A Sociological Perspective
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PROTEST AGAINST RACIAL SUPREMACY IN ROBERTO BENIGNI’S LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL MOVIE: A SOCIOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Getting Bachelor Degree in Department of English Education By: SHAFIRA MEGA AMANDA PUTRI SUSILO A320160249 DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH EDUCATION SCHOOL OF TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION MUHAMMADIYAH UNIVERSITY OF SURAKARTA 2020 APPROVAL PROTEST AGAINST RACIAL SUPREMACY IN ROBERTO BENIGNI’S LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL MOVIE: A SOCIOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE PUBLICATION ARTICLE Submitted by: SHAFIRA MEGA AMANDA PUTRI SUSILO A320160249 Approved by the supervisor to be defended before the Board of Examiners. Surakarta, 12-12-2020 Supervisor, (Dr. M. Thoyibi, M.S.) NIK. 410 i ACCEPTANCE PROTEST AGAINST RACIAL SUPREMACY IN ROBERTO BENIGNI’S LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL MOVIE: A SOCIOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE PUBLICATION ARTICLE Presented by: SHAFIRA MEGA AMANDA PUTRI SUSILO A320160249 Accepted and Approved by Broad of Examiner School of Teacher Training and Education Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta On December 12th , 2020 Board of Examiners 1. Dr. M. Thoyibi, M.S. ( ) (Head Of Examiner) 2. Dr. Phill. Dewi Candraningrum, M.Ed ( ) (Member I of Examiner) 3. Titis Setyabudi, S.S., M.A ( ) (Member II of Examiner) Dean, Prof. Dr. Harun Joko Prayitno, M.Hum. NIP 1965042811993031001 ii TESTIMONY Herewith, the writer testifies that this publicaticon article there is no plagiarism of the research which has been made before to complete the bachelor degree in the university and as long as the witer knows that there is no work or opinion which ever been published or composed by the other writer or researcher, except those whic the writing referred in the manuscript and mentioned in the bibliography. However, if it proves that there are some untrue statements here, the writer will be fully responsible. Surakarta, December 12th 2020 The Writer Shafira Mega Amanda Putri Susilo iii 1 PROTEST AGAINST RACIAL SUPREMACY IN ROBERTO BENIGNI’S LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL MOVIE: A SOCIOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE. Abstrak “Protest Against Racial Supremacy In Roberto Benigni’s Life Is Beautiful Movie: A Sociological Perspective” dipilih sebagai judul penelitian karena untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut racial supremacy yang ada dalm film ini. Life Is Beautiful merupakan salah satu film yang dianalisis oleh para peneliti dalam makalah ini. Film ini ditulis, disutradarai dan dimainkan oleh satu orang yaitu Roberto Benigni sebagai pemeran utamanya. Film ini berasal dari Italia, dimana Life Is Beautiful dibuat pada tahun 1939 dan diterbitkan pada tahun 1997. Life Is Beautiful adalah film yang menceritakan tentang seorang Yahudi Italia, dan berfokus pada Nazi dimana situasi dalam film ini sangat menegangkan. Namun Roberto Benigni menghadirkannya dengan komedi yang membuat film ini menarik dan bagus. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi apa saja indikator dari racial supremacy, untuk menggambarkan bagaimana fenomena racial supremacy itu terdapat didalam film, dan untuk menemukan alasan penulis membahas racial supremacy dalam film ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Data penelitiannya di ambil dari data primer dan sekunder. Data primer ini diambil dari Life Is Beautiful Movie. Data sekunder diambil dari buku, journal dan situs web yang berkaitan dengan penelitian ini. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah menonton Life Is Beautiful Movie, mencari sumber data yang sesuai dengan penelitian ini. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini yaitu pada zaman dahulu racial supremacy memang benar adanya sering terjadi penindasan seperti yang digambarkan oleh tokoh Guido dalam film. Kita sebagai manusia yang hidup di zaman sekarang harus lebih memiliki sikap toleransi dan menghargai yang tinggi tidak boleh saling membeda-bedakan antara kelas sosial dan agama sehingga hidup menjadi lebih damai. Kata kunci: Life Is Beautiful Movie, Roberto Benigni, Guido, Ras Supremasi Abstract "Protest Against Racial Supremacy In Roberto Benigni's Life Is Beautiful Movie: A Sociological Perspective" was chosen as the research title because it was to find out more about racial supremacy in this film. Life Is Beautiful is one of the films analyzed by the researchers in this paper. This film was written, directed and played by one person, namely Roberto Benigni as the main character. This film originates from Italy, where Life Is Beautiful was made in 1939 and published in 1997. Life Is Beautiful is a film that tells the story of an Italian Jew, and focuses on the Nazis where the situation in this film is very tense. However, Roberto Benigni presents it with a comedy that makes this film interesting and good. The purpose of this study is to identify what are the indicators of racial supremacy, to describe how the racial supremacy phenomenon is contained in the film, and to