantly Ne- oclassical. His furniture was in very high demand, and 259 his workshop furnished numerous castles and manor A free-standing Gustavian giltwood console with houses with chairs and couches. 'faux' marble top and porphyry painted glass. Late 18th century. H. 75 cm. L. 112 cm. W. 62 cm. Literature: Torsten Sylvén, 'Stolens guldalder', 2003, DKK 15,000-20,000 / € 2,000-2,700 p. 203-204. DKK 80,000 / € 10,500


895_antik_s211-282_moblerOGtaepper.indd 237 14/05/2020 17.28 261

261 A large emerald green glass, gilt brass and bronze hall lantern with one internal light, adorned with prisms. 19th century. H. 105 cm. Diam. 45 cm. DKK 35,000 / € 4,700

262 A French Louis XVI gilt and patinated bronze and white marble mantel clock with white enamel dial signed 'P. Brisson Paris' (probably the clockmak- er Louis-Pierre Brisson, master in 1775), later free swinging pendulum. Late 18th century. H. 65 cm. W. 47 cm. D. 13 cm. DKK 20,000 / € 2,700 262


895_antik_s211-282_moblerOGtaepper.indd 238 14/05/2020 17.29 263

263 An Italian Florentine Louis XVI giltwood center table with a yellow Sienna marble top above an 'a la Grecque' carved , on square tapering and fluted legs. Late 18th and early 19th century. H. 86 cm. W. 166 cm. D. 87 cm. Provenance: The Danish Asiatic Company at Strandgade 25, Copenhagen. The main building designed by Architect Philip de Lange (b. 1704- d. 1766).

Literature: Similar table at Palazzo Pitti, Sala di Apollo in Galleria Palatina. I Mobili di Palazzo Pitti, Il primo periodo lorenses 1737-1799, Umberto Allemandi & Co. p. 114-115. DKK 50,000 / € 6,700


895_antik_s211-282_moblerOGtaepper.indd 239 14/05/2020 17.29 240 MORE PHOTOS AND DETAILS AT BRUUN-RASMUSSEN.DK

895_antik_s211-282_moblerOGtaepper.indd 240 14/05/2020 17.29 264

François Rémond (circa 1747-1812) was along with 264 Pierre Gouthière one of the most important Parisian FRANCOIS RÉMOND metalworkers and bronze gilders of the last third of the b. 1747, d. 1812 18th century. He began his apprenticeship in 1763 and A pair of exceptional Louis XVI patinated bronze became a master chaser-gilder in 1774. His great talent mermaid candelabra, each with two mermaids hold- quickly won him a wealthy clientele, including certain ing gilt bronze garlands of foliage and fruits, sitting members of the Court. Through the marchand-mercier on the edge of the white marble vase in the upper Dominique Daguerre, François Rémond was involved in part of a band with a frieze of interlacing and alter- furnishing the homes of most of the important collec- nating palms, resting on a pedestal with cut base, tors of the late 18th century, supplying them with ex- the white marble vase surmounted by stem adorned ceptional clock cases, firedogs, and candelabra. These with leaves surmounted by flowers for the nozzles. elegant and innovative pieces greatly contributed to his Paris, c. 1783-1784. H. 85 cm. (2) fame. DKK 175,000-200,000 / € 23,500-27,000


895_antik_s211-282_moblerOGtaepper.indd 241 14/05/2020 17.29 265

265 A pair of Louis XVI gilt bronze and white marble vases on tripod bases, cast with pine cones, ram’s heads and rosettes. Late 18th century. H. 47 cm. W. 20 cm. (2) DKK 40,000 / € 5,350

266 A signed Hereke full silk rug, Turkey. An all over design of linked entwined branches, palmettes, rosettes and foliage on an ivory field. Corner with Hereke signature mono­ gram. C. 1 million kn. pr. sqm. C. 1960. 225 x 155 cm. DKK 40,000 / € 5,350 266


895_antik_s211-282_moblerOGtaepper.indd 242 14/05/2020 17.29 267 RENACLE-NICOLAS SOTIAU b. Liège 1749, d. Paris 1791 A large Louis XVI lyre gilt bronze and white marble mantel clock. Signed 'Sotiau à Paris'. Late 18th cen- tury. H. 56 cm. W. 29 cm. D. 12 cm. Sotiau was a talented clockmaker in Paris and became a master in 1782. He acquired his clock cases from the best and most skillful artisans, often working with the bronze casters Pierre-Philippe Thomire and François Rémond. The excellent quality of his work won him the coveted title of “Horloger de Monseigneur le 267 Dauphin” (the Dauphin being the elder son of Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette).

Today Sotiau’s clocks may be found in the most im- portant international collections, such as the Walters Art Museum in Baltimore, the Frick Collection in New York, the Huntington Collection in San Marino and the Musée national du Château de Versailles, as well as the British and Spanish Royal Collections. DKK 60,000 / € 8,050


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268 MAISON MILLET ing 'meuble et bronze d'art, genre ancien et moderne.' A Louis XVI style rosewood marquetry and gilt The company won several awards in the series of exhi- bronze mounted display cabinet, front with a pair of bitions in London and Paris, such as the gold medal in glass doors. Signed 'Millet á Paris'. Third-quarter of the 1889 Paris Exposition Universelle, a Grand Prix in the 19th century. H. 172 cm. W. 120 cm. D. 44 cm. 1900 and three further diplomes d'honneur and four Maison Millet was established by Théodore Millet in médailles d'or for the furniture they produced. The firm 1853, and operated until 1902 from premises at 11, specialized in the Louis XV and XVI styles, though they Rue Jacques-Coeur, Paris, before relocating to 23, were acclaimed by their contemporaries for working Boulevard Beaumarchais. Maison Millet was a highly in their own modern style and were an active client of regarded furniture firm that was described as produc- François Linke. DKK 75,000 / € 10,000


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269 A French Louis XVI style mahogany and gilt bronze mounted lady's desk after model by Jean Henri Riesener (1735-1806), with brown gilt tooled leather top. 19th century. H. 75 cm. W. 95 cm. D. 60 cm. DKK 40,000 / € 5,350

270 A French Louis XVI mantel clock, white and black marble, gilt and patinated bronze, the movement with white enamel dial carried by obelisks and adorned with Roman warrior, free-swinging sunburst Apollo pendulum. Late 18th century. H. 58 cm. W. 44 cm. D. 19 cm. DKK 40,000 / € 5,350 270


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271 A Scagliola and bronze table, the circular blacktop inlaid with colourful shells, corals and pearls, tripod base with hoof endings. Mid-19th century. H. 69 cm. Diam. 61 cm. DKK 25,000 / € 3,350


895_antik_s211-282_moblerOGtaepper.indd 246 14/05/2020 17.29 272 A large brass gaslight in the French style with five large glass shades, modern black painted concave base and mounted for electricity. C. 1900. H. 285 cm. W. 80 cm. According to tradition from the Copenhagen restaurant Wivel, founded in 1880 by the merchant Mr Carl Chris- tian Wivel (1844-1922), placed at the corner of Tivo- li's newly erected facade building, which was designed by Richard Bergmann and Emil Blichfeldt. In 1931, the restaurant's name was changed from Wivel to Wivex. After several decades of great success as a restaurant, dance venue and nightclub, the place closed in 1964. DKK 30,000-40,000 / € 4,000-5,350

The interior of restaurant Wivel. 272


895_antik_s211-282_moblerOGtaepper.indd 247 14/05/2020 17.29 273 Sultanabad carpets are one of many famous carpet An important Sultanabad carpet, Arak area, central types originating in the Arak area of central . These Persia. A classical and outstanding Safavid design Western-influenced carpets are very different from the with a central medallion of entwined bands on a red Sarouk and Farahan carpets produced nearby. field with tree pattern surrounded by a wide grace- ful palmette blossom main border. Sultanabad was built on the remains of earlier settle- ments with the majority of construction efforts occur- The design dates back to the "carpets of the great ring between the late 1700s and mid-1800s. period", from the Shah Tahmasp I reign (1514- 1576). The design of the present example is a com- The county quickly gained a reputation for its arts, crafts bination of the mid-16th century Schwarzenberg and cultural industries, including ceramics, metalwork- ‘Paradise Park’ carpet at MIAQ (Museum of Islamic ing and rug production, including the development of a Art in Doha, Qatar) and the border of the Persian unique antique rug style. Historical documents suggest mid-16th century ‘Salting group Tiger carpet’ from the area played an important role in the commerciali- the Poldi Pezzoli Museum, Milan, inv. no. 424. zation of the rug industry as early as the 17th century.

Wool on cotton foundation, executed with a clear The region’s reputation for producing high-quality rugs and colourful natural colour palette. App. 200.000 and carpets led to a fortuitous decision by the foreign kn. pr. sqm. Late 19th century. 520 x 420 cm. export firm Ziegler and Co., who decided to establish workshops in the Sultanabad area sometime around Among the various types of late nineteenth-centu- 1883. This move gave Ziegler more control over their ry Persian room-size rugs that grew out of the grand product and overseas profits. tradition of classical era Safavid carpets, Sultanabads tend to stand apart for a number of reasons. Safavid The firm’s innovative marketing and product develop- Persian carpets were often monumental in size, but ment strategies led to partnerships with designers from their designs tended to be finely detailed with count- the prestigious Liberty of London department store as less curves, and the component motifs were relatively well as B. Altman and Company of New York. These de- small in comparison to the size of the field. signers revamped Safavid patterns from the 1500s and 1600s to suit Western tastes. Their formula centered on adapting and redrawing these elegant designs in a new selection of colours. DKK 350,000 / € 47,000


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895_antik_s211-282_moblerOGtaepper.indd 249 14/05/2020 17.29 274 JULES FOSSEY, PIERRE FRANÇOIS FEUCHÈRE b. 1806, d. 1858, b. 1737, d. 1823 A French Louis XVI portal-shaped marble and gilt bronze mantel clock with white enamel dial, signed 'FEUCHERE & FOSSEY FTS DE BRONZES'. Early 19th century. H. 48 cm. W. 25 cm. D. 16 cm. DKK 25,000 / € 3,350

275 274 An Empire gilt bronze gallery ornament probably from a 'surtout de table' adorned with openwork vases, foliage, lions and three porcelain plaques decorated with polychrome flowers. France, early 19th century. H. 14 cm. L. 73 cm. DKK 20,000 / € 2,700



895_antik_s211-282_moblerOGtaepper.indd 250 14/05/2020 17.29 Jean-André Reiche, “Portefaix”, 276 Musée des Arts décoratifs.

276 "Portefaix" a French gilt and patinated bronze mantel clock, after a design by bronzier Jean-André Reiche (1752-1817), the round enamel dial is set into a case resembling a woven basket or a bundle of cotton borne on the back of a male figure with The preparatory drawing of the clock registered in enamel eyes, bare torso and a water gourd hanging early 1808 by the talented Parisian artist and bronzier from his belt, he wears a hat and carries a bam- Jean-André Reiche is in the Musée des Arts décoratifs boo cane in one hand while holding a letter in the in Paris. other. The oval base is adorned with the motif of a monkey swinging from a cord stretched between Literature: Elke Niehüser, Die französische Bronzeuhr, two palm trees, and the sides are decorated with Munich 1997, no. 240. parakeets in palm trees. Signed 'á Paris'. Early 19th Tardy, Paris 1969, vol. II, p. 358. century. H. 39 cm. DKK 70,000 / € 9,400


895_antik_s211-282_moblerOGtaepper.indd 251 14/05/2020 17.29 279 A signed antique , South East Persia. A Kerman adaptation of the classical Persian gar- den design, the watercourses edged with narrow flower borders enclosing Oriental Plane trees and flower beds, within a border of rosettes and botehs. Signed: Tashavongiyan(Armenian family in Persia). Executed in soft natural colours. Early 20th century. 525 x 347 cm. The earliest style of garden, or perhaps more accurately ‘pleasure garden’ we know about is the Islamic or mo- gal garden, dating from the eighth century. These were based on the Persian paradise garden and the most important elements were water, sanctuary and shade which provided a refuge from the daily trials of nomad- ic desert life. Its form, copied in patterns, was based on the four rivers of life which divided the garden into quarters. DKK 70,000 / € 9,400


277 An antique , North West Persia. A fine classical small size well-drawn medallion design executed with the finest sense of natural colour combination. C. 1900. 195 x 165 cm. DKK 25,000 / € 3,350

278 An antique Kashan Mohtasham silk rug, Persia. Slightly stylized medallion design. Early 20th cen- tury. 194 x 132 cm. The famous Kashani "Mohtasham" workshop was founded by the master weaver Haji Mollah Moham- mad Hassan Mohtasham in c. 1845 and continued by his two sons after he retired in the mid-1880s. The of the Mohtasham workshop is associat- ed with carpets of the highest quality within Persian workshop pieces. For more information on Mohtasham carpets, see: Siawosch Azadi’s article ‘The Mark of Mohtasham’. HALI, Issue 160, 2009, pp. 66-73. DKK 20,000 / € 2,700 278


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895_antik_s211-282_moblerOGtaepper.indd 253 14/05/2020 17.29 Jean-Simon Deverberie, drawing of the “L’Amérique” clock, Paris 1799, Bibliothèque Nationale de France.

