2015 Annual Report

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2015 Annual Report ANNUAL REPORT 2015 contents Chairs & CEO Report 02 Presidents Review 04 Community Sport & Development 06 Competition 07 Representative Programme 10 Hockey NZ Squads 11 Marketing & Communications 12 Working Groups 13 Financial Reports 19 Club Contact Details 32 chairs and ceo’s report AN OVERVIEW 2015 again delivered a pleasing Operationally the AK Hockey team and ever changing problem with year for AK Hockey with strong have again delivered a strong no easy solution, however the growth, strengthened reach competition, met our community Board continues to look at ways to through social media and the objectives, fostered improved manage this issue with the support website, new sponsorship coaching and development of the Hockey Working Group. relationships and an impressive set programmes and supported AK Hockey remains committed of representative results. an impressive tally of results by to fi nding ways to continue to representative teams, including enhance its competitions and A major highlight has been a large number of players taking improve the quality of hockey the successful retention of the higher honours with national sides. played in Auckland. Ramesh Patel Shield in 2015, which demonstrates AK Hockey’s current The operational review also The fi nancial position of the provincial dominance across age highlighted some areas to work Association remains strong albeit groups in representative hockey. on, with communication and the with a small cash loss in 2015. Well done to all those involved. AK Hockey culture identifi ed as Importantly over the transition key aspects of our activities that period of 2014/15 we have 2015 was also the fi rst season of need further improvement. The maintained a positive cashfl ow the new InterCity Competition for main areas where communication outcome. The diffi culties AK Premier Men’s and Women’s club needs to improve is between the Hockey have had in securing sides. Auckland clubs dominated Association and clubs, with our community funding and the fi nal series and we congratulate representative sides and in making sponsorship is a problem faced all participants, but particularly the people aware of the benefi ts of the by a number of competing winning clubs, Southern (Men) and newly established Academy. sports codes and we continue Somerville (Women). to seek community and sponsor Although the club competition is At the end of 2015, AK Hockey support for our activities despite now recognised as the strongest engaged Pam Elgar to undertake a competitive market with ever in New Zealand, and is attracting a review of its operations and reducing funds available for sport players from other Associations, look for areas where AK Hockey is generally. the Board is conscious of what doing well, but more importantly appears to be a widening gap AK Hockey is supported by a to identify areas where we can between the top and bottom sides number of key sponsors and their improve our delivery to the in the respective Premier Club support is very much appreciated. Auckland Hockey Community. competitions. This is an ongoing Thank you to newly signed 02 / AUCKLAND HOCKEY ANNUAL REPORT 2015 sponsors Hell Pizza who provided going forward. We acknowledge from Hockey NZ late in 2015 has much needed fi nancial support to the amazing work going on at club created new challenges for the the Association as well as giving level by dedicated people wanting National body and we are working our members a tasty discount on to promote and develop hockey in with the Hockey NZ staff as they their products. their individual communities. transition to new leadership and a new strategic direction. There are a number of people who As an Association, we remain have made signifi cant contributions committed to working with We are pleased to have seen to AK Hockey in 2015 which have Hockey NZ to deliver on our joint strong progress made towards our helped the Association to continue commitments to the players, strategic goals through 2015, and to grow and prosper. These groups clubs and schools of Auckland. are particularly pleased to have include the AK Hockey staff , the Throughout 2015 we have managed been able to off er another year volunteers on the various working the delicate balance of sometimes of strong and enjoyable hockey groups, the club representatives confl icting expectations between for our clubs and representative at the Presidents Forum and Club AK Hockey and Hockey NZ, players and coaches. We trust Council and our representative pushing to ensure we see the best you have enjoyed your hockey coaches, assistant coaches, possible outcomes for our hockey throughout 2015 and we look managers and support people. community and the sport as a forward to seeing you on the turf whole. The relationship between in 2016. A huge amount of volunteer hours AK Hockey and the national body goes into running the Association