find the reason the author discusses racial supremacy in this film. This study used qualitative research methods. The research data is taken from primary and secondary data. Primary data is taken from Life Is Beautiful Movie. Secondary data is taken from books, journals and websites related to this 1 research. The data collection technique in this research is watching Life Is Beautiful Movie, looking for data sources that are in accordance with this research. The conclusion of this research is that in ancient times racial supremacy was true that there was frequent oppression as depicted by the character Guido in the film. We as humans who live in this era must have more tolerance and high respect, not to differentiate between social class and religion so that life becomes more peaceful. Keywords: Life Is Beautiful Movie, Roberto Benigni, Guido, Racial Supremacy 1. INTRODUCTION Life Is Beautiful is a film where the writer, director and main character are the same, Roberto Benigni. In this film, Roberto Benigni plays Guido who has a funny character. Life Is Beautiful comes from Italy in 1997 which tells about Italian Judaism and focuses on the Nazis. This film is actually fun, but Guido's funny personality gives this film a comedic touch. Starting from Guido who loves Dora, a woman from the Aryan nation, he sacrifices for his family and tries to play his role in front of his son so that his child doesn't know that his family is being held captive to the Nazis. Roberto Benigni is the great figure behind the success of the film Life Is Beautiful Movie. He was born on October 27, 1952 in Misericordia, Arezzo, Italy. Roberto Benigni was born from a poor family where he came from a farming family, his life was full of struggles until finally he became famous. Starting from this film has made himself an international actor because this film has received many awards. Besides, this film is also a life journey he has made with his wife. Researchers use racial supremacy as a phenomenon to be discussed in the film Life Is Beautiful. The phenomenon of racism has been widely used by several experts in several fields, both in politics, 2 anthropology, sociology, and psychology. In this study, researchers used the phenomenon of racism in psychology to use racial supremacy in Life Is Beautiful movie through a sociological approach. The purpose of this study are: First, to explain what racial of supremacy is. Second, to identify what indicators exist in racial of supremacy. Third, to find out the author's Address racial of supremacy in Life Is Beautiful Movie. Racial is an ideology or a person's views in a particular group in which there is prejudice, or a discrimination whether racial, or social class. So that there is an injustice in society. Supremacy that is an ideology or a view that considers the highest class. This class is based on age, social class, race, or even part of a population. Racial supremacy is a view of someone against a group or someone based on the highest class. So when a person or group has a lower class then he or they will get a prejudice or a discrimination in terms of race, social class, or sex of a population of high class or higher status. According from the description that has been explained about racial of supremacy it can be seen that in a social environment often occurs a lot, and can have a bad effect. And we as humans must be able to minimize the occurrence of this or eliminate the existence of differences in social class, nationality, religion. Based on the description above, I proposed to conduct a research entitled “Protest Against Racial Supremacy in Roberto Benigni’s Life Is Beautiful Movie: A Sociological Perspective” All of the previous studies above are the problems and theories used by the researchers. Several previous researchers have used a psychological approach, namely 7 researchers using this theory; There are comprises of Khodijah (2009), Mitamartianasari (2011), Meyliana (2010), Adinda (2011), Chen (2015), Celli (2000), Ben-Ghiat (2020). And also there are 3 researchers using criticism; there are comprising; Gordon (2005), Hanskins (2011), and Maurizo (1999). The last 1 person using Marxism; Nugroho (2011). So the differences between this research paper and all of the previous researches above are the issue and theory used by the researcher. In this 3 research, the researcher reveals about racial supremacy, the indicators of racial supremacy, and the reason of the author address racial supremacy in Life Is Beautiful movie. In conducting this study, researchers used several theories about the sociology of literature, which this theory draws from existing theories, namely Rene Wellek, Austin Warren, Swingewood and Diana Laurenson. Apart from the figures there the researchers also read several articles on the sociology of literature as a reference. According to (Swingewood, 1974)) sociology of literature is a theory that discusses the relationship between humans and social environments where the relationship involves all aspects of human life itself. Whereas sociology is "a knowledge that studies human relations with the environment, about social processes that answer a question, about how society might be, and how it works, to why it can take place" (p.11).