iKONttffuTH CO HISTORICAL ASS’ M FSEEUOLD H J X Rail Fare Boost Vote Bonus For Borough Workers Commuters Win Battle Council Approves HCL With Central Over Hike Member National Editorial Association <— New Jersey Press Association —: Monmouth County Press Association Aid Last Night ; Petition In Costs; Appeal Will Action On Train Stop; Be Filed By Carrier- 83rd YEAR — 26th WEEK MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1951 Single Copy Six Cents Record Tax Receipts Now Jersey commuters received Municipal ‘employee:; were- vo’icd - a real Christmas present Saturday Solve Store Entry a live per cent cost of living bmnm from their Public Utility Commis MATAWAN TOWNSfilP’S JUVENILE CONFERENCE COMMITTEE last nlfiht by the Matnwon Borough Reckless Charge River Gardens Group sion—an order requiring the Cen M atawan Police Chief John J. Council. The bonuis coveru all cm* tral Railroad of New Jersey to* jt*oll Flood, reported yesterday that a phiyees on regular wilnry. back ils Jntrastatc fares to their 16-year-old youth who previoui> Is Not Sustained Cuuncll received n petition Binned ,1048 level, estimated tcj f^ut present Protest Occupancies rates by as much as one-third in ly had been in irouble with the hy 110 rosldentn requesting thnt police had been pickcd up here Kleinberg Also Finds Marz Declared Matter rc/pisylvanla train No. 3325, lenvJnp • some instances. and confessed to entering the New York nt 5:10 p.m. dully, slop Emmett Drew, PUC secretary, store of ,Charles McCue. Alter­ Laurence Harbor Man Is Entirely Up To ut Mnlnwim, The Irnln passes said thc order, which also includes nate Routo 4, Marlboro, and talk­ Did Not Neglect To Health Inspectors; Say through Wutnwun shortly niter fi thc Central’s subsidiary, thc New ing some $90 in cash Irom a reg­ _ Change Registration Taxi Avoided Street p.m, It's next sclii.'dulcd stop lu York & Long Branch Railroad, will ister and change box. - Red Bank. Tho petition waa ordered not become effective until next The boy. a resident of Mata­ Dismissal of recklfyftidrivlng-and, River Cliirdenn residents renew­ referred to the Stnto Public Utilities week. / . • * wan. was picked- up while pur­ failing to chnngO' the address of ed eomplolnhr al the towiiRhlp Commission. chasing shoes in a local store. registration of. a motor vehicle meeting lhal. familiar wero being Tho contractors on the now Mai: , The Public Utility Commis- •He was turned over to stato po­ chargcs against-Albert Majjnd, 244 pfrfniUed lo inovo Into new huiiseH nwau Crouk treaUo wilt bo-unkcd-to ‘ lion's order that the Central lice. Britton’Ave., Laurcncc Ityrbor, wna creeled In thc subdivision by Luu* correct a dnUnugo condition which Railroad of New Jersey roll back Mr. McCue reported lha! his made Thursday by Raritan Town­ renco Hnrbo'r Heigiits Cn, without resulls in periodic flooding- of ’Abor* Us intrastate commuter fares to store was entered by forcing a ship Magistrate Seymour R. Klein- health permits huvlug been Issued. deen Rd. Hocently n woman was 1948 levels beginning Jan/ 13, side door sometime after 10 p. bcrtf.. _ Ci.uiinnjin John Mar/. Jr,, flaid the Injured when hbr cur plunged ..Into 1952, will make it "virtually im­ m„ MondSy. Tho entry was dis­ Magistrate Kleinberg had reserv­ mutter wns “entirely -. tip to Mr. water nfter getting out of wintvol possible” for the railroad to givfr covered al 10 a. m; on Christ­ ed decision after heating 911 the Short/' the township henllh InHprct- nnd leaving the thoroughfnre. satisfactory commuter service* mas Day. charges in. his court Dcc? 15. i.^r, ns that olTldnl wna the one to Rocord-Colledlon E. T. Moore,'president of Jersey Thc complaints were entered hy j make Inspection of places occupied. Collector Koert C, Wyckoll re­ Central, announced,Monday. Trooper William C. Widgren, Key* John F. Ruley' wanted to kiw.v ponied thnt nn of hint night, lho "Regardless of legal technicali­ port State Police, ns result of nn If there was not nn ordinance' py receipts for 1031 tuxes were at 0!M ties/' Mr. Mooro said, "the bare' East Keansburg accident al Florence Ave, nnd Low­ which Limrence Hfirtxn: Weights per cent of miueiiHincnts. This In n facts are that tho Jersey Central record percentage for borough col* er Main St.-; Keyport, Dec. 0 in Tho recently tainted group io hahdlo juvenile delinquency problems Is shown et a recent meetlnu lit Co. could he prevented from notJ- has £n annual out-of-pocket loss which thc Maund-car broke ofT a lho Cliffwood School with John L, Montgomery, standing. Monmouth County JUvenllo Court referee. Com- ing liotises' for limnedinte occiipan- lections, Mr, Wyckoll reported. He of more, than $2,500,000 in the o p -’ utility pole.,. niitieo members seated."left to right, aro Harvey Morroll, Harry M. Welsford, Magistrate Luthor A r Fostor. «y. He nsked If llioy did not have nhn announced thnt his oltlce him eration of its passenger service, . Mr. Maund was driving out of Police Chief Adolph Meniol, John Mars jr.. chuirman ol the tov/nship committee; Rose K. Weni&|{;towoihlp to be dednred “imblliihlt'" fhst. pledges of payments which if rtf- including a loss of more than Fire Early Christinas Florence Ave. to cross Lower Main clefk; Mri. Edrio May Knoell, Township Committeoman Slophon J. KoUeia, William Hyer.'