Selected Titles in This Series

53 Andreas Kriegl and Peter W. Michor, The convenient setting of global analysis, 1997 52 V. A. Kozlov, V. G. Maz'ya, and J. Rossmann, Elliptic boundary value problems in domains with point singularities, 1997 51 Jan Maly and William P. Ziemer, Fine regularity of solutions of elliptic partial differential equations, 1997 50 Jon Aaronson, An introduction to infinite ergodic theory, 1997 49 R. E. Showalter, Monotone operators in Banach and nonlinear partial differential equations, 1997 48 Paul-Jean Cahen and Jean-Luc Chabert, Integer-valued polynomials, 1997 47 A. D. Elmendorf, I. Kriz, M. A. Mandell, and J. P. May (with an appendix by M. Cole), Rings, modules, and algebras in stable homotopy theory, 1997 46 Stephen Lipscomb, Symmetric inverse semigroups, 1996 45 George M. Bergman and Adam O. Hausknecht, Cogroups and co-rings in categories of associative rings, 1996 44 J. Amoros, M. Burger, K. Corlette, D. Kotschick, and D. Toledo, Fundamental groups of compact Kahler , 1996 43 James E. Humphreys, Conjugacy classes in semisimple algebraic groups, 1995 42 Ralph Freese, Jaroslav Jezek, and J. B. Nation, Free lattices, 1995 41 Hal L. Smith, Monotone dynamical systems: an introduction to the theory of competitive and cooperative systems, 1995 40.2 Daniel Gorenstein, Richard Lyons, and Ronald Solomon, The classification of the finite simple groups, number 2, 1995 40.1 Daniel Gorenstein, Richard Lyons, and Ronald Solomon, The classification of the finite simple groups, number 1, 1994 39 Sigurdur Helgason, Geometric analysis on symmetric spaces, 1994 38 Guy David and Stephen Semmes, Analysis of and on uniformly rectifiable sets, 1993 37 Leonard Lewin, Editor, Structural properties of polylogarithms, 1991 36 John B. Conway, The theory of subnormal operators, 1991 35 Shreeram S. Abhyankar, Algebraic geometry for scientists and engineers, 1990 34 Victor Isakov, Inverse source problems, 1990 33 Vladimir G. Berkovich, Spectral theory and analytic geometry over non-Archimedean fields, 1990 32 Howard Jacobowitz, An introduction to CR structures, 1990 31 Paul J. Sally, Jr. and David A. Vogan, Jr., Editors, Representation theory and on semisimple Lie groups, 1989 30 Thomas W. Cusick and Mary E. Flahive, The Markoff and Lagrange spectra, 1989 29 Alan L. T. Paterson, Amenability, 1988 28 Richard Beals, Percy Deift, and Carlos Tomei, Direct and inverse scattering on the line, 1988 27 Nathan J. Fine, Basic hypergeometric series and applications, 1988 26 Hari Bercovici, and arithmetic in H°°, 1988 25 Jack K. Hale, Asymptotic behavior of dissipative systems, 1988 24 Lance W. Small, Editor, Noetherian rings and their applications, 1987 23 E. H. Rothe, Introduction to various aspects of degree theory in Banach spaces, 1986 22 Michael E. Taylor, Noncommutative harmonic analysis, 1986 21 Albert Baernstein, David Drasin, Peter Duren, and Albert Marden, Editors, The Bieberbach conjecture: Proceedings of the symposium on the occasion of the proof, 1986 20 Kenneth R. Goodearl, Partially ordered abelian groups with interpolation, 1986 19 Gregory V. Chudnovsky, Contributions to the theory of transcendental numbers, 1984 18 Frank B. Knight, Essentials of Brownian motion and diffusion, 1981 (Continued in the back of this publication) The Convenient Setting of Global Analysis Mathematical Surveys and Monographs Volume 53

The Convenient Setting of Global Analysis

Andreas Kriegl Peter W. Michor

3HEM47V American Mathematical Society Editorial Board Howard A. Masur Michael Renardy Tudor Stefan Ratiu, Chair

1991 Subject Classification. Primary 22E65, 26E15, 26E20, 46A17, 46G05, 46G20, 46E25, 46E50, 58B10, 58B12, 58B20, 58B25, 58C20, 46E50, 58D05, 58D10, 58D15, 58D17, 58D19, 58F25; Secondary 22E45, 58C40, 22E67, 46A16, 57N20, 58B05, 58D07, 58D25, 58D27, 58F05, 58F06, 58F07.

