Dear members of the Newtown Legislative Council: I wish to voice my OPPOSITION to the Consideration of an Ordinance to Ban Open Carry Of on Town- Owned Property, set to be heard on Wednesday February 17th 2021. The most salient reasons are enumerated below. 1. The photographs that I have seen from any demonstrations do not show any long guns openly carried, including ones published by Newtown Action Alliance in their press release. 2. A review of the Committee minutes do not show any reports of violence, intimidation, or violations of laws by armed citizens, whether they carried a either open or concealed. 3. The taxpayers of Newtown would shoulder enormous legal fees when this ordinance is challenged in court on the grounds on violating the First and Second Amendment. I once again urge you to NOT yield to Newtown Action Alliance’s agenda. Respectfully, Dr. Walt Kupson Middlebury CT

Submitted on Monday, February 15, 2021 - 3:21pm Your name: James Ritchie Your e-mail address: [email protected] Subject: Ordinance to Ban Open Carry of Firearms on Town Owned Property Dear Members of the Legislative Council: I am writing to express my support for an ordinance to eliminate open carry of on town property and at events. Given that there are many children at events on the Fairfield Hills site there is every likelihood that the sight of a will cause a child to experience trauma and/or fear. At a time when children should be enjoying the benefits of Fairfield Hills ball fields, walking trails, Community Center, and the NYA they need not be exposed to the sight of armed persons parading around what is currently a source of community pride and a place of relaxation and comfort. Similarly, I would point out that we are currently contemplating the placement of a Permanent Memorial to honor and remember the twenty-six who died because of a mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Do we really want to be subject to the possibility of witnessing persons openly carrying weapons on the site of this memorial? I think not! I urge the Legislative Council to unanimously pass the proposed ordinance and to do so couched in the strongest possible supportive language. Respectfully, James J. Ritchie 81 High Rock Rd Sandy Hook, CT 06482

Submitted on Monday, February 15, 2021 - 8:35am Your name: Joan Plouffe Your e-mail address: [email protected] Subject: Proposed ordinance Dear LC, Thank you for your service to Newtown. The town attorney has now issued his determination that the proposed gun violence prevention ordinance is in compliance with state statutes. I am writing in support or moving the proposed forward to the Ordinance Committee for further consideration. The decision to move the proposed ordinance to the committee is the only issue currently before the LC on this ordinance. Any consideration of the merits of the draft proposal is premature at this juncture. Thank you, Joan Plouffe Submitted on Monday, February 15, 2021 - 12:00pm Submitted values are: Your name: Jeffrey Gordon Your e-mail address: [email protected] Subject: Open carry in New Town Message: It is my opinion that law abiding citizens who carry a firearm are a deterrent to criminals. If you pass the ordinance to ban open carry because people are uncomfortable you would be putting the public at risk. A law abiding person carrying a legal firearm is much quicker response than a 911 call for the police due to response time.

Submitted on Monday, February 15, 2021 - 7:13am Your name: Tom Maloney Your e-mail address: [email protected] Subject: I oppose the proposed ban on open carry of firearms I respectfully hope the Council will reject this proposal. While it's been raised in the name of "public safety", the reality is that there are no examples where crimes have been committed by the lawful carrying of an exposed firearm. CT law states that may be carried in any manner, i.e. concealed or exposed. I think we all know that someone with criminal intent would hide that intent and conceal a firearm, and frankly would care little about ordinances or laws. Thank you for your consideration of my opposition to the proposed ban.

Submitted on Sunday, February 14, 2021 - 10:34pm Your name: Richard B. Fisher, DDS Your e-mail address: [email protected] Subject: Right of Self-Defense vs. Proposed NAA Ordinances Dear Members of the Legislative Council, I am writing to express my explicit opposition to any ordinances that will attempt to restrict my and my fellow law- abiding Newtown and residents from exercising our God-given right to self-defense. Carrying a firearm is like an insurance policy. It is of the utmost importance to have in the event it is needed. No person wants to actually use it but having it is essential. The Second Amendment to the Constitution and the Constitution of the State of Connecticut protect my God-given right. The right of self-defense is not about race. Criminals do not abide by laws and limitations on self-defense results in soft-targets because those that choose violent crime, victimize the most vulnerable. Don’t violate the Constitution and subject our town and residents to endure costly legal battles. Thank you for your time Your constituent and fellow taxpayer, Richard Fisher Richard B. Fisher, DDS Phone: (203) 364-4007 Email: [email protected]

Dear Council Members, I am writing in support of referring proposed gun safety legislation to the Ordinance Subcommittee for review. While this discussion has drawn the attention of people outside of our community, both in support and opposed, many town residents have an interest in an ordinance addressing the carrying of firearms in town, and by more thoroughly reviewing and researching the pros and cons of such an ordinance, the Legislative Council is acting as the deliberative and responsive body for which we elect its members. Thank you for your consideration, Michelle Embree Ku 28 Platts Hill Rd Submitted on Sunday, February 14, 2021 - 6:40pm Your name: ROBERT KAROSY Your e-mail address: [email protected] Subject: Do not ban our rights to bear arms and assemble Message: Why would open carry matter in a state where open carry legal; why incur the cost of a lawsuit to uphold such an ordinance. Why should Newtown be different than any other Town in CT?

Submitted on Sunday, February 14, 2021 - 5:21pm Your name: Eric Paradis Your e-mail address: [email protected] Subject: Send GVP draft onto the ordinance committee Dear Council Members, Now that the Town Attorney has determined that the drafted ordinance on gun violence prevention does not interfere with state statutes, I am writing to ask that you move the draft forward to the Ordinance Committee to allow them to do the work they signed up to do. I realized this is a contentious issue and that you are likely getting a lot of email from folks who do not live in Newtown. While it may be hard to put those to the side, the next task is more simple. Like all drafted ordinance ideas, it should be moved to the committee so that it can be researched and discussed and then brought back to the Council with recommendations. We are not at that point yet. The task right now is to decide to move this to the Ordinance Committee or not. That group should be allowed to do the work, and it will be hard work, of researching the issue, hearing from interested parties and making recommendations to the Council as a whole. Let's let the process work and I ask you to vote in the affirmative to move the drafted gun violence prevention ordinance to the Ordinance Committee so the work can begin. Thank you for your time and the hard work that you do for our town.

