May 2016 ! April 28 - May 1 Thursday thru Sunday: Nonthaburi International Bike & Bangkok Triathlon Expo. Location: Impact Arena, Exhibition Halls 3 & 4, Muang Thong Thani, . Time: Exhibition halls will be open to the public from 10:00 am until 9:00 pm (1000-2100) every day of the event. New bicycles, accessories, clothing, and cycling related products on display and available for purchase. No entrance fee. ! April 29 - May 1 Thursday thru Sunday: Phuket Phuket Interbike Hash. Type of event: International MTB Hash Meet. Location: Arinara Bangtao Beach Resort, Thalang district, . Fee: Early Bird Fee: 2,000 THB before 31st Dec 2015. 3,000 THB after December 31, 2015. Categories: Open to all MTB Hashers. Registration: Register online at , Email: [email protected] or contact on Facebook at or telephone at 085-619-7492. ! April 30 - May 1 Saturday & Sunday: Bangkok Bicycle Market at Sai Tai Center (Southern Bus Terminal). Event Type: Bicycle market. Time: 9:00am-8:00pm (0900-2000). Location: Southern Bus Terminal, Putthamonton 1 Road, Bangkok. Bicycles (both brand new and second hand products), spare parts, accessories, clothing, helmets, and other cycling- related products. ! April 30 - May 4 Saturday thru Wednesday: Bangkok, Ratchaburi, and Kanchanaburi provinces Tour of Friendship R1 2016. Read the background of the Tour of Friendship. Location: Bangkok, Ratchaburi, and Kanchanaburi provinces. Categories: Junior, Open, age 30-39, age 40-49, age 50-59, Men Master, Lady (Open), and VIP. ! ! Every Friday, Saturday and Sunday in May: Bangkok Train Market Srinakarin. Every Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 6pm-Midnight (18:00-24:00). All different types of products, including bicycle products. Location: Soi Srinakarin 51, Nong Bon, Prawet district, Bangkok. Open to the public. No entrance fees. Contact: 086-126-7787. ! 1 - Sunday: Chonburi 8th Annual Mountain Bike Challenge 2016. Event type: Mountain Bike Competition. Distance: 4km per round. Location: Phra Tam Nak Mountain (Phrabat Mountain) Park area, Pattaya City, . [GPS go="N 12.908706, E 100.869984"]. Registration: STEP 1 - Transfer registration fee to Bank for and Agricultural Cooperatives, Pattaya branch, Account no.020031870992, Account name: Pattaya city cycling association, STEP 2 - Send picture of bank payment slip with your full name, contact details, and age via message to the Pattaya City Cycling Association facebook page. Please bring bank payment slip to show at the event. This event is limited for 250 participants only. Fee: 350 THB. Free for children under 15 years of age. Contact: 081-3155773, 086-1460146, 081-8540537. ! 1 - Sunday: Phatthalung Bicycle Competition at Phatthalung. Event Type: Mountain bike and road bike on flat road competition. Distances: 90 km and VIP 30 km. Location: Phatthalung city hall, Muang district, . Registration: Contact 074-617778-90, 074-612240, Line id: @aht8749h and inform your full name, telephone number, team name, and type of bicycle. Or you can register at the event location on April 30th from 09:00 am – 06:00 pm. Fee: FREE! Categories: Men and Women categories by age. This event is limited to 1,000 participants only. Contact: 074-617778-90, 074-612240, Line id: @aht8749h ! 7 - Saturday: Rapha Prestige Khao Yai 200km. Event Type: Unsupported, unsanctioned, and unmarshalled cycling adventure across stunning terrain, designed to bring out the camaraderie and suffering of road riding. The rules are simple, and the course is tough. Team members must ride and finish together. Covering approximately 200km with 2,200m elevation, the Rapha Prestige Khao Yai will take riders on several climbs through the picturesque Sankamphaeng mountain range while traversing across the beautiful agricultural farmscapes of rural . The closing date for applications is Friday, 8th April. Rapha Asia will confirm teams on or before Monday, 11th April. Distance: 200 km. Location: Escape Khao Yai Hotel, Nakhon Ratchasima province. Registration: Teams must apply online. Once your application has been accepted, Rapha Asia will be in touch to collect the entry fee. Rapha Asia will supply a payment link to confirmed teams on or before Monday, 11th April. Payment of the entry cost is required in full within 48 hours of notification of acceptance. This fee is non-refundable. Fee: US $100 per team, plus a two 6-packs of beer per team for the Prestige after-party, more beer is welcomed but absolutely no substitutions will be accepted. Categories: Up to 25 teams of four riders will be confirmed. Teams must have at least one female rider and may contain a mix of both Rapha Cycling Club (RCC) and non-RCC members. Up to five teams will be reserved exclusively for RCC-only member teams. ! 