Please ask for: Steve Partridge Your Ref:

Extension No: 4588 My Ref:

E-Mail: [email protected]

8 November, 2017

Dear Councillor, CABINET 4:00 PM ON THURSDAY, 16 NOVEMBER, 2017 WESTERN SPRINGS ROOM, CIVIC CENTRE, You are invited to attend this meeting for consideration of the matters itemised in the following Agenda.

Yours sincerely,

T. McGovern, Managing Director

To: Councillors: G. Adamson Leader of the Council G. Alcott Deputy Leader of the Council and Economic Development and Planning Portfolio Leader J.T. Kraujalis Corporate Improvement Portfolio Leader C. Bennett Crime and Partnerships Portfolio Leader Mrs. C. Mitchell Culture and Sport Portfolio Leader J.P.T.L. Preece Environment Portfolio Leader Mrs. M.A. Davis Health and Wellbeing Portfolio Leader F.W.C. Allen Housing Portfolio Leader Mrs. D.M. Todd Town Centre Regeneration Portfolio Leader

Civic Centre, PO Box 28, Beecroft Road, Cannock, WS11 1BG

tel 01543 462621 | fax 01543 462317 | Search for ‘Cannock Chase Life’ @CannockChaseDC A G E N D A


1. Apologies

2. Declarations of Interests of Members in Contracts and Other Matters and Restriction on Voting by Members To declare any personal, pecuniary or disclosable pecuniary interests in accordance with the Code of Conduct and any possible contraventions under Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992.

3. Updates from Portfolio Leaders To receive and consider oral updates (if any), from the Leader of the Council, the Deputy Leader, and Portfolio Leaders.

4. Minutes To approve the Minutes of the meeting held on 19 October, 2017 (enclosed).

5. Forward Plan Forward Plan of Decisions to be taken by the Cabinet: November, 2017 to January, 2018 (Item 5.1 – 5.3).

6. Shared Services – Phase 2 Report of the Head of Governance and Corporate Services (Item 6.1 – 6.8).

7. Quarter 2 Performance Report 2017-18 Report of the Head of Governance and Corporate Services (item 7.1 – 7.34).

8. Strategic Risk Register Report of the Head of Governance and Corporate Services (Item 8.1 – 8.18).

9. Publication of Part 1 Brownfield Land Register Report of the Interim Head of Economic Development (Item 9.1 – 9.34).

10. Update on Cannock Chase Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Financial Year Report Report of the Interim Head of Economic Development (Item 10.1 – 10.9). Minutes Published: 24 October, 2017 Call-In Expires: 31 October, 2017







PRESENT: Councillors: Adamson, G. Leader of the Council Alcott, G. Deputy Leader of the Council and Economic Development and Planning Portfolio Leader Kraujalis, J.T. Corporate Improvement Portfolio Leader Bennett, C. Crime and Partnerships Portfolio Leader Mitchell, Mrs. C. Culture and Sport Portfolio Leader Preece, J.P.T.L. Environment Portfolio Leader Davis, Mrs. M.A. Health and Wellbeing Portfolio Leader Allen, F.W.C. Housing Portfolio Leader Todd, Mrs. D.M. Town Centre Regeneration Portfolio Leader

35. Apologies None received.

36. Declarations of Interests of Members in Contracts and Other Matters and Restriction on Voting by Members No other Declarations of Interest were made in addition to those already confirmed by Members in the Register of Members’ Interests.

37. Updates from Portfolio Leaders

Culture and Sport Cannock Stadium Site The Portfolio Leader advised that redevelopment of the site was progressing well. Work on the car park and allotments had been completed, and work was underway on the footpaths and lighting schemes. Corporate Improvement Rising Brook Bridge, Rugeley The Portfolio Leader advised that construction of the new footbridge was

Cabinet 19/10/17 20 underway and going well. The appearance and design of the new bridge was in keeping with the area and the project was being achieved within budget. The Economic Development and Planning Portfolio Leader further advised that the official launch of the Rugeley Flood Alleviation Scheme had been arranged for 18 December, 2017 and Members had been invited. It was intended that as part of the launch attendees would be able to visit a grotto location within the scheme area, however this was subject to it first being made safe to access. Crime and Partnerships Taxi Liaison Forum The Portfolio Leader advised that he had recently received positive impact about the Forum, specifically that is was well regarded and a model for other such Forums to follow. Mental Health in the Police Force The Portfolio Leader advised that he had been looking into sickness absence amongst Police Officers, PCSOs and Police Staff, particularly in instances where stress was the reason for absence, and how this impacted on the mental health of those off sick and those still working who were thus experiencing an increased workload. He would be raising this matter at the next meeting of the Police and Crime Panel. Furthermore, the Staffordshire Police and Crime Commissioner was applying to the Home Office for more funding as Staffordshire Police was unable to cope with its workload at its current staffing levels.

38. Minutes of Cabinet Meeting of 24 August 2017 RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the meeting held on 24 August, 2017, be approved as a correct record and signed.

39. Forward Plan The Forward Plan of Decisions for the period October to December, 2017 (Item 5.1 – 5.2 of the Official Minutes of the Council) was considered.

RESOLVED: That the Forward Plan of Decisions for the period October to December, 2017 be noted.

40. Quarter 1 Performance Report 2017-18 Consideration was given to the Report of the Head of Governance and Corporate Services (Item 6.1 – 6.28 of the Official Minutes of the Council).

RESOLVED: That (A) The performance information relating to the Priority Delivery Plans (PDPs) as detailed in Appendices 1 to 4 of the Report be noted. (B) The actions which have been flagged as requiring amendment to the timescale, scope or timeline be noted.

Cabinet 19/10/17 21 Reasons for Decisions Information for performance actions and indicators for quarter 1 2017/18 was included for relevant items in Appendices 1 to 4 of the Report. The overall rankings for each Portfolio area were detailed in section 5 of the Report, indicating that 81.3% of actions/projects had been achieved or were on target to be achieved.

41. Annual Report 2016-17 Consideration was given to the Report of the Managing Director (Item 7.1 – 7.23 of the Official Minutes of the Council).

RESOLVED: That (A) The information, achievements and investment in the District as detailed in the Annual Report be noted. (B) The Annual Report 2016/17 be approved for publication on the Council’s website.

Reasons for Decisions The Annual Report 2016/17 presented a summary of the major events, developments and investments in Cannock Chase during the year. As such, it provided a user friendly digest of key information to be presented to the Council’s residents, partners and communities.

42. Housing Services Annual Report 2016-17 Consideration was given to the Report of the Head of Housing and Partnerships (Item 8.1 – 8.27 of the Official Minutes of the Council).

RESOLVED: That: (A) The draft 2016/17 Housing Services Annual Report be agreed for circulation to all the Council’s tenants. (B) If required, the Head of Housing and Partnerships, following consultation with the Housing Portfolio Leader, be authorised to make amendments to the draft 2016/17 Housing Services Annual Report prior to circulation.

Reasons for Decisions The Council was required to publish the 2016/17 Annual Housing Report as set out in the Regulatory Standards by the Homes and Communities Agency. The Annual Report must be circulate to all tenants and this would be achieved as part of the Autumn edition of Hometalk.

43. Mandatory and Discretionary Rates Relief Policy Consideration was given to the Report of the Head of Finance (Item 9.1 – 9.21 of the Official Minutes of the Council).

Cabinet 19/10/17 22 RESOLVED: That: (A) The Mandatory and Discretionary Rate Relief Policy as detailed at Appendix 1 of the Report be adopted. (B) In particular, the Revaluation Support Scheme included in the policy be noted and adopted. (C) Officers award rate relief to affected organisations, in line with the Mandatory and Discretionary Rate Relief Policy.

Reasons for Decisions The Council had a statutory duty to consider applications for Mandatory and Discretionary Rate Relief as part of its function to administer the National Non- Domestic Rates service. The Council adopted its current policy in 2014 and the operation of that policy had worked well. The revised draft policy did not substantially change the rate of relief afforded to current recipients. The changes to the policy would: · Refresh the policy to account for any changes resulting from the 2017 revaluation of Business Rates; · Introduce new relief schemes announced in the Chancellor’s Spring 2017 budget; · Remove previous, government funded, schemes which were time related and had expired; · Make the application and award process as simple as it could be, so as to enable Officers to make awards to affected businesses quickly. The draft policy was subject to an ongoing consultation process with the Council’s major preceptors and other Billing Authorities within Staffordshire.

44. Business Rates Pilot and Pooling Arrangements Consideration was given to the Joint Report of the Head of Finance and the Managing Director (Item 10.1 – 10.45 of the Official Minutes of the Council).

RESOLVED: That: (A) Participation in the Expression of Interest to form a Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Pool based upon piloting a 100% Business Rates scheme based upon all of the eleven authorities covering the full Staffordshire geography be agreed. (B) Subject to (A) above: (i) notification be given to the existing pools of the Council’s intention to be part of a pilot application, and if successful to leave that pool; (ii) in the event of the pilot application not being successful, that the pooling arrangements for 2018/19 be based on one of the following potential options:

Cabinet 19/10/17 23 a) the current pool remain in place; b) the existing pool be dissolved; c) alternative pooling arrangements based upon a choice of the two existing pool. (C) Subject to the above, the Managing Director and Section 151 Officer, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, submit a firm Expression of Interest to be a member of the Staffordshire-wide pool. (D) For the reasons set out in the Report related to the timescale for responses, any decisions related to the determination of the proposed pool membership be not subject to call-in.

Reasons for Decisions The Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) published on 1 September, 2017 an “Invitation to pilot 100% Business Rates Retention in 2018/19 and to pioneer new pooling and tier split models”. The prospectus provided a framework for the extension of the existing voluntary pooling of business rates revenues to two tier authorities, following the establishment of pilots for Devolution areas only in 2017/18. A pilot enabled 100% of future growth to be retained by the pilot area as compared to the current 50% subject to Fiscal Neutrality. Tariffs or Top Up’s were adjusted to reflect the 100% share and the relevant government grants consolidated within the Business Rates Regime. “Fiscal Neutrality” was based upon the initial (notional) baselines created at the commencement of the 50% scheme in 2013/14. There was a clear and simple financial advantage therefore if the combined current amount of Actual Business Rates Income (ABR) was in excess of the Government determined Business Rates Baseline as contained within the 50% scheme. All Staffordshire authorities were in a “growth position” with growth ranging from 1% to 14% with an average of 7% being achieved across the wider Staffordshire proposed pool for 2017/18. This net growth position was at least likely to be maintained for 2018/19 but more likely to increase. Growth within the two tier (County Council) area was estimated to be £13.7m whereas growth in Stoke on Trent City Council was forecast to be £11m. At present only 50% of such growth was retained within Staffordshire and hence an additional £12.35 Million could be retained under pilot arrangements. The creation of a pilot would see each authority receive a minimum of £200,000 additional resources in 2018/19. The actual direct benefit was based upon proposed locally agreed tier splits. The Tier splits for districts/boroughs had been maintained at 40% with this Council forecast to receive in the region of £241,000 in 2018/19. Pilots were designated for one year only however it was more than likely that pilots would remain in operation until the full 100% Business Rates Scheme was implemented. In accordance for the selection criteria for a new pilot there were three potential models for Staffordshire authorities: a) Existing Staffordshire & Stoke on Trent Pool

Cabinet 19/10/17 24 b) Two Tier Only – County Council & Districts ;or c) All eleven authorities covering the full Staffordshire Geography However it was considered that only c) All eleven authorities covering the full Staffordshire Geography would fully meet the prospectus criteria. The terms of the new pilots may be slightly different from the 2017/18 pilots with Government yet to determine whether the “no detriment” clause would still apply. This clause ensured that collectively the authorities in the pilot were no worse off than if they remained in the 50% scheme. Prospective Pilots had been asked to indicate if they would wish to proceed with a pilot if this clause was not in place. The “No Detriment Policy” was felt essential by initial pilots to mitigate the impact of volatility in relation to the transfer of existing funding streams and additional responsibilities into the Business Rates funding regime. This in itself ha been mitigated by only Revenue Support Grant and Rural Services grant being foregone under the 2018/19 arrangements. In order for a “No Detriment“ clause to be triggered, in relation to not being worse off as compared to the current 50% scheme for the Staffordshire wide pilot, there would need to be a loss of Business Rates income of in excess of 7% (£12 million) in 2018/19. Nevertheless the greatest risk in relation to net Business Rates Income was the impact of Appeals following the 2017 revaluation, and future changes in Government Policy. It was therefore proposed that the Expression of Interest was caveated with a No Detriment Clause for: · The consolidation of hereditaments as a single assessment e.g. Virgin Media; · Transfer from the Local Rating List/Central Rating Lists; · Changes in Mandatory Relief Policy / outstanding claims for Charitable Status; · Changes in the methodology of determining the basis of Rateable Values e.g. GP Surgeries; · Change in Government/Valuation Office agency (VOA) policy; · The backdated cost of new appeals post 1 April 2018. The pool itself would operate a “No Detriment / loss” policy funded as first call against additional growth retained in Staffordshire. “No loss” was determined to be that a Member would be no worse off: · by being a Member of the Pool than they would have been if they had not been a Member of the Pool. Each Member would retain the income they would have received if they were not a member of the Pool; · No Member would be worse off as compared with previous pool arrangements for Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Business Rates Pool (2012) or Greater Birmingham and Solihull Business Rates Pool; · No Member would be worse off as a result of the increased retained % arising from Tier Splits of the Pilot Scheme. Membership of the pilot would not affect the sovereignty of each authority. Each authority would still receive separate allocations from Government; would set its

Cabinet 19/10/17 25 own budget and collect and retain Business Rates. To be accepted as a new pilot for 2018/19 all parties must be designated as a pool to share business rates income. However Authorities could not be members of two pools. Authorities would therefore need to determine whether they would wish to be part of the proposed Staffordshire wide Pilot. If the pilot application was successful there would be a requirement to leave the current pools. Two pooling arrangements existed in Staffordshire. Cannock Chase; East Staffs; Lichfield and Tamworth were members of the Greater Birmingham and Solihull Pool (GBSP) with Newcastle Under Lyme; South Staffs; Stafford; Staffordshire Moorlands; Stoke on Trent; Staffordshire Fire and Rescue and Staffordshire County Council members of the Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent Business Rates Pool (S&SOTP). Given the timetable for pilot applications and the proximity to the finalisation of the local government finance settlement, all applications must outline, with agreement from all participating authorities, what pooling arrangements they would like to see if their application to become a pilot were unsuccessful. The rationale of the existing pools, in addition to sharing the risk and reward, was to provide a local incentive so that a proportion of additional resources was retained by the generating authority and to provide a mechanism to support economic growth at a Local Enterprise Partnership or at a Pool area level. The adoption of the proposed “no loss” basis as compared to the 50% scheme, would maintain the status quo at a financial level. The current levy passed to the pool would be retained by each authority at the outset. The contribution to the Economic Developments partnerships i.e. LEP’S could be maintained either by: · Re-designation of the existing pools as Economic Development Growth Pools to be funded by the equivalent amount of levy as now (virtual pool); · Direct contributions to the relevant LEP based upon: a) 40% of retained levy (Current pool arrangements) b) Fixed contribution c) Lump sum / % contribution · Determined alternative arrangements with the relevant Pool/LEP. Informal discussions had taken place with the existing Pools and LEP's and the potential creation of a pilot was not considered a barrier to current membership / working relationships. The DCLG had confirmed that the GBS pool would remain open to current members in the event that the pilot application was unsuccessful. Expressions of Interest (EOI) were required by the 27 October, 2017 and subject to determination of whether the Council wished to proceed with an EOI, delegated authority to the Managing Director and Section 151 Officer was required to meet this tight deadline. Appendix D detailed the draft Governance Arrangements for the proposed pilot /pool and delegated authority was required to agree the final pooling Agreement in accordance with the principles as contained in the Memorandum of Understanding.

Cabinet 19/10/17 26 Successful pilots would be announced as part of the Draft Local Government Settlement in late November/Early December and come into effect from the 1 April, 2018.

45. Exclusion of the Public RESOLVED: That the public be excluded from the remainder of the meeting because of the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3, Part 1, Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).

Cabinet 19/10/17 27 CANNOCK CHASE COUNCIL






46. Debt Recovery Consideration was given to the Not for Publication Report of the Head of Finance (Item 12.1 – 12.24 of the Official Minutes of the Council).

RESOLVED: That: (A) The amounts detailed in Appendices 1 and 2 of the Report be written off. (B) The actions of the Head of Finance in writing off the irrecoverable debts, below £1,000, be noted.

Reasons for Decisions Council Tax Set out at Appendix 1 to the Report was a list of arrears over £1,000 which could not be collected for the reasons stated. Included in the Appendix were 38 cases with arrears totalling £69,463.06 All of the amounts written off would be charged against the provision for bad debts. Non-Domestic Rates Set out at Appendix 2 to the Report was a list of Non-Domestic arrears over £1,000 which could not be collected for the reasons stated. Included in the Appendix were 28 cases with arrears totalling £179,882.33. Some of the Business Rates debts were being recommended for write-off on the grounds of insolvency of the companies that previously occupied properties. It was not uncommon in these circumstances for the properties concerned to be re-occupied, fairly quickly, by new companies often with similar names to the insolvent organisation. It often therefore appeared that the company had continued to trade, though this was not the case. Where this situation occurred, the new occupier was an entirely separate legal entity to the previous occupant and could not be held liable for rates due from the insolvent company. Members were assured that such debts were only submitted for write-off when the Council was sure that the debts could not be recovered.

Cabinet 19/10/17 28 The meeting closed at 4:37 p.m.


Cabinet 19/10/17 29 ITEM NO. 5.1


A key decision is defined as an Executive decision which is likely to:

· Result in the Council incurring expenditure or making savings which are significant having regard to the Council’s budget for the service or function to which the decision relates; or · Be significant in terms of its effects on communities living or working in an area compromising two or more Wards in the Council’s area.

Further information about key decisions and the Forward Plan can be found in Sections 10 and 28 of the Council’s Constitution.

Representations in respect of any of matters detailed below should be sent in writing to the contact officer indicated alongside each item c/o Democratic Services, Cannock Chase Council, Civic Centre, PO Box 28, Beecroft Road, Cannock, Staffordshire, WS11 1BG.

Copies of non-confidential items will be published on the Council’s website 5 clear working days prior to the relevant meeting date.

Contact Officer / Date of Key Confidential Representation Item Reasons for Confidentiality Cabinet Member Cabinet Decision Item Received Shared Services – Phase 2 Head of Governance and 16/11/17 Yes No Corporate Services / Leader of the Council Quarter 2 Performance Head of Governance and 16/11/17 No No Report 2017-18 Corporate Services / Corporate Improvement Portfolio Leader Strategic Risk Register Head of Governance and 16/11/17 No No Corporate Services / Corporate Improvement Portfolio Leader Publication of Part 1 Head of Economic Development / 16/11/17 Yes No Brownfield Land Register Economic Development and Planning Portfolio Leader Update on Cannock Chase Head of Economic Development / 16/11/17 No No Community Infrastructure Economic Development and Levy (CIL) Financial Year Planning Portfolio Leader Report Housing Revenue Account Head of Finance and 14/12/17 Yes No Business Plan Head of Housing & Partnerships / Housing Portfolio Leader ITEM NO. 5.2

Contact Officer / Date of Key Confidential Representation Item Reasons for Confidentiality Cabinet Member Cabinet Decision Item Received Hawks Green Depot Vehicle Head of Housing & Partnerships / 14/12/17 No No Workshop Replacement Roof Housing Portfolio Leader – Application for Permission to Spend Cannock Indoor Market Hall Head of Housing & Partnerships / 14/12/17 No No Town Centre Regeneration Portfolio Leader Proposed Amendment to the Head of Economic Development / 14/12/17 No No Scheme of Delegations for Economic Development and Neighbourhood Planning and Planning Portfolio Leader Supplementary Planning Documents Former Tenants’ Arrears Head of Housing & Partnerships / 14/12/17 No Yes The report contains information Recommended for Write-off Housing Portfolio Leader which is likely to reveal the identity of an individual and relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the Council). Rugeley Boxing Club Head of Housing & Partnerships / 14/12/17 No Yes The report contains information Economic Development and relating to the financial or Planning Portfolio Leader business affairs of any particular person (including the Council). Medium Term Financial Plan Head of Finance / 25/01/18 Yes No Leader of the Council General Fund Revenue Head of Finance / 25/01/18 No No Budget and Capital Leader of the Council Programme 2018-19 to 2020-21 Housing Revenue Account Head of Finance and Head of 25/01/18 No No Budgets 2017-18 to 2020-21 Housing & Partnerships / Housing Portfolio Leader Housing Revenue Account Head of Finance and Head of 25/01/18 No No Capital Programme 2017-18 Housing & Partnerships / to 2020-21 Housing Portfolio Leader Treasury Management Head of Finance / 25/01/18 No No Strategy, Minimum Revenue Leader of the Council Provision Policy and Annual Investment Strategy 2018-19 ITEM NO. 5.3

Contact Officer / Date of Key Confidential Representation Item Reasons for Confidentiality Cabinet Member Cabinet Decision Item Received Public Space Protection Head of Environment and Healthy 25/01/18 Yes No Order (Dog Control) 2018 Lifestyles / Declaration Crime & Partnerships Portfolio Leader and Environment Portfolio Leader Public Spaces Protection Head of Environment and Healthy 25/01/18 No No Order (Alcohol-related ASB) Lifestyles / Consultation Crime & Partnerships Portfolio Leader and Environment Portfolio Leader Private Sector Housing – Head of Environment and Healthy 25/01/18 No No Financial Penalties and Rent Lifestyles / Repayment Orders Environment Portfolio Leader Revised Local Development Head of Economic Development / 25/01/18 No No Scheme Economic Development & Planning Portfolio Leader Rugeley Power Station Head of Economic Development / 25/01/18 No No Supplementary Planning Economic Development and Document (SPD) Planning Portfolio Leader Housing and Planning Act Head of Housing and 25/01/18 No No Partnerships / Housing Portfolio Leader Housing and Homelessness Head of Housing and 25/01/18 No No Strategy 2018-23 Partnerships / Housing Portfolio Leader PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK ITEM NO. 6.1

Report of: Head of Governance & Corporate Services Contact Officer: Judith Aupers Telephone No: 01543 464411 Portfolio Leader: Leader of the Council Key Decision: Yes Report Track: Cabinet: 16/11/17


1 Purpose of Report

1.1 To provide an update on the development of further Shared Services between Council and Stafford Borough Council and to agree the next steps.

2 Recommendations

2.1 To approve the sharing of the following services:

(i) Information Governance – to be led by Cannock Chase District Council; and

(ii) Pest & Dog Control – to be led by Stafford Borough Council. A further report will be submitted in due course outlining the service level agreement and seeking permission to delegate the provision of the service to Stafford Borough Council.

2.2 That agreement is given to widening the scope of services to be considered for sharing to include the wider remit of Environmental Services (this will include Streetscene, Grounds Maintenance, Parks & Open Spaces and Trees).

2.3 That agreement is given to commissioning an independent options appraisal jointly with Stafford Borough Council to consider all options for the future delivery of Environmental Services. ITEM NO. 6.2

3 Key Issues and Reasons for Recommendation

3.1 Following the agreement of a Memorandum of Understanding between Cannock Chase District Council and Stafford Borough Council in 2009, the first phase of Shared Services commenced in 2011.

3.2 As part of the Financial Recovery Plan, as reflected in the General Fund Revenue Budget Medium Term Financial Plan, agreed by Council February 2017, it was agreed that consideration be given to sharing further services with Stafford Borough Council. Officers of the 2 councils have been exploring this and outline business cases have been developed for:

(i) Environmental Health;

(ii) Planning Services; and

(iii) Information Governance.

3.3 The work done so far indicates that whilst savings could be achieved from the sharing of these services, more work is necessary before a final conclusion can be reached. The main issue is the scoping of the Environmental Health Service as there are significant differences in the service profile for the 2 councils which make it difficult to agree the parameters of the service to be shared. It is therefore necessary to widen the scope of the services to be considered for sharing to the broader remit of Environmental Services. This will also significantly increase the opportunities for savings to be delivered for both Councils and other benefits such as increased resilience in service delivery.