.chalrnian ot wel­ Mr. Mar/, only commentcil the celled wllhhi tht! next few tlnys * 5375.000 in furnishing intrastaio Morn Totally Wrecks St. to get to Route 3(1 when the fare. « ‘'I’ommllteo does n(A Issue per­ Will give the horough a record of commuter service. ‘ ' ' Home; All Possessions arffflflcnt occurred. .-John Harrison, mits." The chiihmnn added 'the Ort per cent for collections, a llgiun "I don't know how wo can Union Beach, was. a passenger In 500 Kids At Party residents could drop their concern;; which.will rank near the lop for €OnHiiue~Td~furnlfflv “satisfactory— ---Lost; Baby Hurt - Hie' ear. ‘"P‘ut-off the stiilid by Lc-O nlhmt-houseN-now- tmtler^mslvue’ shurc_muaUipulUica— __ ____ service with . such staggering Threatened Women, Matawan Police.. Mr,. WyekutV also said tfiat to Townsfolk pitched in to help ■Weinstein, Matawan, attorney for Motawan Businoss Association tInn in the division as these place* losses. It is this type of regular the defendant, both Mr. Maund nnd ^officers reported approximately would not be rendy for occupancy date receipts of delinquent taxiv> Is iion which will Jgiecipitato so­ Mike Kelly, his heroic wife, llelen,* $l7.(i:i|), f.s analjjht $1.1,000 estimated and the 12 Kelly children whose Mr. • Harrison testified they were Is Held For Jury , 600 youngsters were entertained Issue Summonses until July 1 and by. then IKejicw cialized transportation." 1 cut off by a.car turning into Flor­ '/ai tho onnual assoctation-ipon* $1011,01)0 "puekagh" sewiu1 pin'it Jn Hie 1HM niulgei. This also is a modest East Keansburg home .was ence Ave. nt qTiigh rate of speed would be-ln operation. recotd tnnplus fol1 UiIh iiccnunt, IL Wiped out by a Christmas morning and had to swing to the right inCo . Arrest Union Beach sored Christmas'party held in Drivers lu Two Crashes Asked about inensures taken by wns nntiounced, A spokesman for the railroad, fire. - thc utility pole to ovoid head-on Man In Keyport For ^the Matawan Thestor on Qatur* Ordered To Appear the UeVolo'tM'i'H to combat Uu* da.i* Council approved a resolution who said that up to the point, Sat­ day-mornlngr nsked by the .Jersey Central Tranii- Neighbors, loud in their praise collision. ' Carrying Guq; Bail The only roquiremont for ad­ Jiei.'s from overflowing septic tanks, urday, thc otder had not yet been of Mrs. Kelly for the brave way. sho Trooper Widgren testified the pole Jan. 5 In Answer To Mr. Mar/ said tho company had porlatiou Co: lo permit the opera­ received by the carrier, anticipated shepherded her children to safety, hit was one of thc larger diameter Set , At $5000 , mission was a can of foodstuffs Careless Driving Counts hired two more men tor.tho pur* tion of a bus from Matawan Htatiou that thc Central “would appeal started practicing thc true spirit jf used and had been mpvett over four and the items wero collocted in pom? of putting lime nn the' aro i to Highlands, The bus replacvv.. ' through thc courts.” J ' „ Christmas before the day had dawn indies, lie stated that ln his cstl-' Charles B. Tester, 43, of 704 Clark. *«Mffleleni amount to permit Ihe Summonsen for curelesa diivhwi where the tanka aru overflowing. train service over Ihe Highland:! Thc ruling, disclosed first by cd. motion the Maund car musMmyu’ Avc., Unipn Bcach, was held in' ’ iilling of 17 baskets which were 'returnable In Mntuwun Borough Division of-lho C-entfal lUiilrond of counsel for tho Intcrmunicipal $5000 bail Sundny for actlan of tho distributed to needy ..Matawan Police Court Jan. 5, wero Issued by No Qewor Runoff Offers of food, shcltcr-and cloth been driven at n high rate of speed families. Tho chlckons and candy lie was then asked ohoul '/II New Jersey, Action on the reipiei.t Group, for. Better Roil Scrvlcc and ing poured in on the Kellys who to have moved the pole that much grand jury following his arraign­ Chief pf..P.oll.ce* John. J, Flood to had been withheld from n prevloi.n later confirmed by thc PUC, dim­ on impact. He felt this justified ment in Keyport before Magistrate which each baskot contained Mrs. Ruth Crawford, jbf Mill Rd,, houses alleged to hnvo outflow., meeting pending elfoi ts of Ihe coUn' lost just about every ""worldly, pos­ Herbert lt.
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