September 2017
SEPTEMBER 2017 LET US GIVE THANKS FOR: Ministry with Children and Youth NSPEI * University chaplaincies NSPEI * Teachers as they help to shape young minds, MONT * Deacon Robert Coolidge as he celebrates 50 years of ministry, MONT * Ministry of hospital, university and correctional institute chaplains, FRED * Community outreach ministries, FRED * 200th anniversary of St. Ann’s, Westcock, FRED * People of integrity who hold positions of leadership QUE * The ability to openly practice our faith without fear QUE * All volunteers who will be closing summer churches QUE * Good friends who are there for us in times of personal hardships QUE * Having food on our table while there are so many that go without. QUE * Abundant harvests for all to share WNL PLEASE PRAY FOR: 10th Camp Bretondean Service of Witness NSPEI * The second Module of MORE Mission School NSPEI * All students, teachers, and support staff as they begin a new year of study, ENL * All parishes as they plan their fall ministry programs, ENL * The new session of Diocesan Council, MONT * The Montreal Unit of PWRDF Water Walk for Pikangikum, MONT * Theological students, FRED * The Ministry Team in the St. Francis Deanery, QUE * Everyone traveling during the Labour Day weekend QUE * Safe and healthy start to a new school year for students and teachers WNL * Initiation of Christian Education Programs WNL • 5 – Instructors and Students of Queen’s College as they begin a new semester, ENL • 9 – Diocesan Stewardship Day, FRED • 11 – 13 - The gathering of the Clergy of the Diocese of Central Newfoundland and the Conference CNL • 14 – Diocesan Council, FRED • 15 – 17 - The Diocesan ACW Conference in Twillingate: for its Executive and representatives from all Primary Branches.
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