Submitted on Sunday, February 14, 2021 - 3:12pm Your name: Andy Koehm Your e-mail address: [email protected] Subject: NO NAA Gun Ban Proposal Please do not support the NAA proposal to drag Newtown into expensive litigation with a gun ban controversy. The State of CT has strict gun laws and only those with an FBI background check may possess a gun in CT. Ms.Po Murray references an event in 2013 that did not happen as she states. I was at the Newtown Starbucks that day and there was no issue. Starbucks already prohibits open carry in their stores. Please just follow existing CT laws. The Sandy Hook school was a gun free zone. How did that work out?

Submitted on Sunday, February 14, 2021 - 1:30pm Your name: Alex Villamil Your e-mail address: [email protected] Subject: Support for Gun Legislation Dear members of the Legislative Council. I am writing the following in support of the proposed legislation for banning of open carry long guns on town property. Also if this is being discussed I would also like a reconsideration of the open carry pistol legislation. Since long guns are being considered it stands to reason that the more relevant open carry pistols should be up for further discussion by this council as well as this town in general. Thank you for your consideration, Alex Villamil 11 Antler Pine Road Sandy Hook, CT. 06482 Sirs; I and our neighbors are completely opposed to your proposed notion of Banning open carry, a second amendment RIGHT that is guaranteed. Do not waste your efforts on some feel good legislation that will have NO effect except to widen the divide. Regards, Lt/Col. J.C. Seymour CT ANG (ret) Brookfield.

Submitted on Sunday, February 14, 2021 - 11:57am Your name: Edward Randall Your e-mail address: [email protected] Subject: Banning open carry Message: I enthusiastically support the ordinance to ban open carry of firearms on town property. Open carry of firearms is the wrong message to give to our children, especially here in Newtown. Please vote to pass this on to the Ordinance Committee. Thank you.

Submitted on Sunday, February 14, 2021 - 11:52am Your name: Betsy Litt Your e-mail address: [email protected] Subject: Banning open carry Message: I’m writing to express my strong support for the ordinance to ban open carry of firearms on town-owned property. There’s no need for anyone to carry a firearm around Newtown; it serves only to frighten, and doesn’t protect anyone. Please vote to refer this ordinance on the he Ordinance Committee. Thank you.

Dear Newtown Legislative Council members, Please oppose the illegal firearms proposals by Newtown Action Alliance. Firearms laws are well regulated by the State of Connecticut. There was never any intimidation by CCDL in Newtown and Ms. Po Murray was never at the Starbuck’s in Newtown when CCDL was there. Newtown does not need their own gun laws and the subsequent litigation costs. Please note that NO GUNS WERE ALLOWED at the Sandy Hook Elementary School so no one could defend against Adam Lanza. Do not repeat that scenario. I shop in Newtown frequently and expect to follow the CT state gun laws. Thank you for your service, Andrew Koehm

Submitted on Sunday, February 14, 2021 - 9:49am Your name: Daniel T Poole Your e-mail address: [email protected] Subject: Ordinance to Ban Open Carry of Firearms on Town Property Newtown Council Members, It is my understanding that Newtown is considering local ordinance to ban firearms on Town Property. This is in direct conflict with the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution of these United States. While I understand that with the history of 2 horrific incidents of the past few years being committed in Newtown by sick individuals with illegal weapons, I think it is a mistake to react by limiting law abiding citizens ability to protect themselves and others. Legal gun owners spend many hours being trained to safely carry and have full respect for the law. By banning the legal carry of firearms you will only signal to anyone wishing to do harm that they can do so on town property with impunity because they can be sure that no law abiding citizen will be able to defend themselves. I understand that some people are uncomfortable with firearms, and that their presence can make some uncomfortable. I think that education about what legal gun owners go through to be able to exercise this right to defend would be a better use of resources and would have a better result on the well being of the community. Sincerely, Dan P.

Submitted on Sunday, February 14, 2021 - 7:14am Your name: VINCENT LASORSA Your e-mail address: [email protected] Subject: God given, unalienable rights Please do not infringe upon my 2nd amendment right to bear arms. Chicago has the strictest gun law in the land and yet it has the highest rate of gun violence. Bad people do not obey the laws, that is why we call them lawbreakers. on the other hand has the lowest rate of gun violence and no gun laws. I will not allow my god given, unalienable right to bear arms to be taken away from me by another man.

I can think of nothing that wastes more time than the efforts of the Newtown Action Alliance. Po Murray and her band of do-gooders believe that anyone owning a firearm is a criminal which couldn’t be farther from the truth. Citizens of CT and more importantly of Newtown have a 2nd amendment right and infringing on that right does absolutely nothing to keep the community safer. You can’t make a community safer by banning someone’s 2nd amendment rights. That is counterintuitive that people who are law-abiding citizens that have passed multiple background checks are going to be menacing. Considering any further action as requested by the NAA is simply harassment of our most upstanding citizens and will absolutely result in multiple lawsuits filed against the town and a fund raising effort that’s never been seen before to do so. I urge you to avoid Po Murray and her band of cohorts because they don’t understand the laws and freedoms of this country and do not understand the level of citizen they are accusing of being criminal. We are all law-abiding and that’s why you don’t see us under arrest for criminal acts. We work, pay taxes, take care of our homes and neighbors, we have families, friends, and we now get involved in local government to stop people from taking our rights away. Dave Nault 44 Hoseye coach rd Sandy hook 203-501-0890

Submitted on Sunday, February 14, 2021 - 6:57am Your name: Timothy Adam Your e-mail address: [email protected] Subject: Ban on open carry Message: I oppose the ban on open carry. It is against our second amendment rights. If this were to pass, how many other amendments will then be looked at to change. These amendments are there for a reason. They are there for our freedom.