Literature: Tardy II, Pendules Francaises, p. 246. Elke Niehüser, French Bronze clocks, p. 147–149 and no. 280 808, p. 235. H. Ottomeyer, P. Pröschel et al., Vergoldete JEAN HENRI HUNZIKER Bronzen, Munich 1986, vol I, p. 381, fig. 5.15.28. b. Aarau, Switzerland 1778, d. Paris 1832 L'Amérique, a Directoire gilt and patinated bronze The Swiss-born clockmaker Jean Henri Hunziker allegorical mantel clock 'au bon sauvage' with fig- worked in Paris from around 1800 to 1820, based at ure personifying America. The case, after a design Rue de Bussi 22. dated 1799 by Jean-Simon Deverberie (b. 1784–d. 1824), is surmounted by the seated female figure of After a design dated 1799 by Jean-Simon Deverberie a half-draped huntress with a bow in her right hand (1784–1824) which is preserved in the Bibliothèque and a quiver of arrows slung across her back, an al- Nationale, Paris. ligator lying at her feet. The waisted base is mount- ed with serpent-tied floral garlands and a beaded This clock and others with similar themes appeared at border, raised on gilt bronze toupie feet. The dial the end of the 18th century in response to the appeal of signed 'Hunziker á Paris'. France, c. 1800-1815. Jean-Jacques Rousseau's idealized “homme naturel”. H. 48 cm. W. 37 cm. D. 17 cm. DKK 250,000 / € 33,500


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895_antik_s211-282_moblerOGtaepper.indd 255 14/05/2020 17.29 281 A Danish Royal Empire crystal, gilt bronze and brass chandelier, adorned with eight candleholders divid- ed by figures in the shape of putti. Early 19th cen- tury. H. 98 cm. Diam. 56 cm. According to tradition, the chandelier was a wedding gift from the Danish King Frederick VIII (1843-1912), to his son Prince Harald and his daughter-in-law Princess Helena Adelaide of Schleswig-Holstein-Son- derburg-Glücksburg, on 28 April 1909 at Glücksborg Castle. DKK 20,000-25,000 / € 2,700-3,350


282 A French Empire Retour d'Egypte dressing mirror, mahogany frame with gilt bronze ornaments in the shape of female Egyptian busts and foliage. Early 19th century. H. 200 cm. W. 105 cm. D. 68 cm. 282 Provenance: The manor house Holckenhavn, Funen. DKK 15,000-20,000 / € 2,000-2,700


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283 A signed full silk Qum carpet, Persia. Flower vase and rose design on a blue field. Signed: Bafte Iran Ghom Monadi. C. 950.000 kn. pr. sqm. C. 1960. 354 x 241 cm. DKK 50,000 / € 6,700


895_antik_s211-282_moblerOGtaepper.indd 257 14/05/2020 17.29 284 A pair of French Empire gilt and patinated bronze candelabra, each adorned with female figure hold- ing three candleholders aloft, on a cone-shaped base. Early 19th century. H. 56 cm. W. 22 cm. (2) DKK 25,000 / € 3,350

285 A pair of elegant late Gustavian giltwood and paint- 284 ed 'demi lune' consoles with white marble tops and legs in the shape of lion monopodia. Stockholm, early 19th century. H. 87 cm. W. 68 cm. D. 40 cm. (2) DKK 60,000 / € 8,050



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286 A Tabriz carpet, Persia. A highly decorative all over large linked palmette design on an ivory field. First half 20th century. 392 x 298 cm. DKK 40,000 / € 5,350


895_antik_s211-282_moblerOGtaepper.indd 259 14/05/2020 17.29 287 A Swedish Rococo giltwood mirror adorned with open- work carved C-scrolls and foliage, facet-cut mirror glass. Stockholm, mid-18th century. H. 142 cm. W. 62 cm. DKK 25,000 / € 3,350

288 A Swedish stone top table with profiled top of Komstad stone, the lower part of blue painted oak and pine- wood with baluster-shaped legs joined by X-shaped stretcher, later drawer. Scania, 18th/19th century. H. 79 cm. L. 181 cm. W. 80 cm. DKK 50,000 / € 6,700




895_antik_s211-282_moblerOGtaepper.indd 260 14/05/2020 17.30 289 A Swedish Rococo chandelier, cage-shaped gilt brass frame with six candle holders, decorated with cut glass stars and prisms. Stockholm, mid-18th centu- ry. H. 83 cm. Diam. 56 cm. DKK 45,000-50,000 / € 6,050-6,700

290 A set of twelve almost identical Swedish Rococo chairs, later grey painted, each with arched back with profiled back splat, curved drop-in seat and cabriole legs joined by stretcher. Stockholm, mid- 18th century. (12) DKK 60,000 / € 8,050 289



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291 An antique Kasak rug, Caucasus. A classical tri- ple medallion design surrounded by Z-form main border. 1890-1910. 275 x 148 cm. DKK 18,000 / € 2,400

292 An antique Gendje rug, Caucasus. Design with diag- onal stripes in different colours surrounded by crab main border. Several details with animal motifs and human figures. 19th century. 228 x 126 cm. DKK 35,000 / € 4,700 292


895_antik_s211-282_moblerOGtaepper.indd 262 14/05/2020 17.30 293 Two garden figures, painted on wooden boards. First half 18th century. H. 117 cm and 97 cm. (2) Provenance: The Swedish noble family Bjelke, known since the mid-15th century, at Sturefors Castle in Östergötland. DKK 18,000 / € 2,400


294 A narrow Danish Rococo walnut and giltwood bow- front cupboard with curved Carrara marble top, front with door enclosing shelves. Mid-18th century. H. 89 cm. W. 62 cm. D. 40 cm. 294 DKK 20,000 / € 2,700


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295 296 A pair of Gustavian oval giltwood mirrors, carved A large Gustavian painted sideboard with later white with pearl borders, openwork bows and foliage, marble top above carved rosettes and festoons, ta- each with twin brass candle holder. Stockholm, late pering round fluted legs. Sweden, late 18th century. 18th century. H. 64 cm. W. 46 cm. (2) H. 86 cm. L. 140 cm. D. 70 cm. DKK 35,000 / € 4,700 DKK 40,000 / € 5,350



895_antik_s211-282_moblerOGtaepper.indd 264 14/05/2020 17.30 297 PETER GREEN b. Liverpool 1706, d. Åbenrå 1795 A Danish musical oak case longcase clock, gilt brass dial with openwork corner ornaments, engraved centre with minute dial and calendar, painted moon phase to the arch, the movement with six bells and large striking bell. The dial signed 'Peter Green Apenrade'. South Jutland, c. 1780. H. 225 cm. W. 55 cm. D. 30 cm. Among the best-known of the Danish clockmakers is Green of Aabenraa, or 'Apenrade', as the signature is written on the clocks. The family can be traced back to the English clockmaker Peter Green, who emigrated with his wife and children from Liverpool to Aabenraa, around 1745 and worked there until his death in 1795. He had two sons, William and Jonathan, who also be- came clockmakers in Aabenraa and finally William Green had a son, Jakob Green, who continued making clocks until his death in 1847. The Green clocks span a period of more than a century, but only the clocks from the first 50–60 years are of a high standard.

Literature: D. Yde Andersen: Bornholmer og andre gamle ure, Borgens Forlag, 1974. DKK 40,000 / € 5,350



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298 299 A pair of Swedish black painted commodes deco- A Swedish table with top of Öland stone the lower rated with 'à la grecque' borders, ornaments and part of later painted oak, front with drawer, square imitated stone tops. Gustavian style, 20th century baluster-shaped legs joined by stretcher. Mid-19th and later. H. 77 cm. W. 101 cm. D. 49 cm. (2) century and later. H. 76 cm. L. 128 cm. W. 62 cm. DKK 25,000 / € 3,350 DKK 25,000-30,000 / € 3,350-4,000




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300 A pair of Gustavian style painted vitrine cupboards with two glass doors enclosing shelves, the lower part with four drawers. Late 19th century with later additions. H. 232 cm. W. 87 cm. D. 47 cm. (2) DKK 40,000 / € 5,350


895_antik_s211-282_moblerOGtaepper.indd 267 14/05/2020 17.30 301 A Gustavian gilt brass and bronze, crystal chandelier with six lights and one internal light. Sweden, late 18th century. H. 100 cm. Diam. 79 cm. DKK 35,000 / € 4,700

301 302 A large Gustavian giltwood sofa with ornamental carvings and borders, covered in yellow striped silk, standing on eight round fluted legs. Stockholm, late 18th century. H. 105 cm. L. 200 cm. D. 65 cm. DKK 20,000 / € 2,700



895_antik_s211-282_moblerOGtaepper.indd 268 14/05/2020 17.30 Jens Juel, Portrait of Louise Augusta of Denmark, C. 1785. Residenzmuseum im Celle Schloss.


303 Louise Augusta in 1843 the bureau passed to her la- A Danish Louis XVI mahogany bureau cabinet with dy-in-waiting, Henriette Hattensen, in whose family it two doors flanked by corner quarter columns, gilt has been passed down. One instance of this was that bronze capitals and bases, fall front enclosing fit- it remained for 56 years in the home of the writer and ted interior, inlaid with rosettes and strips of light librarian Julius Clausen, until acquired by the present wood. Late 18th century. H. 225 cm. W. 125 cm. D. owner. Written material is included: "Minderige mø- 61 cm. bler", undated newspaper clipping, Politikken. "Et brev According to information, the bureau once belonged fra Julius Clausen til Vigge Friderichsen, 1950" also a to Princess Louise Augusta, the daughter of Caroline print of posten i rex, Det Kongelige Biblioteks database. Mathilde and Struensee, and was moved to Augusten- Article on Julius Clausen, Dansk Biografisk Leksikon, borg Castle on her marriage in 1786 to the Duke of newest edition. Slægtstavlesamlingen (Collection of Augustenborg, Frederik Christian. On the death of family trees), 1932. DKK 40,000 / € 5,350


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304 A late Gustavian mahogany commode with three brass lined drawers and top of Älvdalen porphyry. Sweden, early 19th century. H. 91 cm. W. 104 cm. D. 50 cm. Älvdalen porphyry works was in the period 1818-1856 owned by the Swedish royal fam- ily. Among important works from Älvdalen is the Rosendal Palace vase and the sarcoph- agus of Karl XIV Johan in The Riddarholm Church, Stockholm. DKK 25,000 / € 3,350

305 A Baktiari room size carpet, Persia. A modern version of the classical "Garden of paradise" design. C. 2000. 585 x 395 cm. Provenance: A Danish manor house. DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 305


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306 PIETRO CHIAPPARELLI A patinated bronze figure of 'The dancing faun' on an oval marble base, Grand Tour Souvenier. Signed 'Po Chiapparelli Fe Roma'. Italy, late 19th century. H. 90 cm. L. 42 cm. W. 30 cm. The original figure of the faun was dug up in Pompeii in 1830 and acquired its fame almost instantly. Its find- spot was named after it — the House of the Faun. DKK 30,000-40,000 / € 4,000-5,350


895_antik_s211-282_moblerOGtaepper.indd 271 14/05/2020 17.30 307 A Danish West Indian four-poster mahogany bed, the four posters carved with twisted profiles, curved headboard with rosettes, footboard with turned rods. St. Croix, c. 1820-1840. H. 233 cm. L. 223 cm. W. 184 cm. Mattress measurements L. 205 cm. W. 157 cm. DKK 40,000 / € 5,350



895_antik_s211-282_moblerOGtaepper.indd 272 14/05/2020 17.30 308 A large 24 light glass chandelier with curved glass candle arms in two levels adorned with prisms in chains and large drop-shaped prisms. Mounted for electricity. Late 19th century. H. 97 cm. Diam. 120 cm. DKK 20,000 / € 2,700


309 An antique Shirvan rug, Caucasus. All over styl- ized flowers in lattice design, top with two cocks and several minor animal motifs surrounded by a stepped border. 1890-1910. 214 x 129 cm. DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 309


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310 A French gilt and patinated bronze twelve light chan- delier, centred by a large tazza issuing twelve leaf- sheathed and scrolled arms, each set on the outside with a female mask with a floral headband, electrified. Charles X style, 20th century. H. 110 cm. Diam. 60 cm. DKK 50,000 / € 6,700


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311 A pair of white marble and gilt bronze mounted vases after model by Ferdinand Barbedienne (1810– 1892). 20th century. H. 54 cm. (2) DKK 50,000 / € 6,700

312 WASSMUS FRÉRES A Napoleon III marquetry rosewood marquetry and gilt bronze mounted cupboard with white marble top. Marked 'WASSMUS'. France, late 19th century. H. 94 cm. W. 84 cm. D. 42 cm. DKK 30,000 / € 4,000



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313 A Tehran carpet, Persia. Arch design with columns, trees, cypresses, flowers and foliage. 1930-1940. 295 x 215 cm. DKK 10,000-12,000 / € 1,350-1,600

314 A Tudeshk , Persia. An elegant all over de- sign of palmettes, rosettes, flowers and foliage on a red field. C. 800.000 kn. pr. sqm. C. 1950. 214 x 137 cm. Rug and carpets from the “Tudeshk” workshop are con- sidered to be the far most exclusive pieces from the Nain area. DKK 10,000-12,000 / € 1,350-1,600 314


895_antik_s211-282_moblerOGtaepper.indd 276 14/05/2020 17.31 315

315 JOSEPH-EMMANUEL ZWIENER b. Herdon 1849, d. Paris 1895 A French Louis XVI style rosewood parquetry lady's desk with gilt bronze lists and mounting, front with drawer inset with black laquer panel. Stamped 'E. Zwiener'. France, late 19th century. H. 75 cm. L. 120 cm. D. 72 cm. DKK 25,000 / € 3,350