8 - Sunday: Chonburi Pattaya City Ride 2nd Event. Event Type: Mountain bike and road bike competition. Distances: 14 km and 50 km. Location: Indoor stadium, Soi Chaiyaphruek, Pattaya city, Banglamung district, Chonburi province. Registration: STEP 1 - Transfer registration fee to Krung Thai bank, Account no. 751-0-25029-3, Account name: Mr.Thanakorn Mitipat, STEP 2 - Send picture of bank payment slip with your full name, ID card number, type of bicycle, team name, and shirt size via message to this FaceBook page , STEP 3 - Check your name on the list of participants here spreadsheets/d/1mkME54Hyi6qh-RAUh5d7QZnv- nyJtw8WhAt9qy8qW0E/pubhtml?gid=0&single=true Fee: 350 THB. Categories: Men and Women categories by age. This event is limited to 800 participants only. Contact: 081-3155773, 086-1460146. ! 8 - Sunday: Bangkok Ride For Child Vision 2. Event Type: All types of bicycle competition. Distances: Cat A: 20km, Cat B: 45km. Location: Bangkhuntein Highway depot, Rama 2 Road, Samae Dam, Bang Khuntein district, Bangkok. Registration: STEP 1 - Register at Line id: R4CV2 or FaceBook page R4CV2-550257688470861/ , STEP 2 - Transfer registration fee to Kasikorn Bank, Big C Rama 2 branch, Account no. 698-2-38457-3, Account name: Ride for child vision, STEP 3 - Send picture of bank payment slip as a message (with your details) to Facebook page R4CV2-550257688470861/. Fee: 500 baht. Categories: Everyone is welcome, several categories by age and gender. This event is limited to 1,000 participants. Contact: 089-762-7167, Line id: R4CV2 ! 8 - Sunday: Chonburi Pattaya City Ride 2nd Event. Event Type: Mountain bike and road bike competition. Distances: 14km and 50km. Location: Indoor Stadium, Soi Chaiyaphruek, Pattaya city, Banglamung district, Chonburi province. Registration: STEP 1 - Transfer registration fee to Krung Thai bank, Account no. 751-0-25029-3, Account name: Mr.Thanakorn Mitipat, STEP 2 - Send picture of bank payment slip as a message (with your full name, ID card number, type of bicycle, team name, and shirt size) to FaceBook page , STEP 3 - Check your name on the list of participants at spreadsheets/d/1mkME54Hyi6qh-RAUh5d7QZnv- nyJtw8WhAt9qy8qW0E/pubhtml?gid=0&single=true. Fee: 350 baht. Categories: Men and Women categories by age. This event is limited to 800 participants. Contact: 081-3155773, 086-1460146. ! 8 - Sunday: Bueng Kan Tour Of Bueng Kan 1st Event. Event Type: Long distance mountain bike and road bike competition. Distance: 92km. Location: Anubansrivilai School, Srivilai district, . Registration: STEP 1 - Contact Line id: 0819641260 , STEP 2 - Transfer registration fee to Krung Thai bank, Bueng Kan branch, Account no.447-0-43076-5, Account name: Mr. Somchay Phothirat, STEP 3 - Send picture of bank payment slip with your details to Line id: 0819641260. Fee: 500 baht (600 baht if registering after April 30th) and VIP 1,000 baht. Categories: Men and Women categories by age. Contact: 087-855-2212, 081-964-1260, 081-261-8162. ! 8 - Sunday: Chonburi Ban Bueng Cross Country 4th Event. Event Type: Mountain bike and road bike competition. Time: 6:30am-4:00pm (0630-1600). Location: Khao Din Romphothong Temple, Klong Kiw, Ban Bueng district, Chonburi province. Registration: STEP 1 - Please contact line id: 0867867555 or register on this website http:// , STEP 2 - Transfer registration fee to Krung Thai bank, Banbueng branch, Account no.2100207857, Account name: Banbueng bicycle club, STEP 3 - Send picture of bank payment slip with your details to line id: 0867867555 Fee: 500 baht. Categories: Men and Women categories by age. Contact: 081-761-2375, 086-786-7555, 092-114-3978. ! 