The South African Who Helped Israel Go to the Moon

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The South African Who Helped Israel Go to the Moon A Japanese Shibayama Shodana Art, antiques, objets d’art , furniture, and jewellery Gerard Sekoto, painted cabinet, Meiji oil on board Period, inlaid with wanted for forthcoming auctions SOLD R155,000 panels of ivory birds SOLD R25,000 Two round brilliant cut vivid fancy yellow diamonds, View previous results at natural colour with 18ct gold earring settings 011 789 7422 • 083 675 8468 • 12 Allan Road, Bordeaux, Johannesburg SOLD R118,000 south african n Volume 23 – Number 7 n 1 March 2019 n 24 Adar 1 5779 The source of quality content, news and insights t The South African who helped Israel go to the moon JORDAN MOSHE This is an annual event attended by eminent Kahn also felt it necessary to set a definitive someone who, in a single day, made all the figures in government, industry, and academia launch date, as this would guarantee that the necessary transport arrangements. “I honestly “Ten, nine, eight…” Morris Kahn was transfixed dedicated to advancing technology and project had the necessary driving force. “We don’t know how he did it,” Kahn says. “According by a live-feed broadcast from Cape Canaveral as development in all three areas. Kahn brought needed a target,” he says. “You can keep a to a former American transport official, the the Beresheet – the Israel spacecraft – lifted off knowledge to the project that would enhance project going endlessly without one. I offered to only way such permission could be obtained en route to the moon in the early hours of and accelerate development. pay for the launch, we set a date for 2019, and was if the project was shown to make a direct 21 February. He is the South African behind Although the team had the expertise of the worked towards it.” In January 2018, a final contribution to the security of the US. I don’t the Israeli venture to the moon. Israeli aircraft industry, it soon became clear timetable was confirmed, and the booking for know what my contact did, but he got it done.” The journey to the moon is the culmination that a core of only three engineers was simply shipping the craft to America was made. Beresheet was successfully shipped to Cape of an extraordinary dream for SpaceIL president not enough. Kahn became actively involved in The months that followed were taxing, and Canaveral at the end of January, and prepared and co-founder Kahn, who has devoted eight enhancing the team, setting out to find the best there were frequent threats to the project’s for launch over three weeks. Kahn visited the years to a project which will make Israel the people possible. success. The 35-day shutdown of the American launch site himself, eager to watch the testing fourth country in the world to make this “The task was incredibly complex,” he says. government from 22 December until 25 and assembly of the craft. journey. Others that have landed on the moon “It was apparent that we’d need more than January threatened to derail the entire project. “The technology Elon Musk has developed are Russia, the United States, and China. three engineers. With my background in “We had to put in a request for permission for that site is incredible,” he says. “The “After much energy, much thought, rocket was very impressive. It was not much money, and a lot of anxiety, what ours exclusively. We were one of three we’ve been planning for years has finally customers who were jointly involved in happened,” says Kahn. “Whether they boarding crafts onto the Falcon 9.” were in Israel, Canada, America, South When he witnessed the launch from Africa or elsewhere, people watched with Israel, the thrill he felt was tangible. “We bated breath as the launch unfolded. The watched the rocket shoot off into space, world press is full of it, and Israel has and were provided with ongoing verbal ignited interest across the globe.” commentary as it went. I knew that Kahn watch the launch with Israeli people across Israel and the world were Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, watching with us. Children who would be project donors, and other officials from going to school in a few hours got up at Israel Aerospace Industries in Lod. This 02:00 to see it. All of us were holding our South African-born philanthropist and breath.” entrepreneur, both a funder and overseer “I know that the launch aroused a sense of the project, felt great pride as a project of pride in every Israeli that day. Jews which had begun as a mere idea rose into around the world, no matter where they the sky, and made memories that would were, felt the same thrill of knowing that last for years to come. we