316 A white Carrara marble figure, the Roman goddess Aurora, standing female figure with drapings, on a profiled plinth. Signed in Cyrillic 'r. BPOYTO, 1894'. Late 19th century. H. 204 cm. W. 39 cm. D. 39 cm. Provenance: Professor Dr Med. Louis Sigurd Fridericia (1881-1947) and his descendants. DKK 20,000-25,000 / € 2,700-3,350 316


895_antik_s211-282_moblerOGtaepper.indd 277 14/05/2020 17.31 317

317 A Sarouk rug, Persia. Arch design with columns, flower vase, cypresses and palmettes on a red field. Early 20th century. 198 x 132 cm. DKK 18,000 / € 2,400

318 A signed , Persia. Classical medallion de- sign. Signed: Iran Mohammad Horr. Knotted on silk warps. C. 750.000 kn. pr. sqm. C. 1960. 208 x 149 cm. DKK 10,000-12,000 / € 1,350-1,600 318


895_antik_s211-282_moblerOGtaepper.indd 278 14/05/2020 17.31 319 A large French gilt bronze and cut-glass 24-light chandelier. Late 19th century. H. 115 cm. Diam. 100 cm. DKK 25,000 / € 3,350


320 A large Louis Philippe gilt and patinated bronze mantel clock adorned with figure of Apollo with lyre and bow on red 'Griotte rouge' plinth. Paris, mid-19th century. H. 68 cm. W. 50 cm. D. 18 cm. € 320 DKK 25,000 / 3,350


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321 322 A Chinese carpet. Central design with Phoenix bird A Peking carpet, China. Decorative plain design with surrounded by classical Chinese symbolic ornaments central roundel with pagoda and flower branches on on a light blue field. First half 20th century. an open ivory field. First half 20th century. 351 x 276 cm. DKK 18,000 / € 2,400 524 x 272 cm. DKK 40,000 / € 5,350


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895_antik_s211-282_moblerOGtaepper.indd 281 14/05/2020 17.31 323 A Kashan carpet, Persia. All over flower vase design with bird motifs, branches and foliage. C. 1940. 353 x 263 cm. DKK 40,000 / € 5,350 323

324 324 A Danish bronze one pounder swivel gun pattern 1781 c 92 cm in total length incl. its "monkey tail" without visible markings. The cannon is most probably cast by J. C. Gamst around 1808. It was used on the naval gun- boats and around 1850 sold to the merchant marine as a signal cannon. DKK 15,000 / € 2,000


895_antik_s211-282_moblerOGtaepper.indd 282 14/05/2020 17.31 INDEX

A E Janssen, Luplau 55

Abildgaard, N. A., school of 14 Ender, Axel Hjalmar 52 Jensen, Georg 327, 330, 338 409, 472, 474 Ageron, François 255 F Aizelin, Sophie 17 Jensen, Hans 21 Fabergé, Carl 187, 188, 198 Als, Peder 7 Jensen, I. L. 93 Ferg, Franz de Paula 1 Ancher, Anna 38, 39 Jorn, Asger 475 Feuchère, Pierre François 274 Ancher, Michael 34 Juel, Jens 18, 23 Fischer, Paul 56, 61 35, 44, 46 K 80, 81, 84 Audemars Piguet 113, 127 Fossey, Jules 274 Karpov, Alexander Karpovich 186 Avercamp, Hendrick van, attributed Kornbeck, Peter 65 to 12 G Krøyer, P. S. 16, 28 Averin, Alexander Nicolajevich 189 Galien-Laloue, Eugène 59, 60 32, 37, 40 Garrard 354 B Kuznetsov Porcelain Factory 180 Georg Jensen & Wendel 494 Balen, Jan van, after 11 Kyhn, Vilhelm 20 Girard-Perregaux 121 Bell, David 366, 367 Grachev, Vasily Yakovlevich 190, 200 L Berel, Jean 184 Green, Peter 297 Berg, Nils 233 la Cour, Janus 78, 79 Gude, Hans Fredrik 29 Boucheron 340, 341 Lank 429 342, 343, 344 H Larsen, Emanuel 4 Larsson, Carl 48 349, 350, 351 Hammershøi, Svend 76 Linde, Hermann 75 353, 370, 371 Hammershøi, Vilhelm 41, 47 Lindhart, Ethan 432 372, 373, 374 Hansen, I. T. 67 Locher, Carl 71, 77 Bredal, Niels 3 Hartmann’s 339, 360, 362 Lundbye, Johan Thomas 51 Breguet 125 363, 375, 377 Lynggaard, Ole 325, 326, 328 Brendekilde, H. A. 36, 69, 83 378, 388, 397 329, 331, 332 Brünniche, Andreas 6 401, 427, 449 333, 334, 337 Bulgari 433, 439 451, 454, 473 420, 426, 434 C 492, 493, 501 435, 436, 437 Hentze, Gudmund 85 Carmiencke, Hermann 64 471, 496, 499 Hermès 513, 514 Cartier 101 Læssøe, Thorald 2, 66 Holmström, August 188 102, 383, 411 Holsøe, Carl 42, 43, 57 M 446, 507, 511 Hunziker, Jean Henri 280 Marstrand, Wilhelm 89 Chopard 505 Hörner, Johan 8 Melbye, Anton 30 Corrodi, Hermann David Salomon 50 Cramer, Peter 22 I Melbye, Vilhelm 73 Monies, David 88 D Ilsted, Peter 58, 70, 82 IWC 122 Mønsted, Peder 31 Dalsgaard, Christen 49 N Ditzel, Nanna 345 J Drachmann, Holger 25, 33 Jaeger-LeCoultre 128, 129, 134 Neogrady, Antal 53 Dulong, Marianne 421, 422, 425 Jankowski, Johan Wilhelm 72 Northcote, James 23


895_antik_slut.indd 357 14/05/2020 18.59 INDEX


Omega 97, 98 Thomsen, Emma 90, 91 Orlovsky, Vladimir Donatovich 182 Tiffany & Co. 380, 382, 414 Ortmann, Mathias 241 Tornøe, Wenzel 87 Ottesen, O. D. 92 Tudor 136 P Tuxen, Laurits 45

Pandora 335 V Panerai 108 Vuitton, Louis 515 Pasetti, Alfred 178 W Patek Philippe 103, 104 Wen, Wang 172 114, 116, 123 Weylandt, Camilla 428 126, 130, 131 Whitcombe, Thomas 27 Petzholdt, Fritz 54 WIN 356, 398 Philipsen, Theodor 62 Winston, Harry 107 Poussin, Nicolas, after 9 Precht, Burchard 245 Y

Purygin, Leonid 192 Yorke, William Howard 26 R Yunshan, Lu 155

Ring, L. A. 63, 74 Z Rolex 95, 96, 99 Zahrtmann, Kristian 68 100, 105, 106 Zwiener, Joseph-Emmanuel 315 109, 110, 111 112, 115, 117 118, 119, 120 124, 132, 135 Rémond, Francois 264 Rückert, Feodor 198 S

Safonov, Alexandr Petrovich 195 Schilder, Andrei Nikolaevich 196 Shamballa 368, 445 Sindberg, Ada(mine) 94 Skovgaard, P. C. 5 Smith, L. A. 19 Sondore, Anita 376 Sotiau, Renacle-Nicolas 267 Svart, Ruben 336 365, 423, 424 Syberg, Fritz 86


895_antik_slut.indd 358 14/05/2020 18.59 RUSSIAN ONLINE AUCTION Monday 15 June 2020



895_antik_slut.indd 359 14/05/2020 18.59 MODERN ART 16 - 17 June

Emil Nolde: “Mohnblumen” (Poppies). Signed Nolde. Watercolour on paper. Visible size 26 x 45.5 cm. Vurdering: DKK 600,000-800,000 / € 80,500-105,000.

895_antik_slut.indd 360 14/05/2020 18.59 DESIGN 18 June

Poul Kjærholm: “PK 25”. A pair of early and rare chairs with hand forged frames of matte chromed steel. Seat and back with flag halyard. Vurdering: DKK 600,000-800,000 / € 80,500-105,000.


895_antik_slut.indd 361 14/05/2020 18.59 362 MORE PHOTOS AND DETAILS AT BRUUN-RASMUSSEN.DK

Anonce_BR_2k_outline.indd 2 30/04/2020 15.52 Anonce_BR_2k_outline.indd 3 30/04/2020 15.52 895_antik_slut.indd 362 14/05/2020 18.59 BRUUN RASMUSSEN LIVE AUCTION 895 363

