Appendix A - Transportation & Highways

Category Scheme Capital Funding Estimate Source £000 (incl fees) Principal Road Allocation originally for resurfacing of Dock 48 TfL LIP Network Street carriageway from Royal Mint to The Highway. Work was brought forward into 2007/8 and this allocation will be transferred to another PRN scheme in discussion with TfL according to priority list. Principal Road Allocation originally for resurfacing of Dock 36 TfL LIP Network Street footway westside. Work was brought forward into 2007/8 and this allocation will be transferred to another PRN scheme in discussion with TfL according to priority list. Principal Road Cotton Street – A13 to Prestons Road 108 TfL LIP Network Roundabout Carriageway Resurfacing Principal Road Grove Road from Borough Boundary to Old 72 TfL LIP Network l Ford Road - Carriageway Resurfacing Local Safety Hackney Road junction with Cambridge 250 TfL LIP Schemes Heath Road. Moving centre island to provide straight across pedestrian route; anti-skid and road markings to address right turn accidents out of Hackney Rd. Local Safety Westferry Circus and Westferry Road 100 TfL LIP Schemes towards West India Dock Road. Improving lighting in lower roundabout, lane markings, centre islands and anti-skid to address powered two wheeler accidents. Local Safety Bow Common Lane junction with St Pauls 100 TfL LIP Schemes Way. New islands to improve lane discipline, anti-skid, removal of guard rail and limited replacement with visi-rail to improve pedestrian visibility. Local Safety Devons Road between Campbell Road and 250 TfL LIP Schemes Gale Street. New roundabout, improved lighting, guardrail rationalisation andante- skid surfacing to address accidents. Local Safety Future Scheme Development 40 TfL LIP Schemes 20mph Zones Zone 28n – traffic calming and speed limit 133 TfL LIP signing in area bounded by Road, Commercial Street , Vallance Road and the railway line adjacent to Cheshire Street Walking to Walking Route 200 TfL LIP Streetscape, pedestrian and security improvements in streets between and incl. Salmon Lane, Rhodeswell, Flamborough and Yorkshire Roads. Cycling Non LCN+ Cycle Parking at various locations 30 TfL LIP boroughwide responding to requests. Cycling Non LCN+ Junction treatments in Way / 25 TfL LIP St area to assist cyclists. Cycling LCN+ Link Review signing and review traffic speed and 10 TfL LIP 196 ( Grove Road to volume along Grove Road with possible 1 D:\moderngov\data\published\Intranet\C00000320\M00002036\AI00014044\CLCCapitalProgrammeAppendixABCAB0204080 .doc foot extension of 20mph zone, possible raised tunnel) table at zebra crossing at Royal Gate East. Cycling LCN+ Link Victoria Park : realign path and review 10 TfL LIP 196 ( Grove Road to access at park gates in discussion with Greenwich foot Parks and masterplan. tunnel) Cycling LCN+ Link Grove Road and Old Ford Road 20 TfL LIP 196 ( Grove Road to Roundabout. Design, consultation and Greenwich foot traffic modelling to review cycle / pedestrian tunnel) crossing facilities. Cycling LCN+ Link Grove Road : Provide entry treatment and 100 TfL LIP 196 ( Grove Road to upgrade Haverfield Road junction, link to Greenwich foot new Meath Bridge. Cycle lanes through tunnel) Roman Road junction, improve cycle lane markings and logos Cycling LCN+ Link Greenwich foot unnel : review access 10 TfL LIP 196 ( Grove Road to arrangements, segregation, barriers and Greenwich foot signing in association with Parks. tunnel) Implement recommendations from review Cycling LCN+ Link Westferry Road : Removal of traffic islands 10 TfL LIP 196 ( Grove Road to and central hatching to provide cycle lanes, Greenwich foot review parking restrictions tunnel) Cycling LCN+ Link Kerb realignment and raised table at 60 TfL LIP 197 : Hanbury St – Princelet St Junction with Spellman St & Liverpool St. Hanbury St. Cycling LCN+ Link Cambridge Heath Rd Junction with Vyner 30 TfL LIP 199 : Hackney St. Study and design to provide cycle boundary via crossing of Cambridge Heath Road. Sewardstone – Grove Possible toucan signals or refuge islands Rd