Hello, I am voicing my opinion as a Redding resident who travels through Newtown occasionally. I have been a pistol permit holder in this state since the 1980’s. I am an active participant in the shooting sports in this state be it, trap shooting, pistol or rifle shooting. I can see no benefit to pass a feel good piece of legislation that bans open carry in your town (in certain places) and subverts current state laws. First, I rarely see anyone open carrying in this state. Why create a problem that doesn’t exist? What possible deterrence to violence would banning open carry provide? If someone is intent on violence the last thing they are considering is the law. Your preempting of state law will only allow an otherwise law abiding citizen to run afoul of local law and become a felon. It will not stop violence. Stopping violence begins with catching and prosecuting criminals. It begins with hard work that eliminates gangs, drugs and rooting out these criminals and putting them in jail. It begins with turning this state around and restoring middle class jobs so people don’t turn to crime. It begins with clear thinking – not creating criminals out of law abiding citizens who live in the next town. It begins and ends with supporting you local PD and not defunding those hardworking individuals. Those people who allow the rest of us sleep at night, and do you really want to hamstring your police department trying to find and arrest legal permit holders who happen to walk on the wrong side of the street? The gun you see is not the problem. Chris Dahm 70 Umpawaug Road Redding, CT 06896 917 575 2660 [email protected]

Submitted on Saturday, February 13, 2021 - 10:01pm Your name: Joe Harrington Your e-mail address: [email protected] Subject: I disagree with the Consideration of banning open carry Message: I don’t like the thought of second amendment activists being punished. Connecticut gun owners have been abused for to long. Open carry is already legal in Connecticut so why make it illegal in Newtown? I understand the tension and fear of guns especially in our town but still gun owners have a right to have a gathering as well. The NAA needs to realize that legally licensed gun owners are not criminals. We do not openly carry our firearms to “scare” or “intimidate” we do it because it is legal... I DO NOT support any of these considerations. Just a few bad eggs make the rest of us look bad. Please don’t make us suffer anymore.

Hello, I am a Newtown resident and I oppose the proposed ban of open carry in Newtown. I implore you to vote NO to this proposed ban, as we live in an open carry state and open carry in Newtown should NOT be a question. It is a constitutional right and Newtown residents should not be asked to give up any constitutional rights. Ever. Thank you. Kathleen Palmer

Submitted on Saturday, February 13, 2021 - 9:53pm Your name: Kathleen Palmer Your e-mail address: [email protected] Subject: I oppose the ban the open carry on town property Hello, I am a Newtown resident and I strongly oppose the ban on open carry on town property. We live in a state where open carry is legal and it should not be a question in the town of Newtown. Please vote No. Thank you, Kathleen Palmer

Submitted on Saturday, February 13, 2021 - 8:44pm Your name: Don Lococo Your e-mail address: [email protected] Subject: Support for ordinance to ban long guns on town property There are over 325 signatures in support of stronger firearm laws in Newtown. This is the description attached to the petition: Ban open carry of firearms in public spaces in Newtown, CT. “ The Newtown Action Alliance (NAA) have proposed a bill with three different parts that are being looked over right now, the first one would ban open carry on public property, the second one would ban open carry at public demonstrations and the third one would ban open carry of long guns. These three laws would make kids and adults feel safer, and help prevent any harm that could arise. It is unfair to go to a public place such as Fairfield Hills to play on the fields or go for a walk, and feel threatened by a gun, especially when it is preventable. At public demonstrations such as protests, members from the NAA have been confronted by people from the opposing side and have felt threatened because they were carrying a firearm. If the second amendment is infringing upon the first amendment, shouldn't something be done? These three laws had been brought up at the Newtown town legislative council meeting on December 2, 2020, and it was a split vote. In the end, the proposal was voted to be looked at by the town lawyers to see if there would be any liability. Signing this petition shows your support for the passing of this bill and you will help to make our community of Newtown a safer place for all.” Let the ordinance committee work on making Newtown safer for all of us. Thank you.

Submitted on Saturday, February 13, 2021 - 5:06pm Your name: Jason Levy Your e-mail address: [email protected] Subject: Proposed ordinance on carrying firearms on public property Hello, I am writing today to OPPOSE the ordinance against carrying firearms on public property. I am a law abiding citizen who has a clean record. Hardly a parking ticket in the last decade. Why would I be limited to use my constitutional rights on the people’s property? “Common sense” does not include punishing good people who commit no crime. I spend a good amount of time and money in town, as it is a favorite day trip for my family and my self. These regular trips and the dollars we spend in town will be under serious reconsideration if you move forward with limiting my ability to keep my family safe. Thank you, Jason Levy

Submitted on Saturday, February 13, 2021 - 2:20pm Your name: Mark T. Hansen Your e-mail address: [email protected] Subject: Consideration of ordinance to ban open carry... To whom it may concern: I am strongly opposed to your consideration of an ordinance to ban open carry of firearms on your town owned property. As a good and responsible citizen, I feel that nobody has a right to tell me where, when, or how I am “allowed” to protect myself, my neighbors, and my loved ones. Although I do not prefer to open carry, people should have the right to do so if it is their preferred way to carry, and especially if it is the best way for them to carry for ease of access and efficiency in case of an emergency; i.e. elderly or disabled. In addition, I am not suggesting that citizens should dress up in body armor and “kit” with long guns in public, but they should have the right to do so in case of civil unrest or emergencies. I can honestly tell you that we good citizen gun owners support law enforcement and the military, and we would willingly back them up if asked to do so. We love our country. I can also tell you that many (if not most) of us are more proficient and responsible with firearms than many police or military personnel. Please stop the continuing infringements against our right to self defense. We would willingly protect you and any other citizens in case of an emergency in public. Thank you Mark Hansen 31 Meadowbrook Dr. Shelton, CT 06484 203-305-7957 Submitted on Saturday, February 13, 2021 - 12:31pm Your name: Kimberly Norman-Rosedam Your e-mail address: [email protected] Subject: Opposed to open carry ban Hello, I am opposed to the open carry ban proposal. Sincerely, Kimberly Norman-Rosedam

Submitted on Saturday, February 13, 2021 - 12:11pm Your name: Alyssia Walowski Your e-mail address: [email protected] Subject: Ordinance to Ban Open Carry Good Morning I respectfully submit this request for you to deny this ordinance as it violates the rights of the citizens of CT’s and goes against our 2nd Amendment rights to bear arms. We go through rigorous. trainings, background checks and licensing requirements in order to fulfill those rights.. For you as one town to take those rights away is unconstitutional. Thank you for your consideration. Respectfully Alyssia B Walowski Concerned Citizen

Submitted on Saturday, February 13, 2021 - 9:37am Your name: Simon wake Your e-mail address: [email protected] Subject: Meeting to ban open carry firearms Message: This move is entirely unconstitutional... the second amendment reads ...” shall not be infringed “. And your solution is to make people carry CONCEALED.. but that’s me next step right?.... when you you start infringing on free speech, the freedom to freely assemble and protest, freedom of religion. Stop and search, or women’s rights to vote ... banning open carry will not make you safer it just brings YET ANOTHER government control to the every day lives of citizens.... is it your aim to make us all SUBJECTS rather than CITIZENS? It certainly seems so ....given the fact you want the meeting unattended and behind closed doors ...... shame .... shame.... shame

Submitted on Saturday, February 13, 2021 - 9:16am Your name: Gregory Kszywienski Your e-mail address: [email protected] Subject: Opposition to banning open carry of firearms in public Message: I am in complete opposition to any ban on the open carrying of firearms. Please remove your consideration to the town ordinance.