Anonce_BR_2k_outline.indd 2 30/04/2020 15.52 Anonce_BR_2k_outline.indd 3 30/04/2020 15.52 895_antik_slut.indd 363 14/05/2020 18.59 KØBSVILKÅR FOR TRADITIONELLE AUKTIONER LIVE BIDDING: B: Med betalings­/kreditkort (Dankort, Visa, MasterCard, Det er muligt at følge auktionen live og byde med via Maestro, Diners Club og JCB) på bruun­ bruun­ under købers personlige side. FORAUKTION: C: Via bankoverførsel til BRK’s konto i Danske Bank: Disse købsvilkår udgør Bruun Rasmussen Kunst­ Visse traditionelle auktioner indledes med en net­auktion. 4183 4310970638 · Swift/BIC: DABADKKK · IBAN: UNDER AUKTIONEN DK4130004310970638. auktioner A/S’ (“BRK”) købsvilkår for traditionelle De højeste bud på net­auktionen danner udgangspunktet på den efterfølgende traditionelle auktion. auktioner og er gældende fra 1. februar 2017. 4 BRK’S ROLLE 10 MOMSFRITAGELSE, -BETALING BRK kan til enhver tid ændre købsvilkårene. 4.1 Salget af en genstand formidles af BRK på vegne af EFTER AUKTIONEN OG -DEPONERING Ved bud accepterer budgiver/køber at være bundet af sælger. BRK afhænder altid udbudte genstande til den højst mulige pris under budgivningen. 10.1 Visse købere kan vælge hvilken momstype, der skal være de til enhver tid gældende købsvilkår, som fremgår 7 BELØB, DER TILLÆGGES HAMMERSLAGET 4.2 Udbudte genstande kan have en med sælger aftalt mindste­ gældende for handlen. Valget skal meddeles BRK senest to på bruun­ Købsvilkårene gælder både pris, hvorunder den ikke kan sælges. Denne pris er fortrolig. 7.1 I tillæg til hammerslaget, jf. punkt 5.3, skal køber for den hverdage efter købet og kan ikke omgøres. i forhold til erhvervsdrivende og forbrugere. 4.3 De traditionelle auktioner overværes af en af Justits­ enkelte genstand betale købersalær og, hvis betingelserne A: Momsregistrerede virksomheder i Danmark kan vælge, ministeriet beskikket auktionsleder, der sikrer, at er opfyldt, de øvrige beløb, der er nærmere beskrevet at handlen skal ske efter reglerne om fuldmoms, jf. auktionerne går retmæssigt for sig. nedenfor. Det samlede beløb, som køber skal betale til BRK, punkt 7.1.3. benævnes "købesummen". B: Momsregistrerede virksomheder i et andet EU­land kan 7.1.1 Købersalær: Hammerslaget tillægges et salær til BRK. På de fritages for dansk moms, når det kan dokumenteres, 5 BUDGIVNING traditionelle auktioner udgør salæret 24 % af hammerslaget at genstanden er transporteret til den udenlandske 5.1 Auktionerne afvikles i danske kroner. De tilnærmelsesvise + moms af salæret, i alt 30 %. For frimærker og mønter udgør salæret 20 % af hammerslaget + moms af salæret, i alt 25 %. adresse, som køber har oplyst over for BRK, og som er FØR AUKTIONEN beløb i euro/US dollar vil blive oplyst på skærme i anført på fakturaen. I sådanne tilfælde skal der afregnes auktionssalen og i øvrigt på opfordring. 7.1.2 "LIVE bidding": BRK's egen "LIVE bidding"­software via moms efter de gældende regler i det land, hvor køber er 5.2 Auktionarius bestemmer overbuds størrelse og i hvilket bruun­ er gratis at benytte for budgivere. momsregistreret. Det tilrådes at søge oplysning hos de Benyttes en "LIVE bidding"­software fra tredje part, 1 VURDERING AF GENSTANDE tempo, auktionen afvikles. Overbud stiger normalt med lokale myndigheder. Køber kan undlade at gøre brug af tillægges købersalæret en afgift på 3 % plus moms, der 5 % ­ 10 % i forhold til det foregående bud. Normalt muligheden for momsfritagelse og i stedet betale dansk 1.1 Alle udbudte genstande er vurderet af BRK. Vurderingen sælges der 50­100 katalognumre i timen. videregives til tredje part i sin helhed. er et skøn over det forventede hammerslag, jf. punkt 5.3. brugtmoms/fuldmoms. 5.3 Hammerslag betegner både det forhold, at auktionarius 7.1.3 Fuldmoms: Visse genstande handles efter de gældende Vurderingen er baseret på tidligere salg af samme type C: Købere med bopæl uden for EU kan fritages for dansk slår med hammeren og derved markerer budgivningens regler om fuldmoms. Her beregnes der moms på 25 genstande og erfaringer hos BRK. Hammerslag kan derfor moms, når det kan dokumenteres, at genstanden er afslutning, og den pris (budsum), den udbudte genstand % af både hammerslag og salær. Disse genstande er i falde højere eller lavere ud end vurderingen. sælges til. Se punkt 7 vedrørende beløb, der tillægges beskrivelsen i kataloget og på bruun­ mærket transporteret ud af EU. BRK udsteder så vidt muligt hammerslaget. med symbolet ”*” eller med teksten: ”Dette emne handles i og mod gebyr de fornødne eksportpapirer, som skal 2 BESKRIVELSE AF GENSTANDE fuldmoms”. fremvises ved toldmyndighederne. Køber kan undlade at 5.4 Køber er den budgiver, der opnår hammerslag. Ved gøre brug af muligheden for momsfritagelse og i stedet hammerslaget indgås på baggrund af disse købsvilkår en 7.1.4 Kunstnerafgift: Ifølge dansk lovgivning om ophavsret skal betale dansk brugtmoms/fuldmoms. 2.1 Udbudte genstande præsenteres med fotos og beskrivelse bindende købs­/salgsaftale. der opkræves kunstnerafgift (følgeretsvederlag) for værker i kataloger og på bruun­ Beskrivelsen fore­ af nyere danske og visse udenlandske kunstnere, som 10.2 Momsregistrerede virksomheder i et andet EU­land og tages efter bedste overbevisning af BRK og ud fra en nøje 5.5 Bydes på andres vegne, hæfter budgiver som selvskyldner­ enten er nulevende eller ikke har været døde i mere end kautionist for handlen. købere med bopæl uden for EU skal deponere den danske undersøgelse efter den på salgstidspunktet herskende 70 år. Kunstnerafgiften opkræves på vegne af VISDA. Disse moms af fakturabeløbet hos BRK, indtil eksporten er opfattelse blandt eksperter. 5.6 Genstande købes som beset, og køber har uanset budtype værker er i kataloget mærket med ”ARR” (Artist’s Resale gennemført på dokumenteret lovpligtig vis. Foretages ingen fortrydelsesret, heller ikke efter forbrugeraftaleloven. 2.2 De udbudte genstande er af en alder og art, der Right) og på bruun­ med teksten ”Dette emne eksporten af en af BRK godkendt speditør, skal momsen er belagt med kunstnerafgift”. Kunstnerafgiften tillægges bevirker, at de ofte er behæftede med slitage, mangler, 5.7 Budgiver skal efter anvisninger fra BRK identificere sig og ikke deponeres. Se listen over godkendte speditører på hammerslaget + salær (ekskl. moms), når beløbet overstiger beskadigelser og reparationer. Som udgangspunkt dokumentere sin betalingsdygtighed, f.eks. ved registrering bruun­ sælges alt som brugte genstande, og derfor indeholder af gyldigt betalings­/kreditkort, bankgaranti eller indbeta­ 300 euro, som angivet nedenfor: beskrivelsen i kataloget og på bruun­ ikke ling af depositum. Hammerslag + salær (ekskl. moms) Betalingssats en redegørelse for ovenstående punkter eller genstandens 5.8 BRK kan nægte at acceptere et bud, hvis en tilstrækkelig 300 ­ 50.000 euro 5% 11 OVERSKRIDELSE AF BETALINGSFRIST stand. sikkerhed for betaling mangler, eller hvis budgiver tidligere 50.000 ­ 200.000 euro 3% 11.1 Overskrides en betalingsfrist, herunder fristen i punkt 8, har misligholdt betalingsforpligtigelser ved køb hos BRK. 200.000 ­ 350.000 euro 1% 2.3 I visse tilfælde vælger BRK at beskrive en genstands opkræves morarenter, som beregnes efter Nationalbankens 350.000 ­ 500.000 euro 0.5% oprindelse. Det sker, hvis en tidligere ejer er offentlig 5.9 Auktionslederen træffer i samråd med auktionarius officielle udlånsrente + 8 % om året af det skyldige beløb. kendt, og/eller hvis historien om et tidligere ejerskab afgørelse i alle tvivlstilfælde omkring budgivningen. over 500.000 euro 0.25% belyser genstanden og dens art. Omvendt sker det også, Kunstnerafgiften kan ikke overstige 12.500 euro (ekskl. 11.2 Betales købesummen inkl. renter ikke senest ti dage efter, at sådanne informationer udelades fra beskrivelsen, moms) for den enkelte genstand. Afgiften skal betales i at der er fremsat påkrav herom, er BRK berettiget til at søge f.eks. for at imødekomme sælgers ønske om diskretion. 6 BUDTYPER danske kroner, og omregningskursen (EUR/DKK) fastsættes købesummen betalt ved modregning i depositum/ved træk 2.4 Vurderingen og beskrivelsen kan blive revideret forud 6.1 Der er følgende muligheder for at afgive bud: af VISDA. på bankgaranti eller at hæve købet. for auktionen. Ændringer offentliggøres på PERSONLIGT FREMMØDE: 7.1.5 Betalings­/kreditkortgebyr: BRK forbeholder sig ret til at 11.3 Hæves købet, er BRK berettiget til at sælge genstanden på bruun­ opkræve de af indløsningsselskaberne pålagte betalings­/ en ny auktion og kræve omkostningerne og en eventuel Registrering og udlevering af bydeskilt foregår ved kreditkortgebyrer. Satserne fremgår ved budgivning via difference mellem hammerslag (samt salær), der er opnået indgangen til auktionssalen. Når budgiver ønsker at byde, bruun­ og ved betaling. på de to auktioner, betalt af den misligholdende køber. 3 EFTERSYN signaleres dette til auktionarius ved at række bydeskiltet i vejret og tydeligt fremvise dets nummer. 11.4 Alle forfaldne krav (inkl. omkostninger), som ikke betales 3.1 Udbudte genstande udstilles op til auktionen i et KOMMISSIONSBUD: 8 BETALINGSFRIST rettidigt, kan BRK i tillæg til inkasso søge inddrevet på føl­ showroom hos BRK. Potentielle budgivere opfordres til at gende måder: se genstanden efter i detaljer og har selv ansvaret for at Det ønskede maksimale bud kan afgives via bruun­ 8.1 Købesummen forfalder til betaling ved hammerslaget, og køber forvisse sig om dens stand på disse eftersyn, hvor der også frem til auktionens start eller pr. e­mail, fax har herefter otte dage til at betale købesummen til BRK. A: For købers regning sælge genstande indleveret til er mulighed for at rådføre sig hos vurderingssagkyndige. eller telefon, så buddet er modtaget senest 24 timer forud auktion af eller på vegne af køber. Salget kan gennem­ for auktionens start. En kommissionær byder på budgivers føres uden hensyntagen til en aftalt mindstepris. 3.2 Hvis en potentiel køber ikke har mulighed for at besigtige vegne inden for rammerne af det ønskede maksimalbud og 9 BETALINGSMÅDER Genstande indleveret til auktion kan ikke kræves genstanden ved selvsyn, kan der i de fleste tilfælde ud ­ vil altid afgive lavest muligt overbud. udleveret, så længe forfalden gæld henstår ubetalt. færdiges en konditionsrapport. Beskrivelsen heri er fore­ 9.1 Betaling kan ske på følgende måder: taget efter BRK’s bedste overbevisning, men er ikke baseret TELEFONBUD: A: Med betalings­/kreditkort (Dankort, Visa, MasterCard, B: Inddrage købers tilgodehavende hos BRK, herunder på videnskabelige undersøgelser. En konditionsrapport I forhold til visse genstande er der mulighed for at blive Maestro, Diners Club, JCB og China UnionPay) eller tilgodehavende fra salg af genstande indleveret af eller tjener blot som identifikation og er ment som en hjælp ringet op af en medarbejder fra BRK, der vil byde på bud­ kontant (op til 49.999 kr.) i auktionssalen eller efter­ på vegne af køber, uanset om et sådant tilgodehavende til budgivere, der ikke selv har mulighed for at besigtige givers vegne under auktionen. Servicen kan bestilles via følgende i en afdeling hos BRK. Bemærk, at vi ikke stammer fra auktionssalg, som ligger forud for eller genstanden på eftersynet. bruun­ indtil tre timer før auktionens start. modtager 500­eurosedler. efter tidspunktet for købers misligholdelse.


