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Traitors-Of-Benin-Oghian-Oba say, Tell me your NAME and I will tell you WHO you are! Editorial: Edo 2016=> litmus test of loyalty to the Oba. It including this one you are reading counseling us, that as humans, we say, Tell me your NAME and I is paramount to understand that referring back to it till date. Even should have a forgiving spirit, will say: Tell me your NAME and Osioba Vs Oghian Oba the Benins cannot do without their this is an undeniable fact that the should remember that humans do I will tell you WHO you are! Historically speaking, it is Oba and the Oba cannot do nation christened “Nigeria” by the not have a forgetful spirit. That is We the Patriotic Benins loyal to accurate to say that: THE SON without the Benins in a symbiotic British was born out of the defeat why some wrongs are forgiven the Oba shall see to it that we stop OF A TRAITOR IS A bond that is inexplicably spiritual, of Benin Empire at the hands of but not forgotten. Our own this attempt to repeat the history TRAITOR, when it comes to the which predates two millennia the British Empire. For if the counsel to them is that they of affliction in our Edo land. for Ogbeide Oyoo family a.k.a the since the days of the Ogiso British Empire had not defeated should elect the “grandson” of Affliction shall not rise against us Obaseki Family of Benin Dynasty starting from about 40 Benin Empire, they would never Adolf Hitler the Nazi who in Benin Kingdom a second time. Kingdom. We know that a man is BC, to these 21st century days of have been able to merge the “holocausted” six million Jews in Those who want a TRAITOR to described according to his past the Oba Dynasty. That is why in Northern protectorate and gas chambers, to go and represent rule over them should kindly go achievements and not according the Traditional Constitution of Southern Protectorate into one them as their country’s and form their KINGDOM. to his future plans. That is why it Benin Kingdom, the Oba of Benin Protectorate of Nigeria in 1914, as Ambassador to Israel and see if Because Benin Kingdom belongs is paramount to describe the is the highest mortal being in the Benin would have retained its the Jewish people and government to no one else but the Oba of Obaseki Family according to their world and all others are beneath independent status with all its in Israel will forgive, forget and Benin since 2000 years till date. past antecedents not according to him be they presidents, governors imperial borders in southern accept their “Ambassador”. Now if you do not like it, you are their future pre-requisites or kings regardless. Nigeria more or less still in tact. Likewise, those Iyekeze-Benins free to relocate to another especially as another Obaseki is (Settler-Benins) using the mantra kingdom of your choice. vying for the political ruler-ship So the fastest way to provoke the Now the British are gone but the of Christianity to excuse the in- position of Benin Kingdom and wrath of the “Loyal Benins” is to Obasekis who collaborated It is FORBIDDEN to oppose, excusable, saying that as Edo State, after we have had two provoke the wrath of the “Royal heavily with them against Benin challenge, condemn, speak or progressive Christians, we should previous disastrous Gaius Obaseki Oba”, for where ever he sends, are still sticking around, and fight against Omo N’Oba N’Edo NOT visit the sins of the fathers and Agho Obaseki in a similar they will follow even unto the another Obaseki packaged as a in Benin Kingdom. AWUAH! on the sons. We should remind position in the last two sweet or bitter end, as history as TROJAN HORSE by his them that, that is exactly the Edo people needs one who comes generations of our fathers and shown in the hard fought 1897 COMRADE-IN-ARMS has contrary of what God Himself from a proven family history of grand fathers as stated in these Invasion of Benin by the British stepped up stir up the polity of said: that He would visit the sins unblemished and unalloyed 15 ARTICLES OF FACTS. superpower nation of the time, to past politics, exactly like the of the fathers, unto the third LOYALTY and support for the their utter amazement and British colonial governors did in and fourth generations. God in revered monarchy and Kingdom It seems that fate has played a massacre. The ferocious and the past on previous and painful His wisdom knows why He said of Benin, not a contrary and fatal card on the Benins with the bloody Benin-British Wars lasted occasions. For many Benins this it, which is wisdom for the wise. opposing family of