3.4 Given the nature and scale of Environmental Services, it is proposed that an independent options appraisal, including service delivery options, be commissioned. The cost of the options appraisal will be met jointly from the Shared Services reserves of both Councils.

3.5 Although it is proposed to delay the decision on sharing of Environmental Health Services pending the outcome of the wider review of Environmental Services, it is proposed to proceed with the sharing of the Pest and Dog Control Service. Since Cannock Chase District Council’s contractor, Mitie, decided to terminate its contract early, Stafford Borough Council has stepped in to provide the service. It is now proposed to establish this more permanently as a shared service between with the two councils with Stafford Borough Council acting as the lead authority. This will allow greater opportunities to integrate the service provision.

3.6 A business case has been established for a shared Information Governance service on the basis that this is a specialist service with limited resources so it would seem sensible to share expertise. Cannock Chase District Council will act as the lead authority for this service as it has an appropriately experienced Data Protection Officer and Stafford Borough Council does not have an equivalent resource. Stafford Borough Council will contribute £20,000 per annum towards the cost of the provision of a comprehensive Information Governance service. ITEM NO. 6.3

4 Relationship to Corporate Priorities

4.1 This report supports the Council’s Corporate Priority of “Making the best use of limited resources”.

5 Report Detail

5.1 Cannock Chase District Council (CCDC) has been sharing a range of services with Stafford Borough Council (SBC) since 2011. The services currently shared are:

Services Led by CCDC Services Led by SBC

Finance and Revenues & Benefits Legal Services

Audit, Risk & Resilience and Procurement Human Resources

Building Control Information Technology

In addition, the Councils also share 2 key statutory posts i.e. the s151 Officer and the Monitoring Officer. Sharing services has saved both Councils £580,000 each per annum.

5.2 In view of the changes to and reductions in local government funding, both Cannock Chase District Council and Stafford Borough Council have identified the need to identify opportunities to make efficiency savings. As part of their respective budget processes both Councils decide to consider the possibility of sharing further services in order to generate savings. Each Cabinet agreed that consideration should be given to sharing the following services:

(i) Environmental Health;

(ii) Planning Services; and

(iii) Information Governance.

5.3 Officers of the 2 councils have been working together and have produced outline business cases for each of the 3 services.

5.4 The Shared Services Strategic Board met on 1 August to consider the outline business cases. The Strategic Board comprises:

· Tony McGovern, Managing Director for CCDC;

· Tim Clegg, Chief Executive for SBC; ITEM NO. 6.4

· Judith Aupers, Shared Services Lead Officer for CCDC; and

· Neville Raby, Shared Services Lead Officer for SBC

5.5 Whilst the work done so far on the outline business cases indicates that savings could be achieved by sharing services, agreeing the scope of the Environmental Health Service has proved to be problematic. This is due to the differences in the service profile in place at the 2 Councils. If Stafford Borough Council were to “match” their services to the remit of the services referred to as Environmental Health at Cannock Chase District Council it would result in a much narrower share and vice versa.. The 2 main options are:

(i) to narrow the scope so that the services to be shared achieve a “direct” match in terms of the existing service profile but this would limit the opportunities and savings that could be achieved; or

(ii) to widen the scope to include Environmental Services. This option would significantly increase the opportunities to deliver savings and create other benefits e.g. resilience in the delivery of the services.

5.6 Widening the scope to “Environmental Services” is the preferred option given that it will increase the opportunities for both Councils rather than limiting them. However, this will necessitate further work being undertaken. Due to the scale of the wider proposal and the limited capacity available internally to support this work, it is proposed that an independent options appraisal be commissioned. It is proposed that the review should consider all of the service delivery options for Environmental Services and not be limited just to the creation of a shared service. This will allow for the consideration of other models such as the setting up of a Local Authority trading company, outsourcing all or parts of the service or internal cost reductions. The review will need to take into account the financial and operational implications for both Environmental Services and the Council overall including VAT, Pension Costs and the potential impact on the operation of back office services. The Shared Services Strategic Board will be responsible for determining the scope of the options appraisal and overseeing the procurement of a suitably qualified and experienced consultant to undertake the review. It is proposed that the cost of this options appraisal will be met jointly from the Shared Services reserves held by both Councils.

5.7 The independent options appraisal of Environmental Services will be overseen by the Shared Services Strategic Board (acting as the Project Board) whilst the day to day work will be supported by the Shared Services Programme Board (acting as the Working Group). The Shared Services Programme Board comprises the current shared Heads of Services and the respective Heads of Service with responsibility for Environmental Services will be invited to join the Programme Board to support the options appraisal. The Shared Services Lead officers will take the lead on commissioning the independent options appraisal and acting as the key point of contact.

5.8 Although, it is proposed to delay the decision on sharing of Environmental Health Services pending the outcome of the wider review of Environmental Services, it is proposed to proceed with the sharing of the Pest and Dog Control Service. Since Cannock Chase District Council’s contractor, Mitie, decided to terminate ITEM NO. 6.5

its contract early, Stafford Borough Council has stepped in to provide the service.

It is now proposed to establish this more permanently as a shared service between with the two councils with Stafford Borough Council acting as the lead authority. This will allow greater opportunities to integrate the service provision. There are no direct staffing implications (i.e. TUPE) arising from this. Cannock Chase Council has currently estimated a service requirement of £32,300 for the pest and dog control service but this will need to be revisited, along with the Service Level Agreement, as part of the move to this being a shared service. A further report to Cabinet will be needed in due course regarding delegated authority for the pest and dog control service.

5.9 Whilst work continues on looking at the options for sharing Environmental Services it is not possible to proceed with the sharing of Planning Services as it is necessary for services to be shared in “pairs” under the model of shared services adopted in 2011. Furthermore, a number of issues have been raised in the outline business case which requires further consideration. Arrangements will be put in place to facilitate the two planning services work together to explore these issues further.

5.10 A business case has been approved by the Strategic Board to establish a shared Information Governance service on the basis that this is a specialist service with limited resources so it would seem sensible to share expertise. The proposal to share comes at time when new regulations are being introduced and both Councils are faced with reviewing their processes.

5.11 The Data Protection Act 1998 places obligations upon all organisations processing personal data, to ensure it is done fairly and lawfully. Since the introduction of the 1998 Act the way in which personal data is collected, stored and utilised has changed considerably as new technology has advanced. This has created opportunities for businesses to modernise processes, but has also created risks in the ease by which personal data can now be processed. Since 2010, the Information Commissioner has been given the power to issue monetary penalties of up to £500,000 to any body in serious breach of the Act. A number of local authorities have been issued with substantial penalties over the last few years. In May 2018, there will be a major change in this area, when the Act will be replaced by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The regulation provides greater rights for individuals with regard to how their information is processed. It also places express obligations on the Council to demonstrate how it complies with the data protection principles. The maximum level of penalty for a breach of the regulations will be increased to 2,000,000 Euros or 4% of turnover, whichever is greater. As part of its functions, the Council processes a large amount of personal data about its residents. Under the new regulations it will be increasingly important for the council to show how it has designed its systems to protect personal data and for its officers to keep on top of the rights of individuals in accessing their data.

5.12 To ensure compliance with the new duties, a specialist resource is required with experience and expertise in the field. As Cannock Chase District Council already has a suitably qualified and experienced officer, it will act as the lead ITEM NO. 6.6

authority for this service. Sharing the service will allow the officer to provide the service to both Councils which will have the benefit of avoiding duplication of effort across both Councils and also providing consistency of policy and approach which is desirable when the Councils are sharing substantial services.

5.13 Each Council will however maintain its own separate arrangements to appoint a Senior Information Risk Owner (SIRO) to take overall responsibility for the area and to designate an officer as the Data Protection Officer (DPO). For Cannock Chase Council, the Head of Governance & Corporate Services will act as the SIRO and the Information Manager will be the designated DPO. For Stafford Borough Council, the role of DPO will continue to be held by the Legal Services Manager and the role of SIRO be held by the Head of Law and Administration. This arrangement will provide for SBC officers continuing to offer legal advice on data protection and freedom of information matters and to work with the Information Manager at CCDC.

5.14 Stafford Borough Council will contribute £20,000 per annum towards the cost of the provision of a comprehensive Information Governance service. There are no direct staffing implications (i.e. TUPE) arising from this. In the first year, the £20,000 will be used to fund a temporary resource and training costs associated with the implementation of the new regulations across both Councils. It is anticipated that there will need to be a review of the staffing arrangements for the provision of the shared service on an ongoing basis but all costs will be contained within the £20,000 funding.

5.15 The Councils are keen to press ahead with the shared service Information Governance service quickly as the new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) come into force in May 2018 and work needs to be done ahead of this to support officers in ensuring that the Council is compliant. It is therefore proposed that CCDC officers will start to provide some training and support for SBC ahead of the formal signing of the service level agreement.

6 Implications

6.1 Financial

No provision currently exists within the General Fund Revenue Budget for savings arising from further shared services. A deficit of £181,000 currently exists in relation to the 2019/20 budget with the savings from additional Shared Services providing one of the options to provide an ongoing sustainable budget.

The savings target for the sharing of front line services is lower than that used for back office services – an average of 8% rather than 15%. This is based on savings achieved by other Councils and reflects the need to preserve front line service delivery. Widening the scope from Environmental Health to Environmental Services will significantly increase the opportunities to deliver savings. ITEM NO. 6.7

The commissioning of an independent options appraisal to consider all options for the future delivery of Environmental Services can be met from the Shared Services reserves.

6.2 Legal

Stafford Borough Council will retain legal responsibility for information governance under the proposals. The pest and dog control proposals may require the delegation of functions from Cannock Chase District Council to Stafford Borough Council as permitted by Section 19 of the Local Government Act 2000 and Section 101 of the Local Government Act 1972.

6.3 Human Resources

The proposal to share Information Governance and Pest & Dog Control does not involve any additional staffing implications under the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006 as amended by the Collective Redundancies and Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) (Amendment) Regulations 2014. Any implications for staff as a consequence of the independent options appraisal will be considered at the time.

6.4 Section 17 (Crime Prevention)


6.5 Human Rights Act


6.6 Data Protection

These are covered in the body of the report.

6.7 Risk Management

There are no strategic risks arising from the recommendations outlined in this report. There are some operational risks and these will be managed by the respective lead officers. None of these are considered to be high/red risks.

6.8 Equality & Diversity


6.9 Best Value

Achieving best value is a key driver behind the consideration of sharing further services. ITEM NO. 6.8

7 Appendices to the Report


Previous Consideration


Background Papers None. ITEM NO. 7.1

Report of: Head of Governance and Corporate Services Contact Officer: R. Lamond Telephone No: 01543 464598 Portfolio Leader Corporate Improvement Key Decision: No Report Track: Cabinet: 16/11/17


1 Purpose of Report

1.1 To advise Members on the position at the end of Quarter 2 for 2017/18, in respect of the Priority Outcomes as set out in the Corporate Plan 2015-18 and the supporting Priority Delivery Plans (PDPs) for 2017/18.

2 Recommendations

2.1 To note the performance information relating to PDPs as detailed at Appendices 1-4.

2.2 To consider the actions which have been flagged as requiring amendment to the timescale, scope or timeline.

3 Key Issues and Reasons for Recommendation

3.1 Information for performance actions and indicators for Quarter 2 2017/18 is included for relevant items in Appendices 1 to 4. The overall rankings for each Portfolio area are detailed in Section 5 below, indicating that 85.1% of actions/projects have been achieved or are on target to be achieved.

4 Relationship to Corporate Priorities

4.1 This report supports the Council’s Corporate Priorities as follows:

(i) The indicators and actions contribute individually to the Council’s Strategic Objectives as set out in the Corporate Plan 2015-18. ITEM NO. 7.2

5 Report Detail

5.1 The Council’s Corporate Plan 2015-18 was approved by Cabinet on 23 June 2015, superseding the previous Corporate Plan for 2011-14 and setting out the revised mission, priorities and strategic objectives of Cannock Chase District Council for the next three years.

5.2 The supporting Priority Delivery Plans (PDPs) are the annual documents that set out how the Council will achieve progress against its strategic objectives; these plans establish the actions, performance measures and timetables for delivery that are the basis of the Council’s quarterly and annual performance reporting framework.

5.3 The PDPs include “Direction of Travel” performance indicators (PIs) and actions outlining the significant projects and initiatives being undertaken by the Council in regard to the strategic objectives.

5.4 The Lead Officers for each of the projects/actions have provided a commentary on performance and a rating and these are included in Appendices 1-4. A summary of progress, by rating, is given in the table at 5.6. The projects/actions are rated according to the system illustrated below. At the end of Quarter 2 good progress has been made in the delivery of projects/actions with 85.1% delivered or on target to be achieved. Work is in progress on 14.9% of actions, albeit they are behind schedule.

5.5 The Lead Officers have also provided data for the Direction of Travel Indicators. Some of these indicators are traditional performance indicators, in which case an assessment has been made as to whether the target has been achieved. The other indicators are “measures” and the intention is to use these to assess the Council’s direction of travel over the medium to long term. All of the Direction of Travel Indicators are reported for each of the Corporate Priorities at the front of each of the appendices 1-4. ITEM NO. 7.3


No Rating

Project Project Project Project No rating completed on target Timeline/scope/ aborted/ provided/ target date closed action not requires due attention. Customers 1 4 2 0 0 and Corporate 14.3% 57.1% 28.6% 0% 0% Economic Development 1 12 5 0 0 and Town 5.6% 66.7% 27.7% 0% 0% Centres

Health, 2 12 0 0 0 Culture and Environment 14.3% 85.7% 0% 0% 0%

Housing, 0 8 0 0 0 Crime and Partnerships 0% 100% 0% 0% 0% 4 36 7 0 0 TOTAL 8.5% 76.6% 14.9% 0% 0%

6 Implications

6.1 Financial

There are no direct financial implications arising from the report.

The financial management of the PDPs is standard in accordance with Financial Regulations and any measure to address a performance shortfall as reflected in a PDP report will require compensatory savings to be identified in the current year and be referred to the budget process for additional resources in future years.

6.2 Legal


6.3 Human Resources

None. ITEM NO. 7.4

6.4 Section 17 (Crime Prevention)

Direct actions which the Council is taking with regard to Section 17 (Crime Prevention) are detailed in the annexed PDP performance reports.

6.5 Human Rights Act


6.6 Data Protection


6.7 Risk Management

The strategic risks relating to the delivery of the Corporate Plan and PDPs have been identified and are included in the Strategic Risk Register, which is monitored and managed by Leadership Team and is reported to the Audit & Governance Committee.

6.8 Equality & Diversity

The Performance Reporting process by which the actions and indicators established by the Council to achieve its Priority Outcomes has been the subject of an Equality Impact Assessment, and in conclusion most considerations within the assessment are not applicable. However those items that have been identified as relevant are considered to be of neutral impact, and therefore the outcome of the assessment is that no change to the process is required.

6.9 Best Value

The Council’s Corporate Plan 2015-2018 and the Priority Delivery Plans 2015/16 include targeted actions which will contribute to promoting community engagement and Best Value within the District.

7 Appendices to the Report

Appendix 1 Performance information for the Customer and Corporate Improvement Delivery Plan

Appendix 2 Performance information for the Economic Development and Town Centres Delivery Plan

Appendix 3 Performance information for the Health and Culture and Environment Delivery Plan

Appendix 4 Performance information for the Housing, Crime and Partnerships Delivery Plan ITEM NO. 7.5

Previous Consideration None.

Background Papers Corporate Plan 2015/18 Report to Cabinet, 23rd June 2015 Priority Delivery Plans 2017/18 Report to Cabinet, 13th April 2017 Performance Reporting Process Equality Impact Assessment, July 2012 ITEM NO. 7. ITEM NO. 7.6

Appendix 1

Customers & Corporate Priority Delivery Plan 2017-18

Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Target- Achieved/ Trend Customers: Delivering Council services that are customer centred and accessible Customer contact Total: 24,745 Total: 24,470 93% calls answered data Ans: 23,471 94.9% Ans: 23,247 95.0%

Use of Online Forms 410

App/Online: 485 App/Online: 496

E – Payments Target – 5,000 Target – 5,000 20,000 Transactions – (5,000 per quarter) Payments made via Actual – 6,140 Actual – 6,197 the Council’s website 2016/17 – 21,816 Value - £674,658 Value - £654,168 Value £2,319,060

Payments made via Target – 5,000 Target – 5,000 20,000 the Council’s (5,000 per quarter) automated telephone Actual – 6,466 Actual – 5,955 payment system 2016/17 – 21,759 Value - £715,664 Value - £445,086 Value £2,391,064 ITEM NO. 7.7

Strategic Objective Delivering Council services that are customer centred and accessible Action & Progress Update Outcomes Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Rating Rating Rating Rating Develop and implement a Customer Access Strategy Customers have clarity as to the standards of service that they can Work on the Customer Access Strategy has not yet started due to the work that is in expect to receive progress on the procurement of a new telephony system and planning for a Increase the ways customers can replacement CRM system. Both of these procurements are closely associated with interact with the Council via digital the Customer Access Strategy. Drafting of the Strategy is now planned for Quarter means 4.

Strategic Objective Making the best use of limited resources Action & Progress Update Outcomes Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Rating Rating Rating Rating Development and delivery of an action plan to take forward the Improve the resilience and efficiency recommendations from the Peer Review of the Council

An action plan is in place for delivery of the Peer Review recommendations and is being monitored by Leadership Team. Work is progressing on looking at the future of the Council and the development of a new Corporate Plan; this work underpins other aspects of the recommendations.

Prepare outline business cases for sharing the following services: FRP option · Development Control, Planning Policy and Land Charges; · Environmental Health; and · Information Governance A report on the outcome of the business cases for further shared services is due to be considered by Cabinet in November 2017. ITEM NO. 7.8

Action & Progress Update Outcomes Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Rating Rating Rating Rating Develop proposals for delivery of savings of £94k from the Stafford led shared FRP option services, as part of the FRP process, for delivery in 2018/19

Savings proposals are being developed by the Stafford led shared services.

Review of call handling operation between the Contact Centre and the Social FRP option Alarm Service Not Due The move of the Social Alarms team has been delayed and is now due to take place until in January 2018. The review of call handling is now likely to commence in 2018-19. Qtr4

Reduce the opening days/hours for the Revenues & Benefits reception and FRP option. enquiry service for 2017/18 as follows: · Rugeley Area Office – to 2 days per week; and · Hednesford Library – to 1 day per week. Opening hours were changed from 3 April 2017 as planned.

Strategic Objective Improving skills and accessibility to local employment opportunities Action & Progress Update Outcomes Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Rating Rating Rating Rating A strategy is to be developed regarding the Apprenticeship Levy

The strategy was presented to Leadership Team on 15th August 2017 and approved. ITEM NO. 7.9

Summary of Progress in Delivering Projects/Actions:

Not rated

Project completed Project on target Project Project aborted/ closed Action not rated Timeline/scope/target date requires attention. . Alterations considered by leadership team

1 4 2 0 0

14.3% 57.1% 28.6% 0% 0% ITEM NO. 7.10

Appendix 2

Economic Development and Town Centres Priority Delivery Plan 2017-18

Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Target Achieved/ Trend Better jobs and skills - Supporting a successful business economy Private Sector No data available No data available Workforce Growth

UK Business Counts 3,280 (2016 data) 3,400 (2017 data) (2015)

Better jobs and skills - Improving skills and accessibility to local employment opportunities Employment/ 0.7% (460 JSA claims) 0.7% (454 JSA claims) unemployment rates 79.5% employment 79.5% employment rate rate Qualifications 47.2% NVQ Level 3+ 47.2% NVQ Level 3+ (Jan 2015 – Dec 2015) (Jan –Dec 2016) (Jan-Dec 2016)

Better jobs and skills – Growing the number of successful businesses Business start ups No data available No data available and growth

UK Business Counts 3,280 (2016 data) 3,400 (2017 data) (2015) ITEM NO. 7.11

Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Target Achieved/ Trend Better jobs and skills - Supporting attractive and competitive town centres Town vacancy rates 5.8% across three 5.2% across three town centres. town centres

Visitor numbers – No data available. No data available footfall

More and better housing: Planning for the housing needs of the District Number of affordable dwellings secured Nil Nil Target 45 through S106 agreements ITEM NO. 7.12

Strategic Objective: Supporting a successful business economy Action & Progress Update Outcomes Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Rating Rating Rating Rating Cannock Chase Local Plan Part 2 A robust and up-to- Progress work in key areas to underpin production of the Plan, including:- date evidence base is required to · Responses to the Issues and Options Consultation - Assess all of the sites and any new ensure that the policy options, taking into account the representations made at the issues and options Local Plan is stage. considered ‘sound’ · Production of an updated Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) at Examination in · Decide which sites should be put forward for allocation and for what use. Public and can · Draft the proposed policy detail. stand up to · Prepare the ‘Proposed Submission’ Plan scrutiny from Representations received to the Issues and Options were reported to Cabinet in August 2017. potential objectors. Work is also underway to update the SHLAA.

Develop a strategy to secure improvements to Cannock Railway Station (in association with Enhance improved connectivity between Mill Green Designer Outlet Village, the station and the town connectivity across centre), Hednesford and Rugeley Railway Stations the District and outside of the Cannock Station – SCC, Network Rail and WMR is developing a ‘ Stations Alliance’ District. which, together with the new West Midlands franchise operator, is hoped to bring about Increased numbers substantial improvements to Chase Line stations. The station’s Vision seeks to ensure they are of rail passengers. instantly recognisable in the areas which they serve and also integrate properly into the community. Stations should act as ‘Gateways’, with quality infrastructure and more facilities such as shops. The study is in two stages: Stage 1 is to confirm the projects for outline development. It is anticipated that this stage will result in a shortlist of projects for further development. Stage 2 will develop outline a masterplan for each of the prioritised stations from Stage 1. Site inspections of Cannock, Hednesford and Rugeley Town were carried out in June. ITEM NO. 7.13

Action & Progress Update Outcomes Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Rating Rating Rating Rating Co-ordinate the production of a development brief for the former Rugeley ‘B’ Power Station Local economy in and work with partners to ensure redevelopment of the site. Rugeley protected · Production of Masterplan/Planning Brief – with the site owners, Engie, and Lichfield and new uses, DC employment, · Production of Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) (Local Plan Document) housing and community facilities · Demolition and clearance of site (Engie) – Contractor to be appointed established on site · First buildings to be demolished (Engie contractor) as soon as possible.

Cabinet approved the draft Rugeley Power Station SPD for consultation purposes at its June 2017 meeting. The joint consultation with Lichfield District Council ran from 24 July until 3 September 2017. Responses to the representations received are currently being prepared to enable the SPD to be approved by early 2018. Engie are in the process of appointing demolition contractors.

Strategic Objective Improving skills and accessibility to local employment opportunities Action & Progress Update Outcomes Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Rating Rating Rating Rating Seek to maximise local employment opportunities in large projects Local jobs for local people. (businesses supporting the initiative creating 50+ jobs) with the ambition that 50% of new employees would be residents of the District.

Most large projects currently being progressed are speculative with the end- user to be confirmed. There is also a requirement for employers who are willing to participate. The Mill Green Designer Outlet Scheme will therefore be a major opportunity to respond to the local jobs for local people ambition. ITEM NO. 7.14

Action & Progress Update Outcomes Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Rating Rating Rating Rating Setting up a Retail Skills Academy for Mill Green DOV Upskilling Employment opportunities for local Course unable to attract sufficient learners to start Sept 2017 (Cannock college people at the MG DOV and other campus now closed). Reviewing strategy and delivery arrangements with retail outlets in the area. developers.

Strategic Objective Growing the number of successful businesses Action & Progress Update Outcomes Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Rating Rating Rating Rating Support the growth and expansion of local companies through the ‘Let’s Small businesses supported to grow Grow’ Programme and increase employment

Successful delivery of the previous programme achieved. Additional monies to continue operating the programme ssecured from the Pye Green Valley monies ( £40,000). 2 approvals in Qtr 2. Promotion ongoing.

