Rail Fare Boost Vote Bonus For Borough Workers Commuters Win Battle Council Approves HCL With Central Over Hike Member National Editorial Association <— New Jersey Press Association —: Monmouth County Press Association Aid Last Night ; Petition In Costs; Appeal Will Action On Train Stop; Be Filed By Carrier- 83rd YEAR — 26th WEEK MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1951 Single Copy Six Cents Record Tax Receipts Now Jersey commuters received Municipal ‘employee:; were- vo’icd - a real Christmas present Saturday Solve Store Entry a live per cent cost of living bmnm from their Public Utility Commis Reckless Charge MATAWAN TOWNSfilP’S JUVENILE CONFERENCE COMMITTEE River Gardens Group last nlfiht by the Matnwon Borough sion—an order requiring the Cen M atawan Police Chief John J. Council. The bonuis coveru all cm* tral Railroad of New Jersey to* jt*oll Flood, reported yesterday that a phiyees on regular wilnry. back ils Jntrastatc fares to their 16-year-old youth who previoui> Is Not Sustained Cuuncll received n petition Binned ,1048 level, estimated tcj f^ut present Protest Occupancies rates by as much as one-third in ly had been in irouble with the hy 110 rosldentn requesting thnt police had been pickcd up here Kleinberg Also Finds Marz Declared Matter rc/pisylvanla train No. 3325, lenvJnp • some instances. and confessed to entering the New York nt 5:10 p.m. dully, slop Emmett Drew, PUC secretary, store of ,Charles McCue. Alter­ Laurence Harbor Man Is Entirely Up To ut Mnlnwim, The Irnln passes said thc order, which also includes nate Routo 4, Marlboro, and talk­ Did Not Neglect To Health Inspectors; Say through Wutnwun shortly niter fi thc Central’s subsidiary, thc New ing some $90 in cash Irom a reg­ _ Change Registration Taxi Avoided Street p.m, It's next sclii.'dulcd stop lu York & Long Branch Railroad, will ister and change box. - Red Bank. Tho petition waa ordered not become effective until next The boy. a resident of Mata­ Dismissal of recklfyftidrivlng-and, River Cliirdenn residents renew­ referred to the Stnto Public Utilities week. / . • * wan. was picked- up while pur­ failing to chnngO' the address of ed eomplolnhr al the towiiRhlp Commission. . chasing shoes in a local store. registration of. a motor vehicle meeting lhal. familiar wero being Tho contractors on the now Mai: , The Public Utility Commis- •He was turned over to stato po­ chargcs against-Albert Majjnd, 244 pfrfniUed lo inovo Into new huiiseH nwau Crouk treaUo wilt bo-unkcd-to ‘ lion's order that the Central lice. Britton’Ave., Laurcncc Ityrbor, wna creeled In thc subdivision by Luu* correct a dnUnugo condition which Railroad of New Jersey roll back Mr. McCue reported lha! his made Thursday by Raritan Town­ renco Hnrbo'r Heigiits Cn, without resulls in periodic flooding- of ’Abor* Us intrastate commuter fares to store was entered by forcing a ship Magistrate Seymour R. Klein- health permits huvlug been Issued. deen Rd. Hocently n woman was 1948 levels beginning Jan/ 13, side door sometime after 10 p. bcrtf.. _ Ci.uiinnjin John Mar/. Jr,, flaid the Injured when hbr cur plunged ..Into 1952, will make it "virtually im­ m„ MondSy. Tho entry was dis­ Magistrate Kleinberg had reserv­ mutter wns “entirely -. tip to Mr. water nfter getting out of wintvol possible” for the railroad to givfr covered al 10 a. m; on Christ­ ed decision after heating 911 the Short/' the township henllh InHprct- nnd leaving the thoroughfnre. satisfactory commuter service* mas Day. charges in. his court Dcc? 15. i.^r, ns that olTldnl wna the one to Rocord-Colledlon E. T. Moore,'president of Jersey Thc complaints were entered hy j make Inspection of places occupied. Collector Koert C, Wyckoll re­ Central, announced,Monday. Trooper William C. Widgren, Key* John F. Ruley' wanted to kiw.v ponied thnt nn of hint night, lho "Regardless of legal technicali­ port State Police, ns result of nn If there was not nn ordinance' py receipts for 1031 tuxes were at 0!M ties/' Mr. Mooro said, "the bare' East Keansburg accident al Florence Ave, nnd Low­ which Limrence Hfirtxn: Weights per cent of miueiiHincnts. This In n facts are that tho Jersey Central record percentage for borough col* er Main St.-; Keyport, Dec. 0 in Tho recently tainted group io hahdlo juvenile delinquency problems Is shown et a recent meetlnu lit Co. could he prevented from notJ- has £n annual out-of-pocket loss which thc Maund-car broke ofT a lho Cliffwood School with John L, Montgomery, standing. Monmouth County JUvenllo Court referee. Com- ing liotises' for limnedinte occiipan- lections, Mr, Wyckoll reported. He of more, than $2,500,000 in the o p -’ utility pole.,. niitieo members seated."left to right, aro Harvey Morroll, Harry M. Welsford, Magistrate Luthor A r Fostor. «y. He nsked If llioy did not have nhn announced thnt his oltlce him eration of its passenger service, . Mr. Maund was driving out of Police Chief Adolph Meniol, John Mars jr.. chuirman ol the tov/nship committee; Rose K. Weni&|{;towoihlp to be dednred “imblliihlt'" fhst. pledges of payments which if rtf- including a loss of more than Fire Early Christinas Florence Ave. to cross Lower Main clefk; Mri. Edrio May Knoell, Township Committeoman Slophon J. KoUeia, William Hyer.'.chalrnian ot wel­ Mr. Mar/, only commentcil the celled wllhhi tht! next few tlnys * 5375.000 in furnishing intrastaio Morn Totally Wrecks St. to get to Route 3(1 when the fare. . « ‘'I’ommllteo does n(A Issue per­ Will give the horough a record of commuter service. ‘ ' ' Home; All Possessions arffflflcnt occurred. .-John Harrison, mits." The chiihmnn added 'the Ort per cent for collections, a llgiun "I don't know how wo can Union Beach, was. a passenger In 500 Kids At Party residents could drop their concern;; which.will rank near the lop for €OnHiiue~Td~furnlfflv “satisfactory— ---Lost; Baby Hurt - Hie' ear. ‘"P‘ut-off the stiilid by Lc-O nlhmt-houseN-now- tmtler^mslvue’ shurc_muaUipulUica— ______service with . such staggering Threatened Women, Matawan Police.. Mr,. WyekutV also said tfiat to Townsfolk pitched in to help ■Weinstein, Matawan, attorney for Motawan Businoss Association tInn in the division as these place* losses. It is this type of regular the defendant, both Mr. Maund nnd ^officers reported approximately would not be rendy for occupancy date receipts of delinquent taxiv> Is iion which will Jgiecipitato so­ Mike Kelly, his heroic wife, llelen,* $l7.(i:i|), f.s analjjht $1.1,000 estimated and the 12 Kelly children whose Mr. • Harrison testified they were Is Held For Jury , 600 youngsters were entertained Issue Summonses until July 1 and by. then IKejicw cialized transportation." 1 cut off by a.car turning into Flor­ '/ai tho onnual assoctation-ipon* $1011,01)0 "puekagh" sewiu1 pin'it Jn Hie 1HM niulgei. This also is a modest East Keansburg home .was ence Ave. nt qTiigh rate of speed would be-ln operation. recotd tnnplus fol1 UiIh iiccnunt, IL Wiped out by a Christmas morning and had to swing to the right inCo . Arrest Union Beach sored Christmas'party held in Drivers lu Two Crashes Asked about inensures taken by wns nntiounced, A spokesman for the railroad, fire. - thc utility pole to ovoid head-on Man In Keyport For ^the Matawan Thestor on Qatur* Ordered To Appear the UeVolo'tM'i'H to combat Uu* da.i* Council approved a resolution who said that up to the point, Sat­ day-mornlngr nsked by the .Jersey Central Tranii- Neighbors, loud in their praise collision. ' Carrying Guq; Bail The only roquiremont for ad­ Jiei.'s from overflowing septic tanks, urday, thc otder had not yet been of Mrs. Kelly for the brave way. sho Trooper Widgren testified the pole Jan. 5 In Answer To Mr. Mar/ said tho company had porlatiou Co: lo permit the opera­ received by the carrier, anticipated shepherded her children to safety, hit was one of thc larger diameter Set , At $5000 , mission was a can of foodstuffs Careless Driving Counts hired two more men tor.tho pur* tion of a bus from Matawan Htatiou that thc Central “would appeal started practicing thc true spirit jf used and had been mpvett over four and the items wero collocted in pom? of putting lime nn the' aro i to Highlands, The bus replacvv.. ' through thc courts.” J ' „ Christmas before the day had dawn indies, lie stated that ln his cstl-' Charles B. Tester, 43, of 704 Clark. *«Mffleleni amount to permit Ihe Summonsen for curelesa diivhwi where the tanka aru overflowing. train service over Ihe Highland:! Thc ruling, disclosed first by cd. motion the Maund car musMmyu’ Avc., Unipn Bcach, was held in' ’ iilling of 17 baskets which were 'returnable In Mntuwun Borough Division of-lho C-entfal lUiilrond of counsel for tho Intcrmunicipal $5000 bail Sundny for actlan of tho distributed to needy ..Matawan Police Court Jan. 5, wero Issued by No Qewor Runoff Offers of food, shcltcr-and cloth been driven at n high rate of speed families. Tho chlckons and candy lie was then asked ohoul '/II New Jersey, Action on the reipiei.t Group, for. Better Roil Scrvlcc and ing poured in on the Kellys who to have moved the pole that much grand jury following his arraign­ Chief pf..P.oll.ce* John. J, Flood to had been withheld from n prevloi.n later confirmed by thc PUC, dim­ on impact. He felt this justified ment in Keyport before Magistrate which each baskot contained Mrs. Ruth Crawford, jbf Mill Rd,, houses alleged to hnvo outflow., meeting pending elfoi ts of Ihe coUn' lost just about every ""worldly, pos­ Herbert lt. Rothenberg .011 charges were supplied by the MDA. from thdr lankfi Into a storm sewer axes a series of court battles. session in* thc early mcrning blazo the conclusion of reckless driving. und John H. Klfislnn, of 11211 Freneau running Into Matawan (.’reek. Com- ell lo have additional train st.iili;!-'- Thc Central received a fare boost As word spread through the small Mr. Mound sustained u broken of carrying concealed weakons. Ave., Mutawan, after their cars col here approveii, . •• .' . from the PUC on Mar. 15, 1049, then nose in the accident and Mr, Harri­ " Tester was arrested after Key­ llded near tho Magnolia Inn, in the mUteenum Salvatore V(*na said Lawrence J. lliicco's application town, friends and total strangers Freneau section, Chrlalmaii Fve. there was no runolT Into the creek at the pleadings of commutcr alike chipped in montfy and food son sustained shock. Mr. Harrison port police received n complaint Man Burned By from tlie”"storm tioWer. for active luemherahlp In Ihe M, groups, it canceled part of the in­ A restaurant, so the neighbors say, hailed a passing car and had*' thc^ that he had been threatening sev­ Mr. Klsshm, according to Chief 'KdWin Malcolm, president of the Iv llaley Hose t’o, was apprnved. - crcasc on Sept. 27, 1050.- -The rail­ sent ‘over $40 worth o’f "groceries troopers called to the scene. They eral women at Ihe- homo, of IVJri;. Flood, was making a. turn\ from River Gardens 'Property - Ownei'H Action wan .withheld on dhe ie- road, appealed the reduction to the nnd a tavern owner passed a h'it gave first aid lo Mr. Maund and Virginia Robbins, 41 Mnln St., wilh Fumes Freneau Ave. Into his 'driveway quest of the' (ientnd Railroad to State Supreme Court; which on last had him taken to a physician’s of­ a ,32-caltbcr revolver and a billy wiiwi ji ear’ow/ied by Arthur N. Association, reported <1 taxi driver hiwer Ihe waters of Matawan Luke around his bar...... club. :, ___... _ had refused lu enter Prospect Ave, May 21 set aside both orders and There was tulk^ of giving a bene fice. ' .. — - Portaupeck Resident Rubin, nlso.uf Mill Rd., wlildi Mn on n recent rainy dny heejiuse if #to peiinlt.!e|Mdis lo the trosllo near remanded the case to thc PUC fof fit for the .Kellys;. _ .By today' -jR Magistrate Kleinberg rejected Police reported that Tester came Crawford was driving' rni.shetr |nm road conditions. Mr. Malcolm said the head of iho Hike. Tlio borough hearings...... sorts of plans are expected to. Uc the reckless driving charge as hns- to The house while ;Mrsvdtobblie>* Injured In Matawan— It. No one wan injured, Chief Flo;»d tlml as a result tim chlldrcn had (Wfichibi thought It -would Im; advift- . In" its decision Saturday lo void underway. • cd on supposition which could nol was out visiting friends and threat­ Township Mishap; Was estimated thnt each cur sulTered had to walk llirough. Iho rain and ublo to poslpuno thi> project until the entire 1040 raise, thc commis­ Most everyone is as anxious to be supported by witnesses to thu ened a baby siller, Sully SiclHnno, damages of between and $11011 over ground covered with JiUi'faen. spring. ' sion ruled that the Centr«il "hud accident. 10, of 42 Gerard Ave.. •Mntnwnn Dismantling Car Sayler S. Hughes, of 107 Broad l.elp as they are to talk about Mrs. On the chnrgc of falling lo change Township. Also present was Lewi;: water lo ihelr homes.Fmir"rJf not shown its rates to be just and Kelly’s bravery. address of registration Mr. Mrtund A IH-yenr-oId man-hovered be­ St., and Killeen Lindsay, of !I3I them became III as a result, he Marlboro Bonrd Fails reasonable,*’ . Thc 43-ye^r-old mother had just Kamo. . ~ tween life and death over Ihe Texiis-itd,, Molawah, wen* also'glv- claimed. August S. Drier, counsel for the put thc finishing touches on tho claimed he still lived, at Laurence Miss Siciliano and Rauio -said Christman holiday .with third-dr*' en i:are|i*!is drl’vlujjL summonses by Mr. Mar/, sidd he did not know To Act On Snlary Plea Harbor and had not yet occupied Tester appeared to have hern drink­ the Matnwan police as a result of a commuter organizations,- said thc family Christmas tree when a two- a house he wns purchasing in . Un­ ing heavily. He was ordered to leave grce burns sii'itnlned Sunday when ol 11 rlay when ' the roudwa.Y *>f DriViiifidu of Marlhoio Township fares are now as much as 50 per­ burner oil stove exploded and se* ion , Beach, He produced a con­ the gasoline lank of an old car he collision In front of tlm post ofTlcn Prospect Ave. could Im considered teachers for a MUOl! jier year sulur,/ cent above .1018 levels, but vary tho small frame house afire. Mr. tract of sale to show the transaction the house nnd did, but returned was dismantling with nn acetylene where Mr. Hughes Is employed. Impassable nnd. asked lo know (lie for - expci ieni ed liisli uelmy- were greatly depending on the distance Kelly was at^work at the time. had not been completed as of the late.. By ll)j»;limo Mrs. .Bobbins also torch exploded and enveloped him Police said that Afr. IJu/’hes, who, . rushed lo Hivervlew Hi>sj»ltal“~'in . flooded tin* street, They . felt the eboul $15(1 for nioril of ihe te.acher*, . hall. Four-month-old Dorothy, being boarded by Ihe Harrisons. Mrs. bobbins hiler said nhe the ambulance of the Muliiwnn First ],l11’ i,^i0 ■eturiiable Jan. fj. tafci driver had hauls (or what he did not im’iit with lavnr. Il will Continue Moves For eradtcd in Mrs. Kelly's arms, wjS Mr, Harrison verified this. knew Tester .because he. delivered, Aid Squad. did,/but admitted he could have he considered at a later dale, Mr. burned nboiit thc head and face On the strength nf the evidence The, explosion occurred in the Gambling' 1‘incs Drop Kr>iF. up. CHlTwood Ave, nnd down * ljujfim repui led, ponsibly when Iho .. -Railroad Crossing___ before -theyall could_.j;cl through fiiibmlttcd.. by.. tjici.,defendant, Uie oil to her house,* She said uhe nbo rear (if Flo’s Bar and Grill. Lower Matawan Ave. lo, avoid PmspK'l time comes tu send mil teacher!.’ Protection At Poole the door. second charge against'him was also Vnet“liiirrnr:n dinrr- Avhere hlie -itr Main Sl, Malav/an Tnwriship; . A’ifew ldwTn lolal lines' collected AVr. Wele II not lie was-loo a|)«» eoiillncls...... 'fhe biiby'wiis taken to Riverview dismissed. employed as a waitress, /dangerously burned from head lota, lo get riS'l Ida passrngejH Joneph ftCaman Ar ‘*onn, f'erth And Florence Aves. Hospital in Red Bank for treat­ Chief Sproul said Tester habd was $11,250 os compared warden, «nd her aiietils had un* Hulonrl, of Mnnalapau, who h^id protected grade crossings at Pool?: save thc hou>c, but it burned lo tl\e A total of IKi baskets of fnod-*t*on- Mr. Afa/v.n is a dealer In old cars with $r»U'Ki(i in 1047. v/arrnntedly entered upop hl-i pmp- aho sought the post, declined lu and Florence Avcs., again wifi be ground. Clothes, furniture, Christ­ trlbutcd by Ihe Matuwan Woman's Gun Toting Landlord and operates a yard nwir the Mon­ C!iirtnl|i'd shore gambling through erly and'rcl/.ed hl» dog, Hr avene‘1 appear at lho Hireling,on Ihe bomd’.i ohr of Ihe major items of business mas presents, everythin'; was a to­ Club, Matawan Junior Woman’s Is Indicted By Jury mouth Park Jockey Club In Ocean- elTei'UVe work of c would not go to New Rtunswlrk invitation Slid It was .n-snmed ho ■ before tiie Union Ueach mayor and tal loss. Club, Matawan Business Associa­ port. He was seated over the gaso. was credited with th»* drop in ar- l<) redeem the dn yi'liU1:-? .CiUimilssian.—have— /)H Aug. 21, Mrs. Mario mft'Mr,... I’nek/wood »e idenli weje 'dnven by Marlin l.lltm.ui, test he wniJd gel- niolM'y for <• H'lp urged to sec thut adequate safe­ Lambertson Rites lid. after v/itJj baction during the ice i.lorm 1 Marlboio. a teaeljer of iJIO t.'eidml Ave, ()» to Califor it‘i. v.lieje they Would b**- Services JHLcJd Today : Ik- allegedly rejeetrd "J A1*' which gla/.e»l hh’.hwa^V on JJee 1*1. mai i M il guards arc Installed. Legal action fen;, made at h'*r and later beea.11' aiige, jiud Havid 'I'homps'Mt, against the railroad has been threat* Holmes Lambertson.- 70, of 120 For Mar^oro Infant involved in an argument about im it wa?; repoited hy Josejdi Irwin, F'incs Driver $10 nianeb./a kitchen wo/ker id Hot encd if the appeals continue to be Freneau 'Ave., Matawon. died at pairf rent. The result .was that Ifj' d ire c to r o f tin* b o iu d o( fie fiio ld e n . fohwotid MuikjI’. . Fnlse Alarm ’ jpiorcd. his home yesterday. Born in Mat­ Scrvict-s v.crr confhicli^I ^h'’1 nwl.rr r < -l nnd lo.,!; und of fhe load 'deparunent, Wlllhnn lichui'lei, Wetd r/e\- The'Llttman cur v.-;ei ^mg dnv-. Legal phases of Union Beach's awan. Mr. La.rnbcrLson was a re­ (Thursday* m«rn.n« „l S-ocKck ( j< wraU| „„ Mr. Irwin said the tonnage r.eein- Vnrk. chinj^ii |,y htate pollci v/ill AoHioiitnat thn Karle Nijval ed ra lilti'.1 incredible, ^ A .total of en rwed on Mfdilha^'A1 and lie - request for more adequate cross­ tired farmer and had resided in this TI.C liour.c hhuw«l aim.., „f Ol.ll- l e ing protection arc being studied by area all of his life. Michael Lubrano. infant son of Mr 02 oien and 27'trucks were engag­•VI eostfi t>y Madison Township Mar.- ah i led Tuerilay by an anonymous and Mrs. Dominick Lubrano. R.D. rddling with the roof torn - Ihe eye. Thompvm. sppaientl.v lie- wuii no e^plonion. ’ i , Thc two fatalities occurred when Bcdlc Funcfal Home, Mntawanj will! Interment was in St. Jojcph’s Cene:- Malawan Township Taxpayer* with helping munidpuhlies in nsmv wlek. on Dee. 2, on Kfu:b .hlo.vn most i.ej loiisly- m)uird. received 'V/lllieii T. M.ufdetl. of the depotV. Jersey 'Central commuter trains be in 'Old Tennent Cemetery. ' tcry, Keyport. Having coinplelVtfl . jhe jv-e? locations, lid., near ,Old fJiidg**.. ' . . . ,.-i. I tM iii I lueeiidloni...... oil|ce ef j111i>111- infoitnatmn, s-od struck automobiles going over th? Mr. Lambertson is survived byj 7710 child is survived, besides hir*, merits for year J0r>?., thoinv bookr. w.lll The Mnhiv/an Fiml Aal Sqn»l the i .iij ;,vie» uimilar lo one n teivel .tracks at both'crosflings." • his wife; Isabella; two sons, Rusj/JI. p;irenLv by tv/o staters. Rox;me and j |,Jt. (,p( ^ fr>r publie iiiij/e:.lion , Ruying A Car? • Fine Woman Specter h.mi.poi.led lie- Injo/ed to the of. a month o;'o< •'•■dd c.ilhi po:<;2. from I Vi •liou-e.dlrde df livery on. Jf Ui>„. Jd a ph.VKteian where tin y ldy eoine fjom' ei,mli.i. • • Cquipina&t and Supplies sister.. Mrs. Vol Dolson of Keyport,; : ; jp. in., at. my home. 22 Sweetbri.irj Dodge and Plymouth cm a undj Mmy Cl*/.e:,kl. of |.fi Wanhnujloo v.'i'rr given imefgeney |jenti/o;nl , ^ for and two brothers,. Doris, Morgan-j . Clean Cotton Bags Wanted LSI , Cliffwood. . iDodg/* tiueks Call Ray ' (iormb.'y Ave., Matawan, v;as''fined •$)« and Cloun Cotton nags Wantod Farm — Garden —.Home ,, vilb?, and John B_. Matawan. :‘ No picccs Smaller than 10 inches! Johi* H. Kwmf'f. at Matiiv/an I.J7A&-M or; J'retdlold Jl'l east* fojiPjX'eding wiieh an uigm Toysl Ley-Away PUnt No pit-cc.iMnaller Ihuri 111 ii.ichew Try our servicer Conover Brother! Itquarc. V/c will pay 10C'a pound , , AtECKsor, ! -/t0-0.y/0. Frank Van HyckJe, |nc,j B - • ■ . - ^ ' iiahhi . bLoiv. Kwo't Haitlwure, v.-hcn ddj[vi^U to U»U oftic», . ' ‘ 7 ‘ , - - '■'*£& PAGE TWO — FIRST SECTION THE MATAWAN JOURNAL. MATAWAN, N. J. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1951 daughter, Katherine, to John. Dla*-1| Other pfTicen* are- Mra. Mbry ; Iri 'the older group wero Sandra ane Hey Wenzeli Jessica Wolf?, d e a t h s THEIR ENGAGEMENTS ANNO0ME& ENGAGEMENTS bik, son of Mr. and'Mrs.. Christiaiv Brower, vice- president Mrs. Peg- Burfc (Susan GunklOi, Diane Her- Marilyn Krakauer and Arthur an i Petersen, «f 551 Compton /ftro;, ‘fly RatcJiffe, treasurer; Mirs, ZUza- 'bert, MHlicant Heuser, Lois Ludo* Robort Stevens, 'of the^DeVit'.rj ! J*nsen»AndazBoa . Perth Amboy, N. J, jbeth' Nappi,. secretary; Mrs. Helen Mr*. WlUUm< deMan Mr. and Mrs, Donald Andersgn. Miss Hyer, n graduate of Mnta­ Weir/ chaplain; Mrs. Guia|e~ ^elU iwig, Mbry. Barbara. Ludi, Sandra Military Academy.. . ' Mrs. Berendina doMan, .74j wife Hazlet ‘Ave., Hu/,let. announce thu wan High School, is employed by jsergeant^at-anns; Mrs. Ann Waller 'Pearoe, Linda; Ritter, Suaan .Rinck. nf William doWan.TThird'St.Key- engagement of. their daughter, £!*■ Sprague's Oil Service, Mutawan. ;welfaro chairman; . Mrs., ^Jewell Joan Strohmengor, Joyce Ward, Di­ Are you buying Defense Bonds? port*.diod. at'her home on Sundny, len, to Roy Jensen, son of JHr. and Her fiance attended St. Mary’s Houser, publicity. A , ; Dec. She wjib bom. in Hol­ Mrs. Fred Jensen, Florence Ave., High School, Perth Amboy, and lias land aftd'l^adi lived in Koyport 13 Raritan Township. : completed three years nt sorvJ?e years, ' .. ' •V'”1"' in theflU. S. Army. He is now cm* Harbor Firemen Elect vSurvivirigVUflBldos her husband The bride-to-be is a member>jf, Cocbv And Lacry Holden nre a daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth the-senior class of Keyport High | ployedwith the Vein MnmtfucW V Lyoni* of Keypori; two granflchil. School. • The . bridegroom-elect/ -is.(J.n£ '-Corp.. Spotswood. Clarence Corby was nainedf chief dreh and one grcat-grandchild. serving in the Air Force and .!s|~iNo !,alJ h;iS b(‘‘'n wi for 1,10 of the Laurence Harbor Fire Co. Services were conductcd yester- stationed at the Air Force Install- j ___.______4—for- 1952-m-an-electioir that"also atioYfi nl Hollands. Sheehan-Granala saw. Larry Holden" named president ;Of the company. Mr. Corby suc­ ral Home, with the Rev. Albert fi. Anderson-Tr«him Mr. and. Mr.s. Anthony Granata oC ceeds Michael O’Brien as chief. Shiphorst, pastor ot the Keyport Announcement has been made oC, 314 Main St., Koyport, announce the r Others elccted were: Louis Koc-' HeCormed Church, officiating.;: In* the^engagement bf Miss Juli^ Tip engi/goment of their , daughter, sis, assistant chicf; William. Chad- terment was in Clovorlep(; Mejii- him, daughter of Mrs. Julia..St Y.an Josephine, to William Sheehan; son iwlck, ’ foroman: Casper Behring, oi inl Park, Woodbridge. ^ scvich of C2 Mathiason PI., MaUi- of Mrs: Mary Sheehan, arid the ..lato chiet* driver; Robert O.- Allen jr., •wan, and the lute Michael. Trahim. Thomas Sheehan. 270 Woodtawn first assistant driver; Edward Mer- Arthur Semendinger < to George Anderson, son of Coun­ Ave., Jersey City. win, second assistant: John White, Arthur A., Semendinfier, 54, of cilman and Mrs. Georgo Anderson, Miss Granata is n graduate of chief of the fire police; Bert Haines, pleasant Valley Fid., Matawnn, died of 214 Henry St., Union Rpach. Keyport schools and received her John Mackey, Robert Bieber and Friduy, Dec. 21, 1951, in Monmouth bachelor of science degree in ele­ James Buckley, fire police. . Memoriol. Hospital. 1 Miss Trahiin is employed by thc mentary education from the New William Crane, was named vies Surviving are his Wife, Claire Armstrong Cork Co. and Mr. An* Jersey State Teachers- College ut president; Wilbur Nixon, financial' . (Tapper) .Jftmendlnger, and two derson works for. the Rollo Trans­ Jersey City. Shu-is employed as n secretary; Eugene Hulse, treasurer; sons, Arthur, of the 11. S. Navy, and it Corp., Keyport. • flfth grade teacher in the Matawan Vincent Bushman, secretary; Carl August,, at home. ‘ " A fall wedding is phnnfitf,™' ;Elementary School. •Hultm, representative to the fire­ Services were conducted Monday Mr. Sheehan is a graduate of St. men's relief association; James ^afternoon, at 2'o’clock. in the’Bedle Buckalew-Hansen - Michaels' High, School, Jersey City Guilfoyle, sergeant-at-arms, ami Funeral Home, Matawan, followed Mrw and:; Mr.s. Lars Hansen, T?3 and; he attended New Jersey State Robert Allen jr., trustee', .