ALFRED to WELCOME PATRON SAINT New York Crowd Jams Jack Jones Wins Campus Brazilian Delegation St
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Features News Student reports on visit to Lake For complete schedule of St. Pat's Success on page 1. FIAT LUX Festival event, see box below. VOL. XXXV, NO. 19 TUESDAY, MARCH 16, 1948, ALFRED, NEW YORK Telephone 27-F-12 ALFRED TO WELCOME PATRON SAINT New York Crowd Jams Jack Jones Wins Campus Brazilian Delegation St. Pat's Board Confident Of Alfred f Times Square Welcoming Election For President In Model UN Session |™ A letter of appreciation from Am- Festival Ever" de Valera And St. Patrick bassador Joao Carlos Muniz, perman- Of Next Year's Senate ent delegate from Brazil to the UN, "A Festival to remember" was prom- was received by Prof. C. Kenneth Sny- ised by the St. Pat's Board this week- 75 Percent Of Police Force Resigns der, Friday, concerning the United end after almost continuous meetings Receives 500 More Votes Than Other Nations visit of four students who will Saturday and Sunday. Suddenly And Rest Unable To Handle represent Brazil at a Model UN meet- "Tickets are selling much • faster Candidates; Members To Nominate 3 ing in April. than we anticipated and there seems Huge Crowd; O'Dwyer Leaves Office Officers At Tonight's Senate Meeting The four students, John Carabillo to be every indication that this year's (From the Fiat New York Office) '48, Caryl Levy '50, David Lynch '50 Festival will be the largest ever," said New York City, March 15—A huge crowd of New Yorkers most- Gordon Prior '48, co-chairman. Jack L. Jones AT, will head the 1948-49 Student Senate as a and Ingram Paperny '50, will repre- ly of Irish descent jammed Times Square tonight shouting alternate- result of all-campus elections, Thursday and Friday, in the Camups sent Brazn at a "model assembly of "More than that, we feel we have the UN" on April 1-3 at Cornell Uni- planned a program that will meet the ly "We want Dev," and "We want St. Pat." Union and the Ag-Tech lobby. versity. Paperny will act also as approval of everybody attending, Metropolitan police were unable to There were 978 votes cast, an increase of more than 400 over chairman of the Trusteeship Council. freshmen, upperclassmen, and facul- Arrival Of St. Pat Still handle the crowd because of the sud- last year's total. The tabulation showed that Jones received about The letter said "'Our secretaries ty," added Wortley Paul '48, co-chair- den resignation of nearly 75 percent have told me how pleasantly surprised man. Secret—Almost Definite of the force. Many departments could 500 votes more than his nearest opponent. account only for a skeleton force even they were at the sum of knowledge Particularly noteworthy this year is "St. Pat hasn't missed a Fes- Other officers of the Senate will be when all off-duty members had been and earnest and clear understanding the open house policy of all fraterni- tival here in 15 years," said nominated at the meeting tonight. The called back by Commissioner Wal- displayed by these young people in ties. Open house will mean just that. Wortley Paul '48, and Gordon secretary and treasurer will be elect- lander. Educators Talk matters relating to the purpose and Anybody may visit any fraternity be- Prior '48, co-chairmen of the St. ed at the meeting next Tuesday. The : functioning of the United Nations. fore the dance Friday evening. Pat's Board, when advised by the Mayor William O'Dwyer could not vice president will be elected in an be located. Personnel in the Mayor's "Please accept our best wishes for Fiat last night that the Pat- all-campus election to be announced. Of New College office were unable to say where he the success of your endeavors in the The schedule of activities for ron Saint of Ceramic Engineers, was but one clerk, who asked not Winners in the class officer elec- coming meeting; we feel sure that the St. Pat's: was the toast of a rebellious New to be quoted, said, tions follow: Senior Class—president, In Jamestown activities of your able 'delegates' will Thursday, 1 p.m.—Parade with York crowd. Daniel Kane; vice president, Juel An- "I think he's at the Waldorf." Educational leaders of Jamestown be sure a source of vicarious satisfac- more than ten floats, followed by "He'll get here in time for the derson; secretary, Carolyn Thomas; tion for us!" St. Pat's arrival and speech. parade, too, but we simply can't This was believed likely by news- treasurer, Herbert Anderson. and Alfred discussed Friday plans for [ paper correspondents who earlier had Four-man delegations from each of (See The Raving Reporter, page find out how he's going to come." the establishment of a technical insti- learned' that Eamon de Valera was Junior Class" — president, George 50 colleges and universities from New 2). "He wired asking permission to spending a week at the Waldorf- Harris; vice president, Jeannette tute in Jamestown and the merging of York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Thursday, 3 p.m.