Rukhmabai and Her Case
1 Rukhmabai and Her Case ukhmabai was the daughter of Jayantibai from her first husband, Janardan Pandurang. When she was two and a R half and her mother merely seventeen, Janardan died. He left behind sdme property and willed it to his young widow. After six years of her husband’s demise, Jayantibai married Dr Snkh Arjun, a widower. Remarriage of widows was permitted among the sutham-carpenters-the caste to which the couple belonged. arrying Sakharam, Jayantibai transferred her property to ai, then a minor of eight and a half. Two and a half years later, when she was eleven,’ Rukhmabai was married to Dadaji Bhikaji, a poor cousin of Sakl~aramArjun. It was agreed that, deviating from the patriarchal norm, Dadaji would stay as a ghqawai with Rukhmabai’s family and be fully provided for by them. It was-hoped, Rul<hm;ibai tclls 11s aboiit the arrangement, that he would in due course acquire education and ‘become a goad ~iim’.* Within seven months of the marriage, Rukhmabai reached puberty. The event, customarily, heraldcd giwb/wfhm, thc ritual consummation of marriage. But Dr Sakharam Arjun, an eminent medical man known for his reformist predisposition, would not permit early consutnmation.~The denial did not plcnsc Dadaji who, at twenty, was keen to partake in the pleasures of marriage. He also resented the regimen prescribed by the family to make him a ‘good man’. What particularly distressed him, wirh his prmen avctsion for cducarion, wits thc con~piilsio~iIO go to (lie sixth standard of school at an age when he should have been at the university.
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