-’.W- by interment in Old Tennent Cem­ Orchardt St,. Laurence Hnrbor, -m? Teachers-. Collegif at Jersey. City. etery. . : ‘ ' nouncfr the engpgement ot thoir Ho^ecniverl his'bachelor of science Hilltop Students Are daughter,, Lola- to Fred‘ Buekalew, degree- in maliiematies and-science 1 _Mra. Mariln B. Murphy o£ Morgan. 7rom the-University of Michigan, Entertained, At Parties ‘ Mi’S. Jane Manion Murphy, 33. ‘ MIjb Hansen, is n graduate ot Ann Ariioi*. and is employed as tile ’ died Monday morning, Dec. 24, 1931, M&tawan High. School and ia em­ head nf the science department: at Two, parties were held Saturday at her home, Palmer Ave., Keam- ployed: by the Murgtiretton . Co., Cherry Lawn School, Darien, Conn. at the Hilltop Studios. Matawan, burg, She waa the widow of Ihe Perth: Amboy. Mri* Bucftnluw i« a. liir is a- veteran of World War Ii by Mr.s. Jean Krakauer. for her pu- late Martin R Murphy. ' gradualo ot St Miary’s High School; and; served in’the Infantry in the nils. Games were played, gifts ex­ Mrs. MUrphy was born in Wales. ■South. Amboy, and', ia a. corporal in European TheaterJor three years. changed and carols sung, afley She came to this country at thc age the Air Porce, statiuned in ICin- No date has been set /for the which there was a visit from Santa ot Three‘and waa a resident of the itucUy-, ■ Claus, in the person of Carl. Baker. share areu for: the past 03 yeara. wedding. , Refreshments- were served. J She was a communicant of St. Bl*ien*-V«im ' Everharl-Kalma . Thu younger group, attending in­ « Ann’s Church,. Keansburg. , ; Mr. and) Mrs. Thomas Vena. Eaet Mr. and Mrs. I^eonanl ICalma, of cluded Janie and Kathy MeGraw, ’ * Syjviving arc three daughters. Concourse, Cliffwood Bench, an* Keyport, have annuunctfd* the en* Peggy Palm, Ann Marie Falco, Ei­ N e w Y e a r s Mrs. Elizabeth Deegan, Bayonne; jounce- tho engagement ot thoir gageinent of their daughter, Shir- leen Sfjveeney, Rose Ann Jameson Mrs. Jane Welter, Haworth, nnd daughter, Louise, to John Bivients ,ley, to Kenneth E. Everhart, son and Jimmy Gunkle, Miss Marion Murphy, Keansburg; Woodmere Dr.,- CUfTwood; son oD of Mr. and Mrs. Martin L. Ever­ two sons, George; Keansburg, and Mr. and1. Mra.' John Blviena, it hart, of 1205 N. Duke St., YorJc, Pa. Edward, Jersey City; two gran.l- Gloucester. » . • The bride-to-be is a graduato cf WHARTON MEMORIALS children and’three greatgrandchil­ - No date has been, sot for. the Koyport H»-'S.' and ia employed', by ■ bi dren. . •• wed (linn, , . . the ' Hnnson- VanWinklo-Munning M*ta#UrK*ra«>t XoauoMat Woiki Services; are Jn charge of the Hy** Cb., Matawan. Her ilanco, -nov*,. ■ /' , Highways! ...1 pn Horns fQr.gunerals, Keansburg. SprinffBJeen*Walling: serving in the U. S.' Navy, is • a / K«n»rb K, J. . On Christmas. Evo, Mr. and Mrs. graduate of North York. Iligh 13 Phono Koyport- H l« MM. Margaret Schoolcraft Earl Waiting, Park, Ave., Huzlct; School. - . , B est W ishes Funeral' services for Mrs. Mar­ announced the engagement of their A wedding date has not boen sot. garet Schoolcraft, 87, were held ,in daughter, Joyce A„ to 'Henry C. Union last week. Mrs. Schoolcraft Springsteen Jr., son of Mrs. 'David ... Baggilt-Davls was found dead at* her hnmc on Britton, Green Grove Ave., Key- • . Mr. and Mrs. Samuel E. Davis, Eighth St., West Keansburg, on porti and Ilenry C; Springsteen sr., Clark St., Keyport, announce the " Dec. 15, 1051. " ...... engagement of their daughter, Lil- of Point' Pleasant. _ Iiiin-L6rreett7-io*-*Ruli)lW-Jr-Baggi;V: i — A URVICE a l diitlsguliW -cliattclK-. 7V|r£' 3choo!cnrft"hint_1lvpdralnno' """Botti; "Miss7' WallTnjT and 'Mir wS - - - it pikai rtwhyaiy Ollf- « M Wf fclfc Aft ti ' ; smefc the death of her husband SpringsUen are graduates of^ Key­ Jr., ?on of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J. To. you . ... Qur dear f t'ferids and . .several years ago.^ John Frye, a BaggUt, 23 Spring St., Freehold. port High School. Mijjfl Walling Js - The wedding date has been-set special officer of'Raritan Township omployed by the Mil Garment Coat I VLady Attendant N e ig h b 6rs/our sincere best wishes police, a neighbor, Imd been away Co., Rod Bank.^ Mr. Springsteen is for Feb. 10, 1952. 3 .. for three days and ou Ills return omployed as a paintor by Jack 1 . • Non-Sectarian ‘ became concerned that no one had Glass, general contracfor, Bayheads Matawan Auxiliary .. for a New Year o f excellent health, r.een the elderly woman while xhe No date har. been set foe the (DAY FUNERAL HOME was away. Ife went to- her home, wedding, - Elects Mr*. Ellison found the house unhentcd and Mm. j The final meeting for 1051 of happiness and prosperity. Schoolcraft dead In Her bed. Doyla-Hflndrickton ^ the Ladies Auxiliary uf the Matar 1361 Maple PL, Keyport] Dr. Julius'A. Toren, county phy* Mr. and-Mr.s. Daniel C. Hendrick­ wah Hook and Ladder Co. 1 was Tel. KEyport 7-1351 I ‘ Hciun, pronounced' 'death due lo son, 240 Broad St., ICcyp’nrt.--an­ featured by the election of officers; natural causes. The body was *e* nounce tbe engagement of thoir and' a Christmas' party at which jnovert: to the Ryan Funeral Homo, daughter,, Janet, tn Robert Doyle, gifts were-cxxchanged. Mrs. Sarah Keansburg, and lator to Union for MISS JOSEPHINE GRANATA MISS KATHERINE; HYER son of the lato Mr. and Mrs. Wal­ Ellison was 'elected president; burial. ter. Doyle, of Dunellen. B e s t W is h e s * ^hc is survived bysovoral nieces Miss Hendrickson, is rt graduate and nephews in Union. Mjiry’s Episcopal. Church,’ Keyport, brown velvet and hr ij»e accessories of Keyport High School'and is em­ 5 for- a . - officiating. Burial was in Rose Hill and a corsage of orchids. ployed by the Public Service Cb>’ w m Charles Breuhaua - - Cemetery, Malawan. .. .. ' Miss Bernice M. Wood, sister of ordinated Transport, of Newark. | Happy New Year Chnrleft Breuhaus, GO, of 7^1 the bride, wns the maid of honor Mr. Doylo is a graduate of Dunollen Shore Rd., Union Beach, died at his Lewis B, Evans Sr. . STEfNflA€l+ COMPANY nnd wore a blue suit with mate^ng High School and is. employed- by s . . ' . m ■ • - _u' : * • -.-homo;8unday, Dec. 23, 1951. Lewis n. Evans ,sr„ 53, of 11(1 accessories and an orchid corsage. George Dowser, Plainfield, roml Hi d Hwb Mr. Brelihaus^who was a retired Seventh Ave,, Long Branch, will be Peter Himey, brother of the bride* contractor. He served.'.wo yoars :n a S Dr. Louis I. Prager - Newark^ city- flroman, wus*creinated buried tomorrow (KriUflyi afternoon l»room, was tlft> best man. the' Army. • . yesterday at Rose Hill Crematory, following services at V. o’clock nt A reception followed at Marion’s A date for the-wedding- has not | 30 W. Front St. .. Tihdcn, after services at 11 a.m. at tho Woolley Funeral liome, T.ong Rejitaurant, Keyport, after which been sot - ' Holden Jewelers the J3edle Funeral Home, Keyport. Branch, wilh the Rev. Arthur 134 Main SL MATAWAN | Keyport \ lie ia survived by his wife, Anna Copeland officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Illmey 'left for a wedding trip to Florida. They will Rupy-Penrose__ » Home of Famous Brand*' (Gaertz) Breuhaus; two!sister, Mrs. Mr...Evans, who died Monday, reside in a new home nt 2fl Charles Mr. and Mrs.-W, E. Penrose, 309 Inc!. Hamilton Watches, Frieda Gramens and Mrsi Helen In* Dec*. 24, 1951, at his home, was born St., Old Bridge...... “ Park Ave., Union Beach, have an­ Keepsake Diamonds gato and three brothers, Willinm, in Wanamie, Pn., son of the late nounced the engagement of their Krnest and James Breuhaus.. Daniel and Mary Anno Evans, was The' bride is a graduate of Mat­ daughter, CharJotlo M., to John C. awnn High School and is employed Rupy, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. .1. B IG V A L U E S wan a government employe at Camp in the shipping ofTlcu of the duPont Frederick Walling •Coles Signal Laboratory, in, the Rupy» vof 10 Manning PI., Keans, .-“ ■ — AT — ' Frederick Walling, H of Atlan­ wire branch section. He wan 'tn Photo Products Plant, in Purlin. burg.' S A M E D A Y tic St., Keyport, died at his homo World. War. I, and- served under The bridegroom i« u graduate ot MIfs Penrose attended Keyport DRY CLEANING HOg™ Tuesday, Dee. 23, 1951, after an ill* Gen. Pershing. Sayreville High School and is emt High School, and is omployed by ness of several months. He was ployed as a welder by the Owens* Vldfco Products Corp., - Red Bank. SERVICE • MOLONEYS born in Keyport, the son of the Mr. Evann’-wns post commander Illinois Glass Co., Sayreville. Mr. Rupy. an nlumnus of Red Ban!< late Garrett B. and Mary Eliza of Veterans of Foreign Warn, Post 705, Long Branch; a member of Muocor-Arnistrong Catholic High School, is with the KEY P O RT (Nuckle) Walling, and had lived Military Order of Coolies; a lieu­ National Lend Co., Sayreville. ' here all his life. His mother died Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd F.-Armstrong, A suVumer wedding is planned. CLEANERS MAPLECREST FARM several weeks ago. He was a mem- tenant in the-L'oKiT Branch Auxil­ Atlantic St., Keypori, announce - Phone * iary pollcej-ehairman of Vetorans the marriage of their daughter, her of Liberty -Hose Co. of Key* Alliance. Long Branch; member of * , .Dlablk-Hyer . Keyport 7-0102 r 0103^ ' port, and operated a service stutlnn Barbara Hoagland Armstrong, to Mr. und Mrs.' IlerberT ITyer, of! Xeyport Drench on E. Frpnl 8t. on Broad St. . - •. Society of 20th AEF Post No. 4, William Edward Mussor, of Somer­ 21 Johnson Ave., ^atnWun, have: Opp. Pott Otftcs- ERESH KILLED - FANCY DRESSED Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Anna Wllke««Bam\ Pu,; Affiericair'fyiwl* ville, son of Mr. and Mrs. George announced the- engagement oX their. Matawan Braneht 11^ Mtln fli; - M.- (Frank)-Walling,-a-ton*-Freder­ eviV Congress; . Monmouth C WEEKEND ANft HOLIDAY SPECIALS John ^ubff, 48, of 15Z Stono-Rd., Henry Bred* ‘ Iversity, Bethlehem, TJa.* — LEAN West Keansburg, dlcd; Friday, Doc. Henry - Brede,. B2, who v/a* ten. FRESH and SMOKED , 21, 1981, at 9t, Vincent’s Hospital, ployed and- lived at the William Smith-Holi : Watch this space for our New York City; , Balbach Tavern, 113 Carr Ave* George E. Hull, of-2(l Valley D»’... MIDDLE orr tte is survivetT by hls-wlfe, Slclla; Kpansburg, died Thurso/, ! ifW. Malawan, announces; the marriage Sensational Fri. and Sat. Specials two wm, Joseph; ond* John, artd a ifi,.lQ51, at his, rcaldcncis Mr. iirrdo of. his datjuliter,. Miss Patricia H daughter, Victoria, nil living ut had been a resident of Keansburg Hall, io F. Douglas Smith |r:, son HANS home. , foi: 18 years. pf 'Mr. nnd Mrs. F, Douglas^ Smith, Services were held at St. Ann’s Private services wero held Fri­ of Fori Mill. S. C., In Trinity Epis, R U M C A K E S 'WHOLE or HALF Church, Keansburg, Monday, where day under the direction of the Ry­ copal Church, Matawnn. Tlie cere o ~iolemh~hIgn’‘' rflfl99’~flf"requiem an-Funeral Hamty Kctmburg.-Bnrj mony was performed by the Rev. Reg. 45c QQ(i was celebrated at 0 a. m. Burial inl wuH in Fairvlow Cemetery, Mid- Jan»e7rGus_weirel~'Tectoir.~~---- , ----- Special*-*— t J t 7 ...—. .was in.Mt Olivet Cemetery; Mid» dlotown Township. The bride was given in inarriage die town, under thc direction ot tho .by. her father. Her only attendant GOODS Ryan Funeral* Home, Keansburg, was Miss Doris Sclgfrled, of Buf* lSlo, N. Y. Jl. F. Smith, ot Fort CRISPY ROLLS. BREAD . . . ~ . ' \ . : WEDDINGS BAKED DAHtY. HANSEN’S BAKERY B. Mill, served his brother as best Thrifty Shoppers Purchase Choice Top> Quality Poultry and Prime MeaU, Mrs. Harry Hom BIRTHDAY AND M t£ Catherine Whtte Rose, S3, Hlhiey-Wbod man. . .. ‘ Tn a ceremony performed Tho bride, a graduate of Palmyra WEDDINa CAKE3 NOW OPEN SUNDAYS . Choicest Cuts At Greater Saving* Here! . • .. died Thursday* Dec.. 20; 1051, at OUR SPECIALTY. Jier ; home on Poolo Ave., Raritan Christmas Eve at 3 o’clock- in St. High School, and Uio Katherine 1 Township; Bom in. Now YOrkv she Peter's Episcopal Church.,. Perth Gibbs Secretarial' School. New \tas the daughter o f the late Georg :? Aniboy, Miss Vcrnq K,’ Wood; York, was formerly, employed by qrid; Mary Fcancis (Fallon) Whltu, daugher of Mr. aud Mrs. George A, the Hanson-Van* Winklo-Munning H a n s e n ’ and. « p s i th& widow of Harry B. Wood, of Cheesequukc, became the Co. . Her husband, a graduate /.f Fori Mill High School and Tulane MOLONEY’S MARKETS ^Jlosei Surviving- nre a daughter; bride of Andrew Illmey, son of TVIrs. ytrsi Mary Rose Decker; at. homr Keypdrt, .. , with the.....^ , ReV. Given In marriage by her fotlier, part of which was spent' in the Pa­ Keyport 7*>04 4 7 TeL KEyport 7-1540 Tel. MAtawan 1-3986 Janies Quswelier, rector^ of St. I the bride wore' n brown suit with cific theater. ’ Oppsilte Nawbtrty'i , Jt«v. . . , ‘ ■ • ■•■■■■“ ■’ -*-.K THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1951 THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, MATAWAN, N. J. PAGE THREE-FIRST SECTION ing, Dec. 20, 1051, in Monmouth Schwnrx. Union City, They wore doy, at New Brunswick, awarded County Courts SANTA’S VISITS, SPECIAL EVENTS DELIGHT AREA YOUNGSTERS Memorial Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. tiuirricLl May 10, 1034, und Mrs. urDduntlon ccrtiflcotos to 01 stu­ Warren Long, 00 Broad St., Mato* Schwarz Is alleged, to Miw deserted dents who successfully completed Drop Indictments hci^husbana on March 0, 1040; onif ot tlic'10-week courses ln agri­ Marlin culture, Thc list of graduates In­ A daughter was burn Dee. 23, Finish Farm Course cluded Ralph A. rrllscli, Matnwan; - Area Residents Are 1051, in South Amboy Memorial Bruce C. Sclicrer, Moruaiivlllc, and Concerned In Several Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. James Dr. Lewis Webster Joiii’U, pit'Si* dcoiuo, Annmennon, Old Di'id(jc. f Of The Cases Martin,<-12 Sutphin Ave., Matnwan, dent of Itutger.H University, Sutur- Are you buylntf Defcnso Bonds? Mr. und Mrs. Martin also have two Twenty-eight indictments, two of sons. . . ■ - Ihem-iQur-ypars-old-and-eight-in-- “7* volving gambling charges have been dismissed by County Judge John C. WILLS FILED S e a so n 's Giordano at thc request of thc ^ G kFI'IISO' prosecutor’s office. . r ... Mario,Revos ' . ’ Marie Ueuss, uf West Kuansburtt, Assistant „ Prosecutor Charles who died Nov. 15, willed wearing Frdnkcl told the court that either jUpparel, personal effects and jew­ for lack bf evidence or other rea­ elry to Meta M. Buhrer. She di­ sons the state is unable to proceed rected that her property ou Third against the defendants. St. be sold. Ihe proceeds to be - Five of the bills charged Anthony shared by Mr. and Mis. Frank L. Bagga, Lakewood, Ben Sherman, Murden, A. Fred lluhrcr and Mr. Lakewood, and Russell (Babe) and Mrs. Edward Buhrur. Th.<) re- - Miraglia, Asbury Park, with book- jnainde}* of the* estate will be di­ W ith Every Cloud Wiali making at thc Hollywood Hotel, vided . into thirds, one going .to Cedar Ave., Long Branch, in July, Meta M.. Buhrer, ot Kast Onmge; J ot Huppy HoliiUiya, 1948, and were nol prossed for lack one to Jules Wolfarlh, , of. West of evidence. K^flrisburg, , and one lo .A,, Fred . Similarly nol pressed was an in­ Buhrer, Edward Buhrer and Meta dictment for aiding and abetting Seymour Pappas. Keyport photographer, wai on hand to record the special Yult programs and .parties for this lection's small fry and which were held just prior lo Christmas* The center picture shows some of the more than 400 children who thronged the Koyport Strand Saturday Murden.* _ . bookrhaking against Jack Hcitman, morning for a‘ free movie show sponsored by the Keyport Businessmen's Assn. In the upper left Santa Is Arriving at a neighborhood party ln A'sbury Park, and others for book- Green 8c White Village. Upper right Is the recently organised choir of the Landau Knitting Corp.. Keyporl. The choir was formed and Is led Frances Janulowlca LANDAU KNITTING CORP. making against , 1031, — Keyport, N. J. Bedle Rd., Hazlet; and John Kipp, visits the Keyport Recreation alleys to bring.gifts to children of team members ln the Businossmon’s Bowling League. ' left her estate , to! her two Hans, who is 84, ot 32 Broad St., Keyport; Henry Janulowica-'and ’ PavUl F] Junulewlcu. and for possession^ of lottery slips Smith To Speak against Abraham Popok, Asbury BIRTHS Park. Youth, 15, Is Shot Holmdel-Lincroft • A bill for forgery against Glenn U. S. Son. H. Alexander. Smith, DIVORCES R. Clay, Asbury Park, was dismissed who is louring the Far East will Hussey . Ubecause Mr. Clay had been chargcd Dead By Chum, 13 bejhe principal speekei-at the Kiwanians Active Mr, and Mrs. Paul Hussey, U4 Schwars . through mistuken identity. • annual Middletown Township Middlesex ltd., Matawan are the In a hearing at Freehold before Alexander Dombroski "family dinner." Saturday at Club Outlines Plans parents'of a daughter, born Sunduy, Indictments for issuing worthless Bachstadfs Tavern, Hast Keans­ Dec. 23, 1051, in Perth Amboy Gen­ Superior Court Judge Donald II. checks against Clifford E. Dex* Victim Of Accident At burg, Township Clerk Howard For 1952 At Meeting Mcl.enn, Raymond C. Schwarz, heliner, Neptune; Victor and Lori eral Hospital. TwlliKht Ave., Keansburg, was Till, Larch/nont, N. V., were nol Middletown ' W. Roberts announced Friday. With President • , granted a divorce from Helen C, ■ prossed because complaining wit: Mr, Roberts said the! the sen­ Siano . A 15-year-old schoolboy was shot ator will make his first public President-elect Joseph Mendivs • A son, was born recently in South nesses do not desire to press charges | lo‘ death"Fi1day”7n~ an'“accidcnt'^f- urnlng from Iho and bccausc restitution has been address after returning from iho held an organizational conference Amboy Memorial Hospital, to Mr, Middletown Township by a 13-year* Far East when heie speaks^tff the with the members of the Lincroft- and 'Mrs.' Benjamin Siano, of Beers made, a spokesman said. . old chum while the latter sat toy­ Middletown program.[ram. / .. Si., Keyport. . Four Indictments quashed were ing with a .45-calibre automatic and .Senator Smith Is expectedexpfe lo ;in/rmdcl Kiwanls Club at the meet* for desertion and non-support. The inl'- Thursday night and outlined "talking with—« girl over the tele­ discuss Far Eastern affairs and Wales „ defendants were Irving Herstein, phone. 1 - , U. S. foreign policy.. Mr. Smith the club program for 1032. Key West, Fla., formerly of A*sbury already has announced his can- Mr. and Mrs,^ James Wales, 102 Many people fet'l that the New Year period *, Alexander Dorabrostti jr.^.ijcad- Promts laid out_ fat* the club Pacific Blvd., Cliffwood Beach, nre Park, who was named in two bills, £n’s Corners, wns the victim.. He dldacy for re-election. include a phickcn barbecue party one of them, the oldest ot thc lot, was an eighth trade pupil at Fair this summer at the Sylvan forum the parents of a daughter, .born .ro* in the important, lime for making rt'HoluUoiiH” was filed Mar. 13, 1047; George View School, j Thc, bullet struck in Holmdel; awarding of- the third ccntiy in South Amboy Memorial Chamy, Asbury Park; Russell C. M. over hls_rright eye, went through annual agricultural scholarship to Hospital. .. and plans foi; the year ahead. A b you no doubt Beck, Lincroft, and-Harold Bennett, the top of hisl head and became County Workers Rutgers University; development GHKKTINCiH —Red B?pl^ The Bennetts have embedded in tnk ceiling, Middl/J: of an agricultural consVrrvalion pro-: ... are uwure, we do not wait for the New Y ew lo reconciled, the prosecutor's offie^ town Township policc paid, grain, with spccial emphasis-on 4- A daughter was boru recently i.1 • AND" said. . Thc shootiiig ^gcurred—tis the H Club activities; holding of a South Amboy McmorltfT Hospital t) nesT wiBiiKS roll around but k een everlastingly' at the job »,U-QtherJ?iUi.dr.«pped.:....^ ____ Dombroski-boy - qnd - William- John­ special Arbor pay program, nnd Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Fcttu, 544 Lino FOli THR . , Lucille Haynes. Asbury Park, son were alone in ihe Johnson IncremenU'5tReduIed~ proniotion of’’Nalionar "Kid’s daF lid., Mutawun, ^ v""'r " " — o f trying l(j beLtei,_-tieuvu-aux,-,evei,:-ineri)UHin(;'_^ threatening in telephone talks to home on Oak Hill Rd. Middletown in thc Holmdcl'Llncrott area, Mr. rNEw',.YEAU To Start Jan. 1, Irwin Mcndrcs said the club hoped to . . Siki 1 IniHillC'HS. . L ‘ take , another woman’s life. The Patrolnlan William Woodward, . *• . 1 1 ' .'. complaining witness has1 withdrawn. first on the scene after the John­ Announces & moke the barbecue p.trty a divl* Mr. und Mrs. llaiold SakH, 'tU Keyport Poit 4247 Richard Dominy, Middlesex . Rd., son boy telephoned Middletown slonul- intercliib nITair. _ Middlesex St., Matawan, aro the rMatawan, indecent assault on a police headquarters, iaid young Monmcuith' County employees The club held its Christmas par­ parents of a son, born Thursday* . V.t.rom of Torilgn Win '^N^e deeply nppreelato your goodwill and pat­ young girl. Dominy was brought Johnson hud taken tho fully-load­ will receive a 10 per cent' salary ty Sunday at 7 p. in., at the Lin* Dee. 20, 10M, In Monmouth Mem­ raise, eircctive Jan., 1, .it...wns an­ croft firehouse, In eo-operatlou orial Hospitul. ronage and wish to assure you thnt our policy to trial last May but the ease was ed gun from a -dresser drawer to nounced Dec. 10, by 'Joseph C. Ir­ called ofT ^causie~Tiu? child be­ show to his chum; The gun-belong­ with thc P.-T. A., the Lincroft Fire of (|iiaiity lnorehaiulise, fairly priced; plus came too upspt to participate, The ed to Johnson’s father. win, director of the board of free­ Co. and Lincroft'Chapel,, Carols ; ’ . Donnelley ’ vi * i girl's mother has oskea that the Later, Patrolman Woodward said,- holders. • were sung around a lighted tree Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Donnelley, Mr. Irwin, who made the an* in front of. the firehouse alterafter tvSeeley-. Ave.,. Keaniiburg. nre par* friendly, sincere service, will be fully ampli- charge be withdrawn. Johnson held the gun :n one hand ‘ born Wednes­ Carlton T. Reed, Newark, break* whilo he squatted on the floor ;o nounccment at a meeting-attended which the’party, was continued-irr ents^--of a daughter lled , in th e y e a r -u h e a d , aH it is jioHHibh* .fo r us ing and entry. The state has been telephone a 13-year-old. Middle­ by..,olher.board members and county the. firehouse. • Santa Claua presid­ day,- Doe. -20, 11151, In Mumnoutli unable to locate its chief witness. town girl. While Johnson talked, officials, said there .will be a $400 ed oyer-the party, which featured Memorial Hospital. ceiling on the increases; thus ap­ games, entertainment and. gifts. to do ho. And our wish, in that your fondest James W, Stpphel, Lorain, d., Dombroski left the stairs where he plicable to persons earning more ■ Infosino abuse and neglect of children, in­ had been seated and walked '.o* ? A djitighter was born Wednes* wishes Hnd fullest expression in 1% 2'in a truly . cestuous conduct, lewdness and in* wards his friend. As he did soihe. than $4,000 a year. But only a few day, Dec. 10, 1051, In Monmouth dcccnt assault. Thc state has in­ gun in Johnson’s hand fired. Fran­ persons will be affected by this pro­ BAPTISMS Memorial Hospital to Mr. und Mrs. . . . IJi'Ht WifiheM , Happy New Year. . sufficient evidence. He is formerly tic over what had happened, the vision, lie aefded. . Vincent Infosino, of Fox St.. Mat­ f(»r a - ‘ . of Long Branch. youngster phoned.police. The salary-increase, which will . MacDonald awan, . • - Assistant Prosecutor John M. iidd about $134J|QQto the county In a recent ceremony at St. Ann’s Happy New Vetir Pillsbury and Count/ Detective budget, applieer'to approximately Church, the Infant daughter of Mr, _ , .Traphagen - . Jo All Our- CuHlomera . Lions c fib Holds Its John Gawleriook charge of thc in­ 400 of about 435 employees. and -Mrs.'Thomas'MacDonald, , 00 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Traphagen, . and Friends. • First Christmas PaHy __ vestigation. . Dr, Julius A. Toren. It docs not apply to elected of­ Beacon Light Ave., Keaiisburg, was 557 Lloyd Rd... Matawiin, .are tho A county physician, gave permission ficials and 16 persons' appointed lo bnptised-Margarct-Elizijbeth; ; The i)arerits“urui”wh7^’uTirWediiesdny,' Cliffwood Lumber positions by resolution. OCfci child's uncle, the Rev. John R.' Mac* Dec. 10, 1031, In Morpnouth Meur-' _____ and cJ The first annual Christmas party for removal of the body to the Donald, of St. Josoph's Church, of the newly organized Raritan Bay Worden Funeral Home, Red Bank. Several county.employees told r-i orlal Hospital. . Plumbing Supply ZSSBBBISHI Lions Club was held Dec. 19, nt The. Johnson boy's father, C!a»* porters that while they were glad Trenton, administered Ihe saeni* ■■I. ment. The sponsors were Elizabeth ...... Long* Cliflwood, N. J. . . . . _ Marions Restaurant, Keyport. Har­ ence Johnson, was in Atlantic City to receive the raise, they- were not T»l, Matawan 1-3313 or 1-1744 ry May, chairman, was assisted by nt the time of the shooting, Middle­ in accord with the percentage in Kilroy and Eugene -M.icDumjld. ■ A sun wm horn Thursdny inurii^ 26-28 W. FB0HT ST.f KEVP0RT, N. I. John Armitagc, George Fleming, town pollcc said. His mother had crease, but would' have preferred Giles Wiggins, Roy Matthews nnd an across-the-board raise apply.in; becnH out of the house for a short equally to all salary brackets.. Charles Kelly. Gifts were distrib* while. ' Mr. Irwin said that several pluns uted by Santa. had been considered arid that thc . Special guests were George ,Ko* percentage method had been reach vac. Fords, Lions district govern­ Hazlet Resident ed after conferences with depart firtVPH item IJcat* ^ SHOPPING or; Alfred McCracken, Fair Haven, Vnent heads, civil service officials. deputy district governor; Edward \-__/fond a study of. salaries in Morris, Waldcr, Atlantic Highlands, past Riverview Patient - IVm^ei^and Middlesex Counties. .... f o r a deputy district governor, and' Ro­ The director said ■ Murimuutlfy bert Goodman, president of the salaries* had been “a bit lower J. L. SCHANCK & SONS Middletown Township Lions Club. Mrs. Ben Mione Is ln ' than the generally prevailing scale, " ’ T«l. KEyport 7-2100 . : ...... Thirty-three . members and guests Hospital; Other News . were present. and that while theHaxpaVers were USED CAR? Of Area kept in mind it was felt that raises ! The club's board of directors mot were justified because of the ia ! 