ABSTRACT. The aim of this book is to lay foundations of differential calculus in infinite dimensions and to discuss those applications in infinite dimensional and global analysis which do not involve Sobolev completions and fixed point theory. The approach is very simple: A mapping is called smooth if it maps smooth curves to smooth curves. All other properties are proved results and not assumptions: Like chain rule, existence and linearity of derivatives, powerful smooth uniformly boundedness theorems are available. Up to Frechet spaces this notion of smoothness coincides with all known reasonable concepts. In the same spirit calculus of holo- morphic mappings (including Hartogs' theorem and holomorphic uniform boundedness theorems) and calculus of real analytic mappings are developed. Existence of smooth partitions of unity, the foundations of theory in infinite dimensions, the relation between tangent vectors and derivations, and differential forms are discussed thoroughly. Special emphasis is given to the notion of regular infinite dimensional Lie groups. Many applications of this theory are included: manifolds of smooth mappings, groups of , geodesies on spaces of Riemannian metrics, direct limit manifolds, of operators, and differentiability questions of infinite dimensional representations.

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Kriegl, Andreas. The convenient setting of global analysis / Andreas Kriegl, Peter W. Michor. p. cm. — (Mathematical surveys and monographs, ISSN 0076-5376 ; v. 53) Includes bibliographical references (p. - ) and index. ISBN 0-8218-0780-3 (alk. paper) 1. Global analysis (Mathematics) I. Michor, Peter W., 1949- . II. Title. III. Series: Math­ ematical surveys and monographs ; no. 53. QA614.K75 1997 514/.74—dc21 97-25857 CIP

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Introduction l Chapter I Calculus of Smooth Mappings 7 1. Smooth Curves 8 2. Completeness 14 3. Smooth Mappings and the Exponential Law 22 4. The c°°- 34 5. Uniform Boundedness Principles and Multilinearity 52 6. Some Spaces of Smooth Functions 66 Historical Remarks on Smooth Calculus 73 Chapter II Calculus of Holomorphic and Real Analytic Mappings 79 7. Calculus of Holomorphic Mappings 80 8. Spaces of Holomorphic Mappings and Germs 91 9. Real Analytic Curves 97 10. Real Analytic Mappings 101 11. The Real Analytic Exponential Law 105 Historical Remarks on Holomorphic and Real Analytic Calculus 116 Chapter III Partitions of Unity 117 12. Differentiability of Finite Order 118 13. Differentiability of 127 14. Smooth Bump Functions 152 15. Functions with Globally Bounded Derivatives 159 16. Smooth Partitions of Unity and Smooth Normality 165 Chapter IV Smoothly Realcompact Spaces 183 17. Basic Concepts and Topological Realcompactness 184 18. Evaluation Properties of Homomorphisms 188 19. Stability of Smoothly Realcompact Spaces 203 20. Sets on which all Functions are Bounded 217 Chapter V Extensions and Liftings of Mappings 219 21. Extension and Lifting Properties 220 22. Whitney's Extension Theorem Revisited 226 23. Frolicher Spaces and Free Convenient Vector Spaces 238 24. Smooth Mappings on Non-Open Domains 247 25. Real Analytic Mappings on Non-Open Domains 254 26. Holomorphic Mappings on Non-Open Domains 261