Continue working with partners to formulate and implement EU funded New businesses formation. projects to support business start ups and the growth of existing businesses (SMEs) and help businesses to access the resultant funding. Jobs protected/created.

Delivery of approved projects currently taking place i.e Business Growth Programme and Enterprise for Success. Currently exploring start up grants programme and approved higher level skills match project. ITEM NO. 7.15

Strategic Objective Supporting attractive and competitive town centres Action & Progress Update Outcomes Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Rating Rating Rating Rating To continue the production of an Area Action Plan for Cannock Town Centre Development of Cannock Town to sit alongside Local Plan Part 2 and secure the participation of key Centre to meet future needs. stakeholders in developing and delivering plans for the future of the Centre. Redevelopment opportunities. More competitive and attractive Responses to the AAP Issues & Options consultation are being reviewed and town centre. considered in the context of the emerging work on the Cannock Town Centre Prospectus (see below).

Produce a Cannock Town Centre Prospectus to generate interest in Redevelopment opportunities. investment opportunities. More competitive and attractive town centre. Specialist advisers have been appointed to undertake Phase 1 following the receipt of competitive quotations. Work with developers to secure a commencement to construction works for Enhanced profile of Cannock Chase the Mill Green Designer Outlet Village and progress measures required to as a visitor destination. enhance connectivity with Cannock Railway Station and Cannock Town Improved retail and leisure offer. Centre Construction jobs. Increased access to training Section 73 planning application submitted July 2017. Decision Notice to be opportunities. issued imminently. Deliver the Town Centre Discretionary Business Rates Scheme to facilitate More competitive and attractive the reoccupation of previously vacant town centre accommodation town centre.

One application approved in Quarter 2. Currently fitting out unit in Cannock Town Centre. ITEM NO. 7.16

Strategic Objective Planning for the housing needs of the District Action & Progress Update Outcomes Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Rating Rating Rating Rating Development with Staffordshire County Council under a joint venture Open market and affordable partnership arrangement of the Wharf Road / Pear Tree site, Rugeley dwellings to meet housing needs in Rugeley. Offer received from potential purchaser currently being considered by Staffordshire County Council.

Strategic Objective Making the best use of limited resources Action & Progress Update Outcomes Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Rating Rating Rating Rating Develop a comprehensive Asset Management Plan which includes all The effective use of the Council’s maintenance costs and opportunities for income generation etc. land and property assets that meet operational needs and make the Due to changes in the Senior Management structure, this area of work is now greatest return on investment being picked up by the Head of Housing & Partnerships. An interim Building Surveyor has now been appointed and scoping of requirements has begun Pursue additional external funding to support regeneration projects in the Maximise funding available to the District Council

WMCA employment pilot to take place in Cannock North. Currently underway. Bring forward detailed business case for an extended shared service for A well-resourced, expert and Building Control Services competitive local authority building control service to ensure a safe local Business case and draft budget has been produced and is currently being built environment assessed to determine whether to proceed. ITEM NO. 7.17

Action & Progress Update Outcomes Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Rating Rating Rating Rating Delivery of improvement works to Cannock Indoor Market Hall, Increase FRP option trading days at Cannock Market from 3 days to 4 days and increase fees Start charging for pre-application advice on major planning applications FRP option

Options for charging currently being reviewed. Delivery of Civic Centre Car Parking Scheme to create pay & display spaces in Improved public car parking for support of the Hospital visitors to Cannock Hospital

Scheme costs have been validated to ensure an appropriate scheme can be delivered. Currently working on a procurement route with Staffs County Council to secure a contractor to deliver the works against an approved budget of £450,000

Summary of Progress in Delivering Projects/Actions:

No Rating

Project completed Project on target Project Project aborted/ closed Timeline/scope/target date requires attention. . Alterations considered by leadership team

1 12 5 0 0

5.6% 66.7% 27.7% 0% 0% ITEM NO. 7.18

Appendix 3

Health, Culture and Environment Priority Delivery Plan 2017-18

Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Target- Achieved/ Trend Increasing access to physically active and healthy lifestyles Increase Annual Target Although an annual Increase 2016-17 concessionary target, currently this Annual outturn by 1% membership scheme to year concessionary areas of memberships have inactivity/deprived increased by 3.26% wards

Strategic Objective Increasing access to physically active and healthy lifestyles Action & Progress Update Outcomes Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Rating Rating Rating Rating To develop and provide a new community multi sport and recreation hub facility at the former To provide stadium site new and improved Quarter 1- Contractor to start on site. sport and The Contractor appointed to deliver the remaining elements of Phase 1 (excluding CCTV) recreation commenced on site in May 2017m, although site preparation works were carried out in advance facilities in during March/April 2017. the local community Quarter 2- Construction of Phase 1 elements Construction of the Phase 1 elements including footpaths/cycle way, lighting, car parking, BMX Pump Track, Green Gym Equipment and Community Allotments and building are underway and ongoing. ITEM NO. 7.19

Achieve a green flag for Hednesford Park

Quarter 1- Submit application and undergo inspection. The Green Flag application for Hednesford Park was submitted and a full inspection carried out on 19th May 2017. The result of the inspection will be known during Quarter 2

Quarter 2 – Green Flag Decision Hednesford Park achieved Green Flag status in July 2017 taking the Council’s total to 6 Green Flag Awards for the District “Inspiring Health Lifestyles” (IHL) Capital Investment proposal to deliver £50,000 additional FRP option revenue by 2019/20 at Chase Leisure Centre

There are no specific actions identified in Quarter 1 although IHL are working on developing outline proposals for possible capital investment options during Quarter 2. Quarter 2 – Develop Outline Proposals IHL have developed and are working upon a number of potential options for capital investment in order to deliver revenue savings by 2019-20.

Strategic Objective Working with our partners to reduce health inequalities in the District Action + Progress Update Outcomes Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Rating Rating Rating Rating To promote concessionary membership scheme to areas of inactivity/deprived wards etc Making services more During Quarter 1 an apprentice has been appointed to help with the promotions including accessible to concessionary memberships and the Wellbeing teams and Leisure Centre staff supported the those on low Armed Forces day and promoted the concessionary scheme. incomes and those aged During Quarter 2 A range of targeted activities continue to introduce inactive people and those over 65 from the areas of highest deprivation to the leisure centre environment including Chase Active Fridays. Further outreach promotional work was undertaken at Hednesford Summer Festival and discussions commenced for the piloting of the Help A Squaddie initiative at the two leisure centres. ITEM NO. 7.20

Strategic Objective Working with our partners to reduce health inequalities in the District Action + Progress Update Outcomes Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Rating Rating Rating Rating Childrens Art expo working with schools from the most deprived communities to highlight the importance of healthy lifestyles

During Quarter 1 the arrangements have been established through the Cultural Education Partnership to work with as many schools and community groups as possible to develop art work, such as WW1 reminiscent postcards, for inclusion in an exhibition that will tour the District. The partnership includes members from both primary and secondary schools from across the District and will continue during 2017-18.

Quarter 2 The project is continuing as planned during this period.

Disability enterprise support – Inspiring Catherine Care and Hednesford Valley social enterprise arms to develop saleable craft products as part of the their skills development for clients / students learning to fund raise for healthy lifestyle activities.

During Quarter 1 engagement with stakeholders has commenced and appropriate artists to work with have been identified. Throughout the life of the project the aim is to provide professional craft and arts worker support to upskill participants and sell products produced to increase sustainability.

Quarter 2 The project is continuing as planned during this period. ITEM NO. 7.21

Strategic Objective Working with our partners to reduce health inequalities in the District Action + Progress Update Outcomes Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Rating Rating Rating Rating “Our Parks” (Sportivate)

Quarter 1- Initiative to start in Quarter 1 Free outdoor exercise classes for all levels of fitness with qualified instructors commenced in Hednesford park during the first quarter of 2017-18. During this period 66 individuals have participated recording 346 attendances. The aim is to engage with people who might experience barriers in accessing traditional leisure centre provision

Quarter 2 – Initiative ongoing. A container has been installed at Hednesford Park and the programme continues to progress with plans in place to continue the programme during the wetter winter months. During Quarter 2 166 individuals have participated recording 955 attendances. “Start Peddling” – Cycle sessions will be provided in Hednesford Park, including inclusive cycling.

Quarter 1 During the first quarter of this year 2017-18 the container pod for storing the bikes has been installed in Hednesford Park and the bikes ordered for commencement of the initiative in Quarter 2. The initiative which has previously been held in Cannock Park will offer everyone the opportunity to cycle through a programme of instructor led sessions. Quarter 2 A Saturday afternoon session starting from the pod has been launched with an average weekly attendance of 15 people of varying ages and abilities. The Chase Fit Cycling Network has been Increased created which is linking cycling provision throughout southern Staffordshire to create a stronger participation. infrastructure to support more people to access cycling. The Chase Fit Big Cycling Weekend took 251 place on 30th September – 1st October. This saw a range of partners, IHL, CCDC, SCC, Forestry participants Commission, SASSOT, Cycling 2000, South Staffs Cycling Scheme and Swinnerton Cycles, come and 273 together to provide a weekend full of cycling activities. Three regular rides will be introduced on the attendances. back of the work undertaken on the Big Cycling Weekend. ITEM NO. 7.22

Strategic Objective Working with our partners to reduce health inequalities in the District Action + Progress Update Outcomes Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Rating Rating Rating Rating Festival of Sport and Culture (Link to healthy lifestyle message) to be run at Rugeley Leisure Centre – aimed at local primary schools.

Quarter 1 – Hold Festival of Sport The annual Festival of Sport and Culture was held at Rugeley Leisure Centre on 30th June 2017. 457 participants attended from 16 local primary schools

Tesco Gardening Project

Quarter 1 Following a successful award of £12,000 from the Tesco’s Bags of Help campaign, Inspiring healthy lifestyles and Cannock Chase District Council are well underway with the project to transform the land at St Luke’s Church into a sensory garden that reflects the local outstanding natural. of Cannock Chase in an urban setting.

The area, which has been a hub for anti-social behaviour has been transformed with new paths and raised beds and later this year Community Groups will commence planting.

Quarter 2

The gates to the garden are now always open and a volunteer day was held during this period. The Church and its users have reported a significant reduction in anti-social behaviour on the premises since the introduction of the garden and the contractor has donated 200 sensory plants to be planted during Quarter 3. ITEM NO. 7.23

Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Target- Achieved/ Trend Cleaner and safer environments: Striving for cleaner, greener and attractive public environments across the District

Percentage of 47.50% 52.08% 50% household waste Confirmed - Waste NB: Figure based on estimated recycled Dataflow Figure SCC residual and Material Recycling Facility output tonnages Residual household 5,666.55 Tonnes 4,887.50 Tonnes <20,000 Tonnes waste collected Confirmed - SCC NB: Figure based on estimated residual tonnage SCC residual tonnages

Number of fly tipping No target - this is a incidents 123 121 measure only

Strategic Objective Striving for cleaner, greener and attractive public environments across the District Action & Progress Update Outcomes Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Rating Rating Rating Rating Explore delivery options for a new cemetery site There are no actions due in the first quarter of this year. The action to determine core operational requirements for the proposed new cemetery has been specifically included in the work programme for the Health Culture and Environment Scrutiny Committee during 2017-18 and their meeting to be held in November 2017. Quarter 2 Core requirements have been drafted for the new cemetery and are on track for the Health Culture and Environment Scrutiny Committee during 2017-18 and their meeting to be held in November 2017. ITEM NO. 7.24

Action & Progress Update Outcomes Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Rating Rating Rating Rating Declare Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) no. 3 Five Ways Island, Heath Hayes.

Quarter 1 – AQMA to be declared and operational

Quarter 2 - There are no specific actions identified in Quarter 1

Strategic Objective Making the best use of limited resources Action & Progress Update Outcomes Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Rating Rating Rating Rating To relocate the CAB in to the Council offices so that their direct costs can FRP option be reduced to deliver savings.

CAB has agreed to be located on the ground floor of the Civic Centre. Detailed discussions in progress re: timetable and moving issues

Deliver the staffed parks service in-house FRP option

There are no actions due in the first quarter of this year. The action to review operational proposals for the parks service has been specifically included in the work programme for the Health Culture and Environment Scrutiny Committee during 2017-18 and their meeting to be held in November 2017.

Quarter 2 Core operational proposals and current options are being reviewed. ITEM NO. 7.25

Summary of Progress in Delivering Projects/Actions:

No Rating

Project completed Project on target Project Project aborted/ closed Timeline/scope/target date requires attention. . Alterations considered by leadership team

2 12 0 0 0

14.3% 85.7% 0% 0% 0% ITEM NO. 7.26

Appendix 4

Housing, Crime and Partnerships Priority Delivery Plan 2017-18

Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Annual Total Annual Target Target Achieved / Trend More and better housing: Increasing the supply of affordable housing Additional affordable 76 33 160 housing

More and better housing: Planning for the housing needs of the District Number of affordable 0 0 45 dwellings secured through S106 agreements ITEM NO. 7.27

Strategic Objective Increasing the supply of affordable housing Action & Progress Update Outcomes Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Rating Rating Rating Rating Progress the redevelopment of the Reema flats on the Moss Road Estate, · Meet the need for additional Chadsmoor affordable housing · Increase the Council’s housing stock Scheme has progressed well and is currently ahead of programme. During · Q2 there were 10 completions, with only a further 4 properties left to Complete the implementation of the complete from the total of 65 properties for affordable rent by the Moss Road Estate Regeneration Council. Strategy. · Enhance the appearance of the Moss The full scheme is still expected to complete at the end of Q4, with works Road Estate to the small Play Area and Public Open Space, and environmental · Provide local employment and improvements to existing flats to be finished once all the properties are training opportunities handed over (expected Q3).

Progress the redevelopment of 25 properties on former garage sites and · Meet the need for additional other areas of Council owned land. affordable housing · Increase the council’s housing stock Scheme is currently on programme, with four sites started on site. · Enhance the appearance of the At the end of 2016/17 Cabinet gave approval for the scheme to be Council’s housing estates extended to 39 properties on 11 sites, with the use of GBSLEP Unlocking Housing Sites Fund. Planning permission was granted for a further six sites during Q1. Construction was ongoing in Q2. Completions are expected on two sites during Q3.

27 properties are expected to be completed by the end of 2017/18. ITEM NO. 7.28

Strategic Objective Improving the Council’s social housing stock and raising standards in the private rented sector Action & Progress Update Outcomes Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Rating Rating Rating Rating Implement a range of improvements works as provided for in the 2017-18 HRA Capital · Meet the needs and Programme. aspirations of the Council’s tenants. Programmes are only slightly behind the profiled targets, with the exception of double · Maintain the Council’s glazing which is due to finish early, but it is envisaged each programme will be brought back and achieved. housing stock to the Decent Homes standard. Annual Q2 · Reduce the need for Programme Target responsive repairs 275 146 No. of properties having gas heating replaced · Improve the energy efficiency of the Council’s 635 237 No. of properties benefitting from external envelope work housing stock 600 280 · Enhance the appearance of No. of properties benefiting from electrical upgrading works the Councils housing 60 27 No. of properties benefiting from kitchen replacement estates. 260 120 No. of properties benefitting from bathroom upgrade 525 473 No. of properties benefiting from double glazing works ITEM NO. 7.29

Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter Quarter Annual Annual Target Achieved 3 4 Total Target / Trend Cleaner and safer environments: Working with partners to foster safer and stronger communities

Satisfaction with local area (Feeling the Difference Survey) Committed Crime Q1 (24.07.17) Q2 (10.10.17) These are all Over Time Previous 12 months = Previous 12 months = 5,828 measures only (Variation) 5,673 and will be All crime groupings – reported Acquisitive crime, Last 12 months = 6,506 Last 12 months = 6,730 quarterly. Violence against the person, Sexual Change Over 12 Months = Change Over 12 Months = Offences, Police 15% increase (833) 15% increase (902) generated crime and oth For information only, data For information only, data provided by Staffs Police. provided by Staffs Police. ASB Incidents Over Q1 (24.07.17) Q2 (10.10.17) Time (Variation) – Previous 12 months = Previous 12 months = 3,108 Police data 3,235

Last 12 months = 2,914 Last 12 months = 3,062

Change over 12 Months = - Change over 12 Months = - 10% 1% reduction (-321) reduction (-46)

ASB – Number of Q1 - 15 on going cases, 6 Q2 – 13 on going cases, 13 referrals to ASB closed cases closed cases Champion – Victim 2 x Council referrals 6 x Council referrals Support data 4 x Police referrals 1 x Police referrals ITEM NO. 7.30

6 x Self referrals 5 x Self referrals 3 x Other agencies 0 x Other agencies 19 victims and 19 victims and vulnerabilities vulnerabilities identified identified 1 x case declined due to 2 x case declined due to out out of area of area Hate Crime Incidents Q1 (24.07.17) Q2 (10.10.17) Over Time Previous 12 months = 89 Previous 12 months = 88 (Variation) – Police data Last 12 months = 100 Last 12 months = 116

Change over 12 Months = Change over 12 Months = 12% 32% Increase (11) Increase (28)

Hate Crime – Q1 24 Individuals from Q2 33 Individuals from Number of self Cannock Chase District Cannock Chase District referrals to CACH – reported approx. 120 reported approx. 150 CACH data incidents, incidents, agreements The motivation behind The motivation behind these these incidents were incidents were thought to thought to be: be: 1 Religion 3 Religion 2 Sexual Orientation 2 Sexual Orientation 2 Disability – Physical 2 Disability – Physical 3 Disability – Learning 1 Disability – Learning 17 Race 24 Race (1 individual thought they 3 Gender Identity were targeted for reasons 1 Mental Health of race and religion) (2 individuals felt that they were targeted for more than 1 reason). ITEM NO. 7.31

Strategic Objective Working with partners to foster safer and stronger communities Action & Progress Update Outcomes Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Rating Rating Rating Rating Explore the feasibility of introducing charges for CCTV evidence requested by FRP option Staffordshire Police and insurance companies

Q1 – This action has not been progressed due to focusing on the procurement of the new CCTV Control Room. During Q2 the level of information requested from the police will be collated to enable us to calculate the cost to inform discussions regarding the feasibility of charges.

Q2 - The level of information requested from the police has been collated, work is underway to calculate the cost to inform discussions regarding the feasibility of charges. There has been a delay due to capacity. A meeting with Staffs Police (Digital Services Manager) scheduled to discuss Technology, Systems and Partnerships 201.10.17

Explore offer from West Midlands CA (Transport for WM) re CCTV provision FRP option

Q1 – This action is on hold until the procurement of the new CCTV Control Room has been completed.

Q2 - This action is on hold until the procurement of the new CCTV Control Room has been completed. ITEM NO. 7.32

Action & Progress Update Outcomes Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Rating Rating Rating Rating Lead and roll-out the “Let’s Work Together” project across the District The programme will be designed to deliver against the Q1 - A Let’s Work Together Event took place on Monday 3rd July 2017 in the Cannock Chase LSP priorities. Ballroom at Cannock Chase Council. The theme of the event was children and young people, highlighting one of the priorities of the Chase Community Partnership.

38 partners attended the event, many of which promoted their organisations in the marketplace.

Q2 – A review of the resources used in Let’s Work Together to ensure the services and agencies signposted to are still in existence, as there has been many commissioning changes across the county.

The plan moving forward is to look at common trends emerging from the Community Safety Hub to ensure we are focusing on the local need and challenges that are posed in our District.

Develop a District Wide Anti Social Behaviour & Hate Crime Policy · Consistent approach to handling reports of anti Q1 – It was agreed at the Housing, Crime and Partnerships Scrutiny Committee that social behaviour an ASB Working Group would be set up to progress the development of a corporate · Managing Partner ASB Policy. expectations · Number of ASB Victims Nominated elected members are: Cllr Paul Snape, Cllr Mike Hoare, Cllr Zaphne and witnesses supported Stretton, Cllr Alan Pearson and Cllr Alan Dean. · Increased reassurance · Number of referrals and Partners will also be invited to be part of this sub group. from where

Q2 - The first meeting of the ASB sub group met Monday 9th October from 16.00. ITEM NO. 7.33

The Partnership Team are currently looking at both Tamworth and Lichfield’s policy which are held up as best practice across Staffordshire for the corporate ASB policy.

One of the elements of the policy will include collective serving of Community Protection Notice Warning (CPNW) Letters & Community Protection Notices (CPNs) on partnership headed paper. The notice or letter will be deemed to be served by all partners and it is their collective responsibility to collect any evidence of breach. The onus on serving the paperwork would still sit with Police, Housing, Env Health but the response to issues being addressed under the Community Safety Hubs authority.

The corporate policy will demonstrate good partnership working and multi-agency opinions would hopefully ensure that the terms of any notices were proportionate and practical.

Additionally, it would solve our ongoing issues re: accurate monitoring of who has received such notices, whilst also raising greater awareness amongst partners to assist with evidencing breaches.

Raise awareness of the Community Trigger by providing workshops for staff, Increased awareness and use members and partners. of the Community Trigger.

Q1 – Identified training provider, training to be schedule Q3. Q2 - Identified training provider, training to be schedule Q3. ITEM NO. 7.34

Summary of Progress in Delivering Projects/Actions:

No Rating

Project completed Project on target Project Project aborted/ closed Timeline/scope/target date requires attention. . Alterations considered by leadership team

0 8 0 0 0


Report of: Head of Governance & Corporate Services Contact Officer: Stephen Baddeley Telephone No: 01543 464415 Portfolio Leader: Corporate Improvement Key Decision: No Report Track: Cabinet: 16/11/17 Audit & Governance C’ttee: 05/12/17


1 Purpose of Report

1.1 To set out details of the Council’s Strategic Risk Register as at 1st October 2017 and Risk Management arrangements for managing the Strategic Risks facing the Council.

2 Recommendations

2.1 That Cabinet approves the Strategic Risk Register and considers the progress made in the identification and management of the strategic risks.

3 Key Issues and Reasons for Recommendation

3.1 All strategic risks and associated action plans have been reviewed and the Council’s risk profile is summarised in the table below:

Risk Colour Number of Risks at Number of Risks at 1 April 2017 1 Oct 2017 Red 1 1 Amber 5 5 Green 0 0 TOTAL 6 6 ITEM NO. 8.2

4 Relationship to Corporate Priorities

4.1 This report supports the Council’s Corporate Priorities as follows:-

(i) Risk management is a systematic process by which key business risks / opportunities are identified, prioritised and controlled so as to contribute towards the achievement of the Council’s aims and objectives.

(ii) The strategic risks set out in the Appendices have been categorised against the Council’s priorities.

5 Report Detail

5.1 The Accounts & Audit Regulations 2015 state that: “A relevant body must ensure that it has a sound system of internal control which:- (a) facilitates the effective exercise of its functions and the achievement of its aims and objectives; (b) ensures that the financial and operational management of the authority is effective; and (c) includes effective arrangements for the management of risk.”

5.2 Risk can be defined as uncertainty of outcome (whether positive opportunity or negative threat). Risk is ever present and some amount of risk-taking is inevitable if the council is to achieve its objectives. The aim of risk management is to ensure that the council makes cost-effective use of a risk process that has a series of well-defined steps to support better decision making through good understanding of risks and their likely impact.

Management of Strategic Risks / Opportunities 5.3 Central to the risk management process is the identification, prioritisation and management of strategic risks / opportunities. Strategic risks / opportunities have been identified and prioritised, action plans are in place for their effective management and delivery of the action plans is monitored. A summary of the Council’s strategic risk register as at 1st October 2017 is attached at Appendix 1.

The risk summary illustrates the risks / opportunities using the “traffic light” method i.e.

RED risk score 12 and above (action plan required to reduce risk and/or regular monitoring) AMBER risk score 5 to 10 (action plan required to reduce risk) GREEN risk score below 5 (risk tolerable, no action plan required) ITEM NO. 8.3

5.4 The number of strategic risks has remained at 6 as follows:

· No new risks have been identified and no risks have been deleted

5.5 No risk scores have changed in the period – Risk 18 remains as Red due to the uncertainty caused by the lack of clarity over the future impact of the New Homes Bonus and Business Rates Retention. This uncertainty has been made worse by the exclusion of the Local Government Finance Bill from the current legislative programme. The Chancellor’s Budget Statement in November may provide some clarity.