koebsvilkaar895_antik_slut.indd pr. 04.20.indd 364 2-3 14/05/2020 18.59 14/05/2020 18.40 KØBSVILKÅR FOR TRADITIONELLE AUKTIONER LIVE BIDDING: B: Med betalings­/kreditkort (Dankort, Visa, MasterCard, Det er muligt at følge auktionen live og byde med via Maestro, Diners Club og JCB) på bruun­ bruun­ under købers personlige side. FORAUKTION: C: Via bankoverførsel til BRK’s konto i Danske Bank: Disse købsvilkår udgør Bruun Rasmussen Kunst­ Visse traditionelle auktioner indledes med en net­auktion. 4183 4310970638 · Swift/BIC: DABADKKK · IBAN: UNDER AUKTIONEN DK4130004310970638. auktioner A/S’ (“BRK”) købsvilkår for traditionelle De højeste bud på net­auktionen danner udgangspunktet på den efterfølgende traditionelle auktion. auktioner og er gældende fra 1. februar 2017. 4 BRK’S ROLLE 10 MOMSFRITAGELSE, -BETALING BRK kan til enhver tid ændre købsvilkårene. 4.1 Salget af en genstand formidles af BRK på vegne af EFTER AUKTIONEN OG -DEPONERING Ved bud accepterer budgiver/køber at være bundet af sælger. BRK afhænder altid udbudte genstande til den højst mulige pris under budgivningen. 10.1 Visse købere kan vælge hvilken momstype, der skal være de til enhver tid gældende købsvilkår, som fremgår 7 BELØB, DER TILLÆGGES HAMMERSLAGET 4.2 Udbudte genstande kan have en med sælger aftalt mindste­ gældende for handlen. Valget skal meddeles BRK senest to på bruun­ Købsvilkårene gælder både pris, hvorunder den ikke kan sælges. Denne pris er fortrolig. 7.1 I tillæg til hammerslaget, jf. punkt 5.3, skal køber for den hverdage efter købet og kan ikke omgøres. i forhold til erhvervsdrivende og forbrugere. 4.3 De traditionelle auktioner overværes af en af Justits­ enkelte genstand betale købersalær og, hvis betingelserne A: Momsregistrerede virksomheder i Danmark kan vælge, ministeriet beskikket auktionsleder, der sikrer, at er opfyldt, de øvrige beløb, der er nærmere beskrevet at handlen skal ske efter reglerne om fuldmoms, jf. auktionerne går retmæssigt for sig. nedenfor. Det samlede beløb, som køber skal betale til BRK, punkt 7.1.3. benævnes "købesummen". B: Momsregistrerede virksomheder i et andet EU­land kan 7.1.1 Købersalær: Hammerslaget tillægges et salær til BRK. På de fritages for dansk moms, når det kan dokumenteres, 5 BUDGIVNING traditionelle auktioner udgør salæret 24 % af hammerslaget at genstanden er transporteret til den udenlandske 5.1 Auktionerne afvikles i danske kroner. De tilnærmelsesvise + moms af salæret, i alt 30 %. For frimærker og mønter udgør salæret 20 % af hammerslaget + moms af salæret, i alt 25 %. adresse, som køber har oplyst over for BRK, og som er FØR AUKTIONEN beløb i euro/US dollar vil blive oplyst på skærme i anført på fakturaen. I sådanne tilfælde skal der afregnes auktionssalen og i øvrigt på opfordring. 7.1.2 "LIVE bidding": BRK's egen "LIVE bidding"­software via moms efter de gældende regler i det land, hvor køber er 5.2 Auktionarius bestemmer overbuds størrelse og i hvilket bruun­ er gratis at benytte for budgivere. momsregistreret. Det tilrådes at søge oplysning hos de Benyttes en "LIVE bidding"­software fra tredje part, 1 VURDERING AF GENSTANDE tempo, auktionen afvikles. Overbud stiger normalt med lokale myndigheder. Køber kan undlade at gøre brug af tillægges købersalæret en afgift på 3 % plus moms, der 5 % ­ 10 % i forhold til det foregående bud. Normalt muligheden for momsfritagelse og i stedet betale dansk 1.1 Alle udbudte genstande er vurderet af BRK. Vurderingen sælges der 50­100 katalognumre i timen. videregives til tredje part i sin helhed. er et skøn over det forventede hammerslag, jf. punkt 5.3. brugtmoms/fuldmoms. 5.3 Hammerslag betegner både det forhold, at auktionarius 7.1.3 Fuldmoms: Visse genstande handles efter de gældende Vurderingen er baseret på tidligere salg af samme type C: Købere med bopæl uden for EU kan fritages for dansk slår med hammeren og derved markerer budgivningens regler om fuldmoms. Her beregnes der moms på 25 genstande og erfaringer hos BRK. Hammerslag kan derfor moms, når det kan dokumenteres, at genstanden er afslutning, og den pris (budsum), den udbudte genstand % af både hammerslag og salær. Disse genstande er i falde højere eller lavere ud end vurderingen. sælges til. Se punkt 7 vedrørende beløb, der tillægges beskrivelsen i kataloget og på bruun­ mærket transporteret ud af EU. BRK udsteder så vidt muligt hammerslaget. med symbolet ”*” eller med teksten: ”Dette emne handles i og mod gebyr de fornødne eksportpapirer, som skal 2 BESKRIVELSE AF GENSTANDE fuldmoms”. fremvises ved toldmyndighederne. Køber kan undlade at 5.4 Køber er den budgiver, der opnår hammerslag. Ved gøre brug af muligheden for momsfritagelse og i stedet hammerslaget indgås på baggrund af disse købsvilkår en 7.1.4 Kunstnerafgift: Ifølge dansk lovgivning om ophavsret skal betale dansk brugtmoms/fuldmoms. 2.1 Udbudte genstande præsenteres med fotos og beskrivelse bindende købs­/salgsaftale. der opkræves kunstnerafgift (følgeretsvederlag) for værker i kataloger og på bruun­ Beskrivelsen fore­ af nyere danske og visse udenlandske kunstnere, som 10.2 Momsregistrerede virksomheder i et andet EU­land og tages efter bedste overbevisning af BRK og ud fra en nøje 5.5 Bydes på andres vegne, hæfter budgiver som selvskyldner­ enten er nulevende eller ikke har været døde i mere end kautionist for handlen. købere med bopæl uden for EU skal deponere den danske undersøgelse efter den på salgstidspunktet herskende 70 år. Kunstnerafgiften opkræves på vegne af VISDA. Disse moms af fakturabeløbet hos BRK, indtil eksporten er opfattelse blandt eksperter. 5.6 Genstande købes som beset, og køber har uanset budtype værker er i kataloget mærket med ”ARR” (Artist’s Resale gennemført på dokumenteret lovpligtig vis. Foretages ingen fortrydelsesret, heller ikke efter forbrugeraftaleloven. 2.2 De udbudte genstande er af en alder og art, der Right) og på bruun­ med teksten ”Dette emne eksporten af en af BRK godkendt speditør, skal momsen er belagt med kunstnerafgift”. Kunstnerafgiften tillægges bevirker, at de ofte er behæftede med slitage, mangler, 5.7 Budgiver skal efter anvisninger fra BRK identificere sig og ikke deponeres. Se listen over godkendte speditører på hammerslaget + salær (ekskl. moms), når beløbet overstiger beskadigelser og reparationer. Som udgangspunkt dokumentere sin betalingsdygtighed, f.eks. ved registrering bruun­ sælges alt som brugte genstande, og derfor indeholder af gyldigt betalings­/kreditkort, bankgaranti eller indbeta­ 300 euro, som angivet nedenfor: beskrivelsen i kataloget og på bruun­ ikke ling af depositum. Hammerslag + salær (ekskl. moms) Betalingssats en redegørelse for ovenstående punkter eller genstandens 5.8 BRK kan nægte at acceptere et bud, hvis en tilstrækkelig 300 ­ 50.000 euro 5% 11 OVERSKRIDELSE AF BETALINGSFRIST stand. sikkerhed for betaling mangler, eller hvis budgiver tidligere 50.000 ­ 200.000 euro 3% 11.1 Overskrides en betalingsfrist, herunder fristen i punkt 8, har misligholdt betalingsforpligtigelser ved køb hos BRK. 200.000 ­ 350.000 euro 1% 2.3 I visse tilfælde vælger BRK at beskrive en genstands opkræves morarenter, som beregnes efter Nationalbankens 350.000 ­ 500.000 euro 0.5% oprindelse. Det sker, hvis en tidligere ejer er offentlig 5.9 Auktionslederen træffer i samråd med auktionarius officielle udlånsrente + 8 % om året af det skyldige beløb. kendt, og/eller hvis historien om et tidligere ejerskab afgørelse i alle tvivlstilfælde omkring budgivningen. over 500.000 euro 0.25% belyser genstanden og dens art. Omvendt sker det også, Kunstnerafgiften kan ikke overstige 12.500 euro (ekskl. 11.2 Betales købesummen inkl. renter ikke senest ti dage efter, at sådanne informationer udelades fra beskrivelsen, moms) for den enkelte genstand. Afgiften skal betales i at der er fremsat påkrav herom, er BRK berettiget til at søge f.eks. for at imødekomme sælgers ønske om diskretion. 6 BUDTYPER danske kroner, og omregningskursen (EUR/DKK) fastsættes købesummen betalt ved modregning i depositum/ved træk 2.4 Vurderingen og beskrivelsen kan blive revideret forud 6.1 Der er følgende muligheder for at afgive bud: af VISDA. på bankgaranti eller at hæve købet. for auktionen. Ændringer offentliggøres på PERSONLIGT FREMMØDE: 7.1.5 Betalings­/kreditkortgebyr: BRK forbeholder sig ret til at 11.3 Hæves købet, er BRK berettiget til at sælge genstanden på bruun­ opkræve de af indløsningsselskaberne pålagte betalings­/ en ny auktion og kræve omkostningerne og en eventuel Registrering og udlevering af bydeskilt foregår ved kreditkortgebyrer. Satserne fremgår ved budgivning via difference mellem hammerslag (samt salær), der er opnået indgangen til auktionssalen. Når budgiver ønsker at byde, bruun­ og ved betaling. på de to auktioner, betalt af den misligholdende køber. 3 EFTERSYN signaleres dette til auktionarius ved at række bydeskiltet i vejret og tydeligt fremvise dets nummer. 11.4 Alle forfaldne krav (inkl. omkostninger), som ikke betales 3.1 Udbudte genstande udstilles op til auktionen i et KOMMISSIONSBUD: 8 BETALINGSFRIST rettidigt, kan BRK i tillæg til inkasso søge inddrevet på føl­ showroom hos BRK. Potentielle budgivere opfordres til at gende måder: se genstanden efter i detaljer og har selv ansvaret for at Det ønskede maksimale bud kan afgives via bruun­ 8.1 Købesummen forfalder til betaling ved hammerslaget, og køber forvisse sig om dens stand på disse eftersyn, hvor der også frem til auktionens start eller pr. e­mail, fax har herefter otte dage til at betale købesummen til BRK. A: For købers regning sælge genstande indleveret til er mulighed for at rådføre sig hos vurderingssagkyndige. eller telefon, så buddet er modtaget senest 24 timer forud auktion af eller på vegne af køber. Salget kan gennem­ for auktionens start. En kommissionær byder på budgivers føres uden hensyntagen til en aftalt mindstepris. 3.2 Hvis en potentiel køber ikke har mulighed for at besigtige vegne inden for rammerne af det ønskede maksimalbud og 9 BETALINGSMÅDER Genstande indleveret til auktion kan ikke kræves genstanden ved selvsyn, kan der i de fleste tilfælde ud ­ vil altid afgive lavest muligt overbud. udleveret, så længe forfalden gæld henstår ubetalt. færdiges en konditionsrapport. Beskrivelsen heri er fore­ 9.1 Betaling kan ske på følgende måder: taget efter BRK’s bedste overbevisning, men er ikke baseret TELEFONBUD: A: Med betalings­/kreditkort (Dankort, Visa, MasterCard, B: Inddrage købers tilgodehavende hos BRK, herunder på videnskabelige undersøgelser. En konditionsrapport I forhold til visse genstande er der mulighed for at blive Maestro, Diners Club, JCB og China UnionPay) eller tilgodehavende fra salg af genstande indleveret af eller tjener blot som identifikation og er ment som en hjælp ringet op af en medarbejder fra BRK, der vil byde på bud­ kontant (op til 49.999 kr.) i auktionssalen eller efter­ på vegne af køber, uanset om et sådant tilgodehavende til budgivere, der ikke selv har mulighed for at besigtige givers vegne under auktionen. Servicen kan bestilles via følgende i en afdeling hos BRK. Bemærk, at vi ikke stammer fra auktionssalg, som ligger forud for eller genstanden på eftersynet. bruun­ indtil tre timer før auktionens start. modtager 500­eurosedler. efter tidspunktet for købers misligholdelse.


