The Chaldean Americans: Changing Conceptions of Ethnic Identity
DOCUMENT RESUME ED 223 740 UD 022 551 , AUTHOR Sengstock, Mary C. TITLE The Chaldean Americans: Changing Conceptions of Ethnic Identity. First Edition. INSTITUTION Center for Migration Studies, Inc., Staten Island, N.Y. REPORT NO ISBN-0-913256-43-9 PUB DATE 82 NOTE // 184p.; Some research supported by_a Faculty , Grant-In-Aid from Wayne State University. Not available in paper copy due to institution's 'restrictions. AVAILABLE FROM Center for Migration Studies, Inc., 209Flagg Place, . Staten Island, NY 10304 ($9.95)., ,PUB TYPE llooks (010) EDRS PRI'CE MF01 Plus Postage. PC Not Available from EDRS. _DESCRIPTORS(' *Acculturation; *Adjustment (to Environment); Catholics; Church Role; *Cultural Influences; Ethnic Groups;'*Ethnicity; Family Striicture; Group Unity; *Immigrants; Nationalism; Political Influences; , Public Policy; Religious Cultural Groups; Small Businesses; Social Structure; *Socioeconomic Influences s IDENTIFIERS *Chaldean Americans; Iraqis ABSTRACT Chaldean Americans in\ Detroit, Michigan, a growing community of Roman Catholic immigrants from Iraq, are thefocus of this study. A description is given of theDetroit Chaldean community centers around three key institutions, namelythe church, the family, and the ethnic occupation or communityeconomic-enterprise, and of how these institutions have beenaffected by the migration experience and by contact with the new culture. An analysis ofthe social setting of migration-examines religious and economicdeterminants of migration to America, migration effects on the_Detroitcommunity, and Chaldeane relationships with other socialgroeps in Detroit. An exploration of Chaldeans' adaptation to their new settingconsiders' assimilation and acculturation pr cesses, changes insocial structure and values, creation of a balance etween old country patterns and new practices, and the developmentof an ethnic identity and a sense of nationalism.
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