Chapter VI Infinite Dimensional Manifolds 263 27. Differentiable Manifolds 264 28. Tangent Vectors 276 29. Vector Bundles 287 30. Spaces of Sections of Vector Bundles 293 31. Product Preserving Functors on Manifolds 305 Chapter VII Calculus on Infinite Dimensional Manifolds 321 32. Vector Fields 321 33. Differential Forms 336 34. De Rham Cohomology 353 35. Derivations on Differential Forms and the Frolicher-Nijenhuis Bracket . 358 Chapter VIII Infinite Dimensional Differential Geometry 369 36. Lie Groups 369 37. Bundles and Connections 375 38. Regular Lie Groups 404 39. Bundles with Regular Structure Groups 422 40. Rudiments of Lie Theory for Regular Lie Groups 426 Chapter IX Manifolds of Mappings 429 41. Jets and Whitney 431 42. Manifolds of Mappings 439 43. Groups 454 44. Principal Bundles with Structure Group a Diffeomorphism Group . . . 474 45. Manifolds of Riemannian Metrics 487 46. The Korteweg - De Vriefi Equation as a Geodesic Equation 498 Complements to Manifolds of Mappings 510 Chapter X Further Applications 511 47. Manifolds for Algebraic Topology 512 48. Weak Symplectic Manifolds 522 49. Applications to Representations of Lie Groups 528 50. Applications to Perturbation Theory of Operators 536 51. The Nash-Moser Inverse Function Theorem 553 52. Appendix: 575 53. Appendix: Projective Resolutions of Identity on Banach spaces .... 582 References 597 Index 611 ae References

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|| ||i, l-norm, 137 -, real analytic, 264 || ||oo, oo-norm, 139 -, smooth, 264 No, first countable cardinal, 46 -, stereographic, 512 A, diagonal mapping, 59 -, vector bundle, 287 ®0 bornological product, 55 augmented local convenient C°° -algebra, 316 0p, bornological tensor algebra, 57 automorphism, inner, 373 \/ , bornological symmetric algebra, 57 A, set of points in Ak+1 with pairwise /\, bornological , 57 distinct coordinates, 227 1-form, kinematic, 337 -, modular, 337 B -, operational, 337 B£(x), e-ball centered at x, 156 1-isolating, 203 barrelled locally convex space, 579 base of a vector bundle, 287 A - space of a fiber bundle, 376 absolutely convex, 576 basis of a fiber bundle, 376 - convex Lipschitz bound, 17 Bezoutiant matrix, 537 absorbing, 575 Bianchi identity, 377 absorbs, 34 biholomorphic mappings, 264 addition, local, 441 bilinear concomitants, natural, 367 adherence of order a, Mackey, 49 bipolar U°°, 16 -, Mackey, 48, 51 bornivorous, 34 -, sequential, 41 - set, 35 adjoint mapping I*, 8 bornological , 70, 280 - representation, 373 - embedding, 48 algebra, bounded, 63 - isomorphism, 8 -, commutative, 57 - locally convex space, 575 -, De Rham cohomology, 354 - mapping, 19 -, exterior, 57 - tensor product /3, 55 -, formally real commutative, 305 - vector space, 34 -, graded-commutative, 57 bornologically compact set, 62, 88 -, symmetric, 57 - compact , 41 -, tensor, 57 - real analytic curve, 99 -, Weil, 306 bornologification, 35 algebraic bracket of vector valued differential - of a locally convex space, 575 forms, 359 of a locally convex space, 8, 575 - derivation, 358 - on a set, 21 almost complex structure, 368 bounded set, 575 - , 87 - algebra, 63 alternating tensor, 57 - completant set, 580 alternator, alt, 57 - linear mapping, 8 analytic subsets, 241 - mapping, 19 anti-derivative, 20 - modules, 63 approximation of unity, 27 bounding set, 19 - property, bornological, 70, 280 bump function, 153 - property, Mackey, 70 arc-generated vector space, 39 c Asplund space, 135 c°°-approximation property, 70 - space, weakly, 136 c°°-complete space, 20 associated bundle, 382 c°°-completion, 47 atlas, 264 c°°-, 19 -, equivalent, 264 c°°-topology, 19 -, holomorphic, 264 C°°, smooth, 30 -, principal bundle, 380 C°°(R, E), space of smooth curves, 28