Cycling LCN+ Link Contraflow cycle lane along Bonner Street, 50 TfL LIP 199. Hackney traffic calming and junction improvements, boundary via signing of entire route. Sewardstone – Grove Rd Cycling LCN+ Link Provide a contraflow cycle lane on Old Ford 30 TfL LIP 200 Greenway – Rd (east of Roman) from Crown Close Victoria Park N. bridge, upgrade signals, replace bridge bollards, convert bridge to shared use, and review widening footbridge (part of Olympic access) Cycling LCN+ Link Improved cycle access to park and canal, 30 TfL LIP 200 Greenway – also subject to Olympic proposals. Victoria Park N Cycling LCN+ Link Royal Mint Street : Removal of disused 25 TfL LIP 195 – accesses and review of signal timings at Poplar High St / signal junctions Leamouth Cycling LCN+ - Link Cycle track improvements and area-wide 25 TfL LIP 195 Cable Street – review pf traffic management to allow Poplar High St / possible one-way approaches and consider Leamouth change of priorities across side roads Cycling LCN+ Link Narrow St. (between Spert St and 15 TfL LIP 195 – Cable Street – Horseferry Rd ) Review contraflow cycle Poplar High St / lane or shared area with pedestrian priority. Leamouth Include parking review and improved access to swing bridge

2 D:\moderngov\data\published\Intranet\C00000320\M00002036\AI00014044\CLCCapitalProgrammeAppendixABCAB0204080 .doc Cycling LCN+ Link West India Dock Road : New refuge Island 10 TfL LIP 195 Cable Street – and review signal timings Poplar High St / Leamouth Cycling LCN+ Link Poplar High St. (between Newby Place and 120 TfL LIP 195 – Cable Street – Cotton St.) Cycle access review. Possible Poplar High St / kerb buildouts or inset parking bays and Leamouth upgrade ASL's. This allocation to be reviewed in light of current development activity in area. Cycling LCN+ Link Leamouth Road : Convert staggered pelican 20 TfL LIP 195 Cable Street – to Toucan Poplar High St / Leamouth Cycling LCN+ Link Lower Lea Crossing Roundabout : provide 20 TfL LIP 260 toucan crossing Bus Stop Accessibility Bus Stop No 17283 St Pauls Way Removal 10 TfL LIP of obstructions and creation of level access to bus. Possible review of waiting & loading restrictions to improve bus access to stop Bus Stop Accessibility Bus Stop No 17285 St Pauls Way Removal 10 TfL LIP of obstructions and creation of level access to bus. Possible review of waiting & loading restrictions to improve bus access to stop Bus Stop Accessibility Bus Stop No BP540 St Pauls Way Removal 10 TfL LIP of obstructions and creation of level access to bus. Possible review of waiting & loading restrictions to improve bus access to stop Bus Stop Accessibility Bus Stop No BP1873 High Street 10 TfL LIP Removal of obstructions and creation of level access to bus. Possible review of waiting & loading restrictions to improve bus access to stop Bus Stop Accessibility Bus Stop No BP535 Ben Johnson Road 10 TfL LIP Removal of obstructions and creation of level access to bus. Possible review of waiting & loading restrictions to improve bus access to stop Bus Stop Accessibility Bus Stop No BP536 Ben Johnson Road 10 TfL LIP Removal of obstructions and creation of level access to bus. Possible review of waiting & loading restrictions to improve bus access to stop Bus Stop Accessibility Bus Stop No BP533 White Horse Lane 10 TfL LIP Removal of obstructions and creation of level access to bus. Possible review of waiting & loading restrictions to improve bus access to stop Bus Stop Accessibility Bus Stop No BP534 White Horse Lane 10 TfL LIP Removal of obstructions and creation of level access to bus. Possible review of waiting & loading restrictions to improve bus access to stop Bus Stop Accessibility Bus Stop No BP2690 Harford Street 10 TfL LIP Removal of obstructions and creation of level access to bus. Possible review of waiting & loading restrictions to improve bus access to stop Bus Priority Vallance Road /Bethnal Green Road 30 TfL LIP

