Institute of Anatomical Sciences Supplement of World News. No 54. Autumn Scientific Meeting The autumn scientific meeting of the IAS will this year be held at University College Cork, in Ireland on August 31st and September 1st. Booking is available through the IAS Website so book NOW!! Please visit the IAS website: 1 Editor: John Ben F.I.A.S. Email
[email protected] Institute of Anatomical Sciences Supplement of World News. No 54. News items from around the World July 2017 Issue Contents: 3 MORGUE EMPLOYEE CREMATED BY MISTAKE WHILE TAKING A NAP 4 First Attempts To Bring People ‘Back From Dead’ To Start This Year 5 Huntington's disease trial test is 'major advance' 6 Wollaton Hall museum shuts for dinosaurs' arrival 7 130,000-Year-Old Neanderthal Teeth Reveal Evidence of Prehistoric Dentistry 9 Hedgehog 'blown up like beach ball' has balloon syndrome 10 Balloon syndrome hedgehog is 'popped' 11 New discovery shows T-rex’s bite could make bones ‘explode’ 12 Lions face same threats as extinct Ice Age cats - study 13 Digital Journal 14 Philips new OB/GYN ultrasound innovations with anatomical intelligence provide lifelike 3D images to advance pregnancy care and support maternal-fetal bonding 16 Elba, the 9,300-year old Spanish cowherd who was lactose intolerant 18 Lean-burn physiology gives Sherpas peak-performance 20 Intersex patients 'routinely lied to by doctors' 22 This Dog Sits on Seven Editorial Boards - Meet Dr. Olivia Doll. 23 Breast surgeon Ian Paterson needlessly harmed patients