611 612 Index

C°°(U, F), space of smooth mappings, 30 complete space, Mackey, 15 C£°, space of smooth functions with bounded - space, locally, 20 derivatives, 159 completely , 46 C°°-algebra, augmented local convenient, 316 completion of a locally convex space, 16 C°°-algebras, Chart description of functors complex differentiable mapping, 81 induced by, 316 complexification MQ of manifold M, 20 C°°-structure, 264 composition, smoothness of, 444 C°°(M, AT), manifold of smooth mappings, 439 -, truncated, 431 Ck-topology, compact-open, 436 conjugate pair, dual, 586 Cfe-topology, Whitney, 436 - pair, 583 Cj*, space of Cfc-functions with k-th derivative conjugation, 373 bounded, 159 connection, 366 Cg, space of Cfc-functions with k-th derivative - form, Lie algebra valued, 387 bounded by B, 159 - on a fiber bundle, 376 C^-manifold structure of Cu(M,Af), 442 -, classifying, 485 C^-manifold structure on £°°(M, N), 443 -, induced, 394, 394 co-ext, a class of locally convex spaces, 212 -, linear, 396, 397 co(r), space of 0-sequences, 142 -, principal, 387 co(X), 50 connections, space of, 479 Cc(X), 50 connector, 397 canonical flip, 293 contact diffeomorphisms, 467 - involution, 293 - distribution, 467 carrier of a mapping, 153 - form, 467 Cartan developing, 427 - graph of a diffeomorphism, 470 Cartesian closedness, 30 - manifold, 467 Cech cohomology set, 288 - structure, exact, 467 chain rule, 33 continuous derivation over eva, 276 characteristic vector , 467 convenient co-algebras, 246 chart changing mapping, 264 - C°°-algebra, augmented local, 316 - description of functors induced by C°°- - vector space, 2, 7, 20 algebras, 316 convex function, dual of a, 131 - description of Weil functors, 307 convolution, 27 - of a foliation, distinguished, 273 coproduct, 576 -, vector bundle, 287 cotangent bundle, kinematic, 337 -, submanifold, 268 - bundle, operational, 337 Christoffel forms, 377 CO-topology, 434 classifying connection, 485 covariant derivative, 397 - space, 485, 487 - exterior derivative, 392, 399 closed differential forms, 353 - Lie derivative, 399 co-algebras, convenient, 246 covering space, universal, 271 fc co-commutative, 246 CO -topology, 436 cocurvature of a connection, 366 curvature, 366, 398 cocycle condition, 288, 376, 414 curve, bornologically real analytic, 99 - of transition functions, 288, 376 -, different iable, 8 cohomologous transition functions, 288, 380 -, holomorphic, 81 cohomology algebra, De Rham, 354 -, locally Lipschitzian, 9 - classes of transition functions, 288 -, smooth, 9 co-idempotent, 247 -, topologically real analytic, 99 colimit, 576 commensurable groups, 510 D commutative algebra, 57 8, natural embedding into the bidual, 16 comp, the composition mapping, 31 d, differentiation operator, 33 compact-open Cfc-topology, 436 d%, iterated directional derivative, 26 d) - topology, 434 Di E := ®^=1D^, space of operational compatible vector bundle charts, 287 tangent vectors of order < d, 278 completant set, bounded, 580 (£)(fc));M, operational cotangent bundle, 337 Index 613