366 Broad St. 7 - Keyport last night at Matthews Restaurant, Mrs. Ben Mione, UoltndcK ltd., creased cofct of living and because Cliffwood. The district governor Hazlet, is an appendectomy patient it was felt that the>county staff was WHY STAND AROUND A COLD LOT? „ will make his official visit at thn | In Riverview Hospital.. loyal and efficient. Jan. 14 meeting, at a place to be! Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Fetta, Line The cost of the raise, the free-; announced. land Bethany Rds., Hamlet, are the holders said, will be the biggest ' COME TO OUR HEATED SHOWROOM! . {parents of a son born on Dec. 19, single increase in the new counly Woman Injured At i in South Amboy Memorial Hospital. budget, which is" expected to rise ...... Browoc Around and Make Your Sclcction in Comfort 1 Tile Plant Gets $486 1 iMrs, Fetta is the former Miss Gen­ above the 1951 figure. evieve Johnson. ■.■> However, the county officials ; An award of $480 was made to Mr. nnd Mrs. Stanley Latham, said, it could not bo determined _Sally Ward, Rose St., Cliffwood, Hazlet,’visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry at this lime how the tax rate for W E OFFER SELECTIONS last week by Judge Harry Med*> Heiser, at Franklin. Saturday. county purposes would be affected hits in a compensation claims case Mr, and Mrs. Chester Dennis, as the amount j of ncw ratable heard in Red Bank. West Long Branfh, on Sunday vis- would not’ be known until munici­ The plaintiff claimed she slipped itcd-Mr.:. and Mrs. Hendrick • Ben­ pal assessors report to the Counly ford — Chevrolet — Plymouth — Dodge nett and family, .Hazlels' , Board of Taxation early next year. and fell on a slippery-substance on The salary increase will be. paid the floor while at woik June 19. Wilfred Morrell, of Boonton, is > at the Architectural Tile Co., Key­ spending several weeks In Hazlet currently .with the advent of 1012. ' , 1946 TO 1950 port, injuring her back visiting relatives. • The bnard coinmented that on past George Meredith, Trenton attor­ Miss Winifred Zucker, Holmdel occasions, raises commencing with ney for ’ the tile, company” sought ltd;; 'Hazlet,' is- Bpendin3 ‘Christmas a -new-year- had-riot-been paid-un- -IH »-wiU i4he-de»peKl Hincorily that vvu to show the extent of-the injury holidays with her sister, Mrs. Kc*v 111 .rarJy ••4p*in£._wtilh thu aceumu SPECIAL THIS WEEK ■ " was not as ferious as claimcd, anl hcth T. Ackerson and family, at latcd increase picked retro­ extend this-Now Year OreeiinK 1 put Dr. William B. Ein, Newark, a East Aurora, New York. active basis., This wan d'one/fo al .specialist who examined Mrs. Ward ' Miss Barbara Lehan, student at low time for budget problems to be to all, of you..., , ___ Wilson College. Chambersburg. Pn.. ironed out. „ 1937 LINCOLN ZEPHYR SEDAN.,,...... $50.00 on the stand to verify this. The board will conduct its re­ OUR DEAR FIUKNDS. " Edward Farry jr.. Keyport at* is spending the holidays with her organization meeting on Jan. 2 and a still Good Transportation. torney /or, the' plaintiff, countered parents. Mr. and Mrs Joseph Le­ the budget will be introduced 'this-testini«ny^roift-D-*_..Geor£e_!L han. Hazlet Rd. . William Lchnn, Jan. 9. k • v* Meehan, of Spring Lake, who at­ who is slationed'“at“"Kcs3ler-Air- - • -vAx_- _ . / . 1941 MERCURY TOWN SEDAN ,...... $150,00 tended Mrs. Ward. . Force Base, Biloxi, Mha.. also spent Christmas with his parents. ' . Motorcycle Stoleit ; ■ ^Arbit-rouBh*but will tokc'you there and bring'.you back. " ' George Dunn. jr.. Muhlcnburg May you and, yours enjoy* Corjr Company Party Keansburg police reported !ha4'a College, Allentown,’ Pal. and Peter consistent k o o fl hoaith, The annual Christftiaj dinner and Dunn, ’siudcnt at Polomtc ~SUtu motorcycle adorned wilh 5350 VETERANS WHO CAN QUALIFY SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY party for ' employees .of • the Key State. College. Wc.sl Virginia, ire worth of chromium was stolen Sat­ happiness and prosperity • port-plant of the Armstrong Cork spending the Christmas holidfl/s urday from in front of‘the’home Co. was held .Thursday at Crystal with thcir p«ireRts, Mr. and Mrs. of the owner, Joseph Sevcragc, 22 throughout the year 1952. Brook Inn. Eatontown. Entertain? George Dunn, Hazlet Ave. Lakewood Ave. fhent included group singing and Keansburg police .said the motor­ vocal and piano numbers by Ray­ Bed Smoker Burned cycle wai parked jn front of the mond Dane of Keyport. About 100 . —r ' Jtl , owner's house when a sedan stott- attended ' David Janulfwicz, 48, of Wicka* ped and one of (he occupants tranfc- Thomas Anderson, plant n;an.jtunk. sulTercd ,s,.-co,rf degree bums fcrred to the two-wheeled vehicle Geo. S. B a rrett & Son, In c. MATAWAN LtJMBEK CO. ager; Georse Davij. assistant plant,Sunday at his home when thc mat- ond drove away, according lo ‘manager: CTe’orge Cherry, pcrson-ltfes-i of his bed caugM fire from neighbors. • O^posllt rr#neiii^n»llro*d Station nel director, and Do.nlnlck Poppa',» cigarct Keyport State I>oliec- re­ Cn# Bulphln Ar«nu* FORD DEALER president of Local 227D3, A.i. of U. ported. IJe wa* admitu-d to Rli-cr- You can buy Defense Bond/ hy MATAWAN 60 Main Street Matawon, N. J. spoke briefly. .■ -v'icw fur treatment. the Payroll Deduction Plan. ’ PAGE FOUR—FIRST SECTION THE MATAWAN JOURNAL. MATAWAN, N. J. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1951 have asked all the*folk of middle Garden, Poultry Show, the Mon­ a student at .Penn Hall Junior Col THE MATAWAN JOURNAL and later-years their opinion, and mouth Poultry Farm, Freneau, won lege and Preparatory School. Cham- LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES Established I8C9 Tel. K eyport 7-3030 they concur with the young folk. first pen on buff leghorns ior the bersburg, pa., is spending the holi­ awan. New Jersey, aq' answer lo the Honce's Saw Mill to'Matihew Roberts complaint and order amending com­ Tavern and on the west by the Old - Mntawan Township, Matawan Borough . • “It spoils Christmas.” And all lourth year in succession, a record day vacation with her father, A: plaint filed in Civil, Action in .Amboy Road, and the Jamesbum of this bears out our feeling ex­ never before- &quallod by, any breed­ thur Sehultze,’ Broadway.- . " w hicii Elizabeth Ann Dunn", A dm inis­ Road; containing 13253/100 acres, and . Published Every Thursday at tratrix, With the Will* Annexed of the to,.obtair»-a-judgment-ordeping-that-you- Keyport, Monniouth County. N. J. actly. . . er in the country, Mri tim not a man who spends his her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Jay Hos­ next May as a candidate for sher­ day. ~ Tiie Lochslca • Heights, Inc., a ’cor­ all work guaranteed, Call Russell Ra­ tettcr...... : . . . - iff...... poration of the State of New Jersey, dio and Television. Matawan-1-0260R. ■ tors of trafllc and other minor regu­ tyrne writing letters to the news- Do not ovcr-water. It is better does hereby certify that pursuant to UNION BEACH lations. os if they \ycro on the FBI's fJiipers.- There are a lot of other Robert VpnBrakle,' three-year-old Miss Kathryn Oertel, of the Tren­ to keep the soil slightly on tho dry the act o( the Legislature of the State spn of Mr, and Mr.s, Percy. Van- ton State Teachers College, spent side. If you press a dry finger on of New Jersey, entltled''"An Act Con­ HOUSES FOR SALE -"most wanted’ list- of criminals. people who do it all ihe time and. cerning Corporations” ' (Revision of TELEPHONE ■ Miami’smove in.this direction could I guess, do it better; But there is Brakle, ftavlpc Dr., Matawan, was the holidays in Browntown at tho the soil and soil pnrticlcs •adhere 1890) approved '.April 21st. 1690 R. S. painfully injured Christmas Dny home.of her parents, Mr. and-Mrs. 14;11-1 et seq. the par vnlue o f the welt be emulated in every conv one thing ou which 1 would like to to Uie finger, apply Vvatcr-enough capital stock has. been'reduced from _ihuhity which has a police organ­ sound oil, and that is the fight a­ whep he Tell. . 1 r William Oertel. • ' to wet the complete toil body in $100.00 per share to $5.00 per sharo KEyport 7-1400 LOOKING FOR VAtUE Miss Ruth Wilson is spending a by amending the fourth paragraph <\f ization—wjhether it consists of one gainst polio. . • ' - { Mr. and Mrs. TGeorge Beal, • of the pot. Then -wait until it dries the certificate of incorporation. Tho vacation nt the Cedar Grove home HQME-BUILT-TO -LAST- ALIfETIM E _constable_or^ thousands ,-oJ-ofTicers.. _ A6-^ou-prohal?ly-knowT-l--ani-lhc Morganville,- announce the-engage of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, out-again, eald- certificate of amendment of-the- father of six children. Every one mcnt of their--''daughter, Lucy, to If, through your experience, you Fourth paragraph of the certificate of wjtf Check Lakevlew’s Ranch Homes Today Edward Brown. « Incorporation was filed with the De­ Tills is your last' chancc TEACHING STATE'S HISTORY of them means more to me thin Pvt. Ferdinand Eckel, son. of Mr. have learned how much water to partment of State on the 4th day of December, • 1051, SERVICE Don’t miss this exceptional buy. Only anything else in the world, includ­ and Mrs. Ferdinand Eckel, also of apply each day, continue to follow one left at — , . Thnt the study of New Jersey Morganville. . Sixty -Years Ago this practice. ’ D ATED: - . .513,500 and tw o ... " ing all the world championships (Issue of SaturdayTDee. 20, 1091) December 5th, 1051, HADIO and TELEVISION Service— ' ' left at $14,000. ' history is not a port, of the public rolled into one. I am writing you Amos'Burlew, of Browntown, is - To increase th6 humidity about ATTEST „ Special attention to auto radios; all , education system nnd that it is not suffering from a painful foot injury The Perth Amboy Gun Clutj the plants, place of layer of sphag­ Nicholas A'. Munning work guaranteed; prompt’ service." Veteran and non-Vctcran Financing os another father and not as th*i will hold a grand shoot on. Christ­ Secretary. Wilson Radio ond Television Service, "1 arranged a required course of ftiidy ip the world's heavyweight boxing cham­ sustained when he fell in his bam. num moss or peat moss in' a plate LOCHSLEA HEIGHTS, INC. Box 01, Ravine Dr., Matawan. Tel. state teachers’ colleges is deplored The* D0*aere farm on the Marl* mas Day. The matches nnd sweep­ and set the pot in this. Keep the Peter P. Munning Matawan 1-2270. . Jtf Spacious beautiful rooms, large pion. . stakes at live birds and blue rocks P resident' ’ $0.00 j27 open fireplace, oak floors, cin­ , .--liy Dr. Richard P. McCormick, well* As a father I would like to get boro-Tennent Rd. has been sdld“by mossWet. This will also somewhat SKATES Sharpened. Leave overnight; der block construction’," fully “"•’known professor of history at;Rut­ W. S. Clayton, Freehold, to Georg? arc open to all. Admission to trie reduce the need for watering. MONMOUTH COUNTV all • work guaranteed. Asher P. insulated, air conditioned, heat, over tho idea ^ that I believe we grounds is free. ‘ ‘ SURROGATE'S COURT W oolley. 134. B road St.. Matawan. TcJ. attached . garage. Lot size over gers. .. should nip get behind this fight a- B. Wiedenmayer.- The property nt It is just ns weLl to throw away IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE Matawan 1-0029-M. * 127* 10,000 square feet. ' , The Rutgers Vrolessor is an auth­ galnst polio. The only way 1 know one time was owned by David Stetson’s Uncle Tcm’s Cabin plants such as poinsettias, cycla­ OF BLANCHE GARRITY, Deceased. Vnndervecr Perrine. Troupe gave their play in the hall Notice to Creditors to Present Claims PLUMBING and heating in Matawan Landscapcd, including split rail fence. ority on thc history of New Jersey to d0 _it_Js to giye all the support mens,. and. most, other non-woody Against. Estate.. ■- . Township.- -Jobbing :of oil types Located just off Main, St.,’ between * on Tuesday ’ night to a "good audi- •Pursuant to the order of DORMAN and he most ccrtuinly has exposed we caiTto the 1052 March of Dimes, John Coniolino was named presi­ plonts after they finish blooming, space hooters, Range burners, gas, oil, S-2fl nnd beautiful Lake LefTcrts; dent of the Matawan Townshiu dicnce. Tlje company made a pa­ McFADDIN. Surrogate of ihe’ Counly electric-watcr heaters, oil burners, - a weak spot in the state's education­ this January. Maybe ybu can help African violets and begopias may of Monmouth, this day made, on the G eorge R'. lla yt. 05 St. Joseph T er­ Inspection Invited daily and Sunday*. al system. . lt. goes Withoui_saying with n piece in the paper about it. Township Hose &. Chemical Co. at rade bf'the. town and created a good be saved with profit. Woody plants application of the Undersigned, Ed­ race Cliftwood Beach. Tel. Matawan impression. In addition to' the men ward J. Garrlty, Sole Executor of thc 1-3132 or Keansburg fl-0570-M j27 MATAWAN TRADING CO. that every teacher in our taxsup- the recent election held.in the Oak like azaleas that ” arc hardy out­ estate of Blanchc Garrlty,. deceased, The National Foundation for In­ and /womcto, ‘ two bloodhounds and 23 Little St. Matawan, N. J, ported schools should be equipped fantile Paralysis is putting up a Shades Firehouse.. ' doors, should be kept cool after notice Is hereby given to the creditors TELEVISION SERVICE Tel. Matawan 1-104!) days and . with a knowledge of the state’s his- James Leavy, son ol Mr. and n donkey were among the actoriS. they finish blooming and the tops of said deceased tavpresent to thc snld FREE Demonstration in your home; 1-0C70-W evenings -• * terrific scrap against this disease After tKe performance, Ernest Sole Executor as aforesaid, their claims R.C.A., G.E.. Zenith. Pete's Inc., -tory. Only in the light of past de- which cripples nnd sometimes kills Mrs. • Raymond Leavy, Matawan, syringed with water frequently to under oath, within six months from Keyport. Local representative, volopments can present situations has enlisted ln Uie Marines and Weickert, proprietor of the Pavil­ keep d^wn red spider. After the this date, Rosa, tel. K eyport 7-120B.R nfter 7 p. WjlO our children nnd the fight seems lo left Monday for recruit training, ion Hotel, Keyport. accompanied by Dated, Freehold, N. J., Dccembei4 21 • m. i WJ2T ho properly interpreted. And our be getting tougher nil the time. 1 weather warms up in the spring 1951. ’ young people, thnt they may have Constable Walling,.made a demand they may J?e set in the garden. ‘ Edward J. Garritv EXPERT upholsterer- old sets rebuilt "Real Estate For Sate think' the March of Dimes should . Twenty Years A go - for the* $45 board bill ther company . . 30 Fierro Avenue like new; Tepnirs on leather goods, proper pride in their, own great hove all the help we can give it. Matawan, N. J. jackets, gloves, ctd. Joseph Logliscl, (Issue of Friday, Dec. 25, 1031) owed' from tho previous day. The Fred M. Burlcw. Esq. , .... state,.must know of past as well Just a suggestion, but I had to ray Pine ond Third Streets, Union Beach. S E E .. ns present greatness. •' - A number of hearts have been money wa9._„not forthcoming and Matawon, N. J. - -...... T el. K eyport 7-2752-M. . . . wJ27* it. , Jersey Joe tValcott. under af. writ of • attachment the Attorney. $13.00 J24 ' HENRY S. DEVLIN : ' ...... : It is to be hoped that Dr. Mc­ made merry for Christmas by the Christmas Fete . LANDSCAPING—Building ond main­ Corner Broad and Little Sts. t completion of the new borough Wardrobe and dogs were taken To NOTICE TO ABSENT DEFENDANTS tenance of your grounds our spec­ Tel. Matawan 1-1D83 Cormick's pleas for additional study SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY ialty; top soil, manure, fertilizer, lime. . for water mains,on Ravine Dr. and Ab­ Keyport on Wednesday. . CHANCERY DIVISION - of the state’s history be heeded Held By Children L. Lucas, Stone Rd. Tel. Keyport .HOMES - FARMS - ACRES - LOTS: and followed in Trenton. erdeen Rd. * William Pierce is in charge nf (D ocket No. C-12Q8-50I - 7-1415. • • w jtf . - jtf The' Rev. William Henry Dilts, the ticket office nt the station dur­ STATE OF NEW JERSEY Looking Backward TO ' * ROBERT BOZZA CO., BUILDERS. HOMES, Farms, Businesses. Ben'" and GOVERNMENT EMPLOYMENT? pastor of the First Presbyterian ing Mr, Close's absence. .... - Marlboro Pupils Give H. EDWARD JOHNSON and MAE Complete home alterations and re­ Mottle Smith, Realtors. n5‘,i Main HEMS ABOUT FOLKS AHD Church of ‘Matawan, writes inter­ At the November election, .Hc7.e- JOHNSON, his wife;- ILDA M. JOR­ pair service, porclt enclo&rs, addttlon*. St., Matawan. Tel. Matawan X-22167. . up. Up. UP Affair In School On DAN and HARVEY E. JORDAN, her storm sash, roollng, siding, hardwood THINGS WE KNEW IK estingly from Edinburgh, Scotlund, kiuh Warne, the present Freeholder husband; SAMUEL ELLISON, (also floors, plastering, concrete sidewalks, LOTS located on Pershing Place, Key- THE LONG AGO where he is taking courses in the from Madison Township, was Friday known as Samuel Elleson) his heirs, driveways, brickwork, chimneys, fire­ port. Louis J. Costa. 09 First St., Fastest growing field of employ­ devisees and personal representatives, places, built, repaired, cleaned. 34 K eyport. Tel. K eyport. 7-1535 o r ment in New Jersey is government, University of. Edinbuigh. . . elected to thc Assembly and it is and his, tbelr or any of their success­ Second St., KeyporL Telephone 7-1414. Wjtf Mnyor Christian Heuser nnd the, presumed .that when his term ex­ Tho beginners, first nn^ second ors in right, title and Interest and port 7-0703J. ' . w jtf points out the New Jersey Taxpay­ Ten Y«an Ago grade pupils of the Marlboro MRS. SAMUEL ELLISON (also known ers Association. • boi’ough council will complete this pires he wili not seek rcnomina- as Mrs. Samuel Elleson) wife of Sam­ HAVE your floor furnaces, kttchen ORCHESTRA (Issue of Thursday, Dee. 25, 1941) Grammar School held a Christmas uel Ellison (also known as Samuel El­ ranges, hot water heaters, cleaned year’s business with a surplus in tion. Already candidates are loom­ leson); ELIZABETH A. SCOTT, her Between September, lDf)0, and program Friday. Mrs. James Mc­ or repaired now. New floor furnaces MIRIAM Hartley and her Royal Es- Mr. and Mrs. George Banke, Mat­ the budget, according to present In­ ing up, prominent among whom heirs,, devisees and personal repre­ sold nnd installed. Reliable Oil Burn­ the same month of 1951 employment sentatives ond her, their or any of i-orts will be at the Plano Bor, Loan awan, have received a Christmas dications. are Asbury Fountain, C. II, Wnrne Cue, principal, gave the opening ad­ er Scrvice. T el. K eyport 7-2125. w jtf Branch, New Year's Eve. ______^ y j2 7 in all levels of government ih New their successors ln .right, title nnd in­ card from their son, George, mem­ At a meeting Sunday of Laurence nnd G. B. Tucker. dress. James McCreight was the terest and JOHN SCOTT, her husband; Jersey increased OMi per cent. ber of thc crew of a U. S. Navy Harbor Fire Co. 1, F. D. Fenner Mr. und Mrs. Charles P. Brown announcer for thc program and load THOMAS J. O’CONNOR, his heirs, de­ Greatest Increase was in federal visees and personal representatives FOR RENT USED CARS submarine. . and Charles Maurer, for the fourth of Browntown, were 'married 50 thc morning exercises followed by and his, their or any of their success­ government hiring. During, this pe­ MODERN OFFICES, will alter to suit The Matawnn Township Commit­ time, wpre elected president and years ngo Inst Monday. • ; the reading of "The Oftistmis ors in rieht, title and interest and 11)40 CHEVHOLEt'Convertible. — A-l riod New Jersey’s non-agricultural MRS. THOMAS J. O’CONNOR, wife of tenant. Louis CoSta, G!) First St., eanditlon, new tires. Call Keyport tee, Thursday, received an -appeal F. C. Bedle hus disposed of his Story.”, A - - K eyport. Tel. K eyp ort 7-t535 o r 7-1414. establishments showed nn overall treasure^, respectively. Thomas. J. O'Connor; ALL1TIIINA A. 7-0017-W evenings.______- w ltf from R. L. Cartan, captain of the John Lockwood jr., of Frcncau, Inst cargo of 'horses and will have Thc following childrei^-gav\jec- W^pKS, her heirs, devisees ond per­ average employment increase of Matawan First, Aid Squad, for finan­ a new lot in about Jan, 1. t itationS: Tullis McCreight, jRced sonal, representatives nnd her. their or only IVfc per cent. The percentage who'has been confined to ills bed any of their successors In right, title Business Opportunity WANTED cial support of the organization. •J'or the past nix weeks with a brok­ Some of thc Indies of Freneau Mueller, .... Linda Tcrgis, .Lm£a. and Interest-anU MR.. WEEKS,-husband computations nre based upon data Edmond -S.—Frenenuj--of-Summitr have made arrangements to giva llumcs, Peggy Montgomery, Doug­ of Alllthlna A. Weeks. ESTABLISHED radio & television MAN or woman to share expenses and — -'released .by "the” Bureau of “Labor en lpg.'-'is able”’to sit iri a chair and (L. S.> 1 Sales a"nd ‘ Service and appliance help with driving to West .Palm great-grcat-grandson of Philip the’ enst is being removed. the inmates of the poor house n las VanMater and James Pellet. YOU . ARE HEREBY SUMMONED business for J sale; ful!>' equipped,' Beacn, F|a.; w ould like to leave week ' •' Statistics’of ,.ihe U. S. Department nothing else to buy; located in ex? of Jan. 7th. Any interested- person, Freneau, “Poet of the Revolution,1' Jake and Douglas Lefferts arc Christinas supper tomorrow nfter- 6 ond-required to-serve upon John W. ..of Labor.. _ A hort exercise was given by Applegate, Esq., plaintiff's attorney, cellent business section in this vicinity. .Write to Box W, in.carc ot this news­ is following with interest the cam­ spending their vacations from Law- noon. “ ’ tlie "beginners with . the following’ whose address is 117 Main Street. Mat- Write Box C in carc of this newspaper. paper, r wj27* The'increase in government, cm* paign of tho . Monmouth County renceville Academy, with their par­ participating: Janies Cavanaugh. " ployment Was greater than ih the Council, Veterans of Foreign Wars, ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob R. Lef- Forty Yeats Ago Stephen Kane, Fred Mueller, James private , construction field, despite to make the poet’s former Mntawan ferts. (Issue of Thursday, Jan. 4, 1912) Pellet, Deane Tiliakos, Douglas Van high-level building nclivity. homestead and burial site a na­ Mrs. Joseph Poling, of Elizabeth; Miss Elizabeth E. LnMotte of Mater, Adrian Vojvoda, Carol Ar­ Outside government, but within tional shrine. . i ■ is the guest over the holidays of Frecville, N. Y., and Herbert .Git- cher. Leslie Cook, Linda Humes, specific classifications of non-ogri- Staff Sgt. Lowell V. Klatt, 28^ her daughter, Mrs. 