E-ISSN : 2541-5794 P-ISSN : 2503-216X Journal of Geoscience, Engineering, Environment, and Technology Vol 04 No 03 2019 RESEARCH ARTICLE Volcanism in The Pre-Semilir Formation at Giriloyo Region; Allegedly as Source of Kebo-Butak Formation in the Western Southern Mountains Sri Mulyaningsih1, Muchlis1, Nur W. A. A.T. Heriyadi1, Desi Kiswiranti1 1Geological Engineering of FTM-IST AKPRIND Yogyakarta,Jl. Kalisahak No. 28 Yogyakarta, Indonesia * Corresponding author :
[email protected] Tel.:+62-274-563-027; fax: +62-274-563-847 Received: Oct 25, 2018. Accepted: July 25, 2018 DOI: 10.25299/jgeet.2019.4.3.2262 Abstract Kebo-Butak Formation was known to be the oldest volcanic rocks limited in regional terms in the lower Baturagung Hills, Gedangsari area, Gunungkidul Regency. The main constituents of the Kebo-Butak Formation consist of intersection of volcanic-clastic rocks and calcareous sediments, locally also found basalt lava with pillow structures; which distinguished it from other volcanic rock formations in the Southern Mountains. This study aims to determine the relationship of volcanic rocks exposed in Giriloyo with the Kebo-Butak Formation in the Baturagung Hills; the chronostratigraphy and the history of volcanic activities that produced the volcanic rocks of Giriloyo. This research was approached by volcanic geological mapping using surface mapping suported by gravity anayses. From the bottom to the top of the frontier areas result volcaniclastic rocks consisting of black tuffs with several fragments of volcanic bombs with basalt composition intersecting with thin basaltic lava inserted by calcareous claystone having an age of N5-7 (Early Miocene); pyroxene-rich basalt volcanic sequence consists of thick layers of tuff with creamy-brown color intersecting with lava and breccia inserted by calcareous sandstone aged N7-8; dikes, lava and agglomerates with basaltic composition and lava and agglomerates with andesitic composition.