5.6 A progress update for those actions due up to the end of September 2017 is included in the full strategic risk register attached at Appendix 2.

5.7 Additional information for red and amber risks can be found in the Strategic Risk Register (Appendix 2) in the form of an ‘Overall Progress Summary’ this is accompanied by a symbol to indicate whether progress is on target or otherwise.

The table below outlines the overall progress made in reducing risks since 1st April 2017:

Progress Indicator Current position

No progress made in reducing the risk 0 Risks

Some progress made in managing the 6 Risks risk

Risk on target to be reduced 0 Risks

6 Implications

6.1 Financial


6.2 Legal


6.3 Human Resources


6.4 Section 17 (Crime Prevention)

None ITEM NO. 8.4

6.5 Human Rights Act


6.6 Data Protection


6.7 Risk Management

The Risk Management implications are included within the body of the report and appendices.

6.8 Equality & Diversity


6.9 Best Value


7 Appendices to the Report

Appendix 1: Summary of Strategic Risks 2017-18.

Appendix 2: Strategic Risk Register – detailed.

Previous Consideration


Background Papers File of papers kept in the Chief Internal Auditor & Risk Manager’s office. ITEM NO. 8.5

Appendix 1


Risk Potential Risks Risk Owner Date Added Score at Score at Direction No to Register Oct 2016 Apr 2017 of Travel over period reported Red Risks Vulnerability of Cannock Chase Council’s financial stability as a result of public 18 Head of Finance April 2014 12 12 expenditure reductions and ↔ changes to the Government’s funding regime Amber Risks Heads of Finance Impact of Welfare Benefit 16 and Housing & April 2013 9 9 Reform Partnerships ↔ The organisation does not have sufficient Management / 19 Officer capacity to deliver its Managing Director April 2015 9 9 corporate priorities and ↔ statutory duties Vulnerability of the Council’s Heads of Housing & Housing Revenue Account 20 Partnerships and April 2015 8 8 due to the new government Finance ↔ housing policies Failure to repel or recover from Cyber-attack including targeted ransomware, 23 Head of Technology April 2017 9 9 malware and Distributed ↔ Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks Failure to have an attractive and safe environment to Head of Economic 24 April 2017 9 9 encourage businesses and Development ↔ resident into he District.

Key to Direction of Travel ↓ Risk has decreased ↔ Risk level unchanged ↑ Risk has increased ITEM NO. 8. ITEM NO. 8.6

Appendix 2

Cannock Chase District Council – Strategic Risk Register

Ref No: 16 Risk: Impact of Welfare Benefit Reform (e.g. Introduction of Universal Credit, Single Fraud Investigation Service etc.) Risk Owner: Head of Finance / Head of Housing & Partnerships Portfolio: Corporate Improvement, Health & Wellbeing and Housing. Consequences Of Risk: · Increased demand for services (additional workload, pressure on service delivery, additional resourcing etc); · Increase in arrears on Council Tax; · Increase in Rent Arrears; · Negative impact on ability to perform “Compliance” functions and adverse effect on income. Links To Priority Delivery Plan: Customers · Delivering Council services that are customer centred and accessible; · Making the best use of limited resources. Gross Risk Score (ie without controls) Likelihood: 4 Impact: 3 Total Score: 12 RED Controls in Place · Manage the Council’s housing stock; · Monitoring impact of localisation of Council Tax Support; · Liaison with DWP on implementation timetable for Universal Credits; · Budget workshops for affected residents to better manage their budgets set up

Residual/Net Risk Score (ie with controls) Likelihood: 3 Impact: 3 Total Score: 9 AMBER Provisional Assessment of Risk – does the residual risk score need to be YES reduced ITEM NO. 8.7

Actions Planned Timescale/Person Progress/Comments Responsible Monitor impact of Benefit Reform to identify areas of concern. Quarterly An on-going monitoring routine is in place. Head of Finance Identifying number of additional people falling into arrears Quarterly This forms part of the overall monitoring. with Council Tax payments Head of Finance / Local Taxation & Benefits Manager Introduction of Tenancy Sustainment Service Completed Tenancy Sustainment Officer (TSO) service embedded – completed

Overall Progress Summary: The full impact of benefit reform cannot be determined until the phased introduction of AMBER Universal Credits. The impact of existing reforms continues to be monitored. The emphasis has been shifted to look more holistically at pursuing rent recovery in line with the roll out of Universal Credit and impact of welfare reforms. The Tenancy sustainment service is now embedded in housing. ITEM NO. 8.8

Ref No: 18 Risk: Vulnerability of Cannock Chase Council’s financial stability as a result of public expenditure reductions and changes to the Government’s funding regime Risk Owner: Head of Finance Portfolio: This risk cuts across all Portfolio’s Consequences Of Risk: · Council size becomes too small to sustain a viable organisation; · Unable to provide desired levels of service Links To Priority Delivery Plan: Customers · Delivering Council services that are customer centred and accessible; · Making the best use of limited resources Gross Risk Score (ie without controls) Likelihood: 4 Impact: 5 Total Score: 20 – RED Controls in Place · Medium term financial plan in place · Annual Financial Plan and Medium Term Financial Strategy in place · The Revenue Budget is balanced but requires support from balances · Corporate Budget Monitoring · Evaluation of consultation on changes to government funding regimes Residual/Net Risk Score (ie with controls) Likelihood: 4 Impact: 3 Total Score: 12 - RED Provisional Assessment of Risk – does the residual risk score need to be YES* reduced

Actions Planned Timescale/ Progress/Comments Person Responsible Responding to Government proposed legislation in relation to On-going Work streams of DCLG/LGA and CIPFA in key funding regimes relation to 100% Business Rates Schemes and pilot areas to be monitored Response in relation to Further Consultation on Design of 100% Business Rates system submitted. ITEM NO. 8.9

Actions Planned Timescale/ Progress/Comments Person Responsible Detailed responses to be submitted in relation to self -sufficient local government, 100% business rates retention and fair funding review as more technical detail becomes available Response to New Homes Bonus consultation made. Determine impact of Government proposals for key funding On-going In Progress regime Production and refresh of medium term financial plan On-going In Progress Mill Green DOV Development Project Board Established On–going In Progress Refresh Budget Strategy to ensure external funding sources On-going In Progress maximised and efficient and effective use of all resources Council looking to maximise all funding opportunities for Head of Economic economic growth, transport, infrastructure, additional jobs and Development better skills for residents

Overall Progress Summary: The Approved Budget and Plan currently reflects an ongoing shortfall of £0.180 million however an action plan exists to address this. The Financial Plan is based upon the opening of Mill Green DOV in 2019 and forms part of the Risk assessment for the Financial Plan. The financial position of the Council is being AMBER updated on a regular basis however the key risks and uncertainty relate to the potential changes to Business Rates (and New Homes Bonus ). The exclusion of the Local Government Finance Bill from the Governments legislative programme means that detail of such changes and timescales for implementation are currently on hold. However clarification may be provided as part of the Chancellor’s Budget statement in November 2017. ITEM NO. 8.10

Ref No: 19 Risk: The organisation does not have sufficient Management / Officer capacity to deliver its corporate priorities (e.g. Corporate Plan & PDPs) and statutory duties. Risk Owner: Managing Director Portfolio: This risk cuts across all portfolio’s Consequences Of Risk: · The Council’s priorities are not fully delivered with impact on residents / the public. Links To Priority Delivery Plan: This Risk Links To All Priority Delivery Plans

Gross Risk Score (ie without controls) Likelihood: 4 Impact: 3 Total Score: 12 RED Controls in Place · Scoping of management capacity for delivery of PDP’s by Heads of Service (Assessments of Management Capacity) · Management capacity issues are monitored by Leadership Team; · Adherence to Sickness Management Policy Residual Risk/Net Score (ie with controls) Likelihood: 3 Impact: 3 Total Score: 9 AMBER Provisional Assessment of Risk – does the residual risk score need to be YES* reduced

Actions Planned Timescale/ Progress/Comments Person Responsible Ensuring that all priorities in the PDP’s are resourced Ongoing The majority of PDP priorities are on target appropriately but there are a small number of Yellow ‘not All Heads of Service on target’ areas in part due to management capacity. Where necessary, considering whether resources from other Ongoing PDP Priorities not on target are being parts of the Council can be transferred for a period. reviewed by Leadership Team and resource implications are being re-considered. Managing Director / Leadership Team ITEM NO. 8.11

Actions Planned Timescale/ Progress/Comments Person Responsible Leadership Team maintaining an overview of performance Ongoing Quarterly Performance Indicator reports through “managing the business” performance indicators Managing Director / agreed for 2017/18 Leadership Team Requests for additional projects may be refused or deferred Ongoing A number of requests for new projects in until subsequent year(s) year have had to be refused in order to Managing Director protect delivery of the Council’s agreed Corporate Priorities.

Overall Progress Summary: A Senior Management Restructure was approved in February 2017 reflecting the AMBER Council’s Financial Recovery Plan. This proposal reduced senior management capacity in the organisation in order to create financial savings and was implemented with effect from April 2017. There is therefore an increased risk that there is not sufficient management capacity to address unforeseen events and that the delivery of Council priorities will be slower with less management capacity overall. The effectiveness of the structure is therefore dependant upon changes to the number of Scrutiny committees and changes to Cabinet Portfolios to ensure each Head of service supports a maximum of one Scrutiny committee and two Cabinet Members. The Councils management capacity will be monitored closely and action has already been taken by not accepting new project requests in year in order to protect capacity to deliver the agreed PDP priorities. Leadership Team have recently started to review delivery of the Council's General Fund and S106 Capital Programme and will be considering in further detail the need for additional project and programme management capacity ITEM NO. 8.12

Ref No: 20 Risk: : Vulnerability of the Council’s Housing Revenue Account due to the new government housing policies Risk Owner: Head of Housing & Partnerships & Head of Finance Portfolio: Housing Consequences Of Risk: · Loss of Rent · Loss of stock leading to increased waiting times · Impact on 30 year housing plan · Impact on ability to build / provide new housing · Potential reduction in level of maintenance and improvement to Council stock Links To Priority Delivery Plan for More & Better Housing. · Planning for the housing needs of the district; · Increasing the supply of affordable housing Links To Priority Delivery Plan: Gross Risk Score (i.e. without controls) Likelihood: 4 Impact: 5 Total Score: 20 RED Controls in Place · 30 Year business plan; · Medium Term Budget & Capital Programme. Residual/Net Risk Score (i.e. with controls) Likelihood: 4 Impact: 2 Total Score: 8 Amber Provisional Assessment of Risk – does the residual risk score need to be YES* reduced

Actions Planned Timescale/ Progress/Comments Person Responsible Analysis of impact of the implementation of Vacant High Value Head of Housing & Awaiting Government Regulations Housing Payments as contained in the Housing and Planning Act Partnerships 2016 to be assessed A revised HRA Business Plan and revised 5 year projection to be Head of Finance/ Awaiting Government Regulations. produced during 2017-18 following determination of High Value Head of Housing & HRA plan to be refreshed, rather than Properties for Cannock Chase Partnerships revised, in 2017-18 due to this. ITEM NO. 8.13

Overall Progress Summary: The HRA Revenue Budget and Capital Programme to 2019/20 were approved by AMBER Council in February 2017. However an outstanding risk exists in relation to the impact of the sale of higher value voids as contained in the Housing and Planning Act 2016. Details are still awaited as legislation has not yet been put forward for this. The guidance is still awaited from government so timescales have slipped ITEM NO. 8.14

Ref No: 23 Risk: Failure to Repel or Recover from Cyber-attack including targeted ransomware, malware and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks Risk Owner: Head of Technology Portfolio: Consequences Of Risk: · Data, Systems and Applications inaccessible · Inability to deliver Council services · Cybercrime/ Fraud/ Ransom demands/ Financial harm · Reputational damage locally and nationally · Data Loss & breach of Data Protection Act (DPA) · Financial Loss Links to PDP · Customers Gross Risk Score (ie without controls) Likelihood: 4 Impact: 5 Total Score: 20 - RED Key Controls in Place: · Information Risk Management Regime – Assess the risks to our information assets, effective governance structure, LT engagement with cyber risk, produce supporting information management policies. · Secure configuration – Corporate policies and processes to develop secure baseline builds · Network Security – Protection and secured perimeter of external security threats and untrusted networks · Managing user privileges – All users of ICT systems provided with privileges suitable for their role · User education and awareness – Security policies that describe acceptable and secure use of ICT assets · Incident management – Incident response and disaster recovery capabilities that address the full range of incidents that can occur · Malware prevention – Produce policies that directly address the business processes (such as email, web browsing, removable media and personally owned devices) · Monitoring – Established monitoring taking into account previous security incidents and attacks. Annual IT Health Check and penetration testing conducted by a Council of Registered Ethical Security Tester (CREST)/ Communications-Electronics Security Group (CESEG) Listed Advisor Scheme (CLAS) - accredited Government Communication Headquarters (GCHQ) approved consultants. · Removable media controls – Produce removable media policies that control the use of removable media for the import and export of information ITEM NO. 8.15

· Home and mobile working – Assess the risks to all types of mobile working including remote working and develop appropriate security policies Residual/Net Risk Score (ie with controls in place) Likelihood: 3 Impact: 3 Total Score 9 -AMBER Provisional Assessment of Risk - does the residual risk score need to be reduced YES*

Actions Planned Timescale/ Progress/Comments Person Responsible Information Risk Management- Continuous review and work on our 31st March 2018, Head Policies under review. Some information risk management regime of Technology elements will be dealt these will be reviewed Monitoring – External and Internal checks. Threat and vulnerability 31st January 2017 Procurement in progress for the assessment and remediation including Annual IT Health Check by Head of Technology Annual Healthcheck CLAS approved consultant with remedial work carried out Application Security Assessment and Remediation action taken 28th February 2017 The healthcheck will produce an Head of Technology action plan to feed into this. Other work will also be carried out to address Security Compliance Assessment included in the survey 28thFebruary Head of As above Technology Threat intelligence, Vulnerability management, Operational December 2018 Will review the webfilter and management, via internal and external monitoring. Head of Technology internet filter to replace the current Exploring options to improve security for sharing information with Dec 2017 New action external partners Head of Technology

Overall Progress Summary: Work has been completed and actions are in progress. However, the environment Amber means that new risks and challenges are always developing and attacks are becoming more sophisticated. ITEM NO. 8.16

Ref No: 24 Risk: Failure to have an attractive and safe environment to encourage businesses and resident into the District. Risk Owner: Head of Economic Development Portfolio: All Consequences Of Risk: · Lower, and decreasing, levels of economic activity in the district leading to less investment, fewer jobs, decrease in economically active population, decreasing incomes / greater income deprivation · Impacts from lower levels of economic activity leading to increase in out-commuting for work and leisure, less attractive and poorer functioning town and district centres; attract lower skilled, lower paid work; inability of local residents to compete in local housing markets; more anti-social behaviour and crime Links To Priority Delivery Plan: There are primary links to Better Jobs and Skills and consequential links to Better Health Outcomes, Cleaner and Safer Environments and More and Better Housing Gross Risk Score (i.e. without controls) Likelihood: 3 Impact: 5 Total Score: 15 Controls in Place · Engagement in economic development partnerships and with business and the development and delivery of the Stoke and Staffordshire and Greater Birmingham and Solihull Strategic Economic Plans and other relevant strategies, Engagement with the West Midlands Combined Authority · Development of Mill Green Designer Outlet Village · Development of the Local Plan and delivery plans for development of Cannock and Rugeley Town centres · Efficient and effective Development Management process to ensure the planning process is seen positively · Work in partnership to ensure the attractiveness of Cannock Chase, protect its future and to address criminal activity and anti- social behaviour · Support the work of the South Staffordshire Employment and Skills Board · Participation in the Greater Birmingham Housing Market Area review · Lead role in delivery of EU funding through the ESIF Sub Committees for GBS and S&S LEPs · Secure improvements to the Chase Line railway stations and associated infrastructure · Continuation of “The Good Life” loyalty scheme to encourage people to shop local ITEM NO. 8.17

Residual Risk/Net Score (i.e. with controls) Likelihood: 3 Impact: 3 Total Score: 9 Provisional Assessment of Risk – does the residual risk score need to be YES reduced

Actions Planned Timescale/Person Responsible Progress/Comments Development of an economic development strategy for In conjunction with development of This will developed following Cannock Chase that identifies local needs and actions in the the Corporate Plan approval of the 2018 Corporate context of the strategic direction of the two LEP Strategic Head of Economic Development Plan Economic Plans and emerging WMCA plans

Understand post 16/Further Education needs in Cannock 2nd Quarter 2017 No progress due to the closure Chase and develop a collaborative plan to ensure provision Head of Economic Development of Cannock College which has meets the needs of the District taken place since this action was planned. There is a need to consult with Further Education provides in the wider area. Work with Gestamp/SCC/Skills Funding Agency to develop 2019 The principal has been an Engineering Skills Academy on the site of the current Head of Economic Development discussed with Gestamp and the Gestamp works on Wolverhampton Road, Cannock Council has identified funding contribution to help facilitate this Pursue the development of the Rugeley Power Station in 2017-18 Consultation on a draft SPD collaboration with Lichfield District Council and the site Head of Economic Development have been completed and it is owners anticipated it will be approved early 2018

Overall Progress Summary: Progress is mixed as can be seen by the comments but where possible progress has been made ITEM NO. 8.18

In accordance with the Risk Management Strategy, the green risks below are deemed to be tolerable (with existing controls in place) and will be monitored but require no further action at this time.

GREEN RISKS Risk Risk Owner Risk: Score: No: NONE


Progress Indicator No progress made in reducing the risk

Some progress made in managing the risk

Risk on target to be reduced PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK ITEM NO. 9.1

Report of: Head of Economic Development Contact Officer: Sarah Jones Telephone No: 01543 464494 Portfolio Leader: Economic Development and Planning Key Decision: Yes Report Track: Cabinet 16/11/17


1 Purpose of Report

1.1 To provide a background to the publication of the Council’s first Part 1 Brownfield Land Register and future steps related to Part 2 of the Register.

1.2 To consider and approve publication of the Council’s first Part 1 Brownfield Land Register.

1.3 To consider and approve delegated authority for the publication of future Part 1 Brownfield Land Register updates.

2 Recommendations

2.1 That the publication of the Council’s first Part 1 Brownfield Land Register is approved.

2.2 That the Head of Economic Development, in consultation with the Economic Development and Planning Portfolio Leader, be delegated authority to approve any consultations related to the Brownfield Land Register and the publication of future versions of the Council’s Part 1 Brownfield Land Register until such time as a Part 2 Register is produced (see recommendation 2.3).

2.3 That the next steps in relation to producing a Part 2 Brownfield Land Register are noted, including the different approval mechanisms required and a further report being required. ITEM NO. 9.2

3 Key Issues and Reasons for Recommendations

3.1 The Housing and Planning Act 2016 introduced a requirement (Section 151) for Local Planning Authorities to produce and maintain a ‘Register of Land’ (Section 14A inserted into the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004). The Housing and Planning Act 2016 also introduced the ability for ‘Permission in Principle’ to be granted to residential-led development (Section 150) via a planning application route (for non-major development) or via a ‘qualifying document’ allocation i.e. within a Local Plan development document or the ‘Register of Land’ (Sections 58A and 59A inserted into the Town and Country Planning Act 1990). The details followed in two sets of regulations.

3.2 The Town and Country Planning (Brownfield Land Register) Regulations 2017 (hereafter referred to as the Register Regulations) came into force on 16th April 2017. They place a duty of the Council to prepare, maintain and publish a register of previously developed land (commonly known as brownfield land) which is suitable for residential development. These set out the detailed requirements for Brownfield Land Registers including the requirement for a register to be kept in two parts; criteria for what sites should be entered; the information to be entered into the register; publicity, consultation and representation requirements for Part 2 of the register; exemptions from the register; and the requirement for the first Brownfield Land Register to be published by 31st December 2017 and updated at least annually thereafter.

3.3 The Town and Country Planning (Permission in Principle) Order 2017 came into force on 15th April 2017. In effect, this enables sites on Part 2 of a Brownfield Land Register to be granted ‘Permission in Principle’ for residential development following mandatory publicity and consultation requirements being satisfied.

3.4 The Government recently published (28th July 2017) within the National Planning Practice Guidance specific guidance to support Local Planning Authorities in the production of Brownfield Land Registers. This includes a specified template for the Part 1 Register to be completed and submitted to Government, when requested.

3.5 The Council’s first Part 1 Brownfield Land Register has been produced in accordance with the relevant regulations and guidance (see Appendix 1). It is recommended for approval to be published by the 31st December 2017 in order to meet the deadline set in legislation.

3.6 The Council is not required to produce a Part 2 Register by the 31st December 2017. There is currently no deadline set for the production of Part 2. The next steps in relation to production of a Part 2 Register are set out for information. ITEM NO. 9.3

4 Relationship to Corporate Priorities

4.1 This report supports the Council’s Corporate Priorities as follows:

o Better Jobs and Skills: housing developments can help support local employment generation and investment.

o More and better housing: brownfield land is an important source of housing land supply and additional monitoring will assist identification of potential housing development sites.

o Cleaner and Safer Environments: housing developments can contribute to safer and cleaner environments by bringing investment and providing new amenity environments. Brownfield sites can particularly assist improved environments where redeveloped appropriately.

o Better Health Outcomes: housing developments can contribute to delivering infrastructure which can enable people to liver healthier lives, for example walking and cycling routes. Good quality housing also supports healthy outcomes.

Accurate monitoring and recording brownfield sites available for housing development also supports the ‘Customers’ priority area by providing readily available information to local residents, developers and other interested stakeholders.

5 Report Detail


5.1 The Housing and Planning Act 2016 introduced a requirement (Section 151) for Local Planning Authorities to produce and maintain a ‘Register of Land’ (Section 14A inserted into the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004). The Housing and Planning Act 2016 also introduced the ability for ‘Permission in Principle’ to be granted to residential-led development (Section 150) via a planning application route (for non-major development) or via a ‘qualifying document’ allocation i.e. within a Local Plan development document or the ‘Register of Land’ (Sections 58A and 59A inserted into the Town and Country Planning Act 1990). The details followed in two sets of regulations. .

5.2 The Town and Country Planning (Brownfield Land Register) Regulations 2017 (hereafter referred to as the Register Regulations) came into force on 16th April 2017. They place a duty of the Council to prepare, maintain and publish a register of previously developed land (commonly known as brownfield land) which is suitable for residential development. These set out the detailed requirements for Brownfield Land Registers including the requirement for a register to be kept in two parts; criteria for what sites should be entered; the information to be entered into the register; publicity, consultation and representation requirements for Part 2 of the register; exemptions from the ITEM NO. 9.4

register; and the requirement for the first Brownfield Land Register to be published by 31st December 2017 and updated at least annually thereafter.

5.3 The Town and Country Planning (Permission in Principle) Order 2017 came into force on 15th April 2017. In effect, this enables sites on Part 2 of a Brownfield Land Register to be granted ‘Permission in Principle’ for residential development following mandatory publicity and consultation requirements being satisfied.

5.4 The Government recently published (28th July 2017) within the National Planning Practice Guidance specific guidance to support Local Planning Authorities in the production of Brownfield Land Registers. This includes a specified template for the Part 1 Register to be completed and submitted to Government, when requested.

Part 1 Brownfield Land Register

5.5 Part 1 of a Brownfield Land Register will comprise all brownfield sites that a local planning authority has assessed as appropriate for residential development, having carried out any procedures such as consultation which they consider appropriate. This will include sites with extant full planning permission, outline planning permission and permission in principle as well as sites without planning permission. It will inform a Part 2 Register (see further detail below). The Council’s first Part 1 Brownfield Land Register has been produced in accordance with the relevant regulations and guidance (see Appendix 1). It is recommended for approval to be published by the 31st December 2017 in order to meet the deadline set in legislation.