'William H. tens of Matawan, >yero married on Bette. Mancinl, Tullis McCreight, cultural employpicpMn ftaw Jer­ year-old Matawan man who left Tichcnor. ' ... Christmas Boy at the* homo, of-the Peggy Montgomery, Karon Pack- sey, greatest /jpmpjoymont booms his post with the Newark Fire De­ Charles Schock jr., who la attend­ bride’s parents. They will be at wood and Linda Tergis. were shown in mining (up 5.3%) partment to enter ,Uncle Sam’s ing a jibys* school tn South Wales, home here after Jan, 10. The fjrst and second grade pu­ ' ond contract construction (up 5.2%). armed forces, has been cltfcd by N. Y., is home for the holidays. ‘ Last Sunday morning the Rev. The .climb was slower in the fields his#commundlng officer for gallan­ Members of-the Matawun Football pils presented a skit entitled “The of transportation and public utili try under fire during tho Japanese Edwin I. Stearns, pastor of thc Mat­ Boy Who Didn't Believe In Christ- ties (2.8%), flnancc (1.5%), manu­ Team enjoyed a dinner at tho Old nwan Presbyterian Church, offered, mas.”^. Those taking part werr. attack on Hawaii.'r Sgt. Klatt, to­ Dutch Tavern, Keyport, Monday. his resignation to take effect' Feb. Joan-Romano, Peter Hexter, Irn facturing (,G%) and scrvlcc (.7%) gether wtlh Lt.'Stephen G. Salt7.« Mayor-elect Edward W. Currie . A one per cent decline in employ­ man, Wilmington Del,-both assign­ 1. Rev. Stearns came to Matawun Katz, Ruth White, Koien Mohair. ment was shown over thc one-year was master of ceremonies. Guests In November, 1000, succeeding Dr Joyce Skiinelis, Patricia Rising, ed td thc. Dflth Coust : Artillery, included Coaches Kenneth E. Rlich A. H. Young.? ; Elizabeth Waycra, Robert Stattel, - pertodfin the'trade classification, brought down a Japanese plane 111 and Dr. Robert^.5. Linehan, and “r~~- .Numerically, New. Jersey’s larg- tho action which took place Dec. On Christmas Day, William H. James Kane, William King, Susan cat class of non-agrlculturnl cm Referee.Louis Blood; ' Sutphin made many poor scores Apgar, Richard Cavanaugh, James 7 on the Island of Oahu. Armed here shooting to clay- birds and. Maghan, Henry Pieszcynski, Wil­ ployment was in thc field of man* only with automatic tifles, both Twonty Yean Ago ufacturing with 700,900 .people at men fired on the plane ns it swoop­ (Issue of Friday, Jan. 1, 1032) foiled to win any of the contests liam De Wayne, Dnnny.Boyle, Dor­ : work last September as compared ed low to sttafe them. It is a happy New Year for tho ho entered, On New Year’s Dny.’he othy - ShighoIen>Jpichard Weldon Make your plant now wlth> 761,100 in thc same month of Funeral services were held Sun- Cliffwood Beach Co., Inc. Tlie l|rm went to "Green Town” in Madison und Dennis Wells. . • M «t! Y ou r to enjoy the Christmas :_ifl5D.„.JRanking-setQnd was -in. thadnyfor -Jacob Rnppriyca-VnnMater Is InciudecPln the list “of corpora­ Township- and-won- everything-in Fjlft&d&InOur ; field or trade whcrc 274,200 people LefTcrtp, former Moninouth Counly tions to be paid -income tax re­ sight. Among his prizes-being a COCKTAIL dinner here with ui. ; were engaged. Government wns in Tax Board chairman and promi­ funds by the government and the turkey nnd several sweepstakes. KEYPORT SOCIAL ITEMS LOUNGE / third place with 180,000 employees nent attorney and realtor who died amount to be paid the. ^Cliffwood The Matawnn Borough Council ; last September, as compared with Friday morning at his home oh company Us $73,105.' • ^ 1 . organized on New -Yenr’s Day. Dr. and.-Mrs. N. L. MatisofT and .J L75^0Q,.the.,.prcvjqti?year. Weldon Rd., in the Lake Lefferts . Ely Cottrell, G0t;. formerly of Frank C, Bedle succeeds S, B. Eg­ daughter, Louise, of New York, are O n e o f Estates section of the borough, one Browntown, die^i Tuesday at his gleston as mayor and F. II. Lloyd spending, thc holidays at thc hom? New A WORD ON CHRISTMAS uf the arena'he developed'for home home, 370 Manhattan Ave., New and Ehvood VanBrackle qualified, ns of Mr. and Mrs.'S; , 07 Beers sites, ( . > _ j... ' . • York. For 40 years Mr. Cottrell counclhncn nnd take, the place of St. . ' J e r s e y ’s * t tSirt Gabriel (Col) Sun), was n wholesale commission .mer­ Mr. JJcdle'ond Alex Gaston. Other Pfc. Robert Ferry, who is sta­ F a v o rit e We lament tho tendency of re- Ten Ytus Ago * chant in thc Harlem Market, New council members are A. B. Hender­ tioned at Aberdeen Proving D in in g [ceht -yeart to start Christmas eazly (Issue of Thursday* - Jan. 1, 1042) York. son, W. IC. H, Shafto, F, R. Thomp­ Grounds, Md., is spending a fur­ :--.y|n/November. We have even gone A former New York Special Ses- John Henry Fallon died nt his son and C. H., WordeH. lough with his parents, Mr. and R oo m * ’ j o ’’far as tp. quiz- chi^veit"whether *iona justice, Willinm Atkinson home bn Maiden Lane, Matawan, At the annual meeting Held Fri­ Mrs. Stanley Ferry, Second. St. J lhey like seeing all the holiday tin* Waging, 74, a descendant of 17th Saturday. Jle was 73. Mr. Fallon day, C. W. Hulsart wns elected William L. Barnes, VanDorn St., fsel .and bedizened trees out in full century settlers of Middletown wns engaged in the hotel business [president of the Exempt Firemen’s is a medical patient in Riverview Mtrab«r National Rtilaormni Ann. Member N. J. Slai* Hot«l Asm. Mtmlwr Rasieurmai M*n'a , ^array so enrly. They sny witliodt Township, died Monday' in New in Matawnn for many years. < [Association of Matawan. Hospital. j- " HIGHWAY: 4-34 . v h m t h u h u l-aus — Leung# i-aij ' MATAWAN, N. J. ^Kception,. ‘ It spoils Christmas." Wo York of injuries sustained in nn Police thief Edwin C, Sloat; 'At the rocfMtj^^lson .gquare I MiSU. Virginia Alm&da1 Schultze,, J & THURSDAY; DECEMBER 27. 19Bt THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, MATAWAN, N; Jt PAGE FIVEr-FlRST SECTION Elect M. D. Severance tfw, Mr. nntt Mrs; Edwurd Rav- eight pound* and, has been named. Slate Re-elected Marlboro Cub Scouts ntond jr. and Mr, and Mrs. Cnrl John Edward Shepherd jr. Tho U f c e m s Present Puppet Plays Corporation Executive . Riiymond, and^ Mri. Raymond’s bnby is their second child, the flrst ‘ . Marlboro Cub Scout Pack,0(1 held The board of directors nf the duughtuiv Mrs. Dorothy Poiiuv. beintf a duujghtqr, Judith Lynn.. ; tUUIUUI«UIIHtlfUMUUIU« Following Jan. 1st ils meeting ut the Marlboro Gram­ Turner Subscription Agency .have Mrs, Raymond will remain in Flor­ Mr. and Mrs. R ilph W. Herrick Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert Erdmann mar School Saturday evening. The announced that Malcolm D. Suvm'1 ida for thu wintui* months. ' • Auxiliary Card Party ' Firemen Hear Talk and Mrs. Carrie I . Conover spent entertained at a fomily dinnor.oa Old Standby Victim Of cubs entertained with puppet play::, anee has been elected a vice presi­ On Civil' Defense By Christmas Day as uestu of Mr, and Christmas Eve. ' thu thefnu of tho'month boing "Pu«> dent uf thu'corporation. Higher Costs; Other pets.”. Christmas Baby I The- Ladles Auxiliary of the Charles S. Weiler Mrs. Frank H.^Cj novel1, in Stal.v Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smith, i*f Postal Rates Up' .. The agency is one of the lenders Cheesequake Firo Co. hns fichcd^” ford, Conn.,^ ChavlottosviUc. Vo., spent the week­ Den 1 presented a pfay based on in tho wholesale magazine distrjh'i- A son wus born Christinns night uled a card party in the firehouse The entire slate- of • officers of Mr. and Mrs. R< nssalaer L. Car* end and holiday with Mrs. Smith’s On-Jan. 1. the one cent postcard, ,the sfory of “Rudolph the Red lion business* operating throughout to Mr. and Mrs. Jack 15. Shopherd oil Jun. 4. The aflair, which, Is. "the Monmouth County Fire Chief’s tan and Miss Ann ' Cartan return- parents,. Mr. mid Mrs, E. Murrav long an important method for tho Nosed Reindeer,” usiivi hand pup­ thu Uniied States, Kurnpe,' Austra­ >f Matawun, in Sl. Peter’s Hospital, (jpen to the public, wiil start at il. ; Association were reelected nt tlie ed yoxterduy afte spending the Todd. . conveyance of short messages, will pets. IX’ii 2 presented an origiu.-d lia uud some of the larger Asia* it Now Brunswick. Tho. baby weighed p, in, . • ...... annual, meeting held this year in Christmas 'holiday! with Mrs.' Cat Mrs. W. Oliver Diggin entertain-jpass out of existence;, to bo replaced play entitled “Tha Spirt of. ChijjU' cities. , • • —Bradley Bench.------....; - lan‘s mother,- Mrs. William‘MoOrs; ed at a 'TaiiiiTy’"suppo party" on by"‘;}iTwo''cebt"cafU.”'“The handling -mas.-’-’- tdso-UKini?- iinnd -puppntsrtJen ’Tvtrr Sevpvaitrir Itve.rin- Lncust, Xw Reelected were Fred J. Zeller, Scaford,’ Del. Christmas night. . of: nn increased amount of mail by 3 enacted “.Thu flight Before ChnsU married and han one cliild, IUri?i peal, president; Frank Hearndon, Mr. and Mrs. Cl arles E. Spring- Mr. and Mrs., Willinm R. Craig the Post Office. Department, and maa," with hand puppets. Den I a son of Malcolm Severance, nf Bradley Beach, first vice president; horn entertained nt a family Christ- attended ...tlie Friduy- evening per** expansion of facilities, have been effectively portrayed scenes from Sea Girt, and a brother, of Craig Ernest Wallinfi, Keyport, second inas dinner Sunda Their guests formanee of**'Glad Tidings,” in New iven as the reasons for the chanap. the story of the' first Christime'., Severance, of Rumson. whoso elec­ vice president; Walter Esllow, Nep- were Miss Edna Sl Also boosted al/lt^e first of the making form of ,lifu shadows, an­ tion ‘to a vice presidency in F. Eh* TMghorn, Scnra ; York City. ' k year, arc the rrUesl^tes for. ' registered ' ‘ other form of puppetry. crstartt & £o.. a New York hankin/t tuhe, secretary, and Ilarry”'Poston, dale. £LWY.; Mr. an 1 MrsrHarold F. Mr.' nnd Mrs. W. Rulon. .Smit!) nsured iViail, and*C. O. JJ. Between each "play Christmas house, was recently announced. Atlantic Highlands, treasurer. Springhorn and eh dron, Mary Lou were- Monday and Tuesday carols wfere sung by all, assisted The 70 members attending, heprd and Susan, Bogot; : Mr. and Mrs. of their son-in-law and daughter. The last increase of rates was on^ by iMrs, Doitithy F.isenberg al tho Charles S. Wcijer, asVstai^t-'tfircc- Harold Ti’Johnsor and children, Mr. and Mrs. Hcrburt Muginnin, piano. ' In Florida Fttc-Holidays t’or of Civil Defense, Trenton, talk Susan and Timmie Wantagh, L. I.. Reading, Pa. . + ■ Nov. 1. last, when, special delivery nnd Miss Catherint registered and insured, mail rate:! Following the puppet plays Cub- Mrs. Edward IlaymoHd, Mr. an I on the civilian defense situation in Springhorn, :Jn- Miss Thalia Karlin, of Lon.; ywenl up. • •' , maste;- Gerald Smith presented v Monmoulh and Ocean Counties. He dianapolis, Ind. ' Brandis, was a Christmas dinner Although the present generation wards to tho.se who had earned Mrs. Gi'orne, Meln^er, ot Krypy-ti As you enter tlio world, many said that a lack, of progress in the Mrs; Hose Walli g'spent Christ- and William Welle. ..f Oakhui.il, monwiitmm jii-olilomn cloud lha- mas Dny with her guest of Mr. and Mis. Harry J, commonly looks upon the post uud pins, budges and arrow points *u two counties was ea^cd by thc son-in-law and Kahn. ns n one cent item, it was not -'il- various ranlj.s. are spendim: the liolidays In Ven­ horizon of tlio future, irowever, fact that they had no director since daughter, Mr. and Mr?*. F. E. Cont. ice. Kin. They are. viiilllim Mr«fr Mr, and Mrs. Robert Robinson, (tf ways so. The cards were- fii'st au­ ‘Four new hoys received Bobcat throii (ih lini'd, work, sound judR- die resignation of Dr. Samuel Love* nor, New’ Brunswi k. ' ' thorized by the government in 11172, pins: Donald Potter,,Donald Roon­ lliiyinoiul's suns ami dauiihteis-ni- man. Toms Riyer. Mrs. William P >wers sr., Misfi Maddox, Md., returned home today moiit, and cooporiition thoHo. Anp Powers and M ss Mary Powers after spending a week with Mrs. then they were Jtwo cents apiece, ey, Gary, Dore and Logan Whit* Mr. Weiler said that Civil De­ spent Christmas w th Dr. and M s Robinson's mother, Mis. Millard from. 1017 to 1919 nnd .again from man;-wolf badgt*s. wen* awarded to problems enn .miroly bo wiBoly fense organization was progress Morrell; • '1925 to. 1020. Thy present prlni Fred Stoiv. and Gei'aJii" Mirrilij'a; solved.- A s n nntlon and n.s I i k ing satisfactorily in other sections Thomas F. Powers Plainfield, * rais’C to two cents may be only tem­ bear badges lo Wayne Stewart, Har­ BEDLE’S of tho slate nnd-cited the valuable Thomas Goran, /ho attends tho Walter, Shinn, of Miami, Fl.i.r porary, fiecording-tn-lhe.Post OJTice vey Holland jr., Glen Rising, Joe tlivldualii \V(‘’ro o x p ectin g (ji-nftt Spartan “School f ’Aeronautics,” spenTChrislmas and yesterday.with thinjtH from you, 10521 , , services rendered by Civil Defense Tulsa, Okla., is spei ding tlie Chrisl* his parents, Mr; and Mrs. Howard Department. Cavanaugh and Billy Hexlor; lion E S S O . fire police and first aid workers mas^vacalion with his parents, Mr, Shinn. . The government mnkes the claim’ badges To Eddy McDowell and Lu­ nt the recent airplane crash nt and Mrs. Elmer I . Geran. Mr, and Mrs. SpafTord W. Schanek thnt it handles four billion postals ther Blssell; arrow points to Roger SERV1CENTER ★ * it Elizabeth. ‘ - - 1 Johh Lyle, a stud mt at Rice Uni­ were holiday quests nf Mr. and a year, and Ihere is a losa of 1-0/10 Harvey. Mr. Weiler reported that the en each card, even though they are Santa Claus appeared with nlfttf. / May wo tnlto this opportunity to versity, Houston, T x., and Willing Mrs. J. Willis Lewis, in Keyporl. printed by the Post OfTice Depart­ which ho --distributed among the Highway No. 35 and ‘federal government hod taken no Lyle, a. student at ehtgh Univcrji- Miss Mary Ann Bish, a'junior ut w IhIi for nil our t'lmtoinera nml ■ action as yet on insurance for Civil ment. , cubs. He also gave enudy canes »o Bedle Road ly, Bethlehem, Pa , are spending Penn Stale College, is spending the In the fiscal year of 19-10, the frlonds n New Year of pence, Defense workers and said that he the-Christmas vac, tion with their holiduy recess with her parents, each young guest present, Peak­ PHONEi Post Office Department handled a ing behind his \vhiskerii some said hupplnesH. and prosperity, j would request' the new state leg* grandmother, * Mrs : William 1 C. Mr. 'and Mrs; Paul Bish. ; ...... total of *211 billions of. pieces of mail, jglature to pass legislation pro­ Lyle. , Capt. and Mrs. William Pender- whilo only fivo yonrs Inter thu u- that Santa greatly resembled. A-'i' KEVPORT 7-1548 viding this. Pfc. James O’Ne il ji„ who re- gnst entertained Mr. and Mrs. Floyd sistant Cubmasler Peter llextor. Regarding federal appropria­ tai reached 45 billions^of pieces. The evening was brought to _ a eehlly completed six »weeUs bool Bliss last night in celebration of This yenr, the lotal Is expected t>» dose with the showing'of a short tions, he said lhat thy government training at Parris Island, S. C., is the hitter couple’s 10th wedding an­ Pqbs the 50 billions mark. 1 U will match, dollar-for-dollar, • the spending a leave v ith his parents, niversary. The new chargc for owllnary movie. - « ’ • appropriations of local defense TRUSSES Mr. nnd Mrs. Jame O'Neill. Mr..and Mrs. Fred' Buntcnbach, special delivery postage-will bo In­ Defense Bonds pny the same rate AND ^ bodies for supplies and equip­ Mrs. Ronssalaer Carton enter* of Woodbridge, Mi*, and Mrs. John­ creased, from 111 . cents to 23 cents. of interest as the. War Bonds you MATAWAN ment. He said that the govern­ laincd her lunchc >n fcrtdge club son Cartan, Mr. ond Mrs, Jean Car­ Twenty cents of this cost will be bought during thu wnr. -Bii.v some] SURGICAL SUPPLIES ment hns already appropriated last Thursday. Pri: e winners were tan nnd Miss Mary Lou Cartan were for spoainl delivery, plus threu cent;; $200,000 to the slate for medical Mrs. William R; Cr aig, Mrs. Ralph holiday dinner guests of Mr. and per ounce, or fraction thereof. ALWAYS tN STOCK supplies. Applications for federal W. Herrick and. Mi 3. Howard Erd- Mrs. Edward Taylor.’ Previously, a 24 cent regsltored PniVATn. FITTING n o o M aid must-bo submitted to the state mann. Mrs. Gera d’ Devlin and Mrs. Milton Selin of Philadelphia mail, fee,, would cover, the sender; Maiauum, council, he advised. , _Mrs. J. . Raymond;! Koictael* were and Miss Tessie. Engolberg, of Rich­ of personal, correspondence, no- E. H._ Larrison ijuest.s, . • mond, Va,, were 'luncheon guest'd .(lees'und tho like up to $5 for in­ Expert Trust ond Appliance Aleut Quick Battery Service F llfor tor Mon Girl Scouts Present Joseph Hawkins jr.* is spending yesterday of Mrs, Harry J; Kahn. demnity. In the futuro the sender the Christinas vacation, with his Floyd ID. BIIks, who was employed will not be covered for indemnity. Skit At Grange Party parents, Mr. and M)Ls. Joseph Haw­ by Standard Brands, Inc.. has. ac­ COLOT’S, Matawan Eva V. Larrison HO PARKING PROBLEMS HERE! kins, Canton, Pa.. , cepted a position as chief account­ Knights. Of Coljumbus ~ Export Truss nnd Applinnco L DEPOM1 INWJHANCh COU'WMAIIUN--- SftturdoyJevening .tlie Girl Scouts Miilon’F. Stevenson jr.. a shi- ant \vit|i the Columbia Broadcast­ Filler for Womon - -XX - - of Marlboro *rroop 9 presented : dcnt-at-Syracuse--"-Uni varsity r 'is ing System* — v --...... -.... Give Christmas Party : Private Aceoudion ■ 'skit- entitled ‘'Christmas In- i-Thi spending the holidays witlU»s Par­ Mr. and Mrs; Randolph Harris Country,” ol thc annual' ChrisTfffts ents, Mr. and Mrs. (Milton F. Stev­ and daughters, Mary Ellen and The first Christmas pnrty for Lessons .' party • sponsored by the Liberty children sponsored by ,Sl. 'Joseph s Glv.n by B A Y D R U G Grange 99, at thc Marlboro Grange enson. Peggy, were Christmas guests uf Council 3402, ICnighls. of Colum­ HnU. . " Mr. and Mrs. Angus F. Davis Mrs. Harris’ parents, Mr.- and Mrs. bus, was held Sundny in the coun­ BILLY O’SHEA W. Front St., Keyport nnd children, Richard and JoAnn, William Turner,’ in WUmingto.i, Next lo Pooplo, National Bank Girls .taking part were: Announ­ are spending two ^ed« with Mr. Del. • ' cil’s new homo on Route 313, Key­ of Radio. Television cer, Pal Tuveson; Grandmother. Davis’s mother, Mijji. J. D. Davis, Mrs. Sophie Weinstein- spent the port. Over 100 youngsters from ond Btoao Famo Bebe Kiscnbcrg: Aunt Susan, Isa- Waxhaw, N. C. ►. . weekend with her son-in-law ond the Keyport-Mjitawan area attend1 1236 Cliffwood Drive 't&Ilb Heulitt; Peggy, the grand­ Ralph, Ileuser jt, who attends daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Lang, ed. . ' All Makes ' , daughter, Luray Conk; friends of Admiral Farragut Academy. .Toms Valley Stream, L. I. While the“o Margaret Dietrich entertained on CliffwOod •­ Peggy, 'Helen VanCuran; "Ethel River, ia spending - the holidays Mrs. Weinstein attended a perform­ Ihe piano with selections of enrols for nppointmonl, TYPEWRITERS Kane, Linda Applegate, Nancy Lo* ance of ‘“Paint-Your Wagon,” .and and 0Edward King Jr., and Jonn H A P P Y ieh,lp, Mary Smith...... with_his parents, ijVlr. and Mrs. Gruhnm jr., played Christman Tel. MA 1-3790 and ...... Ralph Ilcuser sr. visited Radio City Music Hall. ADDING MACHINES The cnrolcrs were; Louise Van Miss Laura Gordon is spending Mr.-and Mrs. Walter Snyder arid songs on Ihe piano nnd nrenrdhin. NEW YEARf .. Malden, Pat Tuveson, Dorothy the holiday vacalio,|i with: inotjier, Mr. and Mr.s, Norman Kofoed are Mbvics were shown dunng the par­ Sold, Rented, Repaired. Neibcrlieii, Susan Jones, Elaine* Mrs. A. Gordon, Ni|w York. ■ spending the holidays with M"&. ty, after which Santa Claus dis­ ■‘P Tho Diroutoi'H, Oiricoi'M and St air ol! Jursa, Eileen Jursa, Carol Holland, Mrs. Ethel Davis,: is visilini! hor Snyder's’,'so'n-in-iaw and daughter, tributed gifts. Ellen McCarthy, Sally Cobb. Mary sister. Mrs. Mecttorll Hilton, VfesU Dr. and Mrji. Richard V-. Stevenson George ili'ncli was chairman )l tlio Faiimci’H- & MorchuntH National Barker, Madelaine Barker, Ailoijn and family, in Lexington, Ky. the pnrly committee. He was as­ Halligan, Elaine Jursrr and Louis? Chester,- Pa. -Her || nephews. Sijl. sisted by members of ihe council. Bunk winh you a New .Your of health, Warren Hilton and Sut. William Mr. nnd Mrs. Raymond Church­ R e a s o n ' s Hollander, ‘ . Hilton, wcrc home (or the holidays man, formerly of Matawan, havo Excimlva Anenl lor li(i))pinoHH and good- fortune!. and have just retuilM from over­ sold their home in Lake Park, Fla., Farewell Dinner For G / a e f i k t f S Hospital Group Has seas. Tlie former Has been in Ja- pnd are residing with friends at Riviera Bench, Fla., until their new Mrs. T. M. Slames...... ROYAL Wt‘ wi.»h t,o t'xpi'ow'om’ iipinjeuia- Yulfc Party Thursday pnn and Korea for jfivo'and a half World*! Nn, 1 Typ*«ill». years, and .the latter spent two home is completecL-in Juno, Fla. Mrs. Thomas M, Stamen, of Mat­ -tion oi'.your friond.shij) jinil: cunlldeiicc . Laundry employees of the Marl­ ■ysni'S in Korea '(I/here ' he wus Friends may wrilo to.^them on Hu-' awan, .who has resigned her see • HOME MA: ' • .... boro Stale Hospital held their wounded twice. ; ' rnl Delivery Route 1, Riviera Beach. re'tarial position with the'Hanson- £ In tlx; past, and. we hope that 11)52 will, John Kahn, will) attends the The Mntawnn Parent-Teacher As­ VanWlnkle-Munning Co„ was gue.U CANDY SERPICO’S Christmas party Thursday in lhc . “ a Fireside ‘Lqdgo, 'MtitibDro. A. din­ School of Law of ijarvard Univer­ sociation realized $05 on recent of honor nt a farewell dinner pnr­ Thnnhs Yoii.Jor Your Olfice Equipment Co. bullin' UK m any opportunities to h M ic lp - ner wns served and music was sity, Canibridjie, Mass., is spending food sales, and not $fl. * Tiie $0 fig­ ty Friday at the homo of. Mrs. 1011 Monmouth Bl> ure was' a typographical error Thomas M. Anderson, Maple Pi., Pnlmnngn nnd Hopes i’ul in meeting your banking requlri*- furnished by Elinor Vickers and the'holidays with his parcnts.-Mr.- . Your N«w Year RED BANK Georgiana Lange, pianists. and Mr.s. Harry J. Kiriin. which appeared in this newspopor Keyport. m i* 11 Is. “’ 'Solas were'rendered by Harry Mr. and Mrs. Alltin J. Morrison last week. ' Others present wen? Mrs. War-' will he “ Rapp, Mrs. Helen LcMoine,' Ethel and-Mrs. Frank W.' Kcrney spent Herbert Staer jr., n Ircshmnn nt ren Neu, Mrs. George Powuhion, A Happy Ono, Dore. Maude Conover was master Monday and Tuesday ;oro. Mass., spent 7)f”Mr7 and MrsrBLMjjamln Gold­ "cd HifIs^ nntl’l'iiry'i^ i’iirds ai the stein, Asbury Park. ^ horn.f of Mre. James 11. Ward jr., to put ntiheutmi nlding on ynin* Pastor To Deliver Chrislmas .with Mr. nnd Mrs. Aloy* lioutio until you havo inventluatod i,ius Pennetti. Keyport. Sincere thanlcH for your tlio now, rib-frne Jidimi Mtmvlilo Maich mini; you i;rl-tlic*-rlftht I"1"' Farewell Sermon Miss Inge Otto, i student at W. Rulon Smiths Prizes wero awarded to Mrs. Arthentflu Smooth Undn Shingle, Ifi ipin In lit yiiui'iicifiltumd riv.imii-illilliticfi. Montclair Stale To chers College, Lester Dick, Mrs. Daniel C. Hen­ patronaRf! thu paHt yoai'. Thin j.hinglo does not eol|et:L dh;t ' Tlie Rev. Albert G. Shiphorst will is spending the Chr stinas vacation Havo-Family Party ■ drickson anti Mrs. Harry Huiihson. IHuj ordinnry leihi^tnn fihiuglea, Our loni! yi-iii .iuf I'Xpei ienee In tin? deliver his farewell sermon this Mr. and Mis. Others present were Mrs. llewiU FRENEAU GROCERY Stay:* clean; Won't r.hrtuhr In »|ii.'clnll/t'.»t ni.Mirimeeof |iv<>|>*rI-f’U 1<.’i- - Reformed Church. Hi? topic will aminick cntur- gate, Mr«., Cnrlcfon It. Whart in. 78 Frenoau Avo. be "Summary and Conclusion." He Mrs. Edwin H. E ner on Sunday. . Mrs. Floycf M. Brown and Mm iiml NiM’vlee, M.mlldy ]iii>'inenls 111 taincd'Triday eveniij g at a surprise Their guests were Mr. ond Mr.«. MATAWAN nlso will preach -a junior sermon, party_io celebrate le birthday of Kenneth B, Wharton. yiilii' liuilf.el. Yi'iii’ii lo l'c|)liy.. . "Tho Note Book.” Thc senior and Richard Newton and ton, Thom-is, ^ Ordor Your Holiday Hoods Miss. Lillian White Guests were and Mr. and Mrs. Wi’.luni- FarJe/ ’ Kai-ll (Jiiyincnl i i-iiiiei's bull) Interest youth choirs will render selected Mrfc.Emil Blanchard and Mias Mary and daughter, Valerie, of Washing­ HoldTinal Rehearsal . ' Early, anthems...... 1 Emma Stack, Perth Amboy; Mr.". ton; Mr. and Mrs, Orville Warman . Froo Prompt Delivery JOHNS-MANVILLE nml iii im ipul. fii.