Sedimentation Threats to Red Sea Corals: an Ecological Study of Reefs in the Hurghada Region, Egypt
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The University of Hull Sedimentation Threats to Red Sea Corals: An Ecological Study of Reefs in the Hurghada Region, Egypt Being a thesis submitted for the Degree o f Doctorate of Philosophy (Ph.D) in the University of Hull. by Abdalla Eliwa Mohamed Selim B.Sc. in Marine Biology, Suez Canal University, Egypt. June 2007 Acknowledgements I wish to express my deep gratitude and thanks to Dr. Andrew Lawerance for supervision, support, and guidance of this work. In addition, I wish to express my gratitude to Prof. Mike Elliott, Dr. Roger Uglow, Dr. Krysia Mazik, Dr. Frazer Burlinson and Mrs. Anne lawery at the University of Hull for their helps during the laboratory and data analysis. In Egypt my gratitude are due to: Dr. Mohamed Abdelwahab (NIOF, Hurghada) for his laboratory and equipment support during sediment size class analysis and identification. Dr. Maher Emre (Suez Canal University) for giving his laboratory and equipment during zooxanthellae analysis. Dr. Magdy Elwany (Suez Canal University) for his supportive planning for fish study. I would like to thank my colleagues in the Red Sea Protectorates especially Metwally Shabana, Tarek and Asmaa for their help during nutrient analysis, many thanks are due to Mohamed Abd elghany, Essam Mostafa, Ahmed Medany, and many other of Red Sea Protected area staff, who give kind help during the field work. Finally I would like to thank Ford Foundation for the fellowship and the financial support for this study. Special thanks to my family, my father, mother and my kids Momen, Omer, Fatma and my wife who have been supportive throughout and sacrificed of their time also for their infinite emotional support. I could not have done it without you all. Abbreviations ABH Adaptive Bleaching Hypothesis CBD Convention on Biological Diversity CCA Crustose coralline algae DOS Dissolved organic substances EEAA Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency EEPP Egyptian Environmental Policy Program GBO Global Biodiversity Outlook GEOHAB Global Ecology and Oceanography of Harmful Algal Blooms IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change SPM Suspended Particulate matter SSTs Sea surface temperatures TON Total organic nitrogen UNFCCC UN Framework Convention on Climate Change ABSTRACT Hurghada coastal reefs have encountered a huge modification in the last three decades, associated with an increase in sediment input from coastal development. The aim of this study was to examine the impact of sediment on reef health at a number of sites along the coast of Hurghada encountering differing sedimentation loads. A range of physico- chemical parameters were measured in the field and related to a variety of reef health indicators. This was supported by laboratory based experiments examining the direct impact of sediment on coral bleaching and mucus production. Annual and seasonal patterns of sedimentation were investigated along the Hurghada coastal area of the Red Sea using sediment traps. Suspended particulate matter (SPM) and the percentage of non-carbonate sediment in bottom sediment were sampled. Physico- chemical parameters measured in the field included temperature, salinity, depth, pH, specific conductivity SPC, dissolved oxygen DO, total dissolved salts TDS, percentage of dissolved oxygen DO% and turbidity using a multprobe. Inorganic phosphates, silicate, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate concentrations were determined. Reefs were surveyed to determine a number of reef health indicators including coral cover, percentage of live and dead coral, new recruits, abundance, species richness, the percentage of r-strategist, Diversity Index, Deterioration Index (DI) and disturbance. Three species of Acropora were transplanted in this study and their survival was investigated. Six fish families were surveyed using belt transects to examine changes in community structure. Zooxanthellae density was measured in transplanted corals in field and