Oghian Oba, Obasekis as a recurring two long brutal years after Benin is just like De-javu. It is written, So they too should first follow Oghian Edo .Our Great Obas and generational disaster that comes City fell in February 1897 before Affliction shall not rise again! their own “good” advice and Ancestors (Enikaro) will prevail up again and again after every one the last pocket of Benin For those Iyekeze-Benins on the “elect” the GRANDSON of Judas on the true, loyal and patriotic thought that the last one was the Resistance was defeated, with the other side of Benin Rivers, who Iscariot the TRAITOR who Benin people with Benin blood in final one. That is why this capture and execution of the argue that we should move on, betrayed Jesus Christ as their their veins to vote against compendium of factual accounts warlord, Chief Ologbosere in June and that this history should remain CHURCH PASTOR and tell God GODWIN OBASEKI, who has of historical events in the last 1899. where it belongs in the past, I that, they have moved on from the been sent to come and fulfill the three generations have been Which made the war weary simply say that a man who has no long forgotten past and have failed mission of his grandfather, proffered as a pathfinder, for British to conclude according to past mistake to guide his present FORGIVEN Judas Iscariot. After AGHO OBASEKI against the those objective minded Benins Robert Home the English action has no future success. they have heeded our counsel, we Edo monarchy and people! seeking the truth out of the facts Chronicler that: “THE BENIN Likewise you are a product of too will heed their counsel! Do what our loyal fathers like and fables bandied about by both TERRITORIES EXPEDITION… your past and your present is Practice what you preach! Omo-Osagie and other Otu-Edo sides of the argument, in this so- WAS ONE OF THE HARDEST pregnant with your future. A Patriots did to protect the Edo called democratic debate between BUSH CAMPAIGNS EVER medical doctor practicing in the Finally, for the selfsame Godwin Monarchy against the Edo Enemy. the: PATRIOTS OF BENIN & FOUGHT IN BRITISH WEST present must have studied ENOGHEGHASE Obaseki’s TRAITORS OF BENIN. AFRICA”. The consequence of If you are EDO then you MUST medicine in the past. So what you middle name is in itself an affront Vis-à-vis the Friends of Oba that singular historic battle which be Loyal to OMO N’OBA! did yesterday determines what on our dearly revered traditional (Osioba) and Enemies of Oba is still more or less current affairs A word is enough for the wise! you will do tomorrow, because Oba-ship institution. For in Benin (Oghian Oba). This analysis will today especially in Africa, Oghian Oba is Oghian Edo! your past controls your future! we only have OGHOBA-GHASE be the determining factor for the America and Europe, with (Oba’s decision prevails), we do Benin voters in this highly countless movies, documentaries, The Choice is Yours! Similarly, those Iyekeze-Benins not have ENOGHE-GHASE (one competitive and hotly contested books, journals and papers with divided opinions that are who’s decision prevails). As they Otu-Odoledo (EDF) 2016 Gubernatorial Election, as a 1 ARTICLE ONE: Europeans on the Benin River did not fully disclose to his Chief Nana would have been succeeded to a marked degree. trade route), a well developed cabinet what had been said uppermost in the mind of the Oba He has permanently placed a GREAT BENIN plan to DEPOSE Oba between himself and Gallwey. No of Benin when events began to Juju on (Palm) Kernels, the most KINGDOM AWAITS Ovonranmwen and replace him doubt Captain Gallwey left Benin unfold there in 1897. profitable product of the country, THE CORONATION OF with a NATIVE COUNCIL OF City in the belief that trade would and the penalty for trading in CHIEFS headed by himself. improve between Benin and the So it was crystal clear to the Oba this produce is death. He has A GREAT OBA The evil machination of this British, but this did not happen. In what the grand design of the closed the markets and has only Traitor of Benin against his fact, the Oba continued to go British was which was to occasionally consented to open Great Benin Kingdom awaits the Oba and people eventually came about his business as though no COLONIZE his kingdom as was them in certain places on receipt moment when the Crown Prince to pass, as we all know after the treaty existed.` already done in Ashanti Kingdom of presents from the Jakri chiefs. Eheneden, the Edaiken N”Uselu Benin – British War of 1897.
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