-c ti'. loilav. The Rev. Mr. Shiphorst is leaving Harry O. Jones and Ais j Ellon Han- Flnnl .-rehnnrsnl for n play pre­ PRODUCTS the Keyport church lo begin a and children. Miriam, Elizabeth Opon Cvonino* cy, Freehold; Mrs. Thomas ‘Wcl- and llichard Itulon, of Mcluohon: sented Sunday afternoon at u Cha- INSULATION & SIDING CORP. pastorate on Jan. 2 al liio Bryn stead, Mrs. Ralph VI! . Merrick, Mr*J. Mr. nnd Mrs. Herbert Ma^innis nukah pnrly was held Thursday T<»1, M A law on 1*2213 Mawr Park Presbyterian Church, Jay F. Hostctter. -JV iss Mary Lisk and sons, Gary and Timny, of Itoad- afternoon when the Ymmg Hebre.>v Yonkers. N. Y. .. ._ and Miss Grace Car men. Prior to Ini!, Pa., anii Mr, and Mrs. Korl *4. Association met in the Keyport the party Miss Whi c was .tho din- .Claus and \hildi.:n, Janet. Kar-.-n, Synagogoe, Bro;id Sl, > )r*«m««ic«>c«««i<‘(>«*c|cic><|ec'c,(ici<«!<<<>«i Ticket Chairman . ner guest of Mrs. ' orriinick, MisT Skippy and tyarshu, of Malawan. . Attending v/ere Mrs. inadore Nis- Stack and Mrs. Jor es al. Pleasant inolT and Mrs. William Siegel, ad­ May You and Your* Mies Rita Tiernan of 21 Wilson Valley Inn, Holmdel visor/i; Beverly Korobow, Judy. Al* Ave., Malawan, has been named Donald Knoeli, a tudent at Pur­ Attend School Party pine. Joyce Meisler. Diana Kort* Enjoy Every Minute , , . ,, _ bow, Richard Srhwariz. Gail Sie- ticket chairman of the foithcoinjntf due University W est Lafayette, On Friday inornm« thc following ^ n.trr|et Wolfe, Dianne SehmT of thin Montclair Stnto Teachers College Ind.. is spendiprf the rhrislmas holi- children, from Marlboro enjoyed ^arcn .SchwacU nnd-Ilena Ui^ - FH'dermaus’'. to be days ...with, his . par Mr. nnd the Christmas party at Mrs. William j onoff< - ; - Yulefale' Season. presented Jan. 10-17 in Mt. Hebron Mrs. Harry C. Kno H-. - Sahler'n- and Mrs. Herman Struve's , ' t Junior/High School, l)pper_ Mont­ •Mr. and Mrs. Cha les ,F. Perrine. nursery school in Freehold, accom­ clair. /Proceeds will be donated to Miss Jan*; Eilen Pcrr ne, Harry'Per- panied by Mrs. Joseph Tohin.nnd Graham* Have Guesta the War Memorial Fund, earmarked i int*.. who attends B rdentown M5I- Mrs. A. Lyle 1-eVerich: Deidre Our sincere appreciation arid llianltH for /the construction of a student itary Institute, and tollins Perrine, and Joy Tobin. Paul Mohair. John Christmas dinner quests at the union building in the "M.S.T-C. returned yeirtcrday after spending home nl Mr. and Mrn. Wellington for your welcome patronage (luring the c^nptis. „ i several days with Mrs. Perrine's Dupuis and Lyle Leverich. Graham, Browntown, were, Mr. mother, Mrs. Edwan Rollins, Pr^ - and Mrn. G. G. Meyer .-iiid'Mr. anJ •pant year.’ ...... Jdorrce, R. L List*’Sermon Topic Mr* W. It. Graham. W.jtficld; Mr. Society HaB Luncheon Mr. and Mrs. Dc nald Robinson nd fylrs.'ll. Kindred, HerlM-it Kin Twenty members of the* Ladier. and r-nns, John and ftichard, wcr? -Two Ways. Which Will You ^irs joan Kindred anil Iloli A Very Happy New Year to All! Aid Society nf Gethsem.mc^Luthjr- Christmas Day dir nee guests of Take?" will .be. Ihe teimon IHe'ilO j l(r, AM h ;l)| o t Urnelh. .Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stnan7^nbaeh. of Ih!* Hev. Willi;nn II. MajiBa* TOMMY’S BARBER SHOP an Church. Keyport. attended, a pastor, in the MurganviUo Method- J j>tterh«id». bltlbvads. ttalpments, Liberal Building & Loan Association Christmas luncheon in’ the chapel. West Point Pleasant AND BEAUTY SALON Gifts were exchanged and sccrH Mr. and Mrs El Tore Kattn»;r iF.l Ciioreh, lhi-> Sunday evening at je3rtjg. eirtul.ars. ponterii; In fflcl. ony 15 & Main Street were; QmstmaB cues ,5 ol Mrs. Kail: 7;30. :kind nf printing may be obtained nt D couiy (i Our JJufiinoM pals jfgyealed. - ' * _ ■ , There are dar.u-s for ^all ' a^e .Office prornj/tly/ and uj. reason* tier's brot^cr-in-lav ■ mul fiFt#*". 137 Street MATAWAN > ...... Yon cun buy Defense Bonds^ by • Mr. and Mrs. Cror£ ? Sft^v, Yon'r;- IJIOIIJ.J in the Sunday lcIi'wI ^(jlf^iible (iifcM. May lia.ve yo.tir oidrr Matawan, N, J. * the oU. Deduction Plan. . ers. N. Y. hit-ets it IO-a. m. for Dial next j-.)*? ' : ikkKkkkiM UMiMm V K-, 5V f (V ‘ M0HM9UTH SOliMlY-HISTORICAL-ASSTt 70 COURT ST. , .. TOEHOLD, ILJL PAGE SIX—FIRST SECTION THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, MATAWAN, N. J,_ ^ THUBSPAY~DECEMBER 27. 1951 Refuses Stranger's thc girls gnvc up the attempt <0 charge later was dismissed, Nea- NEW FIVE-ROOM ADDITION TO WEST KEANSBURG SCHOOL rcach thc bungalow, satisfied this bitt was arrested for disorderly News Of Madison Christmas Cantata Ride Offer, Beaten conduct by-thc patrolman after t}ie was not thc building afire. Miss motorist verbally abused Patroljnan Held At Browntown Miss Dorothy Sproul, 20, was, Crosbie. maintains that...after*she Wallis. * Township Areas beaten up late Tuesday night by an Inadvertently' ran over the hoje, unknown assailant as she wus walk­ she was pursued to Laurel Ave. by Holiday Visitors Cedar Sunday School Gave ing on Stone Rd., Raritan Township* Vincent Cclli. a member of thej Hazlet Pupils Give '; ~ Grove, Browntown;7 Entertainment; Other near her home. * Keansburg Fire Deportment, She Program For P-TA^ ' ; Area Activities Keyport State Police said a car charges after he Btoppcd her lie Cheesequake Homes stopped near thc girl and an un­ grabbed her by the arm and sli Pupils of the Hazlet School The following news Items concern A enntata-pageant, ’‘Come Ye T-o known man asked her to get in. her, causing injuries. eently presented a Christmas pro­ events and personalities in ' the Bethichciii,” was presente Col., and Pfc. con, James Arnce; Truth,'Miss Ann $3 court costs when he was again ous. class groups. ' .. ‘ Allen Lewis of Kelly; Ale Force Molnar; travellers to Bethlehem, before Magistrate Mayer, this tiipe Bose, San Antoifio, Tex., are enjoy* Arlene Molnar, -Billy Aracc and Assault Charged To to answer a driving charge.' 'Both ing a fourteen day furlobgh at thc The $150/000 project as seon from Laurel Ave. Work on ihe. structure was completed in the middle of Name 9 Reserve Cops , rfomc of their parents, MrJ and this month and the building was tised for school purposes, ihe week boforo the Christmas holidays. Open­ Johnny Blahota; inn-kecper’s wife, cases stemmed from thc. same inci­ Mrs. A. L. Lewis of Cedar Grovel ing ihe addition permits ihe elminination of .half-sosaion in Raritan Township schools when clfofts Miss Shirley Brown; • Mary, thc Keansburg Fireman dent, on accident involving Nesbitt The Keansburg Borough Council , Thursday, ,Jan, 3, The building will be dedicated in formal oxorcises Jan, 4. ^ mother of, Jesus, Miss Dorothy ond William' Steiner, of Newark, at its last meeting named thc 'fol- ' Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Kirschman and lioevcr. The collection will be used who pressed a careless driving taWing nine men as members of . son Chris were dinner guests on in missionary work in thc United > Young Womap Fined : charge after Nesbitt’s car mn into thc police reserve tp servo without ... -Christmas of Mr. and Mrs. John Bayshore Man, Woman States nnd . - / For Running Over Hose thc rear of Mr. Steiner's vchiclc. pay: David Curmcn, Patrick Kee- Larhbcrson of Robertsville,.... Holiday Marked By Sentenced At Freehold . Urges Caution On Mr. ahd Mrs. Frcb Gaub enter­ ' Is Complainant , . Madison Township Patrolman lau, John E. Koelan, Andrew Mu* Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hauser, Cedar tained {it dinner on Sunday, Mr. William Waflis jr., chargcd Nesbitt larchuk, William Quinn, Richard Grove, entertained a£ 'dinner Christ* A‘ Union Bcach woman and a and Mrs, Jacob Gaub, Mrs. Anna A- West Keansburg woman who with failing to have his license nnd A. Jcssen, 'William E. Stringer, Ed mas Mr. and Mrs. Chris Martz, Mr. Morganville Groups West Keansburg man were sen* State School Plan Ferry, Miss Marie Gaub, Mr. and was. fined for running over a -fire registration in possession. This: ward Plunkett and ‘John Nadolny • and Mrs. Clarence E. Hauser, Cedar tencedvjn County Court, Freehold, Mrs. Nicholas Arace nnd soiYi, hose has filed a roinplaintvitghlnst Grove, and Mr. and Mrs. John’ Many Families Hosts on Dde. 19. Simmill Says Program James and Billy, and Miss ijean a Keansburg fireman alleging ho Fiorino, South Amboy. Afternoon To Relatives And . Miss Frances Cruig, 20, • Union For State Aid Will Be* Gaub. assaulted her in a dispute 'in thu .guests jwere Miss Hazel BoyccyMnt-; Beach, received probation for two Mr. and Mrs. William Hoover, and matter ...... -...... ——-nwnn,—and'Sgt:-Dave- Bruco,- Fort " Friends ... years ..and a suspended.- 'Crosbie, 20,' Laurel Ave., W':st ... daughter, Linda, Browntown, were entertained at a gathering atjliylv to a baby In the county jail, auth leader of thc state assembly, jn Mr, and Mrs. Paul Blahota jr, Keansburg, $25 and $3 costs on a ■■'‘ Christmas dinner guests at tho home“ home on Christmas Day. Guests orltles said. The child, Miss'Craig's Dcc. 19, lold the Monmouth Mu­ were-Wednesday evening guests of complaint by Keansburg Fire Chief Full Winter Comfort of- Mr. and Mrs. Hllmar Larsen of were Mr. and Mrs..Frank R. Smith third, is a state ward. Of the other nicipal Association that additional the A. BukVas family, of Elizabeth. Arthur Vogel. Her driver’s license , Ncw York City.- and sons, John nnd’Frank, of New­ two. one child has been adopted financial aid for public education Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fountain and Was also suspended for 30 days. With “Stultz” Fuel Oil Mr. and Mrs. Harry LocschT South ark; Mr. and Mrs. " Martin Smith add the other lives witty an aunt.’ wjll be one of thc prime issues of daughter, Miss LaVerne Fountain, According to Chief Vogel, thc Amboy; Mr. ond Mrs. James Robin­ jr., and children. Martin, Barbara Barney Wyman, 40, Momingside thc next legislative session. . of NupUinc City, visited Mr! Foun­ woman refused to s'toy pn signal son, Keyport; Mr. and Mrs. James Ave., West Keansburg, was assessed tout, said Mr., Simmill, organizj- tain's father, James'Fountain, .Sun­ from firemen on duty at Ihe blaze "Siulix" Fuol Oil, and burner scrvico give you doublo assurance Forsyth, Kearny; Miss Dorothy Lynn and Christine, Mr. and Mrs. a $100 fine, received a suspended tions such as the municipal associ­ day afternoon. which destroyed Champ’s Bar, against burner breakdown oh cold winter days. Our premium. fueli oil Ruth Partridge and Harry Part­ Robert Owens and daughter, Viv­ one to three years state prison, and ation, should be chary .of adopting Mr, anil Mrs! Herbert Gaub and Palmer Avd., Keansburg, Dec.' 10, actually cleans as it hoats—prevents burner scrcen clogging. You^gct ridge, Belmar, were weekend* .yisit* ien, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Miller probation three years for stealing resolutions urging one plan or an­ family, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter and ran her car over a fire hose. ors at the homo of Miss Sara Part­ and son, Donnie, Tom Smith, Jri-» $40.00 from a former Jsjhdlord, Jiicob other without first • examining «t Gaub "and family, were Monday cv- Thc chief maintained the action m axim um hesit value lor your m oney, • ‘ ' • ridge. ' -. ”” Kramer, Loretta Smith and Robc;t Robertson, Fifth St./ West Kcuns- closely and learning its full impli­ ehing guests of Mr. and Mrs. Georgo could have reused the hose to split DEPEND ON STULTZ'S MORE THAW 42 YEARS EXPERIENCE Mr. and Mrs. Peter Johnson, Harraz, of thc U. S. Navj^,_ burg, Dec. 14, 1940. Wyman recently cations—particularly its dollars' and Gaub, of Chccsequakc, at a Christ­ andJinjure firemen and also de­ Browntown, entertained Christmas Mr. and Mrs. Charles -Plosky ,and completed a 10-month sentence in cents implication?. .... ‘ . mas party. . creased efTieicncy in battling the Eve Mr. and Mrs. John NJokson and children, Julia and Charles jr., nnd theJIudson County jail for issuing The Wall Township attorney as­ Mrs. Herbert Cottrell 'sr., and blaze. . Established 1809 Quality —• W eight — Service daughters, Spotswood; Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. John Plosky, of Mor worthless checks, the prosecutor's serted that typical of^the resolu­ Miss Elizabeth Braiitigam were In her complaint; Miss Crosbio Olaf Gilbertson and children, Elsie ‘^anville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank ofTice said. . • tions he had in mind was one Christmas guests of Mrs. Cottrell's alleges she and hcr; sister and some . Astrld und Stanley, Mr. und Mrs. Paulaski and family, and._Mr. and passed by tho Stato League;t>! Mu­ Son*in-law and daughtci, Mr. and friends. saw thc blaze from the* L ouis S tultz, Jr., Inc. Trygve. 'Engcrdul and ’ children, Mrs. James Smith and /amily, in nicipalities and the Monmouth' Mu­ Mrs. Merrill H. Wallace, Keyport. window of the Crosbie home, on Browntown. South Amboy, Tuesday; ,, Keyport Baby Boy ’ - nicipal Association-asking state aid Mr. and Mrs. Otto Gaub spent Laurel Ave. and Icared it wus a OIL BURNING EQUIPMENT AND SERVICE Lars Gunderscn, Browntown, Mr. and Mi's. Myron Brown spent Suffocates In Buggy ■ amounting to $175 a pupil a year. Sunday afternoon visiting" Mr. and bungalow they own in thc_vieinity - - _ -FUEL OIL — KEROSENE e - C O AL spent the Christinas holidays nt Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. An­ Thc costs of that plan, Mr, SimimU MfK'Tfalph Fountain jr.;, in.Eaton- where Champ’s bar Is located. Sfie - POULTRY, DOG AND MILL FEEDS , - the homo of his son-in-law- and drew Frank, in Keyport. A fivc-month-old boy was found said, would be nearly ns much ns towiir ...... -...... claims this was' thc only reason daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meyers, Mr. and Mra. Kenneth Miller and sufficated In his crib, in‘ Keyport: ,it now costs to operate all state Mrs. Mbrrill Green, Mrs. Paul they sought to enjter the fire zone. <213 Broad St. Pb«e Kft-2104 ... Jamaica, L. 1. son. spent'Christmas wilh Mr. and Sunday, s government functions. .Blahota and Mrs. Harold Cosgrove She holds they ran over thc hose - Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kortckaas Mrs. Louis Heyer, Freneau, and Mr; Keyport Police Chief Leroy Mr. Simmill and State Senator-, spent a day recently in Flcmlng- unknowingly and only nlfc^r being jrr an# -daughters, Kathleen and qnd Mrs. Joseph Klrcher and-fain- Sproul said that the boy's mother, clcct Richard R. Stout and Assem­ ton! » - -....-­ cut ofT at Route 30 and Pawner Ave. ’Johanna, Mrs. Edward Erdman and iiy, in Lakewood. . Mrs. John West Clayton, of ’141 blyman-elect Alfred N. Beadleston Mr, and Mrs. Nicholas Aracc en­ “by a car from Elizabeth” with’ GcorgO Torr were Christmas guests Mr. and Mrs. Charles Plosky and Sccond St., Keypoit, found the were guests at thc mooting attend­ tertained at a Christmas Eve party.' three men in it, . , - vat thc home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry children, Julia and Charles jr., were baby lying on its stomach only 15 ed by |G members representing 10 Their guests wore “Mi*, und . Mrs. ...After being stopped three times,1 . Kortckaas, Chccsequakc. Tuesday evening guests of Mr. and minutes after she had given him municipalities. The session was at Jacob Goub, Miss Marie Gaub, Mr. DELCO-REAT ; Mrs. Arthur Brown sr., Mr& Adele Mrs. Martin Smith Jr., and family. dinner. ■ tho Strand Restaurant, Keansburg. and Mrs. Fred Gaub and daughter. Herzog and Pfc. und Mrs. Gerald Christinas guests at thc home of Efforts by tho.Keyport First Aid .Elmer O. Stevens, shore account* Jean, ond Jimmy-and Billy Arace. Herzog and daughter, Donna £»ynn Mt*. and Mrs. Robert Owens were Squad to resuscitate the chlldy John .ant, discussed budget preparations Mr. nnd Mrs. Herbert Gaub en­ wore dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. William Dorneinarmr ht- pronounced outlining proper procedures and tertained the former’s parents, M.‘. “Norman Van Hcuvcl, Highland of Lakewood; Mr, and Mrs. Frank dead by Dr. Francis W. Holman pointing, up mandatory provisions George Gaub!'o7chees' Park, on Christmas. •Smith and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Mui- Surviving beside his parents is a in budget-making. quake, - at Christmas - dinner. Pvt. Robert Dixon of Fort Jack­ tin Smith sr., Mr. and' Mrs. Martin sister, Patricia, nnd his maternal Belmar Mayor Peter Muclcaric, Mrs, C. Warne, -Mrs. Laura Wal­ flori, S. C., ls ortjoylrig a 10-day fur- Smith Jr., and children. grandmother;* Mrs. Mabel -Ellison. • association president, asked „ that ton and Harvey Warne, of AsbUi*y RESOLUTIONS . • lough visiting Tils parents, Mr. and Mr. ond Mrs. Ray Brown enter­ Services were held Monday after­ members forward suggested bills Park, and Mrs, Zibcr, of Philadel­ •Mrs. Sandy- Dixon, HrftwntWn. _ tained at their home on the holi­ noon in the Bedle Funeral Home for the 1952 legislature as well ns phia, were holiday dinner guests of Mrs. Hazel Boyce, Matawan and day.' Guests were Mr. and Mrs. with the Rev. Havid A. Wilson, thcir-views on• legislative matters Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Cottrell jr. WHEN YOU ABE . Sgt. Dave Bruce, Fort Monmouth, William Bornemonn, of Toms Rlv- pastor of Calvary Methodist Church ilo Bradley Bench r,Borough Clcrk Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gaub, Miss INTEBESTED IN are not made to be broken! were Christmas dinner guests at Lco Brown und his sons, Mi*, officiating. Interment \ua&*in Rose George L. Cro&son, association leg­ Marie Gaub, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas A DEPENDABLE thc hpmc of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence and Mrs. Edward Preslnn and fam­ Hill Cemetery, Matawnn. islative chairman, in time to be Aracc and sons, James and Billy, ily, Miss Ruth Walling,- Mrs. Kath- discussed at thc January meeting. NO SIREE! f G. Hauser, Browntown. Afternoon Defense Bonds pay the same rate were holiday dinner guests of Mr. USED CAR “ guests, were Mr. and Mrs. Timothy j crine Brown, Edith Moneypenny of interest as the War Bonds you "Help Wanted” ads in this pan** and Mrs. Gaub's son-in-law and Keating and children Catherine, and Rudy Frltsch. . •» . tell vnu about tho cood jobs odcd daughter, Mr. ond Mrs:' Whited See ~ » ‘Florence, Helen, John and Timothy Mr. and Mrs. Robert Muller, S. bought during the war. Buy somcJ- Brown, In ChccscqUake. Mr. and The resolution wc made 6 years ago when jr., Browntown and Mr. and Mrs. StoothbIT, Mrs. John Grieve and Mrs. Fred Gaub and daughter, Jean, - we re-opened our store is still being kept! William Pcnskn, Rahway. Mrs. Mabel Boyce were holiday NORTH CENTERVILLE COUPLE WED 50 YEARS were cullers at.the Brown home STRAUB MOTORJklNG. Christmas dinner guests at ..the guests of-Mr. ahd Mrs. Bert Boyce. during the day. /V' ' . - - KaUer-Fraier spd . _ “To serve om1'customers tu the .best, of ' home of Mr, und -Ml-s. Eugene. Guests at the home of Mr. and JLF Miss Elsie GLlbertspIt? .a, student Croiltf Dealer Skowronck, Browntown, were Pfc Mrs. Albert Taber Tuesday Includ­ nurse at thc Jersey Kity Medical our ability and to bo -thankful anti and Mrs. Pat paglluco of Elizabeth­ ed Mr. and Mrs. Martin Smith sr., Center, spent her Christinas vaca­ Sales and Service town,r-Ky.; Mr. ond °Mrs. ’Casmir Mr, and Mrs. Frank Smith and sons, tion with her parent?; Mr. and Mrs. humble for their \v9nderful patronage Preston, Mathew Oskowski, New. of Newark; Mr. and Mrs. Martin Olaf Gilbertson. / Highway 35 - Clark Street ' ark; and Fred Oskowski, Keyport. Smith jr., and family, Mr. nnd Mn.1 "ItrTd c o n fid c n c c . ” Aviation Machinist Mate Theo­ Robert Owens and daughter, and " ' Wedding Announcement! ‘ Tel. 7-1908 dore Bastedo and Mrs. Bastedo Miss Mary Farrell. printed promptly on paneled or _ Jr. of Atlantic City, spent the Mr. and Mrs. Thcnnas Hilton en­ bridal book snow-white vclliun al KEYPORT Christmas holidays visiting the. for tertained guests Sunday . from (his ofTice. To all our friends,- nicr’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. Theo­ Bloomfield,- Freehold, Union, .Mor­ dore Bastedo, Browntown, ganville and Rutherford.' A VERY JOYOUS AND HAPPY Mrs. 'Clarence E, Turton sr., and Mr. imd Mrs. Dunham Morey, of PROMPT DELIVERY TEL. MA 1-2368 Mr. and Mrs. Carl Me/.ger, Cranford, Freehold, and Mr. and Mi's. Thom­ N E W Y E A R . . were Christmas dinner guests of as Hilton were holiday guests ot Mr. and Mrs, Richard DufTord, Mr. and Mrs'. Morey, of Morgan- CORK 'N BOTTLE Mr. and Mrs. John E. Hardy, villtv ' . _ • • lmpbrtcd and Domestic Wines, Liquors, Elizabeth; Mr. and Mrs. William Ji Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fitts motor­ Rainaud, Bro\yntown, nnd Miss ed to Maryland Friday to visit the Champagne, Cordials; Full line of Bellows. Jeannette Rainaud, New York City, former’s parents. They returned All brands of Canned and Bottled ' Beer. were Christinas guests al the home Sunday to spend Christmas v/iln of Mr. and Mra. Fred Gopher of Mrs. Fitts* parents.- - 116 MAIN ST.______MATAWAN, N. J. Belleville. Miss Marion Preston nnd Mrs Miv-and Mry,--Turalf Vormvlk._of Goldin, of Bergen, were Sund'iy ' Staten Island, were dinner guests guests br MiVahd ’Mrs. Edward " of Mr. nnd Mrs. Olaf Gilbertson, Preston, - —— -- . -Christmas. • , John Keating of Norfolk. Vn Mr. and Mra. Chester Rushing and | U ' a r v~' spent the holidays visiting Ills par­ children worerSundiiy dinner guests ents, Mr. and Mrs. TinK»thjr,Jfeai-*of Mr. and Mrs. A. llofstrn of Pas­ ROSS W. MAGHAN AGENCY *vt Ing, Browntown. Keating Is a fire- saic,.- // mnn third class in the Navy.____ Mn jnd Mrs. Olaf Gilbertson, Tol. M Aiaw ah 1-0003 Miss Shirley Brown of Union Browntown, have adopted a two Beach,^tfind George Itinenr jr. of nnd y half year-old girl whom they 138 Main St. Matawan Matawffk. were dinner guests Mon- have noihed Astrld. The child has ‘"Aiiy—of^-tyr. and Mrs. Theodore been living at the Gilbertson’s since r Bastedo. she waa three weeks old. - ' : Pvt. Eugene ‘White stationed at Mr. and Mrs. Gunner Ahlman, MR AHD MnB. WILLIAM S. CHBIPTNER Camp ChsiiTee, Ark.., spent thc lioll Browntown, wore dinner guests of ' days visiting his parents, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnson of Mor­ A reception in-honor of the fifltlv Erma Graziadel, of Forest Hills, L. M o n e y W a i t i n g ! Mrs. Roy White, ganville -on Christmas. Qthor wedding onnlvornary .of Mr." and I.. N. Y., and Lt, Com. Donald LOOKING FOR A LOAN? Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Weigand of guests were. Mr. and Mrs. , Elnor Mrs, VV ill I ti ui K. Chrlstner, of Mid Chrlslner, U., S. N. llazlct; Mrs. Dorothy Carlson nnd ChntKlof* Staten Island: Hans Han­ die ltd,, Raritan Township, was Mrs. Shinkoos was the first mem­ WHEN IT COMES TO MORTGAGE MONEY/COME TO US . daughter, Dotty Lou, Matawan, were sen and Miss Martha Hansen, ber of the family lo cume to thin Application! Consldorod lor Monmouth 6c Ocoon Counties \ • Christinas dinner guests of Mr. and Brooklyn; Miss Adele Erickson, held nt North Centerville Flrehou* area. She and Mr. Shinkoos to-ih Mrs. R. E/ Ryan, Cheesequake Lynbrook, L, I., N. Y, Sunday ofternoon by the Ladi^, up residence in Union Bench 14 T. FRANK APPLEBY AGENCY, INC. Auxiliory of the North Centerville years ago. Three years later they — REALTO RS — Mr. and Mrs. Richard DufTord Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Kl”l!ILl;l!j*P. mittee for the fire company aUNili- 1 her guests of-Mt*. and Mrs. Frank of the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. lie continued lo work steadily ,tt ai'y headed by Mrs. Dolly Weikel. Matawan Builders Supply Company -JMitcholl bf Cliflwood. Alfred E. Booth. • his trudc and both- he and Mr3 The couple observing their goldvn i JVtisS Jane Bastedo was a dinner Because-the first Tuesday ln Jan­ Christncr enjoy excellent health. wedding anniversary were present­ 138 Lower Main Street guest at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. uary falls'on New Year’s day the The couple hove three children, ed with an electric eoflee maker. . George Rinear, Matawan on Christ* Ladles Guild of the Church ^of Our Mr}L Glody Shinkoos, who, with Mrs. Christncr wore a shell pink -MATAWAN, N. J. J J. NEWBERRY CD. 5' 10* E5* STORES moa. v . ■ Saviour will postpone thcir meet* her husbond,'operates r* store .and lace dress ahd a corsage of .pinlc T«l. MAIawan I-2S3S W ILLIA M IM. STROTHER vT l^fCoh^nued bottoJu next column) jJnfi (o Jan. 8. jfurm in Rarlton . Township; ‘ ■'Mrc. CtyncHias. \ * ‘ Central Costiactor W. FRONT ST. KEYPORT, N. J. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1951 THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, MATAWAN, N. J. PAGE ONE—SECOND SECTION

