Advanced Calculus I Fall 2014 §14.7: Local Minima and Maxima

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Advanced Calculus I Fall 2014 §14.7: Local Minima and Maxima Calculus 2502A - Advanced Calculus I Fall 2014 x14.7: Local minima and maxima Martin Frankland November 17, 2014 In these notes, we discuss the problem of finding the local minima and maxima of a function. 1 Background and terminology Definition 1.1. Let f : D ! R be a function, with domain D ⊆ Rn. A point ~a 2 D is called: • a local minimum of f if f(~a) ≤ f(~x) holds for all ~x in some neighborhood of ~a. • a local maximum of f if f(~a) ≥ f(~x) holds for all ~x in some neighborhood of ~a. • a global minimum (or absolute minimum) of f if f(~a) ≤ f(~x) holds for all ~x 2 D. • a global maximum (or absolute maximum) of f if f(~a) ≥ f(~x) holds for all ~x 2 D. An extremum means a minimum or a maximum. Definition 1.2. An interior point ~a 2 D is called a: • critical point of f if f is not differentiable at ~a or if the condition rf(~a) = ~0 holds, i.e., all first-order partial derivatives of f are zero at ~a. • saddle point of f if it is a critical point which is not a local extremum. In other words, for every neighborhood U of ~a, there is some point ~x 2 U satisfying f(~x) < f(~a) and some point ~x 2 U satisfying f(~x) > f(~a). Remark 1.3. Global minima or maxima are not necessarily unique. For example, the function f : R ! R defined by f(x) = sin x has a global maximum with value 1 at the points: 3π π 5π nπ o :::; − ; ; ;::: = + 2kπ j k 2 2 2 2 2 Z 1 and a global minimum with value −1 at the points: π 3π 7π 3π :::; − ; ; ;::: = + 2kπ j k 2 : 2 2 2 2 Z For a sillier example, consider a constant function g(~x) = c for all ~x 2 D. Then every point ~x 2 D is simultaneously a global minimum and a global maximum of g. Proposition 1.4. Let ~a be an interior point of the domain D. If ~a is a local extremum of f, then any partial derivative of f which exists at ~a must be zero. Proof. Assume that the partial derivative Dmf(~a) exists, for some 1 ≤ m ≤ n. Then the function of a single variable mth coordinate z}|{ g(x) := f(a1; a2;:::; x ; : : : ; an−1; an) is differentiable at x = am and has a local extremum at x = am. Therefore its derivative vanishes at that point: 0 g (am) = Dmf(~a) = 0: Remark 1.5. The converse does not hold: a critical point of f need not be a local extremum. For example, the function f(x) = x3 has a critical point at x = 0 which is a saddle point. Upshot: In order to find the local extrema of f, it suffices to consider the critical points of f. 2 2 One-dimensional case Recall the second derivative test from single variable calculus. Proposition 2.1 (Second derivative test). Let f : D ! R be a function of a single variable, with domain D ⊆ R. Let a 2 D be a critical point of f such that the first derivative f 0 exists in a neighborhood of a, and the second derivative f 00(a) exists. • If f 00(a) > 0 holds, then f has a local minimum at a. • If f 00(a) < 0 holds, then f has a local maximum at a. • If f 00(a) = 0 holds, then the test is inconclusive. Remark 2.2. The following examples illustrate why the test is inconclusive when the critical point a satisfies f 00(a) = 0. • The function f(x) = x4 has a local minimum at 0. • The function f(x) = −x4 has a local maximum at 0. • The function f(x) = x3 has a saddle point at 0. Example 2.3. Find all local extrema of the function f : R ! R defined by f(x) = 3x4 − 4x3 − 12x2 + 10: Solution. Note that f is twice differentiable on all of R, and moreover the domain of f is open in R (so that there are no boundary points to check). Let us find the critical points of f: f 0(x) = 12x3 − 12x2 − 24x = 0 , x3 − x2 − 2x = 0 , x x2 − x − 2 = 0 , x(x + 1)(x − 2) = 0 , x = −1; 0; or 2: Let us use the second derivative test to classify these critical points: f 00(x) = 12 3x2 − 2x − 2 f 00(−1) = 12 (3 + 2 − 2) = 12(3) > 0 f 00(0) = 12 (−2) < 0 f 00(2) = 12 (12 − 4 − 2) = 12(6) > 0 from which we conclude: 3 • x = −1 is a local minimum of f, with value f(−1) = 3 + 4 − 12 + 10 = 5 . • x = 0 is a local maximum of f, with value f(0) = 10 . • x = 2 is a local minimum of f, with value f(2) = 3(16) − 4(8) − 12(4) + 10 = −22 . Remark 2.4. In this example, the function f has no global maximum, because it grows arbi- trarily large: limx!