Visit of the enchanting ancient villages of , , Montefortino and Pubblicato su Borghi Italia Tour Network (

Visit of the enchanting ancient villages of Servigliano, Amandola, Montefortino and ExtraordinaryMontemonaco nature excursion on the Sibillini Mountains!

A mountain chain rising in the heart of . A territory where the magic of local nature, history, and culture has contributed in defining a unique and unrepeatable reality. Here, in the kingdom of the mythic Sibilla, Monti Sibillini National Park was established in 1993 with the aim to safeguard the environment, promote a social and economic sustainable development, and favor the creation of a "Park for everyone". The Wolf, the Golden Eagle, the Peregrine, and a number of endemic species are the most evident elements of a biological richness which, along with the charm of the abbeys and the medieval historical town centers lying in a crown at the foot of the mountains, have shaped an old and fascinating world where time has stopped to honor a reality of extraordinary beauty. The park is rich in important architectural evidences admirably placed in the landscape, such as abbeys, monasteries, churches, towers, castles, forts, mills, tower-houses you can admire visiting ancient town as Servigliano, Amandola, Montefortino and Montemonaco.

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Borghi Italia Tour Network - Via Angelo Bargoni, 78 - 00153 Roma Phone: +39.06.58334825 Email: [email protected] Pagina 1 di 1

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