8 - Sunday: Krabi Veetireco Cross Country @ Krabi 1st Event. Event Type: Mountain bike cross country and fat bike competition. Time: 6:30am-4:00pm (0630-1600). Location: Krabi cross country bike track, Tabprick, Mueang Krabi district, . Registration: STEP 1 - Register online at website http:// (Register to be a member on this website or use your FaceBook account to log in), STEP 2 - Log in and register for this competition, STEP 3 - Select how to pay for registration fee (Credit card, counter service or bank transfer). Fee: 500 baht. Categories: Everyone is welcome, several categories by age and gender. Contact: 086-402-1115, 085-888-9580. ! 14 - 15 Saturday & Sunday: Bangkok TOT Bicycle Market. Location: TOT Head Office Building, 89/2, Moo 3, Chaengwattana Road, Thungsonghong-Lak-Si, Bangkok. [GPS go="N 13.88510, E 100.57468"]. All different bicycle products on display by individuals and bike shops. Good market for finding new and second hand bikes and cycling related products. Fee: FREE entrance. Read more about Bangkok's TOT Bicycle Market here. ! 15 - Sunday: Ayutthaya Bicycle Competition 2nd Event. Event Type: All types of bicycle competition. Distances: 80 km, 50 km, and 30 km. Location: Sunny Bangchak, Bangkasan, Bang Pa In district, Ayutthaya province. Registration: STEP 1 - Register online at website http:// (Register to be a member on this website or use your FaceBook account to log in), STEP 2 - Log in and register for this competition, STEP 3 - Select how to pay for registration fee (Credit card, counter service or bank transfer). Registration open until April 30th. Fee: 300 baht. Categories: Everyone is welcome, several categories by age and gender. Contact: E-mail: [email protected], Line id: milk_kantarat ! 15 - Sunday: Chonburi Pattana Triathlon 2016. Event type: Triathlon and Duathlon. Distances: Triathlon distance - Standard Tri distance (Olympic distance) 1.5 KM SWIM / 40 KM BIKE / 10 KM RUN, Sprint distance 750 M SWIM / 20 KM BIKE / 5 KM RUN, Duathlon distance - 5 KM RUN / 40 KM BIKE / 10 KM RUN. Location: Pattana Golf Club & Resort, Sriracha City, Chonburi Province. [GPS go="N 13.084975, E 101.144321"]. More details and online registration available at ! 21 - Saturday: Bike for Charity. Event Type: All types of bicycle competition. This event is for charity to help to build houses for poor people and is limited to 1,000 participants. Distances: 100 km (4.30 hours), 50 km (3 hours), 30 km (2.30 hours), 200 m (for children 6-12 years old), and 10 km (VIP - Free T-shirt and Trophy). Location: Activity yard in front of Central plaza shopping center, Mueang Phitsanulok district, . Registration: STEP 1 - Contact tel. 095-638-0994 or Line id: hoangtebike , STEP 2 - Transfer registration fee to Kasikorn Bank, Phitsanulok branch, Account no.004-1-80389-4, Account name: hoangtebike , STEP 3 - Send picture of bank payment slip with your details to Line id: hoangtebike Fee: 500 baht and VIP 1,000 baht. Categories: Everyone is welcome, several categories by age and gender. Contact: 081-953-8415, 089-708-8119. ! 21 - Saturday: Chonburi Pattaya Triathlon Super Series 2016. Event type: Triathlon and Duathlon. Distances: Triathlon - Standard Distance = Swim 1.5km. Bike 43km. Run 10km. , Sprint Distance = Swim 750m. Bike 22km. Run 5km. Duathlon Run 5km. Bike 43km. Run 10km. Location: Pattaya city, Chonburi province. View event poster here. ! 22 - Sunday: Samut Prakarn Bike for Education. Event Type: All types of bicycle competition. Distances: 300 km and VIP 5 km. Location: Samut Prakarn School, 484, Sukhumvit Road, Pak Nam, Mueang district, Samut Prakarn province. Registration: STEP 1 - Contact tel. 02-3950016, 086-0176405, STEP 2 - Transfer registration fee to Krung Thai bank, Bang Pu branch, Account no.796-0-26378-7, Account name: Mr.Banjong Tosanyoun, STEP 3 - Send picture of bank payment slip with your details to Fax. 02-3870308 ATTD: Ms. Kanokorn Bike for education activity. Registration open until May 15th. Fee: 500 baht and VIP 1,000 baht. Categories: Everyone is welcome, several categories by age and gender. Contact: 023-950-016, 086-017-6405, 089-987-7778. ! 