3 D:\moderngov\data\published\Intranet\C00000320\M00002036\AI00014044\CLCCapitalProgrammeAppendixABCAB0204080 .doc Junction Review Bus Priority Mile End Bus Stand 25 TfL LIP Improved layout, install loop for signals and yellow box at exit Bus Priority Stepney Way Traffic Calming Review 10 TfL LIP Bus Priority Devon's Road, review operation of junctions 30 TfL LIP Bus Priority D8 Bus Route Improvements, various bus 45 TfL LIP priority measures to be determined Bus Priority 309 Bus Route Improvements, various bus 45 TfL LIP priority measures to be determined Bus Priority Wapping Area Bus Priority, alternative traffic 45 TfL LIP calming to improve conditions for buses Bus Priority Wapping Lane Bus Stop Review, 30 TfL LIP relocation/merging of bus stops Bus Priority Westferry Road Bus Stops Review. 30 TfL LIP Relocate bus stop outside Kleins Wharf and remove stop outside Sir John McDougal Gardens Bus Priority Salter Street, improved enforcement and 20 TfL LIP signing on bus only section Bus Priority Bethnal Green Road - additional bus stop 15 TfL LIP Bus Priority Borough Administration 15 TfL LIP School Travel Plan Al Mizan London East Secondary School : 60 TfL LIP implementation Formalise Fieldgate St / Greenfield experimental one-way system; parking bay modifications. School Travel Plan Beatrice Tate Special Needs School : keep 30 TfL LIP implementation clear zig zags, school bus parking, kerb buildouts and signs. School Travel Plan Bangabandhu School : raised crossing in 75 TfL LIP implementation Braintree St, signs, road markings and buildouts. School Travel Plan Alice Model Nursery School : kerb buildouts 75 TfL LIP implementation and dropped kerbs. Environment Eco-lock bike – cycle hire scheme 20 TfL LIP Controlled Parking Motorcycle Parking. Provision of 20 TfL LIP Zone designated CPZ spaces. Local Area Accessibility Awareness Day. Opportunities 10 TfL LIP Accessibility to voice opinions and test travel modes. Organised with Accessible Transport Consultative Forum. Local Area Improvements to facilities to improve 40 TfL LIP Accessibility facilities for disabled people at pedestrian crossings e.g. dropped kerbs, tactile paving. Ongoing streetscene Bethnal Green Road. Rationalisation of 200 150 LPP enhancements street clutter, footway re-paving and 50 TfL LIP environmental improvements. Street Lighting Street Lighting Improvements 150 LPP Low energy lanterns and re-lighting of Westferry circus lower level roundabout. Langdon Park Station Integration of new station into surrounding 100 LPP park and highways – completion of works Total 3,197

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Appendix B – Other Directorate Services Culture

Category Scheme Capital Funding Estimate Source £000 (incl Fees) Local Priority Parks Schoolhouse Lane Multi Use 100 S106 Ball Games Area Local Priority Parks Pennyfields Open Space 110 S106 (Phase 2) – re-design of play areas and enhancing site to bring into use under-utlisied areas Local Priority Parks St Matthias Churchyard* 100 S106 Local Priority Parks Sir John McDougal Gardens* 240 S106 Key Priority Parks Millwall Park Masterplan review 30 S106 to determine future investment requirements Key Priority Parks Victoria Park Masterplan Stage 100 LPP 2 submission Key Priority Parks Bonner Bridge restoration 120 LPP (Victoria Park) Key Priority Parks Meath Gardens integration of 118.387 S106 new park area, works to playable space and lighting works Local Priority Parks Allocated to indicative schemes 600 LPP (subject to further consultation with Members and LAP Directors)* Key Priority Parks Allocated to indicative schemes 180 LPP (subject to further consultation with Members and LAP Directors)* Play Strategy To be aligned with Key Priority 150 LPP Implementation and Local Priority Parks programmes* Leisure Facilities Mile End Park Leisure Centre 200 LPP Improvements outdoor sports pitches security enhancements (fencing and access points) Idea Store Minor Capacity enhancements 27.841 S106 Improvements children’s library and surfing space Idea Store Chrisp Street to cater for increases in population in the Poplar area Total 2,076

* While the Open Space and Play Strategies prioritise sites for improvement on the basis of quality assessments, detailed schemes are worked up through resident consultation and design workshops. At this stage sites have been identified and a programme of consultation events will be set up. In general, schemes will address site security, aim to make people feel welcome , provide features to encourage usage, e.g. playable space or casual sports facilities, and increase resistance to vandalism.

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Appendix B – Other Directorate Services Community Safety

Category Scheme Capital Funding Estimate Source £000 (incl Fees) Preventing Crime CCTV Investment Funding to 783 LPP increase CCTV coverage in view of the success of the CCTV Control Centre, and to replace life expired equipment where CCTV is still justified () (proposed capital allocation: £413,000. Filling the gaps in CCTV coverage of known and emerging Hotspot areas for crime 2008/09) New CCTV Projects to address the issues of vandalism, graffiti, fly posting and serious youth disorder and partnership working on violent crime reduction initiatives.

Preventing Crime Environmental Improvements 500 LPP The Preventing Crime programme is the key component of the borough’s approach to the location aspect of this triangle through the delivery of environmental improvements in hot-spot areas. These include increased lighting, removal of brick walls and replacing with railings to improve natural surveillance, installation of door entry systems, removal of ‘natural’ seating areas amongst other measures. Total 1,283

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