phones, textmessaging, or MySpace YouTube. their lives, whetherit iscomputers, theInternet, cell like noone else. Technology of beenpart hasalways As you mightexpect, literate thisgroup istechnically and socialinterests aschildren. effective multi-taskers, havingjuggledschool, sports, equal energy, expect towork sothey hard. areThey In addition, are they multiple usedtotackling taskswith groups, group preferring work toindividualendeavors. andwork team-oriented well in areMillennials typically work. if challenge, their andfunare learning absentfrom off style. out!Watch leave for will They greener pastures with GenerationX’s love ofindependence andahands- relationship withtheirboss. mesh This doesnotalways They respect knowledge andlearning. wanta They thinkBaby they which Boomers overemphasize. reverence position basedon for that’s experience, simply of a “whatever” oftitleandposition, view showing less thework.well aslearning alsohave abit totheworkplacenew are –they towork learning as bestwithsome structure, perform They those especially theirstripes. theirduesorearning the valueofpaying coachedbySometimes theirparents, donotsee they totheworkplace.and expectationsbring Millennials are tolive challenged uptothehighstandardsLeaders thisgenerationpower packs because andpotential. themcalls Café Learning “ The Y-not?” theirparents. of attention andhighexpectations from cocky,at timesappearing aresult perhaps oftheshower time inU.S. history. exudeself-confidence, Millennials today’s workforce were atthemostchild-centric raised The 75millionmembersofthis youngest generation in Millennials 1977–1998 expectations.that stimulate themtosurpass how itsmembersregard work, andtheinfluences own attitudes, perceptions andvaluesthatshape each employee. Inaddition, generation hasits every motivate,understand whatwill engage andretain theworkplace,sharing itisharder to thanever them.cut outfor different four With Today’s managershave andorganizations theirwork Welcome totheGenerations

 generation’s priorities. lion membersare reshaping tomeettheir organizations ofpreviousgenerations, footprint corporate its41mil generation inrecentstereotyped history. Livingwiththe Generation Xisthemostdocumented, discussedand Generation X1965–1976 on ramps and off ramps. laterally, stop and start; their careers are more fluid with responsibility. of Theycan move levels increasing attain they as even independence for need their supports that set ing the careerskill a ladder. build to continue They for them, building a career portfolio supersedes climb This generation takes employability seriously; although family.separation ofwork from communities. allows thata expecttimeflexibility They are totheir they familiesandcontributing busyraising managers, tenured employees, businessowners -and Today, atmid-career. GenerationXissolidly areThey team and their immediate boss. company, their loyalty is most often to their work, their they redefined loyalty. Instead of remaining loyal to their economic downturn of the ‘80s. Because of these factors, rity, and many of them entered the workplace during the saw parents laid off or facing job insecu someone looking over myshoulder.” ability. strongly that GenerationXfeels don’t“I need ofindependence,- buildingtraits resilience andadapt created kidsoutofover halfofthisgeneration latchkey previous generations. Divorce andworking moms than different world Generation Xgrewupinavery Baby 1946 -1964 1977 -1998 Millennials

Silent GenerationSilent Generation X 1965 -1976 1933 -1945

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©2008 The Learning Café mold thatthey, theBoomers, created. withyounger employeesconfronted who donotfitthe gest generational conflict whenBoomer managers are yet inevitable. Manytheirbig companies experience created, changeassometimes painful, view andthey intheculture haveThis they generation iscomfortable this traditional approach towork. the workplace, Boomersup are themtopick waiting for one month full peryear! Asyounger generations enter 40-hour increasedworkweekamazingly our historical by They work hard toohard. –maybe This generation corporations, environment to the media. everything from social values, politics, economics, “Twenty-Five and Under”). Boomers have redefined were Time’s Person ofthe Year in1966(Time Magazine and stage have sinceinfancy They been on the world competitive on andfocus personal accomplishment. Nevertheless, thisgeneration tendstobeoptimistic, marked by ambivalence about the rulesvery they created. paradox is that many are reaching a stage in their lives by many which companiesthe rules play. The Boomers’ intotheworkforceBoomers came enmasse, andmade preoccupation with ”). “self 1955 and 1964 (the “Zoomer” group, known for their endeavors and social conscience) and those born between 1954 (the “Woodstock” group, known for their idealistic Boomers into two groups – those born between 1946 and stay-at-home moms. Some researchers divide the Baby ity, suburban affluence and strong nuclear families with Baby Boomers typically grew up amid economic prosper The most populous generation in the U.S., 76 million Baby Boomers1946–1964 For more on information generations in the workplace From the casualself-confidenceandhighexpectationsoftheMillennialstoSilentsstillhungry visit uson theweb: for newchallenges,eachgenerationintoday’s workplace hasitsowndeeplyrooted

- - perceptions andbeliefsthatare powerfulanddefining.  success on hard work, self-disciplineandpostponing tolive well within theirmeans.pensity builttheir They jobs, retirement oftheirpro benefits–andbecause elderhood, toeconomic growth, due inpart plentiful toanaffluent childhood acashless moved from cycle oftheDepression.aftermath However, theirfinancial The oldestmembersofthe generation grewupinthe retirement. are reinventing and theconcepts ofcareermaturity have theworkforce, already left many remain, andthey some generation thosestereotypes! While –sowatch more defygeneralization and they thanany other ThereSilent Generation are 52millionmembersofthe Silent Generation1933 – 1945 workforce. asvigorous,see themselves membersofthe contributing things. new eager tocontinue working andtrying They or have retired andreturned towork, are many Silents place longer. are they postponingretirement Whether enjoyment ofwork, inthework are keepingSilents Today’s economic climate, andan longer expectancy life embody atraditional work ethic. system. haveThey ahuge knowledgetoshare legacy and are disciplined, loyal teamplayers whowork withinthe politicians. Typically, thisgeneration employees from and leaders anddistinguishedcivilservants civil rights many memberstook on national roles asdiplomats, vidual. referred toasthe Often As ageneration, putthegroup they before theindi rewards.material “facilitative generation,” -TheLearningCafé

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©2008 The Learning Café