Submitted on Wednesday, February 17, 2021 - 6:06pm Your name: Jeff Cruz Your e-mail address: [email protected] Subject: Consideration of Ordinance to Ban Open Carry Of Firearms on Town-Owned Property for Referral to Ordinance Committee Dear Council members, Please do not proceed with this consideration. Our town does not need the continued division amongst its residents that seems to never end. Residents already pay dues to have access to their rights and to continue to limit those rights is not an action of unity, understanding, or safety, but one of contempt for one another. This action does not help this town and may possibly end up costing unnecessary expenditures in legal actions during a time of a pandemic. This council needs to step up and represent all residents not just a few.

Submitted on Wednesday, February 17, 2021 - 9:35am Your name: Barbara Wojcik Your e-mail address: [email protected] Subject: Proposed Prohibition on Long Guns LC Members, I support the proposed firearm ordinance on tonight’s agenda to prohibit long guns on town property. Please move this forward to the Ordinance Committee to research and build a regulation in the interest of public safety and welfare. Thank you for your consideration. 25 Horseshoe Ridge Rd, SH

Submitted on Tuesday, February 16, 2021 - 8:25pm Your name: Terry Finer Your e-mail address: [email protected] Subject: open carry of firearms Please don't pass another rights restricting bill, people who open carry have nothing to hide. Please don't let emotions or phobias guide your decisions, Thank You.

Hello Legislative Council Members, Thank you for your time and dedication to Newtown. At the risk of repeating myself, I am writing again in support of the local firearms ordinance that you will be considering for referral to the Ordinance Committee this evening. I understand that gun ownership is a right but safety is also a right. People in Newtown should be safe in public. While it is currently legal in Newtown to Open Carry, to carry a firearm on town property such as Fairfield Hills and Edmond Town Hall, I do not feel these are appropriate places to bring firearms and see no particular need for long guns as they should not be used there. I recognize that this discussion should include research into Connecticut State regulations and consideration of successful prior legislation. As such, I believe the proper course of action is to refer this subject to the Ordinance Committee for a full discussion on its merits. The decision should not be made in a single evening but with proper thought and review that can be done at the committee level. I appreciate your consideration and understanding. --Keith Alexander 8 Fawnwood Road, Sandy Hook Please note: While I am currently a Member of the Board of Finance, my comments do not reflect the Board of Finance and are from me as a taxpayer and citizen of Newtown.

Submitted on Wednesday, December 2, 2020 - 1:58am Your name: Keith Alexander Your e-mail address: [email protected] Subject: In support of local ordinances banning weapons in public Hello Legislative Council Members, Thank you for your time and dedication to Newtown. I am writing in support of legislation for local ordinances that you will be considering tonight at your meeting: Banning Open Carry, Banning firearms on town property, Banning firearms during demonstrations, vigils, rallies. I understand that gun ownership is a right but safety is also a right. People in Newtown should feel safe in public. While it is currently legal in Newtown to Open Carry, to carry a firearm on town property such as Fairfield Hills, Edmond Town Hall, and to carry firearms during demonstrations such as rallies or vigils, I do not feel these are appropriate places to bring firearms and the display of firearms in these situations will always increase tension. I appreciate your consideration and understanding. --Keith Alexander 8 Fawnwood Road, Sandy Hook Please note: While I am currently a Member of the Board of Finance, my comments do not reflect the Board of Finance and are from me as a taxpayer and citizen of Newtown.

Submitted on Tuesday, February 16, 2021 - 3:17pm Your name: Clayton Coffey Your e-mail address: [email protected] Subject: 2/17 Legislative Meeting - RE: Ban on Open Carry of Firearms Hello Legislative Council Members, It has come to my attention that you will be considering a ban on the open carry of firearms on town-owned property during your 2/17 legislative meeting. I vehemently oppose such legislation and I strongly urge you to consider the negative side-effects that such a ban would have. Obviously we all want Connecticut and Newtown to be a safer place for everybody, but banning the open carry of firearms will only cause unnecessary issues for us gun-owning members of the public. Gun owners are required to undergo extensive background checks and training prior to obtaining a license to carry a weapon, and for each firearms purchase we are required to undergo an additional background check. I mention this because gun owners in Connecticut are some of, if not THE, most vetted gun owning individuals in the country. All that this ban would do is potentially turn a normal law-abiding gun owner like myself into a felon for no good reason. How would that happen? Well, if I am walking around town and need to tie my shoe and when I bend over to tie it my concealed carry weapon accidently shows beneath my shirt and somebody notices, now I am a felon. Another scenario -- if I am a hunter who is walking from my car into the woods and need to take my shotgun or rifle out of its case, I am now a felon. I totally agree with the foundation of such a ban -- to make the town and the people safer -- but this ban will do nothing but turn good people into accidental criminals and further the political divide that we are seeing in the country right now. There are far more effective, but not as low hanging, ways to prevent gun violence (increased mental health care, better schooling, lesser homelessness, etc.), because the issue isn't guns, it's violence in general. A criminal will "open carry" a firearm regardless if you have a ban on it or not, so I reiterate that all that this will do is hurt the average Joe. As legislatures of Newtown, your goal should be to fix the systemic and foundational issues that cause violence (of any type) in the first place in order to leave a lasting legacy that will benefit the future generations; your goal should not be to put a band aid on a fictitious problem and hope that it goes away -- which is what a ban on open carry is in my opinion. I hope that you consider the above factors when deliberating on this ban. Thank you for you time reading this. Sincerely, Clayton Coffey

Submitted on Tuesday, February 16, 2021 - 2:58pm Your name: George Chaber Your e-mail address: [email protected] Subject: Proposed regulations by NAA Message: If you really do not like the concept of open cary, you should try and change the State Statues that regulate firearms. The residents of Newtown should not have to incur the cost of the litigation that will occur if you continue down this path.It will not only come from local groups but national orginazations and end up in the Supreme Court which would strike it down. VOTE NO.

