FACT SHEETS ON: UNIVERSITIES AND ORGANIZATIONS PARTICIPATING IN CLONING , GENETIC ENGINEERING AND CLONING AND GENETIC ENGINEERING Advanced Cell Technologies FACT SHEET ON ABORTION California Institute of Technology, Pasadena Cambridge University “Beloved ones, it is surely the hour and past the hour to concentrate Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio certain services for the binding of the dweller-on-the-threshold and the Harvard University false hierarchy of and Hell through abortion, abortionists and the abortion laws. Abortion is first degree of God within the Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard womb.” Lord Maitreya, Pearls of Wisdom, vol 35, no. 42, Oct. 11, 1992 The Vincent Center for Reproductive Biology Center for Regenerative Medicine CAUSE AND CORE ISSUES OF ABORTION Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT Whitehead Institute  Twelfth Planet and laggards against the light Newcastle University upon Tyne, member of the Russel Group  False hierarchy of death and hell; entity Annihla Oregon National Primate Research Centre, Beaverton, Oregon  Watchers and their godless creation Princeton University  Satan and his seed, the Liar and the lie, murderer and the Stanford University murderous intent—abortion as satanic ritual University of California, Berkeley  Beast of abortion and beast of sensuality and materialism Center for Computational Biology  Big lie of Roe v. Wade that abortion is a Constitutional right Center for Integrative Genomics  Great Whore, the money beast, abortion industry  The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation  Neo-Malthusian doctrine of overpopulation and scarce resources  The Joint Genome Institute  Nephilim gods and mechanization man—their power, control and  Lawrence Berkeley National Labs death instinct and disregard for the worth of the individual University of California at Davis, Genome Center  Death and sex cult in America, secular humanism, scientific University of California at Irvine, Institute for Genomics and rationale of abortion, prenatal genetic testing and sex selection Bioinformatics  Beast of the carnal mind displacing the soul in the seat of University of California at Los Angeles, Bioinformatics Program authority in mater University of California at Merced, Center for Computational Biology University of California at Riverside, Institute for Integrative Genome ABORTION RIGHTS ADVOCATES AND ABORTION PROVIDERS Biology  Action Canada for Population and Development University of California at Santa Barbara, Burnham Medical Research  American Association for the Advancement of Science – Institute Nina V. Fedoroff, President University of Nevada, Reno  American Association of University Women Monsanto J. Craig Ventner Institute  American Bar Association  American Civil Liberties Union – Susan Herman, President  American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology  American Medical Association  Catholics for Choice – Jon O'Brien, president  Center for Reproductive Rights – Nancy Northrup, President  Emily’s List – Ellen Malcolm, Founder

Copyright © 2011 Summit Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. 8 Copyright © 2011 Summit Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. 1  Feminist Majority Foundation – Eleanor Smeal, President  Jean-Claude Pecker, Professor Emeritus of Astrophysics –  Guttmacher Institute – Paul Sperry, Chair College de France, Academy of Sciences, France  Institute for Women’s Policy Research  W.V. Quine, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy – Harvard  International Federation – University, US Dr. Jacqueline Sharpe (international abortion provider)  J.J.C. Smart, Professor of Philosophy – University of  International Women’s Health Coalition Adelaide, Australia  International Project Assistance Services –  V.M. Tarkunde, Reformer and Activist – India Elizabeth S. Macguire, Pres. (international abortion provider)  Richard Taylor, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy –  Marie Stopes International (major abortion provider) University of Rochester, US  NARAL Pro-Choice America – Nancy Keenan, President  Simone Veil, Former President – European Parliament,  National Abortion Federation (abortion providers) – France Vicki Saporta, President and CEO  Kurt Vonnegut, Novelist – US  