About Hara Healing

“On this path, let the heart be your guide, for the body is

hesitant and full of fear.”

~ Rumi

Hara Shiatsu Healing Therapy releases blocked emotions, detoxifies the internal organs, calms the mind and facilitates the self-healing process creating harmony and balance within.

Hara Shiatsu Healing Therapy focuses on the , pelvis, internal organs and stimulating the flow of Qi/ Energy throughout the Meridians/ energy channels of the body, resulting in better blood circulation and self-healing of the organs.

Because emotions are stored in the gut, according to Traditional Chinese Medicine, "working on the belly allows us to work directly on ‘Stuck’ Feelings & Emotions.

Hara Shiatsu abdominal therapy combines gentle pressure with the power of your breath to release emotional and physical blockages.

Emotions get “stuck” and we are unable to “digest” our thoughts and feelings. Emotional trauma eventually manifests on a physical level affecting the healthy functioning of our internal organs.

“Like food, emotions need to be digested --

not figured out or understood, but literally digested. We need to absorb what we need and ‘let go of’ what we don't"

Our body is a complex structure capable of amazing feats, but what would be of our body, if it did not have the support of a balanced mind and a calm spirit?

Throughout life we go through different journeys and challenges, and experience difficulties that are not always easy to overcome.

Our walk through life such as school, university, work, relationships, marriage and family can be full of obstacles. Some of us become overwhelmed by these challenges and come to a point where we see no light at the end of the tunnel; worry and anxiety start taking their toll on us. This has detrimental effects on our organs.

One truly amazing thing about the organs is that they have memory. Yes, they can remember! They store positive and negative emotions associated with those obstacles and experiences we go through in life. This has been known by Taoists for thousands of years but it is only beginning to be understood by science in recent years!

Repressed negative emotions suffocate the organs and impair their normal functioning causing them to secrete poisonous substances that can activate dormant malign cells into action. The whole body goes into disarray. Our energy levels drop and we lose motivation to carry on.

This is commonplace in our society, and unfortunately many people resort to novice substances as a way to escape and be able to cope, and this of course adds to the burden already placed on the vital organs.

The evident problem here is that we are not listening to what our body is telling us. Pain and disease is its mechanism to indicate to us that we need a drastic change in our life, and that remedial action is needed.

Please note:

Hara Shiatsu does not attempt to diagnosis or treat symptoms or illness. It addresses the whole person, regarding no difference between the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of healing or well-being.

Treatment is designed to precipitate change by bringing awareness to the internal organs of the body, thus inducing the body to heal itself.

Some benefits may include:

 Improve elimination and stimulates the lymphatic and the circulatory systems.  Strengthen the immune system. Clients using this treatment before and after surgery recover better and faster.  Musculoskeletal problems of undetermined origin  Post-surgical scarring and adhesions  Reduces water retention  Promotes flow of Qi / Life force  Improves blood flow to internal organs  Detoxifies internal organs improving function of organs  Emotional & Traumatic Stress

 Anxiety, Depression  Insomnia / Sleeplessness /Sleep Disorders  Chronic Fatigue  Respiratory: Asthma, Chronic Bronchitis  Digestive: IBS, Constipation, Inflammatory Bowel Disorder, Sluggish Liver and Bile Function, Indigestion, Poor Peristalsis.  Gynaecological: Period Pain, Irregular Periods, Challenges in Infertility without known cause,  Cystitis, Mild Incontinence  Abdominal and Pelvic pain.

Hara Therapy is indicated in conditions described in Chinese medicine as excess that is involving, congestion, accumulation and adhesion. It is also indicated for deficient conditions characterized by poor micro circulation, weakness prolapsed and atrophies.


Hara Therapy has few absolute contraindications and can be adapted by a skilled practitioner to the specific needs of each client.

It is possible to have Hara sessions during menstruation, but it is preferable to receive treatments while not menstruating.

Under the following circumstances, Hara Shiatsu is not recommended:

a) if you are pregnant b) if you have a pacemaker for your heart c) If you are on blood thinning tablets d) if you have any of the following medical conditions:

 Cancer  Aneurism (a balloon-like bulge in a blood vessel /artery)  Thrombosis (blood clots)  Phlebitis (inflammation of vein)  Melanoma (visible tumour, dark pigmented cells)  Lymphoma (disorder of lymph nodes)

Why? Hara treatment stimulates the flow of blood, lymphatic fluid and Qi. This stimulation can put stress on the veins and arteries which are already under stress when these health conditions are present.

What to expect at a Hara Shiatsu session and how to prepare yourself?

Treatment begins with a brief discussion about your health and health issues you want to address.

Wear loose comfortable clothing that can be easily adjusted to reveal your abdominal area.

Do not eat heavy meals before a session, it is suggested that you do not eat within three hours before a session.

Pillows and bolsters may be used to make you comfortable as you lie on your back on a massage table.

Your abdomen will be exposed from the ribcage to the top of the pelvic area.

The treatment begins with gentle touches to the abdomen.

The practitioners then feel for “knots. These are areas of congestion, where stress or toxins prevent the flow of energy through these areas; when pressure is placed on these areas you may experience tenderness or discomfort.

Gentle pressure is then applied to loosen the connective tissue known as fascia, (which extends throughout the body) Loosening fascia can boost Qi circulation and promote musculoskeletal health (bone structure and muscles).

You may experience some discomfort as the therapist releases blockages

You may also experience deep relaxation during the treatment.

The practitioner may use breathe work, visualization, meditation, sound and colour therapy during the session and instruct clients so they can continue at home to enhance the effects of treatment.