Submitted on Tuesday, February 16, 2021 - 9:24am Your name: Kathryn Mayer Your e-mail address: [email protected] Subject: public safety Message: I encourage the LC to move the gun ordinance on to committee for a full discussion into the merits of this public safety necessity. While many may think this is not a problem, let's not make it one, I prefer the elected leaders to be proactive and deter potential hazards rather than react after they are committed. The last public zoom forum is the exact reason why you must act: with more and more people carrying/owning more and more firearms, it is your duty to enact the laws in which they are allowed to bring these weapons onto public property. I personally have been intimidated, threatened, and bullied by law-abiding gun owners when I became a public advocate for gun safety. Without regulations and scrutiny about when and where these weapons are allowed to go, some gun owners take the power in which the gun provides them, and wields it relentlessly. I grew up in a town where in season, high schoolers kept guns in vehicles during deer season, a deer hung in just about every yard in town. This is not the case here in Newtown, as evident in the last public comment call. You have a responsibility to move this along to protect all the people, not just the gun owners wanting to unregulated access to the firearms they claim to need everywhere, at any time, in every space. I have seen open carry at NSSF protests, at which I've been followed to my car several times, and I believe followed home as well. I've seen open carry at FFH, in Caraluzzi's (bethel) and BigY (Bethel), and the bigY experience, when I looked at the two men carrying (long guns), one glared back and said, "you got nothing to worry about. we are here to protect you." I'm worried. They are not protecting me, and by sitting on this ordinance, either are you. The Jan 6 attack on the Capitol fuels the empowerment, and it is up to local leaders to ensure this doesn't happen here; the last public zoom call on this topic is exactly why regulations are needed to protect the public. If gun owners are law-abiding, then provide the laws for them to abide by, or at least the conversation to discuss. ~KM

Submitted on Monday, February 15, 2021 - 3:22pm Your name: Theresa N. Ritchie Your e-mail address: [email protected] Subject: Ordinance to Ban Open Carry of Firearms on Town-Owned Property To Legislative Council Members, The political polarization in our nation has resulted in highly inflammable behavior by even “ordinary” citizens. Connecticut is not exempt from this divisive reality, nor is Newtown. All elected officials and government employees are in danger from overwrought, often ill-informed, “non-center” irate citizenry who threaten the way democracy works at every level of government. Concerned citizens who wish to attend rallies, marches and vigils should feel safe and not have to worry that those with guns on the sidelines are threats. Protesters, rally attendees or vigil attendees have their first amendment rights violated when gun toting opponents of their cause appear at these events with the purpose of intimidation. The opponents who carry guns are “abridging the freedom of speech.” The second amendment does not override the first amendment. The first amendment includes these words: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” As a resident of Newtown since 1975 I encourage you to legislate to ban guns on town-owned property and ban guns at public protests, rallies, marches, vigils. Theresa Ritchie 81 High Rock Rd Sandy Hook, CT 06482 From: Po Murray Date: Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 9:54 AM Subject: Petition to Support the Newtown Firearm Ordinances to #EndArmedIntimidation To: Paul Lundquist Cc: Board , Riley Burns , Jordan Gomes ,

Good Morning Paul, I am attaching a list of nearly 200 Sandy Hook and Newtown residents who support our efforts to pass the town firearm ordinances to #EndArmedIntimidation. They have been blind-copied on this e-mail in case they need to communicate with you further. Please read their messages carefully and change your vote to move all our ordinance recommendations to the Legislative Council subcommittee to give the voters from Newtown an opportunity to vote YES or NO on our ordinance recommendations. Our concern regarding armed intimidation was not hyperbole. Americans from Connecticut and beyond witnessed a violent armed insurrection at the U.S. Capitol on January 6th. It is heartbreaking that Members of Congress---like school children during a mass shooting----were forced to hide in bathrooms and closets to stay safe. We made recommendations to pass a set of firearm ordinances to help keep you, other elected leaders, and all of us safe in Newtown. As I stated at your meeting, in October 2020, the Department of Homeland Security named white supremacist groups as the single most dangerous domestic extremist threat to the nation. On January 27, 2021, "The Acting Secretary of Homeland Security has issued a National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS) Bulletin due to a heightened threat environment across the United States, which DHS believes will persist in the weeks following the successful Presidential Inauguration. Information suggests that some ideologically-motivated violent extremists with objections to the exercise of governmental authority and the presidential transition, as well as other perceived grievances fueled by false narratives, could continue to mobilize to incite or commit violence." The Legislative Council must act now to prevent another gun tragedy in Newtown. The threat is real and very close to our home. At least two residents from Connecticut were arrested for storming the U.S. Capitol and white armed extremist group Proud Boys are organizing and recruiting in Connecticut. We are thrilled that our pro bono law firm Hogan Lovells is prepared to represent the Town and its officials without charge in the event any litigation to invalidate the ordinance was filed against the Town. Thank you for your consideration and we look forward to participating in the process to make Newtown one of the safest towns in Connecticut. Best Regards, Po Murray Chairwoman, Newtown Action Alliance & Newtown Action Alliance Foundation P.O. Box 3325, Newtown CT 06470 203-512-1778 Adria Henderson Newtown Connecticut Achilles Perry Sandy Hook Connecticut Thank you for your service to our town.

I support banning open carry in Newtown as proposed by the Newtown Action Alliance. I also strongly support banning guns on town-owned property and at public demonstrations. I have personally felt intimidated numerous times at peaceful rallies in town by others displaying open carry - most of whom, I found out by talking with them, were not residents of Newtown.