5.6 The Part 1 Brownfield Land Register has been produced using the template from the national planning guidance (set out within ‘Brownfield Land Registers Data Standard: Preparing and publishing a register’, 2017), which will ultimately be requested by Government as part of local authority monitoring requirements. It follows an ‘open data standard’ and contains mandatory and optional information fields as well as a series of pre-set options for responses. By following this template, the Council can ensure compliance with the necessary regulations.

5.7 The Register Regulations and the National Planning Practice Guidance set out that the National Planning Policy Framework definition of previously development land should be used to identify brownfield sites in the first instance. This is “land which is or was occupied by a permanent structure, including the curtilage of the developed land (although it should not be assumed that the whole of the curtilage should be developed) and any associated fixed surface infrastructure. This excludes: land that is or has been occupied by agricultural or forestry buildings; land that has been developed for minerals extraction or waste disposal by landfill purposes where provision for restoration has been made through development control procedures; land in built up areas such as private residential gardens, parks, recreation grounds and allotments; and land that was previously developed but where the remains of the permanent structure or fixed surface structure have blended into the landscape in the process of time” . ITEM NO. 9.5

5.8 In deciding which brownfield sites to include in the Brownfield Land Register, the Council must have regard to the criteria set out in Regulation 4 of the Register Regulations which stipulate the following:

(a) the land has an area of at least 0.25 hectares or is capable of supporting at least 5 dwellings; (b) the land is suitable for residential development; (c) the land is available for residential development; and (d) residential development of the land is achievable.

Specific definitions of ‘suitable’, ‘available’ and ‘achievable’ are also provided in Register Regulations to inform the decision making process. In addition to the criteria set out in Regulation 4, Section 14A of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 requires local planning authorities to have regard to the development plan; national policies and advice; any guidance issued by the Secretary of State. This includes development plan documents, any relevant neighbourhood plans, the National Planning Policy Framework, Planning Practice Guidance, any other guidance published by the Secretary of State, and any other relevant statutory requirements and guidance. In relation to bullet point (a), the Register Regulations state that sites below this threshold can be considered if paragraphs (b) to (d) above are satisfied.

5.9 In order to identify appropriate sites to include on the Part 1 Brownfield Land Register the Council’s existing database of potential residential sites across the District has been drawn upon. This is the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) which is produced on an annual basis to provide an up to date assessment of the housing land supply that is available to meet the District’s housing requirements. The Council’s SHLAA readily identifies sites as either ‘greenfield’ or ‘brownfield’ and already contains some of the information required to complete the Part 1 Brownfield Land Register e.g. site area, number of dwellings, planning status and whether or not it is suitable, available and achievable. This is in accordance with the National Planning Practice Guidance which advises that Councils’ existing SHLAAs be used to inform the Brownfield Land Register process. The ‘Methodology for site selection’ section in Appendix 1 detail how sites have been selected from the SHLAA for inclusion on the Part 1 Brownfield Land Register.

5.10 The most recent version of the SHLAA was published in October 2017 (information up to date as at 31st March 2017). Various sources of evidence are used to inform this assessment including planning application records; building control records; submissions from landowners/developers promoting sites for development (via a ‘Call for Sites’ consultation process which invites stakeholders to submit updated information on sites and/or new sites and is open all year round) including publicly owned land that has/is being reviewed as part of estates review work. The 2017 SHLAA updated has also been informed by the recent Local Plan (Part 2) Issues and Options consultation (January- March 2017) where comments on existing sites and submissions for new sites were invited. ITEM NO. 9.6

5.11 The Register Regulations and supporting guidance do not specify any requirements for consultation for the Part 1 Brownfield Land Register. It is at the discretion of the Local Planning Authority as to what additional consultation they undertake on the Part 1 Register. The National Planning Practice Guidance advises that Councils’ can utilise existing consultation processes for their SHLAAs to inform the register and consider any additional procedures that may be useful for identifying sites.

5.12 Given the timescales for adoption of the Brownfield Land Register (by 31st December 2017) and that the guidance has only recently being published (28th July 2017) it has not been possible to undertake additional consultation specifically for Part 1 of the Register in 2017. Furthermore it was considered that the evidence which has informed the Part 1 Brownfield Land Register for 2017 has been subject to wide ranging public consultation as part of the existing SHLAA processes and the recent Local Plan (Part 2) Issues and Options consultation in particular i.e. people could comment on existing sites and propose new sites for consideration. As part of the annual SHLAA update, the Council issues a reminder ‘Call for Sites’ to key stakeholders including parish councils, landowners and developers and other interested parties. The Council also consults a SHLAA ‘Panel’ which is an informal group that advises on the content of the SHLAA and is made up primarily of neighbouring local authorities and development industry representatives.

5.13 It is therefore considered that the Part 1 Brownfield Land Register for 2017 has been informed by consultation, albeit not directly, and that this approach is in accordance with national planning guidance and the Council’s adopted Statement of Community Involvement (2014). The need for specific consultations for future updates of the Brownfield Land Register will be kept under review, undertaken in accordance with the Council’s adopted Statement of Community Involvement (2014) and with the approval of the Head of Economic Development, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder.

5.14 The final version of the Council’s first Part 1 Brownfield Land Register is therefore considered to be in accordance with the regulatory requirements and has taken into account national planning guidance as well as local planning guidance and evidence. It will be published on the Council’s website and a hard copy provided in the Civic Centre offices (in accordance with Regulation 16 of the Register Regulations) by the 31st December 2017 (in accordance with Regulation 3 of the Register Regulations). The Council is required to produce an update of the Brownfield Land Register at least annually (in accordance with Regulation 17 of the Register Regulations).

Part 2 Brownfield Land Register

5.15 Part 2 of a Brownfield Land Register is a subset of Part 1. Part 2 will comprise only those sites in Part 1 that the local planning authority has decided that the land would be suitable for a grant of permission in principle for residential development. The permission in principle consent route is an alternative way of obtaining planning permission which separates the consideration of matters of principle for proposed development from the technical detail of the development. The permission in principle consent route has 2 stages: the first stage (or ITEM NO. 9.7

permission in principle stage) establishes whether a site is suitable in-principle for residential development, and the second (‘technical details consent’) stage is when the detailed development proposals are assessed.

5.16 The Council is not required to produce a Part 2 Brownfield Land Register by the 31st December 2017 as Local Planning Authorities are not obliged to enter land onto a Part 2 Register unless they consider it suitable for a grant of permission in principle for residential development. There is currently no deadline set for the production of Part 2. The next steps in relation to production of a Part 2 Brownfield Land Register are set out for information.

5.17 By entering land onto a Part 2 Brownfield Land Register, the Local Planning Authority is granting that site Permission in Principle for residential development. As such there are specific consultation and information requirements for Part 2, which go over and above that required for Part 1. These requirements are similar to those currently undertaken for planning applications at present.

5.18 There are exemptions for certain types of land which can not be entered onto a Part 2 Brownfield Land Register (Regulation 14 of the Register Regulations). Crucially, and particularly applicable in the Cannock Chase District context, a Local Planning Authority must not enter land in Part 2 where residential development of that land could be habitats development. Habitats development means development which is likely to have a significant effect on a qualifying European site (either alone or in combination with other plans or projects) and is not directly connected with or necessary to the management of the site.

5.19 The Cannock Chase Special Area of Conservation (SAC) is a qualifying European site located within Cannock Chase District and Stafford Borough. Evidence to inform the Local Plan (Part 1) identified that as a result of an increase in net dwellings in the District (and in combination with residential developments in surrounding local authorities) there were likely to be significant effects on this site due to increased recreational pressures. Whilst there is now in place a package of mitigation measures and supporting funding mechanisms to address this (see Cannock Chase Special Area of Conservation Guidance to Mitigate the Impact of New Residential Development, 2017) the Register Regulations do not include any provisions for mitigation measures. If land is habitats development, regardless of subsequent mitigation measures, then it can not be included on a Part 2 Brownfield Land Register for residential development.

5.20 Consequently it appears to be the case that Cannock Chase Council will not be able to proceed with a Part 2 Register at this time. Further advice from Government is being sought on this issue and an updated position will be reported once available.

5.21 Should the Council be able to proceed with the publication of a Part 2 Brownfield Land Register then this would require alternative approval procedures to that currently being proposed for the Part 1 Register and a further report will be submitted to address this accordingly. ITEM NO. 9.8

Staffing Implications

5.22 The Government has recognised that the responsibilities for the production of the Brownfield Land Register will place an additional burden upon existing resources. As a result the Council has received a ‘new burdens’ grant payment of £14,645 in March 2017. Further payments area anticipated in 2017/18, 2018/19 and 2019/20 with the level of payment currently being reviewed.

5.23 It is proposed to ‘package’ the new burdens payments forthcoming from Government for Brownfield Land Registers and Self and Custom Build Housing, together with savings from a vacant part-time post, to create a full time fixed term appointment. The post holder would have responsibility for maintaining and reviewing the Brownfield Land Registers along with other duties. The availability of this post is subject to the continued receipt of new burdens grant payments in future years and does not impact upon the General Fund.

6 Implications

6.1 Financial

The Government have identified that the requirement for local authorities to prepare and maintain a register of brownfield land that is suitable for residential development will place new burdens on local authorities.

As such each local planning authority received a grant of £14,645 in 2016-17 and there will be further grants each year between 2017-18 and 2019-20; however the amount of the grant will be kept under review.

As referred to below the funding received will help the Planning Team meet any costs associated with the new register, however should this funding cease, then any costs will need to be contained within existing budgets.

6.2 Legal

The legal implications are set out in the report.

6.3 Human Resources

The production of a Brownfield Land Register places additional burdens upon the Local Planning Authority. In recognition of this, the new burdens funding received by Government will assist in resourcing the planning team to help meet the new requirements.

6.4 Section 17 (Crime Prevention)


6.5 Human Rights Act

None. ITEM NO. 9.9

6.6 Data Protection


6.7 Risk Management

A risk assessment has been undertaken. The main area of risk relates to non compliance with the Brownfield Land Register Regulations, however this has been minimised through the production of this report and the Part 1 Register which has been produced in fulfilment of the Council’s Duty in that regard.

6.8 Equality & Diversity


6.9 Best Value


7 Appendices to the Report

Appendix 1 CCDC Part 1 Brownfield Register 2017

Previous Consideration


Background Papers Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 Town and Country Planning Act 1990 Town and Country Planning (Brownfield Land Register) Regulations 2017 Town and Country Planning (Permission in Principle) Order 2017 National Planning Practice Guidance 2017 Brownfield Land Registers Data Standard 2017 CCDC Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2017 CCDC Local Plan (Part 2) Issues and Options Consultation 2017 CCDC Statement of Community Involvement 2014 CCDC Cannock Chase SAC Guidance to Mitigation Impacts of New Residential Development 2017 PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK ITEM NO. 9.10

Appendix 1

Part 1 Brownfield Land Register

December 2017 Search for ‘Cannock Chase Life’ @CannockChaseDC ITEM NO. 9.11

Cannock Chase District Council Part 1 Brownfield Land Register (published December 2017)


Background 1

Methodology for site selection 2

Summary of sites on Part 1 Brownfield Land Register and Mapping 5

Full Part 1 Brownfield Land Register 18


ITEM NO. 9.12


This is the Councils first Part 1 Brownfield Land Register, published in December 2017 following Cabinet approval (see Cabinet Report 29/11/17 at ).

The Housing and Planning Act 2016 introduced a requirement for Local Planning Authorities to produce and maintain a ‘Register of Land’. The subsequent Town and Country Planning (Brownfield Land Register) Regulations 2017 came into force on 16th April 2017. These set out the detailed requirements for Brownfield Land Registers including the requirement for a register to be kept in two parts; criteria for what sites should be entered; the information to be entered into the register; publicity, consultation and representation requirements for Part 2 of the register; exemptions from the register; and the requirement for the first Part 1 Brownfield Land Register to be published by 31 st December 2017 and updated at least annually thereafter. The register is to be focused on sites for residential-led development.

The Housing and Planning Act 2016 introduced the ability for ‘Permission in Principle’ to be granted to residential-led development via the ‘Register of Land’. The subsequent Town and Country Planning (Permission in Principle) Order 2017 came into force on 15 th April 2017. In effect, this enables sites on Part 2 of a Brownfield Land Register to be granted ‘Permission in Principle’ for residential development when enacted with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Brownfield Land Register) Regulations 2017.

Part 1 of a Brownfield Land Register will comprise all brownfield sites that a local planning authority has assessed as appropriate for residential development. This will include sites with extant full planning permission, outline planning permission and permission in principle as well as sites without planning permission. It will inform a Part 2 Brownfield Land Register.

Part 2 of the Register is a subset of Part 1. Part 2 will comprise only those sites in Part 1 that the local planning authority has decided that the land would be suitable for a grant of permission in principle for residential development. The permission in principle consent route is an alternative way of obtaining planning permission which separates the consideration of matters of principle for proposed development from the technical detail of the development. There is currently no deadline set for the production of Part 2 Brownfield Land Register for Cannock Chase District (see Cabinet Report 29/11/17 for further details).

1 ITEM NO. 9.13

The National Planning Practice Guidance provides specific information to support Local Planning Authorities in the production of Brownfield Land Registers. This includes a specified template for the Part 1 Brownfield Land Register (set out within the ‘Brownfield Land Registers Data Standard: Preparing and publishing a register’ 2017). The Council’s first Part 1 Brownfield Land Register has been produced in accordance with the relevant regulations and guidance using the specified template. A summary version of the full Brownfield Land Register is provided for ease of reference, alongside the full Brownfield Land Register.

In accordance with regulations, the Brownfield Land Register will be updated at least annually. It will be published on the Council’s website and a hard reference copy provided at the Council’s Civic Centre offices for public viewing. Hard copies can be provided on request to the Planning Policy team (subject to charges).

The inclusion/exclusion of a site on the Part 1 Brownfield Land Register does not determine the possibility of planning permission being granted/refused for residential development, unless the site in question has already been granted permission. All future planning applications will continue to be determined against the development plan and material planning considerations.

Methodology for site selection

Sites on the Part 1 Brownfield Land Register have been sourced from the Councils most up to date Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA- September 2017) which represents an existing database of all known potential residential development sites across the District. This is updated annually with information up to date as at the 31 st March 2017 in line with annual monitoring requirements (unless any more recent site specific information is identified which impacts upon the ability of sites to be entered onto the register e.g. landowner intentions). The full SHLAA is available to view at . This contains a summary of the consultation undertaken to inform the SHLAA and the assessment process undertaken on sites in order to determine whether or not they are suitable, available and achievable for residential development (see further detail below).

Sites have been included within the Part 1 Register where they meet the definition of previously developed land 1 (commonly referred to as brownfield land) and the criteria set out the Brownfield Land Register regulations. These criteria are:

1 The Brownfield Land Register Regulations 2017 and the National Planning Practice Guidance set out that the National Planning Policy Framework definition of previously development land should be used to identify brownfield sites in the first instance. This is “land which is or was occupied by a permanent

2 ITEM NO. 9.14

(a) the land has an area of at least 0.25 hectares or is capable of supporting at least 5 dwellings;

(b) the land is suitable for residential development;

(c) the land is available for residential development; and

(d) residential development of the land is achievable.

Specific definitions of ‘suitable’, ‘available’ and ‘achievable’ are also provided in regulations to inform the decision making process.

Suitable means the land has been allocated in a local development plan document; has planning permission for residential development; has a grant of permission in principle for residential development; or is, in the opinion of the local planning authority, appropriate for residential development having regard to any adverse impact on the natural environment; the local built environment, including in particular on heritage assets; and any adverse impact on the local amenity which such development might cause for intended occupiers of the development or for occupiers of neighbouring properties.

Available means that the owner(s) and/or developer have expressed an intention to sell or develop the land (and that at a date no more than 21 days before the entry date there is no evidence indicating a change to that intention) or in the opinion of the local authority there are no issues relating to ownership/other legal impediments which might prevent development of the land.

Achievable means that in the opinion of the local planning authority, the development is likely to take place within 15 years of the entry date.

In deciding upon these factors the Council should have regard to any information publicly available and any relevant consultation responses/representations received.

structure, including the curtilage of the developed land (although it should not be assumed that the whole of the curtilage should be developed) and any associated fixed surface infrastructure. This excludes: land that is or has been occupied by agricultural or forestry buildings; land that has been developed for minerals extraction or waste disposal by landfill purposes where provision for restoration has been made through development control procedures; land in built up areas such as private residential gardens, parks, recreation grounds and allotments; and land that was previously developed but where the remains of the permanent structure or fixed surface structure have blended into the landscape in the process of time ” .

3 ITEM NO. 9.15

In addition to these criteria, the Council must have regard to the development plan (at present the adopted Local Plan (Part 1) 2014); national policies and advice; and any guidance issued by the Secretary of State.

As the SHLAA undertakes a high level assessment of sites based upon suitability, availability and achievability it has been considered a sound basis for the Part 1 Brownfield Land Register. Many sites within the SHLAA also benefit from planning permission, which provides a detailed assessment of suitability and an indication of availability and achievability. The SHLAA provides a full explanation of the methodology for assessing sites and is available to view at . In summary, the following steps have been undertaken in order to identify sites for inclusion on the Part 1 Brownfield Land Register:

1. A sift of sites from the SHLAA 0-5 Deliverable Sites and 6-15 year Developable Sites category was undertaken. As set out in the SHLAA, these are sites which are considered to be generally suitable, available and achievable taking into account the development plan and national policy/guidance. Sites within the Green Belt, AONB, Restricted and Excluded sites category are not at present (for a range of reasons, as set out in the SHLAA including planning policy but also landowner intentions or site specific physical constraints, for example). Therefore sites in this category have not been considered from the outset of the process as they would not meet the criteria set out in the relevant regulations and guidance. 2. Sites that were not brownfield land were removed. This resulted in sites which are predominately Greenfield sites also being removed (where it was not feasible to only include the brownfield element of the site, in accordance with national guidance). 3. Sites that were below the thresholds set out in the regulations were removed i.e. sites below 0.25ha or not capable of supporting at least 5 dwellings. 4. This provided a final draft list of sites for the brownfield register which was then reviewed to ensure all of the sites still met the criteria set out in the Brownfield Land Register regulations and guidance e.g. any more up date information which may have changed since the SHLAA was produced.

Consultation undertaken as part of the SHLAA has also informed the Part 1 Brownfield Land Register. The SHLAA provides a full explanation of the consultation undertaken in 2017. The information contained within the Part 1 Brownfield Land Register is up to date as at 31 st March 2017, in line with other Council monitoring baselines (unless any more recent site specific information is identified which impacts upon the ability of sites to be entered onto the register e.g. landowner intentions).

4 ITEM NO. 9.16

Summary of sites on the Part 1 Brownfield Land Register and Mapping

The table below is a summary of the full Part 1 Brownfield Land Register. It includes all of the sites on the full Part 1 Brownfield Land Register, providing an overview of the key information. Overview maps are also included for information. The sites are available to view in more detail online via the Council’s Policies Map at . Instructions on how to use the online Policies Map and search for sites are available from .

5 ITEM NO. 9.17

Permission Net Site Reference Site Name Address Hectares Type Dwellings Notes

CH/15/0381 is full planning permission for the erection of 16 supported living apartments, granted January "The Golden Age Inn, Moss Road, Full planning 2016. CH/16/022 is full planning permission for 4 supporting living apartments (formerly site C21(a)- total C21 Cannock" 0.21 permission 20 of 20 units). CH/15/0381/A is discharge of conditions application.

"Whitelodge, New Penkridge Road, Full planning CH/16/410 is full planning permission for the conversion of the existing building to form 13 apartments, C90(b) Cannock" 0.23 permission 13 granted February 2017.

"Blackford's Former Working Men's Full planning Buildings have been demolished. CH/15/0497 is full planning permission for 26 apartments, granted C269 Club, Cannock Road, Cannock" 0.40 permission 26 March 2017. Site owned by developer who intends to build out site.

"26 - 28 Wolverhampton Road, Full planning CH/15/0078 is full planning permission for 21no. 1 bed flats, granted May 2015. Landowner intends to C152 Cannock" 0.12 permission 21 develop- potentially as landlord to future rental properties.

"The Tackeroo, Bracken Close, Full planning CH/16/144 is full planning permission for the erection of 10 apartments, granted January 2017. C364 Hednesford" 0.10 permission 10 Landowner is intended developer of site. CH/16/144/A is discharge of conditions application.

CH/15/0001 is full planning application for the demolition of existing retail units and the erection of 23no. 2 bedroom houses and 11no. 3 bedroom houses (all affordable housing), granted July 2015. The full extent "410-418 Cannock Road, Cannock of this site including greenfield land is 0.94ha with a capacity of 34 dwellings. The register reflects the size (AKA. Land at Cannock Road/Stafford Full planning and indicative capacity of the brownfield element of the site only. For full details on the site please see the C20 Lane, Hightown)" 0.70 permission 30 SHLAA.

Demolition of 95 High Mount Street included in the Reserved Matters application granted in December "Land behind 81-129 High Mount Street Full planning 2007 for 22 dwellings (net 21). Building work has resumed on site following a stall in 2009. (CH/07/0507). C43 & 97-105 Mount Street, Hednesford" 0.65 permission 21 13 completions to date.

CH/13/0132 is full planning permission for the erection of 5 pairs of 2-storey 3 bedroom houses (with "Hednesford Court Office, Angelsey Full planning rooms in roof space), 3 detached 2-storey 4 bedroom houses and 1 detached 3 bedroom bungalow, C128 Street, Hednesford" 0.35 permission 14 granted December 2013. 1 completion to date.

"Edgemead Court - Units between Walsall Road and, Park Street, Full planning CH/16/006 is full planning permission for the erection of 24 houses and 15 apartments, granted March C222(b) , Cannock" 0.99 permission 39 2016.

"Langbourn, Hillcroft and Ivy House, Full planning CH/16/364 is full planning permission for the conversion of offices to 14 apartments, granted November C272 (Part 2) Longford Road, Cannock " 0.40 permission 14 2016. Landowner is intended developer of site.

6 ITEM NO. 9.18

Permission Net Site Reference Site Name Address Hectares Type Dwellings Notes

"Land at junction of Cannock Road and Full planning C327 Burgoyne Street, Cannock" 0.30 permission 14 CH/14/0097 is full planning permission for 14 dwellings, granted March 2014.

CH/13/0323 is outline planning permission for residential development: Erection of 111 dwellings, public house/restaurant and provision of public open space (outline all matters reserved), granted March 2016. CH/16/124 is reserved matters approval, granted June 2016. Incorporates 50% affordable housing "Land off Lakeside Boulevard, Full planning provision (to be developed by Walsall Housing Group). The site included within the register excludes the C335 Bridgetown, Cannock" 3.70 permission 111 area which has been reserved for commercial development under the original outline planning permission.

Full planning CH/16/127 is full planning permission for the conversion of first floor to 10 flats, granted July 2016. C405 "Newhall, 81 High Green, Cannock" 0.12 permission 10 Landowner is intended developer of site (rental properties)

"Car-park next to The Red Lion, Market Full planning CH/15/0364 is full planning permission for the erection of 14 apartments (supported living) with ancillary R13 Street, Rugeley" 0.20 permission 14 accomodation for training and support, granted Feb 2016.

"Former Ultra Electronics Site, Main Full planning Outline planning permission CH/14/0293 granted for up to 120 dwellings (May 2015). CH/15/0492 is R19 Road / Armitage Road, Brereton" 3.05 permission 103 reserved matters approval for 103 dwelling, granted July 2016.