i lt , fI f i f MVlA

NEW YEAR GREETINGS L ® K S p r HERE SEASON’S GREETINGS All of the good cheer in the world, is our sincere wish to-our patrons, 4 YULETIDE SEASON’S BEST WISHES FOR A VERY friends and business associates. , GREETINGS : HAPPY NEW YEAR May you also enjoy a Happy and ...... W e extend to our Customers,-Business, i - Prosperous New Year. • Associates, and many Friends, Sincere ' TO A L L 7 Best Wishes during the Yuletide Sea­ "Let’s Roll-on” son, and throughout the' New Year; ' V .>/ . •' •' .. • Sincere thanks; for your, consistent patronage over the past yeaiv It luis " - .. ■ ’been a pleasure to serve you and yours. ROLLO TRANSIT CORP. Ferrante Bros. " ' : ..^...... • JAMES ItOLLO, 1’rcs. .... YE COTTAGE INN “POP" SOMMA’S WAGON WHEEL „ Ho LCYWOOD SERVICE STATION ART1IUII C, HCIIUI.TZR, l>rop. _ Keyport, N. J. 3 32 Carr Ave. . Keansburg \ $ Six Corners • , . . Keyport, N. X W. Front Street . Keyport* P'hMlkMtltl'ftkMikaMiMihllMiltkfcMtllMMlHKMtfttlftftl'fcMO'i ^kkkkkkkkftkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkMkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkM [kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkMilikMMMkkkkkMikkkkkkki (WWMWMWICIClMWVWmiCIMICIg ‘ tp *' . CHEERIO We Extend ~ - r I YULETIDE .GREETINGS % to o u r , 2 F „ ' . Gncecmciv Customers, Business Associates Greetings ! r ; and Friends. ■ . . Muy You imd Youni GREETINGS OF THE SEASON To our muny FrlonUu „KnJoy the Very nodi In U fu. Season’s Greetings und Customers Please accept our thanks for your friendship wo wish you ull u G ood lU'ulth, IJupplmHH •To our many „Cut>lomer8 _■ ' * . . a mul I,rutt|»uv|ly« and patronage during tho past year, and - . ------. h u und DucinciiG ABSociutcy.' Happy New Year. Throughout* Oh* N p w Y«uu\ * “ I t J . F. HOSTETTER may wo hope to niorll your fuvors In the 5 Prosperous New Year MATAWAN year to conic. « g for all; , Regent BEAL’S FRIENDLY SERVICE j I CONKLIN’S POLICE DEPT. 5 and 10c Store MEN'S it BOY'S SHOP John J. Flood, Chlal J. YANKO ‘ • | Charles Schmidt . Highway _ . ■ 35- - r Keyport j f Morginvillt. N. J. Matawan, N. J. 34 W. Front SI. Keyport i / Matawan, N. J, Broad Street > Red Bank j IfcliftkMitkMlMijtMlkMtkkMlMiS ! *k»kkkkk*kfckklilM«lkkW lkki •kkkkkkkkkkkkkkklpikkMlkftkftkkkkkkkkkkkkklikkMlkMl*l| mwcimemwMwwiMWKwcin fVWWHKH'M'raM'MWMMVNt ' -k i-K-

m m tfi TO OUR WARM FRIENDS I __ % ^ N - To thank you us wc would like to do, In the Spirit of the New Year we wish Heartiest Wishes GREETINGS Is far beyond our power; YULETIDE - To Customers, For. if wc hud no friends you alj the happiness and good fortune to you und yours GREETINGS .... Business -Associulci; - like you , | - . Wishing / und Friends. Therc’.d be no firm like you-could possibly wish for yourself. fo r T O A L L . Muy You. Enjoy ours. ’ A Happy New Year ;. A Prosperous Every Minute •; to our friends arid customers. Specialized Plumbing arid Heating. ■ of thc . . i . • . : r 1 N e w Y e a r . Pappus Studios YULETIDE SEASON 7 W, Front Bt.. Kayporl CARTAN’S-DEPARTMENT s t o r e JOHN P. GOETZ WILSON DINER | MURIEL FROCKS f y , Hazel’s Beauty Salon TeL Kr 7-0410 . KEYPOHT, N. J. g KEYPOHT { { Main Street Matawan $ j 235 Main Street Koyport) r r o n l Ot. K oyp oit 7-JM1 StkkMtkkkkkfckkkkMtkkMtMtj UdtkMiftkkkfcMiMiMtkft]lltliMjS SUikkMtfcMNMikkkkkkkMkMlMikftMUiStkiMlllMlhMirailftfcMikj SUMM*kkkMMlkkkkkkkkkkkkkfckkkkkkkftkkMlMl»kkMlMll GikkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkD rxKHHtttwwtwmwwv*1*' vwtctc«tctc«(ctcteietetc(fitc!e>etct

■ !

GREETINGS ftttion* UlUhtf □aXUBDBD Holiday A privilege to serve Season’s greetings to all our friemiH. Sincere Greetings We Greet You . . . Greetings HAPPY Yuletide Cheer ^ you (luring.tho WIkIjIhj* our CuKlo’Sjcrn May this New-Year bring you un­ p a st y ea r. Thank,you for \ With all good wishes Tei All Our Friends NEW YEAR l und IJuuinc«s Aswciatcs bounded-joy and fulfillment of Our Best Wishes your patronage.' f o r a u Very for a HAPPY NEW YEAH ""all your hopes. glorious holiday. Happy New Year CORK /N BOTTLE Behr’s Service Center I MARION’S The Bargain House SHERMAN’S, Inc. PEARL’S I Cholco Wlnoi pnd Ltquora pr. and Mrs. , Cor. Union and Park Are*. i Ym\ Di llvory P h one 7*1254 - 1 V/ Ltnxtro Broi. Homo Docorators Francis W. Holmarc j Union Beach BEAUTY SALON HQ Main Ot. Matawan v K E YP O H T T«I. K «. 7-J3I7 Morganriilt, N, J. % 4 5 Broad St# . Red Bank 4 0 W, Front fit, ‘• KoyportK oyport f\ T t l. M A J -U ll ... Barbara — Wade t • t I . »,», * >,»,», t,h »»-»,>,>,»,hbhbhl :< f m v . , . . t lift • " f T o t H e a lth 8 *1 t I 1 Y o u t W e a lt h ‘ 4 i I f 0 5 a n d \ -T.t.cvfflL * r a n d / ( f f / Y o u r s r G o o d ' r i ti t \ I W c : r t L u c k f ■ f f [ Joy Be With You­ H ■ - W i s h t -is bur heartfelt wish to till t / \ Happy New Year { fo r ! Not as a Customer- f For the Holidays s r / TIlB-KliM/MHASIJHB i/f f £ J durin, llWJS and HJ«y ^t J5 J th roUghout • / ■ A 1 r 4 /HondJInMiM, of tUxnl will, but us n valued friend, we t 4 , ' Silicon; • A Happy Now Year i a h d a 2 t with «t JIapj»y New YvuP.- 9 | i - of M'rvicc, i» our (ilft f Glad New ..Year, j f Like this tKcasion to express i all[the days - f Holiday Greetings. % $ our holiday greeting to you. f - € * yoiuHnd oil of you thin 5 - ^ 5 f Happy New Year o f th e ti f i l ■■■<. f Mr,num. • { i \ : ■ t If , ♦ s ( ' ' M * \ year to come, f i |j Alpine’s Bowne’s t RAPOLLA’S Wm, M, Strother \ t I [ Department Store - SAV ON DRUGS Country Corner S Sandford’* Pharmacy I-.. Keyport Jewelers Super Market s den.m l Conlratlor Concourse Realty Co. t A ■ t % \ E. Front SL K a rp oit ! 42 C. F io n l SL Ktypcrl flou fe S Z * Matawan i M .in St. K ayport U ow »t M ain Bl. M alawan j| lll lrfwii, Main St.. M»l»w»n Bli»r« C°ncou(H Cllllwood KkMlkKMlk»ll>MlMlMaN}l]k»»i;i takkkNMikMik ' ' " PAGE TWO — SECOND SECTION THE MATAWAN JOIgRNAlt, MAmWAN, N; J. THURSDAY. DECEMBER; 27; 1351

W & wish to say it has been , our good fortune to; do business with the finest That wo appreciate the .bijsinetSS..you have folks oni earth and- the. Spirit of the given us and shall strive earnestly-to merit Season brings renewed appreciation of old associations and'the value of new jts continuance- in the New. Year to come. friends. Here’s wishing that the New Year will bring you and yours the fullest . A Happy/ New Year measure of happiness and prosperity. THOMAS DEVINO & SONS ' Matawan-Keyport Recreation Center. ' RARITAN GARAGE Maple Place, — £> A K SH AD ES - .... - John PaiUuj— AnlhonyGranBla I ! . WALTER’S) TYDOL STATION ' | Lower Main St Matawan-Township CHBVStEn-PLTMOUTHSALESendSCTVICE Clmrch St. and Carr Ave. I ! T'Telephenfr MAtawon . . 1 ^3880 . . * '.... | South Main.St. . : Keyport i l ' . Bnyshore's Leading Sports Audiioxliun Keansburg

_ ..... Our Sincere Best Wishes to the. residents of the As the holiday season comes to a close Bayshore area for we aria reminded that this -successful Good Health, Happiness year is due in no small measure to your and Prosperity during YOUR PATRONAGE THROUGH THE YEAR ALE OF ; OUR PATRONS^ ' generous patronage. Kindly accept our the New Year. past ia evidence-di the confidence: you have in our ... Sincerest W ishes - cordial good wishes for a ..s. . f o r . a . - organization, and w e trust it rhay continua in the 1 HAPPY NEW YEAR . HAPPY NEW YEAR- ... sam e, amicable w ay for m any'yearff to.-, comje. CHESTER B; WILLIAMS s SAM’S BAR ROLLO POST HOUSE Plumbing and llea lm j. ' KEYPORT WINE & LIQUOR CO. RESTAURANT, AND COCKTAIL BAR JOHN B. ALLEN CO. , Samuel Poland.‘'Prop. ; 93 Broad St. Red Bank Phone 7.-1580 Keyport CoR.Broad and; Front Sts. Keyport \ HigKway 35 (Six Corners) 1 Keyport j

7" At this ■ ®. . • SEASON’S GREETINGS.. . | Yiiletide Season Am ong our assets.we’d like to count we wish our the only one that m oney cannot buy Good Friends ... your G ood W ill. And so at this Happiness and SEASON holiday season we extend to you I^ay, we. express to you our appreciation of the Good Fortune. Extending our most sincere best wishes . .. not as a customer alone, but as sS&dial relations between us and extend best \ to all our customers and?business associates a friend . .. the best wishes for the wishes, for a Bountiful: New Year. /■ for a " ' -■ new year. , . , HAPPY NEW YEAR COHEfN’S LIQUOR STORE FEIGENSON’S SHOE STORE HOLTZ ESSO SERVICE STATION Wines and1 Liquors 43 W . Front St. Keyport Routfe 35 at Six Corners Keyport 77 B road Street Tel*phpne 7-0488 . KEYPOJI IjiKMaOMBIIMMailUMtMaMlMaaiiMtlMlKMlllMMBMtftfcMl] itnmcCT»ic<«ni«g«*g«iow»!iwiigiciti«ici«i«*«igi«n>wnww^p«m MWiiM’tKMvvicmmicx'eKicvwMieiciewHiiticwiMitisQ | Yuletide Greetings ! I ft ^..Extending S o u r . s in c e r e I To our many customers,.... appreciation I business associates a n d f , , o f . y o u r ‘ friends, we extend Sincere- A patronage- Holiday Greetings. Best H A P P Y during the past year Wishes for the New Year.. NEW-YEAR ‘ a n d wishing; you nil ' TETLEY’S, Inc. VIsll Our / . Sandwich Shop i Ilnppy Holiday Season. wish their many friends ...____ ' ..-.

CENTRAL FINANCE A HAPPY NEW YEAR BROWN’S L lc e n it DELICATESSEN Nick’s Delicatessen 11 W.' Front ,81. Keypori . Red: Bank Phone 7-0762 91 Broadway Keypori*

- Thank -You Heartiest Greetings Happy New Year - ' taOus. 1 * W a.express, appreciation ot Ono of our resolutions Is to for your patronage. to Our Many Friends. Customers and Friandi, the-cordial'relations between serve you w^th increasing , To All-of You . . . efficiency throughout thc days It is a'pleasure This is an- old wish us and extend best wishes for Whom ■ we have faithfully a Bount(Jul New Year. t o c o m e ...... p but still very sincere. to serve you. endeavored, to serve for many A. I . GOLDSTEIN, Ph.O. Ret. Pharmacist ' Victory Service Stat’n V. HALLERAN years, a Happy New Year. • ^ \ f American Producti and BAR - RICH ; >9 Marin* Baiin < Esso Station Tbs Corner Drup Slore^, LeRoy Erlcksox?, Prop. Suiaman’s Stationery M iU nn R. R .. Slallon D e ll1s M arket Stanley’s Diner * «r. m a ig t tet*. m s u -u o » 91*99 W, Front S t / Ktypoxft West Front Si. Keyport MATAWAN. H. J. Vfi Main :' St'1 '/;> *.. . Malawan .. Broad SL Keypori 7-1408 I f m THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27. 1951 THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, MATAWAN, N. J. PAGE THREE— SECOND SECTION


H A E P Y YEAR ...... Best Wishes for . • To all those who bave made it possible to Iii deep' appreciation ‘ make a success of our expanding business •7 t . ' ' Three little words— they’ve been said over A HAPPY NEW YEAR which in turn brought happiness and of our friends and customers and over again for generations—but they TO OUR MANY CUSTOMERS, FRIENDS prosperity into our home life, we wish to . . wo wish you ' i still express the spirit of the season! and BUSINESS ASSOCIATES. .j express our sincere appreciation. May you and yours enjoy all the abundance ■ I1 “Happy New Year” to you and yours. A HAPPY NEVy YEAU__ It has been an extraordinary pleasure to ! , of life throughout a New Year. I Don’t miss the joy of exchanging those have beep of service to the populace of the ; friendly, words, and trifling remembrances the Bayshore area. W e sincerely appreciate . SEASON’S GREETINGS TO ALL 1 which make them come true. - your consistent patronage at our Keyport >!■ and Matawan Meat Markets. ' - ' ‘ ■ ' « .. ; . v “ ★ ■ ■ ' ; MOLONEY’S MARKETS ; MANZO EXCAVATING COMPANY BUHLER & BITTER, Inc,. Hudaon 8nle» and Service > . "------V O G E L ’S W. Front St...... Main St. ; “ Matawan, N. J. J Broad Street Red Bank KEYPORT MATAWAN ; - - - - k Tolephono M Ataw an 1-1745 * Broad and Third Sts. Koyport - i ■ ■■ ' iMddixJ VvK'MWWKWM'CIMIMtK'C'MI WKICWICICKWKXKllNIWWICKICWKWKir ...... I f - t . . ii,J

h m o i i i % c u m ¥ l . : . ■ ■ - BEST ■ _ ■ , - ■UM.LIIVHU J 3 ^ 1 OUI? BEST WJSHES ta you during the ... CUSTOMERS The town crier’s voice rings Tn All Om' . , YULETIDE SEASON Happy New Year Joyous greetings and our . Extending X-'i'lonilii, Cutiloim'i'N_ mitl and may you enjoy .. out with good cheer and hap- - IIubIiii’kn AxmiclnUw, the best throughout At this Holiday Season * best wishes for a year of . Season's Greetings it ^ives ua sincere pleasure mness as lie wishes you a . wo wish " ' thc. . to extet»d‘our...... happiness, h e a l th und ’ ; t o a h . IIOMUAY ° NEW YEAli. ' Heartiest Greetings ^ o^yfui Holiday. ” " prosperity. / • J - ■ ~ CLIFFWOOD HKAHON'H OIIHKTINCIS KIRSCHBAUM’S . to one_and all. * LADIES WEAR ...... VAN'S AGENCY KEYPORT DINER AMOCO SERVICE HOUSE OF ENG PRAGER’S Roal Estate — Farms — Insurance - . Potqr Allkus Broad Street Keyport's Jeweler Since 1008 STATION Restaur an t RED BANK, N. J. 35 W. Front SI. K eyport 267 Main Street Matawan { Highway 35 ; Koyport { H lg h w n y 3S C llffw o o d j jj E. Front B1 Kayport SlItftJiMlMtMMaaMAMfcaiMftftfchaifcMlfcllfcllltilMhMftMlMlllMMifeS SliMiMkkklihhyiiihtiMiMAIi:J

! ■■ ■ > - ' V 8 / OLDS. CHEV.