Dave Wigmore (Chair) continues to strengthen through and we are mindful that many David Curtis (CEO) improved communication and of the people involved also do a AK Hockey has been involved huge amount for their respective as members of the Hockey NZ clubs and teams. Simply put, AK National Facilities Strategy Working Hockey could not operate without Group and the Constitution Review the signifi cant, and often selfl ess, Working Group. Our thanks to contribution this group of people Malcolm Harris and his team makes. for their continued support and At a Club level we are striving to recognition that a strong Auckland increase our visibility – providing competition and AK Hockey support in coach development Association is a signifi cant benefi t in particular will be a key focus to Hockey NZ. Malcolm’s departure AUCKLAND HOCKEY ANNUAL REPORT 2015 / 03 presidents review I start by saying that we must never forget the countless hours of work put into the business, which is AK Hockey, by the volunteers. We are not a well-off sport; our playing surfaces cost a lot of money and we, the hockey community, have to carry that burden but, on top of that, a huge number of you give freely and willingly of your time and expertise. Some of you make extraordinary eff orts; you will appreciate that I cannot name one or a few because I would risk off ending dozens of others but you are all good people. In mentioning the volunteers, I do want to give credit to David Curtis and his team. For those who turn up to play, have a refreshment afterwards and go home, I suppose it is not something which is entirely visible but, year in-year out, they battle away on our behalf to make things easier for us. 04 / AUCKLAND HOCKEY ANNUAL REPORT 2015 2015 was a good one for AK Hockey funding from the council • Increase in junior registrations some of the highlights were: (previously each project had to with over 200 junior teams go through a contestable process competing. Highlights 2015 to get any council funding). • We had 70 umpires and • The introduction of an Auckland/ • Won Women’s NHL for the offi cials appointed to national North Harbour Intercity league second time in a row. tournaments. for Premier, with Auckland teams dominating the top of the • Won the Ramesh Patel Shield On the business side of matters, Intercity competition. for the nation’s best performing the fi nancial result for the year region across all three men’s and has seen a loss as we complete • The success of our representative women’s Hockey New Zealand our transition from a centralised teams and those players high performance tournaments player-focused programme to a who have progressed along (under-18, under-21, and Ford more decentralised coach/club the pathway to the national NHL) for the 2nd year in a row. focus (which is planned to be programme in 2015 – we had the implemented this year). There • Successfully hosted the most players selected for the has to be some modest hurt largest secondary school boys national programme of any of the while we make the change but tournament – Rankin Cup and 8 HNZ defi ned regions. we will see the benefi ts for many India Shield. • The success of the Hockey 5’s years to come. • Hatch going unbeaten in 18 summer competition – the new My thanks to the Board; in matches, scoring 143 goals and format attracted more players sometimes diffi cult conditions, I winning the Hatch Cup with 64 and delivered a fast, fun and feel that we are still going forward. engaging hockey experience for goals for, 2 against and only 5 pcs seasoned players as well as those against in 8 games. Ray Parmenter (President) new to or returning to hockey. • Introduced AK Hockey Good • Success of the Facilities Working Sport, recognising volunteers Group in getting the Council that go the extra mile. to commit to funding 55% of 4 • Fielded 26 Representative teams new turf projects across greater with 15 fi nishing on the podium Auckland over the next three across age group, regional and years – this is a $5.9 million masters tournaments. commitment and the fi rst time Hockey has had committed AUCKLAND HOCKEY ANNUAL REPORT 2015 / 05 community sport and development 2015 was another busy year in the the winter season with individuals better ‘online coaching portal’ that community space for Auckland nominating volunteers in an eff ort will be more user friendly and will Hockey with the continuation of to recognise the eff orts of people in be the key focus for the AK Hockey our development plan meaning the hockey community. One lucky department in our region for 2016. that no matter the age, gender or volunteer is recognised via social 2015 was another great year skill level, everyone had the chance media as ‘volunteer of the month’ for development with True Blue to be a part of the sport whether and rewarded with a Hells Pizza or having over 80 participants at 4 it be as a player, coach, umpire, Coff ee Club Voucher.
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