"Former Bradbury and Brown Garage, Full planning CH/07/0509 was full planning permission for 15 houses and 3 flats. CH/10/0286 is an extension of time R27 Armitage Road, Brereton, Rugeley" 0.47 permission 18 limit application, granted October 2010. Adjacent to Conservation Area. 15 completions to date. CH/12/0433 is full planning permission for change of use from care home to 20 no flats and erection of first storey extension and erection of entrance lobby, granted March 2013. Revised application for 22 flats (CH/13/0433) granted April 2014. CH/16/444 is full planning permission for an extension to form 2 additional dwellings, granted April 2017. 22 completions to date. "Land off Coulthwaite Way, Coulthwaite Full planning R97 Way, Brereton" 0.40 permission 24

CH/14/0399 is full planning permission for residential development, granted December 2015. Cross- boundary site with Lichfield DC - 71 dwellings (including 62 affordable homes to be developed by Wrekin Full planning Housing Trust). Approx 15 dwellings within CCDC. Adjacent to Conservation Area. Discharge of R110 "Land at Wheelhouse Road, Rugeley" 0.41 permission 15 conditions expected shortly- site in process of currently being cleared- Orbit Housing developing.

7 ITEM NO. 9.19

Permission Net Site Reference Site Name Address Hectares Type Dwellings Notes

CH/14/0411 is full planning permission for the demolition of existing building and the erection of 7 houses "Former Hillsprings Clinic, Green Lane, Full planning and 14 flats, granted April 2015. CH/15/0208 is full planning permission for the erection of a pair of 2 bed R119 Rugeley" 0.34 permission 23 semi-detached bungalows, granted September 2015 (total 23 dwellings). 20 completions to date.

CH/17/070 is outline planning permission for the erection of 10 dwellings. The full extent of this site Outline including greenfield land is 0.31ha with a capacity of 10 dwellings. The register reflects the size and "Land at 61&65 Wimblebury Road, planning indicative capacity of the brownfield element of the site only. For full details on the site please see the C420 Heath Hayes, Cannock" 0.19 permission 6 SHLAA.

CH/15/0084 is outline planning permission for the erection of 72 dwellings (joint application with site R16), granted May 2015. The full extent of this site including greenfield land is 1.4ha with a capacity of 40 Outline dwellings. The register reflects the size and indicative capacity of the brownfield element of the site only. "Pear Tree Primary School, Hardie planning For full details on the site please see the SHLAA. Joint venture between Cannock Chase Council and R16 Avenue, Rugeley" 0.55 permission 16 Staffs County Council. Liaising with potential developers on scheme.

Outline CH/15/0084 is outline planning permission for the erection of 72 dwellings (joint application with site R16), planning granted May 2015. Joint venture between Cannock Chase Council and Staffs County Council. Liaising R20 "Land at end of Wharf Road, Rugeley" 1.06 permission 32 with potential developers on scheme.

"Blocks A-D, Beecroft Court, Beecroft C422 Road, Cannock" 0.80 60 CH/17/113 is prior approval for the change of use from offices to 60 apartments- not yet determined.

"Land adjacent to 67 McGhie Street, Hednesford (formerly adjacent to no. Full planning C31 73)" 0.24 permission 6 CH/17/004 is full planning permission for the erection of 6 bungalows, granted March 2017.

"Garage Court, Land at Hannaford Full planning CH/16/243 is full planning permission for the erection of 3 houses and 3 bungalows, granted November C343 Way, Cannock" 0.20 permission 6 2016.

Full planning CH/14/0243 is prior approval for change of use of first and second floors from B1 office to up to 8 C349 "1-3B Mill Street, Cannock" 0.05 permission 8 dwellings, granted September 2014. Within Conservation Area-adjacent to listed building.

Full planning CH/16/214 is full planning permission for the conversion of offices to 9no apartments, granted September C408 "Balfour House, High Green, Cannock" 0.08 permission 9 2016.

8 ITEM NO. 9.20

Permission Net Site Reference Site Name Address Hectares Type Dwellings Notes

"Land to the rear of 6 Mill Street, Full planning C417 Cannock" 0.09 permission 5 CH/16/269 is full planning permission for the erection of 5 apartments, granted April 2017.

Full planning C424 "1-3 Walsall Road, Cannock" 0.01 permission 6 CH/16/443 is prior approval for the change of use from offices to 6 studio flats, granted January 2017.

"249, Hednesford Road, Heath Hayes, Full planning CH/17/002 is full planning permission for the erection of 6 detached dwellings and 2 semi-detached C427 Cannock" 0.13 permission 8 dwellings, granted April 2017.

Full planning R111 "Land at Coulthwaite Way, Ravenhill" 0.18 permission 6 CH/16/239 is full planning permission for 6 semi-detached dwellings, granted November 2016.

Full planning CH/15/0205 is full planning permission for the demolition of existing dwelling and erection of 6 dwellings (5 R136 "37 Bower Lane, Rugeley" 0.16 permission 5 net dwellings) granted August 2016.

"Hope and Anchor, 27 Redbrook Lane, Full planning CH/16/094 is full planning permission for conversion of the public house and the erection of 4 dwellings, R141 Rugeley" 0.11 permission 5 granted September 2016.

Full planning CH/16/342 is full planning permission for the change of use of a former day care centre and cottage to 7 R148 "9, Wolseley Road, Rugeley" 0.08 permission 7 apartments and cottage, granted March 2017.

"Garage court, south of Woodside Full planning Cabinet decision 15/09/11 - resolution to sell site to Heantun Housing Association/Staffordshire County C2 Place, Chadsmoor" 0.11 permission 7 Council. Full planning permission for 7 flats granted January 2013 (CH/12/0424).

"Garage Court at Full planning CH/16/242 is full planning permission for the erection of 3 terraced dwellings and 2 semi-detached C224 Berwick Drive, Cannock" 0.11 permission 5 dwellings, granted November 2016.

"Garage Court at Full planning CH/15/0367 is full planning permission for 1 pair of semi-detached houses and 3 terraced houses, granted C225 Glover Street, Wimblebury" 0.10 permission 5 February 2016.

"Rear of 30-34 Full planning C232 Market Street, Hednesford, Cannock" 0.07 permission 6 6 one-bedroom flats. Full planning permission granted in June 2010 (CH/10/0159).

9 ITEM NO. 9.21

Permission Net Site Reference Site Name Address Hectares Type Dwellings Notes

"35a and 49 Old Penkridge Road, Full planning CH/10/0357 is permission for the demolition of numbers 35a and 49 and the erection of 3 detached C242 Cannock" 0.34 permission 1 dwellings (1 net). Granted in June 2011. 2 of 3 completed.

CH/11/0385 is full planning permission for a change of use of three ground floor retail units into three 1 bedroom flats, granted in January 2012. 2 completions to date. CH/12/0161 is full planning permission "Whitehouse Court, Broad Street, Full planning for a change of use of a further six ground floor units into five 1 bedroom flats and one 2 bedroom flat, C273 Cannock" 0.17 permission 9 granted July 2012. 2 completions to date.

"Bridgtown Business Centre, North Full planning The site has full planning permission for the conversion of 10 retail and office units into 7 flats (6 new and C291 Street, Cannock" 0.10 permission 7 1 existing) and one office unit, granted November 2012 (CH/12/0340). 2 completions to date.

CH/11/0417 is full planning permission for the conversion of the public house into 7 flats, granted August "The Lamb Public House, John Street, Full planning 2012. CH/15/0421 is permission for the change of use of additional area to 2 further flats, granted C296 Wimblebury" 0.10 permission 9 November 2016.

"44 Watling Street, Bridgtown, Full planning C382 Cannock" 0.14 permission 9 CH/15/0377 is full planning permission for the erection of 9 apartments, granted June 2016.

"Land to rear 43-57 Broad Street, Full planning CH/15/0338 is outline planning application for no.5 1 bedroom residential units, granted June 2016. C390 Cannock" 0.07 permission 5 CH/16/235 is reserved matters approval, granted August 2016.

Full planning CH/13/0317 is full planning permission for the conversion of the building into 2 houses and 6 flats, granted R104 "Libbys, 45 Bow Street, Rugeley" 0.03 permission 8 May 2015.

Outline CH/09/0347 is outline planning permission for the demolition of number 174 and builders yard (172a) and planning the erection of 8 two bedroom flats (7 net), now expired. CH/14/0236 is outline planning permission for C35 "172 & 174, Belt Road, Chadsmoor" 0.10 permission 6 demolition and erection of 6no. 2 bed flats, granted September 2014.

Outline "256 Walsall Road, Bridgtown, planning CH/14/0344 is outline planning permission for the erection of a block of 9no. 1 bedroom flats, granted May C353 Cannock" 0.07 permission 9 2015.

Outline "Land to the rear of 77 Old Fallow planning CH/15/0410 is outline planning permission for the erection of 5 houses and demolition of existing industrial C384 Road, Cannock" 0.25 permission 5 buildings, granted June 2016.

10 ITEM NO. 9.22

Permission Net Site Reference Site Name Address Hectares Type Dwellings Notes Outline "65 Union Works, Union Street, planning C396 Cannock" 0.06 permission 6 CH/16/317 is outline planning permission for the erection of up to 6 apartments, granted December 2016.

"5-7, Broad Street, Bridgtown, CH/16/384 is an outline planning application for the demoltiion of 3 dwellings and the erection of an C423 Cannock" 0.05 7 apartment block, consisting of 10 dwellings- not yet determined. 7 net dwellings.

"Former Rawnsley Iron Foundry, New Full planning C122a Hayes Road, Rawnsley" 1.13 permission 8 CH/10/0172 is full planning permission for 8 detached houses.

The site has full planning permission for the demolition of existing office buildings and construction of 13 "Fallow Park, Rugeley Road, Full planning detached dwellings, granted October 2010 (CH/10/0069, resubmission of CH/09/0157). CH/13/0303 is C126 Hednesford" 1.54 permission 13 permission for variation of the dwelling design, granted February 2014.

CH/08/0165 is full planning permission for 25 flats and 2 bungalows. Application has expired. Site owner still wishes to take site forward for residential development. Site being considered for allocation as part of the Hednesford Neighbourhood Plan for retirement housing provision (potential C3 use class as independent apartments). Potential for site area to expand to adjacent land under same land ownership and for capacity to therefore increase as per Hednesford Neighbourhood Plan allocation. SHLAA site "Land adjacent and to the rear of 419- reflects previous planning consent area only at present. To keep under review in line with the emerging C63 435, Cannock Road, Hednesford" 0.30 25 Hednesford Neighbourhood Plan.

CH/07/0846 is full planning permission for 16 flats and CH/12/0308 is an application for extension of the "Former club at end of Arthur Street, time limit- approved, subject to S106 but this was not signed before CIL deadline of 1/6/15. CH/17/035 is C75 Wimblebury, Cannock" 0.24 18 full planning application for the erection of 18no. flats- not yet determined.

Outline permission subject to S106 granted in December 2006 for residential development of 90 dwellings (CH/06/0095), but S106 has not been signed. Revised schemes recently considered by national "Land opposite Keys Park football housebuilder for potentially increased capacity (up to 125 dwellings). However, this proposal encroaches C80 ground, Keys Park Road, Hednesford" 5.30 90 on existing SBI. Capacity based upon previous consent at present.

"County Grounds Depot, Currently forms the County Grounds Depot which supports a building and open area where operational C178 Cannock Road, Cannock" 0.44 13 material is kept. Site now identified as surplus to requirements and County will be seeking disposal.

11 ITEM NO. 9.23

Permission Net Site Reference Site Name Address Hectares Type Dwellings Notes

CH/15/0080 is outline planning application for the erection of up to 93 dwellings, refused May 2016 primarily on the grounds of no affordable housing provision- under appeal. The site has since been "Former Parker Hannifin Site, Walkmill purchased by the Homes and Communities Agency who are pursuing residential development of the site, C270 Lane, Cannock " 3.30 93 including affordable housing provision. Site has contamination issues from industrial legacy.

Site owners have recently confirmed relocation of the company to alternative site and plans for mixed use redevelopment of current premises. Relocation to begin mid-2017 and expected to be complete by 2020. "Gestamp, Wolverhampton Road/A5 Preparation of planning application supporting information underway with view to submitting outline C432 Watling Street, Cannock" 5.30 185 planning application for up to 185 dwellings shortly.

Identified in the Rugeley TC Area Action Plan as a site for re-development as part of re-organisation of secondary school provision in Rugeley. County Council currently undertaking pre-application work for an extra care and residential scheme but awaiting outcome of extra care review. Demolition works required. R9 "Aelfgar School, Taylors Lane, Rugeley" 1.88 85 Willing to sell.

Site previously benefited from full planning permission (CH/07/0215) for the demolition of the industrial "Former Exterior Profiles Ltd, Gregory unit and the erection of 18 apartments and 5 houses, granted March 2007. Landowner has expressed R22 Works, Armitage Road, Brereton" 0.43 23 continued interest in taking forward redevelopment of the site in the medium term.

Cross boundary site with Lichfield District. Recently closed power station which is due to be decommissioned. Potential for mixed use redevelopment. Consultation on Supplementary Planning Document recently undertaken (July-September 2017) which identified potential for predominately employment uses within Cannock Chase District and residential development within Lichfield District. However, work is ongoing in relation to identifying an appropriate mix of uses for the site. It is therefore included within the Register in recognition of the cross boundary residential development and the unknown capacities/uses within Cannock Chase District at this time. Site area excludes greenfield land (golf course) which forms part of whole site currently being considered as part of redevelopment. Whole site R127 "Rugeley Power Station, Rugeley" 35.50 1 totals 55ha.

Outline CH/15/0416 is outline planning permission for the erection of 11no. 1 bed studios, 8no. 2 bed apartments planning and a pair of 3 bed semi-detached dwellings, granted June 2016. Landowner considering alternative R139 "Heron Court, Heron Street, Rugeley" 0.18 permission 21 schemes at present.

12 ITEM NO. 9.24

Permission Net Site Reference Site Name Address Hectares Type Dwellings Notes

"Tennent's Bakery, Wood Lane, Business has recently closed and landowner has expressed interest in redeveloping site for 8 dwellings. C73 Hednesford" 0.24 8 Application expected in short term.

C103 "Land off St. John's Road, Cannock" 0.25 8 Cabinet decision 10/7/03 declared surplus to requirements and is due for disposal.

Application CH/08/0006 was planning permission for 16 flats, now expired. Owner now considering "50 Park Street & Union Street, revised scheme of 7 houses, in medium term. Site owned by intended developers. Requires relocation of C105 Bridgtown" 0.08 7 business but this business is owned by landowner/developer so not considered a constraint.

Cleared site of former car garage. Planning permission CH/05/0161 for 9 flats and 2 dwellings granted "Former Farm Garage, Hednesford June 2006- now expired. Site owned by developer, Tudorworth Properties, who do wish to develop site in C299 Road, Heath Hayes" 0.18 6 the medium-longer term. Site capacity estimated based on provision of no flats- dwellings only.

"Land to the rear of 454-460 Littleworth CH/14/0176 is full planning application for the erection of 5 dwelings as well as the demolition of an C389 Road, Cannock" 0.27 4 existing dwelling, not yet determined (4 net dwellings).

"Garage court off Red Lion Lane / Cabinet decision 21/08/08 to set in motion course of action for disposal of garage courts. Site is still with N5 Braemar Road, Norton Canes" 0.14 5 Housing Services. Site is accessible from both sides.

Would involve demolition of existing manufacturing/storage properties. Developer has also suggested incorporating adjacent garden land of neighbouring properties but this is excluded from the brownfield land register site extent. The full extent of this site including greenfield land is 0.91ha with a capacity of 34 C220 "Site A - Oaklands Industrial Estate, dwellings. The register reflects the size and indicative capacity of the brownfield element of the site only. (a) Lower Road, Hednesford, Cannock " 0.61 17 For full details on the site please see the SHLAA.

Would involve demolition of existing manufacturing/storage properties and land acquisition. Pre- C220 "Site B - Image Business Park, East application discussions undertaken. Majority landowner is developer- however it may require additional (b) Cannock Road, Hednesford, Cannock" 0.66 33 landowners to facilitate wider development.

Site previously considered restricted due to access issues. However, the owner of the site has now "Land at The Mossley, off Armitage purchased land which would enable a widened access to the development. However, there are now R18 Road" 1.80 40 landownership issues which require resolution before the site can progress.

13 ITEM NO. 9.25

Permission Net Site Reference Site Name Address Hectares Type Dwellings Notes

"Former Kodak Processing Site and Transport Depot, Redbrook Lane Site comprises the former Kodak Finishing Works and a Transport Depot. Identified as low quality R43(a) Industrial Estate, Brereton" 2.30 70 employment area.

"Former Milk Depot, Redbrook Lane Site comprises the former Kodak Finishing Works and a Transport Depot. Currently occupied by R43(b) Industrial Estate, Brereton" 0.75 23 business. Identified as low quality employment area.

"Sites at Redbrook Lane Industrial Site forms part of current industrial estate- buildings partly occupied. Multiple landowners. Identified as R43(c,d,e,f,g) Estate, Brereton" 0.80 24 low quality employment area.

Site forms part of current industrial estate- buildings partly occupied. Identified as low quality employment R43(h) "Land at Redbrook Lane, Brereton" 0.65 20 area.

Site is located in the Green Belt but it is partially previously developed land. Outline planning permission "Norton Canes Greyhound Stadium, for up to 130 dwellings, granted May 2012- (CH/12/0078). Reserved Matters application (CH/14/0315) (Land South of Red Lion Lane, Norton Full planning granted December 2014. The full extent of this site including greenfield land is 8.6ha with a capacity of N29 Canes)" 3.40 permission 72 130 dwellings. 66 completions to date.

"Former School at the Corner of Cecil Full planning CH/10/0384 is planning permission for the conversion of The Old School House into 6 mews houses C13 Street / Cannock Road, Chadsmoor" 0.12 permission 6 granted in December 2010. 5 completions to date.

"15 Cannock Road including land to Full planning CH/12/0187 is full planning permission for the demolition of a club and the erection of four 3 bedroom C286 rear with access off Field Street" 0.20 permission 5 house and one 4 bedroom house, granted in August 2012. 1 completion to date.

14 ITEM NO. 9.26

15 ITEM NO. 9.27

16 ITEM NO. 9.28

17 ITEM NO. 9.29

Full Part 1 Brownfield Land Register

The full Part 1 Brownfield Land Register is set out according to the Government guidance ‘Brownfield Land Registers Data Standard: Preparing and publishing a register’ 2017 to meet regulatory and open data standards. Please note, that not all columns are completed as some of these are optional and/or are not relevant at this stage. A full explanation of each of the columns and how they are to be completed is available in the aforementioned Government guidance. The full Part 1 Brownfield Land Register (csv file) is available to download separately from policy-monitoring.

18 ITEM NO. 9.30

CoordinateR NetDwellin OrganisationU OrganisationL SiteReferen PreviouslyP eferenceSyst OwnershipS Permission PermissionD ProposedF MinNetDwell NonHousingD gsRangeFro NetDwellin HazardousS SiteInformatio FirstAddedD LastUpdated RI abel ce artOf SiteNameAddress SiteplanURL em GeoX GeoY Hectares tatus Deliverable PlanningStatus Type ate PlanningHistory orPIP ings DevelopmentDescription evelopment Part2 m gsRangeTo ubstances n Notes ate Date

CH/15/0381 is full planning permission for the erection of 16 supported living apartments, granted January 2016. CH/16/022 is full planning http://opendatacom permission for 4 supporting living apartments (formerly site C21(a)- total of 20 units). ct-council/cannock- Cannock Chase "The Golden Age Inn, Not owned by a Full planning CH/15/0381/A is discharge of conditions chase Council C21 Moss Road, Cannock" ploreit/ OSGB36 399312 311613 0.21 public authority Yes Permissioned permission 2016-07-05 20 20 20 application. 2017-09-01 2017-09-01 http://opendatacom "Whitelodge, New CH/16/410 is full planning permission for the ct-council/cannock- Cannock Chase Penkridge Road, Not owned by a Full planning conversion of the existing building to form 13 chase Council C90(b) Cannock" ploreit/ OSGB36 397022 310567 0.23 public authority Yes Permissioned permission 2017-02-28 13 13 13 apartments, granted February 2017. 2017-09-01 2017-09 -01 http://opendatacom "Blackford's Former Buildings have been demolished. CH/15/0497 is Working Men's Club, full planning permission for 26 apartments, granted ct-council/cannock- Cannock Chase Cannock Road, Not owned by a Full planning March 2017. Site owned by developer who intends chase Council C269 Cannock" ploreit/ OSGB36 398707 311001 0.40 public authority Yes Permissioned permission 2017-03-21 26 26 26 to build out site. 2017-09-01 2017-09-01 http://opendatacom CH/15/0078 is full planning permission for 21no. 1 "26 - 28 bed flats, granted May 2015. Landowner intends ct-council/cannock- Cannock Chase Wolverhampton Road, Not owned by a Full planning to develop- potentially as landlord to future renta l chase Council C152 Cannock" ploreit/ OSGB36 397923 309989 0.12 public authority Yes Permissioned permission 2015-05-28 21 21 21 properties. 2017-09-01 2017-09-01

CH/16/144 is full planning permission for the http://opendatacom erection of 10 apartments, granted January 2017. "The Tackeroo, Landowner is intended developer of site. ct-council/cannock- Cannock Chase Bracken Close, Not owned by a Full planning CH/16/144/A is discharge of conditions chase Council C364 Hednesford" ploreit/ OSGB36 400623 313812 0.10 public authority Yes Permissioned permission 2017-01-17 10 10 10 application. 2017-09-01 2017-09-01

CH/15/0001 is full planning application for the demolition of existing retail units and the erectio n of 23no. 2 bedroom houses and 11no. 3 bedroom houses (all affordable housing), granted July 2015. The full extent of this site including "410-418 Cannock greenfield land is 0.94ha with a capacity of 34 http://opendatacom Road, Cannock (AKA. dwellings. The register reflects the size and Land at Cannock indicative capacity of the brownfield element of th e ct-council/cannock- Cannock Chase Road/Stafford Lane, Not owned by a Full planning site only. For full details on the site please see the chase Council C20 Hightown)" ploreit/ OSGB36 399653 312139 0.70 public authority Yes Permissioned permission 2015-07-23 30 30 30 SHLAA. 2017-09-01 2017-09-01

Demolition of 95 High Mount Street included in the http://opendatacom "Land behind 81-129 Reserved Matters application granted in High Mount Street & 97- December 2007 for 22 dwellings (net 21). Building ct-council/cannock- Cannock Chase 105 Mount Street, Not owned by a Full planning work has resumed on site following a stall in 2009. chase Council C43 Hednesford" ploreit/ OSGB36 399870 313147 0.65 public authority Yes Permissioned permission 2007-12-04 21 21 21 (CH/07/0507). 13 completions to date. 2017-09-01 201 7-09-01

CH/13/0132 is full planning permission for the erection of 5 pairs of 2-storey 3 bedroom houses http://opendatacom (with rooms in roof space), 3 detached 2-storey 4 "Hednesford Court bedroom houses and 1 detached 3 bedroom ct-council/cannock- Cannock Chase Office, Angelsey Not owned by a Full planning bungalow, granted December 2013. 1 completion chase Council C128 Street, Hednesford" ploreit/ OSGB36 399993 312284 0.35 public authority Yes Permissioned permission 2014-09-08 14 14 14 to date. 2017-09-01 2017-09-01

http://opendatacom "Edgemead Court - Units between Walsall CH/16/006 is full planning permission for the ct-council/cannock- Cannock Chase Road and, Park Street, Not owned by a Full planning erection of 24 houses and 15 apartments, granted chase Council C222(b) Bridgtown, Cannock" ploreit/ OSGB36 398336 306645 0.99 public authority Yes Permissioned permission 2016-03-30 39 39 39 March 2016. 2017-09-01 2017-09-01

http://opendatacom "Langbourn, Hillcroft CH/16/364 is full planning permission for the and Ivy House, conversion of offices to 14 apartments, granted ct-council/cannock- Cannock Chase Longford Road, Not owned by a Full planning November 2016. Landowner is intended developer chase Council C272 (Part 2) Cannock " ploreit/ OSGB36 397528 309572 0.40 public authority Yes Permissioned permission 2016-11-22 14 14 14 of site. 2017-09-01 2017-09-01 http://opendatacom "Land at junction of Cannock Road and ct-council/cannock- Cannock Chase Burgoyne Street, Not owned by a Full planning CH/14/0097 is full planning permission for 14 chase Council C327 Cannock" ploreit/ OSGB36 399346 311979 0.30 public authority Yes Permissioned permission 2016-10-19 14 14 14 dwellings, granted March 2014. 2017-09-01 2017-09-01