National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy  Edward O. Wilson, Professor Emeritus of Sociobiology –  National Organization for Women – Terry O’Neill, President Harvard University, US  National Woman’s Law Center  Pathfinder International (international abortion provider) GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS AND AWARDS  Planned Parenthood Action Fund, Inc. NIH National Human Genome Research Institute: Division of Extramural Research  Planned Parenthood Federation of America – Cecile Richards, Pres. Division of Intramural Research:  Population Action International  Cancer Genetics Branch  Population Council – Peter J. Donaldson, President  Genetic Disease Research Branch  Religious Coalition for Reproductive Rights  Genetics and Molecular Biology Branch

 Genome Technology Branch GLOBAL POPULATION CONTROL ORGANIZATIONS AND DONORS  Inherited Disease Research Branch  United Nations Population Fund –  Medical Genetics Branch Babatunde Osotimehin, Executive Director  Social and Behavioral Research Branch  World Bank Genomic Science Award Winners:  United States Agency for International Development – Office of  Marianne Bronner-Fraser, California Institute of Technology Population  George M. Church, Harvard University  Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation – Bill and Melinda F. Gates  Andrew P. Feinberg, Johns Hopkins University  The Buffett Foundation – Warren Buffett  David M. Kingsley, Stanford University  The Oprah Winfrey Foundation – Oprah Winfrey  Deirdre R. Meldrum, Arizona State University  William H. Gates Foundation  Michael Olivier, Medical College of Wisconsin  Open Society Institute – George Soros, Chairman  Fernando Pardo-Manuel de Vellena, University of North  John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Carolina  The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation  Michael P. Snyder, Yale University  The David and Lucille Packard Foundation  Simon Tavare, University of Southern California  The Wellcome Trust (UK)  Marc Vidal, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute  The Ford Foundation  The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Copyright © 2011 Summit Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. 2 Copyright © 2011 Summit Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. 7  Vern Bullough, Visiting Professor of Nursing – California  The Rockefeller Foundation – David Rockefeller, Jr., Chairman State University at Northridge, USA  Andrew J. Mellon Foundation  Mario Bunge, Professor of Philosophy of Science – McGill  The California Endowment University, Canada  The Kresge Foundation  Bernard Crick, Professor Emeritus of Politics – Birkbeck  Robert Sterling Clark Foundation College, University of London, UK  Public Welfare Foundation Inc.  Francis Crick, Nobel Laureate in Physiology – Salk Institute,  Howard Hughes Medical Institute (genetic studies) US  World Health Organization  Richard Dawkins, Charles Simionyi Professor of Public  Population Connection Understanding of Science – Oxford University, UK  Optimum Population Trust  Jose Delgado, Director – Centro de Estudios  Club of Rome Neurobiologicos, Spain  Sierra Club—Global Population and Environment Program  Paul Edwards, Professor of Philosophy – New School for  The Ted Turner Foundation – Ted Turner, Chairman Social Research, US  United Nations Foundation – Ted Turner, Chairman  Antony Flew, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy – Reading University, UK PRO-LIFE ADVOCATES AND ORGANIZATIONS  Johan Galtung, Professor of Sociology – University of Oslo, Norway  American Life League – Judie Brown, co-founder  Adolf Grunbaum, Professor of Philosophy - University of  Americans United for Life – Dr. Charmaine Yoest, President Pittsburgh, US  Catholics United for Life  Herbert Hauptmann, Nobel Laureate, Professor of  Center for Bio-Ethical Reform (graphic images of ) Biophysical Science – State University of New York at  Concerned Women for America – Wendy Wright, President Buffalo, US  – Tony Perkins, President  Alberto Hidalgo Tunon, President – Sociedad Asturiana de  40 Days for Life – David Bereit, National Director Filosofia, Spain  Foundation for Moral Law – Judge Roy Moore  Sergei Kapitza, Chair – Moscow Institute of Physics and  Human Life Foundation, Inc. – publisher of Human Life Review Technology, Russia  Live Action – Lila Rose, President (Media Pro-Life Group)  Paul Kurtz, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy – State  National Right to Life Committee – Carol Tobias, President University of New York at Buffalo, US  Personhood USA – Keith Mason, Cal Zastro, co-founders  Gerald A Larue, Professor Emeritus of Archeology and  Population Research Institute – Steven W. Mosher Biblical Studies – University of Southern California at Los  King for America/Priests for Life–Dr. Alveda King, Fr. Frank Pavone Angeles, US  Pro Life Across America – Mary Ann Kuharski, Director  Thelma Z. Lavine, Professor of Philosophy – George Mason  Students for Life of America – Kristan Hawkins University, US  Susan B. Anthony List – Marjorie Dannenfelser  Jose Leite Lopes, Director – Centro Brasiliero de Pesquisas  Thomas More Society – Pro-Life Law Center Fisicas, Brazil  Taslima Nasrin, Author, Physician, Social Critic – PRO-ABORTION PUBLIC OFFICIALS Bangladesh President Barack Obama Secretary of State Hillary Clinton  Indumati Parikh, Reformer and Activist – India Vice President Joe Biden Former President Bill Clinton Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz Kathleen Sibelius—Secretary of

Copyright © 2011 Summit Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. 6 Copyright © 2011 Summit Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. 3 NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg Health & Human Services FACT SHEET ON GENETIC ENGINEERING AND CLONING Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand Dr. Nina Federoff Rep. Rob Andrews Dr. John Holdren Rep. Carolyn Maloney Sen. Al Franken U.S. GOVERNMENT Rep. Nancy Pelosi Sen. Joseph Lieberman DOE Joint Genome Institute (JGI), U.S. Department of Energy Sen. Barbara Boxer Sen. Charles E. Schumer Sen. Dianne Feinstein Sen. Michael Bennet CHINA Sen. Harry Reid Rep. Jerrold Nadler Harvest Technologies – Adult stem cells, harvesting of iliac crest Sen. Sherrod Brown Rep. Louise Slaughter grafts Sen. Amy Klobuchar Rep. Diana DeGette Professor Ning Li, Director of the State Key Laboratories for Sen. Patrick Leahy Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse Agrobiotechnology at the China Agricultural University Sen. Richard Durbin Sen. Max Baucus Sen. Chris Coons Rep. Susan Davis PIONEERS Sen. Bernard Sanders Rep. Loretta Sanchez Randolfe H. Wicker – the world's first human cloning activist Sen. Debbie Stabenow Sen. John F. Kerry Rudolf Jaenisch – a founding member of MIT Whitehead Institute; Sen. Maria Cantwell Sen. Patty Murray pioneer of transgenic science Robert A. Weinberg – a founding member of the MIT Whitehead PRO-LIFE PUBLIC OFFICIALS Institute; pioneer in cancer research House Speaker John Boehner Rep. Renee Ellmers Rep. Chris Smith Rep. Ann Marie Buerkle SUPPORTERS OF HUMAN CLONING AND GENETIC ENGINEERING Rep. Dan Lipinski Rep. Diane Black American Heart Association Rep. Joe Pitts Rep. Michele Bachmann Nick Bostrom, PhD Rep. Doug Lamborn Rep. Ron Paul Richard Seed, PhD Rep. Virginia Foxx Sen. Thad Cochran Laurence H. Tribe, JD Sen. Richard Shelby Sen. Roger Wicker Stephen Hawking Sen. Jeff Sessions Sen. Roy Blunt Thomas Harkin Sen. Jon Kyl Sen. Mike Johanns Robert H. Foote Sen. John Boozman Sen. Kelly Ayotte Elizabeth Price Foley, JD Sen. Marco Rubio Sen. Richard Burr Council for Secular Humanism Sen. Saxby Chambliss Sen. John Hoeven Declaration in Defense of Cloning published by Free Inquiry Sen. Jim Risch Sen. James Inhofe Magazine Sen. Michael Crapo Sen. Tom Coburn Planned Parenthood Federation of America Sen. Dan Coats Sen. Jim DeMint International Academy of Humanism: Sen. Richard Lugar Sen. Lindsey Graham  Pieter Admiraal, MD - Netherlands Sen. Charles Grassley Sen. John Thune  Ruben Ardila, psychologist - National University of Sen. Pat Roberts Sen. Mike Lee Colombia, Colombia Sen. Jerry Moran Sen. Orrin Hatch  Sir Isaiah Berlin, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy - Oxford Sen. Mitch McConnell Sen. John Barrasso University, UK Sen. Rand Paul Sen. Michael Enzi  Sir Hermann Bondi, Fellow of the Royal Society, Past Master Sen. David Vitter Newt Gingrich – Churchill College, Cambridge University, UK Rick Santorum Sarah Palin Tim Pawlenty Copyright © 2011 Summit Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. 4 Copyright © 2011 Summit Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. 5