
I. What happened during the Civil War? a. Vocabulary:  to secede (verb)  secession (noun) b. Your teacher will assign you two to three questions below. Read your assigned questions. c. Watch the short video, Brain POP: Civil War.  d. Listen for the answers to your assigned questions in the video. e. Talk to the other students in the class to get the answers to the other questions.


1. When and why did the Civil War start?

2. Who was the president at the time?

3. How many states seceded? What did they call themselves?

4. Who was ?

5. What were the states that stayed in the U.S. called?

6. Why did think war was necessary?

7. When and where was the first battle of the Civil War?

8. Why did the North think that the war would be fast and easy?

9. Who were Robert E. Lee and Ulysses S. Grant?

10. What was the Emancipation Proclamation?

11. When did the Confederacy surrender?

12. When and why was Lincoln assassinated?

13. Approximately how many people were killed during the Civil War?

II. Causes of The Civil War

a. Discuss with your group:  What do you already know about the causes of the American Civil War?

b. Watch the short video about the causes of the Civil War.  c. Your teacher will assign you two to three questions below. Read your assigned questions. d. Listen for the answers to your assigned questions in the video. e. Discuss the answers with your group. Prepare to tell the rest of the class about the causes of the Civil War.


1. What are states’ rights? What does the 10th Amendment to the Constitution say about states’ rights?

2. What was the Nullification Crisis?

3. How were the northern states and the southern states different from each other?

4. Why did most of the northern states make illegal?

5. What was the Dred Scott decision?

6. What were the two main causes of the Civil War?


III. Lincoln Issues the Emancipation Proclamation

a. Discuss with your group:  Who was Abraham Lincoln? What do you know about him?

b. Watch the short video about Lincoln and the Emancipation Proclamation.  emancipation

c. Listen for the answers to these questions:  Did Lincoln want to end slavery at the beginning of the Civil War? What did he want?

 What caused him to change his focus to ending slavery?

 Why is the Emancipation Proclamation called the second Declaration of Independence?

d. Discuss the answers with your group. Prepare to tell the rest of the class about the Emancipation Proclamation.