Because emotions are stored in the gut, working on the belly allows us to work directly on the feelings, and emotional releases are not uncommon, and several clients experience tears, visions, or forgotten memories during their treatments.

Some people experience a detox crisis for days to come after a session, as physical and emotional toxins are being released.

Tenderness may also be experiences afterwards on areas which has been worked

Regular Hara Shiatsu sessions will help maintain homeostasis in the body and release toxic build up.

Drinking plenty of water is recommended to assist in the elimination of toxins.

This treatment is a process like peeling the layers of an onion to uncover what lies beneath.

Therefore several sessions are recommended to feel the full benefit.

The Hara System - The Sea of Energy

In Japanese the word Hara means stomach, abdomen or belly.. The Japanese samurai use it to control their power and awareness for sword fighting. We use it for self-healing.

It was also used thousand years ago by Taoist monks in their monasteries to help detoxify, strengthen and refine their bodies in order to maintain the energy needed for their spiritual pursuits.

In Chinese Medicine it is known as the Tan Tien and in both philosophies is considered to be the centre of your being.

Original Qi also known as energy/ vital force/prana.

Traditional eastern teachings and practices use the Hara as the main focus for building a person’s Original Qi. Original Qi is stored in your Hara and is distributed throughout the whole body.


Your digestive system is the most important component to health and longevity. If you are unable to digest your food properly, you will remain malnourished no matter how much you eat.

This is very common in the western world where people have enormous appetites but are not absorbing the vital nutrients needed to produce energy for the whole body.


Peristalsis is the natural flow of tiny hair like projections (micro villa) in our intestines. These micro villa moves like waves, carrying the food along in our intestines. When this peristaltic action is disrupted, food gets stuck causing abdominal pain and digestive disorders such as heartburn, bloated abdomen, colitis, diverticulitis and leaky gut syndrome.

The leaky gut then allows substances such as toxins, microbes, undigested food, waste, or larger than normal macro molecules leak through an abnormally-permeable gut wall.

Hara shiatsu strengthens your digestion and release blocked energy deep inside in your gut.


Suppressed or unexpressed emotions also disrupt the natural flow of peristalsis.

Our Hara is closely linked to our subconscious mind so when we are rushed, stressed, or in an emotional state, these emotions get pushed down into our gut with our food.

Many people use food as a comfort when they are feeling sad or angry. This is not a great idea, as we are simply burying these emotions inside our gut where they continue to affect us subconsciously.


On a Spiritual level that deep inner space is discovered. It is the space beyond all extremes and polarities bringing stillness, presence and body awareness.


On a Physical level palpation of the organ systems can help remove blockages in the intestines, release tension in the stomach and assist the liver in detoxification of the body. Conditions such as constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, pains under the ribs, anxiety, indigestion, migraines, neck stiffness, lower back pain and chest pain, can be facilitated via Hara Shiatsu.


On a Mental and level Hara Shiatsu stimulates the 'Parasympathetic nervous system’. This induces a deep state of relaxation in the brain. Hara Shiatsu is therefore a wonderful therapy for anxiety, stress and insomnia and chronic fatigue.


On an Energetic level each organ is mapped to a specific area on the abdomen. When these organs are imbalanced they show symptoms of excess or deficiency. By working on these areas one can help re-establish a connection with Original Qi and ensure good health and recovery from illness.


No matter how healthy our eating plans, lifestyle and habits are external factors such as stress and the environment we live in; there will always be an element of imbalance in our bodies. Incorporating health practices and routine treatments will help maintain this balance

Disclaimer: Please Note

The client assumes and accepts 100% responsibility for his/her own health and well-being and therefore assumes and accepts total responsibility for all consequences physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual of receiving a Hara treatment.

The practitioner is entirely and absolutely absolved from all and any charges pertaining to the client’s response to receiving a Hara treatment. The information and advice given is in no way a substitute for medical advice, nor does it replace your professional medical doctor's (GP's) care.

The information on this web site is presented for the educational and free exchange of ideas and speech in relation to health and wellness only.

The modalities and services offered are primarily an educational process enabling you to care for yourself in a more informed way. Using this information or service is your own responsible for your own physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being.

The training, coaching and services offered helps to enable you to better understand yourself and improve your functioning as a complete being in harmony with yourself.

You are not treated for any illness, disease or deformity,

It is not intended to diagnose any physical or mental condition, or to prescribe or promote any particular products or services.

It is not intended as a substitute for the advice and treatment of a licensed medical professional.

About Me My journey took years of dedication and commitment, self-growth and discovery. It is not about doing one or two courses, or reading one or two books and then becoming a Bodywork Practitioner. One does not learn this from school, but is part of the life process through experience. Life’s resistance, the challenges and obstacles, makes us look inwards. One needs to find that space, awareness and wisdom within our own selves first before we are able to perform and provide the deeper healing space for others. My personal path has been a process of many and continued deep transformations and experiences throughout the years, each one has taught me new things about myself, and new ways of looking at the world. I am extremely passionate about the mind-body-spirit connection and our relationship to the universe and live and breathe the path of soulful evolution. I love the ability to work from the heart and deliver healing energy to others. The healer too is on a journey of greater self-awareness and discovery … As a practitioner I hold the space to enable the client to receive and let go, and therein lies the ability for the body to connect and to heal on all levels, and allow magical transformation to happen. I look forward to connect with you in this beautiful sacred space.

And I would like to invite you to experience and explore Hara Shiatsu Healing Massage Therapy. It is not just an opportunity to alleviate tension, but a true holistic healing session for mind-body-soul.