koebsvilkaar pr. 04.20.indd 2-3 895_antik_slut.indd 365 14/05/2020 18.4018.59 12 AFHENTNING OG UDLEVERING hentes en CITES­reeksporttilladelse fra Naturstyrelsen, CONDITIONS OF PURCHASE – LIVE AUCTIONS når genstanden er omfattet af Washingtonkonven­ 12.1 Ejendomsretten til en købt genstand overgår til køber, tionen, CITES, liste 1 og 2. Denne eksporttilladelse kan når hele købesummen inkl. eventuelle renter og gebyrer normalt indhentes problemfrit, når liste 1­genstande er betalt, og først herefter kan udlevering af genstanden enten er solgt med et CITES­salgscertifikat eller er finde sted. færdigforarbejdet før 1947. Liste 2­genstande opnår These conditions of purchase represent Bruun Rasmus­ 4.2 Items up for auction can have a reserve price that has been 12.2 Ved udlevering af en købt genstand forbeholder BRK sig ligeledes normalt problemfrit en reeksporttilladelse. sen Kunstauktioner A/S’ (“BRK”) conditions of pur­ agreed upon with the seller. The price is confidential and retten til at kræve tilfredsstillende dokumentation for, the item cannot be sold below this price. D: I forbindelse med eksport til lande uden for EU kan at den person, som ønsker genstanden udleveret, enten chase for live auctions and are effective from 1 January særlige regler gøre sig gældende ifm. den efterfølgende 4.3 The live auctions are presided over by one of the Danish selv er køberen eller er bemyndiget af køberen til at få 2017. BRK may modify the conditions of purchase at import, og køber opfordres til at indhente oplysninger Ministry of Justice’s appointed auctioneers, en suring that genstanden udleveret. fra egne myndigheder. any time. the auctions proceed correctly and lawfully. 12.3 Udlevering af visse våben kræver forevisning af gyldig By bidding, the bidder/buyer accepts the current våbentilladelse. Sådant krav er angivet med teksten ”Køb af dette emne kræver forevisning af gyldig våbentilladelse” 15 MANGLER VED KØBTE GENSTANDE conditions of purchase as they appear on bruun­ 5 BIDDING i kataloget og på bruun­ 15.1 Købelovens mangelsregler kan finde anvendelse. Nedenfor The conditions of purchase are applicable 5.1 The currency used while the auctions take place is Danish 12.4 Købte genstande henligger fra hammerslaget for købers er angivet et ikke udtømmende uddrag af købers mangels­ to both business owners and consumers. kroner. The approximate amount in euro/US dollars is regning og risiko. Afhentning skal ske senest otte hverdage beføjelser. shown on screens in the saleroom and also on request. efter sidste auktionsdag. 15.2 Køber er berettiget til at annullere et køb, hvis beskrivelsen 5.2 The auctioneer determines the size of the bid increment 12.5 Foretages afhentningen ikke rettidigt, transporteres de har været behæftet med væsentlige fejl, der har ført til et BEFORE THE AUCTION and the pace of the auction. Bid increments usually rise by købte genstande til et lager for købers regning og risiko. højere hammerslag, end en korrekt beskrivelse ville have 5% ­ 10% compared to the previous bid. Approximately resulteret i. I sådanne tilfælde vil den samlede købesum Transporten koster 150 kr. inkl. moms pr. genstand, og 1 VALUATION OF ITEMS 50­100 auction lots are sold per hour. opbevaringen koster 150 kr. inkl. moms pr. genstand pr. blive refunderet. Køber kan ikke kræve betaling af renter af købesummen eller kræve dækning af anden udgift eller tab. 5.3 The hammer price refers both to the gavel used by the påbegyndt uge. Henligger en genstand uafhentet i så lang 1.1 All the offered items are valued by BRK. The valuation auctioneer that signifies the end of a bidding round on an tid, at lagerlejen overstiger genstandens værdi, er BRK 15.3 Et køb kan ikke annulleres, og køber kan ikke kræve is an estimate based on the expected hammer price, see item and to the price (bidding amount) that the item up berettiget til for købers regning og risiko og uden hensyn købesummen refunderet eller rejse noget andet krav mod paragraph 5.3. The estimate is based on the previous sale for auction is sold for. See paragraph 7 regarding amounts til mindstepris at bortauktionere genstanden eller sælge BRK, hvis beskrivelsen af genstanden er i overensstemmelse of similar items as well as BRK’s past experience. The added to the hammer price. med punkt 2, eller hvis en påvisning af falskneri havde hammer price can therefore be higher or lower than the den underhånden. Køber hæfter fortsat for udgifter til 5.4 The buyer is the bidder that submits the highest bid, there­ krævet brug af videnskabelige metoder, der enten ikke var estimated price. transport og lagerleje, der ikke dækkes ved sådant salg. by obtaining the hammer price. At the moment the tilgængelige på salgstidspunktet, havde været uforholds­ 12.6 I henhold til gældende hvidvasklovgivning skal køber i hammer price is determined, a binding purchase/sale agree­ mæssigt omkostningskrævende at anvende eller havde ført visse tilfælde udlevere identitetsoplysninger og fremvise 2 DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS ment is entered into based on these conditions of purchase. billed­id til BRK, før køber kan få den købte genstand i til beskadigelse af den pågældende genstand. 2.1 Items up for auction are presented with photographs and 5.5 If bids are made on behalf of others, the bidder serves as 15.4 Krav om annullering af et køb skal meddeles BRK, når sin besiddelse descriptions in catalogues and on bruun­ surety for the transaction. køber er blevet bekendt med det forhold, der berettiger The description is worded according to the best of BRK’s køber til at annullere købet, dog senest to år fra den 5.6 Items are purchased in their present state and condition, 13 FORSENDELSE knowledge and based on detailed research in accordance and regardless of the type of bidding the buyer has no seneste afhentningsdato efter punkt 12.4. Den købte with the prevailing views among experts at the time of sale. 13.1 Er køber forhindret i selv at afhente en genstand, tilbyder genstand skal returneres til BRK i samme stand som på right to cancel his purchase, neither under the Danish BRK for købers regning og risiko at emballere og arrangere hammerslagstidspunktet. Overholdes disse betingelser 2.2 The items up for auction are of an age and nature that Consumer Contracts Act. often mean that they are in a worn, repaired or damaged forsendelse enten med post eller speditør. Se punkt 12.2 ikke, mister køber retten til at annullere købet og kan ikke 5.7 Bidders are required, in accordance with BRK’s instructions, condition. As a starting point everything is sold as used angående legitimation. kræve købesummen refunderet. Køber er selv ansvarlig for to identify themselves and document their ability to pay, items. For this reason, the descriptions in the catalogue at betale de omkostninger, der er forbundet med returne­ or at bruun­ do not include a statement for instance by registration of a valid debit/credit card, 14 EKSPORTTILLADELSE ring af genstanden. regarding the above or the condition of the item. bank guarantee or a deposit. 14.1 For at sikre at dansk kulturarv af afgørende betydning 2.3 In some cases, BRK may choose to describe an item’s 5.8 BRK may refuse to accept a bid if a sufficient guarantee of forbliver i Danmark, kan Kulturværdiudvalget for visse 16 INDSIGELSES- OG ANSVARSBEGRÆNSNING provenance. Such a description is made if a former owner the bidder’s ability to pay is not provided, or if the bidder genstandes vedkommende nedlægge eksportforbud. Hvis 16.1 BRK tager forbehold for fejl, tekniske vanskeligheder samt is publicly known and/or if the story of previous ownership has previously defaulted on payment obligations on pur­ køber ønsker at eksportere en genstand ud af Danmark, udefrakommende misbrug eller forstyrrende påvirkning sheds further light on the item and its background. In chases from BRK. hvor der er nedlagt et eksportforbud, annulleres købet, og under auktionen. Budgivere kan ikke rejse noget krav mod other cases, such information is left out of the description, 5.9 The overseeing auctioneer will, in consultation with the Kulturværdiudvalget er forpligtet til at overtage genstand­ BRK som følge heraf. for instance to meet the seller’s wish for privacy. auctioneer at the podium, decide what to do in matters of en til den pris, der blev opnået på auktionen. Køber kan 16.2 Køber er i alle tilfælde selv ansvarlig for korrekt betaling 2.4 It is possible that the estimate and description are revised dispute concerning a bidding round. ikke rejse krav mod BRK som følge af, at et eksportforbud prior to the auction. Changes are published on BRK’s website. bliver nedlagt. af moms og andre afgifter, gebyrer mv. i overensstemmelse med danske og udenlandske regler. 14.2 Visse genstande er omfattet af Washingtonkonventionen, 6 TYPES OF BIDDING 16.3 Medmindre andet fremgår af disse købsvilkår, kan BRK 3 PREVIEW også kendt som CITES, der har til formål at stoppe ulovlig 6.1 Bidding options: aldrig blive ansvarlig for budgivers/købers driftstab, handel med genstande fremstillet af udryddelsestruede 3.1 Items up for auction are presented prior to the auction in avance tab, andre indirekte tab eller følgeskader. IN PERSON: vilde dyr og planter. Såfremt en genstand er omfattet af one of BRK’s showrooms. Potential bidders are encouraged Washingtonkonventionen, CITES, liste 1, vil det fremgå af to inspect the items closely and are responsible for Registration and obtaining the bidding paddle take place beskrivelsen på bruun­ og være markeret 17 PERSONDATAPOLITIK determining the condition of the items at these previews, at the entrance to the saleroom. When the bidder wishes to bid, it is signalled to the auctioneer on the podium by med symbolet ”” i kataloget. Følgende regler gør sig 17.1 Det er vigtigt for BRK at sikre fortrolighed og sikkerhed where they also have the opportunity to consult with the raising the bidding paddle in the air and clearly displaying gældende: omkring budgivers/købers personlige oplysninger. Person­ valuation experts. its number. A: Genstande omfattet af Washingtonkonventionen, datapolitikken fremgår af bruun­ 3.2 If a potential buyer does not have the opportunity to inspect CITES, liste 1, må kun handles, når der foreligger en the item personally, a condition report can be drafted in COMMISSION BIDS: dispensation i form af et såkaldt CITES­salgscertifikat. 18 KLAGE, TVISTLØSNING OG LOVVALG most cases. The description in this report has been made The intended maximum bid can be submitted via bruun­ BRK indhenter det fornødne certifikat fra Natur­ according to BRK's honest conviction but is not based until the start of the auction or by e­mail, styrelsen, der tillader handel og eksport til lande inden 18.1 Har budgiver/køber en klage, kan der altid rettes henvend­ on scientific studies. A condition report only serves as an fax or phone, so that the bid is received no later than 24 for EU. Dog kan genstande, som er færdigforarbejdet else til BRK. identification and is meant as an aid to bidders who do not hours prior to the start of the auction. A commission agent før 1947, frit handles inden for EU uden et certifikat. 18.2 Lykkes det ikke at finde en løsning, kan forbrugere sende en have the opportunity to inspect the item at the preview. bids on behalf of the bidder within the limits of the stated B: Det er alene genstande omfattet af Washington­ klage til Nævnenes Hus, Toldboden 2, 8800 Viborg, e­mail: maximum bid. The commission agent will always bid the konventionen, CITES, liste 1, som er særkilt markeret Forbrugere med bopæl i et andet EU­land DURING THE AUCTION lowest possible amount to achieve the hammer price. på bruun­ og i kataloget. Genstande end Danmark kan klage til EU­Kommissionens online klage­ TELEPHONE BID: omfattet af Washingtonkonventionen, CITES, liste 2, portal via hjemmesiden: 4 THE ROLE OF BRK With certain items it is possible to have a BRK employee der frit kan sælges og transporteres inden for EU, er 18.3 Tvister skal indbringes i Danmark ved Københavns Byret, call the bidder over the phone. The employee will then bid ikke særskilt markeret. jf. dog punkt 18.2. I forbrugerforhold gælder de ufravige­ 4.1 The sale of an item is facilitated by BRK on behalf of the on behalf of the bidder during the auction. The service can C: Ved eksport til lande uden for EU skal der uanset lige værnetingsregler. seller, and BRK always sells items up for auction at the be booked via bruun­ up until three hours årstallet for genstandens færdigforarbejdning altid ind Jesper Bruun Rasmussen, auktionsholder highest price offered during the bidding round. before the auction is set to begin. Rev. 05.20


koebsvilkaar895_antik_slut.indd pr. 04.20.indd 366 4-5 14/05/2020 18.59 14/05/2020 18.40 12 AFHENTNING OG UDLEVERING hentes en CITES­reeksporttilladelse fra Naturstyrelsen, CONDITIONS OF PURCHASE – LIVE AUCTIONS når genstanden er omfattet af Washingtonkonven­ 12.1 Ejendomsretten til en købt genstand overgår til køber, tionen, CITES, liste 1 og 2. Denne eksporttilladelse kan når hele købesummen inkl. eventuelle renter og gebyrer normalt indhentes problemfrit, når liste 1­genstande er betalt, og først herefter kan udlevering af genstanden enten er solgt med et CITES­salgscertifikat eller er finde sted. færdigforarbejdet før 1947. Liste 2­genstande opnår These conditions of purchase represent Bruun Rasmus­ 4.2 Items up for auction can have a reserve price that has been 12.2 Ved udlevering af en købt genstand forbeholder BRK sig ligeledes normalt problemfrit en reeksporttilladelse. sen Kunstauktioner A/S’ (“BRK”) conditions of pur­ agreed upon with the seller. The price is confidential and retten til at kræve tilfredsstillende dokumentation for, the item cannot be sold below this price. D: I forbindelse med eksport til lande uden for EU kan at den person, som ønsker genstanden udleveret, enten chase for live auctions and are effective from 1 January særlige regler gøre sig gældende ifm. den efterfølgende 4.3 The live auctions are presided over by one of the Danish selv er køberen eller er bemyndiget af køberen til at få 2017. BRK may modify the conditions of purchase at import, og køber opfordres til at indhente oplysninger Ministry of Justice’s appointed auctioneers, en suring that genstanden udleveret. fra egne myndigheder. any time. the auctions proceed correctly and lawfully. 12.3 Udlevering af visse våben kræver forevisning af gyldig By bidding, the bidder/buyer accepts the current våbentilladelse. Sådant krav er angivet med teksten ”Køb af dette emne kræver forevisning af gyldig våbentilladelse” 15 MANGLER VED KØBTE GENSTANDE conditions of purchase as they appear on bruun­ 5 BIDDING i kataloget og på bruun­ 15.1 Købelovens mangelsregler kan finde anvendelse. Nedenfor The conditions of purchase are applicable 5.1 The currency used while the auctions take place is Danish 12.4 Købte genstande henligger fra hammerslaget for købers er angivet et ikke udtømmende uddrag af købers mangels­ to both business owners and consumers. kroner. The approximate amount in euro/US dollars is regning og risiko. Afhentning skal ske senest otte hverdage beføjelser. shown on screens in the saleroom and also on request. efter sidste auktionsdag. 15.2 Køber er berettiget til at annullere et køb, hvis beskrivelsen 5.2 The auctioneer determines the size of the bid increment 12.5 Foretages afhentningen ikke rettidigt, transporteres de har været behæftet med væsentlige fejl, der har ført til et BEFORE THE AUCTION and the pace of the auction. Bid increments usually rise by købte genstande til et lager for købers regning og risiko. højere hammerslag, end en korrekt beskrivelse ville have 5% ­ 10% compared to the previous bid. Approximately resulteret i. I sådanne tilfælde vil den samlede købesum Transporten koster 150 kr. inkl. moms pr. genstand, og 1 VALUATION OF ITEMS 50­100 auction lots are sold per hour. opbevaringen koster 150 kr. inkl. moms pr. genstand pr. blive refunderet. Køber kan ikke kræve betaling af renter af købesummen eller kræve dækning af anden udgift eller tab. 5.3 The hammer price refers both to the gavel used by the påbegyndt uge. Henligger en genstand uafhentet i så lang 1.1 All the offered items are valued by BRK. The valuation auctioneer that signifies the end of a bidding round on an tid, at lagerlejen overstiger genstandens værdi, er BRK 15.3 Et køb kan ikke annulleres, og køber kan ikke kræve is an estimate based on the expected hammer price, see item and to the price (bidding amount) that the item up berettiget til for købers regning og risiko og uden hensyn købesummen refunderet eller rejse noget andet krav mod paragraph 5.3. The estimate is based on the previous sale for auction is sold for. See paragraph 7 regarding amounts til mindstepris at bortauktionere genstanden eller sælge BRK, hvis beskrivelsen af genstanden er i overensstemmelse of similar items as well as BRK’s past experience. The added to the hammer price. med punkt 2, eller hvis en påvisning af falskneri havde hammer price can therefore be higher or lower than the den underhånden. Køber hæfter fortsat for udgifter til 5.4 The buyer is the bidder that submits the highest bid, there­ krævet brug af videnskabelige metoder, der enten ikke var estimated price. transport og lagerleje, der ikke dækkes ved sådant salg. by obtaining the hammer price. At the moment the tilgængelige på salgstidspunktet, havde været uforholds­ 12.6 I henhold til gældende hvidvasklovgivning skal køber i hammer price is determined, a binding purchase/sale agree­ mæssigt omkostningskrævende at anvende eller havde ført visse tilfælde udlevere identitetsoplysninger og fremvise 2 DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS ment is entered into based on these conditions of purchase. billed­id til BRK, før køber kan få den købte genstand i til beskadigelse af den pågældende genstand. 2.1 Items up for auction are presented with photographs and 5.5 If bids are made on behalf of others, the bidder serves as 15.4 Krav om annullering af et køb skal meddeles BRK, når sin besiddelse descriptions in catalogues and on bruun­ surety for the transaction. køber er blevet bekendt med det forhold, der berettiger The description is worded according to the best of BRK’s køber til at annullere købet, dog senest to år fra den 5.6 Items are purchased in their present state and condition, 13 FORSENDELSE knowledge and based on detailed research in accordance and regardless of the type of bidding the buyer has no seneste afhentningsdato efter punkt 12.4. Den købte with the prevailing views among experts at the time of sale. 13.1 Er køber forhindret i selv at afhente en genstand, tilbyder genstand skal returneres til BRK i samme stand som på right to cancel his purchase, neither under the Danish BRK for købers regning og risiko at emballere og arrangere hammerslagstidspunktet. Overholdes disse betingelser 2.2 The items up for auction are of an age and nature that Consumer Contracts Act. often mean that they are in a worn, repaired or damaged forsendelse enten med post eller speditør. Se punkt 12.2 ikke, mister køber retten til at annullere købet og kan ikke 5.7 Bidders are required, in accordance with BRK’s instructions, condition. As a starting point everything is sold as used angående legitimation. kræve købesummen refunderet. Køber er selv ansvarlig for to identify themselves and document their ability to pay, items. For this reason, the descriptions in the catalogue at betale de omkostninger, der er forbundet med returne­ or at bruun­ do not include a statement for instance by registration of a valid debit/credit card, 14 EKSPORTTILLADELSE ring af genstanden. regarding the above or the condition of the item. bank guarantee or a deposit. 14.1 For at sikre at dansk kulturarv af afgørende betydning 2.3 In some cases, BRK may choose to describe an item’s 5.8 BRK may refuse to accept a bid if a sufficient guarantee of forbliver i Danmark, kan Kulturværdiudvalget for visse 16 INDSIGELSES- OG ANSVARSBEGRÆNSNING provenance. Such a description is made if a former owner the bidder’s ability to pay is not provided, or if the bidder genstandes vedkommende nedlægge eksportforbud. Hvis 16.1 BRK tager forbehold for fejl, tekniske vanskeligheder samt is publicly known and/or if the story of previous ownership has previously defaulted on payment obligations on pur­ køber ønsker at eksportere en genstand ud af Danmark, udefrakommende misbrug eller forstyrrende påvirkning sheds further light on the item and its background. In chases from BRK. hvor der er nedlagt et eksportforbud, annulleres købet, og under auktionen. Budgivere kan ikke rejse noget krav mod other cases, such information is left out of the description, 5.9 The overseeing auctioneer will, in consultation with the Kulturværdiudvalget er forpligtet til at overtage genstand­ BRK som følge heraf. for instance to meet the seller’s wish for privacy. auctioneer at the podium, decide what to do in matters of en til den pris, der blev opnået på auktionen. Køber kan 16.2 Køber er i alle tilfælde selv ansvarlig for korrekt betaling 2.4 It is possible that the estimate and description are revised dispute concerning a bidding round. ikke rejse krav mod BRK som følge af, at et eksportforbud prior to the auction. Changes are published on BRK’s website. bliver nedlagt. af moms og andre afgifter, gebyrer mv. i overensstemmelse med danske og udenlandske regler. 14.2 Visse genstande er omfattet af Washingtonkonventionen, 6 TYPES OF BIDDING 16.3 Medmindre andet fremgår af disse købsvilkår, kan BRK 3 PREVIEW også kendt som CITES, der har til formål at stoppe ulovlig 6.1 Bidding options: aldrig blive ansvarlig for budgivers/købers driftstab, handel med genstande fremstillet af udryddelsestruede 3.1 Items up for auction are presented prior to the auction in avance tab, andre indirekte tab eller følgeskader. IN PERSON: vilde dyr og planter. Såfremt en genstand er omfattet af one of BRK’s showrooms. Potential bidders are encouraged Washingtonkonventionen, CITES, liste 1, vil det fremgå af to inspect the items closely and are responsible for Registration and obtaining the bidding paddle take place beskrivelsen på bruun­ og være markeret 17 PERSONDATAPOLITIK determining the condition of the items at these previews, at the entrance to the saleroom. When the bidder wishes to bid, it is signalled to the auctioneer on the podium by med symbolet ”” i kataloget. Følgende regler gør sig 17.1 Det er vigtigt for BRK at sikre fortrolighed og sikkerhed where they also have the opportunity to consult with the raising the bidding paddle in the air and clearly displaying gældende: omkring budgivers/købers personlige oplysninger. Person­ valuation experts. its number. A: Genstande omfattet af Washingtonkonventionen, datapolitikken fremgår af bruun­ 3.2 If a potential buyer does not have the opportunity to inspect CITES, liste 1, må kun handles, når der foreligger en the item personally, a condition report can be drafted in COMMISSION BIDS: dispensation i form af et såkaldt CITES­salgscertifikat. 18 KLAGE, TVISTLØSNING OG LOVVALG most cases. The description in this report has been made The intended maximum bid can be submitted via bruun­ BRK indhenter det fornødne certifikat fra Natur­ according to BRK's honest conviction but is not based until the start of the auction or by e­mail, styrelsen, der tillader handel og eksport til lande inden 18.1 Har budgiver/køber en klage, kan der altid rettes henvend­ on scientific studies. A condition report only serves as an fax or phone, so that the bid is received no later than 24 for EU. Dog kan genstande, som er færdigforarbejdet else til BRK. identification and is meant as an aid to bidders who do not hours prior to the start of the auction. A commission agent før 1947, frit handles inden for EU uden et certifikat. 18.2 Lykkes det ikke at finde en løsning, kan forbrugere sende en have the opportunity to inspect the item at the preview. bids on behalf of the bidder within the limits of the stated B: Det er alene genstande omfattet af Washington­ klage til Nævnenes Hus, Toldboden 2, 8800 Viborg, e­mail: maximum bid. The commission agent will always bid the konventionen, CITES, liste 1, som er særkilt markeret Forbrugere med bopæl i et andet EU­land DURING THE AUCTION lowest possible amount to achieve the hammer price. på bruun­ og i kataloget. Genstande end Danmark kan klage til EU­Kommissionens online klage­ TELEPHONE BID: omfattet af Washingtonkonventionen, CITES, liste 2, portal via hjemmesiden: 4 THE ROLE OF BRK With certain items it is possible to have a BRK employee der frit kan sælges og transporteres inden for EU, er 18.3 Tvister skal indbringes i Danmark ved Københavns Byret, call the bidder over the phone. The employee will then bid ikke særskilt markeret. jf. dog punkt 18.2. I forbrugerforhold gælder de ufravige­ 4.1 The sale of an item is facilitated by BRK on behalf of the on behalf of the bidder during the auction. The service can C: Ved eksport til lande uden for EU skal der uanset lige værnetingsregler. seller, and BRK always sells items up for auction at the be booked via bruun­ up until three hours årstallet for genstandens færdigforarbejdning altid ind Jesper Bruun Rasmussen, auktionsholder highest price offered during the bidding round. before the auction is set to begin. Rev. 05.20