+1 f(x) = +1. Moreover, the condition limx→−∞ f(x) = +1, together with the extreme value theorem, implies that f reaches a global minimum. Therefore, x = 2 is in fact the global minimum of f, with value f(2) = −22, as illustrated in Figure 1. 40 f(x) 20 x −2 −1 1 2 3 −20 Figure 1: Graph of the function f in Example 2.3. 4 3 Two-dimensional case Theorem 3.1 (Second derivatives test). Let f : D ! R be a function of two variables, with domain D ⊆ R2. Let (a; b) 2 D be a critical point of f such that the second partial derivatives fxx, fxy, fyx, fyy exist in a neighborhood of (a; b) and are continuous at (a; b), which implies in particular fxy(a; b) = fyx(a; b). The discriminant of f is the 2 × 2 determinant fxx fxy D := fyx fyy 2 = fxxfyy − fxy: Now consider the discriminant D = D(a; b) at the point (a; b). • If D > 0 and fxx(a; b) > 0 hold, then f has a local minimum at (a; b). • If D > 0 and fxx(a; b) < 0 hold, then f has a local maximum at (a; b). • If D < 0 holds, then f has a saddle point at (a; b). • If D = 0 holds, then the test is inconclusive. Remark 3.2. The following examples illustrate why the test is inconclusive when the discrim- inant satisfies D = 0 . • The function f(x; y) = x2 + y4 has a (strict) local minimum at (0; 0). • The function f(x; y) = x2 has a (non-strict) local minimum at (0; 0). • The function f(x; y) = −x2 − y4 has a (strict) local maximum at (0; 0). • The function f(x; y) = −x2 has a (non-strict) local maximum at (0; 0). • The function f(x; y) = x2 + y3 has a saddle point at (0; 0). • The function f(x; y) = −x2 + y3 has a saddle point at (0; 0). • The function f(x; y) = x2 − y4 has a saddle point at (0; 0). Example 3.3 (# 14.7.11). Find all local extrema and saddle points of the function f : R2 ! R defined by f(x; y) = x3 − 12xy + 8y3: 5 Solution. Note that f is infinitely many times differentiable on its domain R2. Let us find the critical points of f: ( 2 fx(x; y) = 3x − 12y = 0 2 fy(x; y) = −12x + 24y = 0 ( 4y = x2 , x = 2y2 ) 4y = (2y2)2 = 4y4 , y = y4 , y(y3 − 1) = 0 , y = 0 or y3 = 1 , y = 0 or y = 1 y = 0 ) x = 2(0)2 = 0 y = 1 ) x = 2(1)2 = 2 which implies that (0; 0) and (2; 1) are the only points that could be critical points of f, and indeed they are. Let us compute the discriminant of f: fxx(x; y) = 6x fxy(x; y) = −12 fyy(x; y) = 48y 2 D(x; y) = fxx(x; y)fyy(x; y) − fxy(x; y) = (6x)(48y) − (−12)2 = 122 (2xy − 1) : At the critical point (0; 0), the discriminant is: D(0; 0) = 122(0 − 1) < 0 so that (0; 0) is a saddle point . At the critical point (2; 1), the discriminant is: D(2; 1) = 122(4 − 1) > 0 and we have fxx(2; 1) = 6(2) = 12 > 0, so that (2; 1) is a local minimum with value f(2; 1) = 8 − 24 + 8 = −8 , as illustrated in Figure 2.. 6 500 0 z −500 4 2 −4 0 −2 0 −2 2 4 y x −4 Figure 2: Graph of the function f in Example 3.3. 4 Why does it work? 4.1 Quadratic approximation The second derivatives test relies on the quadratic approximation of f at the point (a; b), which is the Taylor polynomial of degree 2 at that point. Recall that for functions of a single variable f(x), the quadratic approximation of f at a is: (x − a)2 f(x) ≈ f(a) + f 0(a)(x − a) + f 00(a) : 2 Since the variable of interest is the displacement from the basepoint a, let us rewrite h := x−a and thus: h2 f(a + h) ≈ f(a) + f 0(a)h + f 00(a) : 2 If a is a critical point of f, then we have f 0(a) = 0 and the quadratic approximation becomes: h2 f(a + h) ≈ f(a) + f 00(a) : 2 If f 00(a) 6= 0 holds, then the quadratic term will determine the local behavior of f around a: f 00(a) > 0 yields a local minimum while f 00(a) < 0 yields a local maximum.

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