Duns Scotus Bibliography from 1950 to the Present Compiled by Tobias Hoffmann 9 th edition 2016 Duns Scotus Bibliography from 1950 to the Present Compiled by Tobias Hoffmann Ninth edition URL = <> © Tobias Hoffmann, 2016 The illuminated initial on the cover is from Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Clm 8717, fol. 61r. Used with permission. Preface To the fourth edition This bibliography on John Duns Scotus and his legacy is intended as a continuation of the bibliography of Odulf Schäfer of 1955. It was posted on the internet for the first time in May of 2008; two minor updates followed in July and December of 2008. From now on, I plan to update this bibliography once a year in December. The present fourth edition is sys- tematically corrected and substantially enlarged. In order to help me in updating the bibliography, I welcome submissions of missing titles, as well as corrections, by email: <
[email protected]>. Note that I generally do not list dictionary articles, reports, and book reviews (but I do list review articles). The project was supported with a research grant from the Catholic University of America. I wish to thank Annie Hounsokou-Lefler, who compiled the indices, and Thérèse Cory, who unified the formatting for the first online version. I am grateful to Witold Sala- mon, Michal Chabada, and Yoshihisa Yamamoto for revising Polish, Slovakian, and Japa- nese entries, respectively. Tobias Hoffmann, December 8, 2009 To the fifth edition This update reaps the fruit of the increased interest in Duns Scotus due to the seventh cen- tennial of his death in 2008, resulting, among other things, in several collective volumes and dedicated journal issues.