[ ai D a E, space of operational tangent vectors ( Dunford-Pettis property, 200 homogeneous order d, 278 De Rham cohomology algebra, 354 E definite integral, 16 F', space of bounded linear functionals, 8 density of subset of N, 22 E*, of continuous linear - number densX of a , 152 functionals, 8 dent able subset, 135 F#, linear space generated by B C F, 11, 576 Der(C°°(M, R)), space of operational vector Ebomi bornologification of F, 35 fields, 322 F, completion of F, 16 derivation over eva, continuous, 276 embedding of manifolds, 269 -, algebraic, 358 -, bornological, 48 -, order of a, 277 equicontinuous sets, 15 -, graded, 358 equidistant difference quotient, 119 derivative of a curve, 8 equivalent atlas, 264 -, covariant, 397 evolution, right, 410 -, covariant exterior, 392, 399 exact contact structure, 467 -, covariant Lie, 399 - differential forms, 353 -, directional, 128 expansion at x, 311 -, left logarithmic, 404 - property, 311 -, left trivialized, 374 exponential law, 445 -, Lie, 347, 360 - mapping, 372 -, n-th, 58 expose a subset, 130 -, right logarithmic, 404 extension of groups, 412 -, unidirectional iterated, 62 - property, 47 diffeomorphic manifolds, 264 - property, scalar valued, 221 diffeomorphism, contact, 467 - property, vector valued, 221 - group, 454 -, /c-jet, 431 -, F-foliated, 272 exterior algebra, 57 -, symplectic, 460 - derivative, covariant, 392, 399 -, holomorphic, 264 - derivative, global formula for, 342 -, real analytic, 264 difference quotient, 13, 119 F - quotient, equidistant, 119 /-dependent, 366 differentiable curve, 8 /-related vector fields, 329 differential forms, 353 - vector valued differential forms, 366 - forms, /-related vector valued, 366 F-evaluating, 184 - forms, horizontal, 392 F-foliated diffeomorphism, 272 - forms, horizontal G-equivariant W-valued, fast converging sequence, 17, 18 401 - falling, 17 - forms, vector valued kinematic, 359 fiber bundle, 375 - group of order k, 432 - bundle, gauge group of a, 479 - of a function, 285 - bundle, principal, 380 differentiation operator, 33 - of the operational tangent bundle, 284 direct sum, 576 - of the tangent bundle, 284 directed set, 577 fibered composition of jets, 431 directional derivative, 128 final smooth mapping, 272 distinguished chart of a foliation, 273 finite type polynomial, 60 dual conjugate pair, 586 first uncountable ordinal number UJ\, 49 - mapping £*, 8 flat at 0, infinitely, 61 - of a convex function, 131 flatness, order of, 539 - of a locally convex space, strong, 579 flip, canonical, 293 - pair, weak topology for a, 578 flow line of a kinematic vector field, 329 - space E' of bounded linear functionals on a - of a kinematic vector field, local, 331 space F, 8 foliation, 272 - space E* of continuous linear functionals on foot point projection, 284 a space E, 8 formally real commutative algebra, 305 614 Index frame bundle, 477 homogeneous operational tangent vector of - bundle, nonlinear, 477 order d, 277 Frechet space, 577 homomorphism of G-bundles, 384 - space, graded, 557 - of principal fiber bundles, 381 - space, tame graded, 559 - of vector bundles, 289 —differentiate, 128 - over <$ of principal bundles, 381 Frobenius theorem, 330, 331 homotopy operator, 355 Frolicher space, 238 horizontal bundle, 376 —Nijenhuis bracket, 361 - differential forms, 392 functor, smooth, 290 - G-equivariant W-valued differential forms, fundamental theorem of calculus, 17 401 - vector field, 375, 375 - lift, 376 - projection, 376 G - space of a connection, 366 G-atlas, 379 - vectors of a fiber bundle, 376 G-bundle, 379 G-bundle, homomorphism of, 384 I G-structure, 379 induced connection, 394, 394 GL(k, oo;E), Stiefel manifold of /c-frames, 514 inductive limit, 577 Gateaux-differentiable, 128 gauge group of a fiber bundle, 479 infinite polygon, 18 - transformations, 385 infinitely fiat at 0, 61 general curve lemma, 118 initial mapping, 268 generating set of functions for a Frolicher inner automorphism, 373 space, 239 insertion operator, 341, 399 germ of / along A, 274 integral curve of a kinematic vector field, 329 germs along A of holomorphic functions, 92 - mapping, 136 global resolvent set, 549 -, definite, 16 globally Hamiltonian vector fields, 460 -, Riemann, 15 graded derivations, 358 interpolation polynomial PT£ t x, 228 graded Frechet space, 557 invariant kinematic vector field, 370 - Frechet space, tame, 559 involution, canonical, 293 —commutative algebra, 57 isomorphism, bornological, 8 graph topology, 435 - of vector bundles, 289 Grassmann manifold G(/c,oo;R), 514 group, diffeomorphism, 454 j -, holonomy, 426 jets, 431 -, Lie, 369 -, reduction of the structure, 381 K -, regular Lie, 410 fc-jet extension, 431 -, restricted holonomy, 426 fc-jets, 431 -, smooth, 432 kE, 37 groups, extension of, 412 K', set of accumulation points of K, 143 H Kelley-fication, 37 Killing form on #Z(oo), 520 H(U,F), 90 Hamiltonian vector field, 460 kinematic 1-form, 337 Hausdorff, smoothly, 265 - cotangent bundle, 337 Holder mapping, 128 - differential forms, vector valued, 359 holomorphic atlas, 264 - tangent bundle, 284 - curve, 81 - tangent vector, 276 - diffeomorphisms, 264 - vector field, 321 - mapping, 83 - vector field, flow line of a, 329 - mappings, initial, 268 - vector field, left invariant, 370 - vector bundle, 287 - vector field, local flow of a, 331 holonomy group, 426 Kothe sequence space, 71, 581 Index 615