[ new YEAR WISH — YULETIDE SEASON GREETINGS | SEASON’S GREETINGS “ HOLIDAY CHEER . W e thank our many patrons for tho business ■ ... . ■ . 0 ■ W c send you - our sincere greetings Extending our sincere best wishes for a very... we have received throughout the past year May we extend our sincere wishes for a '-fehis Yuletide Season and wish you Happy and Prosperous : ' anti we wish you a Prosperous and' llappy Happy New Year and voice our appre- ' success in the New Year. ~ ' New Year. ' • ■ • N e w Y e a r . _ * . . elation for your patronage tlio past yeiir, R. G. THIXTOfy Inc. .... " W S. WALLACE SINGLE SYSTEM LAUNDRY! Inc. Ben A1Ten . — 'Kink' Hulsart • - Dave Riley CLOTHIER imd FUHNIBHEn FABRIC & YARN CENTER UEI1T WOOI.I.r.y, Prop, 108 Main Street Matawan 5 W. F|ront St. . Keyporty Keyport 10 Broad St. Koyport

Season’s Greetings Q w «C uaojV i Greetings Thank You I r SEASON'S GKKKTINCS No matter how wc try to say SEASON’S BEST IIAl'l'V NMW. YHAtt fur your putronancv it, wc flmMhc' old fashioned ■ ' t o ."“Tt :— :‘~ Arcupt oui' Im'i.I , \vlj*lu’M for TO A Mi,-- — i ' Jt is a pleaiiure way is thc bapt. A very Wislies' for perfect health and happiness I pClfcii lll'llllll uml llH[.J • Jjni.i Our Fi'ieiids and . IhioMuhntil Die Now Y«!m*. to servo you . . ^ Happy New Year throughout ihe New Year. MAIAWAN POST . to one and all. ‘ CufitomerH Mutawun Wino and / n o DOWNES PONTIAC American Legion KEYPORT CLEANERS* AND DYERS ^ Licjuor Store and ‘ BELL BEEF CO. * § The Arnold Shop ( Lower Main St, Matawan Hbio! M. Curney Main St. • Matawan H $ . 14 W. Front St. . K«yport t Tel. MAIawon 1-2299 Division antl Thirc^Sts. Koyport J20 Mnin fit. Mntawan Ladies’ Auxiliary t '/,Si>!>5lJl>.S!>!>3ia3j It >15(51*i3t9i9 t»A J LiM iliM iM iM UM li

# r b ' * V a i* l v

*I / B fllU A 4 Happy Holiday 2 The joyous bells peal 0 May the Ulnd Yu)«.-lldr C11*•<*lim;:> / /JRBBTINGS Huppy Now Year 1 Greetings A to i*ll o»jr rjif.tonn iji / out our message m Spirit of thn f to each and .every oho % H a p p in e s s t Wishing,You and' ■ To All Our f4 Ytilc HolidayK au'l huf.iin-r; i>y N e w Y e a r of you.- Loads of • oil through ' i b e st w ish e s, jj Ilapjty Holiday is our little message .,.Uu£fnes5 A«y*eintcfl. , the yr.HT. cheet;:ait\fl.our ft Gi'cetings. of thanks to our t o A l l .” BURLEW’S 4/ ; best wishes. CHARLIE’S t kind friends. SCULLY’S .. Opportunity Shop G rocofios t A DelicaletMn f STRAUB MOTORS, Hubert Market Co. Town Restaurant ; 1 Mutawan Inn 2 VAI.DA DOl^ON. Phjp . Ijcna Wells. P/op. AMOCO SEHVICE STATION A Antiques Ifardw ere H t INC, Quality Bakery Efroedway - Maple PL TJu MtJlbtwi /> * Freneau Aver * vg / >Kniter>Fiaser Dealer FltKI) KUUKSKH' . We MEAT Your Demands 179 Main S t//; Matawan S. Concourse, Cliffwood JJcach A 4 . .. KEYPORT ------i t .115 BroAdway — K * y p o r t 'd * —"T#r."W!iWiK rnxu7~~— * f~ — j4XTAWA7f 2 tny)iw>iy'35 Keypoit 17 E. Fronl S/. ' Knpoii 29 E. Fronl EL Keyport 7^)505 - O p r » . ' ------A t 1 A 1 MiiimiamMjimMniimmil ",l.t.i,),'*}.},!:*),M i,h t,*,**'. ' ' ' • .../ - . pfst PAGE FOUR— SECOND SECTION THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, ’MATAWAN, N. J. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1951 PI is?--?!

OFES BOWSE AT M O N TI’S ) C o n E H> o v u “Hey Look! GA/PARiy " ov^C9He19»«l ...... O P E N H O U S E C J at —- k „/• < W PARry Continuous Entertainment Sams Keyport Bar . this • HATS * , 7 - J .... ■' . - .’ * DELUXE CELEBRATION ON NEW YEAR'S. EVE , NEW YEAR'S EVE • NOISEMAKERS Everybody is Welcome lo Gala Celebration! • BARRELS OF FUN FUN — FAVORS - NOISEMAKERS • Free Roast Turkey Supper • Fun Galore Join a friendly crowd and your Congenial Hostess. JEAN MONTI. .... YOUR FAVORITE TV WESTERN TRIO FOR..v • Hats • Noisemakers . • Streamers your NEW YEAR’S CELEBRATION • Favors • Music • Entertainnfent •Hats • Noiseipakers • Favors • Music Don’t Mis6 It! Bigger aiid Better Than Ever! JACK K E O U G H ’S BAR & GRILL MIXOLOGIST CHARLIE MARR AT YOUR SERVICE MILTON McCANDLESS . MONTI’S CIRCLE INN S AN D YT-S c o b a r a , l Freneau Ave. . , ' MATAWAN Near ^Underpass Popular Shore Artist at the piano . . DRIVE IN PLENTY OF. PARKING ' Highway 35 KEYPORT Highway 9-4 ' g g W S L W t f MATAWAN , wilh your favorite songs’,

EXTRA ADDED Celebrate New Year’s Eve \ i H f U f a *' ATTRACTION y h W V. > N o u l, with your party and you will X

BUCK SMITH’S ■ For Reservations: M c A V O Y S Popular Night Club Melody Club Call Woodbridge. fi-9457 TAVERN TWIN GABLES Pahner A vev -one felodc from " The Palace of Merriment” Opposite ihe Keyport Auction ' R o u te 36. Route 36 /120 MAIN ST. W OODB$DGE $oute 36 near r Keyport RARITAN TOWNSHIP KEANSBURG'" Raritan T\yp. Short Distance irom Union Beaeh Traffic Light. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27. 19S1 TriE. MATAWAN JOURNAL, MATAWAN, N. J. RAGE FIVE ~ SECOND'SECTION Holmdel School^ Mother, Daughter, 7, Read all tbe news of local sports ftvenlt ln ihlt newipaper every w j k , Ease Rules For Christmas' Program Injured In Accident Can Better Selves A- Christmas open house party Mrs. ''’Barbara Smith and her Officer Candidates wna given at- Holmdel School by daughter, Marilyn. 7, of Little Sil­ IEW YEAR'S EVE . . Education, Retirement members of the seventh and eighth ver,. were treated for shuck Suiv> AT TOMMY. AND BABE’S -from Area Meir <0k1 Women Navy Has Openings For Krodes. Entertainment Consisted of day afternoon at the olfice of a Benefits Open To All Recent College Grads CELEBRATION PARTY In Service ia' the three dramatizations arranged by Matawan physician after a light de­ Who Can Qualify the children from books they lud livery truck in which they wero MONDAY KITE, DEC. 31sl For those women morines wjio read. XUtU'St An^el’' was di­ riding, was involved in an nceidpnt ALL ARE WELCOME,, decide- to make the- Marine Corns Any college graduate; or college rected by Dorothy Rada with Shlela ut the Intersection of Route 34 uni their careers, the law provides vth'a’t Armed Services student who will' graduate within Seigle cloing the narrating, Fred Broad St.rMytawan police reported. OPEN HOUSE ■they cifn retire pt tbe end of twen­ four, months, now is eligible to ap­ Harrison was the. '‘Littlest An^el" ’ The truck. was driven by Mrs. A DELICIOUS DINNER WILL BE SERVED ty years* service with a guaranteed ply for-the Navy's .officer candidate and other augeld were Margmet Smith's huaband,. Hilton. L. Smith Brhcese On Furlough Robertson Has-Furlough school at Newport, R. I. The Navy WeUant, Darbyru Wibon. ^runeis •HaU * Noisemakera * Balloons •Favor* lifetime income. An additional ad* has “oShmna'Urtl Jill -sped£ii:-~.cour;y: Jr*, which collided with a cyr opur-* vantage offered -the--woman - marine, .. PXc*- Rocco Briscese,. 2Q - Middl Pfe; Louis Robertson,* of' 214 Infanti,- Marjorie - AutoivUJe& ...and ated- by-William. J- Day,' 207 .Mam J ...... S AiMi CLOSING...... is the opportunity of earning col­ sex St., Matawan, son., of Mr. npd Campbell St., Union Beach, is requirement and will now accept Julia Portia. Dickens* “Christmas St.. Kfcansburu, Matawan polU“* lege credit under the free study ,1,.. Mrs.. Dominick . . - • ■ .spending a 11)- applications for training as a line Caroi‘’ was ariunged by Julia Por* said careless driving summonses program .or the Marine Corps Insti­ Briscese, is spend­ day f u r 1 o u g h officer from any mail who hns 01 tto and Harry Leitncr, with Julia returnable Saturday ni^ht were is­ will get a bachelor’s degree fro-il Portia duectmg. "Scrooiie" was TOMMY BURKE’S GREYHOUND tute. ' ing a Christmas with his. parents* any accredited college or univcrii- sued to both drivers. . ’ In most cases, women marines furlough at his Mr,.,' and--. - Mrs. portrayed by Omar Slcklea, "Bob . BAR AND GRILL working at Marine Corps posts and home. PTc. Br*s- Frank Robertson. 'y- . . . .Cratchet" by Neil Wilding and the Man Hurts Shoulder Route 35 . Centerville stations throughout the country cpse, graduate of Pfc.' Robertson is Announcement of thc easing of three spirits, Carmena Greco, Aim DETWCEN KEYPORT AND MIDDLETOWN and at headquarters in Washington, Matawan Jl. S., serving with tho the requirements for OCS. wis McPhceu and Harry Lcitner, The Curmea Andrettu. 30, of U Lloyd D. C., live in barracks, designed a­ is attending a 909th Engineers matte today by M. Com. Ilandail Christmas story from the Uible was St.. Freehold, sulTered a possible * long .the lines of the standard TI- school lor me­ Const. Bn., . ut Weeks, oflieer in chart;o of Navy iimmaed by • Joyce Bennett . wi»h fracture of the right shoulder Sun- shaped barracks used throughout chanics at Shep­ Camp Rucker? recruiting and officer procurement the help of the Rev. Norman Reilly. Uny when the car ho was driving the Mariuc Corps. . t herd Air Force- Ala. The 909th for the Philadelphia district. Ap­ The east' included: “Mary,1' Linda is expected to be plications-are- bcliii* jicceiHed at liis Layton; “Joseph,” Robert' Leibe* went out of control and structi a Modern and fully equipped for Base. ' Wichita. office, 13 S, Thirteenth St. , now; ”Shephe^l.s,,’. Roco Infantl, concrete rubutme'nl on alternate convenience, tho womens- barracks Falls.. Tex. Ho •4i*ST2ttrtfr—to duty Mldtftvl Harmyk , Mnd llajcry. Ldtr Route 4, Morganvilfe. The Matawan are clean and comfortable. The Joined the Air in and ■ Under the new requirements, the First Aid Squad ambulance removed BRISCESE - Force about sU sail for Europe in holder of tiny buccalaureatc dcsree p.er. The “Tlnee Kings 1 were Kv«- laundries are equipped with-auto­ ROBERTSON the near Tuturc. will bo considere'd ediicationally lyn Smalt', Elsie* Banks ami IsaleMi Mr. Amlretla tit Fitkin Hospital,: matic washers and huge, cabinet­ ■ : . months ago an.i qualified for the OCS program, for Vara. Santa Clfliw, Paul Mcltri^k; like dryers which lighten the nev­ was assigned to school-after com-1 Aids Korean Wounded training and service as u general was the host.... er-ending task'of keeping uniforms ploting training at Sampson, AF Pfc. Daniel F. Brewer, whose wife, line otriecr afloat-or in the Nay.v looking sharp. Base, Geneva, N. Y. This is his Ann, and two children reside on shore conunands, Prcvipusly thero Now Is the time to mlvrrlljio those In a few .instances, where regu-’ first furlough since enlisting. Route 2, Malawan, is helping trans* had been a minimum mathematics unused articlefi for sale, A small ad ]ar quarters are not available, wo- . Family Reunion ’ port TJN battle casualties Jn Korea requirement for OCS applicants. iti the classified column will him Il Will Be OPEN HOUSE "men marines are allowed to live in, Mr. aiul Mrs. WiUiam Barry, of as a member, of the 5B*Hh Medical Besides tile “unrestricted line" eat- them inlo i?ash for you, private rooms or apartments and Oregon Ave., Easl Keansburg; had Ambulance Co. a part of IK Corpse ei’.ory, there are specialized liroilus wilt pjcusa you. ' at tho Monmouth. Hotel,^^ond receive, a . monthly allowance for an unusually Merry Clu'istmbs this His unit was recently cited for within the officer candidate’ pro­ quartern and food. year because for the first lime In its work during, ti seveHiday period gram, each i-c(|U>lln« specialized Sti, Keyport on Now Year's Eve. Women entering the Marine three years their entire family was, when It moved. l.r>82. pullcnts 49 educatiori. Men, selected for these Corps are 'almost without ‘excep­ together. Their four sons, with tho miles. Not one man died or suffer­ specialized programs are given Wo’re staging a torrific party tion pleasantly surprised at the exception of "One, ure all serving ed further injury during the Jour­ duty assignments in Hue with their quality and quantity of Uie food, in Ihe Army 'and Nuvy. ney over the poor Korean roads. education backgrounds. to don’t'mist it! served in their mess halls. Only Sgt. Robert Barry, who is in the Brewer Ls a graduate of the ‘ Men wlio quality for tho "unre­ top grade produce goes into the Ariny .Signals Corps, has, just re­ Freehold High School: in Freehold; stricted line" school at Newport at* ',-i| making of Leatherneck chow, Thero turned from Korea, and’he expects tend for four months before receiv­ ORCHESTRA DANCING FUN GALORE is always a choice of several vege­ to be stationed at Fort Monmoulh; Would: Appreciate Mali. < * ing their commissions. Then they tables offered, and there’s no stint-/ Cpl. Cornelius Barry is wilh thc Air ' The following leller reached this nre obligated to serve three., years HATS NOISEMAKERS FAVORS ing in the dessert line. ». / Force, and he has just returned- column on Tuesday und needs no of active duly in the Navy, In the . At thc present time, women, nm- from , where he served explanation: * specialized fields thc ‘ tralnini! at Como In. and See . EDDIE . .rines off duty are permitted lo three years. He*is looking forward “We are a fow ofthe inony boys Newport is for two months, fol­ wear, civilian clothes when they go lo being stalioned in Florida.” The in Korea who do not receive much lowed by special tramlnji.st other Popular Shore Orchestra. Songsters. .on liberty, and, though liberty reg­ third brother, James Barry, is in mail. WThave been here for quite centers for'additional-periods, ln ulations vary from base lo base, the Navy. Ho has just completed some, time and there are no pros-? the special categories graduates ill ~ OPEN HOUSE, in general they are very liberal Tor his training at Great Lakes, 111.; pects of'leaving in the near future, engineering, business administra­ -both the men and the women. und is being trained-as ah,X-ray •The only thing lo look forward to OPEN HOUSE Everybody Welcome! A1s£ Varying are the types, and technician at St. Albans NavaT Hos­ is WKril from home. . . tion, mathematics, physics, chem­ -number of recreational facilities -ii- pital, on Long Island. . . . “We would, appreciate It very, istry and other technical fields, are Hoy. Follent Take your Gals MONMOUTH HOTEL vallable, but at almost any Marine . Alfred Barry is now living with much if you would publish our being sought. - .. Big New Year’s here for a contlnuoua night oi Corps installation the woman ma- his wife und two sons, Alfred jr., names and-addresses in*your paper The program Is open lo men who fun NEW YEAR'S EVE. j Broad Street KEYPORT ijiTC_fInds_a post theater, a bowling nnd Richard, at his parents’ home1. and we will be glad lo answer any are liable for induction under Uni­ Eve Celebration alley, tennis courts and equipment, He served, for five years with the letters from anyone who cun find versal Military, Trnlriing and Ser­ ’softball, equipment, post librury, Army in .World War H. time to wrile a few liue9.' Letters vice, and to men who nre exempt, ORCHESTRA hobby shop, and usually swimming and nice photos help to cheer a with age limits -in most categories FUN! , Fedele Complete* Course fl'oip .19 lo 33. facilities^ pool or a nearby beach. Pvt. Nicholas Fcdele.,son of . Mr. fellow up. Wc appreciate tills very ENTERTAINMENT! -ENTERTAINMENT "’"‘’’The Marine Corps; thus ’ offers art and Mrs. Santo Fedele, Cliffwood much.” Cun did ales- nre rcijuKed to pass exciting, satisfying program of Ave.V Clffwood, was graduated re-" . Cpl., Raymond Abernathy an .oiricers' qualification test, nut HATS! Belf-lmproveinent to its women ccntly from a specnl supply clerk’s Cpl. Glenn C. Aaron the passing score. In Ihis cxnmlm- HATS! N01SEMAKERS! — OF - 'member^ * • school operated at Fort Leonard Pfc. Charles Ostnrnder tiun.lins recently been lowered. NOISEM AKERS! Wood, Mo., by the Cth Armored All serving wilh Food will be served, Area Men Enrolled Division. Class members received . filHth .Med. Amb. Co., Water Safety Meeting. TETRO’S CASINO BAR AND GRILL certificates of graduation from' A. P. O. 301, care P. M., - * Cocktail Bar . SURPRISE FOR THE Jn . Training Classes San Francisco, Colif. - Tomorrow- (Friday) evening li:i» and Dining. Room. LADIES, school officers at exorciseB conduct* Delicious > Home-Cooked alto our bi(t I •Among.those taking part in the od on completion of the course. LaiuiKng Prom otod 1 been set for Instruction and prac­ im-the-job apprentice training at Graduates of the course will be Vincent J. Lannlng jr., formerly; tice of .the new bacMiressure-Him Full Courso Dinners . EMMA KAIli.KHT . OPEN HOUSE the. duPont company's photo pro- given .assignments ..with units where oT Laurence Hnrbor, "has been pro-! lift nifctyiod of nrtlflciai respiriitlon served here all dqy. . Ynur C«)iigeninl ..duotsrptant. in Parlin nre. Frank they will employ their newly ac­ moled from private first class ’la for all certified Red Cross first aid , * lloMless. s Bettoli, 7 Laurence Parkway, Lau­ quired skill. Selection for enroll­ corporal iri thc 'Air Force. und water safely Instructors." Ed­ NEW YEAR’S EVE rence Harbor, and James- Mershon- ment in .Ihe-.school ia based upon Lanning, □ son. of' Mr' and ward F. .Sylvester, volunteer di­ OLD DUTCH TAVERN rector of safety services ot the Mon­ H ighway 35 cor. Holmdol Rd. CELEBRATION Oalc St., Matawan, machinists. natural aptitude and previous civil-. Kirs. Vinccnt J. Lanniiig, 130 Morni mouth County Chopter, Americu'.i HIAWATHA . ..Under* the program, inaugurated Ian expedience. . . ingslde Ave., Laurence Harbor, is MONDAY^NiailT, DEC. 31 qight weeks ago, participating cm- -Prior lo induction last May, Pvt. assigned to the-Air Force Human Red Cross, announccdrthat arrange- KEYPORT BAR and GRILL plpyees do their class work as well Fedele was employed in the garage Resources -Research Center, San menls liaVc been made for an fl CONTINUOUS MUBICI , Antonio, To«. H6 is In'the'testing o’clock session, tomorrow, night at Route 35 Keyport ENTKIITAINMnNTI as their fipibrentice work entirely business in Keyport. He is a 1949 the- Borden Auditorluip, Monmouth . (Hailei Bocllon) on company time. Sixteen employ­ graduate of Matawan. High School and processing division there. Memorial Hospital. All,Instructors' Tel. KEyport 7-0913 ees are taking part in the program. and attended Monmouth Junior The center is manned by over will receive direct word from the • DANCING • HATS •NOISEMAKERS Thc classroom work is taught by College. , 1000 military, and professional per­ • members of the Middlesex Couhty sonnel who conduct scientific re­ chapter Ilfd Cross office. • FAVORS Vocational School staff. Equipment Home From Korea search for evaluation of Air Force in' OPEN HOUSE -textbooks and "reference "books are Sgt. Eugene W. Schauflcr, -UI Center has I*!*- operating unlls nt Dilvo lo Ih# Dhor*'« Fun IUoiii|unrlnri. Pori Monmoulh' Rd.', Keansburg. personnel and improvement <>D \9 5 2 at "supplied by the company. -was,, one . .of2000. combat.. .troops training. In addition lo its hend 12 Air Force bases 111 eight Btntrs, BUFFET SUPPER - who arrived in San Francisco on quarters""and'~ two~labriratdries- at - Cpl; ‘ Lanninjr is -a- former--athlete^ HERE Defense Bdnds pay the same rate Thursday aboard the transport Lackland AFB, San Antonio, the pt Matawnn 11. S. and Wake Forest A N C H O R I N N Popular Shore Danco Orchonlru of interest aa the War Bonds you General Pope, from Korea. “ , (Continued bottom next column) College. bougftt^diiring the war. Buy some' - UNION BEACH Dino— Dance and bo Merry at . . . ^... Your friend “AL” has cooked up a Monster NEW YEAR’S EVE PARTY and EVERYBODY IS INVITED. NOISEMAKERS - BALLOONS, ETC. Tetro’s Casino COCKTAIL BAR AND GRILL Dclicious • P«p„ J. TIITllO BUFFET SUPPER "POP" JULIAN, Mar., loniierly of Jtillnn's Iloiilliounn ' Open Until S A.M. AL. ACiatlMAH. Dl.pannvr . Don’t Miss This Bigger and Better 526 Front St. »- ~UNION BEACH CELEBRATION ricwpeiwwgicieiesictc'iiW'M'MtPCW'tie'wtwpe'w'e't'BPo** PARTY. i - 1 ANCHOR INN GRAND OPENING -r Florence Ave.' ...... o r THE NEW'BEAUTIFUL UNION BEACH, N. J. T R U D Y ’S COCKTAIL BAR , SEASON’S GREETINGS . • Our New Year’# Eve NEW YEAR’S EVE"... W e extend to all.ofiyou our Beat WinhoH Party will be ‘Out of MONDAY NIGHT, DEC. 31.1 . . f o r ' this World’ . . . b o join the crowd of congenial A HAPPY NEW YEAR 5i t folks for the— O t T W ATLANTIC TILE MFG. CO. !t BIG CELEBRATION 0 • Malawan t Celebrate Now Year’s Eve At D E C K E R S With Y6uri'FHend» At Our - Gala Grand ’Opening Party.