koebsvilkaar pr. 04.20.indd 4-5 895_antik_slut.indd 367 14/05/2020 18.4018.59 LIVE BIDDING: Club, China UnionPay and JCB) or cash (up to DKK 12 PICK-UP & COLLECTION obtained without problems, if the item is either sold 49.999) in the saleroom or subsequently at one of with a CITES certificate or was made prior to 1947. It is possible to follow the auction live and bid on the 12.1 The title to a purchased item passes to the buyer when the BRK’s locations. Please note that we do not accept EUR Appendix 2 items usually also receive a re­export permit auction lots via bruun­ full purchase price, including any interest and fees, has been 500 banknotes. without problems. PRE­AUCTION: paid, and only then can the collection of an item take place. B: With debit/credit card (Dankort, Visa, MasterCard, D: In connection with export to other countries outside 12.2 In connection with the collection of a purchased item, BRK Some live auctions are preceded by an online auction. Diners Club and JCB) via BRK’s website on the buyer’s the EU, special rules may apply concerning the sub­ reserves the right to demand satisfactory documentation The highest bids from the online auction then represent the personal page. sequent import, and the buyer is encouraged to consult starting bids at the following live auction. that the person who wants to pick up the item is either the the relevant local authorities about this issue. C: By bank transfer into BRK’s account with Danske Bank: buyer himself/herself or authorized by the buyer to receive 4183 4310970638 · Swift/BIC: DABADKKK · IBAN: the item on his/her behalf. 15 DEFECTS IN THE PURCHASED ITEMS AFTER THE AUCTION DK4130004310970638. 12.3 The collection of certain weapons requires presentation of 15.1 The lack of conformity rules of the Danish Sale of Goods

10 VAT EXEMPTION, PAYMENT & DEPOSIT a valid weapons certificate. Items with such requirements Act may apply. Below is a non­exhaustive excerpt of the 7 AMOUNTS ADDED TO THE HAMMER PRICE are listed with the text: “The purchase of this item requires buyer’s remedies in regard to lack of conformity. 10.1 Some buyers can choose which type of VAT should apply the presentation of a valid weapons certificate” in the 15.2 The buyer is entitled to cancel a purchase if the description 7.1 In addition to the hammer price, see paragraph 5.3, the to the transaction. The choice has to be communicated to catalogue and on bruun­ contained significant errors that have led to a higher hammer buyer pays a buyer's premium for the individual items as BRK no later than two working days after the purchase and 12.4 Purchased items are stored after the auction at the buyer’s price than a correct description would have resulted in. In well as the other amounts described below if the conditions cannot be changed subsequently. for these are applicable. The total amount that the buyer expense and risk. Pick­up must take place no later than such cases, the total purchase price will be refunded. The A: Businesses in Denmark registered for VAT can decide pays to BRK is called the "purchase price". eight working days after the last auction day. buyer cannot demand payment of interest on the purchase that the transaction is to be conducted in accordance 12.5 If the item(s) is/are not picked up on time, the purchased price or demand payment of any other expenses or losses. 7.1.1 Buyer’s Premium: The hammer price always includes an with the rules for full VAT, see paragraph 7.1.3. additional fee to BRK. At the live auctions, the fee is 24% items will be transported to a warehouse at the buyer’s risk 15.3 A purchase cannot be cancelled and the buyer cannot B: Businesses registered for VAT in another EU Member of the hammer price + VAT of the fee, 30% in total. For and expense. The transport costs are DKK 150 including demand a refund of the purchase price or raise any other State can be exempted from paying Danish VAT if it stamps and coins, the fee is 20% of the hammer price + VAT per item and the storage costs are DKK 150 including claims against BRK if the description of the item is in can be proved that the item has been transported to the VAT of the fee, a total of 25%. VAT per item for each week or part of a week. If an item compliance with paragraph 15.2. The same applies if foreign address that the buyer has registered with BRK is left unclaimed for an amount of time that results in the evidence of forgery has required the use of scientific 7.1.2 "LIVE Bidding": BRK's own "LIVE Bidding" software is and which is written on the invoice. In such cases, the storage costs exceeding the value of the item, BRK will be methods that were either not available at the time of sale, free to use for bidders on bruun­ If a "LIVE VAT should be settled according to the rules applicable entitled to, at the buyer’s expense and risk and without were excessively costly to use or led to the damage of the Bidding" software from a third party is used, an additional in the country where the buyer is registered for VAT. regard to the reserve price, sell the item at an auction or item in question. 3% (including VAT) is added to the buyer's premium. The It is advisable to consult with the local authorities. The privately. The buyer is still liable for the costs of transpor­ 15.4 Claims for a cancellation of a purchase must be notified to added fee is transferred to the third party in its entirety. buyer can decide not to be exempt from regular VAT tation and storage not covered by such sale. BRK when the buyer has discovered the fact that entitles and instead pay Danish VAT on second­hand goods/ 7.1.3 Full VAT: Certain items are sold at auction in accordance 12.6 In accordance with current anti­money laundering laws, the buyer to cancel the purchase. This notice, however, has full VAT. with the current rules regarding full VAT. In such a the buyer must in certain cases submit personal informa­ to be given no later than two years after the final pick­up situation, a VAT of 25% is imposed on both the hammer C: Buyers residing outside the EU can be exempted from tion and present a photo ID to BRK before the buyer can date according to paragraph 12.4. The item purchased price and the buyer’s premium. These items are marked in Danish VAT if it can be proved that the item has been have the purchased item placed in his possession. must be returned to BRK in the same condition as it was the catalogue and on bruun­ with the symbol transported out of the EU. To the extent possible on the day it was sold at auction. If these conditions are "*", or with the text: “This item is subject to full VAT”. and for a fee, BRK can issue the necessary export 13 SHIPPING not met, the buyer loses the right to cancel the purchase documents for the customs authorities. The buyer may 7.1.4 Artist's Resale Right: In accordance with Danish copyright 13.1 If the buyer is unable to pick up the purchased item, and cannot claim a refund of the purchase price. The buyer law, a royalty fee covering the Artist's Resale Right has to decide not to be exempt from regular VAT and instead is responsible for paying the costs associated with the pay Danish VAT on second­hand goods/full VAT. BRK offers to pack and arrange delivery either by mail or be charged for works by newer Danish artists, and some by freight forwarder at the buyer’s risk and expense. return of the item. foreign artists, who are either alive or have not been dead 10.2 Companies registered for VAT in another EU Member State See paragraph 12.2 regarding identification. for more than 70 years. The royalty fee covering the Artist's and buyers residing outside the EU must deposit the Danish 16 OBJECTIONS & LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY Resale Right is charged on behalf of VISDA (Visual Rights VAT on the amount invoiced with BRK until the export 14 EXPORT LICENSE 16.1 BRK is aware that errors, technical difficulties and external Denmark). These works are marked "ARR" in the printed process has been completed in a documented, lawful abuse or disruptive influences may occur during the auction. catalogue, and on bruun­ the description fashion. If the export is undertaken by one of BRK’s 14.1 To ensure that Danish cultural heritage of vital importance remains in Denmark, the Danish Cultural Assets Commission Bidders cannot raise any claims against BRK as a result of of the works includes the text: "This lot is subject to the authorized forwarding agents, the VAT does not have to such events. Artist's Resale Right". The royalty fee covering the Artist's be deposited. See the list of authorized forwarding agents can place an export ban on certain items. If the buyer wishes 16.2 The buyer is always responsible for the correct payment of Resale Right is added to the hammer price + the buyer’s on bruun­ to export an item that is subject to an export ban in Den­ VAT and other costs, fees etc. in accordance with Danish premium (excluding VAT) if the amount exceeds EUR 300, mark, the purchase will be cancelled and the Danish Cultural and foreign regulations. as indicated below: 11 OVERDUE PAYMENTS Assets Commission is obliged to acquire ownership of the item for the price obtained at auction. The buyer cannot 16.3 Unless otherwise stated in these conditions of purchase, BRK Hammer price + buyer’s premium (ex. VAT) Payment Rate 11.1 If payment is made after a deadline, including the deadline raise any claims against BRK as a result of an export ban. may never be held liable for bidders’/buyers’ operating loss, specified in paragraph 8, interest on overdue payments will 300 ­ 50,000 euro 5% 14.2 Certain items are included in the Washington Convention, loss of profits, other indirect losses or consequential loss. be charged and estimated in accordance with the Danish also known as CITES. The purpose of CITES is to stop the 50,000 ­ 200,000 euro 3% Central Bank’s official lending rate + 8% per year on the trade of items made with endangered species and flora. If 17 PRIVACY POLICY 200,000 ­ 350,000 euro 1% amount due. the item is included in the Washington Convention, CITES, 17.1 It is important to BRK to ensure confidentiality and 350,000 ­ 500,000 euro 0.5% 11.2 If the purchase price, including interest, has still not been Appendix 1, this will appear in the description of the item security regarding the bidder’s/buyer’s personal information. over 500,000 euro 0.25% paid ten days after the demand for payment has been on bruun­ and be marked with the symbol The privacy policy can be found on bruun­ made, BRK is entitled to seek the purchase price paid by The royalty fee covering the Artist's Resale Right cannot ”” in the catalogue. The following rules are applicable: making a set­off against the deposit/by drawing on the 18 COMPLAINTS, DISPUTE RESOLUTION exceed EUR 12,500 (excluding VAT) for each item. The bank guarantee or to cancel the purchase. A: Items that are included in the Washington Convention, fee must be paid in Danish kroner, and the conversion rate CITES, Appendix 1, can only be traded when a AND APPLICABLE LAW (EUR/DKK) is set by VISDA. 11.3 If the purchase is cancelled, BRK is entitled to sell the item dispensation in the form of a CITES certificate has been at a new auction and demand the costs and any difference 18.1 BRK can always be contacted if the bidder/buyer has a 7.1.5 Debit/Credit Card Fee: Amounts Added to the Hammer obtained. BRK obtains the required certificate from the complaint. between the new and the earlier hammer price (including Danish Nature Agency that allows trade and export Price: BRK reserves the right to charge the debit/credit card the buyer’s premium) covered by the defaulting buyer. 18.2 If the dispute cannot be resolved, the consumer can submit fees imposed by the payment services companies. The rates to countries within the EU. Items that were produced 11.4 In addition to debt collection, BRK may seek recovery of all before 1947 can, however, be freely traded within the a complaint to the Complaint Resolution Centre, Nævnenes will appear when bidding on bruun­ and at Hus, Toldboden 2, 8800 Viborg, Denmark, email: naevne­ payment. due claims (including costs) not paid in a timely manner in EU without a certificate. the following ways: Consumers residing in another EU country than B: It is only items included in the Washington Convention, Denmark can submit their complaint to the European Com­ A: Making the buyer cover the costs of selling items CITES, Appendix 1 that are marked individually on 8 PAYMENT DEADLINE mission’s Online Dispute Resolution platform via the website: consigned to auction by or on behalf of the buyer. bruun­ and in our catalogue. Items inclu­ The sale can be conducted without regard to an agreed ded in the Washington Convention, CITES, Appendix 2, 8.1 The purchase price falls due after the hammer price has 18.3 In Denmark, disputes must be brought before the City Court been determined, and then the buyer has eight days to pay reserve price. Items consigned for auction cannot be which can be freely sold and transported within the EU, collected as long as overdue debts are unpaid. are not individually marked. of Copenhagen, but see paragraphs 18.2. The mandatory BRK the purchase price. rules on jurisdiction apply to consumer interests. B: Seizing the buyer’s remaining balance with BRK, C: Export to countries outside the EU must, regardless 9 PAYMENT METHODS including the balance from the sale of items consigned of the year of the item’s production, always procure a Jesper Bruun Rasmussen, Auctioneer by or on behalf of the buyer, regardless of whether such CITES re­export permit from the Danish Nature Agency The above is an English translation of the Danish version of the 9.1 The payment can be made in the following ways: receivables derive from auction sales prior to or after if the item is included in the Washington Convention, Conditions of Purchase. In case of a dispute, only the Danish version A: With debit/credit card (Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, Diners the date of the buyer’s default on the payment. Appendix 1 and 2. This export permit can usually be of the present Conditions of Purchase of Bruun Rasmussen is valid. Rev. 05.20