L - convex space, ultrabornologincation of a, 575 £*, adjoint mapping, 8 - convex space, weakly realcompact, 196 £°°(X,F), 21 - convex topology, bornologification of a, 13 ^(X), 50 - convex vector space, ultra-bornological, 580 L(E,F), 33 locally Hamiltonian vector field, 460

L(£:,tti,R),15 - Lipschitzian curve, 9 L(#i,...,£n;F), 53 - uniformly rotund norm, 147 £ipfe-curve, 9 logarithmic derivative, left or right, 404 £ipfc-mapping, 118

CipeXt(A, E), space of functions with locally M bounded difference quotients, 229 m-evaluating, 184 £ip^, space of Cfc-functions with global m-small zerosets, 205 Lipschitz-constant K for the k-th Mc (complexification of M), complex derivatives, 159 manifold, 105 k £ip^lobal, space of C -functions with k-th /x-converging sequence, 35 derivatives globally Lipschitz, 159 M-convergence condition, 39 Lagrange submanifold, 460 M-convergent net, 12 leaf of a foliation, 273 M-converging sequence, 12 left invariant kinematic vector field, 370 Mackey adherence, 48, 51 - logarithmic derivative, 404 - adherence of order a, 49 - Maurer-Cartan form, 406 - approximation property, 70 - trivialized derivative, 374 - complete space, 15 Legendre mapping, 468 - convergent net, 12 - submanifold, 468 - convergent sequence, 12 Leibniz formula, 54 -, second countability condition of, 159 Lie bracket of vector fields, 324 —Cauchy net, 14 - derivative, 347, 360 —closure topology, 19 - derivative, covariant, 399 Mackey's countability condition, 236 - group, 369 manifold, 264 - group, regular, 410 - Mc (complexification of M), complex, 105 lift, horizontal, 376 - structure of <£°°(M, TV), 439 -, vertical, 293 -, contact, 467 limit, 577 -, natural topology on a, 265 -, inductive, 577 -, pure, 265 -, projective, 577 -, symplectic, 460 linear connection, 396, 397 mapping, bornological, 19 - mapping, bounded, 8 -, bounded, 19 Liouville form, 523 -, tame smooth, 563 Lipschitz bound, absolutely convex, 17 - between Frolicher spaces, smooth, 239 - condition, 9 -, 1-homogeneous, 34 - mapping, 128 -, biholomorphic, 264 Lipschitzian curve, locally, 9 -, bounded linear, 8 local addition, 441 -, carrier of a, 153 - flow of a kinematic vector field, 331 -, complex differentiable, 81 locally complete space, 20 -, exponential, 372 locally convex space, 575 -, final, 272 - convex space, barrelled, 579 -, Holder, 128 - convex space, bornological, 575 -, holomorphic, 83 - convex space, bornologification of a, 575 -, initial, 268 - convex space, bornology of a, 8, 575 -, integral, 136 - convex space, completion of a, 16 -, Legendre, 468 - convex space, nuclear, 580 -, Lipschitz, 128 - convex space, reflexive, 579 -, nuclear, 136 - convex space, Schwartz, 579 -, proper, 445 - convex space, strong dual of a, 579 -, real analytic, 102 - convex space, strongly nuclear, 580 -, smooth, 30 616 Index

-, of a, 153 - tangent vector of order d, homogeneous, 277 -, transposed, 326 - vector field, 321 -, zero set of a, 153 operator, differentiation, 33 Maurer-Cartan form, 373 -, homotopy, 355 - formula, 378 -, insertion, 341, 399 maximal atlas, 264 -, nuclear, 580 mean value theorem, 10 -, strongly nuclear, 580 mesh of a partition, 15 -, , 580 , 11, 575 -, trace of an, 580 modeling convenient vector spaces of a order of a derivation, 277 manifold, 265 - of flatness, 539 modular 1-form, 337 ordinal number ui, first uncountable, 49 modules, bounded, 63 monomial of degree p, 60 p

Mont el space, 579 PT£ t x, interpolation polynomial, 228 multiplicity, 539 Po\yp(E, F), space of polynomials of degree

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