laboratory conditions to determine the effect of sedimentation on coral bleaching. In addition, direct feeding experiments were performed using fluorescein-isothiocyanate sediment to assess coral ability to cope with higher sedimentation. Mucous secretion by corals was measured in field and laboratory to test variations under different sedimentation condition. Significant differences between sites in sedimentation rate, SPM and the percentage of non-carbonate sediment were observed. Sedimentation and SPM were also shown to reduce coral cover, species richness, diversity, mean colony size of branched corals and the abundance of algal feeding fish. Other parameters such as non-carbonate sediment, turbidity and percentage of mud in bottom sediment affected corals and fish to various degrees. Sedimentation did not appear to reduce the number of live or dead corals or new recruits. In addition, it did not affect the distribution of r-strategist as a pioneer group of corals. It did not affect transplant survival or macroborer distribution, although it did reduce zooxanthellae density and increase mucus secretion and sediment uptake by Lobophyllia hemprichii. Coral abundance, mean colony size of massive corals and coral feeder abundance were not reduced under the observed sedimentation conditions. The Deterioration Index did not provide a strong tool to gauge coral condition in this study. Although many indicators did not show significant correlations with sedimentation, SPM, turbidity or non carbonate sediment, it was found that sites with the highest readings of these parameters has the lowest biological quality. These finding support early studies that showed that low sedimentation levels do not have significant impact on coral health. Some sites showed continuous degradation and increased level of sedimentation from land I sources and need urgent mitigation measures to be followed by coral restoration and transplantation. ا ا Arabic summary ا ا ﻡ ة ﻡ اب ا ة ر ا. ه اة ا ﻡ ب ا و ﻡ ﻡ ا ا ا ا رة ﻡدة ل ا اى ا . ﻡ اد واة ﻡ ا ﻡ ا ﻡ ﻡل ا ا و ﻡ ﻡ هر ا اورة . ض ﺱ ﻡ اد ا ا هﺉ ﻡار اد ا اﺥة اﻡ ﻡ ت اء و ا و ادم ا ﺥل اة . و اﻡ ﻡ ها ا زدة آة اواﺱ ا دﺥ ا اة ا و ذ ﻡ ا آ ت ا و ادم. هة اراﺱ ا ا و ﻡ ﻡ زدة ارﺱب اب ا ا اد. اراﺱ ا ﻡ رﺉ و ه اراﺱ ا و اراﺱ ا , و آ اﺉ ن ﺽ ﻡى ارﺱب ﺹ ا ب ا. اء اول و ه ات و ا ا: ﻡ ﺥل هة اراﺱ س ﻡت ارﺱب ل ﺱ اد ﻡار ﻡ , آ س ة ﻡات ب ا د ا هة اات و ا ا ب ﻡ , و ﻡت ارﺱب ﻡ اﺥى . اﺥ ﺱ ﻡا ل ﺱ اد ﻡت ارﺱب و وف و ﻡ , ة ﻡات ﺱ زدة ﻡل اواﺱ ﻡ ا ا و ه , ﻡل اواﺱ ا و اﺱ ا او اﺱ ذات اﺹل ا اع . ة ﻡات اﺥى ﺱ ﻡ اﺹ ا و ﻡ دة اة ﻡ ارة و اس ارو و ا و اآ ااﺉ و اﻡح ااﺉ و ﻡﻡ اﺹ. ﻡات ب ا ا ﺱ آ آ , اء ا و اات ا و ا و اﺵ و اة ا و ا ا و ﻡس اع و ﻡس اهر و ﻡى اﺽاب . ات اﺉ ﻡس اا و اﻡ ا ا اراﺱ . آ اات اراﺱ اﻡ ﻡت ارﺱب و اء ا و ﻡس اع اا ا ا اراﺱ. ﺥل اراﺱ ا اﺱراع ااع ﻡ ﺵ ااآورا ﻡا اراﺱ و س ﻡل ا آ ع . ات اﺉ م ود اﻡ ﻡس ﻡت ارﺱب و ا ا ارو . آ اﺥر ﻡل اﺱ ار ت اب ات اﺱ را , و ا ات رة ﻡ اا. ا س ﻡت ااز اط ﻡ اب ا ا و ا اا , . ات اﺉ ود اﻡ ﻡس ﻡت ارﺱب و ﻡت ااز اط ﻡ اب ا ا. اوزا ( اﺉت ﺉ اﺱاط ا ﻡ ان ) ا ااع اب و ذ ان اﺱرا ﻡا اراﺱ , ات اﺉ وت آ اوزا اا و اة اﻡ ﺱراع , ا ت اراﺱ ود اﻡ ﻡس ﻡت ارﺱب و آ اوزا. س وة اﺱك ﺉت ﻡرة ﻡ اﺱك اب ا ى اب و ى ا و ذ ﻡا اراﺱ , آ س وة اﺱك ع ﻡ ﻡ اﺱك ااﺵت , آﺵ ﺹ اب . اراﺱ ود ق ﻡس ﻡ اراﺱ آن هك ق اا و ا ا ﻡ اﺱك . آ د ﻡس ت ارﺱب آ اﺱك و ﺥﺹ اﺱك ا ى ا. ﺥل اراﺱ ا دراﺱ ارﺱب اآ اى( Bioerosion ) ب ا , ﻡ ار ﻡت ﻡ اﺉت ا داﺥ اب و آ . د ﺉ اراﺱ و د وق II ﻡﺱ اا و ات آ اب , ات اراﺱ ود اﻡ ﻡس ﻡت ارﺱب و ط هة ات. اء ا و ه ارب ا: و ه ااء ث رب , س آ اوزا ث ااع ﻡ اب ﺽ ت ﻡ ﻡ ارﺱب د ﻡو و س ﻡل ااز اط ﻡ ث ااع ﻡ اب ﺽ ت ﻡ ﻡ ارﺱب و س ﻡل اب اواﺱ وف ﻡ ﻡ ع اواﺱ و اب و آا آ اواﺱ و ة اض . ﺱ ت ﻡل ااز اط ات ود اﻡ ﻡس ﻡت ارﺱب و ﻡل ااز اط ااع اث ا ا ا ﺉ ﺱت آ اوزا ا ات ود وق ﻡﺱ ﻡت ارﺱب ا و اث ااع ا ا ا و آا ﻡة اض رﺱب . آ ات اراﺱ ود اﻡ ﻡس ﻡت ارﺱب و آ اوزا اث ااع ا ا ا , و آا ﻡ ﻡة اض واﺱ . اى ا آ زادت آ اواﺱ و ﻡة اض آ آ اوزا ا اب ا. ﺉ ﺱت ﻡت ا ااع اب اواﺱ ات ا م هة اواﺱ و ان هك د زدة اواﺱ و ﻡت ا ا ﻡى ﻡ ا ه ا ان . ات اراﺱ ان آ ﻡ اواﺱ ا و اﺱ ﺱ آ ﻡ آ اء ا , ع اب , ا ا ب , ﻡﺱ اة ب ا و آا وة اﺱك أآ ا. هك اﻡ اﺥى ات ﺹ اب ا رت ﻡو ﻡ اواﺱ ذا ت اﺹل ا و و در ارة و ا اواﺱ ا . آ ان ت ارﺱب د ﻡات اب ﺱاء ا او ا او ااة , و ا ز ااع ادﺉ ذات ا ا و ا وف ا ا ﻡا .