Adam Pacchiana Sandy Hook Connecticut I am a 27 year resident of Newtown. Alana Murray Sandy Hook Connecticut Alexandra Shkreli Newtown Connecticut Please consider the safety of our beautiful town! Thank you! Alison Kistner Newtown Connecticut Alissa Heizler-Mendoza Newtown Connecticut Allison Schwartz Newtown Connecticut Please do the right thing! Allison Schwartz Newtown Connecticut This is a no-brainer - please do the right thing. Amy Caporale Newtown Connecticut Please keep our towns and citizens safe! Amy Davids Sandy Hook Connecticut Amy Drabik Sandy Hook Connecticut Amy Gergovich Newtown Connecticut Ann FELTCH NEWTOWN Connecticut No need for open and carry I trust our Police and National guard. Anouk Depaolo Sandy Hook Connecticut Antonia Salmon Newtown Connecticut Antonia Salmon Sandyn Hook Connecticut Ari Schwartz Newtown Connecticut Barbara Krai Sandy Hook Connecticut Isn’t there enough suffering in this country. Dear Legislative Council, please protect the Newtown citizens by banning gun owners from openly carrying their firearms in town, banning guns on town-owned property such as Fairfield Hills and the Newtown Municipal Center, and ban armed BARBARA PATRICK Newtown Connecticut intimidation at public demonstrations/protests/rallies/marches/vigils. The right to peacefully assemble and protest does not include the right to intimidate with an open display of weapons. The first priority of our elected leaders must be Barbara Richardson Sandy Hook Connecticut public safety. Benay Yaffe Newtown Connecticut Beth Hegarty Newtown Connecticut Bradford Paynter Newtown Connecticut Seems like a no brainer. Brandy Jacobs Newtown Connecticut Brianna Hart Newtown Connecticut Cara Reilly Newtown Connecticut You should be ashamed for not even considering these ordinances. There is no reason, other than intimidation, for any private citizen to openly carry guns on town property. Banning open-carry from town property is the tiniest of steps the Legislative Council can do to make Newtown a better place to live by eliminating one of the intimidation tactics used by counter-protesters. Please be brave and Cara Reily NEWTOWN Connecticut stand against intimidation and for a better Newtown. Please Ban Open Carry in Newtown, Ban Guns on Town-Owned Property, and Ban Carol Wakeman Newtown Connecticut Guns at Public Protests/Demonstrations/Rallies/Marches/Vigils Carrie Battaglia Sandy Hook Connecticut Cassie Cauwels Newtown Connecticut It’s time to take action to protect the Newtown Community by enacting this Chris Haitz Sandy Hook Connecticut legislation! After the deadly shooting here in Sandy Hook and armed insurrection at the US Capital and state capitals it’s beyond time we ban weapons on town owned Chris Haitz Sandy Hook Connecticut property, open carry in town and ban weapons at rallies, etc. Christina Paradis Newtown Connecticut Armed protest is not peaceful protest Christine Corrigan Newtown Connecticut cindi kromberg newtown Connecticut Keep going, keep the faith. We'll get there These common sense restrictions are not an indicator that we are trying to take people’s second amendment rights away (as they always falsely claim). They are Connie Cooper Sandy Hook Connecticut simply intended to de-escalate, de-stress, and save lives and injuries. Craig Ashurst Newtown Connecticut it is an infringement upon people’s rights to make people relive trama and trigger ptsd because people want to open cary guns. how would you feel if you watched your friends die in front of you in second grade to then see a gun in your local Crosby Gaeta Newtown Connecticut grocer or hardware store. it is unacceptable. Cynthia Carraway Newtown Connecticut Cynthia Guzman Newtown Connecticut D Holcomb Newtown Connecticut Darla Camman Newtown Connecticut Ban open carry at rally’s!! The ONLY people who need to be carrying guns around Newtown are those in law enforcement. I trust that they’ve been trained and are carrying their weapons as part of their jobs (which can be dangerous). I don’t trust someone carrying a firearm to David Deschenes Newtown Connecticut make a statement. Please do the right thing to the best of your ability. Carrying of firearms at public gatherings is not expressing a 2nd amendment right. Rather it is a form of intimidation that often seeks to suppress the first amendment rights of many. It also is a danger to public safety by introducing a firearm into a large gathering where emotions can sometimes run high. No rights are absolute and when certain rights come into conflict with other right then there must be balancing act and those rights must be weighed against the others. In this case someone’s desire for whatever reason to carry a firearm into a public gathering serves as a serious infringement on many others right to free speech as well as a serious threat to public safety. The weighing in this case should be rather easy and firearms should not be allowed in these instances. This does nothing to impact someone’s David Stowe Newtown Connecticut right to own a firearm. David Weiss Newtown Connecticut David Wheeler Sandy Hook Connecticut No one should be carrying guns around town. Especially on town property or any DENISE BUZY-PUCHEU Sandy Hook Connecticut type of non violence demonstrations. Please ban open carry.! I would be afraid to attend any gathering where I saw Dianne Mcilrath Sandy hook Connecticut guns. And we have a right to not be afraid. Open carry should not be allowed in our wonderful town of Newtown. As a homeowner I feel intimidation by carrying weapons to protests or being allowed to carry weapons on town owned property should also be banned. Fairfield Hills should be a place of respite for all. Our senior center is located in Fairfield Hills. Our municipal center is located in Fairfield Hills.

Leave your guns at home and let us live in peace.

Dolores Geiger Newtown Connecticut Please say no to open carry. It is only a matter of time for the CCDL or other extremists’ group to come to our town to intimidate with their firearms. Let’s give our police department ordinances Don Lococo Newtown Connecticut that keep Newtown safer. It’s time for the Legislative Council to do its job. The Legislative Committee has the proposed ordinances. Let’s hash out the language and be proactive. Newtowners deserve these protections, and our police department would benefit from town ordinances that specifically ban open carry, ban firearms on town property, and ban Don Lococo Newtown Connecticut firearms at demonstrations/rallies/vigils. Donna Coonan Sandy Hook Connecticut Donna Marschalk Newtown Connecticut donnette dolzall newtown Connecticut I can't believe open carry hasn't been banned yet after the Sandy Hook shooting. People should not have to see a constant reminder of that day. People should not Eddie Sourby Newtown Connecticut have to live in fear of their neighbors. Guns carried by private citizens have no place or legitimate purpose in public EL Letkowski NEWTOWN Connecticut places. Newtown has had way more than it's share of tragedy. Please do all within your EL Letkowski Newtown Connecticut power to limit intimidation and potential for violence in our beloved town. Please show your support for the health and safety of our community by supporting these reasonable measures. We are still traumatized by the tragedy of 12-14. I stand with the Newtown Action Alliance. Won't you? Sincerely, Elaine Sullivan Newtown Connecticut Elaine Sullivan Ellen Aho Newtown Connecticut Emily Bonheim Newtown Connecticut Emily Kopcik Newtown Connecticut Emily Molloy Newtown Connecticut It is time to finally stop citizen intimidation in Newtown, I urge you to consider supporting an ordinance that prohibits gun owners from openly carrying their firearms in town.