CH/13/0323 is outline planning permission for residential development: Erection of 111 dwellings, public house/restaurant and provision of public open space (outline all matters reserved), granted March 2016. CH/16/124 is reserved matters approval, granted June 2016. Incorporates 50% affordable housing provision (to be developed by http://opendatacom Walsall Housing Group). The site included within "Land off Lakeside the register excludes the area which has been ct-council/cannock- Cannock Chase Boulevard, Bridgetown, Not owned by a Full planning reserved for commercial development under the chase Council C335 Cannock" ploreit/ OSGB36 397919 308335 3.70 public authority Yes Permissioned permission 2016-06-29 111 111 111 original outline planning permission. 2017-09-01 2017 -09-01 http://opendatacom CH/16/127 is full planning permission for the conversion of first floor to 10 flats, granted July ct-council/cannock- Cannock Chase "Newhall, 81 High Not owned by a Full planning 2016. Landowner is intended developer of site chase Council C405 Green, Cannock" ploreit/ OSGB36 397874 310187 0.12 public authority Yes Permissioned permission 2016-07-29 10 10 10 (rental properties) 2017-09-01 2017-09-01

http://opendatacom CH/15/0364 is full planning permission for the "Car-park next to The erection of 14 apartments (supported living) with ct-council/cannock- Cannock Chase Red Lion, Market Not owned by a Full planning ancillary accomodation for training and support, chase Council R13 Street, Rugeley" ploreit/ OSGB36 404514 318231 0.20 public authority Yes Permissioned permission 2016-02-03 14 14 14 granted Feb 2016. 2017-09-01 2017-09-01

http://opendatacom "Former Ultra Outline planning permission CH/14/0293 granted Electronics Site, Main for up to 120 dwellings (May 2015). CH/15/0492 is ct-council/cannock- Cannock Chase Road / Armitage Road, Not owned by a Full planning reserved matters approval for 103 dwelling, chase Council R19 Brereton" ploreit/ OSGB36 405178 316979 3.05 public authority Yes Permissioned permission 2016-07-05 103 103 103 granted July 2016. 2017-09-01 2017-09-01

CH/07/0509 was full planning permission for 15 http://opendatacom "Former Bradbury and houses and 3 flats. CH/10/0286 is an extension of Brown Garage, time limit application, granted October 2010. ct-council/cannock- Cannock Chase Armitage Road, Not owned by a Full planning Adjacent to Conservation Area. 15 completions to chase Council R27 Brereton, Rugeley" ploreit/ OSGB36 405319 317106 0.47 public authority Yes Permissioned permission 2010-10-21 18 18 18 date. 2017-09-01 2017-09-01 CH/12/0433 is full planning permission for change of use from care home to 20 no flats and erection of first storey extension and erection of entrance lobby, granted March 2013. Revised application for 22 flats (CH/13/0433) granted April 2014. CH/16/444 is full planning permission for an extension to form 2 additional dwellings, granted http://opendatacom April 2017. 22 completions to date. "Land off Coulthwaite ct-council/cannock- Cannock Chase Way, Coulthwaite Way, Not owned by a Full planning chase Council R97 Brereton" ploreit/ OSGB36 404863 317005 0.40 public authority Yes Permissioned permission 2017-04-19 24 24 24 2017-09-01 2017-09-01

19 ITEM NO. 9.31

CoordinateR NetDwellin OrganisationU OrganisationL SiteReferen PreviouslyP eferenceSyst OwnershipS Permission PermissionD ProposedF MinNetDwell NonHousingD gsRangeFro NetDwellin HazardousS SiteInformatio FirstAddedD LastUpdated RI abel ce artOf SiteNameAddress SiteplanURL em GeoX GeoY Hectares tatus Deliverable PlanningStatus Type ate PlanningHistory orPIP ings DevelopmentDescription evelopment Part2 m gsRangeTo ubstances n Notes ate Date

CH/14/0399 is full planning permission for residential development, granted December 2015. Cross-boundary site with Lichfield DC - 71 dwellings (including 62 affordable homes to be developed by Wrekin Housing Trust). Approx 15 http://opendatacom dwellings within CCDC. Adjacent to Conservation Area. Discharge of conditions expected shortly- ct-council/cannock- Cannock Chase "Land at Wheelhouse Not owned by a Full planning site in process of currently being cleared- Orbit chase Council R110 Road, Rugeley" ploreit/ OSGB36 405926 316723 0.41 public authority Yes Permissioned permission 2015-12-21 15 15 15 Housing developing. 2017-09-01 2017-09-01

CH/14/0411 is full planning permission for the demolition of existing building and the erection of 7 houses and 14 flats, granted April 2015. http://opendatacom CH/15/0208 is full planning permission for the "Former Hillsprings erection of a pair of 2 bed semi-detached ct-council/cannock- Cannock Chase Clinic, Green Lane, Owned by a Full planning bungalows, granted September 2015 (total 23 chase Council R119 Rugeley" ploreit/ OSGB36 403524 318641 0.34 public authority Yes Permissioned permission 2015-09-30 23 23 23 dwellings). 20 completions to date. 2017-09-01 2017- 09-01

CH/17/070 is outline planning permission for the erection of 10 dwellings. The full extent of this site including greenfield land is 0.31ha with a capacity http://opendatacom "Land at 61&65 of 10 dwellings. The register reflects the size an d Wimblebury Road, indicative capacity of the brownfield element of th e ct-council/cannock- Cannock Chase Heath Hayes, Not owned by a Outline planning site only. For full details on the site please see the chase Council C420 Cannock" ploreit/ OSGB36 401560 310138 0.19 public authority Yes Permissioned permission 2017-05-31 6 6 6 SHLAA. 2017-09-01 2017-09-01

CH/15/0084 is outline planning permission for the erection of 72 dwellings (joint application with si te R16), granted May 2015. The full extent of this site including greenfield land is 1.4ha with a capacity of 40 dwellings. The register reflects th e size and indicative capacity of the brownfield element of the site only. For full details on the site http://opendatacom please see the SHLAA. Joint venture between "Pear Tree Primary Cannock Chase Council and Staffs County ct-council/cannock- Cannock Chase School, Hardie Owned by a Outline planning Council. Liaising with potential developers on chase Council R16 Avenue, Rugeley" ploreit/ OSGB36 404277 317325 0.55 public authority Yes Permissioned permission 2015-05-29 16 16 16 scheme. 2017-09-01 2017-09-01

CH/15/0084 is outline planning permission for the erection of 72 dwellings (joint application with si te http://opendatacom R16), granted May 2015. Joint venture between Cannock Chase Council and Staffs County ct-council/cannock- Cannock Chase "Land at end of Wharf Owned by a Outline planning Council. Liaising with potential developers on chase Council R20 Road, Rugeley" ploreit/ OSGB36 404471 317330 1.06 public authority Yes Permissioned permission 2015-05-29 32 32 32 scheme. 2017-09-01 2017-09-01 http://opendatacom "Blocks A-D, Beecroft ct-council/cannock- Cannock Chase Court, Beecroft Road, Not owned by a CH/17/113 is prior approval for the change of use chase Council C422 Cannock" ploreit/ OSGB36 398270 310588 0.80 public authority Yes Not permissioned 60 60 60 from offices to 60 apartments- not yet determined. 2 017-09-01 2017-09-01 http://opendatacom "Land adjacent to 67 McGhie Street, ct-council/cannock- Cannock Chase Hednesford (formerly Not owned by a Full planning CH/17/004 is full planning permission for the chase Council C31 adjacent to no. 73)" ploreit/ OSGB36 399838 312733 0.24 public authority Yes Permissioned permission 2017-03-29 6 6 6 erection of 6 bungalows, granted March 2017. 2017-09 -01 2017-09-01 http://opendatacom "Garage Court, Land at CH/16/243 is full planning permission for the ct-council/cannock- Cannock Chase Hannaford Way, Owned by a Full planning erection of 3 houses and 3 bungalows, granted chase Council C343 Cannock" ploreit/ OSGB36 398817 310774 0.20 public authority Yes Permissioned permission 2016-11-17 6 6 6 November 2016. 2017-09-01 2017-09-01 http://opendatacom CH/14/0243 is prior approval for change of use of first and second floors from B1 office to up to 8 ct-council/cannock- Cannock Chase "1-3B Mill Street, Not owned by a Full planning dwellings, granted September 2014. Within chase Council C349 Cannock" ploreit/ OSGB36 398146 310078 0.05 public authority Yes Permissioned permission 2014-09-12 8 8 8 Conservation Area-adjacent to listed building. 2017- 09-01 2017-09-01 http://opendatacom CH/16/214 is full planning permission for the ct-council/cannock- Cannock Chase "Balfour House, High Not owned by a Full planning conversion of offices to 9no apartments, granted chase Council C408 Green, Cannock" ploreit/ OSGB36 397873 310271 0.08 public authority Yes Permissioned permission 2016-09-05 9 9 9 September 2016. 2017-09-01 2017-09-01 http://opendatacom ct-council/cannock- Cannock Chase "Land to the rear of 6 Not owned by a Full planning CH/16/269 is full planning permission for the chase Council C417 Mill Street, Cannock" ploreit/ OSGB36 398210 310023 0.09 public authority Yes Permissioned permission 2017-04-13 5 5 5 erection of 5 apartments, granted April 2017. 2017-0 9-01 2017-09-01 http://opendatacom CH/16/443 is prior approval for the change of use ct-council/cannock- Cannock Chase "1-3 Walsall Road, Not owned by a Full planning from offices to 6 studio flats, granted January chase Council C424 Cannock" ploreit/ OSGB36 398165 310032 0.01 public authority Yes Permissioned permission 2017-01-15 6 6 6 2017. 2017-09-01 2017-09-01 http://opendatacom "249, Hednesford CH/17/002 is full planning permission for the ct-council/cannock- Cannock Chase Road, Heath Hayes, Not owned by a Full planning erection of 6 detached dwellings and 2 semi- chase Council C427 Cannock" ploreit/ OSGB36 400864 310577 0.13 public authority Yes Permissioned permission 2017-04-12 8 8 8 detached dwellings, granted April 2017. 2017-09-01 20 17-09-01 http://opendatacom ct-council/cannock- Cannock Chase "Land at Coulthwaite Owned by a Full planning CH/16/239 is full planning permission for 6 semi- chase Council R111 Way, Ravenhill" ploreit/ OSGB36 404654 316891 0.18 public authority Yes Permissioned permission 2016-11-02 6 6 6 detached dwellings, granted November 2016. 2017-09-0 1 2017-09-01 http://opendatacom CH/15/0205 is full planning permission for the ct-council/cannock- Cannock Chase "37 Bower Lane, Not owned by a Full planning demolition of existing dwelling and erection of 6 chase Council R136 Rugeley" ploreit/ OSGB36 403408 319289 0.16 public authority Yes Permissioned permission 2016-08-02 5 5 5 dwellings (5 net dwellings) granted August 2016. 201 7-09-01 2017-09-01 http://opendatacom "Hope and Anchor, 27 CH/16/094 is full planning permission for ct-council/cannock- Cannock Chase Redbrook Lane, Not owned by a Full planning conversion of the public house and the erection of chase Council R141 Rugeley" ploreit/ OSGB36 405092 316636 0.11 public authority Yes Permissioned permission 2016-09-27 5 5 5 4 dwellings, granted September 2016. 2017-09-01 201 7-09-01 http://opendatacom CH/16/342 is full planning permission for the change of use of a former day care centre and ct-council/cannock- Cannock Chase "9, Wolseley Road, Not owned by a Full planning cottage to 7 apartments and cottage, granted chase Council R148 Rugeley" ploreit/ OSGB36 404379 318470 0.08 public authority Yes Permissioned permission 2017-03-08 7 7 7 March 2017. 2017-09-01 2017-09-01 http://opendatacom Cabinet decision 15/09/11 - resolution to sell site "Garage court, south of to Heantun Housing Association/Staffordshire ct-council/cannock- Cannock Chase Woodside Place, Mixed Full planning County Council. Full planning permission for 7 fla ts chase Council C2 Chadsmoor" ploreit/ OSGB36 398018 312051 0.11 ownership Yes Permissioned permission 2013-01-30 7 7 7 granted January 2013 (CH/12/0424). 2017-09-01 2017- 09-01 http://opendatacom "Garage Court at CH/16/242 is full planning permission for the ct-council/cannock- Cannock Chase Berwick Drive, Owned by a Full planning erection of 3 terraced dwellings and 2 semi- chase Council C224 Cannock" ploreit/ OSGB36 396928 309805 0.11 public authority Yes Permissioned permission 2016-11-04 5 5 5 detached dwellings, granted November 2016. 2017-09-0 1 2017-09-01 http://opendatacom "Garage Court at CH/15/0367 is full planning permission for 1 pair o f ct-council/cannock- Cannock Chase Glover Street, Mixed Full planning semi-detached houses and 3 terraced houses, chase Council C225 Wimblebury" ploreit/ OSGB36 401578 311415 0.10 ownership Yes Permissioned permission 2016-02-23 5 5 5 granted February 2016. 2017-09-01 2017-09-01

20 ITEM NO. 9.32

CoordinateR NetDwellin OrganisationU OrganisationL SiteReferen PreviouslyP eferenceSyst OwnershipS Permission PermissionD ProposedF MinNetDwell NonHousingD gsRangeFro NetDwellin HazardousS SiteInformatio FirstAddedD LastUpdated RI abel ce artOf SiteNameAddress SiteplanURL em GeoX GeoY Hectares tatus Deliverable PlanningStatus Type ate PlanningHistory orPIP ings DevelopmentDescription evelopment Part2 m gsRangeTo ubstances n Notes ate Date http://opendatacom "Rear of 30-34 ct-council/cannock- Cannock Chase Market Street, Not owned by a Full planning 6 one-bedroom flats. Full planning permission chase Council C232 Hednesford, Cannock" ploreit/ OSGB36 400247 312316 0.07 public authority Yes Permissioned permission 2010-06-28 6 6 6 granted in June 2010 (CH/10/0159). 2017-09-01 2017-09-01 http://opendatacom CH/10/0357 is permission for the demolition of "35a and 49 Old numbers 35a and 49 and the erection of 3 ct-council/cannock- Cannock Chase Penkridge Road, Not owned by a Full planning detached dwellings (1 net). Granted in June 2011. chase Council C242 Cannock" ploreit/ OSGB36 397569 310474 0.34 public authority Yes Permissioned permission 2011-06-16 1 1 1 2 of 3 completed. 2017-09-01 2017-09-01

CH/11/0385 is full planning permission for a change of use of three ground floor retail units into three 1 bedroom flats, granted in January 2012. 2 completions to date. CH/12/0161 is full planning http://opendatacom permission for a change of use of a further six "Whitehouse Court, ground floor units into five 1 bedroom flats and one ct-council/cannock- Cannock Chase Broad Street, Not owned by a Full planning 2 bedroom flat, granted July 2012. 2 completions chase Council C273 Cannock" ploreit/ OSGB36 398122 308647 0.17 public authority Yes Permissioned permission 2012-07-05 9 9 9 to date. 2017-09-01 2017-09-01

The site has full planning permission for the http://opendatacom conversion of 10 retail and office units into 7 flats "Bridgtown Business (6 new and 1 existing) and one office unit, granted ct-council/cannock- Cannock Chase Centre, North Street, Not owned by a Full planning November 2012 (CH/12/0340). 2 completions to chase Council C291 Cannock" ploreit/ OSGB36 398055 308695 0.10 public authority Yes Permissioned permission 2012-11-27 7 7 7 date. 2017-09-01 2017-09-01

CH/11/0417 is full planning permission for the http://opendatacom conversion of the public house into 7 flats, granted "The Lamb Public August 2012. CH/15/0421 is permission for the ct-council/cannock- Cannock Chase House, John Street, Not owned by a Full planning change of use of additional area to 2 further flats, chase Council C296 Wimblebury" ploreit/ OSGB36 401606 311381 0.10 public authority Yes Permissioned permission 2016-11-08 9 9 9 granted November 2016. 2017-09-01 2017-09-01 http://opendatacom ct-council/cannock- Cannock Chase "44 Watling Street, Not owned by a Full planning CH/15/0377 is full planning permission for the chase Council C382 Bridgtown, Cannock" ploreit/ OSGB36 398310 308424 0.14 public authority Yes Permissioned permission 2016-06-02 9 9 9 erection of 9 apartments, granted June 2016. 2017-09-01 2017-09-01 http://opendatacom CH/15/0338 is outline planning application for no.5 "Land to rear 43-57 1 bedroom residential units, granted June 2016. ct-council/cannock- Cannock Chase Broad Street, Not owned by a Full planning CH/16/235 is reserved matters approval, granted chase Council C390 Cannock" ploreit/ OSGB36 398213 308578 0.07 public authority Yes Permissioned permission 2016-08-11 5 5 5 August 2016. 2017-09-01 2017-09-01 http://opendatacom CH/13/0317 is full planning permission for the ct-council/cannock- Cannock Chase "Libbys, 45 Bow Street, Not owned by a Full planning conversion of the building into 2 houses and 6 flats, chase Council R104 Rugeley" ploreit/ OSGB36 404291 318078 0.03 public authority Yes Permissioned permission 2015-05-14 8 8 8 granted May 2015. 2017-09-01 2017-09-01

CH/09/0347 is outline planning permission for the demolition of number 174 and builders yard (172a) http://opendatacom and the erection of 8 two bedroom flats (7 net), now expired. CH/14/0236 is outline planning ct-council/cannock- Cannock Chase "172 & 174, Belt Road, Not owned by a Outline planning permission for demolition and erection of 6no. 2 chase Council C35 Chadsmoor" ploreit/ OSGB36 398636 312711 0.10 public authority Yes Permissioned permission 2014-09-03 6 6 6 bed flats, granted September 2014. 2017-09-01 2017-09-01

http://opendatacom CH/14/0344 is outline planning permission for the ct-council/cannock- Cannock Chase "256 Walsall Road, Not owned by a Outline planning erection of a block of 9no. 1 bedroom flats, granted chase Council C353 Bridgtown, Cannock" ploreit/ OSGB36 398371 308570 0.07 public authority Yes Permissioned permission 2015-05-15 9 9 9 May 2015. 2017-09-01 2017-09-01

http://opendatacom "Land to the rear of 77 CH/15/0410 is outline planning permission for the ct-council/cannock- Cannock Chase Old Fallow Road, Not owned by a Outline planning erection of 5 houses and demolition of existing chase Council C384 Cannock" ploreit/ OSGB36 398433 311133 0.25 public authority Yes Permissioned permission 2016-06-02 5 5 5 industrial buildings, granted June 2016. 2017-09-01017-09-01 2 http://opendatacom "65 Union Works, CH/16/317 is outline planning permission for the ct-council/cannock- Cannock Chase Union Street, Not owned by a Outline planning erection of up to 6 apartments, granted December chase Council C396 Cannock" ploreit/ OSGB36 398357 308528 0.06 public authority Yes Permissioned permission 2016-12-16 6 6 6 2016. 2017-09-01 2017-09-01

http://opendatacom CH/16/384 is an outline planning application for the demoltiion of 3 dwellings and the erection of an ct-council/cannock- Cannock Chase "5-7, Broad Street, Not owned by a apartment block, consisting of 10 dwellings- not yet chase Council C423 Bridgtown, Cannock" ploreit/ OSGB36 398094 308636 0.05 public authority Yes Not permissioned 2017-05-10 7 7 7 determined. 7 net dwellings. 2017-09-01 2017-09-01 http://opendatacom "Former Rawnsley Iron ct-council/cannock- Cannock Chase Foundry, New Hayes Not owned by a Full planning CH/10/0172 is full planning permission for 8 chase Council C122a Road, Rawnsley" ploreit/ OSGB36 403189 312005 1.13 public authority Yes Permissioned permission 2010-07-05 8 8 8 detached houses. 2017-09-01 2017-09-01

The site has full planning permission for the demolition of existing office buildings and construction of 13 detached dwellings, granted http://opendatacom October 2010 (CH/10/0069, resubmission of CH/09/0157). CH/13/0303 is permission for ct-council/cannock- Cannock Chase "Fallow Park, Rugeley Not owned by a Full planning variation of the dwelling design, granted February chase Council C126 Road, Hednesford" ploreit/ OSGB36 400885 313664 1.54 public authority Yes Permissioned permission 2014-02-19 13 13 13 2014. 2017-09-01 2017-09-01

CH/08/0165 is full planning permission for 25 flats and 2 bungalows. Application has expired. Site owner still wishes to take site forward for residential development. Site being considered for allocation as part of the Hednesford Neighbourhood Plan for retirement housing provision (potential C3 use class as independent apartments). Potential for site area to expand to adjacent land under same land ownership and for capacity to therefore increase as per Hednesford http://opendatacom "Land adjacent and to Neighbourhood Plan allocation. SHLAA site the rear of 419-435, reflects previous planning consent area only at ct-council/cannock- Cannock Chase Cannock Road, Not owned by a present. To keep under review in line with the chase Council C63 Hednesford" ploreit/ OSGB36 399861 312498 0.30 public authority Not permissioned 25 25 25 emerging Hednesford Neighbourhood Plan. 2017-09-01 2017-09-01

CH/07/0846 is full planning permission for 16 flats and CH/12/0308 is an application for extension of http://opendatacom the time limit- approved, subject to S106 but this "Former club at end of was not signed before CIL deadline of 1/6/15. ct-council/cannock- Cannock Chase Arthur Street, Not owned by a CH/17/035 is full planning application for the chase Council C75 Wimblebury, Cannock" ploreit/ OSGB36 401388 311388 0.24 public authority Not permissioned 18 18 18 erection of 18no. flats- not yet determined. 2017-09-01 2017-09-01

21 ITEM NO. 9.33

CoordinateR NetDwellin OrganisationU OrganisationL SiteReferen PreviouslyP eferenceSyst OwnershipS Permission PermissionD ProposedF MinNetDwell NonHousingD gsRangeFro NetDwellin HazardousS SiteInformatio FirstAddedD LastUpdated RI abel ce artOf SiteNameAddress SiteplanURL em GeoX GeoY Hectares tatus Deliverable PlanningStatus Type ate PlanningHistory orPIP ings DevelopmentDescription evelopment Part2 m gsRangeTo ubstances n Notes ate Date

Outline permission subject to S106 granted in December 2006 for residential development of 90 dwellings (CH/06/0095), but S106 has not been signed. Revised schemes recently considered by http://opendatacom "Land opposite Keys national housebuilder for potentially increased Park football ground, capacity (up to 125 dwellings). However, this ct-council/cannock- Cannock Chase Keys Park Road, Not owned by a proposal encroaches on existing SBI. Capacity chase Council C80 Hednesford" ploreit/ OSGB36 400745 311077 5.30 public authority Not permissioned 90 90 90 based upon previous consent at present. 2017-09-01 2017-09-01

Currently forms the County Grounds Depot which http://opendatacom "County Grounds supports a building and open area where Depot, operational material is kept. Site now identifiedas ct-council/cannock- Cannock Chase Cannock Road, Owned by a surplus to requirements and County will be seeking chase Council C178 Cannock" ploreit/ OSGB36 398593 310918 0.44 public authority Not permissioned 13 13 13 disposal. 2017-09-01 2017-09-01

CH/15/0080 is outline planning application for the erection of up to 93 dwellings, refused May 2016 primarily on the grounds of no affordable housing provision- under appeal. The site has since been purchased by the Homes and Communities http://opendatacom Agency who are pursuing residential development "Former Parker of the site, including affordable housing provision. ct-council/cannock- Cannock Chase Hannifin Site, Walkmill Owned by a Site has contamination issues from industrial chase Council C270 Lane, Cannock " ploreit/ OSGB36 397742 308440 3.30 public authority Not permissioned 93 93 93 legacy. 2017-09-01 2017-09-01