koebsvilkaar895_antik_slut.indd pr. 04.20.indd 368 6-7 14/05/2020 18.59 14/05/2020 18.40 LIVE BIDDING: Club, China UnionPay and JCB) or cash (up to DKK 12 PICK-UP & COLLECTION obtained without problems, if the item is either sold 49.999) in the saleroom or subsequently at one of with a CITES certificate or was made prior to 1947. It is possible to follow the auction live and bid on the 12.1 The title to a purchased item passes to the buyer when the BRK’s locations. Please note that we do not accept EUR Appendix 2 items usually also receive a re­export permit auction lots via bruun­ full purchase price, including any interest and fees, has been 500 banknotes. without problems. PRE­AUCTION: paid, and only then can the collection of an item take place. B: With debit/credit card (Dankort, Visa, MasterCard, D: In connection with export to other countries outside 12.2 In connection with the collection of a purchased item, BRK Some live auctions are preceded by an online auction. Diners Club and JCB) via BRK’s website on the buyer’s the EU, special rules may apply concerning the sub­ reserves the right to demand satisfactory documentation The highest bids from the online auction then represent the personal page. sequent import, and the buyer is encouraged to consult starting bids at the following live auction. that the person who wants to pick up the item is either the the relevant local authorities about this issue. C: By bank transfer into BRK’s account with Danske Bank: buyer himself/herself or authorized by the buyer to receive 4183 4310970638 · Swift/BIC: DABADKKK · IBAN: the item on his/her behalf. 15 DEFECTS IN THE PURCHASED ITEMS AFTER THE AUCTION DK4130004310970638. 12.3 The collection of certain weapons requires presentation of 15.1 The lack of conformity rules of the Danish Sale of Goods

10 VAT EXEMPTION, PAYMENT & DEPOSIT a valid weapons certificate. Items with such requirements Act may apply. Below is a non­exhaustive excerpt of the 7 AMOUNTS ADDED TO THE HAMMER PRICE are listed with the text: “The purchase of this item requires buyer’s remedies in regard to lack of conformity. 10.1 Some buyers can choose which type of VAT should apply the presentation of a valid weapons certificate” in the 15.2 The buyer is entitled to cancel a purchase if the description 7.1 In addition to the hammer price, see paragraph 5.3, the to the transaction. The choice has to be communicated to catalogue and on bruun­ contained significant errors that have led to a higher hammer buyer pays a buyer's premium for the individual items as BRK no later than two working days after the purchase and 12.4 Purchased items are stored after the auction at the buyer’s price than a correct description would have resulted in. In well as the other amounts described below if the conditions cannot be changed subsequently. for these are applicable. The total amount that the buyer expense and risk. Pick­up must take place no later than such cases, the total purchase price will be refunded. The A: Businesses in Denmark registered for VAT can decide pays to BRK is called the "purchase price". eight working days after the last auction day. buyer cannot demand payment of interest on the purchase that the transaction is to be conducted in accordance 12.5 If the item(s) is/are not picked up on time, the purchased price or demand payment of any other expenses or losses. 7.1.1 Buyer’s Premium: The hammer price always includes an with the rules for full VAT, see paragraph 7.1.3. additional fee to BRK. At the live auctions, the fee is 24% items will be transported to a warehouse at the buyer’s risk 15.3 A purchase cannot be cancelled and the buyer cannot B: Businesses registered for VAT in another EU Member of the hammer price + VAT of the fee, 30% in total. For and expense. The transport costs are DKK 150 including demand a refund of the purchase price or raise any other State can be exempted from paying Danish VAT if it stamps and coins, the fee is 20% of the hammer price + VAT per item and the storage costs are DKK 150 including claims against BRK if the description of the item is in can be proved that the item has been transported to the VAT of the fee, a total of 25%. VAT per item for each week or part of a week. If an item compliance with paragraph 15.2. The same applies if foreign address that the buyer has registered with BRK is left unclaimed for an amount of time that results in the evidence of forgery has required the use of scientific 7.1.2 "LIVE Bidding": BRK's own "LIVE Bidding" software is and which is written on the invoice. In such cases, the storage costs exceeding the value of the item, BRK will be methods that were either not available at the time of sale, free to use for bidders on bruun­ If a "LIVE VAT should be settled according to the rules applicable entitled to, at the buyer’s expense and risk and without were excessively costly to use or led to the damage of the Bidding" software from a third party is used, an additional in the country where the buyer is registered for VAT. regard to the reserve price, sell the item at an auction or item in question. 3% (including VAT) is added to the buyer's premium. The It is advisable to consult with the local authorities. The privately. The buyer is still liable for the costs of transpor­ 15.4 Claims for a cancellation of a purchase must be notified to added fee is transferred to the third party in its entirety. buyer can decide not to be exempt from regular VAT tation and storage not covered by such sale. BRK when the buyer has discovered the fact that entitles and instead pay Danish VAT on second­hand goods/ 7.1.3 Full VAT: Certain items are sold at auction in accordance 12.6 In accordance with current anti­money laundering laws, the buyer to cancel the purchase. This notice, however, has full VAT. with the current rules regarding full VAT. In such a the buyer must in certain cases submit personal informa­ to be given no later than two years after the final pick­up situation, a VAT of 25% is imposed on both the hammer C: Buyers residing outside the EU can be exempted from tion and present a photo ID to BRK before the buyer can date according to paragraph 12.4. The item purchased price and the buyer’s premium. These items are marked in Danish VAT if it can be proved that the item has been have the purchased item placed in his possession. must be returned to BRK in the same condition as it was the catalogue and on bruun­ with the symbol transported out of the EU. To the extent possible on the day it was sold at auction. If these conditions are "*", or with the text: “This item is subject to full VAT”. and for a fee, BRK can issue the necessary export 13 SHIPPING not met, the buyer loses the right to cancel the purchase documents for the customs authorities. The buyer may 7.1.4 Artist's Resale Right: In accordance with Danish copyright 13.1 If the buyer is unable to pick up the purchased item, and cannot claim a refund of the purchase price. The buyer law, a royalty fee covering the Artist's Resale Right has to decide not to be exempt from regular VAT and instead is responsible for paying the costs associated with the pay Danish VAT on second­hand goods/full VAT. BRK offers to pack and arrange delivery either by mail or be charged for works by newer Danish artists, and some by freight forwarder at the buyer’s risk and expense. return of the item. foreign artists, who are either alive or have not been dead 10.2 Companies registered for VAT in another EU Member State See paragraph 12.2 regarding identification. for more than 70 years. The royalty fee covering the Artist's and buyers residing outside the EU must deposit the Danish 16 OBJECTIONS & LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY Resale Right is charged on behalf of VISDA (Visual Rights VAT on the amount invoiced with BRK until the export 14 EXPORT LICENSE 16.1 BRK is aware that errors, technical difficulties and external Denmark). These works are marked "ARR" in the printed process has been completed in a documented, lawful abuse or disruptive influences may occur during the auction. catalogue, and on bruun­ the description fashion. If the export is undertaken by one of BRK’s 14.1 To ensure that Danish cultural heritage of vital importance remains in Denmark, the Danish Cultural Assets Commission Bidders cannot raise any claims against BRK as a result of of the works includes the text: "This lot is subject to the authorized forwarding agents, the VAT does not have to such events. Artist's Resale Right". The royalty fee covering the Artist's be deposited. See the list of authorized forwarding agents can place an export ban on certain items. If the buyer wishes 16.2 The buyer is always responsible for the correct payment of Resale Right is added to the hammer price + the buyer’s on bruun­ to export an item that is subject to an export ban in Den­ VAT and other costs, fees etc. in accordance with Danish premium (excluding VAT) if the amount exceeds EUR 300, mark, the purchase will be cancelled and the Danish Cultural and foreign regulations. as indicated below: 11 OVERDUE PAYMENTS Assets Commission is obliged to acquire ownership of the item for the price obtained at auction. The buyer cannot 16.3 Unless otherwise stated in these conditions of purchase, BRK Hammer price + buyer’s premium (ex. VAT) Payment Rate 11.1 If payment is made after a deadline, including the deadline raise any claims against BRK as a result of an export ban. may never be held liable for bidders’/buyers’ operating loss, specified in paragraph 8, interest on overdue payments will 300 ­ 50,000 euro 5% 14.2 Certain items are included in the Washington Convention, loss of profits, other indirect losses or consequential loss. be charged and estimated in accordance with the Danish also known as CITES. The purpose of CITES is to stop the 50,000 ­ 200,000 euro 3% Central Bank’s official lending rate + 8% per year on the trade of items made with endangered species and flora. 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B: Seizing the buyer’s remaining balance with BRK, C: Export to countries outside the EU must, regardless 9 PAYMENT METHODS including the balance from the sale of items consigned of the year of the item’s production, always procure a Jesper Bruun Rasmussen, Auctioneer by or on behalf of the buyer, regardless of whether such CITES re­export permit from the Danish Nature Agency The above is an English translation of the Danish version of the 9.1 The payment can be made in the following ways: receivables derive from auction sales prior to or after if the item is included in the Washington Convention, Conditions of Purchase. In case of a dispute, only the Danish version A: With debit/credit card (Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, Diners the date of the buyer’s default on the payment. Appendix 1 and 2. This export permit can usually be of the present Conditions of Purchase of Bruun Rasmussen is valid. Rev. 05.20


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895_antik_slut.indd 376 14/05/2020 18.59