Eva Bermúdez Zimmerman Newtown Connecticut -Eva Fran Maturo Sandy Hook Connecticut Gabriel Perna Newtown Connecticut Please Ban Open Carry in Newtown, Ban Guns on Town-Owned Property, and Ban Gail Warek Sandy Hook Connecticut Guns at Public Protests/Demonstrations/Rallies/Marches/Vigils Gavin Arneth Sandy Hook Connecticut Please enact this common sense legislation. Gayle DiBenedetto Newtown Connecticut Please pass this through!!!! Genna Rossi Sandy Hook Connecticut Please ban open carry in Newtown. There are so many people in this town who suffer from PTSD & feel unsafe knowing that people could be carrying guns with them. I understand that people believe it’s their right to carry a gun & believe they need it for protection but it’s really not necessary here in our sweet town which has a relatively low crime rate. Is it? I believe it’s everyone’s duty in Newtown to protect. & help those who were affected the most profoundly by 12/14. It is even more important for our local leaders, who we trust to do the morally right thing, to consider those who have suffered the most as a result of the shooting. Thank you for your consideration. Hannah Cox Newtown Connecticut - Hannah Cox Heather Rodriguez Newtown Connecticut Heather Smith Newtown Connecticut Please help us feel safe not intimidated. No guns should be carried at protests. Helen Earnshaw Sandy Hook Connecticut Thank you for your consideration. These armed individuals deliberately move to within inches of the pro gun safety people. They don't stay a respectable distance away. That is deliberate intimidation. Helen Earnshaw Sandy hook Connecticut No reasonable person can claim otherwise. Armed counter-protesters deliberately move to within inches of pro gun safety protesters in a blatant attempt to intimidate us. No one knows if they are legal gun owners, including police and NSSF spokespeople. We deserve to have our 1st Helen Earnshaw Sandy Hook Connecticut Amendment RIghts protected from those who abuse their 2nd Amendment Rights. Ban Open Carry in Newtown, Ban Guns on Town-Owned Property, and Ban Guns Howard Adams Sandy Hook Connecticut at Public Protests/Demonstrations/Rallies/Marches/Vigils I urge the Town Council to please put safety first and ban open carry in Newtown, ban guns on Town-owned property, and ban guns at public protests, Isabel Almeida Sandy Hook Connecticut demonstrations, rallies, marches, and vigils. isabella correia sandy hook Connecticut isabella r newtown Connecticut Isabella Wakeman Newtown Connecticut Iurie Schwartz Newtown Connecticut Jamison Fletcher Newtown Connecticut I support banning gun owners from openly carrying their firearms in town, banning guns on town-owned property such as Fairfield Hills and the Newtown Municipal Center, and banning armed intimidation at public Jamison Fletcher Newtown Connecticut demonstrations/protests/rallies/marches/vigils. Please support this action and protect us from the very real danger of someone (with the support of our President as well as many others in government) shooting Jane McEvoy Newtown Connecticut innocent citizens! Thank you!! Jane Sclafani Newtown Connecticut Please ban the guns on Newtown public property and open carry and at protests, Janice Fields Newtown Connecticut rallies and vigills Jason Zetoff Sandy hook Connecticut Jean Griffin Newtown Connecticut Jennifer Ayles Sandy Hook Connecticut Jennifer Hensel Sandy Hook Connecticut Jennifer Renkert Newtown Connecticut Jennine Banks Sandy Hook Connecticut Jennine M Sandy Hook Connecticut Jess Haitz Sandy Hook Connecticut January 6, 2021 should be a wake up call for all, and it has reopened wounds for many in the Newtown community who are still grieving the Sandy Hook mass shooting and the armed intimidation and denial that followed. It is plain offensive to Jessica Haitz Sandy Hook Connecticut our constituents not to take action to prevent future gun violence. John Cortese Newtown Connecticut be in front of this. Set the bar high. John Rizzo Newtown Connecticut Please ban open carry. No one in this town needs to see gun toting demonstrators Judy Rosentel Newtown Connecticut walking around. Julia Provey Sandy Hook Connecticut Julia Teitelbaum Newtown Connecticut Julie Shull Sandy Hook Connecticut Julie Troy Newtown Connecticut There is absolutely no reason for anyone (other than law enforcement personnel) to open-carry firearms in Newtown, nor to allow concealed weapons on town property Julie Troy Newtown Connecticut or at public events in Newtown. There is no reason or justification ! In light of recent violent unrest in the Capitol as well as around the country and the threat of more armed and violent actions at local and state public buildings, it is Julie Troy Newtown Connecticut imperative the the Legislative Council to pass this proposed ordinance! Kara Pansa Newtown Connecticut Kate McGrady Sandy Hook Connecticut Katherine Beasley Newtown Connecticut No one needs to carry a gun around town. Please help us be known across the country as leaders in stemming the epidemic of katherine kohrman Newtown Connecticut gun violence. Thank you. Kimberlee Rackley Sandy Hook Connecticut Kimberly Prud'homme Newtown Connecticut Kyra Murray Newtown Connecticut laura augenbraun Sandy Hook Connecticut Laura Becker Newtown Connecticut Laura Main Newtown Connecticut Laurie Dale Sandy Hook Connecticut Please help us to feel safe Laurie Wright Sandy Hook Connecticut Connecticut is a right to carry state. you have to pass serious background checks to even own a gun these days, making gun owners some of the most honest and law abiding citizens in the state. We do not wear guns to intimidate, rather to self protect. Are we less than the police who carry all the time? I am sick of being looked Lawrence Wilson newtown Connecticut at like I am doing something wrong for wearing self protection. Leah Crebbin Newtown Connecticut Leah Kirshner Newtown Connecticut Leda OCallaghan Newtown Connecticut Leda OCallaghan Newtown Connecticut Not one more... Lee Shull Sandy Hook Connecticut Lia Jill Sandy Hook Connecticut In honor of the many lives lost, please enact this very reasonable legislation! Only appropriately trained individuals should carry lethal weapons at demonstrations and protests that have the possibility of drawing heated counter- Linda O'Sullivan Sandy Hook Connecticut protests. Lisa Berger Newtown CT Connecticut Lisa Sheridan Sandy Hook Connecticut Lisa Shirk Newtown Connecticut Liv Doscher Sandy Hook Connecticut Lydia Post Newtown Connecticut Madeline Dorso Newtown Connecticut Madelyn Good Sandy Hook Connecticut Maggie Breault Sandy Hook Connecticut marisa rizzo Newtown Connecticut marisa rizzo Newtown Connecticut I live at 1 Algonquin Trail in Sandy Hook --- guns have no place in civilized society Mary Taylor Newtown Connecticut except in the hands of police. Please stop accepting such incivility. Matthew Crebbin Newtown Connecticut Maura McDade Sandy Hook Connecticut Maxx Zimmer Sandy Hook Connecticut Meghan Salonia Newtown Connecticut Michelle Haitz Sandy Hook Connecticut Elected officials and town employees should not have to serve the public in the Michelle Ku newtown Connecticut presence of openly carried weapons. Michelle Zarifis Newtown Connecticut Milan chand newtown Connecticut Miranda Pacchiana Sandy Hook Connecticut Miranda Wakeman Newtown Connecticut Molly Wilson Newtown, CT Connecticut Morgan Main Newtown Connecticut Nancy Crevier Newtown Connecticut Natalie Kaiser Sandy Hook Connecticut Please keep guns out of community spaces.. Nicolas Lombardo Sandy Hook Connecticut Nicole Melchionno Sandy Hook Connecticut Olivia Deschenes Newtown Connecticut Olivia Shull Sandy Hook Connecticut Patricia Cauwels Newtown Connecticut Paul D'Agostino Newtown Connecticut Phoebe Doscher Sandy Hook Connecticut Po Murray Sandy Hook Connecticut Guns are being used to intimidate the Newtown community members who have been impacted by a devastating mass shooting incident in Sandy Hook. This is unacceptable. It’s time for the Newtown Legislative Council to protect the Newtown citizens by banning gun owners from openly carrying their firearms in town, banning guns on town-owned property such as Fairfield Hills and the Newtown Municipal Center, and ban armed intimidation at public demonstrations/protests/rallies/marches/vigils. Odd. The dream I had last night involved intimidation via firearms. Subconscious alerting me to take action. There is no need for open carry in Newtown, in CT, in Priscilla Jones Newtown Connecticut the US period, except by trained police and national guard. Rachel Steinebrey Sandy Hook Connecticut Rebecca Hall Newtown Connecticut Dear Members of the Legislative Council, I am writing to express my full support of the referral of the three proposed gun safety measures to the Ordinance Committee for review, revision, and ultimate approval. These measures are key to a safe and secure community, free from intimidation and threats of violence. These common sense ordinances are long overdue in Newtown and should be considered in the best interest of the residents. The views expressed in this letter are my own, and not on behalf of the Board of Education, for which I am a member. With gratitude for your service to our community, Rebekah Harriman-Stites NEWTOWN Connecticut Rebekah Harriman-Stites Rev. Kristen Provost Switzer Newtown Connecticut Rhonda Lehman Davenport Newtown Connecticut Richard Hilton Newtown Connecticut this is a dangerous, unnecessary, and counter-productive practice. it needs to stop. Riley Burns Newtown Connecticut Riley Smith Newtown Connecticut Please ban open carry in Newtown and prohibit firearms on town property. Also, ban armed intimidation at public gatherings such as protests, vigils and marches. Ruby Fitzpatrick Newtown Connecticut Thank you for your consideration. Sabeena Ali Sandy Hook Connecticut Please pass common sense gun laws that keep our neighborhood safe. Thank you Sam Boland Newtown Connecticut Sarah McGee Sandy Hook Connecticut Scott Wakeman Newtown Connecticut I was born and raised in Kenosha. Wisconsin, which has always been a divided state politically. I am very disheartened by the recent murder and, of course, our Sharon Cohen Newtown Connecticut own. Guns cannot be allowed at peaceful assemblies. How do you tell the difference between a member of an armed protest and someone who's about to commit a mass murder? You can't, until shots are fired and there are bodies on the ground. I hope the Newtown Legislative Council Members is willing to prevent this from happening. Armed intimidation at public demonstrations is just an attempt to silence those with different beliefs, violating our First Amendment rights. Gun violence survivors and family members of victims have already gone through enough without having people (who with guns, look exactly like perpetrators of shootings) intimidate them during their times of grief and Simone Paradis Sandy Hook Connecticut activism. Sophie Ackert Sandy Hook Connecticut Please ban guns from public places in Newtown. People should feel safe from Sue Roman Newtown Connecticut intimidation and fear of being shot while at a public event. Sue Vogelman Newtown Connecticut Susan Kassirer Newtown Connecticut Dear Members,

