Tender Brochure
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INDIAN STATISTICAL INSTITUTE 203 BARRAC(PORE TRUNK ROAD KOLKATA:700108. CORRIGENDUM This is in reference to the NIT vide Nor lSl/GH/20-21l01, dated grh November,2O2O for supply of fresh vegetables, fruils, non-vegetaian items, curd, sweets, dairy products, snacks tems and other miscellaneous ttems on rate contract for Prof l\,,lGK Menon Guest House of lsl Kolkata, the closing date for submission oftender is hereby extended for the 2"d time upto 22nd December, 2O2O t ll 1 700 H rs All other terms and conditions ofthe sa d tender remains unchanged {.( Purchase Commiitee, Guest tlouse ISI Kolk,i, INDIAN STATISTICAL INSTITUTE 203 BARRACKPORE TRUNK ROAD KOLKATA:700108. ffi No,ISI/GH/20-21701 EXTEN Dxrc 15t Dc.cmbcr.2020 NIT F0R SIIPTI,Y OF FRISH vECETl\BLES. FRI]ITS. NO\.VECETARIANITEI\IS CI. RD. SWEET. DAIRY PRODUCTS, SI\ ACI(S ITEMS & OTHERMISCELLANEOUS ITEMS ON RATE CONTR CT FOR PROF. MGX MENONCUEST HOUSE Sal.d quolalions arc invitcd Eon tpul.d v.ndotr lor supply of lrcsh veg.tabl6. Fdns, Non-VeSctrrian Ita$, Curd, Sw..! Pan*r, Dairy Products, S..ck ltms & Other Miscell.ncou n.ms (D.Eils 8iv.n in Anndu. - A md B of$. lmdcr documcnn fot Prcl MGK M.non Guest Hous on 61. cohi@t basis for o D.nod of thc y..r! as p.r ih. tcms and co.dnions of rh. tc.d.r. T.ndq do.um.ntsvi1lb.avail.bl. in th. w.bsnc orthe inrihr. i.. hrlrs/\lw $&l a. inx.nd.B arom 9' Novcnha 2020 ro 22i D.c.mb.r2010. T.ndd Do.Md6 cod: Rs.5oO/' lo bc tusf.ftd.l.cronic.lly 6p.r fi. dtuils b.low: Bcn.ficEy Nrm., Indirn Sbri*i.al tnstituic Banl Nm.: Unitrl Bot* Ol India BoL A]C NO. : 00710500001 I 3 Brnlt IFsc cod.No : UTBIoDLBI4o 2" Decemb.r2020 Opcirng of Terhnrcrl Bid: 21" Dec.mbn 2020 Op.ningof FinanciaL Bid 23"Deemb.r2020 The sealed render documenr alonB wnh Tems and Condnions, duly quored Annexure A ud B. pioof of paym.fl oatende! documenr cdsr and .ll orher requnne docume.h duly sramped and signed on all the pagss should & submilcd by hand or by speedposrreSisrered post rn rhe Tender Bor berwecn ll:00 AM and 5:00 Olfi cc of Tne ChielExeculive (A&F) India Shasncal l.sritute. Kolkah 700103 ororbelore22" December20z0or r?OoHB, The Insriture r.senes rh. rtShr to rcj€cr rny or .ll o, lh. blds includirg lh. lo,€.t bldder without .lrlgnlng uy r.rs on *h. tso.ver. L\ri p..t f{ Purct!se Conmix€.. Cu.sl Houre TerD, rnd Condttlon6: - > Tnc R.tcs quot inclusivc d&. ofaltcbagcs edwrl bcvatid lor at han tbr fid I 2 monrhs fmm he &tc of i$u. of thc worn order > Thc mi.s qlorcd will b€ valid fo. fiN 12 fronrhs R.vised rarcs aor 2d y.rr and prie on*ards vitt be drided tr ps wlloksle Index (wpt) lo be i$!ed by Golenmenr ol lndio for rhe panicular > T.nur. of th. $lectcd !.ndor witl be innia y to, $Lre y.or, but cxle.dable upio on. frorc year o. nutual ommr, sbjecr to slpply of fEsh snd of good quatiry nalelials The in;iture wi noiaccepr My subsiahdard nens under any circunsrances. All itcms ordeEd would b. irop.ct.d by Cue( Housc Mahaso or by a$onzed FEo. for ils qualiry and h. shall bav. deh ro rcjer sub,st ndard supplicd it ns. Vendo6 quot should for att $e ir.ms. as entisr.d in Ann.xurc, A .rd B. O$.NiE. tl. submin.d quotalioh shall be lreared 6 canc.ll.d Thc wo ord.r for thc said neru may bc ptscd 4 and ehen equi.d by tn. hstiturc or .vcn or .n eher8cnr situatior wnhin a shod norice which coutd b. tcn houE. Failur. ro supply ir.ns e p.r agrcd sr.nd.ids or dctays beyond ln hou6 in suppti.s wilt rcsu! in waming on first such insr.nc. in . cllcndar nonth. Rcpar instarcB may rcsun in p.nal dcduciions mrging fron 5% ofde cosl of il6s suppli.d/dcnmded or upto Rs.sOOr whichev.r is high.r for.ach hps.t Thrcc foiles in ! mmtn oay rcsuh in cancc otio. of lhc conract Failu. ro supply tI. ilcms m.y 6rlt in procmDcnt of n.m froD tnc l@ll m&t.t ar $c rist and cct