were up there with the superpowers From the moment he heard about the who had launched their own crafts to the project, Kahn was hooked. In 2011, three moon. Every person will remember where recently-qualified Israeli engineers applied they were when this event took place.” to enter the Google Lunar XPRIZE. This Following the success of the launch, was a competition that offered $20 million SpaceIL co-founders Morris Kahn and Yariv Bash and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Kahn eagerly awaits the landing, hoping it (R277 million) to any privately-funded will be soft and smooth. He explains that team to be the first to land a spacecraft on the the symposium, I involved myself in solving to transport the craft to the US,” says Kahn. the craft will increase its orbit in coming weeks moon, travel 500m, and transmit images back problems as we progressed.” “Because of the shutdown, we couldn’t contact until it comes within the moon’s field of gravity, to earth. It also transpired that the Israeli team had anyone in government to grant it to us. The drawn to the surface of the moon in about six When the trio announced their submission at grossly underestimated the cost of the project. lack of permission was a major threat to the weeks. a lecture at Tel Aviv University, Kahn, who was After initially setting the cost at $8 million whole operation, because we were running on “So much will emerge from this,” he says. in attendance, loved the idea. (R110 million), they realised that the project deadline. We had already made several other “Israel has already signed a contract with “I went up to them, and asked if they had any would require $100 million (R1,38 billion), an arrangements to assemble, test, and attach Germany to plan a similar project in the money to fund it,” he recounts. “They said that issue which Kahn puts down to Israel’s lack of the craft to the Falcon 9 rocket before launch. near future. This launch not only showcases they had some, but it wasn’t much. I offered experience in space projects. The plane was booked, but if we couldn’t get Israeli innovation, but will encourage further them $100 000 (R1,38 million), no questions “Israel didn’t have the expertise necessary to permission in time, the project would have been technological development and inspire the next asked, and told them to go for it.” plan a launch of such complexity. The engineers called off.” generation to lead the charge of innovation. This Kahn’s interest was not merely had no concept of the real cost involved in such In spite of all his contacts in government, launch has done for Israel what the Apollo did entrepreneurial, but driven by his personal a project, particularly because they envisioned a Kahn was initially unable to secure permission. for the US. It will have a tremendous effect for involvement in the Sea Air Space Symposium. small, light craft.” By sheer good fortune, he reached out to years to come.” Yonatan Razel and Alex Clare live in concert JHB BOOK NOW 2-3 MAR Computicket • Brief • Wo in rld 2 SA JEWISH REPORT s N w e 1 – 8 March 2019 e w N d s l i r n o B W r i • e f Argentinian Jewry condemn • beating Davidovich. those assigned to a reduced- necessity required,” Friedlander told • f e • i r His wife was home during the attack, fat diet,” the Bloomberg W the Post. B attack on chief rabbi o n r i l d s Before Israel declared independence which happened at about 02:00 in the study stated. N w e e w N s d l The chief rabbi of Argentina was brutally Jewish neighbourhood of Once in the The rest of the top 10, i in 1948, about 75 000 Jews lived r n o B W r i • e f assaulted by a gang who broke into his Argentine capital. The attackers restrained in order, are: Spain, Italy, • Egypt. Only a handful of Jews live in apartment on Monday morning. her, and stole money and belongings from Iceland, Japan, Switzerland, Sweden, Egypt today. Rabbi Gabriel Davidovich was the apartment. Australia, Singapore, and Norway. hospitalised with serious injuries, The attack was a “brutal anti-Semitic The US placed 64th, largely in part to its Iranian Foreign Minister including nine broken ribs, according to aggression”, the DAIA said on Monday high obesity rate. Recent figures from the Jorge Knoblovits, the President of the night. The statement, which was signed US Centers for Disease Control estimate Javad Zarif resigns Jewish political umbrella organisation, by Knoblovits, said that the attack was about 40% of the country, or more than 93 Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif has the Delegation of Israelite Associations of “framed on the anti-Semitic events that million citizens, are obese.
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