While I have no issue with the counter protestors using their right to protest, it is both uncomfortable and intimidating when they show up displaying weapons. I have no problems with folks legally owning guns, but demonstrating while openly carrying weapons creates an atmosphere of fear and intimidation. A weapons is not needed for peaceful protest.

Sincerely, Susan Muir Newtown Connecticut Susan Muir Susan Paltauf Newtown Connecticut Teresa Cardamone Newtown Connecticut I strongly support this request. There are no reasons to openly carry. None. After the tragic events that took place in this town, open carry is completely traumatizing for so many in this community and there is no need whatsoever for people to intimidate using guns. This town has gone through enough trauma and open carry makes this town feel much less safe. Please consider bringing this town back to being a place where families want to raise their children without fear of gun violence. Please Ban Open Carry in Newtown, Guns on Town-Owned Property, and Tess Murray Newtown Connecticut Guns at Public Protests/Demonstrations/Rallies/Marches/Vigils. This town has not yet healed from the events on 12/14/2012. There are too many residual effects still present to this date. This effort is a step but not the full solution. We need to tackle the issues one step at a time. Please take time to Thomas Haitz Sandy Hook Connecticut consider this petition. Thank you. Thomas Murray Sandy Hook Connecticut Please support legislation to help keep us safe, comfortable, and respected on town-owned property, at public demonstrations and protests/rallies/marches by banning open carry of firearms in our town in these situations. Respectfully. Tracy Ryan Sandy Hook Connecticut Tracy Ryan Wendy Reddock Newtown Connecticut