oflh. bidda,lodor. Thr v!filoE musr submit $e quotaions i. s.alcd cov.r along witn ser-anest d phot@opics ofv.tnt CST RcgisF.lioh, valid TEd. Liccns, sig.d copy of Tms and Cohdnions oDd lsl one ffnancial y.d lT R.tuh(201 8-2019) by hMd or by sp*dposvregisreEd pod in the Tcnd., Bor brsrcn I l:oo Oince Of Tn. Chicf Ex.curive (A&F) (olk.E - 700103 or or b.forc 22( De.nber 2Or0.t l?00fi8. Pncc oI fi. rkm rncludcs all E6 and olhr cha4.s. it sy, nuj b. m.nnoned ct.sly rn rhc submrned quol!rion(s) pARTS The Bidders must subrit tha Tsnder in TWo Technicat Bid and Financi.t B,d. Technical bid should mntain r€quhite docom.nts t. separate sered cove. supeB..ipied "Techii.al Bid,,. Thc ,,Financiar Fin .ialBid has rd be submir.d in a sepacte sealed .ov; r su pe;sc.ipted,, Bid,,. Borh the abde hsntioned .oveB shoutd be seated separarety and ihssis be riprted in a cov.r p.6c.ipted,,lIr :fl:d-:"::: ::d :.1-b". $ld:rhis $atd be FoR su?ply oF FRISH vr6rrABrLsrklt.s.\o\-vrctARr{N-1.c,. tMr.(UFDSsEt.r.D^lir-ii6Daa-ii:fi;rxs ITEMS & OTHER ]\{ISCELTANEOUS ITEMS ON RA= CON- PROF iiiffi ror L!AUSEIISE".Theffnanciatbid the vendorwiI be 0pdned rorthose '';6iwh.; t q"r trr.h,,t..t]J. Tle selecled vendorwill hav. to dcposn Rs 4O,OO0/-,s perfomancc Bank Guamnrce b $c lnsulure. In czse ol&y b@ch ot rhc Tems and Condnions. fie Insrirurc shal h.!c rhe ri8hl |o forf.ir fie Perlomancc Bank cwa.ra tr*e-,t (( Qu.ninics given in Ann.rure-A and B aB indicarive lnd bascd on expendturc pauem in rhc pasr AcEal consumplion nay vary by +/ 25%. Tte tnsriturc icseryes rhc riSlr ro insms/d(Easa $e quanliiy iobe puchard at y rime, which may vary rlom the Equicnenr menrioned i. Annexure-A Tlle hsdtutcwillbcar a lib€rty aorch.cking rhc suprli.d marcnah ior ils qualiiy a.d quonriry and rhe hstitute or th. vodor shall hav. tfir right to teminal. thc cohract by givinS lwo nonth s noric., ThesrletdsupplirshallsubmncSTbills(induptic.r.)otrhematcriatstobcaupptiedduty PayNfl lglins monrhly brus lubmitr.d by $. $ppti.r *r b. m!d. *llhin ,4t dry! iapprc(, rhrou8hrh.RTGS. \EFrdiR( @ th. v.ndor bonl !(ounr. Scl6tion of s vendor vill be hade bed oo tosest w.ighrd (qudtiry nmtiof,.d in AnrcxuE - A dd B) 6!crl8. of ti. p.icc of Ihe ilems. Coofilcrcd qwiics dd cmtEcl dDion may b. sifld.d if nutuilty ogEd. V.don mBl rubnlt ilg&d {.th. Co.dtttonr forh rd Atr!.rur. A & B, (whtch r be rv.ll.bl. .long wlth . ppllc.tlon forn).long rhb ih. quor. otr *trh k.t.rd drt.. Ihcomplele lerd.6 will bc rcje&d. Thc lnsrnuk reFrycs th. nshr ro rcjecl any or .[ bnftn including $e loy.sl biddo withour ssi8ring any rson whaM.v.r. Th.s!.c*sful Bidd€.h.eds to .x.cu te . btpanire agre.ment wi$in 15 da,s from the dare of acc.pbn.eofth.Terder.tth.lr own cost and cxp.N*on . .on,,udt.,at siahp pap.. v.tu.d not l.ts thrn R550,00 [RuDe.s frft, only] siSn€d iolnrly by the repEs.ntariv.s ofTHE INSTTTUTE. All dirput€s reladng to this NtT is subl.cr to the jurisdiction ot High court at K.[ad u^{ p..\ f{ Chdrmrn Purch$. Conmltt€e, Gu.st House ISI Kolktt! , dlsBE^ E x' : el=tE :tP t e 9esE, a dt 9 : ! e ! tl, I 3'.9= 1= :. E s gEla: E -- 1 : g li = I ,;6 a =!B g El ,rl E 5 : :l 'ti ;3 6l E: *1, I :_ 3: EE ;* :! HF Y EE ^l'-t- 986 e x3 = l;5 x:- E6E rai Yti :";3 6ii: Idgd t39d Z?E EtSs l I 99 *l ' Z P 8 I ,a .* eg g€ dE p ;E 1, Ef, ES l t xi tl I r 9E : -" i e> ia e. ;E !" c -*> I 3= ti 36 9l! E .,E g* ; cli,- eq ea I ? =13 E F UP EP x *8 = I EE iEFE ;P , I ::-2il * JSE: ': +g I x ez 3 s f+ 3E "3 i a :: !; \J6 ii i 4 .a ii i. ;f o5 86 ES *g &c x r'! 9* :Ei "l : i* ? !s oP :E ?frli b Eti ? a sEe ilE g .?E i* 9ta 3 *> iEJ5 9- EdE< rdE{ a, 33iE B3ii E3d3 {! e8 t 3 I Anderure B MEroisUPPtYoFcUhD''wE.r, MPTONPERYE!! rtN!:!]l9!q AUOiED 5[o L!!!! 5P!qF]c rlot !![ @E !E!14 T- MrDruMs arl 2s 30 Pc PrR kc NoFMAT/03 10P( PrR16 MADIwrhcuR/0310PcpEA r" EI r I- f,l ----- I ,. tlt.