—Tea dance at bring some friends he met in New Astoria and that St. Patrick, patron Klimajeski; treasurer, Dwight Brown; it with the Jamestown Extension of Maryland will take part in the assem- Social Hall with Al Rawady's York," Paul said. "We had to saint of ceramic engineers, was en secretary, Joan Hatfield. bly, each representing a member na- Orchestra. ask him not to; I haven't even Alfred University into a proposed route to a festival at Alfred Univer- tion of the United Nations. Thursday, 7-10 p.m.—College of got a date yet." Sophomore Class—president, Sam- community college. sity, somewhere in up-state New York. uel Maguire; vice president, Audrey Concentrating its work on four com- Ceramics Open house featuring Carlyle C. Ring and Hugh L. Gillis, A member of the Brooklyn Irish Goodrich; treasurer, William Spang- mittees whose counterparts are active the glass blowers, movies, ex- superintendent and assistant superin- hibits. Service Fraternity Fellowship club who claimed to have enberg; secretary, Alice Schulmeister. at Lake Success, the delegates will talked to Mr. de Valera earlier in the tendent of the Jamestown Public come to grips with some of the im- Friday, 2:15 p.m.—"Green Grow New representatives on the Campus The Lilacs," Alumni Hall. To Honor Athletes week, said one point in the discussion Union Board are: School System, and Kenneth Marsh, mediate problems of the UN. , had centered around "the formation Friday, 5 p.m.—Fraternity open Blue Key will sponsor an All-Sports Ceramics, Stanton Garr '50; Ag- in charge of adult education in James- The objectives of the assembly, ac- house. of a borough of Irishmen on or near cording to Leonard Lehman of Cor- Banquet for the middle of May, mem- Tech, Donald Bemus AT; Liberal town, visited the Agricultural and Friday, 10 p.m.—St. Pat's Ball Coney Island." nell who will act as secretary-general, bers of the honorary service fraternity Arts, Thomas McShane '50. Faculty Technical Institute and met with with coronation of the Queen The Mayor's office refused to make advisor for the Ag-Tech is Mr. Eugene is to educate students to facts of the decided at a meeting Sunday after- President J. E. Walters, Dean M. Ellis "around midnight". any statement on the subject. Reynolds and for Liberal Arts, Dr. UN and to create a body of public noon. Drake, and Dean A. E. Whitford. opinion wmch will act as a moral Appointed to the committee by Samuel Scholes Jr. All organizations entering floats In accordance with the so-called force supporting the UN. President G. Edwin Lorey '48, were: New representatives for the Nation- in the parade are urged to be prompt. Young Report al Student Association committee are: "Young report" of the Temporary Com- Prank Elliott '49, chairman; Sidney "We have a tight schedule for Thurs- Schweitzer '49; and William Beazell Ceramics, Carolyn Thomas '49; Lib- No Absences Allowed On day afternoon," Paul said, "and unless versity, a program for instituting '49. eral Arts, Ailing Hazlett '49, and Ag- we keep to the schedule people are Makes Possible community colleges in certain New The group decided to name new Tech, Michael Magrino A8. Thurs. And Fri. Mornings going to have a hectic time getting York State cities is imminent. James- members to Blue Key on April 18. Tabulations for the number of votes Double cuts will be given for to see and do everything." town citizens are interested in estab- Eligibility is determined on the basis Aid For Alfred cast in the various classes and Ag- all absences in forenoon classes The knighting of "worthy" senior lishing such a community college of an index equal to all-men's index The possibility of Alfred's receiving Tech are: Ag-Tech, 539; freshmen, on Thursday and Friday, the Ag- engineers will take place after St. which would consist of a two-year col- and a willingness to work on the part some funds from the State under the 127; sophomares, 147; juniors, 109; Tech and University administra- Pat's speech which follows the parade. lege program of liberal arts and a of the new initiate. legislation proposed by the "Young re- seniors and CS, 56. Enrollment in the tion offices have announced. No The cup for the best float in the par- technical institute of one unit. Under Blue Key will assist with clean-up port," was noted this week by the Ag-Tech is' approximately 630. Ac- afternoon classes will be held on ade will be awarded then, too.