25 - 29 Wednesday thru Sunday: Bangkok / Siem Reap Grasshopper Adventures 5 Day Slow Road to Angkor: Fruit Festival Special tour. Multi-day cycling tour. Tour runs from Bangkok to Siem Reap, . Distance: 200 km. Fee: US $1,400 per person. ! 27 - 29 Friday thru Sunday: Pathum Thani Million Bike Market. Event Type: Bicycle market. Time: 10:00am-10:00pm (1000-2200). Location: Zpell (3rd floor) at Future Park Rangsit the Natural Metro Shopping Park, Pahonyotin Road, Thanyaburi, . Bicycles (no second hand products), spare parts, accessories, clothing, helmets, and other cycling-related products. ! ! 28 - Saturday: Kanchanaburi Singha River Kwai International Trophy Adventure Race 2016. Event type: Adventure race (Trail running, Mountainbiking, and River Swim/Kayak). Location: Felix River Kwai Resort, Kanchanaburi. [GPS go="N 14.0380004, E 99.4970865"]. More details and online registration available at ! 28 - 29 Saturday & Sunday: Chonburi Bangkok Hash House Bikers (BHHB) ride. Location: Khao Mai Kaew, Pattaya, Chonburi province. Visit the Bangkok Hash House Bikers website for more details about this fun filled weekend of mountain biking. ! 29 - Sunday: Nongki Race 1st Event. Event Type: Mountain bike and road bike competition. Distance: 60 km. Location: Nongki local government office, Nongki district, . Registration: STEP 1 - Register online at website (Register to be a member on this website or use your FaceBook account to log in), STEP 2 - Log in and register for this competition, STEP 3 - Select how to pay for registration fee (Credit card, counter service or bank transfer). Registration open until May 23rd. Fee: 599 baht. Categories: Men and Women categories by age. Contact: 044-641-380 dial 104, 105. ! 29 - Sunday: Ayutthaya Bicycle Competition For Charity. Event Type: All type of bicycle competition. Distance: 38 km. Location: Ko Dee Ree Ya Mosque (Klong Khud), Sena district, Ayutthaya province. Registration: At the event. Fee: 300 baht (Free T-shirt and medal) and VIP 1,000 baht. Categories: Everyone is welcome, several categories by age and gender. Contact: 087-1201010, 084-340-6177, 082-239-2293. ! ! 29 - Sunday: Phatthalung Bicycle Competition 1st Event. Event Type: All type of bicycle competition. Distance: 40 km. Location: Paborn Local Government Office, Paborn district, Phatthalung province. Registration: STEP 1 - Contact tel.081-096-5776, 089-060-3284, Line id: surindld, 089-0603284 or this FaceBook page, STEP 2 - Transfer registration fee to Government Savings Bank, Pabon branch, Account no.020167707981, Account name: Mrs.Uraiwan Sangkano, STEP 3 - Send picture of bank payment slip and your details to Line id: surindld Fee: 300 baht (Free T-shirt). Categories: Everyone is welcome, several categories by age and gender. Contact: 081-096-5776, 089-060-3284. ! 29 - Sunday: Kamphaeng Phet Kamphaeng Phet Bicycle Competition 1st Event. Event Type: All type of bicycle competition. Distance: 55 km. Location: Kanu Woralaksaburi Local Government Office, Kanu Woralaksaburi district, . Registration: At the event. Fee: 500 baht. Categories: Everyone is welcome, several categories by age and gender. Contact: 088-279-1133, 087-739-5045, 087-206-4770. ! 29 - Sunday: Phetchaburi Bangkok Bike Thailand Challenge in Cha Am: The Wind Challenger. Event Type: Road and Mountain Bike competition on paved roads. This race is under the patronage of the Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn’s Cup series of sporting events in Thailand. Distance: 77.3 km. View the route here. Location: The Lake View Resort and Golf Club, Cha am, . Registration: Online registration available now. Register before April 22 and receive a 15% discount. Fee: 1,000 THB for individual participants, 5,000 THB for a Team of 5 people, and 500 THB (Youth participants). Categories: Road (Open Men & Women, 30-39, 40-49, 50+, Youth 18 yrs Men & Women, Team of 5 people); Mountain Bike (Open Men & Women). Event schedule: Road race start 7:00am, MTB race start 7:25am. Race completion and awards ceremony 10:35 - 11:00am. Contact: 02-203-4203, 02-203-4265. www.FaceBook/bangkokbikethailandchallenge