A Dclicious-Roa»t-Turkey Supper- •HATS • NOISEMAKERS • FAVORS ...... Hats! Noiscmakers! Favors! Streamers! • MUSIC • FREE EATS • FUN GALORE 'ALL OH THE HOUSE. Many Surprises! Everything now and MUSIC - ENTERTAINMENT you’ll love this eye* . SEASON’S To Our Customers ond Business Associate* OPEN HOUSE NO COVER HQ MINIMUM ■ ■ appealing night spat. GREETINGS \te wish a , Our Best W ishes New Yetir 5 A. M. Your Congenial Hosts,1 T R U D Y ’S for a . . Of ‘ Closing JIMMY and BUSTER Jt .Perpetual SucCefl?«. Happy New Year!, ' A ..... '* ' ' ' Cocktail Bar | Martin & Brown, Inc. £ J Highway 36 ' Highway 35 - Bayshore Plumbing k U H N ’S | COAL AHD FUEL OIL j { POULTRY FARMS DECKER’S W- KEANSBURG, N. J. LAURENCE HARBOR & Appliance Co. {' Main SL TeL MA~l^i31 £ { Matawan, N. J, WEST END TAVERN Route W ’ Kcaniburg N. J. PAGE SIX — SECOND SECTION THE MATAWAN JOURNAL. MATAWAN, N. J. THURSDAY. DF.Cr.M BEI^i^fo.1^ ’

HIGH’S 1951-52 VARSITY CAGE TEAM W. Keansburg School Walcott Dimes Head Six Raritan Boys Club. IFreehold Track Has Basketball Team Jersey Joe Walcott, heavyweight Boxers.In Golden Gloves West.JCcansburg School is to be champion of thc world, has recent­ Alex Ladoiiccur. trainer of young Tiger Five St-33 Has Face Lifting represented J;y. a basketball team ly been appointed New Jersey Slatti boxers working out for'the Raritan in thc Bayshore Grammar School iMarch of Dimes chairman of sports Boys Club, announced Monday ho is Raiders Score Third . Major Improvements - League this season, according to activities, it was announced by Sid­ entering six pf his lighters in thc ; Win In Four Contests; Being/Made For 100th Louis Cardina, principal.. ney C.- Moody, Industrialist, who N. J* Golden GIqvcs tournament The players who will compete heads the stale March of Dimes which starts Jan. ’ 11 at Newark: Display Varied Attack Anniversary Meeting foi* West Keansburg are: William this year. “In accepting the post, Athletip Club. ' ... Stalers, .William Gcrvasio, Georgo Joe^ is acting in accord with his Keypoit High's Red Raiders got ...... “This is more' than a commercial Swann, Thomas Brennan, Thoma:i recent statement that he wants to -The Raritan entries are Richard ofT to a fast start against Atlantic project, If people of Freehold are Quaylc, George Walling, Walter do all he can for the erippled chil­ Poling in the l!8-lb. class, Johnnie "Highlands-on the Red and White's to be proud of it, it Ins to be beau­ Johnson/Milton Woodruff and Rob­ dren and thc^youth of the country,” Youncofski and Jimmy Warnock in court Thursday ang .emerged vie* «. *, ' tiful—and that's just what it’s go­ ert Lettsr Louis Mazzie, a • member said Mr.-Moody.. • • . .. the 126-lb. class, Roy Jensen in thc torious 51*33. The Tigers hurig on ing "lo be'/’ , _ .1__.... of the flaritan Township Board of Tfie 37-ycar-oid father of fiix 135-lbr class; Jack Bcnning in the" - throughout-the-first -half,—whicn-^; These are the words that Charles Education, and Bill Walling, form children recently won boxing’s cov- IGO-lb.-elites and Kcnnie Coleman in ended 18*15 in Keyport’s favor,. K: Davenport, viec president and "gen­ cr Keypor^ H, S. phiycr, arc >n ctcd Nicl Plaque, presented by the thc 175-lb. class. but in thc lost two cpihrtcrs COach eral manager of the Freehold Race* charge of.thc team.. Boxing Writers Association for his Ladouceur thinks Youncofski has Frank Zampcllo’s players steadily;1 F-v (W.f •way, used in describing the reno­ Arrangements have been made to having contributed most ' to the a good chance to take thc stato pulled away'from the opposition. ■ fe, vating project at the tiack. practice at St/Ann’s School, Keans­ sport in the year 1951. , crown in his class. He has shown Jimipy Lawson was the player, Overhaul operations are undui' burg, and- Iteyport Gramirtar. up very well in bouts with the who got thc Raiders away to a good1 way to make thc track a thing of School. There ;is no gym at West' present titleholdcr -In .-that class. Start. He jarred the Tigers zone beauty as it begins its centennial Keansburg School. . Coaches To Meet The Raritan Boys Club mentor feels defence with a backcourt set shot year in 1052. Thc'first race at the the team he is entering now is the for Keyport’s first scorc and fol­ track was held in 1853 und it. has The West Keansburg .Parent- Anbury Park H. S. officials will strongest one to have represented been in almost continuous opera­ Teacher Association Is providing the be hosl to the Now Jersey State tho club in the past three years. lowed- with a layup that . madte charge of arrangements. New Jersey. ' ”” ‘ ference in the ball game. George thc patron. Thc parking problems Flooded with calls from motorists Post, Raider ccnter, hooked shots of track-goers W.ilj be solved. The Matawan High’s 'game with who can’t start their cars, the ga: .' right-handed from the pivot and old parkirtg lot off West Main St. Jaincsburg, on the Matawan-Koy- Ice Fishing Starts Jan. 5 rages report that almost without" the Tigers could not stop him, Jo;* is being graded for convenience and, port Rec Ccnter court, was post­ exception the trouble results from Muniz hit with accuracy from the landscaped for beauty. . Its car ca­ poned because of inclement weath­ New Jersey’s ice fishing season either butteries being in poor con­ backcourt and Keypori was ahead pacity will be Increased so as to er, Doc. 10. It will be played Feb. opens on Jan. 5 and continues until dition cither physically or from fin 32-23 ..when the period ended. park from ten to twenty times as 19 at thc same court as thc final Jan. 27 inclusive, Ihe State Division clcctrical charge standpoint or be- ln thc final canto it was Keypoit ’ Tho new toam fashioned by Coach Paul J. Evans (cenlor of picture) lo replace Ihe one lost by grad­ many vehicles. • of Fish and Game, Department of causc of faulty electrical systems^' ‘ all the way. A pair of reserves, uation lpit June is shown abpve. Starling at tha lop of the picture'and reading clockwise the Maroon game on Matawan’s regular season Most of the garages point out that and Steel basketball players arej; Robert Haussmarin, Richard Froit, iCarl Hughes. William Armour, Wil­ A sccond parking lot, off Park schedule, Coach Jud Evans of the Conservation und Economic -De­ Bill Ball and Larry Vccchlo^ set a velopment, announced Monday. . . many batteries now have' a low blistering pacc In flo.or play, thcir liam Clifton, Daniel Matthews and William Farrow. They return to action against Manaiquan on Jan. 4. Aye., is being graded and beauti­ Maroon and Steel announced Fri­ fied also, and together with thc day. ( ~ . ' During thc period,' pickerel and charge as the result of the rcccnt fecd-lns to Charlie Koenig and Vic Main St. lot- will practically solve pikc-pcrch may be legally caught snoW storm, traffic tie-ups.--^ Caught Rhodes putting thc gam6 out of the parking problem of motorists. Thc Jluskics will tangle with the together with thc pan andveoarsc in..the snow-bound traffie, motor* reach for thc visitors. Reports ’51 Deer Merchants Both lots will have entrances on Indians on the Jamesburg court fishes which are legal quarry for all ists let thcir engines Idle for Iona The joy of home fans was not B O O K I N G Bowling League side streets to. reduce traffic con Jan. 8. Thc Middlesex County 12 months. ' ' periods of time at low speeds in­ undiluted, for thc hitherto all-win* gestion in the track area-when the school... h,as a .veteran combination sufficient to keep thc battery charge ning Keyport jayvees suffered a I T O V E R Season A Success , McQueens Cloanors (2) season begins. of Mickey Huisc,. Bob Alshoimcv, up. Many of these batteries still stunning setback in the opening Be,cklund ...... 101 100 210 Regular patrons at the track will Palumbo, ' ‘ Buy Whippioorwill Farm need recharging cither from cx-. game. A boy by the name of Increased Kill, Larger R. English"...... 143 132 be more than pleased too when they Fred Conover, Terry Brabson and tended runs on the open Foad or. Charlie Maxson proved too much SCANNING thc basketball out­ Devine ... i. .... 11)0 120 152 sec thc newly landscaped infield. Leroy Taylor, backed up by ^sec­ Richard tJr^Metcalf, of Rumson, at a scrvicc station. for the Red -nnd -White seconds, look after the pre-Christmas activ­ Size Of Bucks Noted McQueen. , .. 172 95 Thc acres of infield are being beau­ ond string of Cliff Perrine, Jack' Pa­ has purchased thc remodeled Whip­ | Motorists can avoid cold weather showing a deadly eye from thc foul ity is completed, in Central Jersey, By Underhill Metzger .... 134 147 tified by a famous landscape artist lumbo, „Bob Applegate, Bill Web­ poorwill Farm, th cprc-Rcvolutlon- starting headaches, the ACCNJ ad­ line, as well os topping sqprln;} Group 1, it ts still all Sayreville. J. English ... 145 and proiriisc to be one of thc high­ ster and Milt Bunn. ary Middletown Township estate vises, by putting a 100-watt light from the floor. Thc Bombers demonstrated they The State Division of Fish and . -~— —4-.. ---- lights in thSday.of the park visitor, Jamesburg is rated one of the top owrted by Mrs. Lewis E. Waring, bulb on. the Intake manifold of It was their ineptitude from the have lost little of thc.power that Game, Department of Conservation BOO 653 792 Thc stable facilities will be im­ Group 1. t*cams of Central Jersey, widow of thc late state racing com­ thcir cars at night, and covering : frce-throw mark which cost-the carriedJhcniJoJhc state champion­ and. Economic Development, Fri­ _AmorlcanLcglon (11 proved and equipped to handle up but could not display Its wares in mission chairman. Tho frame eoT-" the hoods With a blanket. Thc " Tigers dearly in the varsity game, ship in thcir division last March by day predicted the rcccnt five-day Itodis ...... 143 132Ttici to 315 animals when’the track op­ -pre-Christmas play as it had two oni'al-type manor house has 12 he;U..generated by the bulb is often They made only three .of their downing Hoffman twice in prc-hol­ deer season in New Jersey would ens, Another Important factor of games, with Matawan and with rooms and four baths. ‘ sufficient to speed engine starting. Iday play. They smeared the Gov­ Warwick ...... 145 130 129 Flemington, postponed because of chanccs. It was their third defeat ernors by a 57-44 count in the fjjgt turn out to be a very successful one Jackin ...... 127 ' 137the projcct is relocating thc service Thc property has 06^_acrcs and ..’of ; the season, and gave Keyport game and GO.41 in the second. ' As when final.figures on tho deer kill Trqmblc.., 125_ 128 ... buildings in thcir proper _ areas^ weather conditions. ...'" adjoins the''Wo6dland"lFrarm estate Letterheads, billheads, statements, ' a 3-1 win rccord for pre-Christmas Hoffman was thc only team to de­ r.re tabulated. Kruser • • ti. .10° 123 128 Barns, which were foiinerly ldcat-" of Amory- L. .H^sjt^lt, president .cf cards; circulars, posters; in fact any- piuy. feat Keyport, It is evident thn “The finaj figures will not l;e McFarland .. 138, 140 cd -at different points about the Auto Racing Is Set the Monmouth Park Jocke/'ClUb. kind of printing may be obtained a;t thick, are now concentrated in thc this office promptly and at reason­ Bombers are still the outfit ta_bcut. available for several weeks," said ’ -r— ■ ■ . For Teaneck Armory , K oyport (51) Sayreville . still has thc matchless Dr. A. Hcuion Underbill, executive 707 059 JQ2 stable area as a matter of conven­ You can buy Defense Bonds by able prices. May we have your order , G F P Rudy Balaskicwlcz and thc rugged director of the division. “Initial re­ ience. The concentrated form of. auto the Payroll Deduction Plan. for that next job? Rhodes, f...... 2 3 7 Charlie Kolokowski heading thcir ports and field surveys indicate Koyport Cleanors' (2) •A new trailer camp for migrant Ball, I ...... 1 0 2 lineup. There are probably no two Overly 150 210 horse owners is being cleared at racing fury as depicted by Crosley Lawson, f ...... 5 0 10 better players in Central Jersey in tho deer season just completed hus Mike Cuecl . Pi7 140 207 the oast end of thc track. The horse stock cars and Tce-Que midgets Hansen, f ...... 1 0 2 any division of high school play. been a successful one. ,Moe Cuccl ...... 162 109 104 which proved successful indoors in It may sound a bit optimistic, but "Especially gratifying Is thc ap­ Dillon. .... 170 i55; 150 men's restaurant is being relocated the Midwest will make Its New Post, e 3 2 behind the Bombers wc would rate parent increased kill in South Jer­ Davino '...... "155 190 213 It will be at the east end of Jersey /bow. at thc Tcaneck Arm­ Shumock, c ...... 0 2 Hoffmpri, Jamesburg and Koyport. the track. • ' . - Muniz, g ...... 4 1 9 Wc feel Coach Frankie Znmpcllo’s sey and the larger slzo and antler, Blind ;... 125 ;The bar, located under the grand­ ory Jan. 5. . ^ Robinson, g v. 0 0 0 players, on thcir showing against development of bucks from this stand, and the concessions are al­ Many eastern stars of the sport . Rprnan. g ...... 1 0 Atlantic Highlands, are better than area. The division's doer manage­ ...... '■ W5 •042 m so beintf done over. At .Iho north of ~spccd i will be present for thn Koenig, g ...... ,1 3 5any' Shbrc Conference Group ..I ment program Is apparently -paying Bohr's Sinclair (1) end of the grandstand, a . terrace initial session. The stars are divid­ . Vecchlo, g ...... 'I'”0 2 team, other than Hoffman. We will off in more and better deer. Bommer .... 14,V 108 174 is being I'ortStrUcte.d on which-will ed in preferences regarding thc go along with bracketing ihem ' "Also especially gratilying Is the Weiss ...... 101 100 170 Tcc-Quc's and-the Crosleys. Both ..: Humphries, g ..... 1 0 with the Jndians and the Gover­ Everson ...... 157 135 105be a .fifth concession. , typos are-primarily miniutures, the greater co-operalion of landftwners 182 .Prior to the season’s opening a - 20 1151 nors In sccond flight, . with division fish and game person­ Dorl ...... l(iU 101 huge advertising campaign will be Tec-Qucs a condensed model of 4 * ■ * • nel as a result of crop protection Burgess ..., 140 159 100 'midgeltf/and the Crosleys a "Tiny - Atlantic H ighlands (39) initiated on both local and national Tim” edition of stock cars. Though TODAY, TOMORROW, SATURDAY G F P COACH JUD EVANS, of Mat­ through fencing, spraying and di­ 797' 82 r 050 lovcl. National attention' will bo small of stoture both types of rac­ Snyder, f ...... *.... 4 1 awan, advises us not to read At-' versionary patches. As a result of focused on Freehold as the home Continuous Saturday Starting at 1:45 Reed, f ...... 1 1 lantlc Highlands out of the pic­ this Improved attitude, the inci­ Cralo's Bovoragos (2) of the oldest racetrack in tlie coun­ ing vehicles have not sacrificed ture too soon. The Matawan dence of illegally killed deer in Everson ...... 103 IfiO 151 try. , This season’s attendance is ex­ speed for size. ■_ , ^Papa, f i...... 1 1 coach notes his team must’play .... 150 155 Thc Teancclc racing season will DOUBLE FEATURE Brcy, f .v...v 2 o the Tigers after the holidaysSouth Jersey appears to be greatly Vreeland ..... 181 pected to be far in excess of last run until mid-April with currc.it Klcva, e .... ., 2 0 and this means the Highlanders reduced. ’Unfortunately thorp ap­ McGrath .,..?.... 101 150 145 season’s 40,000 according to an es­ “Leonard, ir rv...; - 0 0 0 niay have recovci’ed'the isci'Vieea' pears to hnve been an -increase in MintZ- nv-.vrr; -2oa--112- timate by-Mr. Davenport------plans.-cnlling—for ,_a._ iwlcc-wcekly.. It’s ZANY...DAFFY! Letts, g .... .10 2 of their 1950-51 athletic star, the Illegal shooting of docs In sec­ Diodato *...... 104 “ 182 101 schedule with the Tec-Qucs com­ Fcsle, g ...... 10 2 John Bordulis, now ineligible, as tions of North Jersey. We can only Montesano 202 Bqauty and brains do mix on the peting one night and the Crosleys Duncan, g ,.. .300 well as having gained a sterling havo a sound management program College for Women campus al Rut­ the other. ‘. BeUevunce, g .000 new player via transfer from with everyone having an equal op­ 092 759 040 gers University. Terry Gualtierc, Snyder High in Jersey City. The portunity to share in-the harvest Touring's.-Tqvorn m N. J. C. .senior, was" Miss Atlantic ROSSWINDS ■ 15 3 33 transfer is a varsity man from if gunners will co-operate and obey May ...... •- r i gh • r. City in 1949, and Mary Parker, f0 .. ■ stirring . thc Group IV schopl. Jud Ir Adler ...... 170 104 135 JONH RHONDA FORKfST Score by Porlods practicing his own squad of In­ thc law.” Gibbsboro junior, was chosen Miss FOWLER Atl. High V a 0 10—xT* experienced players dally from Walling ...... 139 159 Ocean City in 105fr * Koyport ...... 11- * 7 14 10—51 Dec. 27 until school resumes In Muscarella ...-.... 134 i«4 177 THEATER ... Officials: Pingltore St Dobynski. January. The Matawan mentor Fire Conspiracy Count Grnbo ...... 120 KEANSBURG, N. J. .;.2ui How. Woolley ...... 112 Is -baffled by the unexpectedly Dropped By Prosecutor Sloven/ ...... 100 194 ; Opposite Public School Flschlor ...... 218 173 K oyport (26) good showing his team made In • ! ___ 091 054 ‘ G40 P hone K eansburg 6-0300 SUNDAY and MONDAY Dec. 30-31 F P prc-Chrlstmrisy piny. He is al­ An Indictment charging Mrs. Eli­ Uatlneea Baturdays and Holldayi Koyport Jowolors (2) — at 3 p. m. Ball, f ...... 2 0 most afraid to be optimistic ov­ zabeth" Wfslcy, Texas Rd., Murlboro . 020 000 33(1 C ontinuous Sunday Starling at 1:45 1 3 er such a green squud but the Township, with conspiracy to’burn Cliflwood Inn (1) Ambler ...... 101 157 Continuous Sunday from 2 p.m. Lo Presto ,f .. fact remains Matawan shows In­ Mitzenius ...... 155 132 Performances start.ot G:45 p.m. DOUBLE FEATURE Sngel, f ...... 0 2 teresting potential! If thc Hus­ a neighbor’s barn, was dismissed at Yatos ...... 202 187 172 Bieber jr...... 221 100 101 Wise, f ...... 0 2 kies could oniy grow a few Inch­ Freehold by County Judge John C. Kenner ...... 159 14& 1-14 Thurs./ Frl., Sat.. Dec. 27-28-23 1 5 Giordano for lack of evidence. Knhrs ...... - ... 182 145 Bicber sr...... 105 190 180 Fricljurg, c .... es more during the Christinas- Irons ...... 105 107 150 Smith, e ..... 0 4 holidays, it would further ease a The bill was nol prossed at the Klug ...... 133 122 152 Infanti ..... 237 159 Cottrell, g .... 2 2 the situation, Majkowskl __ ... 144.’103 130 THE MOB request of.' Assistant Prosecutor Brzeznlak .... 120 v . w iii^ • Humphries, g . 1 1 - •— • --- Charles FranUel. ‘...... ------‘------007- 937 -790 0 ~ Urodouck Cfswford Cundey, g .... 2 POST-SCANDAL college basket­ The entire case against Mrs. Wes­ " ’ P olo’s Tavorn (1) Sakin, g ..... 1 3 ball Is doing surprisingly well. .N. . 020 705 732 I ‘ also • 0 0 V.' U., St. John’s and Manhattan ley, ... tho. .proBCeuturX. office said, ..... Wall's Bar (2) Uowru ...... 104 220 155 'Walling, g.. i. was in a signed statement by Clar­ ' 117 Sappio...r 155 - 130 -ior) have gooci. teams and the games C. Kor.tonhous • • 172 E, Sauickie ...... 159 130, REUNION IN RENO iwgm i w " JOHNNY SHEFHELQ 10 0 28 in and out of the Garden are bclm ence Armstrong, Murlboro Town­ Rosa la - ...... \. . ’ 142 130 104 with ' " « BOMBA n» jrn u sar well attended. Madison Square ship, that she hnd hired him to Mania ...... 103 149 Malousky ,,. 130 Atlantic Highlands (47) Garden basketball Is a part of {he destroy. a barn .owned by Mrs. Pease ...... 102 155 104 J. Sauickie . 187 140 Mark Slevens - Peggy Dow ...... -...... G F P 175 Cartoon a News enjoyment In the life nf many New Frances Francis. . ... Sardella ___ .. . . l.ifi 170 200 P. Eirihorn ., Quinn, f ...... — .^2 1 .5. Yorkers and thoso In tha metropol­ TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY Jan. 1-2 Bellcvance, f ,3 1 7 itan area. It should be salvaged Armstrong, who wus tried and Mancinl 159 709 074. 018 Sat. Matinee—'THE RACES Nappi . MU- Prises to tho Boys and Girls Continuous Tuesday (Now Year's Day) Starting at 1:45 Maxson, t ... , 5 7 17 somehow. A few racketeers should acquitted of burning a building Koyporf .Bar (2) Leonard, c \ .. , 1 0 2 not be allowed to spoil something Oct. 10, repudiated thc confession, C. Pennetti ., 171 151 . - - 77U 770 021 171 Dec. 30-31 Turner, g .... 1 0 2 'hat meant so much to so many. lie had been tried previously on French ...... 152 130 110 »./. - __ Monahan, g . ■ 0 0 U Muirfnl of colleges from all over tho same charge lust June but the Garbor Supply Co. (0) A. Pennetti ...... 150 i m r e c m f c j . 0 0 0 the country, living In- the metro­ jury could not agree. Armstrong Freeman ... ir.r, 174 1U0 Banke, g .... politan area, got a chance to see 175 12!) Jacobs .... .'i... .. 152 235 ico Knutscn, g ... 4 0 U their ahna mater play, either in had accused Keyport State Police Talmadge . 171 Kaufer ..... 100 170J34 of forcing him to make o statement, Doyle K!,r> 137 Barker ..... 124 -145 ctsiumt 19 9 47 the Garden Itself or on TV. Bt/t Lauer 171 ■ir»B \ full schedule of these games can­ Testino 1 171 177 134 RICARDO HONTAIBAN-JOHN HODIAK • • Scoro by Periods -_ not be played without the pnrticlr Earns Company Award 705 810 770 Atl. High. ... v 0 13 is 10-47 intion of Long Island University Foster 170 150 " O. K. Servlcc (1) »nd i*tKKJactf>( ’ Keyport . . ' ..... 5 0 0 5—2P md C. C. N. Y. These colleges ap­ Otto II. Ostenfeld has been pro Slrane.iro _ .... 140 150' 132 Officials: Zmnpollo & English. pear to us to be reacting to an ex­ v ao7 or>« 7.WMasiello ...... 1.40 —129 3 STOOGES CQMEDY CARTOON NOVELTY cessive purlsm^now In abandoning sented with a cash award of M ontagna's A m oco O) ‘big time” basketball. They lose J. Costic 111 Baker ....-r. .... KJ7 WJ Extra Addcc^ Attraction "HOLLYWOOD AT PLAY" with for a suggestion accepted by the Owens ...... fo¥-”-t-!00 171 Eight Fruit Baskets perspective of their place In tho Montagna 171 151 170 . Dean Marlin and Jerry Lowis =ichcmo of things. There is no sub- “Coin Your Ideas” eommlUee of the Ncalis ...... 1/il 147 100. Are Won By Bowlers tltutc for them. Of other possi­ Standard Oil Development Co. Mr. Infanti \ IMt 100 •170 Harnett ...... 140 142 bilities, Fordham would'be pop­ Ostenfeld. who lives on . Amboy Arose— 213' 223 177 Eight baskets of fruit were of ular _but wpuld have to .bcwjiVou Rd.,. Matawan, suggested a change E. Costic . 221- 210 2t7 741 754 770 Dinncrware to thc Ladies. " ferc"d~h“s"^c-ClirlstmQfj..pritc9--l»1it ~»lin6sl^nm^osslblo™guaranl<}cs'i- n-- ln-thc-dcslgii..Qf..M>me of the cf|nin W. J^inUan 107 232 wdek in the Businessmen’s Bowl 'alnst ’new" danger uf scandal to ment used in the tosting^of lubrT ------Standings ing League play. The awards were ,voo them back Into the Garden. eating oils and fuels. ..." DO!) D03 974 W L NEXT THURS., FRI., SAT. Jan. 3-4-5 • provided by thc sponsors of th [vy-Lcague Columbia would bp un­ . 900, 903 9.71 Keyport Cleaners i... "it 29' 13 ■Brfffcvv’s Restaurant, Ctatc’a Bev popular und has too many/ com- • L. H. F.D. (31 veftge^and Garber Supply Cp nltmcnts In its own league, any­ telecast of the games, lt 1j> a. Behr's Sinclair ...... 28 14 FROM THE SMASH STAGE SUCCESS! way. certainty the colleges should get * Merwin ...... 103 124 180 Keyport Jewelbrs '...'28 H teams. \ . . •• * 171 172 Starring . Parimourtl prejeftll . ^ In the high average division thc a better financial break than Crane .... HD Petes Tavern ...... 27 15 ’ ^ they"'have heretofore. As for Chadwick ...... 110 111 i.i-r Walt‘s Bar ...... 27 15 KIKK ' m WUUAM ..lltA N O * .•following’ received baskets:. Dan CONTROLLING the amateur­ . controlling fixing, the penal­ -'Lewis ...... 111 155 „,U4 Montagnu’s Amoco ...... 27 15 AUDIE MURPHY Infanlf, 237; George Jacobs, 235 Ism of college basketball In thc ties mptod out In. the last scan­ Behring 113 ^ M0 ; 149 Cliffwood Inn BILL MAULDIN rWalt Jurman,, 232;*- Pete-Fischlcr, Garden Is something thc Madi­ dal should have n deterring ef­ ----w— ---- ... 20 . 10 218. The low average bowlers scor­ son Square Garden Corp., sup-, fect on thnt. It is n matter.of Garber Supply Co. . ... 23 . 19 frir.ts-.s o» poscdly responsible bujincss 700 700 no Crate’s ' Beverages ... 23 19 Tues.. W ed* Thurs. Jan. 1-2-3 SIDNEY KJIiGSlEY’S ing Were Bob Blower jr., 221; John making thc* penalty by law for Single System (0) no BeckJund, 210; Mike Coucci, 207 organization, should be able to promoting gambling on the Tourinc’s Tavern __ 20 work out with the television in­ Hornes forbiddingly stiff. Rewards Glassey •...... 129 119 Keyport Bar ..... t 23 und Bob Mintz, 203. dustry and the colleges. Most for informers on gamblers from Ellison :.l.f..... '147 142 149O. K. Servici ...... :. 14 28 Detective Story peoplo,who like.their basketball E. Hyer 1...... 124 112 93- 14 Defense Bonds pay thc same rut* heavy fines to. be Imposed on, McQueen Cleaners ... 20 would be willing to contribute conviction would- nlso help the” H.-Woolley ., r.,. 130 147 149American; Legion ...... 13 29 IMMUfll* W. wKlip 1WM.1 „ rosibimui o f interest as the War Bonds yo* something towards financing a work of the police and the dis­ .Waliing _.*..... 101 134 140 L. H. Fire Dept...... 13 29 lUunntLL SIDNEY KINGSLEY bought during the war. Buy sojnt* (Continued.bottom next column) trict attorney’s office. (Continued bottom next column) Single System ...... 3 39 Technicolor