Site owners have recently confirmed relocation of the company to alternative site and plans for mixed use redevelopment of current premises. Relocation to begin mid-2017 and expected to be http://opendatacom "Gestamp, complete by 2020. Preparation of planning Wolverhampton application supporting information underway with ct-council/cannock- Cannock Chase Road/A5 Watling Not owned by a view to submitting outline planning application for up chase Council C432 Street, Cannock" ploreit/ OSGB36 397177 309118 5.30 public authority Not permissioned 185 185 185 to 185 dwellings shortly. 2017-09-01 2017-09-01

Identified in the Rugeley TC Area Action Plan as a site for re-development as part of re-organisation of secondary school provision in Rugeley. County http://opendatacom Council currently undertaking pre-application work for an extra care and residential scheme but ct-council/cannock- Cannock Chase "Aelfgar School, Owned by a awaiting outcome of extra care review. Demolition chase Council R9 Taylors Lane, Rugeley" ploreit/ OSGB36 404269 318285 1.88 public authority Not permissioned 85 85 85 works required. Willing to sell. 2017-09-01 2017-09-01

Site previously benefited from full planning permission (CH/07/0215) for the demolition of the http://opendatacom "Former Exterior industrial unit and the erection of 18 apartments Profiles Ltd, Gregory and 5 houses, granted March 2007. Landowner ct-council/cannock- Cannock Chase Works, Armitage Not owned by a has expressed continued interest in taking forward chase Council R22 Road, Brereton" ploreit/ OSGB36 405600 316723 0.43 public authority Not permissioned 23 23 23 redevelopment of the site in the medium term. 2017-09-01 2017-09-01

Cross boundary site with Lichfield District. Recently closed power station which is due to be decommissioned. Potential for mixed use redevelopment. Consultation on Supplementary Planning Document recently undertaken (July- September 2017) which identified potential for predominately employment uses within Cannock Chase District and residential development within Lichfield District. However, work is ongoing in relation to identifying an appropriate mix of uses for the site. It is http://opendatacom therefore included within the Register in recognition of Site area excludes greenfield land (golf course) the cross boundary residential development and the which forms part of whole site currently being ct-council/cannock- Cannock Chase "Rugeley Power Not owned by a unknown capacities/uses within Cannock Chase considered as part of redevelopment. Whole site chase Council R127 Station, Rugeley" ploreit/ OSGB36 405601 317840 35.50 public authority Not permissioned 1 District at this time. totals 55ha. 2017-09-01 2017-09-01

CH/15/0416 is outline planning permission for the http://opendatacom erection of 11no. 1 bed studios, 8no. 2 bed apartments and a pair of 3 bed semi-detached ct-council/cannock- Cannock Chase "Heron Court, Heron Not owned by a Outline planning dwellings, granted June 2016. Landowner chase Council R139 Street, Rugeley" ploreit/ OSGB36 404664 317988 0.18 public authority Permissioned permission 2016-06-08 21 21 21 considering alternative schemes at present. 2017-09-01 2017-09-01 http://opendatacom "Tennent's Bakery, Business has recently closed and landowner has ct-council/cannock- Cannock Chase Wood Lane, Not owned by a expressed interest in redeveloping site for 8 chase Council C73 Hednesford" ploreit/ OSGB36 400677 311762 0.24 public authority Not permissioned 8 8 8 dwellings. Application expected in short term. 2017-09-01 2017-09-01 http://opendatacom ct-council/cannock- Cannock Chase "Land off St. John's Owned by a Cabinet decision 10/7/03 declared surplus to chase Council C103 Road, Cannock" ploreit/ OSGB36 397907 309533 0.25 public authority Not permissioned 8 8 8 requirements and is due for disposal. 2017-09-01 2017-09-01

Application CH/08/0006 was planning permission for 16 flats, now expired. Owner now considering revised scheme of 7 houses, in medium term. Site http://opendatacom owned by intended developers. Requires "50 Park Street & relocation of business but this business is owned ct-council/cannock- Cannock Chase Union Street, Owned by a by landowner/developer so not considered a chase Council C105 Bridgtown" ploreit/ OSGB36 398278 308597 0.08 public authority Not permissioned 7 7 7 constraint. 2017-09-01 2017-09-01

Cleared site of former car garage. Planning permission CH/05/0161 for 9 flats and 2 dwellings granted June 2006- now expired. Site owned by http://opendatacom developer, Tudorworth Properties, who do wish to "Former Farm Garage, develop site in the medium-longer term. Site ct-council/cannock- Cannock Chase Hednesford Road, Not owned by a capacity estimated based on provision of no flats- chase Council C299 Heath Hayes" ploreit/ OSGB36 400886 310564 0.18 public authority Not permissioned 6 6 6 dwellings only. 2017-09-01 2017-09-01 http://opendatacom CH/14/0176 is full planning application for the "Land to the rear of erection of 5 dwelings as well as the demolition of ct-council/cannock- Cannock Chase 454-460 Littleworth Not owned by a an existing dwelling, not yet determined (4 net chase Council C389 Road, Cannock" ploreit/ OSGB36 401793 311985 0.27 public authority Not permissioned 4 4 4 dwellings). 2017-09-01 2017-09-01

http://opendatacom Cabinet decision 21/08/08 to set in motion course "Garage court off Red of action for disposal of garage courts. Site is still ct-council/cannock- Cannock Chase Lion Lane / Braemar Owned by a with Housing Services. Site is accessible from chase Council N5 Road, Norton Canes" ploreit/ OSGB36 402626 307718 0.14 public authority Not permissioned 5 5 5 both sides. 2017-09-01 2017-09-01

22 ITEM NO. 9.34

CoordinateR NetDwellin OrganisationUOrganisationLSiteReferenPreviouslyP eferenceSyst OwnershipS Permission PermissionD ProposedFMinNetDwell NonHousingD gsRangeFroNetDwellinHazardousSSiteInformatio FirstAddedDLastUpdated RI abel ce artOf SiteNameAddressSiteplanURL em GeoX GeoY Hectares tatus Deliverable PlanningStatus Type ate PlanningHistory orPIP ings DevelopmentDescription evelopment Part2 m gsRangeToubstances n Notes ate Date

Would involve demolition of existing manufacturing/storage properties. Developer has also suggested incorporating adjacent garden land of neighbouring properties but this is excludedm fro the brownfield land register site extent. The full extent of this site including greenfield land is http://opendatacom "Site A - Oaklands 0.91ha with a capacity of 34 dwellings. The Industrial Estate, Lower register reflects the size and indicative capacityof ct-council/cannock-Cannock Chase C220 Road, Hednesford, Not owned by a the brownfield element of the site only. For full chase Council (a) Cannock " ploreit/ OSGB36 399794 311364public 0.61 authority Not permissioned 17 17 17 details on the site please see the SHLAA. 2017-09-01 2017-09-01

Would involve demolition of existing manufacturing/storage properties and land http://opendatacom "Site B - Image acquisition. Pre-application discussions Business Park, East undertaken. Majority landowner is developer- ct-council/cannock-Cannock Chase C220 Cannock Road, Not owned by a however it may require additional landowners to chase Council (b) Hednesford, Cannock"ploreit/ OSGB36 399723 311352public 0.66 authority Not permissioned 33 33 33 facilitate wider development. 2017-09-01 2017-09-01

Site previously considered restricted due to access issues. However, the owner of the site http://opendatacom has now purchased land which would enable a widened access to the development. However, ct-council/cannock-Cannock Chase "Land at The Mossley, Not owned by a there are now landownership issues which require chase Council R18 off Armitage Road" ploreit/ OSGB36 405014 317472public 1.80 authority Not permissioned 40 40 40 resolution before the site can progress. 2017-09-012017-09-01

"Former Kodak Processing Site and http://opendatacom Transport Depot, Redbrook Lane Site comprises the former Kodak Finishing Works ct-council/cannock-Cannock Chase Industrial Estate, Not owned by a and a Transport Depot. Identified as low quality chase Council R43(a) Brereton" ploreit/ OSGB36 404767 316465public 2.30 authority Not permissioned 70 70 70 employment area. 2017-09-01 2017-09-01 http://opendatacom "Former Milk Depot, Site comprises the former Kodak Finishing Works Redbrook Lane and a Transport Depot. Currently occupied by ct-council/cannock-Cannock Chase Industrial Estate, Not owned by a business. Identified as low quality employment chase Council R43(b) Brereton" ploreit/ OSGB36 404819 316525public 0.75 authority Not permissioned 23 23 23 area. 2017-09-01 2017-09-01 http://opendatacom "Sites at Redbrook Site forms part of current industrial estate- ct-council/cannock-Cannock Chase Lane Industrial Estate, Not owned by a buildings partly occupied. Multiple landowners. chase Council R43(c,d,e,f,g) Brereton" ploreit/ OSGB36 404723 316458public 0.80 authority Not permissioned 24 24 24 Identified as low quality employment area. 2017-09-01 2017-09-01 http://opendatacom Site forms part of current industrial estate- ct-council/cannock-Cannock Chase "Land at Redbrook Not owned by a buildings partly occupied. Identified as lowty quali chase Council R43(h) Lane, Brereton" ploreit/ OSGB36 404800 316397public 0.65 authority Not permissioned 20 20 20 employment area. 2017-09-01 2017-09-01

Site is located in the Green Belt but it is partially previously developed land. Outline planning permission for up to 130 dwellings, granted May "Norton Canes 2012- (CH/12/0078). Reserved Matters http://opendatacom Greyhound Stadium, application (CH/14/0315) granted December 2014. (Land South of Red The full extent of this site including greenfieldand l ct-council/cannock-Cannock Chase Lion Lane, Norton Not owned by a Full planning is 8.6ha with a capacity of 130 dwellings. 66 chase Council N29 Canes)" ploreit/ OSGB36 402651 307613public 3.40 authority Yes Permissioned permission 72 72 72 completions to date. 2017-09-01 2017-09-01 http://opendatacom "Former School at the CH/10/0384 is planning permission for the Corner of Cecil Street / conversion of The Old School House into 6 mews ct-council/cannock-Cannock Chase Cannock Road, Not owned by a Full planning houses granted in December 2010. completions 5 chase Council C13 Chadsmoor" ploreit/ OSGB36 399104 311751public 0.12 authority Yes Permissioned permission 2010-12-01 6 6 6 to date. 2017-09-01 2017-09-01 http://opendatacom "15 Cannock Road CH/12/0187 is full planning permission for the including land to rear demolition of a club and the erection of four 3 ct-council/cannock-Cannock Chase with access off Field Not owned by a Full planning bedroom house and one 4 bedroom house, chase Council C286 Street" ploreit/ OSGB36 398563 311083public 0.20 authority Yes Permissioned permission 2012-08-01 5 5 5 granted in August 2012. 1 completion to date.09-01 2017- 2017-09-01


Report of: Head of Economic Development Contact Officer: Sarah Jones Telephone No: 01543 464 494 Portfolio Leader: Economic Development and Planning Key Decision: No Report Track: Cabinet: 16/11/17


1 Purpose of Report

1.1 To note the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) financial year report 2016/17 and to note the current position in relation to the allocation of CIL funds.

2 Recommendations

2.1 That the CIL financial year report be noted.

3 Key Issues and Reasons for Recommendation

3.1 The Council approved the CIL Charging Schedule and Regulation 123 List of infrastructure projects eligible to receive funding at its meeting on 15/04/2015. CIL came into effect in relation to relevant chargeable development on 01/06/2015.

3.2 CIL is intended to provide a funding stream for infrastructure needed to support the policies and proposals in the adopted Local Plan. It will partly replace funding previously obtained via Planning Obligations (Section 106 agreements and Unilateral Undertakings) which have become more limited in scope in relation to pooling of funds from 5 or more obligations as a result of Regulations.

3.3 The Council is legally required to produce a financial year report on CIL receipts and spend in accordance with the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as amended) (the CIL Regulations). This is the second financial report since the adoption of CIL and it provides a summary of CIL receipts and expenditure for the financial 2016-17. ITEM NO. 10.2

4 Relationship to Corporate Priorities

4.1 This report supports the Council’s Corporate Priorities as follows:

o Better Jobs and Skills: CIL supports investment in infrastructure which in turn encourages investment in better jobs and skills in the district

o More and better housing: housing developments need to be supported by appropriate investment in infrastructure such as education and transport and CIL is key to this investment

o Cleaner and Safer Environments: CIL receipts can be used to invest in infrastructure which contributes to safer and cleaner environments

o Better Health Outcomes: CIL can help to deliver infrastructure which can enable people to liver healthier lives for example walking and cycling routes.

Accurate monitoring and recording of the CIL receipts received ensures benefits of the funds are maximised. Providing an up to date guidance document to planning applicants and developers also supports the ‘Customers’ priority area.

5 Report Detail

5.1 The Council’s CIL financial year report is provided at Appendix 1. It reports on the period from 1st April 2016-31st March 2017. In accordance with the CIL Regulations the Council must report on a stipulated set of figures. Regulation 62A sets these out in detail and they include the level of CIL receipts collected; the level of CIL expenditure within the reporting year; the items to which that expenditure has been allocated to; levels of neighbourhood fund expenditure; and the total amount of CIL receipts retained following expenditure. The Council should publish this information by the 31st December following the end of the reporting year.

5.2 The financial year report outlines that £91,728 in CIL receipts was collected in 2016/17. This level of receipts reflects that CIL is still in its infancy; however it is a notable increase on the level of CIL receipts for 2015-16 (£9,000). Schemes are only liable to pay CIL once they have commenced development. Of the £91,728 in 2016/17 collected the Council has retained £66,753 (this totals £73,803 when neighbourhood funds applicable to the non parish areas are included) in 2016/17.

5.3 CIL expenditure on infrastructure totals £6,630 in 2016/17 which has been allocated to the Cannock Chase Special Area of Conservation (SAC) Mitigation Measures- a project identified on the CIL Regulation 123 list (which identifies a range projects eligible to receive CIL funding). The Cannock Chase SAC is an internationally protected ecological site and the approach to ‘top slicing’ of CIL funds to contribute towards projects that ensure no harm arises to this protected site as a result of additional housing development has been previously agreed by Cabinet (see 25/07/13 and 20/11/14). There is a package of measures which ITEM NO. 10.3

will ensure no harm arises to the SAC as a result of additional recreational pressures from the residents of new housing developments within the District and to ensure compliance with Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010.

5.4 A total of £6,709 has been passed to Parish Council’s in 2016/17, representing 15% of the CIL receipts received in those Parishes (Bridgtown, Heath Hayes and Wimblebury, Hednesford Town and Rugeley Town). This is required under Regulation 59A of the CIL Regulations.

5.5 £7,050 has been retained as neighbourhood funds for non-parish areas in 2016/17 pending further consultation with the local community regarding it’s spend (Cannock East Ward- £6,427 and Cannock South Ward -£623). This represents 15% of CIL receipts received within those Wards. This is in accordance with Regulation 59F of the CIL Regulations and the Council’s approved CIL allocations process (see Cabinet Report 23/07/15).

5.6 There has been £4,586 expenditure on CIL administrative expenses in this financial year (representing 5% of the total CIL receipts as permitted in the CIL Regulations).

5.7 Taking into account receipts retained from 2015/16, the total CIL receipts retained by the Council as at end of 2016/17 is £73,298 (note this figure is £80,966 if the neighbourhood funds for the non-parish areas retained at present are included).

5.8 This CIL financial year report will be incorporated into the Council’s wider Annual Monitoring Report for the Local Plan (Part 1), for which there is already delegated authority to publish with the agreement of the Head of Economic Development and Portfolio Leader for Economic Development and Planning (Cabinet Report 21/04/16).

5.9 A previous report on the funding decisions protocol (Cabinet Report 23/07/15) set out that the allocation of CIL funds process would not begin until a sufficient level of receipts had been received. Given the overall level of receipts received to date it is not considered appropriate to commence the allocation of funds process at present. Instead the funds have been retained (minus Cannock Chase SAC mitigation measures expenditure, neighbourhood fund allocations for parishes, and administrative expenses as set out above) for future spending.

5.10 An update (via letter and/or email) will be sent to all District Councillors and potential infrastructure providers of items on the current Regulation 123 list (including for example the Environment Agency, Staffordshire County Council) advising them of the CIL receipts received to date and the intention not to undertake the allocation of CIL funds in 2017/18 given the level of receipts retained to date. Contact will also be made with the relevant Ward Members for the non parish areas in receipt of CIL neighbourhood funds to ascertain how those communities wish to see the CIL receipts allocated (as per the Council’s approved allocations process- see Cabinet Report 23/07/15).

5.11 The level of receipts for 2017-18 will be kept under review and the timing of the commencement of the allocations process will be considered in view of the level ITEM NO. 10.4

of receipts received. Further updates will be provided to Cabinet advising of the latest position.

6 Implications

6.1 Financial

The CIL receipts referred to in the body of the report are held in the Council reserves pending future allocation to Regulation 123 list projects.

6.2 Legal

Regulation 62 of the CIL Regulations requires the Council to prepare an annual financial report detailing its CIL receipts and expenditure and thereafter to publish the report on the Council’s website.

6.3 Human Resources


6.4 Section 17 (Crime Prevention)


6.5 Human Rights Act


6.6 Data Protection


6.7 Risk Management

A risk assessment has been undertaken. The main area of risk relates to non compliance with the CIL Regulations, however this has been minimised through the production of this annual report and guidance which has been produced in fulfilment of the Council’s Duty in that regard.

6.8 Equality & Diversity


6.9 Best Value


7 Appendices to the Report

Appendix 1: CIL Financial Report 2016-17 ITEM NO. 10.5

Previous Consideration

Update on Cannock Chase Community Infrastructure Cabinet 15/12/16 Levy (CIL) Financial Year Report and Local CIL Guidance

Local Plan (Part 1) Authority Monitoring Report Cabinet 21/04/16

Cannock Chase Community Infrastructure Levy Funding Cabinet 23/07/15 Decisions Protocol

Cannock Chase Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Council 15/04/15 Schedule

Cannock Chase Special Area of Conservation Cabinet 20/11/14 Partnership Memorandum of Understanding and Permission to Spend on Mitigation Projects

Interim Planning Policy on Planning Obligations Relating Cabinet 25/07/13 to Impact of New Residential Development on the Cannock Chase Special Area of Conservation

Background Papers Planning Act 2008 Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010,2011, 2012, 2014, 2015 ITEM NO. 10. ITEM NO. 10.6

Appendix 1

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Annual Financial Report (2016/17) to be published by 31st December 2017

Cannock Chase Council (CCDC- the charging authority) introduced its CIL charging schedule on the 1st June 2015. Regulation 62 of the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as amended) (CIL Regulations) requires the Council to produce an annual report for each financial year setting out the amount of CIL receipts received; spending of CIL receipts; and the amount of CIL retained by the Council for future spend. This report covers the period from 1st April 2016-31st March 2017. Note- amounts are rounded to the nearest £1.

Value (£)/ Project (see CIL also Regulation explanatory Reference Reporting Criteria notes)

62(4)(a) Total CIL receipts for the reported year £91,728

62(4)(b) Total CIL expenditure for the reported year £6,630

62(4)(c) Summary details of CIL expenditure during the reported year other than in relation to CIL to which regulation 59E or 59F applied ( i.e. excludes funding for local priorities passed to local councils or in unparished areas) including:

62(4)(c)(i) The items of infrastructure to which CIL (including land Cannock payments) has been applied. Chase SAC

62(4)(c)(ii) The amount of CIL expenditure on each item £6,630

62(4)(c)(iii) The amount of CIL applied to repay money borrowed, £0 including any interest, with details of the infrastructure items which that money was used to provide including any interest, with details of the infrastructure items which that money was used to provide (wholly or in part)

62(4)(c)(iv) The amount of CIL applied to administrative expenses £4,586 pursuant to regulation 61, and that amount expressed as a percentage of CIL collected in that year in accordance with that regulation ITEM NO. 10.7

Value (£)/ Project (see CIL also Regulation explanatory Reference Reporting Criteria notes)

62(4)(ca) The amount of CIL passed to:

62(4)(ca)(i) Any local council under regulation 59A or 59B £6,709

62(4)(ca)(ii) Any person under regulation 59(4) £0

62(4)(cb) Summary details of the receipt and expenditure of CIL to which regulation 59E or 59F applied during the reported year (i.e. funding for local priorities passed to local councils and recovered or funding for unparished areas) including:

62(4)(cb)(i) The total CIL receipts that regulations 59E and 59F £7,050 applied to.

62(4)(cb)(ii) The items to which the CIL receipts to which regulations £0 N/A 59E and 59F applied have been applied including the amount of expenditure on each item ( (cb)((iii) )

62(4)(cc) Summary details of any notices served in accordance with regulation 59E (recovery of funding passed to parishes), including:

62(4)(cc)(i) The total value of CIL receipts requested from each local £0 council

62(4)(cc)(ii) Any funds not yet recovered from each local council at £0 the end of the reported year

62(4)(d) The total amount of:

62(4)(d)(i) CIL receipts for the reported year retained at the end of £66,753 the reported year other than those to which regulation 59E and 59F applied

62(4)(d)(ii) CIL receipts from previous years retained at the end of £6,545 the reported year other than those to which regulation 59E or 59F applied

62(4)(d)(iii) CIL receipts for the reported year to which regulation £7,050 59E and 59F applied retained at the end of the reported year

62(4)(d)(iv) CIL receipts from previous years to which regulation 59E £618 and 59F applied retained at the end of the reported year ITEM NO. 10.8

Value (£)/ Project (see CIL also Regulation explanatory Reference Reporting Criteria notes)

62(4)(e) In relation to any infrastructure payments accepted by the charging authority

62(4)(e)(i) The items of infrastructure to which the infrastructure N/A payments relate

62(4)(e)(ii) The amount of CIL to which each item of infrastructure £0 relates

Explanatory notes

Regulation 62(4) (a) Total CIL receipts

CIL receipts for 2016/17 total £91,728. The Council did not receive any CIL payments in land in the reporting year.

Regulation 62(4) (b) Total CIL Expenditure

Total CIL expenditure for the reporting year is £6,630 for Regulation 123 list projects.

Regulation 62(4) (c) Summary details of CIL expenditure

- The only CIL expenditure in this reporting year on Regulation 123 list items has been on Cannock Chase Special Area of Conservation (SAC) mitigation measures (£6,630). As per the locally agreed approach to the funding of this item ‘top slicing’ of all CIL receipts related to residential development within the District automatically takes place to be allocated against this project. - £4,586 of CIL funds have been utilised for administrative expenses in 2016/17 (up to 5% is allowed as per Regulations). - CIL expenditure in relation to neighbourhood funds takes place automatically, as per CIL Regulations. This stipulates that 15% of CIL receipts from local areas (with no neighbourhood plan) should be transferred to the relevant parish/town council or in non parish areas consultation undertaken wit h the local community. This increases to 25% in areas with a neighbourhood plan. Funds have been transferred to Bridgtown Parish Council, Heath Hayes and Wimblebury Parish Council, Hednesford Town Council and Rugeley Town Council in this reporting year. These funds total £6,709. The non parish allocations for Cannock East Ward of £6,427 and for Cannock South Ward of £623 have been retained and spending is subject to further consultation with the relevant local community. - Cannock Chase Council has not made any requests for the recovery of neighbourhood funds from local Councils within the reporting year. ITEM NO. 10.9

Regulation 62(4) (d) Total amount of CIL receipts retained

The total amount of CIL funds retained from 2016/17 receipts is £66,753 (note this figure is £73,803 if the £7,050 neighbourhood funds for the non-parish areas retained at present are included). Taking into account 2015/16 receipts, the total amount of CIL receipts retained by the Council is £73,298 (note this figure is £80,966 if the £7,668 neighbourhood funds for the non-parish areas retained at present are included). These receipts have not been allocated to any Regulation 123 list projects at this time. The Council will retain these funds and keep under review the level of receipts received to inform a decision on when to begin the process of allocating funds to specific Regulation 123 list projects.

Regulation 62(4) (e) Infrastructure payments accepted

No payments ‘in kind’ of infrastructure have been accepted in this reporting year.